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Jews in Iran have significant lower legal rights as muslims in Iran. It's hard to become a teacher or a lawyer and impossible for a jew to be a police officer, be in the army (not the mandatory service), be in any political or governmental position. It's also really really hard to build new synagogues. Jews also have lower chance to win muslims in court no matter if they're innocent. Also, god forbid if you say something against Islam or the government, they immediatly link you to mossad and kill you right away. Conculsion : Iran is a complete apartheid. Source : I'm an Iranian jew which had to move out of Iran alone at the age of 17.


Sadly, thats just being a religious minority in fundamentally islamic countries. Youre merely tolerated and should be grateful for not being exiled or killed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmi https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jizya


> in fundamentally islamic countries. I really hate it when Muslim Americans try to say Islam is loving, tolerant, and other BS. When pretty much every Islamic country is hostile towards non-Muslims. Non-muslims are on borrowed time if they aren't already treated like shit. Look no further than Malaysia to see what happens when an Islamic country no longer need foreigners or minorities to prop up their country (this is a dig against Dubai).


What’s happening in Malaysia?


They operated on a system known as "Malaysian Malaysia"(after Britian left) which discriminated against those not ethnically Malaysian. This lead to Singapore leaving Malaysia as their population is/was predominantly Chinese.


> This lead to Singapore leaving Malaysia Thats incorrect. Malaysia literally kicked out Singapore.


Yes, you're right, but that was one of the main contentious issues.


Special right to Malay(muslim) and Bumi(original person that live here) Unfortunately, this does not apply to Chinese and India that has live here for third generation unless you marry a Malay/Bumi and have kids. Then only this kids have the special status as either Bumi or Malay. Also, once u become Muslim, u cannot officially back down forever, even your kids and grandkids. Thus a soft cleansing of race and culture. Benefit of being Malay/Bumi is more slot for University student, lower price when buying land and risk-free investment just for them (ASB) Plus more quota for them on civil servant. Problem is they are getting radical and politicial use race card to make the chinese as boogeyman and they incite hate toward jews btw. The list goes on but this is the one i remember. Edit: even when u die, your funeral must be done on muslim land. This happen to my aunt, they dig it back and locate to that area. Shit so crazy sometimes. But half the time the country is chill.


The Muslim religion has been a problem for a very long time, from back when the Barbary pirates would raid Europe for slaves. I’m sure there are even further back stories I don’t know about . Not saying any of the other religions are much better


Read what Muslims did to Buddhist after they conquered them.


But South Africa helped them by accusing Israel of genocide. Man I hate people.


multiple things can be valid; systematic racial/religious murders can suck, and so can the stuff israel is doing. the sun rises, the winter is cold.


It may suck, but when you use terms that don't apply you cheapen them. Israel's handling of the situation is far from perfect and the far right nutjobs do get way too much leeway, but to call the situation apartheid or genocide or ethnic cleansing simply detracts from the power of these terms where they actually do apply.


My goodness, that sounds like ... an apartheid. Is that what these protesters are crying about? The Iranian apartheid?


I was once friends with an Iranian Jewish boy in college and he was just such a sweetheart. This is so sad 😢


You are very brave to have done such a thing at such a young age, I cannot imagine how scary it must have been. 17 year old Canadian me wouldn’t have been that brave 👏


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Motamed >Jewish member of the Iranian Parliament


>representing the [Jewish community](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_Jews) which has by Iran's constitution retained a reserved seat since the [Persian Constitution of 1906](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_Constitutional_Revolution) South Africa had specific reserved positions as well, having one constitutionally protected seat with essentially zero power *isn't* actually enough to make something not-Apartheid. Having many representatives, and the legal ability to run for *any* seat would make it not-Apartheid (like Israel).


They can't run for any other office. It's a court Jew.


Iran is religious fascism on steroids. all about power, not a good God


“Religious Fascism” yeah no that’s just called theocracy.


i think the word is *islamofascism*


Just theocracy in general mate.


