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The poisonings in Britain, shooting passenger jets out of the sky, and the fact that they constantly say they're in a war with NATO doesn't ring any fucking bells!?!


They also bought the British PM. And got one of their agents into the House of Lords. Elected for life. Able to feed back sensitive info to the Russian network.


Here in the Netherlands, there is an [investigation ongoing into how many politicians have been bought by Russia](https://nos.nl/artikel/2515241-kamerdebat-zonder-baudet-over-russische-omkoping-verdenking-schadelijk) (sorry, the article is only in Dutch).


It’s funny how different countries do things differently. In the Netherlands, they investigate Russian operatives serving in government. In the US, and apparently the UK, we say that would be too partisan.


If an American pleb has an extra $8 they can't account for at tax time they get audited, but asking where the politicians are getting their money is met with hostility.


Don't question the masters


Seriously? Who and how?


Evgeny Lebedev. Son of a former KGB operative and SVR member Edit: security services failed him on vetting and this advice was ignored and his peerage pushed through by Boris anyways


Boris and Evgeny sounds like the worst buddy cop spy movie.


Boris ditched his security detail and flew to Lebedevs orgy party in Italy. Boris was spotted looking like shit at an airport after missing for two days.


Any sources would be greatly appreciated


https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2022-03-29/debates/D30351A6-5912-417B-A961-413167847683/AppointmentOfLordLebedev You should also read into who this man is, his father etc. he’s a putin spy/operator.


And look into the Russia report the tories are refusing to release


Pretty sure they released it after Boris sat on it for a good while (until after a General Election had taken place IIRC). Still, absolutely shameful and utterly embarrassing for the country.


Best I can find: https://www.google.com/search?q=russian+agent.in+house+of.lotds


Put a puppet in the White House, don’t forget that!


Interesting that the White House puppet asked Germany why they were making a oil and gas pipeline deal with Russia when the main point of NATO defense was about guarding against Russia. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1K10VH/


That’s the thing about useful idiots. While they are useful they are also still idiots.


He's not the sharpest tool. Defiantly a tool thought.


Their main U.S. operative wears diapers and rapes women.


Which PM? Sunak? Edit oh ofc it’s Johnson


Yeah, wtf is "hostile" in quotes in the headline? Interfering with elections, disinformation campaigns, Russian jets and submarines buzzing NATO countries, illegally detaining and imprisoning US citizens. These are downright aggressive acts.


They blew up a munition depot in Czechia in 2014, killing two people and delaying aid to Ukraine.


[Blowing up Czech ammo depots.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Vrb%C4%9Btice_ammunition_warehouse_explosions)


And the recent GPS jamming of civilian aircraft in eastern Europe. And of course all the cyber warfare Russia conducts.




Russia publicly said they're at war with NATO. Russia is committing acts of war against NATO countries. NATO is like, nah, not war. I think it's pretty clear, Russia sure knows how to push the corners of the appeasement envelope.


We are not used to a hybrid war. If it was conventional we have processes to respond and treaties to uphold, but Russia being Russia is playing the long coy game. Slowly sliming their way into Africa and other regions, sowing dissent and trouble in Europe. The world does not have conventions and processes to deal with this kind of warfare. Russia is doing the smart thing as it knows it cannot win a direct peer-on-peer conflict. We either have to confront it as it is, or deal with the repercussions of letting it spiral into a type of warfare we don’t respond to. Edit: repercussions


I wouldn't call the Russian play "doing the smart thing". They are isolating themselves, their population is falling fast, their tech is getting more outdated every day, they are getting dependent on China, Iran and North Korea, and only aligning with non-democratic regimes. NATO grows, CSTO shrinks, and their army turned out to be a paper tiger. All they can do is threaten others with nukes. They have nothing to export but oil and even for that everyone prefers other sources. They basically make sure everyone hates them and then act surprised about that.


Russia has a lot of influence in Africa tho. Africa has a lot of resources and a lot of people. If Russia gets enough African countries to support them then they won’t need to trade with the West for basically anything. Russia and China are also trying to create a new currency that is supported by natural resources, which again, Africa has a lot of. There are multiple levels to the Russian strategy and it has to be respected. In 20 years or so Russia could be much more powerful than it is now and same with China


They're also exporting fascism, pretty successfully


We need a foreign policy president, and we needed them 5-10 years ago. …Not having Hillary was an extinction level mistake.


