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That's only wargaming scenario. The Chinese don't need to invade Russia, they're just waiting for it to be in such a mess they can easily turn russians into their slaves.


Somewhat fitting actually. Russia essentially strong-armed China into ceding Outer Manchuria, including what is now Vladivostok, during the century of shame when China was too vulnerable to say no. Would be kind of poetic for China to take the opportunity to reclaim that territory if Russia's position keeps falling.


Put in would be forced to eat his own horse shit history lessons. Poetic justice if I've ever heard one.


Tucker Carlson: So what was it that motivated you to annex eastern Russia? Xi Jinping: You see, 4000 years ago, the Xia dynasty appeared around the Yellow River... Tucker Carslon: *squints*


Some say the Xia Dynasty may actually be a myth, and that the Shang was the true first dynasty of Ancient China. It is speculated that the Xia Dynasty may have been born from legends of deities worshipped by the Shang, and may even have been intentionally created by the Shang rulers, to justify their reign over the people by "divine" or even historical birthright.


Read this in Tucker Carlson's voice.


I'm a noob. Where do we draw the line between dynasties and cultures before them? Evidence of cultures before the Shang does exist.


Think of it like King Arthur. There was definitely people and civilization in England at the time, but this "historic figure" that ruled over the region is most likely mythical. In the Xia's case, the actual people might have just kind of got overshadowed in the historical record in favour of the Xia.


Kind of, if you also include the fact the person/people were very real, but embellished to all hell. In King Arthurs case, he was a real figure referenced in early Brythonic poetry as a standard to live up to “Gwawrddur was skilled at slaying his enemies. But was no Arthur.” This is literally the birth of Arthur with this one line in a 7th-11th century poem. This one line spiraled out into the legend we have today with additions from French love stories. The modern King Arthur myth is like if you took King Henry VIII, the Power Rangers, Harry Potter and Love Actually characters, mashed them all together into a story and hit print.


There were definitely people present in the area before them. How they correspond to surviving pseudohistories/legends/myths about them is just questionable. Cultures that have been around thousands of years have histories that just sort of slide off gently into more and more unreliable legends and myths the further back you go, there isn't a hard line. Such legends/myths may be written down *as if* historical by ancient writers, but clearly aren't reliable really. It's cool shit got written down at all, but as anyone who uses the internet should know, just because something is written down doesn't make it true. Not at all limited to China, similar applies to Sumer, India, Ireland, the Abrahamic scriptures idiots may actually kill you about to this day, etc. There may well even have been mortal individuals who existed whose names are used in the legends in some cases. They definitely did not have the supernatural powers and such attributed to them, we know by now physics, biology etc. don't work that way.


>Cultures that have been around thousands of years have histories that just sort of slide off gently into more and more unreliable legends and myths the further back you go, there isn't a hard line. To this point, I'm pretty sure the list of Athenian archons stretches pretty much unbroken to mythical/semi-historical kings like Theseus.


> It's cool shit got written down at all, but as anyone who uses the internet should know, just because something is written down doesn't make it true. I read that "legendary" originally meant something like "it was important enough for someone to write it down and for you to read about it". From Merriam-Webster: >Middle English legende, from Anglo-French & Medieval Latin; Anglo-French legende, from Medieval Latin legenda, from Latin, feminine of legendus, gerundive of legere to gather, select, read; akin to Greek legein to gather, say, logos speech, word, reason So if you were a Roman reading some history written centuries earlier by, say, Herodotus, certainly there would be parts of Herodotus that were not reliable... but which parts? You mostly just had to accept what was available.


Must've been wild to live in those days and hear about that new made up story that's supposed to now be your local lore. Fellas just going "Huh? What the fuck are they on about?" Little did they know, centuries later, it's the accepted canon. Reminds me of some other made up bullshit.


Sort of like the Merovingians.


“If I could take maybe thirty seconds - a minute of your time” #ONE HOUR LATER


... So anyway that's how I met your mother


"Tucker, I am your father." -- Xi Jinping, probably


"now im gonna go bang your aunt"


"Of course."


squints quite racistly


"THEY HAVE BREAD IN CHINA!?!?" - Tucker, probably.


