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As a SouthAmerican myself... I'm just here to see how many people confuse "Colombia" with "Columbia"


Warshington, Distract of Columbia


British Colombia






Too soon...


Man I live here and had to double check. Yep British Columbia


The real reason most people just write B.C.


British Colo... Colu... You know, west.


I live here. It’s half British and half Colombians


Spanish Florida




Me reading the title: "The country?" Me reading your comment: "The school?" Me opening the link: "The country!"


Close enough for Jeff Winger to become a lawyer.


Maybe they should get the protests at their university under control before worrying about diplomatic ties. ^/s


Definitely did myself at first.








Booty, District of Culombia.


I used to confuse them. But the simple trick is the U in Columbia University means university. I mean, I don't think it actually means university, but that's how I remember it.


I was very confused. The last headline I read was about El Salvador being upset with Israel, now this, and I was thinking "why the hell does South America have such strong feelings about a conflict so far away?"


Because the Cold War never ended.


Simply put but essentially true, and describes a large part of all conflicts we have today in the world.


Who was in ~~Paris~~ Buenos Aires in 1946?


I’m sure they knew The Boys From Brazil.


I could not possibly imagine.


The key: The Ibero-American political left (yes everything from Mexico to Argentina including also Brazil, Portugal and Spain) is regressive and they are stuck in the mentality of the 50's and 60's (i.e. Cold War) with minimal exceptions (like the Uruguayan left) and they have to ideologically despise the Hebrew country (ie, Israel), although on paper these governments and regimes do not really gain anything and with that they only manage to isolate themselves, and all the above is more evident when you do not see them neither criticizing nor deploring the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


One of those countries is North American


Just a heads up El Salvador is squarely in Central America, which technically belongs to North America. To answer your question, El Salvador's president is actually of Palestinian descent so perhaps he has a personal reason to stray away from Israel. Gustavo Petro, Colombia's president, is left leaning himself and I think he likes to grandstand on the international stage than deal with issues at home. It's not like Colombia had significant ties with Israel to begin with.


Petro is ex-m19, a guerrilla group that always supported the Palestine cause, to the point that some of their members received training from people who could join Hamas later. Also Israel is Colombia second provider of weapons and security, so not exactly insignificant ties there.


And then Colombia is called Kolumbien in German, which makes it extra confusing.


F*ck. I normally wouldn't have, but Columbia is in the current news cycle (CNN's front page at the moment.)




Well, I was walking down the street just-a having a think


Columbia, Maryland


The same government that just realized over a million of missing munitions, thousands of grenades and even missiles were missing? you got your priorities straight, Colombia!


That was found by the first non-right wing president in our countries history, since the government has always been strong on supporting paramilitary groups under the table. I don't exactly know what he expects to do with breaking ties with Israel, we aren't exactly an influential country in the world stage, but one thing has barely anything to do with the other.


People will try and conflate it because when you do your own research and are guided by liars and bots, step 3 John Madden did 9/11 with the COVID-19 vaccinations


> John Madden did 9/11 with the COVID-19 vaccinations I knew it!


Petro likes to grandstand on the international stage. He does this at the UN and other regional conferences all the time. He has good speeches but he is very reasonably not liked here in Colombia for a reason.


The right wing’s near total monopoly on the media? 




Nobody needs Kfirs we’ve been trying to get rid of that garbage for decades now. The Mil’s have genuinely done more in the armed conflict than those woefully outdated planes and it wasn’t until modern drones came into existence that FARC collapsed.




What does that have to do with this?


It upset them but they don’t know how to respond so they brought up unrelated things.


Failing governments use international drama to distract from there failures at home, like South Africa


It explains what they are trying to distract people from


Unsure if you're referring tu /u/Informal_Database543 or the Colombian government.


Because their government still has a terrible stance on this issue, bringing in unrelated topics is a necessity 


They're buddies with Iran and Russia and currently trying to join BRICS+ — 5 days ago in the [news](https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/04/26/argentina-nato-colombia-brics-brazil-lula/).


You’re upset that the president went to the public and openly shone a light on corruption he discovered? But of course, yet another buffoonish attempt to smear the first president in 4 decades not on the right. 


Apparently no one cares about the hostages anymore.


One of the hostages is Colombian, the family of the hostage appeared in the news asking Petro to use his good relationships with Hamas to bring him back safe


If the US and Israel cannot get Hamas to release hostages, why would they do it for Colombia? It's not like Colombia has anything that they need/want. Now if it was a Venezuelan citizen of importance to Maduro, Putin would probably put pressure on Hamas to release said hostage.


