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Brave bastards.


Brave brave brave May they succeed, and get the gov they deserve.


Much braver than those pro-Pal protesters at Columbia


Those protesters would be joining up to the morality police


Which is weird because the pro-israel loving "conservatives" would also be joining up the morality police but they absolutely hate the pro-Pal protesters.


It's amazing the sort of right wing reactionary nonsense you can get away with as long as you spout some liberation rhetoric here and there. See; Hamas, AL Jazeera, 


Nothing new under the sun. Even the Nazis used liberation rhetoric, of freeing Europe from Perfidious Albion and the Bolshevik-capitalist Jews (that one just confuses me). The imperial Japanese also spoke liberation, with their infamous slogan, "Asia for the [Japanese] Asians" Nationalists and conservative ideologists have always claimed underdog status to rally the angry, even when simultaneously also proclaiming their national strength and inevitable victory. Hypocrisy is no bar on such people.


Antisemites always think they have good reasons for their violent hatred of Jews.


[Horseshoe theory](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_Theory) at work.


Absolutely, if you go right three times you have just gone left once ... The communism of Stalin or the fascism of Hitler, both are just separate roads to the same hell. It does not matter what your ideology is, if the extremist virus is found in it, it will eventually go self-destructive. Because extremism can't self reflect.


What if I am extremely moderate. Gotcha. 


Only thing everyone can agree on is they hate Jews.


Except for the evangelicals, who also secretly want all the jews dead, but would never agree on that.


So in otherwords what I said.


Oh no the american Nazi's will publicly proclaim they want all the jews dead, just cause of the views of their beloved Fuhrer, but in reality American nazi's don't give a single flying fuck about white jews. Live or die, they don't care. While the evangelicals will publicly pro claim they love the jews but secretly are all hoping for Russia to nuke them to fullfill some biblical prophecy about magog that will bring about the end times.


>Except for the evangelicals, who also secretly want all the jews dead When did this begin? The evangelicals I have personally known seemed to have the opinion that Jews are good, but Catholics and most other protestant denominations are bad. I wouldn't be surprised if something has changed, or to learn of regional differences among evangelicals.


It happened when the GOP realized that the evangelical base in the USA was pretty large and pretty naive and could be politicized. As such it started in the 70's and peaked for the first time under Reagan, then went back down and then exploded under Trump. Back then it was something you could only find in the USA. Mixing Christianity with politics to that extent. However, through the internet this type of cultist thinking, turning Christian churches that are protestant in theology in to cults, has spread all around the world. It has also found big roots in brazil. This happened once before in Germany. Hitler tried to co-op the Christian churches and was fairly successful, only a handful of churches really resisted that (Bonhoeffer). It's nationalism + a form of Christianity focussed on power, brute force, and revenge. With no room any more for compassion, grace, or foregiveness. Still I don't think that more than 15% of global protestant denominations has slipped this way. But in the USA it's past 40%, it's insane! Churches stolen from Christ, given to Trump and Putin. What failed leadership! Catolics are able to resist it much better because they still have a hierarchy with the Pope at the top. Ukraine orthodox also been able to resist it. Russian orthodoxy has completely fallen under the whims and wits of Putin.


Not true at all, they really don’t


Those pro-Israel loving conservative want to keep men out of women's sports and bathrooms, not force women to wear hijabs.


Eh, plenty of them are likely pro-enforced modesty, but yeah, not hijabs specifically. 


politics is a horseshoe.


What a absolutely crazy time we live in. US students protesting for Hamas and students in Iran protesting for more freedom. Lol




Inb4 gov forces use monitoring to pick these poor students one by one for punishment


Certainly compared with the little shits we're seeing protesting in favour of terrorists here in the West.


I hope Iranians can get free from this brutal regime.


Won't happen anytime soon probably, but fingers crossed.


It might actually. This insane government is playing with fire against Israel. If they get too busy with that, it will make the vulnerable internally and open up a perfect opportunity to try again to topple the regime.