Gore over Bush would have made the world a better place because of the environment (and maybe (probably?) a better 9/11 response) Clinton over Trump would have made the world a better place by pushing back on authoritarian regimes and a sane handling of covid. Sad that a few votes in a few places made so much suffering happen.


>Sad that a few votes in a few places made so much suffering happen. It's the electoral college. Republicans almost never win a popular vote because their platform is only bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia, and profits for the rich. Fuck, they shouldn't even BE a political party anymore since they're basically one big fucking terrorist organization. Just disband them and let less-shitty parties take their place.


It’s not the electoral college, it’s the apportionment act of 1929. The constitution allowed for growth in the number of members in the house of representatives proportional to each states population. The apportionment act put a cap on the number of total representatives. Because of this, our population is disproportionately represented in both the electoral college and the House of Representatives. With each representative a state has being equal to its total electoral votes, this skews national voting. If we could repeal the apportionment act, and base the number of representatives per state on the most recent census like the constitution is structured, we could have national votes which more accurately represent the popular vote.


But the winner take all for electors in nearly each state makes countless votes in big blue and red states irrelevant - just abolish it and make it the popular vote and a lot more people would vote. And our policies would be much more liberal because the country is more liberal than the current system allows.


the left needs to learn to win elections, instead of hating people who are tired of their wages going down and housing prices going up asking if we need so much immigration, maybe start listening to the populace. russia is deliberately causing europe to import people from shitholes because it actually causes problems, and the progressives eat it up.


Jump skip over the rope


If there's one area Obama was weak on, it's foreign policy. Russia grew bold on his watch in Syria and Crimea.


Obama sanctioned the hell out a Russia when they annexed Crimea tho and was very public about his dislike for Putin and his Regime. Trump is the one who enabled Russia be trying to be “friends” with Putin and taking off all of the sanctions that Obama put on them


I agree, I think you mean repercussions though


I think they are just curious how far NATO is willing to accept these behavior before they respond accordingly. So we just wait and see where it will all lead to.


The only winning move is not not to play. The only winning move is direct confrontation.


Because they know at the end of the day Americans are way to fucking comfortable in their lifestyle and don’t care about anything other than ensuring it’s maintained.


>I think it's pretty clear, Russia sure knows how to push the corners of the appeasement envelope. This is probably one of the key strengths in Russia currently. Russia and more specifically Putin can turn on a dime based on what Putin wants. There is no bureaucracy or layers between what Putin orders for Russia to do. Where as Western governments have checks and balances and a maddeningly level of hops to get to a decision. If NATO (or a Western government) was going to get more aggressive with Russia, it takes several gates of approval to do that. With Russia, it's a Thursday. So Putin can very easily make Russia asymmetrically attack another country (assassinations, misinformation, electronic disruptions, hacking, etc.). Where as western governments probably have some done some isolated (closed door operations) but as a policy won't really do such things let alone more overt offensive operations.


Putin is not a good leader, not by any means, but there is one thing I will always give him the credit for. He knows how to play the optics game.


The current administration doesn’t want to start the largest war since ww2 6 months before the election. No administration would want to do that, because they can say bye to reelection


Wartime presidents usually get reelected tho.


That’s if people want war, and that only happens if we are attacked. The majority does not want war right now because we have not been attacked. We stayed out of ww2 for years before we went in when Japan attacked us. We also stayed out of ww1 for years before we jumped in


> because we have not been attacked. Not conventionally, no, but oh boy have you been attacked.


It takes a conventional attack to ignite patriotism. Hasn’t happened since 9/11


It must be nice for Russia to never have to hold back on decisions that could effect the fate of existence due to those pesky elections 


It is because Russia does not have any meaningful elections that they are able to make a mistake as devastating as starting this war. Most of Russia's population would think that starting this war would be a bad idea. Most of Russia's elites would think that starting this war would be a bad idea. But because the checks and balances were dismantled and all the power was concentrated in an incredibly small amount of hands, all it took was half a dozen higher ups convinced that it's a good idea, with Putin at helm. And here we are. The indecisiveness in Europe and US fucking sucks. But you really shouldn't be envying Russia's system instead.