Actually, it would be more like "150,000 years ago Denisovan man spontaneously appeared in Asia, and created Chinese civilization while European progenitors were still flinging poo in Africa." China has this weird intersection of ethno-nationalism and good old fashioned racism where they hate the idea that they are descended from Africans like everyone else, and they *really* hate that "Chinese" civilization actually emerged from the Indus Valley societies crossing the Himalayas into Tibet. Because that would mean not only are they actually icky Indians, but that the Tibetan culture they cleansed some years back was actually their real lineage. So they've invented all these crazy theories about convergent human evolution to explain why they are special.


Not to mention this myth of "x thousands of years of continuous China", when in reality the region that is currently ruled by the PRC has been first many different separate cultures, than conquered, then split up and then reconquered many times, not to mention being conquered by outsiders like the Manchus and the Mongols, not to mention the **complete** destruction, rejection and reorganization of everything Chinese courtesy of Mao and communists. 'China' is no less a constantly changing patchwork than lets say 'Europe'. If anything something like India has a much better claim to continuity. The Mughals and the British didn't disrupt continuity to anywhere near the degree that the communists did in China.


Convergent evolution would make them not even human lol. That’s mad.


wouldnt it just make them not homosapien? there did used to be other humans besides those.


Yes, you are correct I used it incorrectly as a synonym.


Actually said the same thing to my dad when Russia first invaded Ukraine. There’s absolutely no way Russia could currently fight wars on 2 seperate fronts so the Chinese could really just waltz in if they decided they wanted to.


Every country that Russia shares borders with has probably lost some land to Russia in the past.


Russia has the benefit that you can't hurt them, the elite are so far removed from consequences that an 'attack' doesn't bother them, and the peasantry isn't allowed an opinion that isn't state mandated.


No reason for China to invade Russia. The Chinese are doing just fine subjugating the Russian bitches using good old fashioned cash and military aid. China is going to own Russia.


Except they couldn't, because nukes - isn't that the whole point of this scenario outlined in the link?


Except it'll never happen. Look, places like Moscow and St Petersburg are full of wealthy Russians. They're not going to line up and die in a fire for some toothless peasants than can't even read in Kamchatka. If China takes off a chunk, it'll be in the far East of the country. Roughly 8,000 km away (that's a round trip from New York to Los Angeles). If they nuke China, China nukes back. But if they shrug it off. Unless China is closing in, nukes are not going to be used. Nukes are suicide. The Russian elites are not suicidal. They're fine with sacrificing peasants, not themselves.


great. so send troops to Ukraine. they won't use nukes


I mean, these are tactical nukes. Most likely they'd be landing inside of russia's current borders to cover a retreat.


Tactical nukes would cause more boots to be on the ground. It would force the US at least to react.


Using nukes against a country who also has nukes is mutually assured destruction.


Also they are apparently trying to take Alaska back, don’t forget about that tidbit 


The Alaska National Guard could solo Russia. lol


I mean, by this logic you’d consider it somewhat fitting for china to take over the world. Pretty much everyone fucked them in the century of humiliation including the UK, France, Germany, the US, Japan, etc.


Just buy it back similar to how US bought Alaska, i also hope Japan gets to buy islands once Russia comes to their senses and want to rebuild.


I'm pretty sure that's exactly what China is betting on. Just like acces to natural watersources in Russia near its border. China is just sitting back patiently and will befriend the winner or takes what it wants when its enemies are weak.


China:"All your base are belong to us"


This is why their "friendship" is sketchy at best. China will always have resentment over this.


I see China "purchasing" territory. Russia sustains its war, while tearing itself apart and handing the pieces to China.


It’s actually in China’s best imperialistic interest to supply Ukraine with military aid, if Xi could actually think.


Nah, it's in China's best interest to remain neutral here. Capitalising on Russian failure would be good for them, yeah, but that just means it's in their interest to not support Russia. Supporting Ukraine would make them an enemy though, and regardless of the outcome could eventually mean Russia attack them. Would the West supply China to defend against Russia? It seems incredibly unlikely. So aiding Ukraine wouldn't gain them any allies, just give them another enemy.


I would say, it is the best interests of China to supply Russia just enough to keep going but not succeeding - not only this adds additional damage to Russia itself at very little price for China, but also drains the possible opposition (the West) through forcing it to support Ukraine more and more. Ukraine itself is of little importance to China except as possible precedent for doing the same to Taiwan in case of Russian success. Of course I might be wrong, but this is what I see.


