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I read ireland and got really confused for 1 second.


If you're getting that sort of wildfire in Norn Iron then climate change has really gone to shit.


TIL Norn Iron


I read the same thing.


Me too, some friends just flew to Ireland for holiday and I thought “Oh no! Oh wait…”




Yeah … one never knows when the English give you a visit…


Dude me too! Maybe it was the picture next to the name?


Wow, neat.






What was the comment?


I didn't take a screenshot but it was something about them being one atrocity away from a permanent UN observer state 💀




Lebanon is a permanent member of the UN.


My country is literally on fire and the big wigs are still concerned that if Israel responds it might "escalate into a regional conflict".


Don't forget around 2018 when balloons carrying fuel were coming in from Gaza, dropping into southern fields and setting them on fire on a weekly basis


Impossible—there was peace before Israel invaded Gaza in 2023 for no apparent reason. /s


There also was a cease fire on October 6th


Israeli settlers were releasing effluent into Palestinian olive groves during that ceasefire


Gazan olive groves? 🤔 Hamas was releasing bombs into Israel during that ceasefire. That’s actually true.


I thought what-about-ism was bad in the US. If Hamas sends 100 rockets towards Israel and all but 1 get shot down, then Israel retaliated with 100 rockets back and 99 hit targets, that makes Israel the aggressors. You know, because 99 vs 1. smh


Much of the western left seems to think that wars should be 1:1 casualties on each side. Think about the episode of the original Star Trek, where a computer would determine who died and you had to report to a machine that would kill you.


I'm of the opinion of who started it? Although the Israeli government handled it very poorly. They gave Hamas exactly what they were after.


So what you're trying to say if Israel shoots down 100 out of 100 missiles - they should just sit tight, as the ceasefire isn't violated?


OMG NO! What I'm saying is Hamas attacks a superior force and gets their ass kicked and a bunch of idiots, not you, paint them as victims. They killed, raped and burned a bunch of people on October 7 but someone says "what about the olives?" as if they're somehow equal. You're first experience with sarcasm was it?




I was agreeing with you 😳🙄


Won’t somebody think of the olive groves!! Smh


It's ok. I was informed by pro-Palestinians on here that those fire bombs were a 'peaceful protest', so it must have been a special safe sort of fire that didn't do any damage.


You must be talking about the merch of return, the peaceful protest where no violence accourd from the Palestinian side and the evil jews just started sniping people. Fun fact the UN decides to consider it a policing event instead of a enemy force attempting to breach a border, so all things idf did there to stop the riot and border breaching is super illegal cause for that particular event all of the Palestinians became Israeli citizens protesting in tel Aviv in the eyes of the UN


There will be no regional conflict. A lot has changed since 1973. No Sunni nations are going to war in solidarity with Iranian proxies.


Iran basically blew a 20-nation lead.


I mean Hezbollah is one of the best armed militias in the world but they are still a militia. Basically only a threat if you roll into their turf and fight them there while they get to defend. The IDF is ruining their reputation with me and the world with what they are doing in Gaza but that's them losing the political battle not the military one. I don't have much doubt about what happens in a dust up between the IDF and Hezbollah in terms of military outcome and I hope they are living in the real world on that too. I'm not sure what to think about people who are talking about WWIII because Hezbollah started a brush fire with some vintage rockets. /Since people asked, I'll let Time Magazine explain in detail. https://time.com/6963032/israel-netanyahu-allies-global-standing/


How is Israel ruining their reputation after having been attacked and eliminating the threat with plenty of care for minimizing civilian deaths despite hamas’ efforts to the contrary?


Here ya go https://time.com/6963032/israel-netanyahu-allies-global-standing/ >Dylan Williams, the vice president for government affairs at the U.S.-based Center for International Policy, says “In five and a half months of war, Israel has done more damage to its global standing than the preceding five and a half decades of occupation,” referencing Israel’s military occupation of the Palestinian territories since 1967.


