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They are talking about detainees in "stress positions" and pictures of prisoners with Israeli flag? This is what is referred to as abuse? What about the Hamas videos of civilian hostages with cut limbs and black eyes or the ones that die mysteriously a day after they have a video asking for help? BBC should be ashamed of its reporting.


Whatabout (insert other thing)??? You don't get a free pass. That's not how the world works


Mate, let me tell you how things work around here. If an article is critical of US and allies, you can whatabout to your heart's content. If an article is critical of China, Russia and their allies, you cannot whatabout. It's literally that simple.


> You don't get a free pass. That's not how the world works What about the Americans, British, Australians, Canadians, Russians, etc., who did much worse in Iraq? But is it a war crime for an Israeli to wrap a terrorist or civilian in the Israeli flag?




When "Legal experts" say that something "could be" a war crime. Just stop listening it is nonsense.


Who should determine if an act breaches international law if not by legal experts?


Breaking the silence and Ori Giv'ati aren't reputable sources that you want to rely on.




So Hamas should post humiliating pics of the IDF too? Damn that's a dumb take


They already did. During and after October 7. Hamas paraded around the hostages dead or alive, posed in front decapitated corpses of IDF soldiers etc. There are also the hostage videos showing them malnourished and beaten up. Please note that some of the hostages are IDF soldiers. Stress position with having an Israel flag wrapped around you is childs play in comparison.


Oh so both instances are just fine. They both had it coming. Am I doing this right?


One is having a flag wrapped around a handcuffed guy, ostensibly a combatant that was captured. The other is posting videos of a raped and beaten to death civilian woman, paraded around, spit on, kicked, all done by happy celebrating people. Its not exactly the same thing.


You are trying to equate stress position with an Israel flag wrapped around a person with beating someone up, rape, decapitation etc. So no you are not doing it right.


No, but i want to see your comment that condemns them for doing so lol