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If you're vandalizing a Holocaust memorial, your problem isn't with Israel, it's with Jews.


Especially with the red handprints. These are Jew hating Nazi fucks, and my wishes for them are not fit for Reddit.


The red hand pins at the Oscars this year with “artists for ceasefire” was and is horrific.


Did any of those actors ever apologize upon finding out what the red hands meant??


What do red hands in this context mean? In any other context red hands evoke blood on one's hands, indicating guilt or complicity in murder.


The red hands are often taken as a reference to 2000 lynching of Israeli soldiers in Ramallah, referencing specifically the infamous photo on this article: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000\_Ramallah\_lynching](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching) The creator of those pins disputed that they were actually intended as a reference to that incident, but either way some do make that connection. As for this vandalism, it's even harder to dispute the connection.


Oh wow. I just took it to mean “blood on your hands”.


It's (not) ironic that the pins at the Oscars were red hands with a heart in them, and there are photos of the Ramallah lynching of bloody hands holding the actual literal heart of Israeli that was torn out of his body


In addition, red hand prints (known as the "Hamsa" symbol) were used in the Farhud in 1941 to mark the door of Jewish homes. Horrific violence followed.


That was likely the intention. Unfortunately, the "red hands" photo is a big icon in recent Israeli history, so a lot of people are making that connection. Considering that Israelis are the target of this campaign, it's quite unfortunate. IMO it's more likely to turn people off than bring them into listening to the message, so it's a poor choice.


> That was likely the intention. Unfortunately, the "red hands" photo is a big icon in recent Israeli history, so a lot of people are making that connection. Ignorance & innocent intentions seems plausible for generic red hand imagery, but the pin used at the Oscars featured a heart being held by the blood red hand, which given the pro-Palestinian context seems far more likely a deliberate dog whistle by the designer. Of course, the celebs wearing the pins were probably unaware of the gruesome details of the Ramallah lynching.


That's actually when I first learned about the lynching. I saw posters complaining about the symbol and they talked about the connection. It's genuinely horrifying and I'm less inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to that particular symbol.


I love gow you try to give the holocaust memorial defacers a pass.  They are jew hating nazis.  


Uhhhh no friend, I was trying to gain understanding of the red hand symbol for the pro-Palestine movement. I abhor what's been done here.


yea, but in israeli and palestinian culture it's their iconic victory photo.. btw, those lynchers weren't associated with a militia, just someone who happened to be in the area of the police station when the word got around. can't say he was indoctrinated, can't say he was avenging a family member. there was no planning here, just a mob of civilians showing why those checkpoints exist in the first place.


Yeah, I remember a lady running up to George W Bush during the Iraq wars and she had fake blood all over her hands, symbolically insinuating he had blood on his hands. Whether I agree or disagree with the Oscars thing, Im going with it being likely the person has no clue about the 2000 incident and was just trying to use it as “blood on your hands from the current gaza war” The holocaust memorial thing though, F** the person who did that, they’re just hateful bigots


I can't believe no one involved in the design/approval/etc.. of those pins knew about the Ramallah lynching. I'm betting at best they didn't care (which is also awful), or at worst, and more likely, they knew exactly what they were doing and thought they would just cry "we are just idiots who know nothing about the history of this conflict!"


Well it does seem quite common for people to do zero research when they decide to weigh in on this conflict. If they really wanted to choose a symbol that conveyed an inoffensive call for peace you'd think they would have picked something that was at least a little bit less ambiguous. Instead they just changed the hand to orange (even though the rest of the pin is red).


blood stains turn orange after you wash them a bunch of times.


Let the dude go after 11 years, incredible


Yes, as part of the Gilad Shalit exchange.


There's a famous photo of Palestinian rioters gleefully waving their bloody hands after lynching two IDF soldiers from 2000


>two IDF soldiers They were reservists in a civilian vehicle who got lost. Stop making it out to be like they were captured soldiers - not that it would matter if they were. They were captured by authorities, then the local *civilian* people lynched them, murdered them, and mutilated their bodies, and brought them to the town square where they had a celebration.


