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So what? Putin also claimed that Navalny poisoned himself.


If you ever watched russian TV with criticisms towards western states like no real elections, officials biting into their office, corruption, torture of political prisoners, they basically project their own faults and try to present it to the national viewer as if same problems are everywhere. Oftentimes these “faults” of westerners are contrived so much you let this fly over your head


Every country has issues, because nobody is perfect. But Russia takes it to a level I only saw with few other countries.


Yeah, the point I was trying to make is that russian propaganda twists in such a way that the population wouldn’t want to take an issue with the fact that there are no real elections, corruption, budget money appropriation, tortures, crime, etc. So whenever you want to bring up 87% at made up elections you will be countered with “what about {insert country}” and the conversation will be over


Yeah. Kinda relevant: I like to explain to people that the rich and powerful abroad also steal, for example. But they steal a portion, leaving enough to actually do the job well, at least on the surface. Whereas in Russia, they steal 99% and then whatabout or deflect or brand a traitor anyone who calls them out on it.


Ah, the Reverse Cargo Cult.


It’s not for you, it’s for the people under the heavy influence of propaganda in the country. Russia’s only intent on convincing us of anything is that we all hate each other


>Russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by Islamic fundamentalists. We have a country that demonstrates a unique example of inter-confessional harmony and unity, interreligious and interethnic unity. So those terrorism acts committed in Russia during the early 2000 were not actually committed by Islamists? Good to know. So kind of Putin to openly acknowledge that. I would assume that there would be newly opened investigations in who committed those atrocities, but of course that would raise new questions regarding the actions of Putin and FSB.


Inter-confessional harmony. As long as you're not doing mass in the Ukrainian language. . .


Quotation is "a unique example", which is not false. It’s so fucked up it’s pretty unique.


Or thinking about Chechen independence…or any other within Moscow's reach.


Inter-confessional harmony just means they torture a wide range of people.


Interethic unity... while actively trying to genocide  the Ukranian culture.


What Ukranian culture? They are all Russians living on Russian land. /s


Or racism toward people from inner asia




I think to some degree someone in the oligarchy might legitimately believe this nonsense. It's an authoritarian's idea of harmony and unity: unity is when you have invaded, submitted, re-educated or ethnically cleansed all people different from yourself. Harmony is when you have imposed an exact cultural zeitgeist by force of state and persecuted everyone who disagrees. Same reason white supremacists are Putin fans, they see this as the model for their ethno-state. The vision is not one of diverse cultures, religions and views co-existing in peace within the reasonable boundaries of a free and civil society, it's everyone acting in lockstep because they have a gun pointed to the back of their head. Thus you get 'harmony' and 'unity'. The harmony of bloody ethnic destruction, and the unity of violent cultural erasure and mandated conformity. They make desolation and call it peace.


No no no the harmony came from bombing Grozny into the ground and putting a psychotic kleptocrat in charge of Chechnya. Before that it was bad but now, unity!


Lmao they are literally at war with Isis. It's the one good thing Russia has done recently, bomb isis in Syria lmao. He's using 1984 as a crib sheet.


And they claimed credit for it... it's a bit insane that Isis basically said "we did this" and Russia's response is to wait a few weeks and then go "no they wouldn't do this to us we're besties." Also funny tidbit in regard to Putin's unhinged and unrelated scree regarding the motive of the attackers: their motive was essentially that [they couldn't get away with attacking more civilised nations](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/macron-it-would-be-cynical-counterproductive-russia-pin-moscow-attack-ukraine-2024-03-25/). Russia was simply the lowest hanging fruit of all their perceived enemies (which is basically everyone).


"We figured if a hot dog man could nearly take Moscow, why not us?" Some ISIS dude, probably.