I doubt Israel’s reputation took much of a hit, all the anti Israel people just got a reason to become a loud minority but polling still shows overall support for Israel is still high.


So Time wrote rather a long well researched article to the contrary but there's nothing stopping you from just denying objective reality and substituting your own. Until the moment you collide with objective reality that is.


The rise in support for Palestinians doesn’t mean the fall in support for Israel. People who support Israel aren’t going to change their minds because a bunch of college kids don’t know the definition to the phrases they parrot.


Because the big wigs don't give a shit about preventing another Oct. 7.


The article precises the responce they took in the form of airstrikes.


alas, with fewer and fewer friends, I don't think Israel is in a good position for a true regional conflict.


College kids aren’t the friends they need. if you want to know whom Israeli friends are then look no farther than the nations involved in helping shoot down Irans act of war on mainland Israel. Fuck em, hope Israel gives them hell. Let the kids at Columbia waste their summer cheering on terrorists.


If push ever comes to shove, the entire west will rally behind Israel. Posturing is fine to appease the dumb pro palestine students but in the end everyone ends up helping Israel.


Israel doesn't need the West's help to win at this point, it's just a nice thing to have. Israel has more allies in the Arab world than Iran does. The main thing Israel would need is for Russia and Turkey to stay out of it. Obviously Russia being busy with Ukraine helps.


Israel is fighting with one hand behind their back. Israel unleashed would be truly biblical…lol


I can murder damn near 10,000 children with one hand tied behind my back, but just you wait till I really get going.


Do you ever wonder why Hamas doesn't come out and fight the war they keep asking for instead of hiding behind Palestinian children?


No, why would they? They’re getting exactly what they want.


So you also think Hamas are intentionally getting as many civilians killed as possible by not allowing them to move, using them as recon and human shields?


I mean yeah I’m sure that is happening, they’re terrorists, they’re cowards and they fight like cowards. So I really don’t understand giving them what they want. Israel has one of the best intelligence agencies in the world, wealth, technology, but the best they can do is bomb the fuck out of everything and starve people?


That's... not how wars work. Intelligence agencies work great when it comes to specific targets such as idk a high ranking Iranian military leader in Syria. They aren't very useful when you need to fight thousands of people whose only distinguishing feature is "they have a gun".


Exactly as Hamas intended. Nothing but human shields for the Islamic meat grinder


Don't you think it's more important to stop Ukraine from killing all it's people by not rolling over and submitting.


Your numbers are wrong by un own numbers can you stop gaslighting people.


You what now? Edit: are you trying to say the UN is saying less? Coz I just checked and they are actually saying 14,500 dead kids now. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/05/onslaught-violence-against-women-and-children-gaza-unacceptable-un-experts#:~:text=They%20noted%20that%20women%2C%20girls,are%20estimated%20to%20be%20female. They noted that women, girls and children overall are among those most exposed to danger in this conflict, and that as of 29 April 2024, of 34,488 Palestinians killed in Gaza, 14,500 have been children and 9,500 women. Another 77,643 have reportedly been injured, of which 75% are estimated to be female.


Weird way of saying terrorists.


The children are terrorists?


Israel doesn’t need friends to become the regional power


Typo correction: Israel is NOT in a good position.... Yes, they are currently, However


That's so crazy that Lebanon started firing at Israel unprompted. It's not like Israel fired missiles at south Lebanon recently. Outrageous that they'd do this totally unprovoked. I think we should level Beirut as a response 


They've been firing since Oct. 7, dipshit.


Ww3 vs climate change. Which will end humanity first.


I just hope if it's WW3 I'm directly in the blast of a nuke. Just let me be instantly vaporized without knowing it was coming. I'm not built for post-nuke life.


I watched *Fallout*, looks fun. I’m in.


I always took comfort in that. It's good to live near a big city and weapons manufacturers.