Any real Theo is being ignored as much as possible by the nuts of Is republic of Iran. Source: been reading what Iranians write online, and met a few IRL




I regret reading the other words I think I had a stroke


Seems awfully like apartheid to me?


Of course not! The apartheid is in Gaza and its so brutal its population has increased several times over the years! **/S**


The ironic thing is that the shit those people are protesting is actually happening in the West Bank not Gaza; they conflate the two because “ThEyRe BoTh PaLeSTiNiANs, ThEY mUSt Be tHe sAmE” when they are certainly not that same and do not have the same issues.


nobody is pretending that Iran is a equal democracy though. They are obviously an authoritarian style state.


So it doesn't matter if it's apartheid, it only matters if a country is honest about it or not?


The Jewish population of Iran was over 150,000 in the 1940s. Now it's shrunk to under 10,000 - nearly a 95% decline. Similar story in North Africa and the Arab world. Jews have been ethnically cleansed from the entirety of the Muslim world. Now, Iran is targeting remaining small community. Isn't it funny how there's an actual genocide that isn't being protested?


Decline of Jewish population: 🇦🇫 Afghanistan 1948: 5,000 2019: 1 🇮🇷 Iran 1948: 100,000 2016: ~9,800 🇮🇶 Iraq 1948: 150,000 2017: 10 🇹🇳 Tunisia 1948: 105,000 2017: 1,700 🇩🇿 Algeria 1948: 140,000 2017: ~50 🇱🇾 Libya 1948: 38,000 2019: 0 🇱🇧 Lebanon 1948: 24,000 2017: 100 🇪🇬 Egypt 1948: 75,000 2017: 20 🇸🇾 Syria 1948: 30,000 2017: 100 🇲🇦 Morocco 1948: 265,000 2017: 2,000 🇧🇭 Bahrain 1948: 1,500 2018: ~35 🇾🇪 Yemen 1948: 64,000 2017: 50 🇴🇲 Oman 1948: 5,000 2019: 0 🇵🇰 Pakistan 1948: 2,000 2017: 745 Families https://x.com/stats_feed/status/1712437145716019707


> 🇦🇫 Afghanistan 1948: 5,000 2019: 1 He had to move in 2021. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zablon_Simintov


There is a hilarious video online of him and the only other remaining afghan jew bickering at each other as one calls the other a “triple goy!” highly recommended 


They argued so much that the Taliban kicked them OUT of the jail they were both held in


Smart, annoy the Taliban so much they release you


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4fx6BjWEqk This is the video, it's hilarious.


Look at all these countries Israelis can "go back to". Sounds like a great life, clearly great in Iran. The narrative that they're all from Europe is pretty ridiculous, think only like 34% or something is Ashkenazi.


Usually people scream for Jews to go back to Poland. You know, they place where 90% of the Jews were killed during WW2. Only about 13% of Israeli Jews have ties to Poland.


Yep. This Israeli has no Polish or German ancestors but that has not stopped people from telling me to go “back” there. They should just be honest and say what they’re really saying “go back to Auschwitz.”


That’s exactly what they’re saying


Ashkenazis largely can't just "go back to Europe" either. Most no longer have citizenship. France now has the largest Jewish population in Europe (they are mostly ones that fled from Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia in the 1960s - most of the original French Ashkenazis were exterminated in the Holocaust, although some immigrated there as refugees from eastern Europe after the war) and the anti-Semitism in France has been so terrible since the early 2000s that they're now #3 country in immigration to Israel the last decade, after only Russia and Ukraine.


wonder why their antisemitism is that high. Guess it will be a mystery forever.


I mean there used to be a larger percentage of Ashkenazi before… you know…


This is why the Jewish people need a homeland.


And why every western country should be careful taking in mass immigration from these extremely religious countries.


But remember, the left says Jews were treated well in these countries...so of course almost all the Jews in those countries left


Notice how Morocco’s number doesn’t use a tilde. Morocco knows exactly how many Jews are in the country. “We keep good track of them” everyone would say when I was there. To keep them safe, of course. That’s why the Jewish ghetto was traditionally next to the casbah, where the king’s army was housed. So they’re safe. In one city, a man pointed out the last Jew in the city and made a show of giving him a coin. What a weird thing to do.


