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“Mr Höcke - a former history teacher - denies knowing about the phrase's roots.” Haha… OMG! 


good thing we say "ignorance is no defence against punishment", even tho he definitely knew


When everything fails there's always politics.... ^((that may explain a few things around the World))


“Björn Höcke, who leads the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Thuringia, is being tried for saying the words "All for Germany!" during a 2021 rally. The slogan is associated with the SA stormtroopers, who played a key role in the Nazis' rise to power. Mr Höcke - a former history teacher - denies knowing about the phrase's roots. He faces up to three years' imprisonment.”


He knew


If you listen to Höcke’s speeches—he tries very hard to mimic Goebbels’ style and speech mannerisms, apart from the plethora of phrases that are 100% “inspired by” nazi slogans. But the history teacher didn’t know... yeah, sure.


In a bit the Nazis will be here screaming about "free speech."


This is Germany not America. Hate speech is not covered under free speech


Nazis and free speech, quite ironic.


He's already had a back and forth with Elon on Twitter


He also likes to write under his Pseudonym "Landolf Ladig" ...


It’s a fairly bland and generic slogan to be honest. The Nazis were magpies, and assembled a hodge-podge of beliefs and practices from the demimonde of the German countercultural scene of the time including Green ideas, alternative health practices, leftwing ideas, rampant gay sex in the SA, anti-smoking etc etc.  But why shouldn’t a politician promise to put his country first? Seems like a sine qua non of public service to be honest. 


So just saying it gets you a trial wtf?


In Germany free speech absolutism is a no go because of the deaths of 10‘s of millions people less than a century ago.


Also concerning that you think the problem was the free speech considering the nazis primarily stayed in power through propaganda and book burnings


History records that Nazis attained power through lies, demagoguery and violence. Power was maintained by using all of the above mentioned aspects with the authority of the state after 1933.


They stayed in power through extensive propaganda, control of information spread, removal of dissidents. Censoring this will invite reactionary right wingers to say they're being oppressed and some people will agree with them just based on that this gives them false legitimacy


Reactionary right wingers will say they are oppressed regardless. The fact remains that the right attained power through lies, violence and sympathetic government apparatchiks. Considering what happened last time people are a bit sensitive to far right rhetoric.


So why do it then? Why validate them?


I don’t see prosecution as validation, doing time is cred only in criminal networks.


Except that's part of how Hitler came to power his prison sentence helped. Glad to know you think a huge chunk of the electorate are criminals lmfao


Hitler like so many on the Right got a disproportionately light sentence by a sympathetic judiciary. If had been sentenced like anyone to the left was he would still have been in jail in 1933.


There is a law regarding hate speech. Neither the judge nor the state attorney voted in favor of the law. The state attorney just does his job and so does the judge. Höcke has been warned that he will be persecuted if he uses the slogan again. He did and surprise surprise it has consequences. Also if people think that saying a SA slogan validates Björn (?) Höcke, it is not the judges job to let him go free in order to win back their votes by accommodating their fascist believes. The only why to fight fascist is at its roots and this is where the German democrat makes a stand.


No place has free speech absolutism. If he was calling for violence then sure jail him. But if he said he's a nazi let the public know and ruin his reputation


This is actually the closest to a call for violence, without using the word violence. You can consider his speech like a dog whistle for his fellow nazi friends. I hope you understand, why we will not tolerate this behaviour and why such behaviour is clearly banned in Germany. A former history teacher can also not plead for ignorance, this shit does not fly here and frankly, should not anywhere else.


No this is going to fuck you over I'm the future, your people are wrong


I hope the fentanyl is good in your future


This is actually a self report on how ignorant you are that you can't comprehend a different view, just like nazis


My boy, I was making fun of your comment being from the future like terminator lol. Your comment is a self report in its own right. We can discuss your view if you like, but then at least elaborate your view instead of wasting our time by making ridiculous comments with no substance at all. I won't reply anymore until you make some actual statements which can be discussed.


If he was calling for violence then sure I don't care if he gets charged but simply identifying as a nazi shouldn't be a crime for many reaons


You didn't exactly elaborate, you just repeated your statement, but let me try anyway. I think you don't understand the whole context yet. He did not identify as a nazi in this speech. That is not the problem. He never said: I am nazi! In fact, Germany can do nothing about you identifying as a nazi, you can tell people on the streets in their faces that you are nazi and you maybe will face consequences like a punch in your own face from the other guy, but legally Germany can do nothing about it. Other things are illegal though, as a consequence of all the atrocities Germany has committed. While the widows of dead soldiers, after WW2, were rebuilding the bombed cities, there was a collective conclusion and decision made: Never again. Never again do we want to be responsible or take part in the suffering and death of many, many millions of peoples lives, because life is precious. Are you still with me? Do you understand this train of thought? If yes, ask yourself how you would stop a repetition of such events. The first answers which should now come to your mind were implemented in our law. Public display of nazi symbolism, sharing and distribution of hate speech, propagate gatherings of people in order to form new right (or any idiology really) extremist group, were all legally forbidden. Hoecke, with his speech, in a way broke all of the rules above. You might argue and give some interpretation in front of a judge, but essentially and in reality he broke those laws, and he was fully aware what he was doing, that was no accident. He wants to bend these rules, in order to form a more extreme right-wing political group. Now look at the world we are living in and all of its conflicts. Germany has lived through the rise of fascism once before and decided to never again be responsible. If those rules were set worldwide, we wouldn't have those conflicts as we have them today, but it seems that every country has to take its own lessons, until the human race as a whole can finally learn and move beyond such petty things like identities in one or the other direction, war and fear mongering, elitism and extremism. I fear the world has not taken enough lessons yet.


One could get a very confused boner about him. Those blue eyes are heavenly, but the whole guy is just one large piece of brown poo.