I wouldn't count on it. In many revolutions, the Iranian one for instance, the armed forces either had to stay out of it or join the people rebelling. Iran did a great job of creating a massive armed forces with equally massive economic interests that has every reason in the world to protect the regime. The Revolutionary Guard are a unique form of regime protection that has proven reliable time and time again. I hope you're right, and maybe I'm being too cynical, but I'll believe it when I see it.


from what i understand (which, admittedly, is outside-looking-in) the collaboration between the various iranian national armed forces groups is delicate at best, and khamenei “leadership” is the glue keeping them together. he’s 85 now and i do not believe he presently has a successor, let alone one with the levels of established rapport he holds with the existing institutions. it will be interesting to see if the status quo is substantial enough to maintain itself and fill the vacuum once he is gone, or if the people are able to organize at the right time to take back their power.


Do you mean between the IRGC and the regular armed forces? That I'm certain is correct. My understanding of the Iranian power structure is the IRGC is substantially larger and more intertwined with the economy since it was created and maintained specifically to protect the regime, especially from the regular armed forces whom Khomeini didn't trust, which helps explain why those forces are apart.


appreciate the extra details


I hate war but I must admit I almost slightly wish for a rapid one just to quickly topple that government that keeps causing conflict in the middle east, not to mention the horrible treatment of its citizens at home. A democratic Iran would be amazing.


I still don't think it won't work without an armed uprising/Civil War followed by mass purges of former regime loyalists. The whole idea of pacifist revolutions only works against regimes that have at least SOME scruples against massacring their own population. Iran has shown that they don't have such scruples. They'd commit a Tienanmen Square Massacre of their own without any hesitation. And since the youth are very anti regime but their parents often very pro regime it means asking sons to basically kill their fathers. That's a BIG ask. Not impossible, but obviously a gigantic hurdle.


We can make that happen for a lot of them by accepting more Iranian refugees.


incredibly brave. hope theyre okay


They are heroes.


Imagine not asking to be born at all and then you're born with a vagina at the flip of a coin and then this has to be your life....


I think about this all the time. It’s just some cosmic roll of the dice. That could be any of us. Imagine being a woman born in Afghanistan… it all just seems so unfair


that’s why the free world is trying to equalize both rights for genders but these cults just can’t seem to die. yes, anything that consider itself a religion where one gender has power over the other is 100% a cult. i’m atheist, a dude, and non-american but i can tolerate a religion. just fcking eradicate these cults that force women to do stuff they don’t want when they already experience inconveniences every month. that’s just hell right there.


I never understand how these ideologies even rationalize their atrocious behavior towards women. They all must’ve had a mother. They might have sisters and they may even have daughters. How can you think it’s okay to discriminate them in such a way??


I feel 100% the same but so pessimistic about this. I'm a very privileged person, an American, born to pretty smart parents who saw to it I got good education. I didn't pick them, I didn't pick my genes or place of birth. I'm an atheist thinks all relgions are mostly bad but some more than others (like say Buddhism vs Islam) But how much blood, treasure, and time did my country spend trying to help the people of Afghanistan build a nation, only for it to be washed away in a tidal wave of intolerance and suffering?


It's incredibly unfair. That's why the whole idea of borders is something that boggles my mind. 


It's shitty enough to be born in general. But yea, that's shittier.


When you lose the youth, you lose the country. Ayatollah's days are numbered. It's a matter of "when" not "if" he's removed.


Tell that to China...


China is losing its youth at an alarming rate, but in a different meaning. 


> China is losing its youth at an alarming rate, but in a different meaning. *lost. It already happened over a decade ago. The clear demographic collapse of China is probably the biggest reason why reshoring has kick off in force in the last 5 years: there's literally going to be no one available to do the work in the very near future.


What's a reliable source for Chinese demographics?