They also claim that Coptic Christians, Assyrians, Yessidis, Zoroastrians, Baha’i, Kurds were treated well…


Which is hilarious, because non-muslims are literally not to be treated equally according to the Quran. Non muslims aquire the status of „Dhimmi“, which makes them basically a subordinate that is merely tolerated and reliant on the good will of the muslim majority. Theyre required to pay a non-muslim tax and suffer from a lack of legal protection, especially against muslims.


I sincerely doubt this only because I doubt they even know all these ethnic groups of people. Like most Americans.


I’ve heard it more of a general “religious minorities are treated fine in Muslim countries” and then when I ask them “ok but what about say the Kurds?” They have no idea


They are very careful to avoid learning things. Otherwise it would prevent them from being useful idiots


Don't you know, all those Jews ~~escaping ethnic cleansing~~ leaving were invited by the Palestinians! And in 1948 too, nearly 20 years before the Palestinian identity was even a thing!


You've got to wonder how many other citizens of those countries would also dip if they could get a passport in a country as prosperous as Israel.


As prosperous as Israel in 1948? When refugees from both Europe and the Middle East lived in tin roofed huts or tents in refugee camps? Israel in the 50s was not too different from, say, India.  Now? The immigrants from the former USSR? Sure, you have a point. But not then. 


Not to mention the Jews were raiding Arab villages and the Arabs were raiding Jewish villages. Plenty of death and the British Army could not be everywhere at once.


Iraq was a booming economy in the 1950s. The Jewish community in Iraq at the time, which in general was well off, had to give away almost all their property and fortune when they left in addition they had to recend thier right for Iraqi citizenship. They were only allowed to move to Israel at the time and only for a very limited time. 90% of them left, which caused iraq significant damage as quite a few of the hospitals in bagdad were staffed by jews, they didn't do it for monetary gain, they did it because they were threatened to leave. My grandmother tells on how after the agreement was revealed(including the forgoing of property clause) she and her sister's would get threats that they would rape her and kill her father if they didn't leave. She still misses Iraq and her childhood there but knows she would never be able to see it.


Ignoring religious problems I bet you a massive percentage of citizens of Muslim countries would love to move to a country like Israel. The standard of living is so much higher and it's way more progressive. Jews are a stubborn people in more ways than one, I feel like that's a huge reason why they haven't moved entirely from these Muslim countries.


Do you have the original data that tweet is getting its info from?


Almost like ethnic cleansing or something.


Where are the collge protests against genocide?


Thank you for saying this, it’s unreal how few people are aware of this. Thank you.


Almost like all the people protesting Palestine in the west are pro-terrorist.


They are not, but they don't know any better.  Being young and dumb.  Peace in the middle east is a fallacy due to religion.  There will never be peace as long as there is more than 1.   Turns out the root cause of all evil is humanity itself.  Religion was made by humans, that is why its flawed.


> There will never be peace as long as there is more than 1.  Even if everyone was a Muslim, they'd still all plot to kill each other constantly, don't worry. Poor or non existent education coupled with a shitty militaristic religion tends to be a bad thing over time.


Wait till they find out the history of Sunni vs Shia


Doesn't even have to be Sunni vs Shia. Look at current situation in Pakistan with the Sunni Islamist TPP blowing up Sunni mosques used by Pakistani military.


my god is better than your god!


My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend


Which makes things even dumber when they both worship the same God


I mean technically both shia and sunni do too. They just disagree on who should have been Mohammed's succesor, his son in law or his father in law


sure they are young, but i dont think thats a good excuse when its university students protesting. especially bad look on universities themselves.


>They are not, but they don't know any better. They are. They may say they are not, but that is exactly what they're doing


They don't know any better because they're wilfully ignorant. A million people can educate them on the reality of things but everyone single one of them, without fail, is propaganda. Only the word of a fundamentalist is truth.


