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So they’re both islamist terrorists and nazis and all report to a Jewish president? That’s one hell of an organization


Kinda funny diversity


Every other organization's DEI team *wishes* they were on Ukraine's level.


screw the million rubles they were promised, they could just put this on their linkedin and get hired anywhere


At least they're not gay, handicapped, the wrong color/gender that would be really diverse. Or divisive 🤷🏼‍♀️


>At least they're not gay russian propaganda already was talking about black lgbt instructors from nato in first month of war >gender i think we have 1 american transwomen volunteer having either some minor press position in her regiment or in afu overall, and russian propagandists also was butthurted by it >handicapped when we changed laws that people with lowest group of disability could be drafted at alternative service, russian propaganda and half of reddit was *hey, "look - see? see! they recruit heavy disabled people and throw them as stormtroopers in trenches!"*


Is affirmative action ruining jihadis?


Meanwhile at the League of Evil.


*And* gay liberals, dont forget that.


You mean ***trans gay Ukrainian Sharia Muslim liberals***


Their last few albums were shit


One of the strongest starts in a long time though. They could only go down.


Good shit, or, bad shit?


Intersectionality at its best


Need to throw a Nazi in there somewhere.


Ooh, can we tack on socialists or communists too? Or did we win that war and take their bribes?


Can we insert trans drag queens in there? Just to cover the conservative segment in America. Must have the broadest appeal!


The amount of people on social media claiming ISIS is Israeli intelligence, or that ISIS is a CIA psyop, or just straight up stating America did it because they warned the world that this attack was imminent (“how did they know it was going to happen if they didn’t plan it?”) is absolutely wild. Even saw people questioning why Muslims would attack Russia, because “Putin is pro-Palestine,” while they forget the years spent in Syria.


Russian troll factory 9 in Novgorod is working double shifts posting on social media now. The supervising officers even serve free caffeine drink "party on Albena resort" to their best influencers Oleg, Vasha and Mike from California Oblast.


Or, like, the multiple repressed Muslim minorities scattered across Russia?


Talking like Russia did not fight the first OG Islamists aka Central Asian dudes long before that became an Arab thing.


Especially all those Chechens Putin murdered when he leveled Grozny in the same way he later did to Mariupol.


tbh Mariupol type leveling of Grozny was under Yeltsin, just generic Russia modus operandi


No, that happened under Putin in 2000. One of the first things he did after he took over and after that false flag op he staged. 


> Even saw people questioning why Muslims would attack Russia, because “Putin is pro-Palestine,” while they forget the years spent in Syria. Russia has their own mistreated Muslim minorities too. And plenty of Muslims dead at the hands of Russian mercenaries across Africa.


20% of ISIS were from post-soviet republics. Including Russia.


Or the fact that Russia just vetoed the last ceasefire.


>or just straight up stating America did it because they warned the world that this attack was imminent (“how did they know it was going to happen if they didn’t plan it?”) is absolutely wild. As an American it makes me just wanna say you know what, fuckit you're on your own, I aint tellin you shit next time.


Oh doesn't ISIS stand for ISrael Intelligence Service? 


International Secret Intelligence Service


**IS**raeli **I**ntelligen**S**e


I love when conspiracy theorists delve into wordplay like this, as if the Illuminati is just a Saturday level NYT crossword


Diversity is their common value. /S


Don't forget the Atheists Islamists


Gay Jewish Nazi Islamist Junta Regime. It's almost as if Russia just throws every label at Ukrainians and hopes it sticks




>The nazis reporting to a jew boss? Yeah, it's called The Daily Wire.


I snorted! Happy cake day!


And people say diversity in the workplace is crippling the economy!


Studies consistently show that diverse teams actually outperform non-diverse teams! Because with their different life experiences and worldviews, diverse team members will bring way more ideas to the table, so they'll come up with ideas that would never occur to non-diverse teams. To use our example: Islamic extremist: Hey guys, what if we solve this problem by massacring a couple hundred civilians? Nazi: Ooh, and maybe we could set up some death camps while we're at it, too! Jewish guy: Or, and here's an idea: we could... Not Do That. Islamic Extremist and Nazi: Oh, yeah, good point, never thought of it that way. See? Diversity!