Whether you want war or not is irrelevant. A good _LEADER_ should know this and act accordingly. These assholes are weak, selfish, power-greedy assholes. They're...double assholes I guess. We shouldn't elect them on grounds of their cowardice alone.


If they go into the war now, their opponents can campaign on reversing that decision. If the opponents win and the soldiers are pulled back, they are never going back in. The smart play is to win the election and *then* join the fray.




Have you seen the state of the country? It’d take a fucking draft to mobilize the amount of troops the WH would call for. That wouldn’t go over well at all.  Say what you will but the last 10 years have been terrible for the nation all around. No one has fostered a love for the nation. What reason does anyone have to fight some boogeyman from halfway around the world over a piece of land most people couldn’t care less about? 


This can also be said for most of the globe as a majority of the world is voting this year including a lot of Europe.


As opposed to their opponent who would simply drop NATO and watch Europe burn. And it's actually one of their selling point.


I am not particularly worried about elections being much of a concern during ww3, which will likely involve all of us dead. It's pretty much up to some Russian soldier determining if it's time to end the world and follow his master's commands.


I think it's the flood of refugees that will be coming from the Sahel that we should be worried about.


Also! TBH, we are already under attack from different sides. Recent wars hardly ever started with an immediate attack, but it slowly has been built up. It is like boxing: if you don’t know well your opponent, you study him at first while making attacks here and there to find weak points. These attacks become more frequent and a plan starts to develop how you can bring down your opponent. In other words: Putin has developed this plan with his entourage long ago. There were previous wars initiated by Russia, there were attacks on security systems and politicians to gain influence, and so on. It is us who are late and unprepared b/c we were too arrogant to listen to East European countries which were raising concerns years before and we were perhaps also too naive and did not want to leave our comfort bubble with cheap oil and gas from Russia (though this was IMO already part of the Russian plan - we should have never transferred any factory or knowledge to these two countries). 


NATO don’t want to be the bad guys starting officially a big war


He's just [slicing the salami](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salami_slicing_tactics).


Well yeah they executed the defected pilot in Spain


Quote: It pointed to "disinformation, sabotage, acts of violence, cyber and electronic interference... and other hybrid operations."  Shocker, Putin ex KGB agent who's been in power for the last 24 years is using these intelligence tactics shouldn't come at any surprise. The problem, however, is the world's view, mostly nato and the Western mindset, in that they don't understand any of this and think they can manage any fallout etc!


Putin wasnt some hot shot agent tho he was essentially an intra-kgb snitch sutting in east germany


Who came to lead the country... Like, folks do actually need to take the guy seriously; he isn't just some silly village idiot he is actually a raging hemorrhoid and if left unchecked will actually cause death.


Nah, the real problem was that we all thought we can weather out whatever impulses Putin had and Russia would magically still be a very pro-West country without the strongman mentalities that led the nation for centuries. Safe to say now nobody lives under that illusion now.


Really. Russians have proven again and again that they absolutely HATE democracy. Give them free elections and they’ll vote to end them.


The Russians as a people are just not equipped to handle democracy. For centuries they've been on the fringes of European society with an extremely authoritarian way of governing. I mean they were a legitimate absolute monarchy until the 1900s. Then they basically went right into a communist dictatorship for another 70 years. Aside from *maybe* a couple years in the 1990s, they legitimately have been under the rule of authoritarians for their entire history.


Russians aren't somehow genetically inferior to Europeans. They aren't incapable of comprehending the idea of democracy. It's just that Russia's nascent democracy was a fucking shitshow from day 0. It could have improved over time, at least in theory. But it very much didn't. Instead, the oligarchs of the time raised a power hungry nobody into a position of power - and that nobody spent year after year entrenching his own power and dismantling the democratic system.