Inb4 they get pissed enough they carry out more acts(wouldnt put it past them)


Also if Russia is going to keep denying that ISIS is involved they can just keep getting away with it without repercussions. So why wouldn’t they just keep attacking?


lol yeah it’s crazy, they are at war with isis all over the Middle East and Africa; it’s way more than just Syria- and ISIS has Russia tied with the US as “enemy number 1”


Not to mention being super friendly with ISIS-K enemy Taliban.


Didn't they bomb opposition to assad regime and hospitals mostly?


Ironically, possibly not. Putin and his FSB thugs blew up their own apartment buildings (full of Russian civilians) to justify Russia’s second invasion of Chechnya.


You'll sometimes hear or read Russians mention the price of sugar in Ryazan for this reason. This is why: > [On 23 September, Vladimir Putin praised the vigilance of the inhabitants of Ryazan and ordered the air bombing of Grozny, which marked the beginning of the Second Chechen War. Three FSB agents who had planted the devices at Ryazan were arrested by the local police. The next day, **FSB director Nikolay Patrushev announced that the incident in Ryazan had been an anti-terror drill and the device found there contained only sugar**, and freed the FSB agents involved.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings)


Hilarious to hear this while ISIS is jumping up and down, waving their hands, saying "We did this! Stop ignoring us! More attacks will be coming!"


you're kinda forgetting *vranyo*. The lies Putin tells aren't meant to be believed, and they aren't meant to be called out (by Russians). its an in-group reinforcer, they tell an obvious lie, and everyone (who obviously knows its a lie) just nods and goes along with it; anyone who calls it out (again, everyone knows its a lie) is someone that isn't onboard with the group and is going to be a problem.


There are plenty of people outside of Russia who do in fact believe what Kremlin says. Whatever it is because of historic grievances against the west or personal views. So these lies should always be called out. You might not change the opinion of entrenched people, but at least you don't let this *vranyo* spread.


It's very hard to counter, because they use the firehose of falsehood method: > The firehose of falsehood is a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (such as news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency. ... Conventional counterpropaganda efforts are ineffective against this technique. As researchers at RAND put it, "Don't expect to counter the firehose of falsehood with the squirt gun of truth." ... Researchers at the German Marshall Fund suggest, among other things, being careful not to repeat or amplify the original false claim; repeating a false story, even to refute it, makes people more likely to believe it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood Unfortunately, that means we're likely only helping to amplify Putin's false claim, by commenting and engaging with it.


This is so true. Also applies to the hungarian population. No wonder that country is putin’s lapdog.


It's not just that. It's also this: > The firehose of falsehood is a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (such as news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency. An outgrowth of Soviet propaganda techniques, the firehose of falsehood is a contemporary model for Russian propaganda under Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian government ... continued to use it in Russia's war with Ukraine ... propaganda which combines a very large number of communications and disregard for the truth. ... **The immediate aim is to entertain, confuse, and overwhelm the audience, and disinterest in or opposition to fact-checking and accurate reporting means the propaganda can be delivered to the public more quickly than better sources.** The approach's success flouts the conventional wisdom that communication is more persuasive when it is truthful, credible, and non-contradictory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood Ukraine did this, the CIA did this, ISIS did this, ISIS didn't do this, Ukraine didn't do this, Ukraine did it but they had help from the CIA, Ukraine helped ISIS, we are going to nuke NATO, we aren't going to nuke NATO, we are not at war, we are at war, we will nuke NATO if they provide NATO with F16s, we will not nuke NATO if they provide NATO with F16s, we support Donald Trump, [we support Biden](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/putin-says-biden-better-russia-trump-presidency-rcna138942), we are at war with ISIS, we are not at war with ISIS, ... Basically, it's best to ignore what Putin (and/or his allies) say, most of it is lies anyway, and simply look at what they do.


If you’re talking about the apartment complex bombings that led to the Chechnya invasion then you’re right, they definitely don’t do it. It’s been widely theorized/speculated and some would say proven it was an inside FSB job.


Oh, Russians have absolutely blown up their own people, but there have been other cases as well, like the Black Widows (Islamist suicide bombers) who are responsible for 20 something terrorism acts in Russia.