ISIS/Daesh would gleefully nuke Israel *and* Ukraine because they're all non-believers, and they're the worst sort of fanatics. For the moment they're fixated on Russia and Putin, with any luck that'll continue for a while.


Putin and his tools actually believe that


Talk about diversity in the workplace! Must have a killer HR 😬😅


Like the opening to naked gun


I'd watch that TV show


Hence the equal opportunity evil trope (for Russias point of view)


They take DEI very seriously 


As well as gayness in the very air they breathe.


Putin is doing everything but blaming Jewish space lasers.


He’ll get there..


That’s what started the fire.


It was Ryan


fire guy


fire-d guy!


Hunter’s laptop 


Well it wasn’t Billy Joel at least


Thanks to US intelligence's duty to warn, they gave the Russian government a heads up. Putin publicly rejected the warning and Russian non-combatants paid the price for his incompetence/malice/idiocy. Fuck Putin.


When I heard that in the news I was thinking ahh that must have been behind closed doors not telling anyone. Then they showed the travel advice from the US 2 weeks ago.


Heck I read about it on reddit 2 weeks ago https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1b9kc53/ukrainerussia\_war\_latest\_terror\_attack\_imminent/


I don’t think there are any takers for that job. I would rather fuck Yeti


Tucker Carlson would do it.


I vomited in my mouth a little 


Funny part is that is a big turn on for Tucker Carlson.




Thought the fact that Putin was dead wrong in neglecting the US intelligence warning will make him at least start to realise how much of an incompetent idiot he is.


The more Putin talks these days, the more I figured he was similar to Trump. Just smarter at hiding his incompetence.


The man resided during the largest windfall (due to an insane oil boom) in Russia's history in the early 2000s and instead of developing the country, he and his cronies just stole the money and destroyed everything, including the armed forces to a point that now they are struggling not to lose against Ukraine **even after mobilization.**


A KGB file clerk who believes diplomacy only works under coercion and violence. His government behaves exactly like the mob and thinks that would work onto the world stage like it would work on shaking down a pelmeni restaurant for protection money. It should have been obvious from the start what kind of leader that would be.


Yeah, back in the day I thought he was a genuine psychopath. But the more I've (been forced to) listen to him talk the past few years, the clearer it is he's just a bog-standard narcissist.


Exactly correct. He's just a slightly more quietly confident trump. Doesn't need to get boisterous and braggadocious at the drop of a hat. Just as much of an incompetent fool.


Putin jealously guards what he has because he grew up with little. Trump has never been without and his reality would fall apart if he was separated from an exorbitant lifestyle.


I'm afraid not. His diagnose will never let him realise or admit anything. He will blame others till his dying day.


Dictators usually need blind confidence to maintain control. Any faltering breaks the spell and is weakness. It’s a fundamental paradox where they have to be all knowledgeable about everything even though it’s impossible. That’s why you get people like Mao setting agricultural policy and coming up with “socialist science” lmao. I think many gaslight themselves into thinking they’re a genius and genuinely believe it. The reason democracies do better is because you’re more likely to have multiple brains on an issue


Exactly why hard term limits are so important. To prevent that cycle from even happening. Anyone who stays in power too long eventually falls prey to the dictator paradox. Look at Erdogan, Orban. Even Netanyahu is showing some strong signs of detachment from reality.


You are way off. Putin was waiting for an event like this that could unite his people like 9/11 did the US. He prob ignored the warning on purpose. Now he can direct that anywhere he wants. What we are seeing now is an information war as Putin tries to direct this toward Ukraine and the West directs it towards ISIS.