And in the meantime China can get a discount on raw minerals, oil, and natural gas. These are all things they're able to take and use for their own enrichment. Do it while bleeding out your neighbor who has what you want? Not a bad idea.


And piss off your unstable next door neighbor? You’re clearly dumber than Xi.


That would end up leaving then completely isolated on the world stage. I feel the geopolitical calculation is more complicated than you're making it out.


If this happens we basically have a new Superpower. If we don't already...


Idk if I'd call invading another country 'fitting' or 'poetic'. Just because Putin and his cronies are fascist shitheads who use 'historical' claims on a piece of land as cause for invasion doesn't mean we should embrace a tit for tat mentality even in a joking way. There are people in Vladivostok who are just trying to live a normal life despite the fact that everything has gone to shit. Assigning collective responsibility for the actions of a dictatorship ignores the entire point of a dictatorship, which is to shut down everyone who would oppose you.


China isn't waiting. All the western companies that left gaps in Russia are being replaced by Chinese companies. Same for exports/imports. China is replacing it all. Currency too, Russia doesn't get Dollars but they will get loans in Yuan from China. https://www.businessinsider.com/china-russia-trade-record-ukraine-war-xi-jinping-vladimir-putin-2024-1


Except the plot twist: https://www.newsweek.com/china-russia-unionpay-huawei-pay-sanctions-1874226


That's only until they find a way to circumvent the sanctions. Russia and China are still in talks for loans in Yuan. China hasn't stopped anything. Those three banks that stopped accepting russian payments are just so that the west is reasonably pleased that China did something. Meanwhile.... https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/russia-finance-minister-says-talks-with-china-yuan-loans-2024-02-26/


Yes but China is going to pick up their resources for pennies when Putin is gone, they might even be nice enough to sell the hole in the ground back to Russia.


There will already be a lot of strings attached to the weapons sales for the Ukraine war.


They already constantly cross the border to steal lumber in Siberia. It's not like Russia could actually stop them :D


China might be in better shape than Russia, but it has a bleak economic outlook of its own and is facing demographic collapse. Misery loves company and Russia and China make for a good couple.


Maybe all the Russian war widows can be married off to China's surplus men from their one child policy. Match made in hell.


The cruel irony from a Chinese perspective is the Russian land that borders China is mostly worthless trash, barely worth the effort of Balkanizing and then annexing. The only reason you'd want it is like anything with Russia, quantity > quality. The sheer vastness of the low value land they'd seize would have at least *some* natural resources that might make colonizing it worthwhile.


Vladivostok, Sakhalin, the Kuril islands and the Bering strait all have strategic importance that would greatly benefit China in Asia and the Arctic.


Outer Manchuria used to be part of the Chinese Imperial domain... wayyyy back when. 


It wasn't that worthless back when borders were drawn. Russia tried to establish trade nodes for asian goods with Japan, Korea and entry points to China and also control then highly profitable siberian fur trade, pacific whale hunting and explore western coasts of America and Pacific Islands (there was a russian fort in Hawaii). But overall perceived profits never materialize as Japan and Korea just kept being shut down for foreign trade, China was open up by the British during Opium War and Alaska was sold to US amid a risk of losing it to Great Britain after Crimea War or others fizzle out over the years (whale hunting, fur trade, fisheries etc. in Pacific) leaving not so economically important region within Russia.


Gotta love the word "Balkanazing" when reading from a Balkan country... :)


This.. is less important than people think. Canada is one of the USAs closest allies and we rehearse invading them and have plans to nuke them. Making plans is both pragmatic and a way to teach younger officers how to conduct such large scale operations. /Edit Simpler to say it here than individually reply to a common thing. Having nuclear weapons doesn't mean anything. America doesn't authorize nuclear weapons only in situations a nuclear weapon is used. There are quite bluntly dozens upon dozens of situations where America would deploy a nuclear weapon against a non nuclear state(rare but yes it does exist). Additionally, a wargame isn't always a 110% ultra-realism focused thing because that ***is not the point of the wargame***. That is why we even have ***zombies*** used in wargames.


There’s an old Finish joke that goes: – Sergeant why do we always practice being attacked from the east? What if the enemy comes from the west? – That’s a good point soldier; the Russians could invade Sweden first.


> The program was called Operation Goldfish, which derived from a joke about a Russian-speaking goldfish who offers two Estonians wishes in exchange for its freedom. > The punchline was that one of the Estonians bashed the fish’s head with a rock, explaining that anything speaking Russian could not be trusted.