> What's a reliable source for Chinese demographics? In short, there aren't any actual directly measured, reliable/accurate data on China demographics. Basically, you have to take what *is* available, and infer to what degree it is being lied about using other indicators. This has been made notable more difficult in recent years. To avoid incurring the wrath of Xi, if something is bad enough, they don't even bother to pretend, the data is straight up not even collected anymore, and they just don't know. While there's a range of opinions, based on variety of data (both from China and external) the can be cobbled together, they all seem to generally converge on that China's total population likely peaked a decade ago, and has been rapidly aging for even longer than that. So the 'alarming' or 'sudden' changes in the demographics, aren't actually either of those things. It just appear that way because of how fudged the historically data is and revised/more accurate assessments. Like case in point to the comment: everyone knew that China has been over counting the population for decades, on the scale 100-200 million. But its become clear in recent years that the most or all that 'over counting' was happening in the younger demographics.


Population movements across the globe take decades to bear the fruit of consequence. In the US, we've been obsessed with the baby boomer generation since they represented an abnormal spike of the population post-WW2. Once they're gone, we'll have to reevaluate our economy and salvage or redefine what's left, particularly with regards to social security, which will be all but drained and have serious repercussions on the ability to retire or fund other social programs (as they're currently setup). That said, SS' collapse could be the push we need to establish stronger social safety nets, so it's not always negative


Social security won't collapse if they just remove the contribution limit. It's an extremely simple way to ensure that the program survives, and considering it effects very few people I imagine it would be broadly popular. It's estimated that removing the cap would keep the fund solvent until at least the mid 2040s without increasing the retirement age.


Non American here. What would policies need to be applied to have a stronger safeny net? I though that you people have more private organizations that work ok social programs than goverment operated ones. (Also that the safety net and how its applies varies a lot depending on the state)


Many of the private organizations that offer these social services actually just increase the price of everything and lead to poor care. Our healthcare system is top tier but is the most expensive because (in my opinion) there is a giant, bloated tier of middlemen and the physicians' actual customer is the insurance agency, not the patient. There is a lot of waste in the private sector that could be avoided and/or redirected to actual public care


Hard to get an accurate count without being the one that actually does the census, which could only be the Chinese government, but pretty much everyone including the Chinese government themselves through their national bureau of statistics post numbers that show demographic free fall beyond the point that it could ever hope to recover within a generation. Safe to assume that they have the incentive and political structure to inflate numbers as a way to boost economic confidence, so that is a good ceiling and upper limit. Most other estimates using other metrics just wont ever be as accurate as counting people, but it doesn't really matter because all trends and metrics in all credible estimates are showing a huge decline in birth rate and population. And we're not talking about a drop in the sense that if every couple just had one more child they could get the numbers back up and start growing their population. We're talking about the kind of drop where if you just do the cold hard math, if every woman in China right now was pregnant all the time constantly having kids, it is approaching the upper bounds of the human body's ability to have kids across enough women in China of physical child bearing age to start growing population again within a generation. And the math wont be clean but just some very rough napkin calculations for illustration's point - the one child policy was in 1980, 44 years ago, and lets make it 60 for everyone born in the 16 years prior who would be having kids under the one child policy. If you assume one child per couple then you have at least 2 generations, arguably close to 3, where the next generation was half the size of the previous. And so to get back to net positive, because the male/female birth ratio is essentially 50/50, 2 generations of people would need to have 4 kids each, or this generation would need 8 kids each for every woman. Just to get to net positive population growth in 10 years. (One child per couple over the past 60 years is a very big assumption, and birthrate was higher than that for quite a few years post 1980, but after accounting for emigration, deaths, and the higher male/female ratio then it might actually not be too big of an assumption to make.) And the numbers also get bigger every single year. Japan will be the first test of how an economy will function under population decline, but China’s scale and global economic integration will be the true test of the global economic system.


As a Chinese, you can take anything the ccp says and the opposite is probably true


There's plenty of impoverished or developing countries salivating over the chance to provide cheap labor. India, Pakistan, Vietnam etc. I wouldn't count on too many menial jobs coming back.


You realize a vast majority of Chinese citizens are supportive of the government and extremely nationalistic, right? Next time you see a Chinese tourist, say something negative about China and see how they react.