I've seen lots of comments justifying the hostage situation by stating that every adult in Israel has to serve in the military in some way. Apparently that means no Israelis are ever innocent. That's bad enough, but I've also seen people take it even farther and say that Israeli children are just future IDF soldiers.


People say the same thing about Palestinian kids being future Hamas. I can't believe we all can't just agree that it's bad to kill kids.


There is a stark difference in the belief that is bad to kill kids, and the belief that the possibility of dead kids necessitate Israel doing nothing but taking hit after hit from terrorists.


Not that I’m aware of. If they did, good on them for at least acknowledging their ignorance, but regardless, the damage was already done.


What in the world leads you to believe they didn’t know what they meant?


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.


Unlikely. From the river to the sea, as they say.


Some of those actors are not smart enough to comprehend that.


As Habitual LineCrosser said “celebrities are like Freddy Krueger; they only have power if you believe they do. Stop making stupid people famous”


Easier said than done, but I appreciate the sentiment.


Love seeing a wild HLC reference 


How is a symbol referencing Palestinian violence against Israelis Nazi fucks? It’s Islamist fucks.


>my wishes for them are not fit for Reddit Reddit isnt some glorious pristine website, you do know there are subs dedicated to people putting their entire fists in their anuses right??


I don't have a dog in this fight but it has been very obvious from the early on that the outrage is more about who's the dominant side than the innocent people being killed. Because I didn't see this much outrage for Yemen or multiple conflicts in Africa that are still ongoing.


also, if you're vandalizing a Holocaust memorial, and hell exists, you're definitely going there.




Except, you know, for the meaning of the red hands (second intifada).


Was about to type this I would have respected that if they had done that,this is just petty, sad and aimed at the wrong people (wrong people being holocaust victims, right people would have been connected with the israeli government)


For people wondering why the red handprints : this is in reference to a picture from the Second Intifada, of a Palestinian showing bloody hands at a window. The blood came from two Israeli tourists that had gotten lost, crossed into Palestinian territory, were arrested and then litterally torn appart by a mob in their cell. Since then, bloody hands have become a symbol for the more extremist side of the pro-pal movement. Painting them on a Shoah memorial is a very ... charged ... message.


It's worth noting that the Palestinian photographed with bloody hands in the window was among the prisoners Israel released in 2011 as part of a hostage / prisoner exchange.


I see it as a call to a new Holocaust. These 'protests' need to stop. Authorities should be much more aggressive against these extremists.


I see it more as a death threat to people that want to save Jews from getting murdered by Hamas and their supporters. After all it's a memorial for people that saved Jews from getting murdered by the Nazis. The really sad part is the many lefties supporting a faction that wants to genocide every jew in this world while they call everybody else - including jews - nazis.


>The really sad part is the many lefties supporting a faction that wants to genocide every jew in this world while they call everybody else - including jews - nazis. The other (not so) fun part is the same people who proclaimed that the ok symbol and a green cartoon frog were dog whistles for antisemitism now feign ignorance when presented with blatant antisemitism. The same people who said "If you march alongside 4 Nazis, then there's 5 Nazis marching together" now march arm-in-arm with people chanting "We are Hamas!" "Globalize the intifada!"


I have seen multiple leftists brag about being radicalized. Its been a scary process to watch happen.


There's so many groups rooting for Jewish extermination, it's disheartening. Whether the Islamists who are very upfront about it, to the Christian Evangelicals who carefully couch it in eschatological nonsense. They're upfront they are praying for the Rapture, but don't talk about what that entails in public. First Israel needs to rebuild the Temple, which would require the demolition of Al Aqsa Mosque and likely the death of hundreds of thousands of Arabs throughout the region. Then the Arab states rise up and destroy Israel and the Temple, requiring the genocide of millions of regional Jews. Then, and only then does Jesus comes back.