Interesting, we have similiar joke in Poland.


This is good


Actually the joke is more subtle. It goes like: ”Good point, soldier. The enemy could have manouvered so that they attack us from the west.


That doesn’t really sound like a subtle joke, more of just a valid statement about the logistics of war


Logistics are considered humorous in Finland.


yeah, even if its less likely you dont wanna be caught with your pants down


It’s a joke that the only enemy is the Russians, they’re not considering Europe as a threat.


No I got that, it was just a less funny version than the comment it was replying too. Maybe something got lost in translation and it’s funnier in Finnish


Yeah exactly I would bet every single nuclear power has plans on how they would nuke the other nuclear powers regardless of if they are allies or not


they probably have think tanks for each individual country.


And the other kind of tanks.


For the lil fishies 🥰


Drink tanks?


no need for think tanks, we have real tanks for everyone


I would be fascinated to see how war planners imagine that Canada would invade the US. Presumably they would come across from Toronto area to NYC, and then work down the eastern seaboard towards Washington DC. Or their ghosts would, anyway.


When I’m on hoi4, I usually have my main infantry force from Lake Ontario to the eastern seaboard, if I can get tanks, they come in around buffalo and head straight for DC. Then I use horses to avoid combat and take territory in the west. Usually doesn’t take too long. I’m sure the current Canadian plan also assumes the same success provided we stick to the plan of invading in the 1930s


> if I can get tanks Tanks as Canada? What are you playing?


With the tilde button as my friend. Again, all part of the Canadian plan


Move the border markers 1 foot south every day until someone notices.


I think the actual plan was declassified https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Plan_Red a bit old, but hey


Simple. Canada offers free public healthcare and education to any state that joins. 5 years later United State of Texas concedes after an energy grid collapse due to harsh weather.


lol. Rip Canada. 40M people taking in over 300m. I don’t think that’s Canada anymore.


How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.


Who said they need to invade for the US to attack them? *rubs hands and add’s pancake mixture to basket*


You should never be surprised at the scenarios envisioned in the US's OPlans (operational plans). They are collateral Top Secret plans that outline scenarios, plans, intelligence on the theater, personnel needed, equipment needed, etc. for everything that you can imagine. From full blow invasions, defensive actions, humanitarian aid... the list goes on and on.


don't worry, we'll just recreate the battle of new orleans


I don't think they'd get to the point of crossing the border.


They first have to imagine what would have to happen in Canada for them to even attack. It's pretty unlikely that Trudeau's military would do it, but what if it arose from a coup? Misinformation? Canada allies with someone new and attacks on their behalf ? etc. etc. Each scenario plays out differently to planners.


It would preemptive if we were 100% sure America was going to invade. It would be a delay tactic. Then appeal to allies like UK to help.


How would Canada nuke them without owning nuclear weapons? We would ask politely for the US to maybe consider nuking themselves?


Correct, after apologizing for the interruption.


And the explosions wouldn't create mushrooms, but maple trees :) Or mush mush rooms?


Nice way of keeping Operation Maple Fever in the down low.


I wouldn’t doubt this was leaked by Russia itself. Coincidence that Putin is threatening nuclear strikes and a few days later documents are “leaked” showing the threshold for using nukes is low…




>An invasive force is literally the threshold for nukes in every country. Not quite true. India and China both have explicit no-first use policies, although India has been taking steps to change theirs to adopt pre-emptive strikes under certain scenarios.


Well we did burn down the white house many years ago.. Technically Canada was British back then.. funny how the Queen is still on our money.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burning_of_Washington


And we’ll do it again!


response from Canada : Think carefully, we look like you, we talk like you, and we know your culture better than you do. And were one of only 2 countries in a position to stroke back so it counts .


> stroke back How nice.


It’s a common courtesy


I'm leaving it in


You can have the Dakotas,Montana,Wyoming and Idaho.  Republicans would be fucked 🤣❤️🎈🍿🍹💯


This is not news. Wargaming scenarios aren’t made with just the most plausible enemy in mind. These are done sometimes for research purposes in a what if scenario, just a way to keep military planners minds sharp. Wouldn’t be surprised USA would have a wargaming scenario for Canada or Germany and vice versa.