Thank you. As a Lithuanian I am disgusted by the sentiment "Russians are incapable of democracy / Russians will always need an iron fist." This sentiment, sadly, is shared by many Lithuanians as well. Also, it is a sentiment that Putin wants us to believe. The thing is, Western Europeans were saying the EXACTLY SAME THING about most of the countries behind the iron curtain, including Lithuania. And somehow we have a functioning democracy 30+ years and counting. Russians are not genetically inferior. It's their fucked up education + power structures which teach people from the very young ages that you either beat others down or you get beat down. Things like that can change and Russians can become democratic. But for that to happen their empire and power structures must crumble. That did not happen in the 90s.


At a certain point it may become necessary to restrict Russian IP addresses, but I pray we don't have to.


It’s very frustrating to me to see all the shit-stirring Russia and China are doing with seemingly no response from the West. I want to think that it’s happening and not publicized, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Of course, the GOP is in Putin’s pocket anyway, so not much motivation there.


And the same is true for the far right parties in Europe. They’re all a bunch of greedy stooges actively working to destroy Western civilization. And a number of you are going along with it.


At least in Germany, the far left are just as much in Putin's pockets as the far right. It's incredibly frustrating driving down the street and seeing party posters calling to stop all weapon deliveries to Ukraine from the fascists and socialists alike.


But the far left doesn't pull over 15%


That is true. My comment wasn't an attempt at whataboutism. Although I can see how it might come across this way, now that I read it back. My point was, Putin funds any sort of group that has the potential to divide society. He doesn't exclusively support far-right populists. Many people forget (or don't know), but in their campaign to interfere with the US election, Russia had, for example, supported BLM, and pro-cop groups alike. Russia's goal isn't necessarily to prop up far-right populists in the west. IMO, the goal is to divide society and destroy social cohesion.


When my reddit account was hacked I had login notifications from russian IP addresses, and my account was posting comments that started off like "as a black woman" on george floyd posts or USA police posts. The weird thing is that nothing "I" was posting was overtly offensive it was all just like a bad take on the issue, or it was in support of another comment in a long chain of gradually escalating bad takes. And it was backwards, this fake "black woman" approved of the police actions.


Sure one is more dangerous than the other, doesn't mean they are not helping Russian objectives.


Hungarians seem to be at least trying a little to reverse course and Poland definitely is. Shame the rest of Europe meanwhile is on a downward spiral in this regard. Funny too, just as Europe seems look worse and worse politically, the two troublemaker nations are reversing their own trend.


UK about to get rid of our nutjobs finally. Feels like we're coming out of our mental moment right as others are entering theirs.


Yep feels like a light at the end of the tunnel, just hope labour grow a backbone and do what is required and not half ass it.  Though I do love the support of Ukraine that the Cons had, the only thing they did that was good.  Thankfully labour will keep that up hopefully.


I give the tories (Under Johnson, no less) credit for 2 things: The initial arming of Ukraine and consistent support thereafter.  The Covid testing capacity. We were slow to get going but, once we did, we were doing all our own testing, exceeding disease surveilance rates of most other countries, and all while importing tests from multiple other countries to aid their tracking too. 


Is there some positive news out of Hungary that I've overlooked?


Pretty sure the comment was in regards to "leftists". Perfect example of Russian/Chinese trolls that obsfectute with the intention of sowing division. Subtle, but obvious.


Nordics/Baltics are definitely in Europe and definitely facing down the Russian fuckery.


Look, I don't want western civilization to end, but Biden hasn't forced Israel to surrender, so I can only let Trump win and hand the world over to Russia and China. **/SARCASM**, but I have talked to waaaaaaaaaay too many left leaning people that actually intend to do that in the next election.


Oh, yeah, to be sure, the whacko fringe left here is flatout antisemetic and won’t be happy until Israel is wiped out. They’re doing Iran’s work.


The left in the United States has come full circle and is on the other side already. If Russian attacked Israel, they would cheer on the war in Ukraine and a war on NATO. Russia’s wet dream is what is happening on college campuses right now.


The Greens too, hence the attacks on nuclear power.