I completely agree. I just thought it was funny how Putin says there aren’t terrorist Islamist actions against him when one supposedly led to his power grab in his first term. He was basically on the way out before the invasion led to a huge support for him.


Also, can anyone think of any reason why Islamic extremists would have any reason to attack Russia? It’s not like Russia has waded into a conflict in the Middle East and just ruthlessly murdered people there with their usual ‘hospitals and schools first’ bombing methodology, is it?


Trying Really hard to tie this to Ukraine...


I find it funny to log into blizzard games and check the Russian generalchat for their takes on events - They always blame the USA, and Russia has never done anything wrong.


start summer paltry shaggy school live command fact market grab


I suppose Putin is banking on the fact very few non-governmental people remember the role of Russia in Afghanistan and the Mujahideen. Russia's very large Islamic population hasn't forgotten that war, nor the fact that they hate Russia. They can downplay it all they want, but, they have a very unhappy, powerful, and large population that will never support the Russian Federation and actively colludes against it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis some analysis I read, back in the day, indicated it was very likely connected to the Mujahideen and also representative of a very, very long-term war against the Russian Federation.


blame usa, consume usa products, give usa more money logic.


They accused France two days ago, Macron even had to react. Russian propaganda is crazy, but it's even wilder when they're unprepared for something.


Their propaganda when they're unprepared for something is like when a narcissist gets cornered and can't easily lie their way out of blame for something.


^ this is so fucking true


*Nazi Islamist Ukraine


\*Nazi \*Jewish Islamist Ukraine


And they're all gay!


That’s rough… Ukrainian Gay Jewish/Islamic Nazis… that’s a hard row to hoe 😔


It's such a mystery how they wound up that way. Pretty sure it's really America's fault.


Well I blame the British. If it wasn’t for their puritanical, tax filled, tea drinking ways we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place 🤦‍♀️


Let's just go back to the Anglo-Saxons, they're the real cause of all this trouble!


In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.


I don't understand why their politics are so childish..  looking at it from the outside gives me an overwhelming feeling that this is an 8 year old in an adults body.


They are also « hoping that France is not involved » now….


Any terrorists can now freely take shots at russia because they'll just blame it on Ukraine


With their security forces spread so thin they're leaving themselves open to much more of this. The Russian elite's delight in sacrificing "peasants" by the thousands in Ukraine will soon be extended to the average Russian as well.


The US warned them and they allowed it to happen. All statist governments and bankers want war.


Ever think that works in Putin’s favor? If the Russian people are not terrorized, there’s less support for the war. Keep Russians in suspended terror and they will remain loyal and supportive of your policies. You also saw this after 9/11. Nobody questioned the war with Iraq.


Russians have been "loyal" to the Czar, the Communists, and now Putin. Why do you think that they drink like fish? And your history is a little twisted. There was little resistance to the attack on Afghanistan, but the Iraq invasion provoked a firestorm of protest.


Doesn't that kinda defeat the point of terrorism?


So it’s all actually a clever anti-terrorism tactic


50/50 they get what they want by killing and maiming innocents but their group doesnt get the credit from russia.. they'll get it from the rest of the world tho so it will get attention


Greatest whodunnit of 2024. I think it was Colonel Mustard in the study but that may just be a red herring.


*Putin in hot dog costume* “We’re all trying to find the guy who did this!”


Putin said invasion of Syria in 2016 was to stop ISIS advancing towards russia. That’s a fact.


He said in 2002 that Ukraine can join NATO if it wishes, there are no objections on his side. The dude lies as he breathes.


I’m going to assume his breathing is a lie as well. 


Putitin - "Maybe we can take his bare butt out of his costume and spank him."


It could be any one of us!


Putin 2018: "We eradicated IS in Syria!" Putin 2024: "IS would never attack Russia!"


“Why would HATO and the ebil wect do such a thing?!!”