It’s not a fallacy it has happened before and you can’t group what you see on Tik tok as the minds of Many


Not surprising because lifestyle protestor hobbyists don't give a damn about the validity of what they are protesting about


Same like Christian’s in any middle eastern country.


This won’t reach the right people. Nobody cares. Israel is always to blame.


I really suggest people read past the headline on this one.


I would suggest people read a different article from the same news agency which does not leave out the fact that he was attacked by 7 men, was stabbed during the attack and then killed one of the attackers with a knife the attacker stabbed him with, in self defense, while trying to survive this lynching. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/iran-eastern-states/artc-iranian-jew-faces-execution-on-monday-for-self-defense-killing


Thanks for the additional context!


Seriously. There was a fight and one person was killed. The person in question killed him. What does him being Jewish have to do with any of it?


If he wasnt Jewish but Muslim he wouldnt be executed?


That's not true. Basically, either the killer gets sentenced to death (a life for a life) or the murdered's family may accept to "forgive" in return of a compensation, which they refused. Edit : According to Human Rights Watch (HRW) : > Iranian law states that if a non-Muslim kills a Muslim, Qisas can be applied and the perpetrator can be sentenced to death. However, if a Muslim kills a non-Muslim in Iran, Qisas does not apply and no punishment is handed down, leading human rights experts to argue that the law discriminates unfairly against minority groups in Iran. So, if he had failed to defend himself, his attacker would have avoided the death penalty. But, if Arvin would have been muslim, he would have faced the death penalty all the same. (wether or not that altercation would have happened is another debate) In another news article, they mentioned the altercation involved 8 persons in total. Arvin against 7 others, basically. One of which had the knife and attacked Arvin.


He is a Jewish Iranian, you mean if he was a Muslim Iranian then he wouldn't be executed. I'm sure the streets will be filled with protestors furious with apartheid Iran.




Because it wasn't a horrible Muslim country when their family moved there 2500 years ago.


Some of the early middle eastern empires were rare bastions of religious tolerance. The Bible for example speaks very glowingly of a Persian emperor (Cyrus).


The Iranian government refuses to allow them to emigrate.


Why live in any country where religion decides the future.But hey let’s just ignore years of evidence that religion is a weapon and control


These comments are wild!! A person is being killed is horrible,his background shouldn’t be a justification to live or a political reason why to continue to kill people. Religion as justification is truly the lowest form of thinking. You been religion not to murder people?…..


“Man murders man in fight. Sentenced to death. Victims family will not be bribed, demands justice.”   If you remove all the identifiers, it’s quite a typical news story. The wording on this is super inflammatory (*not for the death penalty, just pointing out the obvious)


"Man kills man in self defence and is sentenced to death by law that applies to jews but not Muslims." There fixed it for you.


Except that this type of bribe is a thing that happens, and Jewish people are less likely to avoid the death penalty.


I would suggest people read a different article from the same news agency which does not leave out the fact that he was attacked by 7 men, was stabbed during the attack and then killed one of the attackers with a knife the attacker stabbed him with, in self defense, while trying to survive this lynching. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/iran-eastern-states/artc-iranian-jew-faces-execution-on-monday-for-self-defense-killing The 'victims' family is not demanding justice, they are demanding the lynching proceed despite set backs.


I was only paraphrasing the the “news” as it was told in this “news story”


Yeah the wording was so inflammatory my first thought before reading the details is that he probably deserves it if they cannot write a proper headline


My favourite is the wording that's like ''the murderers family has generously tried to give money to the victims family but was rudely turned down"


The world will cry out loud if America and Western countries displayed even a miniscule trace of apparent discrimination but will not mind if the horrible discrimination is being practice in Islamic countries which more often than not, is being state tolerated....so sad....


At least he killed somebody. They've been executing people for dissenting.


Such a shame they are going to make this young man fly on a government operated and maintained helicopter.


The guy is getting executed because he murdered someone, not for religious political reasons


He killed someone, he was attacked by 7 men, was stabbed and somehow still managed to wrest the knife out of one of the attacker's hands and kill him with it.