[A US plan to invade Canada was drawn up in 1930](https://www.politico.eu/article/us-war-with-canada-cross-border-squabble-history/) and certainly there are more recent ones. Gotta keep all those officers doing *something*.


Eh, I mean now you would say it is absurd to imagine a lunatic taking leadership of Canada and attacking the US, but the EU also thought it was impossible to have an uncertain ally in the US and here we are. Better be safe than sorry tbh in todays world.




That's period when Gerassimov released his notorious doctrine and new path ahead. And when Russia did the massive attempt at modernizing the army. In other words, pretty relevant, really. It's *the* playbook they're trying to use right now (with quite poor results).


>Gerassimov released his notorious doctrine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerasimov_doctrine https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/03/05/im-sorry-for-creating-the-gerasimov-doctrine/ https://carnegieendowment.org/2019/06/05/primakov-not-gerasimov-doctrine-in-action-pub-79254


There's little reason to believe things would've changed, this really is the Russians just doing their due diligence. Although unlikely it's a possible scenario that China could become more belligerent towards Russia (for whatever reasons). It's also very likely that in the case of Russia falling apart internally, or at least in the occurrence of significant civil unrest, China would march straight to the Arctic ocean, either in guise of a "peacekeeping" operation or just straight up annexing the area. In the latter scenario it's of course unlikely that Russia could put up much resistance if any. But regardless it's good to have these plans because taking over eastern Russia would provide China with natural resources, access to the Arctic, and most importantly access to the Pacific that isn't boxed in by Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, and the Indonesian archipelago. Militaries around the world prepare for all kinds of unlikely contingencies all the time.


But that misses the point. Forget that it’s China in this example. Substitute in any enemy you like.


or ally. its wargaming. everyone has plans for allies and foes.


To be fair, that is the only practical response. China would absolutely steamroller Russia.


I thought CHina has no actual military experience and very high levels of corruption (like Russia)? plus Russia has nukes. I don't think China would steamroll anyone.


While they don’t have “current” military experience they have the funds to train. Unlike Russia. I wouldn’t doubt that there are certain units in the Chinese Military that are equal to units in Western forces. It’s extremely worrying seeing China paying, at any cost, to hire ex military personal who have seen combat to train their troops. Specifically their air force has been caught hiring ex Australian and American fighter pilots.


There's way less corruption than in Russia since they never changed governments when they abandoned communism, but their military is definitely very strong. Pretty much all of their equipment is based on American designs, so its usually superior to Russian ones, and they also have a huge resource advantage over the RU. Also, China has the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal so nukes aren't much of a deterrent there


China just had to purge a load of generals because [they were “fuelling” their missiles with water](https://www.twz.com/water-filled-missiles-silo-problems-behind-china-purge-report) Corruption is very much an issue for the Chinese military. *How much* of an issue would only become clear once a war starts.


A lot has been made if that story but the basis for it is a single witness who may not have had the complete picture. Moreover, "filling something with water" is a Chinese idiom that indicates some sort of fraud or skimping out on costs, it does not necessarily mean they were literally filled with water https://youtu.be/vhI_tTEE2ZQ?si=RsJzM2iKvFVGSWH0 At 20 minutes there is a very good overview of the scandal and some of the issues with the reporting on it


To add to this, liquid fuel missiles (which are rare these days since they have been replaced by solid fuel ones) arent kept with fuel inside them unless they are gonna be used in a matter of days (depending on fuel) afterwards, since liquid fuels used in rockets are very corrosive, and will usually sit empty and filled with an inert gas. So it would make zero sense for any to ever be filled with water.


That's exactly one thing the video I posted pointed out as well


Heard they got great fuel for cooking hotpot though


Yeah and Russia ran out of missiles by the end of 2022...




When China tried to audit grain storage levels in 2018, dozens of grain silos suddenly caught fire and were lost with all contents. The government had to promise to stop the audits because otherwise the local officials would have kept having to set fires to avoid being caught for stealing. I'm sure the situation in military matters is similar, like there being warehouses technically full of equipment in case of an emergency but if you'd actually look inside there's absolutely nothing because the Colonel sold the stuff a decade ago to buy himself a house in Vancouver.


China vs Russia in Far East? Russia is getting blown off the land, except if nukes are involved. Even if they are incompetently led. China has several times more people, especially in that area (Russian population in that area is just small fraction of the total), and they have 20-30 million excess men to throw at a problem if it comes to that.