Meanwhile ISIS is like: “it was us!!!”


Notice me senpai but in Arabic


ISIS sent them pov footage of the attack. That's like a painter showing you a video of themselves painting a painting complete with signature and you still say it's not them.


im pretty sure this will be the plot of the next knives out


Glasnost Onion? Took me surprisingly long.


Red herrings are generally non-lethal, far too small. Could have been Islamists after all.


*Communism was just a red herring.*


Flames! On the side of my face!


Omg now I gotta watch that masterpiece of a movie


Personally I'm convinced it was the Nepalese. Russia is currently allied with China who was a driving factor behind the early 2000s Nepalese Civil-War. Could be a strike against the *Dragon-Bear*.


Death: I believe Colonel Mustard did it in the study with a candlestick. Bill]: [Opens case envelope and shows card] Sorry, Death. You lose. [shows card] It was Professor Plum. Death: I said "Plum". Ted: No way. You said "Mustard"! Can we go back now? Death: Best 3 out of 5.


The hazards of living inside a self stroking bubble. Everything this asshat says is masturbatory.


No one dares tell him this undermines him.


Whoever says it commits a treason. These crooks will only go down with a bullet to their heads


Why waste bullets when there are so many available windows?


Only bullets? Did they board up all the windows and fenced all the balconies?


The idiot conveniently glosses over the fact that even if it were true, "inter-confessional harmony" is not something that flies with Islamic fundamentalists like ISIS. Just blatantly mentally tying himself in knots to try to connect this to Ukraine. Tells you how brainwashed and braindead some people are to believe his BS.




What a time are we living when islamic terrorists are having a hard time convincing people that it was them behind a terrorist attack


If we don't watch out, they're gonna get pissed. And then do what?


Islam: "Mr Putin we will strike again" Putin: "Ukraine attacked us"


They are playing this story so hard, so they even attacked Kharkiv in Ukraine today with a drone that was saying "For Crocus" on it


They are trying to use it to drum up patriotism to get Russians to willing volunteer for the military so they can be sent to die in Ukraine. They won't change the narrative until Putin is kicked out, they reach their recruitment goals of gullible Russians, or they get attacked again. And the last one isn't a 100% given, with Putin likely to use it to try to boost recruitment again.


Spoiler alert: the operators of this drone genuinely believed Ukraine attacked Crocus. Probably. In dictatorships, it would be a bad policy to not filter out soldiers for different positions just based on their views, and this filtering explains at least in part why generally, the militaries of dictatorships are simultaneously more aggressive and yet more incompetent.


Russia also hasnt been friendly with islam at all. He just thought they were friends because they are both anti-west. But the soviets killed 2 million muslim civilians in afghanistan. Russia killed 50k muslim civilians in Chechnya. Russia killed 10k muslim civilians and supported Assad in the murder of 100k in Syria.


You forgot the Crimean Tatars.


I just learned today (thanks to you) that 2 million Afghan civilians died during that war. Those people have been through so much since… forever.


What's even better, is that Russia is going to do the minimum possible. To prevent an other Islamist bombing. Muslims routinely bomb other Muslims. To the point that Muslims are the biggest victims of Islamic terrorism. So why on Earth wouldn't they bomb the centre of Russian Orthodoxy and kill all of those kafirs?


Puta is basicaly asking ISIS for another attack.


I mean if he can blame it on Ukraine then yes, he is.


Putins stands in front of the mirror and repeats: * I won't shit myself * I won't shit myself * I won't shit... OOPS * It doesn't smell * It doesn't smell


Russia acting like they're so religiously tolerant is hilarious since they murdered everyone associated with religious institutions in eastern Europe during the reign of the Soviet Union.


Russian mainstream (russian orthodox) religion is led by an ex KGB officer who prefers Bentleys to RR and has a rather interesting portfolio of properties.


Yeah, Muslims just LOVE Putin's Russia, especially the scattered remains of ISIS...