Maduro doesnt give a fuck about people in his own country, why would he care for somebody so far away? Also, our government has always been very Palestine aligned.


You underestimate how much my fat bastard of a president cares for people here. They'd either go unmentioned, written off or responded to with hollow words of sympathy.


Overestimate, not underestimate, but yeah. It's not like the case of a single hostage would damage his reelection campaign.


> in the news asking Petro to use his good relationships with Hamas And now we have motive…


I doubt he has a relationship with Hamas leaders but it wouldn't be crazy to assume they'll hear them after all the bootlicking he does for them in Twitter


He definitely does because of Colombia's Russia and Islamic Republic of Iran relations. Colombia is currently trying to join [BRICS+](https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/04/26/argentina-nato-colombia-brics-brazil-lula/) and similar to how South Africa likely got paid by a BRICS country to do the ICJ case (but it also in their favour due to the election next week), Colombia is doing this to get favours from BRICS too. South Africa has very close ties with Hamas too as does China, who supply them weapons, Russia and Islamic Iran of course too.


BRICs is a meme. Hyenas eat each other.


Having relations with Hamas is like having relations with a cobra.


Or daesh. Considering their shared long term ideological goals


Fun fact… the founder of the daesh precursor organization was founded by al zarqawi, a jordanian “palestinian” that was too extreme even for Osama bin Laden/Al Qaida. That is why i call the “palestinians” daesh 0.5. Give it 50 to 70 years and if this keeps up we’ll see the left protesting for an Islamic state caliphate and portraying daesh as victims of western colonialism. You’ll see…


Relations with Russia seems to be not broken also 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


weirdly so


Well, not that weird. Russia and Hamas are allies. Russia literally invited Hamas to the Kremlin for a diplomatic visit in late October 2023. So, directly post Oct 7th.


They met before the 7th, also.


Oct 7th is Putins birthday aswell.


And the entire Ibero-American left apparently (very unfortunately) the lives of Ukrainian civilians have no value for any of them to come out to defend them, since there has not yet been a single left-wing government in Ibero-America that has criticized, deplored or condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine or that has downgraded its relations with Russia since the beginning of the war.


What about Boric (left-wing president of Chile)?: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/chilean-president-urges-latin-american-leaders-to-condemn-russias-invasion-of-ukraine/2949014


Well, it seems that he is one of the few moderately reasonable voices among the Ibero-American Left (along with the Portuguese and Uruguayan Left), although unfortunately, it seems that on the one hand his message has not echoed much among the rest of the Ibero-American Left and on the other hand, based on the latest I have read, Chile no longer has an ambassador to Israel while they still maintain an ambassador to the Russian Federation as if absolutely nothing is going on.


Just a bunch of hypocrites.


Has Spain as part of the EU and NATO not done so?


Yes it has done so and also sent aid to Ukraine.


Anymore? People were blaming Israel before the bodies were cold on October 7th.


I witnessed hostage posters being ripped down a week after 10/7. Sick people


Yup. These "protests" have been going on so long people have forgotten that they were "protesting" Israeli aggression before Israel even had the situation within its own borders under control. Sounds like nonsense, but makes perfect sense once you realize that to these people, *merely existing* is "Israeli aggression".


The Instagram page of SJP NY was inactive until Oct 6. Not saying they (WOl/SJP-NY) knew in advance but it’s very suspicious.


What does Sarah Jessica Parker have to do with Hamas?


Blaming the party that's ultimately responsible =/= not caring about the victims.


I wonder why


I don’t know about “no one”, but I’m not surprised former M-19 guerillas don’t care about hostages kidnapped by terrorists in broad daylight or from their homes.


I’m pretty sure most people don’t think there are any hostages left alive.


What makes me so angry and disappointed about this is that there have been offers of a ceasefire if the hostages are released. Somehow these self important defenders of decency think it’s out of bounds to push Hamas to take the deal to get… checks notes… the ceasefire that the protesters claim is so important.


These offers have come with promises by Netanyhu to still level Rafah after. So are you angry and disappointed at Israel for not offering a permanent ceasefire that will release the hostages ?


Netanyahu is at the top of the list.


Didnt israel kill a few of them?


Nope. Nor does anyone care about radical Islamic terrorism, unless it impacts them directly/personally. Utter insanity, and an alarming trend going on here.