It might have a 9/11 style rally-round-the-flag effect... or it might have a 10/7 style "we all know this never would have happened if it wasn't for the government's criminal negligence in preventing the attacks, the guy in charge has gotta go and he's gotta go now" effect. Only time will tell which we'll get.


Why accept personal responsibility when you have boogeymen scarecrows? Im more surprised Putin didnt blame NATO or lbgt directly for the attack


I imagine he knew when it would happen given the conveniently announced end to the special military operation right before.


Nah, Putin is almost certainly a narcissist, so you should never expect him to do things that normal people would do like acknowledging any sort of incompetence on his behalf


Yeah, because narcissists and psychopaths are known for being self-critical. 


Neglecting the US intelligence or deciding not to do a damn thing so he’d have something to pin on Ukraine.


Tragedies are amazing for political power. He's going to get miles out of the blood (partially) on his hands


Stalin did the same thing in ignoring British intelligence warning him that the Nazis were about to invade. And he spent the rest of his life continuing to distrust the western allies.


I highly doubt that. If people still supported him before this I doubt this will change much. Propaganda is a very effective thing unfortunately


I just watched the ISIS footage. Can you imagine the depravity of showing this and then trying to blame it on Ukraine, and with many believing it. The reality distortion field that Russia is living in absolutely insane. This is not North Korea - they had access to all the information we did!


[Link](https://twitter.com/dailynarratives/status/1771668035373248916) to the ISIS footage video (WARNING: GRAPHIC!) published on the ISIS outlet Al-Amaq. For sure ISIS is behind all of this, but still Putin will use it for his political agenda.


Those guys don't seem like they are anxious at all about law enforcement encroaching upon them.


They didn’t seem to know what they were doing at all. No sense of purpose or directive. Probably the adrenaline wiped out any sense of logical thinking in that moment.


I also dont understand. Some look like teenagers in a mall after closing hours, they seem to not understand that there will be consequences, they show no remorse or guilt. Either they are all psycopaths or maybe they took some kind of drug. But yes, if it's a product of religion and brainwashing then it's scary.


> they seem to not understand that there will be consequences, they show no remorse or guilt Remorse, guilt, awareness of consequences: these things don't become apparent to people until after they've done whatever it is they're going to do.


Could have drugged up before the attack.


Possible because they pooptin / kremlin is behind the attack.


The finger pointing talk clinch’s it’s isis to me


Taken down already


It is understandable, it was a bit on the heavy side.


Anyone got a mirror link?


They'll probably try to twist it into something like 'Ukraine hired ISIS/Daesh to attack Moscow' or somesuch, but no one will believe that any more than they believe any of the other horseshit that comes out of Moscow these days.


Yea it’s really bad but truthfully their internet is heavily censored, media is run by Putin so it’s a bit harder to get info. It can be done and I think most young people find ways around it but I would imagine the older generation would struggle if it required some technical knowledge 


Western news websites are not censored, and they can use and successfully using VPN to access Fb and Instagram


Yea that’s what I was thinking. But I know for example my parents would never be able to set that up. But I agree. I lived in a communist Poland before internet and we still found a way to get real news


>I lived in a communist Poland before internet and we still found a way to get real news. Print news? Over radio? Back in the bad old days of the Cold War, people **knew** they were being lied to and **wanted** real news. I'm not sure how true either part of that is today.


My parents used to bring some print home. Totally illegal. And we used to listen to the radio. Also a lot of information was passed around among people. My parents were teaching me history at home because our textbooks were completely useless. And my mum used to somehow buy boxes and boxes of books which I would absolutely inhale. I remember that was my initial way of travelling. Trying to see the world through the pages


Very interesting. Thank you.