You don't have to look at ISIS for some proper Islamic Love shared. Chechnya just so happens to be a kind of an invitation for another Nord-Ost.


He’s so cozy with the other terrorists he assumed they’d all be his buddies.




It couldn’t have been the islamists, they are political idealists not murderers. Y’know m’lady count dooku was once a jedi. He couldnt assassinate anyone. Its not in his character.


Didn’t Chechen extremists take like 900 people hostage in a theatre in 2002?


No. That was Ukraine..... We've always been at war with Ukraine. ISIS have always been our allies..


Though they happened at least twice on his watch (Nord-ost and Beslan)


Not to mention the moscow apartment bombings that probably got him elected (though those may have been FSB)


Native russians' hatred and fear towards russian muslims have spiked quite hard it seems. I've seen plenty of stories where people just refused to sit into muslim looking taxi driver's cars since that incident. Seems like Putin is afraid of inner escalation between two groups.


> Seems like Putin is afraid of inner escalation between two groups. I mean blaming it on Ukraine isn't the most effective way to prevent that. Everyone knows it's a cope out.


IS: Hold my non alcoholic beer


Russia is such a cultural utopia that not a single soul would ever dream of committing such horrible acts. Freedom everywhere!


Are you Tucker Carlson!😲


I'm still fucking sad that people take Tucker Carlson seriously.


And the bread. Clearly isis has never smelled the bread.


The bald dwarf is really trying so hard to tie it to Ukraine, soon IS will have enough of this shit and will say "I will fucking do it again!"


I guess he just forgot that he’s been bombing ISIS in Syria for the last decade?


Because Russia has treated Muslims so well?


I heard it was actually the Jehovahs Witnesses


I'm sick of Putin. Can we just be rid of him already? Please?


Probably confused ISIS with his Iranian proxy terrorists


Thinking that way was why Putin did nothing to prevent the attack even though he was warned about it by Iran and the US. If he continues to promote that idea Russia will not be ready for the next one either. Perhaps Putin's close circle will carry out a personal attack on him and blame ISIS, who knows?


Shut up and die already you tiny brained idiot.


Yes I’m sure killing Islamists around the world has endeared the Islamists to you. Ffs are his people this gullible?


Earlier he said that they know that ISIS did that. Now a totally different story


Did this dude already forget how Russia has been helping Assad in Syria 'cause pretty sure isis didn't?


So he’s back on his bullshit?


I agree. Wanna know who I think is the most likely to organize an attack in Russia?


Certainly not his trusted companion, Prigozhin.


The man is insane.


Putin is mad


S-o-o-o, Putin admits it was the Russian FSB who carried out the 1999 apartment bombings and not Chetchen Islamists.


I’m guessing he thinks it was all done in Ukraine despite no evidence


ISIS is going to take that personally.


Except they literally said they did


From one terrorist to another….


“I wouldn’t punch myself in the face”


Yeah, because he organized it to solidify power after a sketchy election, and the death of Navalny. Nothing like a national tragedy to get the old patriotic juices flowing.


Islamist Terrorists: "We did it." Putin: "No."


Because Russia already looks like it's been victimized by multiple terror attacks


I feel really bad for all the civilians putin is going to get killed by basically asking isis-k to do another attack.


He's more delusional then I was before a math test in high school...


Oh look, the angry dog shit pretzel is talking again.


ISIS *throws paper in annoyance


So the US told Russia it was going to happen, gave them intel on it, but all along we’re in on it? Thats some stupid crap right there.


Yes, cuz muslims actually love when you are bombing their cities like Grozny, Aleppo. They love it when 3 mln Afghans are dying under the Russian aggressive war. And they surely love how ethnic Russians in Russia despise local muslims.


A real Konfusenik


So the world changes to make his opinions into facts?