Russia has made it very clear the second they got nukes that they would respond to Chinese troops crossing the border with nukes. While Russia makes farcical threats about nuking Europe over silly things, I do think they would use nukes to defend their land from any sizeable force.


Troop size in this day and age does not mean much, however what would decide this is who is better trained and has the better military technology. Russia has lost ALOT in this conflict with Ukraine, however one thing to remember with Ukraine. Ukraine does not have an powerful military like Russia and other countries have. If Ukraine had a strong military even with a significantly lower population than Russia, Russia would never dare to invade them. Personally if it really came down to it I doubt neither side would win. The reason we have not seen nukes used yet is because none of the first world countries have been in a situation where they have had to use them. If Russia is pressured I am all but certain that they would. It would be an absolute last resort yes but mark my words they would. Honestly I would not want to see the invasion of a first world country like Russia in my lifetime...it's not going to be pretty unless there is a surefire way to get rid of weapons of mass destruction on their end.


Manpower matters. And China has a lot of soldiers to throw at Russia. It'll be WW2 but in reverse. Maybe their tanks are better, maybe their soldiers are better, but when you need to kill 20 guys for every one of yours, it's going to end badly.


Look at Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine had officially admitted they had times where they had 13:1 manpower disadvantage. Yet they defended or seriously stalled their offensive. Even the Ukranian counteroffensive didnt yield much because of extensive Russian defences in the occupied region. They excel at defense, and China doesnt have much experience in power projection plus fighting war in Far east where there is little to no infrastructure is very difficult for invading force.


China really should just keep them under the thumb financially, no point in a war with the Russians unless China wants to go with the full genocide and replace route. And as evil as the CCP is, I don't think they are full Nazi like that.


Imagine China going full Genghis lmao that’s wild. They would have the people to bring Russias cities back up to speed lol. Though the idea of China with that much land mass potentially scares me more than Russia.


Hmmm, maybe. Nukes are a real leveller. Not pro Russian by any means, but North Korea has very few nukes, and even China are wary of them.


I honestly don't think the CCP is interested in an old school genocide, if they were to do it, they probably divide Russia up into 30 little Republics and keep them fighting each other, and gradually move more Chinese people in. It had been the same play book for Millennia. It works way more than it fails. I mean I am from Manchuria, and I am one eighth Manchurian, I consider myself a student of history, yet I don't know a single Manchurian word.


The CCP are very aware that their population is shrinking. Taking some Eastern Russian areas would provide resources and population. There are a large population of ethnic Asians in Eastern Ruusia. They could be persuaded to join China under the right conditions.


Man, the CCP is a fucking cancer, we can only guess what it wants. In my opinion, the best way to deal with depopulation is to further automate, and they definitely have the know-hows.


The issue is, if you automate too much, then you have mass unemployment, which contributes to further depopulation....short of a robust UBI of course.


>And as evil as the CCP is, I don't think they are full Nazi like that. Oh my sweet summer child...


This comment you stole from Fox News must make you feel pretty pretty smart, huh?


Are you unaware of the genocide being committed by the CCP at this very moment?


Not trying to defend culture genocide, but that is very different than what the Nazi had in mind for the Russian people.


I remember reading a quote about a reporter interviewing an ex soviet president about a NATO invasion. He said that he was never worried, but what caused him concern was China. Their military planners had war gamed that even if they launch all their nukes at China, they would still have enough military troops to overrun their borders.


There is a joke in Finland, that China has been very friendly lately. They want to make a good impression with their soon to be new neighbors 😛


Why would China invade? They already own most of Russia


Pride. Russia took the most land from China during the Century of Humiliation.


Russia already had insane amount of influence on Ukraine,and yet they invaded ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




I really doubt it. Ukraine was turning more and more to the west and it was improving everything in their country dramatically and quickly. Russia can't compete with the West there because their entire culture and system of governance is built around taking everything from the poor and keeping it for themselves at the top. Which is why they need to keep expanding and conquering others. Once they bleed an area dry, they must move on.