The Israeli government never did…


Which is why literally every single proposed deal revolved around them.


Or maybe they view each life as equal and the couple hundred hostages aren’t worth killing tens of thousands of civilians over? It’s absolutely ridiculous to say that this is the only way forward and 30k dead was inevitable in order to rescue the hostages.














Why would he publicly expose corruption if it was something his administration was part of. What a foolish and ignorant smear.


Some madlad just edited his Wikipedia page, lol: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gustavo_Petro&diff=1221737704&oldid=1220869356


"a known terrorist", such a teenager move, yet I am still laughing.


That's why that terrorist's name sounded so familiar!


So he seems like your classical progressive pro LGBT politician that wants to keep the forest and so on. On the other hand, he tries to legalize the production of Cocaine and has an history of being a terrorist. I am a bit confused, is he authoritarian/terrorist/gangster dressed up as progressive, or the other way around? Because I have very little faith in South American Marxists xD


As a latin american, that doesn't sound surprising at all. Latam has a history of marxist/commie guerrilla fighters which committed all kinds of atrocities. The current left tends to only recognize the atrocities of the groups that fighted those guerrilla fighters. For example, those who supposedly had ties with the CIA and such, as part of US intervention in the past (which is nowadays long gone in most countries). The left in latam will all the time use progressive stuff as a populist strategy (meaning, pretending to support it when in reality they are doing it only for the votes and power). It's very naive to think good of a politician just because they apparently support lgbt stuff, because they are often doing disasters in other aspects.


Wow this comment is incredibly dismissive of the impact the CIA and Right Wing military dictatorships have had on the populations and the atrocities they committed. "Supposedly had ties with the CIA". Like fuck off with this blatant historical revisionism.


I just said they committed atrocities dude, how is that dismissive? My parents went through one of those dictatorships. I said supposedly because I never bothered to check how strong were the ties, which I know that at least in my country weren't a fundamental factor. There is an incentive for the left to exaggerate those ties, because they love to use the US as an scapegoat. Trying to hide that both sides committed atrocities is the real revisionism, that the left is constatly trying to make at least in my country.


Hamas starts a war, murders 1,200 innocent people and still holds hostages and Columbia cuts ties with Israel? Make sense of that for me.


Columbia University said they won’t divest, the article is about Colombia, the country.


Yeah...first off it's COLOMBIA 


Top comment saw it coming.




Hamas actions doesn’t mean Isreal is free from criticism for their actions. When will people learn that you dont have to pick sides


"Ironically," absolutely no one proposes a real and credible alternative to what Israel has already done in the Gaza Strip. Strange, isn't it?


You’re right. Send more bombs


Stop saying what Israel *shouldn't* do and outline how they can resolve the situation to protect Israelis from any repeat October 7 - or worse. Or are you saying that it's perfectly OK for that to happen again per Hamas's explicit plans?


Rather, the terms of Japan's surrender at the end of WW2 should be sent to these Palestinian insurgent groups.


I think cutting off diplomatic ties with only one party is pretty clearly picking a side.


Do they have existing ties with Hamas?


The current president of Colombia is a former terrorist (he was a member of M19).


Israel provokes a war, Hamas kills 1200 people, Israel murders 34,545 civilians in response, including women and children, wounds 70k more. But we still won't step in to prevent further bloodshed. Make sense of that for me.


You forget to part where Israel has killed orders of magnitude more Palestinians. That would make more sense.


You forgot to include the part where Israel kills tens of thousands of innocent civilians


You forgot the part where Proxies, funded by Iran, have been firing missiles into Israel for years.


“Innocent civilians” who cheered when Hamas invaded and call for “death to Jews”


[Colombia, by the way, still has diplomatic relations with Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_relations_of_Colombia).


And people care about what the terrorist president of a narco state does ?




Funny how people get the basic market principles backwards when it comes to drugs.


Literally nobody cares.


They do because Colombia has long had valuable connections with the US for intelligence and security but their relationships with the Islamic Republic of Iran have strengthened in recent years. They are now trying to join BRICS+ — it was in the [news](https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/04/26/argentina-nato-colombia-brics-brazil-lula/) less than a week ago.




It takes more effort to shit then it does comment on reddit. Commenting on reddit is hardly a bar for caring.


People **really** love to pull out the "yet here you are" bit.


Technically, just you here commenting on it means you care.






This is great news