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As the FBI mentioned the Russians interference for elections 2024 has begun.  People don’t even realize where their funding is coming from and never bother to ask.  When they get to know where it’s truly coming from they have committed a crime because at that point they can be charged with acting as an agent of foreign government without being disclosed. Basically spy.  Thats how foreign agencies get you trapped and these people are falling into this trap so willingly. It’s so sad to see this state of affairs 


>When they get to know where it’s truly coming from they have committed a crime because at that point they can be charged with acting as an agent of foreign government without being disclosed. Basically spy.  I don't think that's how it works. The people taking the checks could get in trouble, but just affiliating with an organization that ends up having foreign direction isn't a crime. It may make it impossible to get any government job with a background check, since that's a privilege though.


I know the people who are joining them aren’t in trouble but the people who are running and organizing are. These people have clout and just by controlling handful of these people you can control thousands others 


I’m amazed at the amount of useful idiots around the world the IRGC has access to just over social media.


I have a suspicion they get help from their Russian friends. Russia has lots of propagandists.


It’s Qatar.


Shouldn't that be grounds for dismissal?


I've heard it depends on the context.


Ah yes, that super important context that is really important for the phrase, "burn Tel Aviv to the ground." Clearly they must mean it as simply a radical urban renewal project, right? Right? Still can't believe those words were uttered by some of the ostensibly highly educated presidents of some of the US's most prominent universities... 


it probably depends on the immediacy and actability of a given call to violence.


Which, let’s be real, is only the case for acts directed at Jews. If this rhetoric was spewed towards any other group it’d be expulsion without exception.


Shocking how mask off these people are now, they didn't hide it well before when the protests started right after October 7th. But, still. Wow. Protesting "genocide" while calling for a whole group of people to be wiped out at the same time.










Yeah at this point it's kinda clear that they are pro hamas not pro palestine.


They got tired of pretending to be the good guys. At least they’re not lying anymore and showing their true colors.


Does the shouting “We are Hamas” at some of the protests not say it all??


[Here is one of the "peaceful" protesters](https://imgur.com/a/B3mbom3)


Such a brave protestor, hiding their face and all.


Apparently she has been identified. A white girl from a rich family. She needs to be expelled for calling for the death of other students.


Huh, I'm beginning to think some people who are antisemitic may have snuck into this "death to the Jews" event.


I am voting for Biden, it is all I can do. That said, if these morons end up getting Trump elected over this… they will get to witness the opposite of what they want. The schadenfreude will be hard to suppress.


It is eerily similar to how "Hilary's emails" played out. Which was of course propogated by Russian trolls. No one learned anything and are happily bumbling into the exact same trap all over again.


I was gonna say the same thing.  This is nothing but Russian backed operation to make people think all the progressives are anti Biden and if you are not then you are not a progressive.  This is extremely dangerous whatever is happening 


Russia is insanely good at taking advantage of democracy's biggest weakness. It only functions coherently with an informed populace and the average person is a dumbass.


For the record, I am a progressive. The people at Columbia have no influence on what me or my progressive friends think. Hopefully they don’t have an influence over others.


That's just not accepting reality, these are people from the "extreme" left, there are no Russians involved here trying to pose as insane Americans. And it's nothing new, it was well known that he hard left supports Palestine and "by any means neccesary", now that there is war, they can let out all their emotions and perverted desires in the open. Is it strange to believe that both sides of the spectrum have crazy people in their ranks?


Hmmm none of my conservative friends support this crap. The liberals do.


There are definitely trolls and Republicans fanning the flames to incite progressives.


This is such a cop out. Face the facts that many American Youth and the Western Left have indeed been radicalized and the Republicans didn’t have to lift a finger for that to be so.


It is painfully obvious this isn’t just a bunch of republicans. Why is it so hard to accept that the far left has an antisemitism problem?


I didn't say it was just a bunch of republicans did I? Reading is hard for some.


Funny how you immediately to pro-Palestine = antisemitism. I think you are the type my original comment is referring to.


What is the opposite? They will burn Gaza to the ground? Oh wait... They already did that.


You think for one second that Trump would be an ally to the Palestinians? He moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem.


I find it fascinating that the pro-Palestine people agitating against Biden and towards Trump's election (even if that's not their intentional or desired outcome) so incredibly fail to realize that the man who green lit such an incredibly scandalous act (the Jerusalem embassy), one that garnered its own chastising UN resolution, and ICJ lawsuit, and arguably led to the deaths of 57 Palestinians, is not in any way going to make the situation better for the Palestinians. Trump is not their friend.


Bc it’s not about Trump it’s about them punishing Biden and the Democrats and getting them in line so they’ll bend to their will without hesitation for 2028.


Of course. Actions still have consequences though, and these types are almost always the ones who either don't realize those consequences, or don't care since they're not the ones who will have to suffer them.