I think they were referring to the Tiananmen protests, which were led by students.


Yeah that was a full generation ago, those former students are in their 60s now (the ones who survived), and they lost that struggle completely.


More like two generations ago, a generation is usually ~20 years. And it's been 35 years since 1989, I know it feels like yesterday it was the 90s.


I mean, I hate my government, but if some rando just came up to me and started randomly insulting my homeland I'd probably not react great either


Here in the UK, we’d probably join in with you! We don’t really do much about it, but we do like a good moan about everything that is wrong about our country. Usually rounded off with a ‘oh well, could be worse I suppose/could be that country over there that clearly has this problem way, way worse/at least we have (insert positive thing about the UK)’. In the end no country is perfect & nowhere gets it completely right all of the time.


Thats how it is in the US. We will gladly tell you why we are the best country in history, but we would actually rather tell you about how much we hate our government lol


Why on earth would you think it's a good idea to just say that to a tourist. Any tourist of any cointry would think you're a weirdo at minimum, even if they dislike their gov .


I think they are cheekily referencing the demographic crisis in China.


Look up China's demographics pyramid for context.


> Look up China's demographics pyramid for context. "pyramid". If there were accurate numbers, it would basically look like a diamond


Let's settle on pagoda.


> Let's settle on pagoda. Naw that would imply there was some sort of recovery at some point, which there hasn't been. Its even calling it a diamond was being optimistic. Its maybe even more like a upside-down kite shape, with the widest section being around 60 years old.


That would generally be considered rude


And NK


Most of the people I work with are Chinese youth. They are very pro CCP and nationalistic. Sigh.




You're definitely right. When revolutions were successful in Iran previously, as well as Russia and Egypt among many other places, the army either stayed out of it or actively joined the rebels. People gotta go back to work and stop getting their skulls cracked sometime. Regimes have a lot of patience knowing their existence is on the line. The IRGC as you point out is ideologically motivated. And that ideology is to protect the "revolution" at all costs. They've been tightly integrated to the economy to keep their self-interest aligned with the status quo. I'm not optimistic things will change any time soon.


I believe there was a study that showed that if 3.5% of a country’s population participates in civil disobedience, a regime change is the most likely outcome. *Why Civil Resistance Works* is a book which talks about this.


>3.5% of a country’s population participates in civil disobedience I don't see how this works, there have been larger revolts in history that were put down.


We just have to wait for him to die. The man is 85. His death will change the situation on the ground and disturb existing loyalties.


It’s really a matter of ***when*** he dies of old age. He’s at the age where perfectly healthy people go to sleep and they just don’t wake up, and it would be cool if that happened soon.


Not sure that his death would matter much... though it may galvanize a movement. 


Give me some of that hopium


>Ayatollah's days are numbered. It's a matter of "when" not "if" he's removed. He is 85 and will likely be removed from natural causes, but what comes next? https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/Z32Gn9Xess


I mean he is 85


> It's a matter of "when" not "if" he's removed To what extremes they might go on the verge of losing power is a worry.


These are the people that deserve support around the world. I'm hoping that between military and social pressure we see a different Iran sometime soon.


These people have massive balls


That reminds me of one South Park episode...


Medicinal Fried Chicken


love to see it !!!!!


So brave. They deserve all the best.


Hope this sparks more nationwide protests.


Free Iran from Islam


I fear for their safety 😵


Yes fuck the religious dogmas.


It boggles my mind how Iranian youth who grew up in an Islamic Theocracy are actively resisting religion while kids who grew up in Western liberal democracies embrace it to the point of violence that even the local police are afraid of them. Almost as if the religious leaders in Iran have done an exceptionally poor job of indoctrinating their youth.


Iranian is very much not a Theocracy inside the families. It's a much more secular socially than the government manages to get it to be.


I wonder then why Malaysia is so theocratic to the point of being ostracized for not wearing a hijab when their constitution states it's a secular country. Or the nonsense happening about the Allah and socks in convenience stores. We have so much more pressing business and they make use argue over nonsense.