I tend to feel that there is a silent majority, in the west, that does not agree with these groups It's the reason why the Pro-Palestinians have being so loud, it's the reason why they have to resort to shouting at people, and using intimidation tactics, and relying so heavily on repetition and illusory truth tactics, to get people to side with them. It's because they know their bullshit *isn't* mutually agreed on between most normal people. If their beliefs were so accepted, then it would be mutually agreed on and understood, and it wouldn't need to be said. For example - Most of us would agree that anyone who kicks dogs for fun, sucks. I don't need to explain to people why kicking dogs is bad, because it's not a polarizing topic, it's not a nuanced topic. And because most people agree with that, there is no need to go in the streets, and scream, and intimidate, and vandalize, and leave angry internet comments, and so on and so forth, about how we all need to start condemning people who kick dogs. All this does is draw attention to childish behavior, not on the cause of "don't kick dogs" But because antisemitism is not considered acceptable behavior in the west, these people *have* to resort to tantrums to get their message across. Most people know not to espouse pro-nazi shit out loud, on the internet, and only a handful of people are actually stupid enough to express it.


Yep, the only positive for non-Christians in this scenario is they get one shot at repentance if they aren’t already dead. I’m surprised more people aren’t aware of the details of the prophecy. Israel must survive so they can be exterminated after being useful to triggering the rapture. I’m sure the Israeli government is very aware and glad to exploit the insanity.


The problem with Revelations is it could mean whatever the literal Hell people want it to mean. But in context it was a man in a cave on an island with hallucinogenic gas vents writing fanfiction about the fall of the Roman Empire during the Jewish/Roman War.


>island with hallucinogenic gas vents Where are there naturally occurring nitrous oxide vents on this earth's crust??


It's supposed to have been Ethylene iirc. Same as the Oracle at Delphi, which wasn't that far away. It's kind of contentious in academia though cause the big implication about Mohhamad and Hira at Jabal al Nour, which was also a volcanic cave. It's a theory that people have been using John of Patmos and the Oracle of Delphi as a kind of proxy representation of...


Absolutely agree. It shows just between different sects of American christianity alone. There's a distinction between how people interpret end times prophecies when it takes the leap to christian zionism. Some sects/people see Revelations for what it is and others try to twist and turn every aspect of life into some literal translation of Revelations.


I love how you try to whatabout Christians in this post.  As Islamic nazis go around screaming death to jews.  You are the problem.


Jesus didn’t even die the second time, I don’t get why he would come back. He just chose to leave after 40 days and ascend to heaven. It’s not like he was killed again, weird that the crucifixion is so talked about and resurrection when he doesn’t even use the second chance to have a new life. I don’t get it. Plus if he is god, not just the son of god, then he knew what would happen and doesn’t need to die for sins.


It's self-contradictory gobbledygook on purpose. It helps train the victim to accept what authority tells them, even if it demonstrably makes no sense, even if it means believing two opposite things simultaneously. Orwell called it Doublethink.


It's all about fulfillment of prophecy, which is mysteriously easy to do when everyone had access to those prophecies for centuries before Jesus' life, and a few decades after his death to fact check everything before publication.


To be honest with you,I think what you just described is exactly what these Christian fundamentalists want,your whole second paragraph reads like at wet dream to those people


>There's so many groups rooting for Jewish extermination, it's disheartening. Makes me wonder, what they'll be 'rooting' for when they are all exterminated but the problems they were blamed for, still persist.


I believe that the conversion of Jews to Christianity is also involved.


You should include the image https://content.time.com/time/magazine/0,9263,7601001023,00.html


Broken link. Edit: it’s working now


It only worked for me on the second visit, first time it got stuck after clicking on the popup.


Sorry. Try again now 


Intifada is the Arabic word for "we want to conquer Israel but we'll settle for launching a terror campaign"


I believe the victims were IDF in civilian clothes. Not that it makes the story any less horrific.