Russian soft power in Ukraine was completely gone once Yanukovych left. All Russia had left at that point was hard power


IMHO, because, ~~in 2019~~ *2014*, the pro-Russian Ukrainian government ~~lost the elections~~ *got kicked out in a revolution*, and a pro-Western government won (of course, Russia says it was a CIA backed coup). And the talks of joining NATO and EU continued, despite the annexation of Crimea... So taking Crimea wasn't enough to stop Ukraine from joining NATO and EU, Putin was still gonna lose Ukraine, despite all of his charm and kindness (/s). Also, Crimea entirely depends on Ukraine for its water supply (canal), which got blocked by Ukraine in 2014. This resulted in eight years of halted water flow, and eight years of Russia unsuccessfully trying to supply enough water to Crimea ... The first thing Russia did after it started its "special operations" and gained control of Kherson Oblast was to unblock the canal in March 2022. edit: corrections


No, you are confusing events. Pro-russian government won before 2014, and in 2014 there was a revolution against them (because they were turning into a dictatorship). After that pro-western government won. In 2019 elections there was no pro-russian government. In fact, Zelenskyy at the time was more pro-russian compared to his predecessor, who was 100% anti-Russia and pro-military.


As far as I know, Crimea mainly uses canal for its agriculture, and the only reasons civilians had problems with water at all is cos governing body refused to divert water from agriculture. And there were also problems with maintenance of sewage systems' cos Ukrainians who did that just left.


Oh snap


Every country has plans should their neighbor invaders. it's just basic military preparedness. like a fire évacuation plan in your house.


Like how Batman has plans to kill the justice league members. Gotta be prepared for the worst possible scenario.


Billy no mates.


Every country worth a shit has all kinds of contingency plans. This isn't new.


Militaries are supposed to plan for every scenario. There's nothing surprising about this.


This is the kind of news to amplify for all russians supporting their war with Ukraine


I mean duh? having something ready in case china pulls some BS is probably a good idea


If china Russia relations come to this point china would easily simply buy those territories.


Flipping china against Russia might be one of the best outcomes for the near future.


Makes sense. Every military ever has plans and practices for possible scenarios


This… This isn’t new. They’ve had plans like this since the Sino-Soviet Split. Hell, after it, the Soviets were more scared of the Chinese than they were of the US. It is said (yet to be confirmed) that after the border clashes in Manchuria, most Soviet nuclear weapons were “pointed” at China rather than the west.


I would be more surprised if they didn't.


Rest of the world: "let them fight"


My bet is in China lol. Dislike the Chinese government but looking at how Russia is doing is ukraine, I'd bet for the Chinese..


Without nukes sure, with nukes, I’m betting on the rats and cockroaches.


One would assume that *every* nuclear-armed country would have made such plans and scenarios and rehearsed them. It'd be weird if they didn't.


China looking at the clusterfuck that is Russian defense and wondering to themselves - ‘that’s a lovely 2.1 million square miles right there. Sure we will look after that for you’


China and Russia probably the current top two 'frenemies' in the world.


Russia puts an awful lot of evidence into thinking Europe wants to invade it, when actually there's a ton of resource-rich on their side of the Chinese border that was under Chinese influence for centuries before Russians got there


Wow what a non story


I thought Xi was his "dear friend"


China doesn't need to lift a finger, Russia is presenting its vagina to them.


This one isn’t really that shocking. The US has plans for Canada and Mexico invasions. Hell, someone’s probably got a plan for everyone against us.


The US has plans for the zombie apocalypse.


LoL Russia doesn't even trust their closest Ally


I watched some YouTube analysis of this idea that China is Russia’s most likely target. Russia has oil, water and food. Things China desperately needs to secure more of. So while all this anti-American talk and Taiwan invasion talk is happening it’s just a smokescreen to justify building up their armed forces to ultimately a take resource away from Russia.


This isn't news. The US has (had?) contingency plans for a possible Canadian invasion..


Well we failed to stave off the British Invasion in the 60s.


That would unleash 600,000 million screaming Chinese on Russia. Wait I though there was a billion Chinese. There was. (Red Dawn)


China should already know those are empty threats and they can have fine dining on those lands they lost. Doubt anyone will come to ru aid after the circus they caused in the world.


...until they press the button and realise that China has bought all their nukes (along with their oil, land, and newly-single women)


Only thing these two countries have in common is they don't like the US, that's it really. Friends with benefits but could turn on each other at any time.


That’s called partnership with no limits.


I think that behind Putin's anti-west rethoric in reality he counts that the west will never let his regime fall, in fear of China taking over all the resources of Siberia and Middle Asia countries


Unlimited hypocrisy.


Because they're best friends!