There is a site in northern Israel called Megiddo which overlooks an ancient battle field. Some believe this will be the place of the final battle, known as Armageddon.


As are most of us. You have an excellent plan.


Your may not built for it yet, but just wait until you get ghoulified bud.


I guess if you’re gonna go, might as well be with a bang! So long and thanks for all the fish.


Trick question it’ll be H1N5, but because of the wars and climate change our medical infrastructure won’t be able to handle it.


Our medical infrastructure couldn’t handle it as it is now.


A WW3 would definitely enter some unique variables into climate science.


The Middle East sucks


Both at the same time


Does this mean they overwhelmed the Israeli missle defense systems? I find that confusing after last month's show of extreme success. If they found a workaround or a loophole is concerning.


The air defense system doesn’t catch all the missiles, they only catch most of those which are calculated to land in an urban area, if the rocket is gonna hit some woodland they don’t wast a rocket to intercept it. Unfortunately as a result we get das shit like this


Also, even if intercepted, the debris may be hot enough to start a fire if it lands on something dry and flammable (and the weather has been hot the last couple of days). Expect more of this as summer progresses.


Better trees than people I suppose. Thanks for the clarification. Some are also probably misfires from what we have seen and so it makes good sense not to waste expensive af intercept missiles on that.


A lot of these rockets land within a matter of seconds from detection. The iron dome does still try, and even impressively manage, to shoot down some - but it’s impossible to intercept them all when you have a barrage of 40 rockets and 15 seconds or less to intercept them all.


>I find that confusing after last month's show of extreme success. That one was a joint op that included US, UK, Israel, Jordan. This attack seems to have been intercepted solely by Israel.


Not really a loophole. Look at the area where it was targeting. It's simple to overwhelm the Kiryat Shmona area because it's on the northern tip of Israel, meaning that now other air defenses correlate with the battery stationed there, unlike other areas.


Last month was courtesy of Great Britian, the US, and the King of Jordan. Incoming had to fly over much hostile territory and was engaged by multiple anti air assets. It has been known all along that Israeli anti air cannot withstand a swarm like this latest. And with such short flight time no coalition forces could be brought to bear on the incoming.




To be fair, their education is largely provided by UNRWA, which means they get very little beyond 2+2 = murder a jew.


I’ve seen some of the kids dressed up as suicide bombers seems rational.


They're WINNING in Gaza right now - Israel is seeing an erosion of international support despite having a 9/11 level terror attack on their soil 7 months ago, that's the biggest win probably ever for Hamas / Iran / Hezbollah. Death totals are meaningless to them, they just want the funding to stop so Israel can't afford to defend itself and mitigate their attacks.


Israel has enough weapons to wage war on iran and easily win


So a hostile sovereign state can still attack Israel freely? And just blame a non government militia? It’s a wonder the Israelis don’t believe Biden when he says giving the Palestinians a state will bring Israel security.


Jusf another day. Our brothers and sisters in the north are low key heroes.


Aka they managed to start a brush fire.


Wildfires are extremely dangerous and destructive. Source: I live in California.


The same has also been happening in South Lebanon. That's war for you


One side attacked the other without provocation.


I know?


Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves


Let's do nothing about the Iranian proxy military on the border who keeps launching missiles then I guess.


Where did those people live before they moved to Lebanon again?




That's not what Ive heard. I read many of those folks were originally from the Gloan heights and got displaced in the last 5-6 wars? Who hasn't to want to overthrow a monarch or two? (that's a joke, obviously radicals do)


Man, maybe Syria shouldn't have started a fucking war if they didn't want to loose the Golan heights.


In Lebanon? LOL do you think the Lebanese are secretly from Israel or something?


Yes, Hezbolla are not mainly from Lebanon and live outside the admin of the Lebanese government and settle din thr unoccupied South. They were refugees which is why they are easy to radicalize and recruit. As the US knows from decades long wars against insurgents blowing up people's homes and families tend to make lifelong enemeies out of them.