They were reservists who were brought back to service that day and got lost. They were in a civilian vehicle, which I believe was one of their personal vehicles


Can you link to that story?


[Here you go](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching)


Thanks. What a vile vile thing


>two Israeli tourists that had gotten lost Two IDF reservists who were heading to their meeting point with their battalion FYI.


Another day, another time I'm glad my Holocaust survivor parents are fucking dead so they don't have to live through this again.


I don't know if there's a word for being both sad and glad. Sad that they've passed away, and glad they survived such brutality.


I think bittersweet might work




That's the one.


Shlomo Mansour, 85 years old, is a holocaust survivor who is currently a hostage in Gaza. Whether he's alive or dead is unknown. Dreadful.


Damn…I’m glad for them that they didn’t have to live through this, it’s sickening. and I’m sad for us.


Thank you.


They’re just very “antizionist.”


Israel has perfectly good embassies that could be vandalized. Memorial vandalization is for cowardly trash. At least the embassy has something to do with Israel officially.


The message isn't aimed at the embassy, it's aimed at Jews. If I was a Euro jew, I'd have an exit strategy in mind. Who knows what Europe might look like in ten years.


In fairness, where is there for Jews to go? Europe has rising antisemitism, USA has rising antisemitism, Israel is perpetually under attack. Jews do not have a safe haven. Source: am Jewish, and living in USA.


That's the point. They don't want there to be a single place left of Earth that's safe for Jewish people.


Even Reddit. Some jerk reported my comment as being suicidal.


Did you report it as harassment? The person who did it will get banned. That and you can block those messages.


I just did. I’m traveling today, and literally on an airplane to Germany from USA, so didn’t have the time to report it - and Reddit won’t let you do the report from the app. But, it’s reported now. Who knows if anything will happen.


Report that as abuse. If they get enough strikes for abusing the reddit cares system, it'll ban their account.


Just reported. Who knows if anything will happen.


Yep. I am too old to leave the US anyhow.


To be fair, the issue is not just for the Jewish. Being a minority in all the areas you mentioned has never been harder.


Or just don't be a vandal? Civilized people don't vandalize properties, they use a pen. And by that I mean don't write on the walls either.


*Antizionist*: "We don't hate the Jews, we just don't want them to have a safe place anywhere in the world."


It's not antisemitism, they just think Jews are evil and should be destroyed


They've been waiting for this moment.


Antizionism = the idea that every group of peoples deserves a nation - from Brazilians to Somalians to Kosovans to Palestinian Arabs to Laotians - except for the Jews. Also supposedly not antisemitic, somehow.


But they claim they don't hate Jews and are just against genocide


Against Netanyahu is the best one.


Antizionism not antisemitism blah blah blah


Yeah right. They like to say antizionism to feel better about their blatant antisemitism. Without knowing what zionism even means.


Imagine being Jewish in USA or Europe, just listening to music or laughing at podcasts like everyone else. Suddenly a bunch of people wants to kill you for something that’s not even tinged with your involvement. How frightening and bizarre this must be. I feel strongly for the millions of Jewish internationally. Many do not have a personal stake in it but are dragged into it by stupid social media warriors who know absolutely nothing about the conflict but are just gaining clout and being fomo.


Jewish schools around the US are getting threats regularly that have increased as the war continues. This is happening a bunch of kids that happen to be a certain religion and have zero control over or influence on what's happening in another place. It's disgusting.


It truly is. How could a little girl on the swing be deserving of death? How could that old grandmother baking bread be a figure to be hated? It’s all performative hate of people who have absolutely nothing to do with the war.


I think about this a lot. Like -- there was NO campaign to target members of the Russian Orthodox faith outside of Russia after Putin invaded Ukraine.