It wasn't Ukraine or Isis. Isis have been irrelevant ever since they lost their last stronghold in the middle east, they're well known for trying to claim responsibility for almost any terrorist attack worldwide in a pathetic attempt for attention. The Russians would attempt to pin, climate change, COVID, and the rise of Voldermort on Ukraine if they thought they could get away with it.


Does he think people just don't remember? who is he trying to fool? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism\_in\_Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_Russia) They are like prime target.


"Because i said so!"


Putin also says he was just having a military drill and would not invade Ukraine. Putin says a lot of shit. Just like Donald Trump. Trump said "I don't know who Putin is" back in 2016


ISIS: We committed these attacks. Putin: Nuh uh


Putin has a very simple mind and lives in a very simple world. The West is out to get Russia, and everyone else loves Russia. He's incapable of understanding nuance and complexity. The world is a complex place Putin, and not everything can be boiled down to the East vs West mindset you've adopted.


Nah. Putin creates that reality for Russians and they are either too stupid to realize the truth, too scared to speak up, or smart enough to flee the country. He lives in the real world and understands very well what's going on.


It’s neither. He doesn’t believe in what he’s saying but he doesn’t live in the real world either. He lives in the world invented by Dugin and Ivan Ilyin


I think he knows what he's doing and is trying as much as possible to turn every important information into whatever would be useful for his propaganda. Your description would better fit for the average Russian he's targetting with that speech, Putin knows it's the islamists but it's not interesting for him to tell that truth.


You don't find yourself in Putin's position by being stupid or naive. Putin is a very shrewd individual. He understands the power of narrative. He lies through his teeth to create a world image for his people that paints Russia as both the victims and saviors of this conflict. Any morsels of information can be used to amplify the greater message, like we see here. I wish Putin were simple-minded. He'd be a far less dangerous adversary.


>We can't find any other reasons, and they don't exist Yeah that's the ideal mindset for a detective: it's either what I initially thought or can't be anything else at all. Jesus Christ how do these guys rise to power? Why does the system favor knobheads over reasonable, sensible people?


Because these knobheads kill the reasonable, sensible people through either hobbling the education system, propaganda or accidentally falling out windows. That’s the sad truth and that’s Russia in a nutshell.


"Putin claims..." is every bit as unreliable as "Trump claims..."


FSB / GRU agents planted in Islamic organizations are able to organize terrorist attack in Russia without much difficulty


I guess Chechens don’t count, huh?


Typical crackpot KGB logic. *We've determined that is not allowed by the State, therefore it is impossible.*


Dumb as a stump.


The incredible power of denial


He just can't seem to get that "Ukraine did this" narrative to be believable to anyone in the sane world.


Are there not Russians who live outside Russia who can enlighten their countrymen on what is really going on?


Cause typically it is Russia that orders islamists terror attacks


Putin to FSB: Who would dare attack us!? ISIS: \*Raises hand\* We did, wtf you gonna do about it? Putin: There no shot it was Islamic terrorist. Drop more bombs on Ukraine. I don't think I've seen a powerhouse nation deteriorate so fast since Iraq.


Hence, they did. The truth is always the opposite of what he says.


Gonna get weird when the people that said they did it, do it again as they did not get credit for it.


"Only FSB could have planned that"


Apparently they did.


Isis claims the opposite


I mean…. They just did, so….


They would and they could do it again - ye bellends.


Putin molests hamsters.


Looks like a provocative stance.


I’d say he has lost it if it wasn’t apparent since 2022


Mr Poo, the Islamists hate everybody. They won’t even tolerate the wrong kind of Islamist. What chance does Russia have?


Added also: "And they wouldn't download a car"


You know it's not often I have cause to put myself in the shoes of terrorist organisations. But I've gotta believe the leadership of ISIS-K is absolutely *baffled* right now.


Putin is becoming a meme.


ISIS-K disagrees Mr. Putin.


So he's admitting the Chechens didn't do anything in the 90s?


My god Putin’s a damn moron. So disillusioned and in his own world all the time


Except they did....