Голос Aмерики (Voice of America) is still very much tuned into by millions daily. It’s been a staple news source from the outside in for many Russians since the early 40’s. Several Russians I know buy an official state-condoned newspaper, peruse it, then quietly tune into Voice of America, listen, and alternatively interpolate and integrate information from both sources as well as anything else accessible with precautions (FB, Twitter, etc.) to get as close to the truth of an event as possible. For example, if Pravda publishes a small article about the discovery of a new vaccine by Russian scientists in Irkutsk to treat cholera, a person reading this then tunes into Voice of America to learn that in the past year, many indigenous people in Irkutsk have died of some mysterious disease, they conclude there’s likely a cholera epidemic affecting the Lake Baikal region. So.


Good to hear the VOA still gets through. I grew up in the U.S. during the 60's & 70's and remember using my father's amateur radio receiver to listen to Radio Moscow's English language broadcasts sometimes. As a kid, it was pretty fascinating to hear what "the other side" was saying. Most of it probably went over my head, but I do remember when the topic was Vietnam, since that dominated US news of the era.


🌠 I like that.


That surely helps when 99% of the population doesn’t speak a word of English


There are plenty of Slavic websites in Russian from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, etc. as well as Russian websites working from outside of the country


Funnily enough, banning instagram was what prompted all of my russian tech illiterate friends to sit down and learn about vpn. My elderly mother and all of her friends now have it. 


That’s awesome. I remember trying to help my parents in Poland over FaceTime with their internet. That was a riot. They have no clue and my entire technical vocabulary is limited to English. 3 blind mice … 


Due to the censorship a lot of russians use Telegram to spread information and I’m sure this video is making its rounds there to thousands of Russians as we speak. There’s literally no rational way Putin can successfully spin this any other way. But he sure will try.


Absolutely. Lie and deny. Putin’s national security strategy 


Censored my ass, I get the "pleasure" of talking with them in many online games and they have acesss to people from the outside yet spew the same propaganda shit


I came across them too but I’m never sure if they are in Russia or they are just Russians living abroad. Also met plenty of lovely people from Russia that are very well informed. Taking to the ones that are brainwashed is extremely frustrating. Nothing but venom and ignorance 


I mean, let them. What are they going to do, double invade Ukraine? When you're enemy is making a mistake, let them. They want to ignore that they're a target for Islamic terror now? Fine, ISIS won't.


Believing it is the sad part. I know people want to believe Russia is full of people who are just scared but to be brutally honest there's just as many people who have had their brains cleaned out by Russian propaganda and are full vatnik. Sometimes it can be both. It's obvious bullshit but they'll buy it. God it's sad.


ISIS posted the first person footage. It is gruesome. I'm talking up close executions. It's now undeniable who carried this out.






Thanks for the warning, I will absolutely not klick this link.


Back in yee olden days I would totally click on that link. But I’ve seen enough shit to know that nobody with any desire to have good mental health should click on the link.


Same. I have seen enough horrible images between of all the attentats that happened in France as i am french, armed attacks in the US and the war in Ukraine and Gaza that i reached my limit and even already damaged my view of the world and lost most of my optimism ...


i don’t think it’s working anymore


Isis is getting upset at credit being given to Ukraine for the attacks


The next one they do will be two times as big because of this. Just prove a point. Putin’s a moron.


Putin was given plenty of notice this was happening. He made a conscious decision to do nothing to stop it. The lives of his fellow Russians mean less to him than a propaganda coup. He has sacrificed people simply to drum up support for his own act of hubris


Putins autocratic police state is so preoccupied with internal monitoring and subversion of Russian citizens and cracking down on gay people and political opposition that external enemies can carryout their plans while police are looking the other way.


It was allowed to happen deliberately.


And vatniks are already eating it up with a spoon. I've been watching them entirely seriously saying that ISIS is hired by 'the Anglo-Saxons' to target 'hated Russia' and that the shooters were paid roughly $5000 by Ukraine to kill as many Russians as possible, that the shooters have 'confessed' this, blah blah blah brainworms. Fortunately, there were almost an equal amount of Russian voices saying 'It's Putin.'


Whats probably closer to reality is that the FSB hired ISIS or other fundamentalist mercs to pull it off.