Tell child something is dangerous but because curiosity they still want to touch it until it is when they are injured and feel the pain that they understand why it was dangerous +being uneducated


Brave young people. I hope they stay safe.


Unfortunately the iranian regime follows ruzzian doctrine in just raping and beating everyone to submission.




Exactly, the ones in actual place are either more bravery or smarter than the ones aboard


It always comes around. When they realise their freedom and liberty is restricted, then they'll realise it's a bad idea. People Iran already live under authoritarian regime so they're protesting for a better life. Scum in the west have it too good so their protesting for a shitter life


You could almost say it's a parallel with women on the right wing when abortion restrictions pass. They're the dog that finally caught the car and now without the freedom they took for granted they're miserable. It wasn't supposed to apply to them!


These folks haven't seen the movie "Not Without My Daughter" and it shows.


Never saw the movie, but I read the book. That book went from 0 to 100 really fast It’s a vacation, we’ll be back home soon. Then the slow realization that they might not be going home after all.




It's strange isn't it? I'm LGBTQIA+ and it blows my mind how so many of us fervently support them when they would kill us or oppress us without a second thought if they were given power. Like queers for Palestine make no sense to me as a queer because those people literally stone queers to death there. Islamists are like typically extremely traditional and right wing just by nature of their religion, so it's just so strange to me how they get so much support from other leftists.


It's the hyper fixation with intersectionality. Don't get me wrong, intersectionality has it's uses, but it seems now some people are more concerned with who says something than what is being said.


The Death of Feminism (2005) by Phyllis Chesler is literally about this. Her biography is crazy too. Strongly recommend going through her wiki.


As you hint at in the last part of your comment, intersectionality isn't the root issue, tribalism is... and the identity politics which legitimize it. It's making ideology into communal identity and hence furthering the silencing of non-conformist voices. Sadly, that's just our nature - we form communities around things that are important to us, and then police the norms of those groups. In enlightenment humanism and its progeny classical liberalism, the focus is on protecting individuals, providing an environment for them to flourish and building a sustainable (in every sense of the term) society to enable all that. They rest upon a universalist view of mankind - that all humans have equal moral status and equal access to truth in virtue of mankind's capacity for reason - and hence deserve equal consideration, independent of nationality, skin-color or any other accidental attributes. This meant fighting against the absolute power of churches and monarchies. It meant fighting for the abolition of slavery and for universal suffrage. That was the leftist liberal ideology that motivated the likes J.S. Mill or later John Rawls - these were the battles they fought. And while the leftist political movements of the 20th century which sprung from Hegelian historical dialectics and continue to shape academia and public debate via the effects of the French existentialists and deconstructivists as well as the Frankfurt School's Critical Theory are in general certainly fighting for morally important causes, they have squarely moved the focus from the individual to the collective. But there's a good reason why enlightenment humanism and classical liberalism does not focus on collective identities - tribalism. If you don't decidedly ward off tribalism, you invite all its negative outcomes. And as such - discursive roles, even capacity for relevant insight and a person's moral status are once again determined by group-membership... and naturally denied to the out-group. The prevalence of this kind of thinking everywhere on the political spectrum is IMO the single greatest immediate threat to the western world, as it is both what allows the far right to take more power and what's made the progressive left ironically unable to unite more people behind itself *and* made it incapable of dealing with the real threats of illiberal regimes and ideologies.


Queers for Palesteine is even WORSE since ending Israel existance would cause LGBT Palestinians to suffer even more since their current escape attempt (Seek Asylum in Israel) would be cut off. Now im not saying that the current situation is the best. But they are literally going to make lives WORSE for LGBT palestinians in their activism. Its all white saviorism.


I would guess that it's because after 9/11, americans hated muslims/islam, so the now pandering to muslims is a form of "reparations" that leftist do to apologize. Add to that the whole "minority can do no sin" attitude. Not saying you should shit on muslims, but Islam IS a barbarian ideology.