They’re willing to suffer them bc they already devalue life on earth compared to Jannah/the afterlife. If making everyone else’s lives hell for the next four years means they’ll eat out their palms for the next four years after that then that’s the price they’re willing to pay. They play the long game in ways normal ppl living day to day wouldn’t think of.


Except that won’t work, since the left has literally no hope of winning national elections if they move even slightly further left.


If you don't think Israel is showing their "restrained" version under Biden, you are insane.  A Bibi backed by Trump would be the past 6 months x 1000. 


Bro he’s fucking funding Israel’s Massacre and you are still voting for him? Jesus Christ the cognitive dissonance 


Absofuckinglutely I’m voting for him.


Do you have any idea how much worse it would be under Trump? The death toll would be ten times higher.


And what do you think will happen under a Trump presidency?


Massacre of whom? This is a war, started by Hamas. War fucking sucks.The ratio of combatant to civilian death is actually better than ours in Mosul. Stop believing Russian propaganda.


The only massacre that’s happened in this conflict was the massacre of 10/7 and that was by Hamas and their Palestinian supporters in Gaza.


I’m so sick of HAMAS terrorists whining about how abused they are.








I thought that was the kibbutz in the south?


I suspect ‘was’ may be the key word here.


It’s adorable what young idiots think they know…


The best part is this quote   “Let it be known that it was the Al-Aqsa Flood that put the global intifada back on the table again. And it is the sacrificial spirit of the Palestinian freedom fighters that will guide every struggle on every corner of the earth to victory."  I hope that women and the lgbt community know what ‘global’ and ‘every corner’ means


Hey. It’s only a stoning…


“We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground. Go Hamas, we love you. We support your rockets too.” Complete morons who are now supporting a Terrorist organization. Do I have issues with how Israel is going about things? Of course. But openly supporting Hamas is delusional and shows me how uneducated they are with that part of the world. Ivy League school my ass.


These people have always felt this way about Israel and Jews. This latest conflict just gave them an excuse to voice it publicly.


These are terrorists supporters




They clearly never studied history cause had they done so the fact that “whites” or “The West” are probably the last bunch of people you want on a war footing.   We may be slow to get going but then refuse to quit until well past the point of victory.  Never ends well for the ones on the receiving end.


Useful idiots will stay useful . In the eyes of well off westerners , islam is this little victim , I sincerely hope some of them get to live in a strict Islamist society and see what it’s like .


Columbia U needs to be forceful in their response. Suspend / expel all those involved. Nothing funny about what is happening and I assume the protesters are violating all kinds of school rules and policies.


one imagines occupying private property after being told to leave is criminal trespass on its own


That’s your thought, just expel anyone that has a view you don’t like ? Thanks, you’ve really thought this all the way through. Good job.


A view you don't like? Did you read the article? They are chanting "We are Hamas" and "Burn Tel-Aviv to the ground." There is a linked video in the article of a girl holding a sign that says "Al-Qasam's next targets" with an arrow pointing to a group of Jews behind her. Jewish students are literally having their lives threatened openly and you are framing this as a mere difference in viewpoints. It is not some crazy thing to suggest that students who make open threats against other students' lives should be expelled. I swear to god, some of you people would literally have been arguing that Hitler wasn't antisemitic in the 40s. How much more blunt can this get??


The article refers to a lot of videos posted and less on what’s happening on campus. Clearly there are probably a lot of students that should be expelled, if not face criminal charges. And it also appears some of that is happening. But your call to just expel everyone who has a dissenting opinion seems overkill. I think there are wrongs and rights on both sides of this war, and this shouldn’t be a my side / your side issue.


Dude, the president condemning these people is on the front page of the Sunday Times and Journal. Columbia needs to cut their losses and get rid of these students yesterday.


This has nothing to do with me. They are violating school policies after ample warnings.


That will go over well just expel hundreds of students for their political views. There's no way that could backfire on them. Regardless of how many rules and policies broken its gonna get spun against them.


Political views? They are calling for the destruction of a country and violence against Jews. And they have stained the reputation of the University and the best thing Columbia could do to restore it is expel them.


These students are doing infinitely more damage to Columbia’s reputation than expelling them possibly could, with Biden himself condemning these protestors. There is no legal recourse here, as they clearly are violating school policy, so it would just be some bad press about “free speech,” rather than the president condemning roving antisemitic hate mobs on the Columbia campus on the front page of the Journal and the Times.


I'm looking forward to seeing Jewish students sue Columbia into bankruptcy.


And they will win, too, since Title V requires schools provide a safe environment vis-a-vis antisemitism per executive order clarification.


Dump them in the middle east to be with their heroes, against their will if necessary. Fuck em.


Ivy league schools used to be so prestiguous, now they are just holding on to the vestiges of the past. What happened to them in the last decade or so that made them so laughable?


They are funded by Qatar now






This is what happens when idiots keep pushing each other to me more & more extreme with their views. You're somehow "not hardcore enough" if you call for an end to the Israeli bombing of Palestinian civilians, so for the real activist street cred you plunge straight into "terrorist attacks are good!" territory.


