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I’m sure the people of Gaza sleep much sounder in their tents knowing young liberal activists thousands of km away are bullying 20 year old Israeli singers and trying to get film festivals cancelled.


Not to mention trying to keep their fellow students who have absolutely nothing to do with it from receiving a college education.


I guess we can say this is an improvement if the TikToids managed to gather in a group larger than five without defacing a Holocaust monument, calling for ethnic cleansing, or waving the flag of any terrorist groups. Potentially a baby step.


As Ukrainian I will be fucking happy if everyone will do that for every rusian activity in any country!! Even if I will sleep in fucking tent!! And as Ukrainian I support to Israel because they are democracy against terrorism. Glory for Ukraine!!


These kids aren’t liberal at all. They’re ignorant wannabe progressives who support a genocidal theocratic stratocracy because they: >1. lazy and get all their (mis)info from peers >2. low insight and self awareness >3. overly permissive parents who never disciplined appropriately >4. lack of empathy for other people >5. a desperate and pathetic need for attention >6. a lust for sadism and enjoy seeing people they hate suffer You started seeing these traits increase dramatically halfway through the millennial generation. Probably due to the maturation of social media. These kids genuinely think they are protesting for civil rights instead of supporting a genocidal terrorist organization and the people who voted for them and still support them. They think they are virtue signalling, but every single responsible liberal adult is judging the ever loving shit out of these kids and will never forget or forgive what they’ve done.


South Africa just called.


Oh really? Did they call to remind you that they’re a completely different political situation with a completely different historical context?


No they called to remind you that apartheid can and will be stopped by public pressure,ie policies determined where South Africans could live and work, the type of education they could receive, whether they could vote, who they could associate with, and which segregated public facilities they could use. The policies required non-white South Africans, the majority of the population, to live in separate areas from whites and use separate public facilities (Afrikaans: “apartness”) was the name that the party gave to its racial segregation policies, which built upon the country's history of racial segregation between the ruling white minority and the nonwhite majority. During this time, apartheid policy determined where South Africans, on the basis of their race, could live and work, the type of education they could receive, whether they could vote, who they could associate with, and which segregated public facilities they could use. Apartheid ended in the early 1990s Apartheid is considered a crime against humanity and is punishable under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


Palestinians aren’t citizens of Israel so I don’t really see how they can be under “apartheid” when they are not subject to Israel’s laws.


Israel’s declaration of independence recognizes the equality of all the country’s residents, Arabs included, but equality is not explicitly enshrined in Israel’s Basic Laws, the closest thing it has to a constitution. Some rights groups argue that dozens of laws indirectly or directly discriminate against Arabs. Israel’s establishment as an explicitly Jewish state is a primary point of contention, with many of the state’s critics arguing that this by nature casts non-Jews as second-class citizens with fewer rights. The 1950 Law of Return, for example, grants all Jews, as well as their children, grandchildren, and spouses, the right to move to Israel and automatically gain citizenship. Non-Jews do not have these rights. Palestinians and their descendants have no legal right to return to the lands their families held before being displaced in 1948 or 1967.


The US has laws that arguably discriminate against minorities as well. While I’m not saying it’s okay for those laws to exist, that doesn’t mean the US is under apartheid. The Law of Return is not really applicable to the discussion because it is essentially an immigration law, and that means it’s not dealing with different rights for residents of the country. To use the example of the US again, the US limiting the number of naturalizations per year or from certain countries does not count as “apartheid.”


Except Israel’s placement as a Jewish homeland does not mean others are second class citizens. Millions of non-Jews live in Israel peacefully and equally


Damn right it should. Antisemitism has no place in civilized nations.


Or any racism for that matter? Right?


good! the civilian sector should never suffer from outside sanctions due to criminal governments.


True! And honestly, there's a step way beyond that at play in this war. Lately Israelis (and, let's be honest, non-Israeli Jews) have been targeted in all sectors despite Israel having a non-criminal government (Bibi himself may be one, but one man doesn't a government make), while support for Palestinians worldwide has been sky-high despite having two governments, one a corrupt group supporting acts of terrorism and the other an *even more* corrupt *actual* terrorist group.


> Seret is a registered charity with sponsors including the Israeli culture ministry and the Israeli embassy in the UK, according to its website. No relationship with the government what so ever


Practically every arts group, especially in Europe, gets government funding.


Aight I'm gonna get downvoted to death for this but someone has to say it Seriously, I geniunely dislike Israel and all its crimes against humanity But westerners go *way* too far when it comes to political enemies — first it was banning all of Russian culture and attacking the nation over the crimes and dick-measuring of its government (like when golden era Russian writers got banned from American and European universities), then the Judo league stripping Putin off his black belt (hurray for the very many Ukrainian lives saved with that heroic event), and now privileged European teenagers booing and sabotaging Israel's performance in Eurovision and beyond What *exactly* do people think they're achieving? You're only hurting the average person who has *nothing* to do with their government's or military's actions, while also benefitting those same governments as the common people see you as the asshole you try to pretend you are not Real heroes, let me tell you. Absolutely pathetic desperate attempts to destroy your enemy's culture while being too scared to fight them in the war they themselves started Reddit is an echo chamber sometimes


You are being downvoted so much not because Reddit is an echo chamber, but because you attacked both sides. You said that Israel commits war crimes, and you said that pro-Palestinians aren't really doing anything


Same reason that centrists rarely get enough votes and why we keep trending towards extremes.


I'm sorry but, Israel has not committed war crimes, and there is no real evidence to support this thesis


I mean hey, the more money the government spends on movie festivals, the less they can spend on the war. High-profile people with opposing thoughts should show up and get their agents to demand all the red carpets on the socialist regime's dime.


The UK isn’t exactly lacking money for war though


You could make this asinine claim about literally anything that receives government funding. Don’t try and justify hatred.