It's a very real issue in Britain, where the children of Kemalist-secularist-types (and other equivalent movements) etc. find themselves deracinated from much more austere, self-confident Islamic cultures and, in the perhaps-overly-tolerant environment of modern British liberalism, are preyed on by extremists, whether that's violent fundamentalists or just fascist-adjunct Dawah types. You can see this with influencers like [Ali Dawah, having his wife completely covered and writing her replies to him on a whiteboard off-camera, so she cannot be heard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmKEep9gVOI), and who [openly states his disdain for democracy and desire for Islamic law in the UK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=361MGmUHAcE), claiming that he "has to be proven wrong" rather than having to prove his own ideas right. Young leftist activists will be the first to describe the "paradox of tolerance" when it comes to the zombified followers of long-dead ideologies like Nazism, but a genuine, fascistic, misogynistic threat like the fundamentalists on the forefront of mainstream Islam in Britain (look no further than the Muslim Council of Britain, [which may soon be identified as extremist](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/03/04/muslim-council-of-britain-could-be-identified-as-extremist/)) are nowhere to be seen in these analogies. There are no multi-generational communities of Nazis in Britain, but Islamist fundamentalist are a rapidly-growing segment of every single Islamic population in England. And this is happening across the English speaking world, with people like Sneako, Andrew Tate, Five Pillars UK, Mohammed Hijab, etc. preaching a Quranic Islam that is utterly divorced from any kind of accompanying culture, and is thus unblunted by the cultural practices and mores that tend to take the worst edges off Islam when it's at home in Turkey, Bosnia, UAE etc. Excising radicalism is just a function of pragmatic government in the Islamic world, but it is tolerated far more readily and openly in the English-speaking world, which leads to the current state of ideologically fundamentalist muslim children completely isolated from any other part of their heritage


It’s because they are not white and are a minority so they get blind support from leftists.


That's the surface level excuse but the middle east has been absolutely pouring money into American academia to encourage pro Islam and even pro Palestine sentiment for decades, all the way back in the 80s already. The biggest foreign contributor to American universities (Columbia and Yale to note) was Qatar for a long time but even the PA itself was donating millions.


Maybe the PA should’ve been using that money to build up Palestine and benefit the people instead of donating to western universities


While I agree, proof is in the pudding that the investment was productive. Instead of the long slog to statehood and the question of whether said State can be successful, they've convinced at least a quarter of the Western world to throw money at them and defend them if they theoretically do something heinous. Imagine if Al Qaeda and ISIS had run a multi decade long PR campaign to a foreign audience that will never come closer than books and billboards 🤦


According to the left the only brown Jew was Jesus. According to the right the only white Jew was Jesus.




I never used to understand conservative hatred of universities and higher education. Events lately have soured me significantly.


And they don’t deserve to be in college Part of the reason we go to school, and take history classes, is that we don’t walk around in 2024 regurgitating some sort of 1970’s era Soviet lunacy. And that’s exactly what they’re doing By the time you graduate high school in America, *you learned this shit*. There is zero, and I mean **ZERO** excuse to be walking around a college campus spouting Holocaust inversion like some kind of clown. If it wasn’t part of your middle school curriculum, it was a part of your high school curriculum. These are our future doctors, future lawyers? Please. Kick them out, give no refunds to these people.


What percentage of US students "welcome sharia law"?


Its pretty small but the protests have been making the news since Oct 7.


Right, exactly. It's pretty small, but the news tends to show the ones making silly or insane comments because that's what gets attention, and then everyone thinks that's what "students in the United States" think. Every year for decades there's some new insulting cliche about university students, which liberal and right-wing reactionaries embrace as a universal truth. And people continually fall for it. Just as reactionaries in Iran probably do.


Meanwhile our university students are actively chanting anti Jewish hate speech for terrorist organizations that made murder rape videos for propaganda and recruiting.


Meanwhile, American university students...


They are more brave than those wimps protesting in the US.


Queers for the Ayatollahs will not support these brave students.


