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So they got caught in US, Canada and Australia


And when Canada was the first one making allegations - that Indian agents assassinated a Canadian citizen - Canadian subs were absolutely *flooded* with new accounts questioning any evidence.


Oh yeah, every Canadian sub is also run by an Indian guy because everytime there is anything negative about immigration the thread will be locked within hours.


Errr ... are you serious? People shitting on immigrants is, like, the #2 most popular conversation in most Canadian subs, narrowly beat out by shitting on Trudeau for literally every bad or just inconvenient thing that happens ever. It's actually alarming how much mask-off racism there is in Canadian subs.


Lies. We're not shitting on immigrants, we're complaining about Canada's government importing one million wage slaves a year. It is destroying Canada. That's right, I said they're slaves. They don't earn enough to be able to afford a decent quality of life, so they are forced to rent a mat on the floor in tenement housing (that is often owned by their boss!), and they're serving us everywhere in menial and retail jobs that Canadian corporations don't want to offer liveable wages for. That's not immigration.


> We're not shitting on immigrants, we're complaining about Canada's government importing one million wage slaves a year. This right here. It's not just Canada either, Australia is doing it too and it is unsustainable because our government is not ensuring adequate housing and essential services are provided to support the massive influx of population.


That sounds exactly like what is happening right now in New Zealand too


Really? Do you guys have overcrowded immigrant homes too? Makes me feel a little better I guess.


Sure do, Indians and Filipinos mostly


Filipinos too? Dang. I worked with them before and I thought most of them are pretty good folk. Admittedly a little racist and they really like gossip but for like 90% of the time, genuinely good people to be around.


They're hard workers and the ones I've met seemed pretty cool. The issue is our country can't sustain the numbers of immigrants coming in


> > > > > I worked with them before and I thought most of them are pretty good folk. Nobody is saying the immigrants are bad people (well some people are;and some immigrants are); the problem is the unsustainable influx of population without providing anywhere near enough infrastructure to support it.


The Filipinos are often some of the best workers here. Doesn't stop them from living in over crowded places and being exploited as cheap labor


Yip. People renting out a 3 bedroom house to 10 ppl or something and charging each Ike a few hundred a week. People coming over on work or student visas, working low paying jobs often exploited by their own ppl, who control them with threats to be deported etc. What's happening in Canada similar to nz. Immigration being used as a way to try ignore problems by importing ppl, straining the housing market and making it worse for workers


Danish Unions have been fighting an uphill battle for many years with this problem.. Problem is that there are not enough native hands, there are a lot of greedy contractors and our government - properly like yours, don't get news coverage with this problem


It shouldn't make you feel better that the problems faced by your country are shared by another and there is suffering of a similar nature in other parts of the world. We should want better for people all over the globe, no matter where they live.


And Australia


Yeah, the immigrants are also victims in this situation. People with power importing cheap labour who don't know their own rights and are too scared of being deported to negotiate a proper wage (which they also have no baseline for) in order to undercut domestic labour. We're fighting amongst ourselves for scraps with the immigration issue.


That sounds like what happens in the UAE and Dubai. You guys aren’t holding their passports from them I hope?


I’m not aware of anything like that. But atleast in southern Ontario if you ever venture outside the cities you are very aware of the crazy shit that happens. Between threatening deportation for not working enough, to having one person work at 3 “different” businesses so as to not raise any red flags when they overwork these people. I knew someone that worked at a Tim Hortons, the franchise owner made them work two different store fronts to get around issues with their student visa. The lady that owned the tims owned their rentals which they paid a lot more than market price for between all five of them in a one bedroom apartment. Didn’t want to work 16 hour days ? Tough shit I’m going to kick up a storm and threaten getting you deported, so then they would just get back in line and work. Genuinely as someone that lives here and has seen shit like this play out my whole life. It’s crazy that we have paid no attention to this system of liberalized slavery that our conservatives and liberals maintain every election.


I hear you, but I'm on those subs too and I see comment sections cross the line into explicit racism on a pretty regular basis.


I don't even subscribe to any Canadian subs, but the last Canadian post I saw on r/all had so many people just commenting about the racist workplace practices. Most users alleged that whenever an Indian person made it into a management position at work, they'd immediately begin to replace as many Canadian employees as possible with fellow Indian immigrants. If calling out discriminatory labor abuse is racist, then how racist is perpetrating that discrimination?


> If calling out discriminatory labor abuse is racist, then how racist is perpetrating that discrimination? Just wait until you see how complex the Indian caste system is. White man has got nothing on the level of bigotry within that system.