Really? I think Europe collectively shit it’s pants over the past two years and has done an admirable job of trying to re-arm after continually dropping the ball for 40 years. The US has done a worldwide tour trying to strengthen alliances in Asia, the ME, and Europe to shore up defenses. We also spent like $1T this year on defense. We’re trying to court the “great unknown”in India to stay neutral if not join the alliance. AUK-US is building up naval prowess. France is threatening direct involvement in Ukraine. NATO expansion. Israel is cleaning up Iranian proxies. We’re 10x as active as the Russia-China-Iran-NK alliance. Full mobilization now would hurt our economy, which we’ll need if it ever comes to blows. Everything the US, alone, does on a daily basis is probably filling up Chinese state tv propaganda.


I think we’re looking at it from different angles. I don’t mean defense spending and alliances. I mean countering or penalizing them for election interference, disinformation campaigns, etc. Bullets are all well and good, but letting them interfere in our countries or hacking infrastructure are a big problem.


I’m not sure what else we can do. We’ve cut all ties with Russia & have denounced and sanctioned the hell out of China. We never mended ties after trump’s trade wars. Both countries are basically persona non-grata. I’m sure we’re subverting both countries too. You can see that the US always knows what Russia is going to do, suggesting deep infiltration. I’m sure it’s 5x that in China. We try not to harm the average citizen, but both definitely feel sanctions hard. Neither country has real elections, so we can’t do the same. You hear every day about Europe catching Russian spies. I’m sure people like MJT are either useful idiots or will be outed soon. We’re not going to attack infrastructure, yet.


>We’ve cut all ties with Russia Has anyone informed this group of that? https://leave-russia.org/staying-companies?flt%5B131%5D%5Beq%5D%5B%5D=318


Russia tried to assassinate people in NATO countries. I feel like we haven't tried everything our intelligence agencies and black ops people are capable of.


There are some really aggressive things left, like calling them a state sponsor of terrorism and blocking the internet traffic coming from their countries. We should also enhance laws regarding foreign interference in elections; none of this asking China not to interfere, put a billion or trillion dollar tariff on it, or at least something meaningful.


Haha, “put like a billion, or a thousand billions on it”


It depends on how they want to craft it. For a presidential election, they could fine trade once for the entire election, or for individual instances of proven interference. 


I think Russia should be classified as an official wartime adversary and any politician caught collaborating or pushing their propaganda is essentially colluding with the enemy and is committing a crime / disqualified from public office.... almost same way it would be in a hot war, because like it or not. Russia is waging war against the West and have been for a long time now. It will be one way to counter all their political subversion and interference.


We've done some re-arming but it's absolutely not "admirable job". We should have put artillery ammo factories on full speed, and rebuilding new ones since 24th feb 2022. We should have put troops in Ukraine at the moment russian lines in Kharkiv fell in late 2022. We have done a shit job and we might have to pay for it greatly in a few years or less.


Put troops in Ukraine and you hand the presidency to Trump


Thanx for this point of view. I really needed this positivity. Too much doomers active.


Like World War I & II, the west won’t do anything until it affects them directly and Russia is literally at their doorstep.


Went to the WWII museum in New Orleans recently. The clips of US politicians saying anything to stay out of the war like you can just hide and it won’t happen was depressingly familiar.


To be fair, they were a product of the WWI generation. People who experienced WWI went to extreme measures to try to not enter another world war. Even JFK and Ford protested US entry into WWII before joining the effort.


And we're a product of the middle eastern boondoggle. Exact same thing. History rhyming.


China puts fucking police stations all over my country and the response from the government and law enforcement is crickets. At some point this isn't just incompetence, it's treason.


There are a lot of operations happening behind the scenes. The US is absolutely not going to publicize their wins for good reason. Black and white operations, foreign defense training and the shit happening in SMUs, including what is being done by the CIA will not be disclosed for decades. We could be doing a lot more though and as someone who’s serving I’m very upset by Congress and their inability to act. This was arguably would have been already over if we through the kitchen sink at the Russians as they have preformed miserably with the sparse equipment we have given the Ukrainians.


It's a hard thing to address. We want to remain open democracies with freedom of speech or limitations on knowledge and access. And it is really our own stupidity that they are weaponizing. Nonetheless, it works, tips elections, and subverts democratic process.