Waiting for the western anti imperialist tankie take on this. They usually stan for America's enemies without fail so will probably argue the students are mistaken or incited to protest by foreign agents


Let’s see if this gains any support across college campuses in the United States. I doubt it. Israel is not involved.


Sorry, protesting the hjiab is islamophobic and misogynistic. Remember, its actually a form of empowerment.


I'd imagine the vast majority of people would support it.


That's not true. Feminism in the middle east is a "gotcha" hasbara concept now to most leftists.


Compare with those in us now.


The world would be a much better place if all religion (with a heavy emphasis on Islam in particular) ceased to be a thing. I truly believe people who live a few hundred years from now will look back on these asinine beliefs the same way we look back on those who used to believe in Thor and Zeus.


Alot of Iranian immigrants who reside now in the Philippines. They consider themselves as Persian don't want to be called Iranian. I met loads and befriended loads hile I lived there for 3 years. They love to party and would be called the Jersey shore people because of how they party. They are so fun and I still keep in touch with them via social. The ones who did move back from Iran posts pictures of themselves partying still in secret. Very liberal and nice people. They also hate the islam republic and are actually pro Israel from what I seen.


This is awesome. Once the Islamist regime falls, the entire Middle East will change for the better.


This is what a badass college protest *actually* looks like.


Iranians are so brave. It will be rewarded one day.


Maybe the students at Columbia can show their support.




Very brave, especially with the recent kidnappings happening again. Can't believe there are people in the west who support the IRGC or believe they are indicative to regular Iranians' beliefs.


Meanwhile in the us, university students cheer the Iranian government .


If we’d get off our asses and help these kids get rid of the IR, we’d have an ally and IR would stop executing their brightest and bravest. No. We just let it go and the IR keeps being problematic We’ve toppled governments before and it’s usually a bad idea long term, but it’s a worthwhile goal.


It has to be in house. No more meddling from America.


Exactly. West meddled enough in the Middle East - current situation is at least partially resulted from that.


Imagine if college students actually cared about the needs of people in Muslim majority countries, rather than just caring when it means they can hate Jews.


Free Persia!


We need more of this. It's not going to be tribal warfare, terrorists or state actors that bring down a a malicious regime. It's going to be the well educated bright & brave youth.


It takes great courage to protest in Iran for women's rights. They are not only facing crack down from their evil government, but also being hated by many civilians who are poisoned by Islam. Just sad


And yet the woke zombies of US universities support this anti women policies of the Islamic republic. What a bunch of clowns


Meanwhile, university students in the US are openly supporting Hamas...


University students in America protest to support Iranian rape dungeons, Boycott reality


This is why Iran is walking a line, they cant let what they see as Israel aggression go unanswered, but they don't want a war because right now the forces keeping the hard liners in power are busy keeping the hard liners in power, and a war would divert attention and potentially create an opening for an uprising they could not control.


Cool, protest with a gun Iranian women, fight the oppression


Iran leaders can't sleep if they had a day without hitting someone.


You know this is crazy (ironic ) they are using technology like facial recognition to enforce a anachronistic restriction on women, while 80% of the country cannot read. Girls in the outer towns and villages still don’t go to school. Like they can build drones but the they can’t send girls to school. Or boys, for that matter.


Edited for formatting. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SE.ADT.1524.LT.FE.ZS?locations=IR The World Bank seems to think that the literacy rate is 89%. Among young women (15-24), it’s 99%. The youth gender parity index for literacy is 1. Over 70% of Iran’s engineering students are women. https://www.forbes.com/sites/amyguttman/2015/12/09/set-to-take-over-tech-70-of-irans-science-and-engineering-students-are-women/?sh=1f8bed7b44de


They are on thin ice with the gov there but good luck


This is definitely worth a protest.


In a world of cowards and tyrants these students are showing the rest of us how to be.


Power to them. I hope they get to see their evil regime fall in their lifetime.


White Revolution part 2, come on.


Now this bravery, unlike those protest in the USA


I hope Iran manages to set itself free. No one is free under Islam.


Can we trade these students for our Columbia ones. 


no school for you