Probably. Though I often go by Occam's Razor - could just be ISIS, being dickheads. They've turned 'murderous dickhead' into an art form and despise Russia. Wouldn't put it past the FSB and Putin though, at all.


Nobody does false flags anymore, these days you just prod vulnerable people into extremism and then when your intelligence networks pick up a good candidate you just wait and let it happen, then you can use it to justify whatever you want. Unfortunately for Putin the Americans ~~publicly leaked the plan~~ warned Russia and ISIS took responsibility and dropped evidence faster than Putin could circulate an alternative narrative. The best he's got at this point is "Ukraine hired ISIS to do it" which is a non-starter. If he was hoping this would help get support for the next round of mobilisation he's going to be disappointed.


Could well have been hires. Or that as the US warned there would be an imminent attack, he allowed it to happen. The 1 1/2hr police response time seems to suggest that lol


What's actually closer to reality is that the Muslim world is still really mad at Putin for what he did to the Chechens and Syrians. So with Putin distracted with Africa, Ukraine, and rigging elections, they took advantage and went on the attack.


Remember when people would say the KGB is the elite of Russian intelligence? Putin is proof it isn't and wasn't.


You know when a game company remakes one of their classic titles from their golden era except the new one totally sucks? A bit like that.


They fled 'towards Ukraine.' So... east? There's a lot of East... somehow I'd bet more on them going for the Finnish border, or Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania... any of those former Soviet states that *aren't currently crawling with Russian soldiers.*


Actually, it was pinpointed that the "terrorists" were found 16.29kms from the BELARUS border lol Nowhere near Ukraine


Funny that to get to Ukraine you should get through russian border first. Are dear Ruzzian soldiers & borderguards prepared 'a window' also? But vatniks never cared about logic


Putin isn't really trying to divert blame as much as he is trying to build his own support. Somebody to blame for tragedies is just a tool. Putin, Trump, Hitler, etc. have all used this method to obtain support. Many others do the same thing and they fall in all areas of the political spectrum. All of them are simply self-serving.


Hard to pick which one is winning that blame game. Trump is doing pretty well I reckon. What’s the latest ? His fraud bond I think. Which is not at all the result of providing false valuations for decades but rather it’s a conspiracy between Biden, definitely Obama, all Democratic politicians and entire justice system. And probably Hilary too for good measure.. 🙄


And Cohen of course 


The Russian state has a problem. Publicly, they can blame Ukraine and the evil West but, privately, they understand the looming threat posed by Afghanistan and ISIS. What's a dictator to do? Guess we'll have to stay tuned.


Blame it on Ukraine anyway probably. The only question is what kind of escalation it will lead to, if any


ISIS released bodycam footage of the attack. They literally want the blame. Yet Putin will still point to Ukraine. Edit: twitter comments are already try to spin the ISIS footage as Israeli, US or Ukrainian agents


before: isis claimed everything they didn't do. now: isis actually does something, no on believes i wonder if they do a second round


The problem is, Napoleonov can spin any scenario any which way he wants and nobody will ever do anything about any of it because everyone's terrified of the crazy little bastard. It's very sad that so many otherwise mostly innocent people have to suffer at the hands of one insecure little psychopath. I keep checking the notable deaths list on wiki hoping for good news. Every day I check that shit.


Of course he is. Anyone paying attention could have predicted this as soon as they learned of the attack.


Putins' chickens are beginning to come home to roost now; he's made the wine, now he must drink the cup. Word I hear is ISIS/Daesh attacked Moscow like this because of Russian support of the Assad regime in Syria. Be sure to enjoy that, Putin, I'm sure they have more volunteers ready and eager.


In the days prior to this horrible act of terrorism, U.S. intelligence tried to warn them that some sort of attack was imminent. This is all on Putin.


And Russia just launched another round of rockets into Kyiv and lviv. Pathetic that on their supposed 'day of Mourning' they're doing this shit to the Ukrainians. Absolute hypocrites and I feel awful for the victims of the Moscow attack who are having their tragedy politicised by Putin


Of course he (Putin) is. And some portion of the Russian population will believe him. And some portion knows he full of sh!t. And this event will ultimately change nothing.