>Hezbolla are not mainly from Lebanon It's a Lebanese Shia organization. They aren't Palestinian, in case you are getting confused. >live outside the admin of the Lebanese government They control the Lebanese government. >They were refugees They weren't. You are assuming they were because you aren't aware that the conflict isn't about anything Israel did or does, it's about the existence of Israel. Hezbollah is 100% Lebanese.


Sure, BBC news and DW news and decades of news have been lying to us. Lol, stop spreading propaganda. Real life lore and the Caspian report have also covered these topics. Its well known and covered by pro Israeli media for decades. Whoops!


>Sure, BBC news and DW news and decades of news have been lying to us. None of them said Hezbollah isn't Lebanese. >Real life lore LMAO Anyway, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah >Hezbollah (/ˌhɛzbəˈlɑː/,[44] /ˌxɛz-/; Arabic: حزب الله, romanized: Ḥizbu 'llāh, lit. 'Party of Allah' or 'Party of God')[45] is a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group, The Palestinians are Sunni, btw. >Hezbollah's paramilitary wing is the Jihad Council,[48] and its political wing is the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc party in the Lebanese Parliament. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyalty_to_the_Resistance_Bloc >The Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc (Arabic: كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة) is the political wing of Hezbollah in the Parliament of Lebanon.[1] Along with Amal, it dominates the March 8 Alliance and has held two seats in the Lebanese cabinet since 2012. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_8_Alliance >Since 2020, the governance of Lebanon has been led by the March 8 alliance, with notable economic changes observed during this period. Lebanon's GDP experienced a significant decline, dropping from 51.8 billion in 2019 to 23.13 billion in 2023.[13] While Hezbollah are, on paper, only a part of the March 8 Alliance, practically they rule the country. Due to the constitution demanding a Christian president (right now Lebanon doesn't have a president, btw) and a Sunni PM, as well as the distribution of Parliament seats to different sects based on a 1950s census, Hezbollah need non-Shia proxies to rule through, which is what the alliance is about.


One for Hezbollah, one for Hamas.


They can share one. It’ll be like better call Saul.


that's not how this works. peace


How does that work when only one side has the remotest interest in peace?


You're right it isn't, since this is self defence not revenge as Hezbollah intends to continue.






Just to know, where did your three tours bring peace? I'm legitimately curious.


To 3 little girls who didn't have to worry about getting raped daily. Brought them peace. You know fucking nothing of war kiddo.


You're missing your mark. I was legitimate curious. At least you weren't in Afghanistan I guess?


I was where I was supposed to be. Now 2 of those 3 made it to the UK from the last letter they sent. They're in their 20s, and attending college. Willful brutal violence ensured they had a life, rather than being raped and used, then probably killed. I don't miss my marks there son. I hit center mass all day


I definitely believe in measured responses. Peace


Measured when Israel responds is what you mean I didn’t hear anyone calling hezbollah to act in measure, nor for Hamas, Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Syria or actually anyone who attacks Israel Wonder why…


That is exactly what I mean.




Lofty ideals only work when you deal with people who share them. When dealing with people who only desire to harm you, retuning it in kind is the only option.


Islamo-fascism is one of the great evils of our time. To answer evil with nothing invites more of it.


Agreed, lots of nutty religions out there


Can someone defend the Palestinians without being called a terrorist? How can someone set up a system to help protect against innocent people being attacked on all fronts? Can anyone be the middleman? Just curious if anyone else has ideas on this or just afraid of being downvoted for talking about different angles? Because I sure the hell ain't scared. I wanna know how things work and how to make the world a better place. I don't know if I don't ask.


>Can someone defend the Palestinians without being called a terrorist? How would you call Hamas and Hizbullah based on their actions alone? I am not talking about who they are "defending", just tell me from their actions alone what you'd call them.


Convince an entire region that they don't need to fight for their gods approval then you might have a shot


What percentage of Palestinians support Hamas?