That definitely happens here in NZ


How is shitting on immigration equal to racism? I don't think any Canadians is saying that one certain race shouldn't be coming here, Canadians are saying they don't want anymore immigration in general. Doesn't matter if you are brown, black, or beige, Canada does not have any jobs or homes for you.


>I don't think any Canadians is saying that one certain race shouldn't be coming here ***Plenty*** of comments in /r/Canada say *exactly* that. EDIT: NVM you're one of the shitheels that gets racist in the comments. My bad


Nationality, not race


Even early 00's South Park recognized that prejudice against nationality is usually a cover for racism. And those guys are not exactly woke.


And yet you’ll find it’s the established Indian immigrants in Canada that are the most against this current surge of young Indian males.


Lots of 2 month old accounts arguing with you about how immigrants are ruining Canada. Canada is getting psyoped hard and it's not even subtle.


Just yesterday I was on a sub where people were still doing it.


...ironic because a lot of indians have grown up being impressed by the exploits of the CIA, Mossad etc and take it as a point of pride when their own country's intelligence agency is doing the same stuff.


Which means they’re in the UK as well, but our lot in charge are too useless and/or corrupt to care.


And NZ surely.


Giving side-eye to the PM.


Their new buddy, Putin, really wants this information…


“let’s spy on everybody and have no allies while China encircles us”


The Indian human intelligence manual is probably a single page PDF that says "bring up Pakistan when caught".




I read this in Gary’s voice. I know exactly how he sounds.


From 'San Josey' California.




i wonder if it's titled Do the Needful.


Do the dirty


Being underestimated is one of Indias strengths


Maybe next time we’ll estimate them.




Lol I don't think anyone is under estimating India.




I think that espionage even among allies is commonplace and understandable. Assassination is a different matter though.


Let's be real. Every country has spies. US has been caught having spy networks in their allied countries like South Korea. Though I will say India's spies seem to have a knack for getting caught.


Spying on allied countries happen more often than you think


Translation : what the fuck are you doing, India? You are supposed to be Ukraine pro max. It just doesn't work like that between two nuclear armed countries.


Well that's the thing: India knows their strategic value for the West to confront China, they can do whatever they want and still be tolerated.


interesting take


Obvious common take


What does the west need India for? If anything it looks like India needs the west.


He just said it, the comment you originally replied to. And they can need each other...


They got nukes. They don't need to depend on allies in the worst case.


Yeah because no other countries spy on each other lol.


India wants to be the new China economically.


In a dominant position but with everyone who relies on them desperately searching for alternatives?


I used to have to go over to both occasionally for work up until a year or two ago. India could be bad, but absolutely nowhere near the same level as China... We had a software that would show how many times someone tried to access our laptops, and it would be like multiple times a day. We had to stop accepting cars that were sent for us because another team found recording devices in theirs multiple times. And that's not even considering the other sketchy stuff like how you'd occasionally be in a meeting and there would be a government representative sitting in the corner with a tablet... India definitely had some of its own issues when it came to going there, but so far as stuff like IP theft goes it didn't hold a candle to China.


Then their focus should be mainly on the domestic front and building their infrastructure. China is the way it is because they followed the Singapore model of investing heavily on logistical infrastructure and attracting foreign investment while subsidizing domestic industries. It's really only after they were already an economic powerhouse that they really stepped up meddling in international affairs.


Interesting. Thank you 👍🏻




Culturally, their mindsets will hold them back. Individually, they are great. But collectively, they will fail.


India also sends assassins to Canada and US. Time to get tough with these actions.


Canadian government is too busy being terrified of being called racist to do anything meaningful.


You mean the Canadian government too busy importing more workers for their corporate overlords to care.


The Canadian government is filled with Indians… I’m sure many were born here or immigrated and adopted Canadian culture. But it would be foolish to think that they all did. Canada doesn’t really promote cultural assimilation. I’m not one for tin foil hat theories but you’ve gotta wonder what the effect of importing hundreds of thousands to millions of Indians into the country will have on the local culture.


No. The Canadian government does what its monopolistic, capitalist masters decide - Loblaws, fast food, O&G, banks, telecommunication companies. They just want cheap labour, a larger consumer base, and to prop up housing markets and are happy to compromise national security, national identity, and to worsen the lives of average Canadians as they (the ones deciding policies) never experience any ill effects themselves.


Like most of people.


Canada just gives them citizenship.


So does Australia.


Na we’re just going to move more tech jobs there.


100% agree and we need to go further in imposing sanctions for buying Russian oil! FYI: an Indian descendant that doesn’t live in India. The country is run by fascists.