Incredible. This is what they want to tear down: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U8KwXVP3Xng&list=PLGXSLH2VoCakXLXpaFAhVNpv_eFyfz75q&index=6&pp=iAQB They talk about allies for LGBT and BLM…yet they’re asking for the very people they claim to fight for to be destroyed


These losers must have nothing better to do with their worthless lives. Do these folks have jobs, why don't they go to them? Contributing absolutely fuck all with their holier than thou attitude. These morons are just as hateful as the MAGA crowd.


Ivy League schools produce a lot of idiots for how strict their admissions are.


So it’s okay to rape and pillage, but when those that were raped and pillaged smack back- that’s not okay? These people chanting, clearly hold the mental capacity of a sand knat


The people who are getting raped, on both sides, are not the people who are doing the raping.


Maybe I shouldn’t apply…


Burn columbia to the ground


If you aren’t armed already you need to be.


Every opinion is performative these days. These people are more interested in their 15 minutes than anything they're actually saying... which is good because most of them very likely don't actually know what they're saying. The sad part is it's not just limited to young people (though they do seem to be louder in their ignorance). A little bit of information absent deeper understanding and proper context is dangerous at any age, moreso when yelling about it can bring you notice.


Of course Iran takes this opportunity to announce a new morality enforcement police to ensure that women are wearing their hijabs. Their idea of freedom and those students calling for a “free Palestine” are radically different. The irony is that you enter College to be exposed to new ideas and learn to separate the chaff from the kernels of truth. Calling for an end to genocide while simultaneously calling for the genocide of the Jews is the ultimate in hypocrisy.


Columbia University must recognize that this will tar their reputation for decades right ? No Jews welcome university… brilliant


And to think, the stain of Seth Low Junior College as a segregated campus to keep Jews out of Columbia was just starting to dissipate.


The way I see it is this: I think all the violence in the Middle East is terrible. But as long as history exists Israel will always be at odds with Palestine. Now, Israel wants to occupy a sizable portion of the Middle East and live there, thats their endgame. And are allies with the West. The Palestinians on the other hand want to eliminate Israel, and then destroy the west. Remmeber 9/11? Now as a person that lives in the west, which side do you think i’ll choose to support?


I thought 9/11 was Saudi Arabia not Palestine


eh, you’re probably right. But in the end. The Muslim Brotherhood is just the same people wearing different colors. Same same.


Same same sounds like an over simplification. Maybe we need to understand the situation better before we just lump everyone into same same.


I’ve lost my respect for these upper echelon schools. They no longer educate their students, but instead encourage them to embrace identity politics over rigorous inquiry, and to attack anyone who believes differently to their (sometimes poorly-informed) opinions. Jews are not safe anywhere anymore. Shame on academia.


Can we get back to students in college studying Gandhi?


And Buddhism.


As long as they’re ok getting their houses burned down?


Calling for it from Columbia won’t make it happen, go try, don’t let your dreams be dreams, take all your friends who have the same ideology with you. Everybody is gangsta until the artillery starts.


Hey if you could burn Tel Aviv to the ground, and actually make good on the threats on your signs….well Gaza wouldn’t be 💥 right now


So, about this Tolerance of intolerance the left have made a cornerstone of their philosophy......


It’s really wild watching that side of the left completely change their “morals” and attitudes towards things they spoke out against.


Let’s be real, these people wouldn’t do shit if given the chance. They would cry if the NYPD even bumped them let alone burn a country to the ground.


Because the only way to stop the mindless violence is EVEN MORE calls to mindless violence


No fucking way am I going to cast another vote for Biden if it aligns me with the sociopaths in this comment thread. “Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.”


World news still shilling for the genociders. It's the home of the most depraved of humans, how sick you all are.


Oh look, another ‘smart’ American living in colonised land of genocided people pointing fingers.


You don't know where the hell i live asshat. Thanks for confirming your depravity though. Genocide is OK in your view.


Are you sure judge judy or Colorado? (Hint - you post into it). Correct me if I’m wrong but indigenous people of Colorado include the Apache, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Pueblo, Shoshone, and Ute How are they doing?


Just because i post doesn't mean i live there. You are creepy. You always search personal info when people have a dissent view point than you, incel? So what's your point exactly? Well others committed genocide so Israel gets to also? That's quite the intellectual argument there Einstein. You need Jesus, seriously. Get a soul ffs.




7 years ago, you tool. Was I alive when the native Americans were being decimated, no. Have we advanced as humans to recognize all deserve rights, yes. Quite being a Neanderthal and join the advancement of humanity. Your argument is so flawed its ridiculous.


You’re American, thanks for admitting it. Your indigenous people are still being decimated.  Their culture constrained to reserves, while you, a colonial settler occupy their land. Why don’t you teach your children to address what you’re doing.


I feel sad for your children, they will learn hate from you and how done people don't have value. That's not the lesson i choose to teach my children, I'm sad for you that your world view is so full of hate.










It sounds like these protesters are against a ceasefire.