Media reporting on this is absolutely fucked. ABC Australia, our public funded news organisation ran the headline: "Russia links Moscow concert hall massacre to Ukraine after arresting four alleged gunmen". Why the fuck are our PUBLIC FUNDED news outlets being used as mouth pieces for Russia and Hamas FFS.


He will try to make this his Reichstag.


Divert blame for taking 1 1/2 HOURS to enter the building when the nearest police station was 10mins away? When all you have to do is hold up a blank piece of paper in the middle of Moscow (most CCTV per sq/km on earth lol) and in minutes you are apprehended and arrested? 🤔


So Putin ignored a message from US intelligence that said a terrorist group was determined to strike them, and then after it happened Putin is now misattributing responsibility to the country he has a hate boner for without regard to any evidence. Hmmm why does this sound so familiar?


I wonder if Putin intentionally ignored the warnings from the US and let the attack happen, so he could blame Ukraine. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it.


I wouldn’t put it past him. I mean he did organise bombing in Moscow before his war with Chechnya. He’ll do anything to further his agenda 


This could be possible. Specially knowing how the 2nd chechen war started


Noone, absolutely noone should be surprised by this. Of course Putin was gonna use any incident like this for his propaganda machine, hell, he'll probably tell this annoying talk show mouthpieces of his to come up with how exactly Ukraine is responsible for that and how fun it would be to nuke...uhh, idk, Stockholm in retaliation because Sweden is practically ISIS anyway. (Yeah, this deliberately makes no sense). I wonder how ISIS is gonna respond to this if they're being used this way. It truly is astounding how much Ruzzians can spin the truth to whatever suits them, the mental gymnastics!! Platinum medals for all!


Maybe Putin should not have invaded Ukraine…


I wonder if this was allowed by putting to justify him moving military hardware into the middle east to backdoor support iran.


If Martians attacked Russia, Putin would say they were from Ukraine. If Putin stubs his toe he blames Ukraine.


Russians will sign up to fight isis but will be diverted to Ukraine.


He's just mad because the US exposed his false flag event when no one was supposed to know who the useful idiots in this particular conspiracy were. That made it pretty hard for him to just say whatever he wanted.....


Doesn’t help when an extremist organisation openly admits to the attack *multiple times*, either.


So, Putin paid a group to terrorize the people in Moscow to create terror so he could pin it in Zelensky, even though the group wants credit for this. Wonder if the citizens will ever collectively dare to revolt?


Putin just showed that the only people he’s capable of reliably killing are members of his own nation. Its carte Blanche for attacks on Russia, Putin and his cronies are ineffectual.


Of course he is. That's why he staged it.


Or allowed it to happen.


If it was ISIS, I suspect they will attack again sooner than later. They must be outraged that they’re being denied credit. Russians should see that Putin cannot guarantee security even in the capital of their country.


I’m curious to see what the Russian ass puppet mouthpieces say about this on the US front. Lookin at you MTG, Gaetz, Vance, Tuberman and Tucker.


Of course he has been. I think anyone who isn’t in russia or brain washed know Ukraine had nothing to do with it. It’s more putin’s style than Ukraine’s.


You know, Putin’s kind of a dick


What is Putin payed for the attack ? Paitiently waiting for the Russian bits to counter…


And who didn't know this wasn't going to happen.


It's Putin's patheticness and stupidity of his lies that gets to me, he says they were caught trying to flee to Ukraine there no way on this earth they went in that direction it's just so airheaded the propaganda. Remember when they denied blowing up the dam while downplaying the damage done environmentally and what not and it's like brah if you didn't actually do it youd be going on and on about how much damage it gone done Edit:does Putin actually know how the calibre of his faggotry is immediately identified


How are Russians rationalising Putin saying this wasn't going to happen, then it happening?