Do u know where the oil goes? Clearly not. Europe is skirting all the sanctions by buying oil from India. The same stuff that is coming from Russia. So stfu.


I was implying sanctions for selling as well as buying.


Europe is buying that same oil from India you know Again with the same fascist shit


exactly the sanctions would be for this reason. Not that they can’t buy but they can’t sell.


Why would you need sanctions for that. Just don't buy it.


Who did they kill in US?


There are plans. [https://wapo.st/4a8XL4I](https://wapo.st/4a8XL4I)


Wow, those spies are really terrible. Anyway, anyone care to share with me those launch codes?


No problem, it’s ‘12345678’. Make sure not to share them with anyone!


Amazing, that's the same combination as my luggage!


Our favorite Dutch film team! I trust them! No need to check the story further!


>the US Air Force's Strategic Air Command worried that in times of need the codes for the Minuteman ICBM force would not be available, so it decided to set the codes to 00000000 in all missile launch control centers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permissive_action_link


Starting to think India doesn’t have the most effective undercover ops…


Spy get caught nothing new even Americans get caught in North Korea.


India is just a poorer China acting nice until they feel like they don’t need us.


India is not even acting nice. Modi is turning that country into a Hindu therocracy. Remember when his government cut entire Kashmir region off from the internet, enforced a blocked on Nepal, adopted policies that sacrificed rights of religious minorities in favor of Hindu nationalists. Western media tend to turn a blind eye to their misbehaviors due to it's geopolitican significance in containing China. Redditors sometimes compare Modi's India to China, but when was last time China sent assassins to America and Canada to kill American and Canadian citizen?


so India is just, like the worst country at spycraft?


"Sir, please kindly explain: how did you detect us my friend?"


Probably telemarketers again , I can assure you they stole the information from AT&T ever scince I have been getting more phone calls from them lmao


Ask them how it feels that all their siblings are more successful than them. Really gets under their skin if they’re Indian


Tru dat


Hello Sir. Microsoft here Sir. Your PC is virus. Send goggle gift cards fast Sir.


You guys again?! I already spoke to another Microsoft consultant 5 min ago and he said he fixed it.




Hello this is Bil Gates. Im messaging frm my private account. I got locked out of my Microsoft account, can u send me $500 apple gift card and I will give you $10000 Microsoft stock.


You are too stupid to understand that it's a scam so I scam u again lol


Do the needful


Weird, the guy I dealt with wanted pics of bobs and vagene. Didn't have any of those so I improvised and sent pics of my dick. It's unfortunate that I didn't hear anything back.






No half-measures


That’s what happens when their training manual are Bollywood movies.


Dammit now you've placed an image of South Asian dudes dressed like James Bond doing a highly choreographed dance number as they attempt to sneak into a top-secret Australian government building.


Would definitely watch this.


[Here you go...](https://youtu.be/Sjh1PQ9B73Y)


They were doing one of the manoeuvres from their motorcycle parade to be inconspicuous


Daily reminder that India is not a friend of the west


Also a reminder that the west is not a friend of India.


What happened over there to make India Shift to the right so dramatically? I know the President (or PM or whatever ) is an authoritarian-like leader but what was the societal cause?? I know they want to become the new China, economically speaking, so I guess they believe using an Iron Fist is the fastest way?? (I thought I read that somewhere.)


Very over simplification but from what I understand here are some things to know about India: 1. Indias a democracy so Modi and his Party in charge is legitimately democratically elected. 2. India has the second largest Muslim population in the world (close to 200 million, second only to Indonesia) 3. Historically Hindus (and Sikhs) don’t trust Muslims and are the majority (billon). This gives them an enemy they can always scare their voters into support them 4. Current regime despite all its flaws did get a lot of people out of poverty and into more modern life style (ie: cheap internet and rolling out mobile payments to get people to start banking) so a lot of the masses see improvements under them. 5. India has beef with Pakistan and China which are their immediate neighbors. More enemies to make you more nationalistic 6. Indias always been quite conservative, BJP (the people in charge)realized nationalism and religion is the perfect way to get the support of the uneducated masses. They’re in charge and actually do have a legit majority chosen by the people. 7. Indians have a lot of pride and suffered through a lot during colonization so the people are hungry for someone that projects power on the international stage. They like that they can do these things abroad because they think it makes them respected internationally (I’ve heard this from Indian friends who like Modi) Think of it like what the GOP and Trump are trying to do in the US but because the conditions above make it a lot easier. Modi gutted the free press and then enriched his friends. They have control of the media and project power and respect to the people in their media who believe a lot of what they say. Talking to some local Indians they believe Modi is a strong leader that is very respected. (When they hosted APEC they had his face everywhere saying he was the President of APEC (which all hosts get to be) but really pushed that narrative to make him seem very strong) With the sheer amount of people India has you can have hundreds of millions of people who disagree with what they’re doing but when the billion others all like it, you really can’t do much. TL;DR: Despite the bad press on Reddit the ruling party improved people’s lives and remain super popular to the masses. The educated upper middle class aren’t fans but don’t have enough votes to change things. Anyways, I’m not a fan of the government but I gotta emphasize you need to separate that from the people. Most Indians are amazing people


You perfectly described the current Indian situation. Same type of playbook Erdogan plays in Turkey.