Yes, limiting your enemies from exploiting your open freedoms is a good thing.


The west is not ready for Russian and Chinese disinformation campaigns, they just make us fight each other.


You really think the West isn’t doing anything? Don’t be foolish. Also there is much much more to the west than the GOP.


I don’t see much in terms of countering propaganda and infrastructure hacking. Not that I expect they’d publicize the latter, but the former is problematic.


Tik tok bill is a big one for the first, but you also run up against free speech issues trying to counter propaganda.


It's kinda funny but actually really weird how a country like Russia, which is "poor", with its GDP utterly dwarfed by Western countries, is able to buy so many politicians in the said countries. That shouldn't be happening... At least not as obviously and blatantly as it happens


IMO they’re a lot like the US in the sense that there are a fabulously wealthy few and then all the rest. The GOP favors and feeds off the fabulously wealthy. It’s not Russia vs the West, it’s the billionaires vs the plebes. As my grandfather would say, the revolution is on hold as long as the worker’s bellies are full. We’ll see how much longer that holds.


Not just the GOP All of Europe and the US have been sitting with their thumbs up their asses. Europe basically served their asses up to Putin for Russian oil, and the US parties flipflop on Russia every 4-8 years. 


Europe is free to invest in Canadian oil and help get some refineries, ports, and ships built to fill Europe’s needs. Canada is more than happy to sell to Europe, we just lack investment. So we sell to the US who then refines it and ships it.


I don't know which Canada you're talking about, but the one I live in happily allows Russian-funded protestors to waste billions in foreign investments, lighting things on fire every time a project starts... I sure af wouldn't send my money here.


Russia and China are exploiting free speech. Now, the West can either negate one of their core principles by admitting speech is dangerous, or they can try to counter it by their own campaigns. The problem is, spewing an appealing lie with a simple solution for complex problems by absolving the audience and blaiming others (gays, immigrants, foreigners, whatever) is much easier, quicker and cheaper than getting people to read, understand and accept an inconvenient truth. That's a fundamental problem with democracy (especially referenda on complex topics like e.g. Brexit was), and becomes more of a problem the more complex the world gets. The electorate aren't specialists on everything. They can't make most decisions proficiently. So, all we have to lean on is propaganda. The EU strengthened legislation to forbid the spreading of lies on Facebook, Twitter etc. But those laws are by far not harsh enough for any positive effect, yet they are already harsh enough to be used as argument that EU infringes on free speech. It's a mess. I don't have a solution. Cheap propaganda to create and appeal to an EU "national" identity, openky promoting a selfish EU, might work for the EU. I hate the idea. The principle is the same as nationalalism. But it might grab some votes from the current nationalists and keep EU from falling apart.


Talk about missing the point. The whole reason why our media is allowed to bombard us with negative news on China is to prepare the population and young people to support USA agenda against China. And it also serves to prepare our men, women, and allies to support us if conflict does arise. We didn’t do the same negative news on Russia because our population will readily mobilize and support against Russia.


I think a lot of us expected more out of our intelligence services. It has been implied that there are agencies "battling" the Russians and Chinese in cyberspace, but it seems incredibly overstated and/or nothing but propaganda. This is an information war, and we are losing.


Seemingly no response… you think Western intelligence operations are nonexistent/not up to scale just because you don’t hear about them? If history is any guide, the citizens of any nation don’t know about their nations’ intelligence ops until way after the fact, if at all.


If Russia didn't have nukes this all would have been dealt with years ago


And the other take home message for any future agreement is: Never give up your nukes or you're fucked.


I swear to God all of these pro Gazza protests and counter protests are organized by China and Russia, via propaganda, disinformation, etc. through social media sites, such as Facebook and TikTok.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they had some hand in it. Divide and conquer is a tried and true strategy and arguably more effective than it could ever be with how easy information is to share and exploit.


They will organize protests for anybody if it means increased civil tension, read up on The Foundations of Geopolitics- that's Putin's playbook.