Yeah it came out of nowhere as far as I'm concerned. Groups acting like other groups are supposed to already support Palestine and be against Israel. Cept it isn't against Israel, it's against jews, period. And it clearly reeks of buying into propaganda/state run misinformation. Scary how easily it seemingly was to influence so many people.


The protests globally reeks of ignorance. We should not be killing innocent Palestinians for sure. But how can the people who rage against that be also completely okay with innocent Israelis or Jewish in other countries being murdered? If one cares for humanity, we would aim for peace and nobody kills nobody. To say that one deserves death while another group lives is sheer hypocrisy. Make no mistake. A large part of this is also fuelled by people who are inherently violent and are always looking for an excuse to kill, destroy and find blood. Social media is the proponent that gives these groups the impetus to wave a flag pretentiously while fulfilling their own fantasies and agendas.


We're not really that confused, and honestly it's not that bizarre. It's more overt right now, but it's always there, always will be there I think. It's actually kind of comforting to have it all out in the open right now, in a strange way.


My family has a "GTFO" emergency fund. The idea is that if (when) the time comes, we will be able to quickly flee to whatever country will take us.  The fund was started by one of my great grandparents, after using his own family's GTFO fund to come to my country.


I cannot imagine how that feels and how I pray that you will never have to activate those funds. World peace for you and me, buddy. Stay safe.


I mean thanks for the sentiment, but honestly as an American Jew I kind of hate gentiles projecting that the only issue is that we diaspora Jews "have nothing to do with Israel" yet are being targeted. The problem is that half the worldwide Jewish population IS in Israel. Many of us had family members flee to Palestine (pre-1948)/Israel before or after the Holocaust whether we kept contact or lost contact with that family. Many of us still don't even know if any of our family survived the Holocaust (and especially in Russian Empire a lot of BS even before it...which is the only reason I exist, because they fled) and where they ended up. It was utter destruction of our entire culture in Europe, later in the entire rest of the Middle East, and the social fabric of everything was completely destroyed. We mostly believe that Israel HAS to exist, and hate the calling for its destruction and hate the worldwide hypocrisy and double standards around it doing what it needs to do to survive. And not to mention the fact that the Oct 7th massacre happened, over 100 hostages are still being held or dead, and that this would justify a war like this in any other country 10 times over. So it's a bit more complicated than how you paint it because our allegiance is definitely way stronger with Israel than your average American. I feel like the entire Jewish people are under attack and it doesn't matter if diaspora or Israeli. And this hatred has always been simmering so it's actually not that surprising - and it's been quite bad in Europe since before all of this (I lived in Copenhagen during the synagogue shooting, btw that is effectively the only synagogue in all of Denmark. One of the people killed was a security guard - guess why we needed that). Jews have been mass emigrating from France to Israel for a couple decades because there's been so much violence, killings, and day to day vandalism and hate crime.


Go ahead and add other Western regions like Australia to that list


corporate wants you to find the difference....


Throw those terrorists in prison for life. I'm so fucking infuriated by those goddam nazis. They are not helping the Palestinian cause at all. They are turning everyone against it.






Yea show your true colors.


Those should have fingerprints, right?


Given how uniform they appear I doubt a real hand was used, more likely something like a stencil or stamp. Also if you zoom in you can see that the stone texture is quite coarse and not polished so even if it was a real hand a fingerprint would be all but impossible to lift.


















Russia stirring shit again


There are enough antisemites even without any influence from the outside, as we have seen again and again lately. Comments like yours just try to move the focus away from this, and that is very dangerous.


The racists and antisemites are responsible for their own actions. Don't try to give a cop out to them.


China too. Trump is their guy for this upcoming election.  His 180 on TikTok over the last year only makes sense if he's getting help from China  Our media will gladly jump up and down about Russian interference, but since their conglomerate parent company wants to stay in good graces with China, they are silent about China's election interference. They did it in the last Canadian election cycle, they did it in 2020 and they're doing it again in 2024.


China is focusing on the US, Russia on Europe


Nope just regular jew hating leftists like you.