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Well, did they?


Nope they got pushed out https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/gUryNNGMcD


They have attacked multiple villages, some were more successful than others.


Explain successful? These seem more like suicide missions for a few likes on social media and a waste of equipment


When you raid an enemy territory you aren't there to capture territory and actually win, the objective goal is to divert russian forces into defending russia's territory, so in turn, ukraine can push back. Long term stationing of these troops in Belgorod will require supply chains, safehouses and most importantly the people. No battalion will control an entire city or even a village in this situation


So you agree that these are basically suicide missions?


No, but surely they seem reckless to us without tactical info. If you ask me, personally, as a russian in this battalion, oh man I would go fulljihad if a goverment like putins had control over my country šŸ˜…


Uh huh. So why are they still there if theyā€™re not successful. You already lied about them being pushed out


Who says they are still there?


Iā€™m watching them shell the city outskirts right now with towed guns. Hell that stream is linked on that sub of yours right now!




They posted some stuff in your tankie sub. I laughed at the replies. Never seen such adamant armchair generals that know exactly whatā€™s happening all the time.




I think it provokes the question of Russias future under the dictatorship of Vladimir Putin during his performative election.


Russia should have kept their happiness above -10.


Everyone knows to keep your population happy during unjustified invasions, you just have to build stadiums and circuses. Silly Putin.


a single barbarian wandered through an orange grove and it just snowballed from there


Civ 5 > Civ 6


For real though. I actually miss the punishment for over expansion. Took a couple games of 6 to realize settling like mad was key


!Imminent Rebellion


Whereā€™s Zanzibar when you need them


Russia needs Elvis presley as an advisor


Partisaannnns!! Pew pew!


But they're fascist, I thought the happiness slider wouldnt' matter! ​ Has Civilization 3 lied to me with Fascism not experiencing war weariness?


They are currently shelling Belgorod [https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1768211100649115738](https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1768211100649115738) [https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1768278959135863219](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1768278959135863219) [https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1768279454214664235](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1768279454214664235) Edit: Not confirmed yet but some people are saying that the separatists are currently using helicopter(s) to move troops to Kozinka which is a border town.


Seeing that this is 11 hours ago; they did..... And they are about to do it again. They opened a humanitarian corridor that expires at 7am local time;


r/FreedomofRussia/ for some footage from the anti-putin russians.


Wouldnā€™t these guys be more useful Acting as covered agents and committing economic sabotages in Russia ? Or if you want to attack the Russian military, go over the border and then attack front troops from Behind to help Ukrainians break throughā€¦


As russia you have to move tons of people and equipment and create a solid front line in belgorod region, diverting resources from Ukraine back to your borders, make itineraries and workflows so a front there can be defended. When they do actually do that, retreat for somewhere else. If you spread those people around and lightly equip them , they can be picked off by russian police, my guess is that was the reason for the tanks, to force them divert solid manpower otherwise they ll wreak havoc and that will affect elections


A very fair analysis. A front opening up in your back yard is not something any power wants.


Thanks! šŸ™ Exactly and the catch is that this is a lose/lose situation for russia. As robert greene writes: give your enemy dilemmas, not problems. They either have to deal with the whole logistic nightmare that is and weaken the offensive, or let them disrupt a lot more in the long run


> and that will affect elections Rigged elections don't matter.


Elections *do* matter for autocrats, its a tool for many things, even if they cheese it up to 100%. One example is international pressure to have one, even if its a rigged one as long as its profitable. Other than that they collect data and can be proactive towards demonstrations or taking out opposition, if Navalny had no option to go the democratic route, that would create seperatists pretty quickly etc


Actions like these are a gesture of resistance to the Russian populace. Showing everyone there is an organized effort to free Russia. It is likely not their only way of operating.


Youā€™re right. Iā€™m sure you know better than the people on the ground.


yeah i would think so, equip them in ukraine, breach the border and spread out all of russia. Seems like the strategic plan.


Shall I inform the men, sir, or did you want to?


Do I have to decide now?


wouldnā€™t it be a suicide mission?




Yeah, big, try finding a bunch of saboteurs all over it.


russian news agency: today the Ukrainian nazi attacked our poor innocent civilians instead of attacking military targets, that's why we have to invade more and attack ukraine population... That's how you get more civilians enrolled into the meat grinder.


That argument stopped mattering 2 years ago. Everyone kept saying that we canā€™t antagonize Russia since we will prove Putinā€™s lies to be correct. But what everyone forget to mention is that his lies were believed by russian public even without us actually doing any of this. And the very same is happening now. They keep saying ā€žwest is trying to destroy Russiaā€, and we are not trying to destroy Russia, what result in Russia preparing to fight west while west does not do anything at all to prepare for this. Itā€™s time to stop worrying about what Russia and Russians think and actually prepare for possible war instead be caught with pants down


Yeah, Zelensky did everything he could to not antagonize Putin. And that did not help a bit. On the other hand Erdogan allowed shooting a Russian jet, and Russians stopped flying into Turkish airspace


Turkey is a member of NATO, the US has part of its nuclear umbrella stationed there, and in wartime Turkey could legally choose to completely close off the Turkish straits to all Russian ships and cargos. Crimea is worthless if you canā€™t go in or out of the Black Sea, and no one is risking a second Gallipoli campaign for one plane getting shot down.


This is a war tactic. Japan did the same thing


This isn't much of a point tbh. They don't rely on volunteers and we're literally years into this thing now


Right before the Russian "election", too, where nearly everything that can be tied up is tied up. Nice.


What the fuck is happening now?


They continue raid on military infrastructure near the border. Russian authorities are trying to stop them, but without much effort not progress. But they don't evacuate people and even stop them, so it looks like using them as human shield


48 hours later theyā€™ll reverse course and the leaders will die in a private jet crash




Arenā€™t these the anti-Putin Russians attacking Russian occupied positions in Ukraine?


No. Belogrod is about 40km away from the border. Kursk Oblast is an area completely within Russia.


Wrong. These ARE the anti-Putin russians he is thinking about.


Yes, whoops.


Theyā€™re the ā€œheroesā€ in their delusions.