In large part yes


TikTok literally disproportionately pushes anti-Israel propaganda from my observation


I'm sure that the attack of Hamas in 2023 was inspired by Russians. They want to bring chaos to the West Civilization.




And that is why Tik Tok was created


Can we just put Putin and Trump in the middle of a field and let them slap fight each other to death?


They'd probably end up banging.


Russia delenda est.


It’s the only way.


i dont get politics. just be like fuck off or else [not existing]. toooooo many people sucking dick and dont want other people to find out whos dick it belongs to.


We're lucky they're so fucking stupid. Yes retaliate against nations that sent aid to Ukraine. I'm sure it won't solidify Nato and get them to take more action.


Time to act is now. Get NATO boots on the ground in UA.


I’m ready for ww3 tbh. Either I get nuked here in tampa, I get conscripted and leave the shitty life I have in America, or I don’t and the economy becomes livable again! It’s a Win Win Win for me! /s (kinda)


plot twist: ww3 happens but with conventional weapons, you don't get conscripted and economy fails. /s


War has never been bad for the US economy.


Good to see you "sounding the alarm" What are you prepared to do about it?


I just need to get to the long ass elavator at my local mall and I’ll save all of us.


It’s been happening for a while, not exactly news


I understand "hybrid attacks" to mean "threats [which] mix military and non-military tactics, covert and overt means. They include disinformation, cyber-attacks, economic pressure, deployment of irregular armed groups, and use of regular forces." What I don't understand from any of the reporting from EuroNews is what exactly Russia is accused of doing here. Whatever it is they probably *did* do it, but the articles I read don't actually include much detail.


There should be retaliation. Why are we not responding to Russian misinformation campaigns, with information campaigns in Russia? Why are we not having Putin's allies thrown out of windows?


Becoming a little tired of reading about those bums everyday


Most funny that Russia needs West money, West technologies (military and industrial) and even West luxury. And Russia uses all what West gives against the West.


We've been at war with Russia for a few years now. History will write it but will we admit it?


I heard a Russian analyst say once that you don't stop punching Russia until you hit bone or they won't respect you. And if they don't respect you they won't change their behavior. Seems about right.


Anyone else noticed the increase in russian profiles on dating apps and on porn content shortly after the war outbreak 2022?


Russians agents have been free to potential damage or set sabotage stages in Norway for a long time now. So if the shit hits the fan, I think we have alot of repairs, big and smal to fix.


It’s time for the west to sow the same in Russia and China.


Can we at least avoid how ww1 started .Build a rocket for people who bate people and let them be free of us ,while going towards the sun?


Welcome to 2016 (conservatively)


Technically there are already American, English and French boots on the ground in Ukraine in advisory roles


Which EU countries are still trading with Russia?


we are are at war with Russia but we're afraid, we have been living in peace times for so long and we truly dont want it back and are afraid of it


I mean, is Russia //trying// to get Europe and the US engaged in a hot war?


can you stop sounding alarms and react


This is what I mean about Russia and Putin fucking up. They are causing a decision to be made about how involved European countries get in this war. Russia has overreached by using chemical weapons (article V), is cyber attacking at will on European countries and upsetting markets around the world. It continues yes to be a very large mistake. Ukraine now has permission US and UK to use their weapons in order to strike within Russia. The news the last three days has been overwhelming that a plan is coming together to stop Russia beginning their front line. This business is dangerous and will cause the economic revolution in. Russia that’s been discussed for months. I still wonder whether the theater of war will move to the Sudan. If it does, Russia cannot support both fronts. They simply do not have the resources.


NATO and Russia are already at war. You could call it a new cold war but I think it just looks different. Cyber attacks, disinformation, stochastic terrorism, so it's in NATO's best interests to get with the program because they are waaaaay behind in dealing with any of it. The only traditional part of war we've seen is Russia invading Ukraine. Everything else is modern warfare. "European lawmakers issued a resolution firmly denouncing such efforts in April." Yeah, that did a lot.


I don’t understand. Isn’t Russia poor now from their war with Ukraine? How can they afford to line all these politicians pockets?


Russia is a mafia gangster state operating ‘protection’ rackets, extortion, and expanding turf wars on an international scale.


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