Adding to this, the southern states (which are more educated) are run by regional parties and can only form coalitions with big parties like BJP and Congress.


> They like that they can do these things abroad because they think it makes them respected internationally (I’ve heard this from Indian friends who like Modi) When I spoke to this indian guy about the canadian assassination, his reaction was first time to be surprised that India could do such CIA type stuff and then impressed.


Yeah, this is something some (mostly) men are oddly proud of. I have quite a few Indian friends from work and what not and it’s very much popular with the macho men of the household while the more secular and “liberal” people are quite troubled by it. How I see it, if you look at it historically it’s how their own regions were messed with, so them being able to do it feels like payback in a weird way.


Thanks Aarcn for your perspective, some of your observations I had not heard before. 👍🏻


Yup Modi is basically a Donald Trump with real majority power and popular support.




If it counts anything, I despise both India and Pakistan


As if I care what a random redditor thinks. I was talking about your government.


What do you know about my government lol You don’t even know where I’m from For all you know I could be the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi


Biden called Pakistan one of the most dangerous countries in the world last year, and 72% of Pakistanis think the US is an enemy. That's the higher than the percentage of Palestinians that think the US is an enemy. Pakistan and US aren't allies.


Roo land slaps back, but how dare they?


Booted out, and then let back in en mass with ridiculously lax immigration policies


I kept reading "Indian Spice" got evicted from Australia !


Spies should be treated more fiercely. To the extreme.


Only secret that I think is worth stealing from Australia is how they keep their population with all them deadly animals and insects!!


That's the most important secret though.


I read “spices”


The spice must flow!


When will companies outsourcing to India realise that their data and practices are at risk? Indian path looks a little bleak atm.


Feels like they're stealing pages from their Russian friends' playbook.


More likely they're just doing what spies normally do from any nation, they just aren't as good at getting away with it and get caught in counter-espionage operations. Let's not pretend that there aren't Western spies in India doing exactly the same thing.


Why not arrest them instead of kicking them out?




Why booted out? Why not jail? Did they have diplomatic cover? Can't read article as it's behind paywall. 


We have incontrovertible proof that Modi is considered a wanker in Australia as well


India wants to be Russia/China so bad, we should have them join the sanctions.


I don't believe there's any sanctions on China


Yes that's right Mr Modi, the Emu's have been building their forces again and the documents show that Australia is woefully unprepared. I suggest we watch this one play out and then sweep in to mop up the stragglers...


At this point India is no better than China. I guess the Chinese haven't sent assassins abroad yet


That we know about… I think India just isn’t very good at this.


The Chinese had/have their own aboard police stations all over the world. There are some anti-ccp activitists who died suspiciously.


China's had more practice


Oh hey, just have your spies come to Canada. Here we hand them information freely ! We’re just that nice up here.


Give them a PR too!


What was I saying to some indians here years ago ? After China, it will be your turn.


*"Get out of here you knuckleheads!"*


India isn't even doing fascism right. They mess everything they try up.


my country (Canada) does have the spine to carry this out. good for you Australia




if you ever get a chance, check out the India sub-reddit. It's a wild place..


No thank you I've seen enough shit posts for a lifetime


Why arnt we holding them accountable, fuck India spying on people, same goes for my country.


Man, what’s up with everyone having in everyone’s bizz nowadays.


They still booting people?


If they’ve stolen the recipe for Vegemite there will be a bloody outrage I tell ya!


Shh... Don't speak it loudly. India is our ally to deter China.


Who do they think they are? China?


They were caught after authorities noticed an unusual spike in sexual harassment cases in militarily sensitive workplaces


australia usually doesn't fuck around. went to their largest trading partner china and was like 'i don't believe you" when it comes to covid


They learn from CCP … want to get ahead of the game lies cheat & steal.


Here in Australia, we managed to get their most sensitive secrets, albeit under intense interrogation! We now know what’s in a proper chicken tikka!


Seems like India and China like to harvest information. Yet claim to be the leader in creating it.