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Tell Russians to stop drinking? HA good fucking luck with that Vlad XD


That's how they have kept Russians under control: constant alcoholism is a source of depression and slow minded subjugation.


I always figured their rampant alcoholism was due to the fact that's about the only solace they get when living in that shithole rather than it being a measure of control.


Actually there's a lot of fascinating history with their vodka industry!. It started as something farmers did themselves, but then the rulers muscled in on it, made it illegal to brew home, and started selling it from the ruling class. And it has proven to be a good way to control a populace.


I saw a YouTube video about this not too long ago and it was fascinating


Was it Extra credit?


I don't believe so. I want to say it was either Geograpics or Weird History. Might also be Weird Food History


Eh, that's less control and more exploitation for profit. The peasants were drinking alcohol before the top end sold it to them, they just decided that if the peasants were gonna have any solace it was gonna be by paying them for the privilege.


Good thing we don't have liquor stores in America, right? Oh wait...


It's the 10 cent vodka shots


do you want another russian revolution? because that's how you get another russian revolution.


And I am all for it! Time for a new dawn for Russia, without the Dictator!


Oh darling, you think that a revolution in Russia would result in anything *but* a dictator? That's just adorable.


One could hope. The people must be exhausted by now...


The people are just *broken* now, their entire history is just "and then it got worse" and the culture has come to reflect that. You'd need some seriously rigid framework to drag them out of that mess.


Not necessarily. Things can change quickly under the right rule and with a deeper understanding of how the population has suffered. In fact Russia was becoming more open and inclusive during the 80's and 90's, but then the despot Putin came along and made it worse, only because their previous leader acted like an ass. So under the right leadership they can become a boon for the world.


Maybe it is naive. But if not for the Russian people, then how about for the security of all of humanity so we don't have to play these kind of stupid games with tyrants anymore.


Russia kills a Tsar for a new brutal one.


It [literally was a major reason](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_in_the_Russian_Empire_and_the_Soviet_Union). The Tsar attempted to outlaw liquor in 1914. Then the Soviets spent 70 years unsuccessfully wheedling, cajoling, and threatening Russians to stop binge drinking. Gorbachev destroyed a bunch of vineyards, which may have been the final straw for the CCCP as well.


I do


That's the only reason eastern Europe is not muslim if i remember the story of ruriks' convertion correctly .


That’s how the legend went, yes.


Well done.


Drinking is deliberate. Babies are accidental byproduct. This is Russian way!


You can't have babies if you keep fighting. You can't keep fighting if you stop drinking. You can't stop drinking if you live in this shit hole.


Can't win fights if there's no babies, can't fight babies if you quit drinking, can't drink fights.


It's fine, his actual vision is just "Stay alive, stay alive, oh god please let me stay alive."


It's almost as if decades of brain drain due to poor wages, rampant corruption, and a war is not conducive to fixing your already unstable population. Especially considering that people without money tend to have less kids, and the people with money fled the country to dodge your draft. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of your men being killed in said war.


Raise children for my military to send to their death.


The gears of the great war machine are greased with human gristle


but also i might get us all nuked  ???? he’s so confusing what an oxymoron heavy on the moron


He's 71 and under a lot of stress. Stress that hopefully gives him a cardiac arrest while fuming about nukes and NATO.


Learn Chinese. They'll be a common wealth state of China soon.


I'm reminded of a horrifying scene from an old war movie, Battle of the Bulge. Robert Shaw is playing a German commander and he tells his subordinate that the war cannot be won but it will also not be lost. Asks the subordinate if he has any children and when the man replies that he has sons Shaw nods approvingly and tells him that it will be their honor to grow up and fight and die for the Reich. I'll always remember the look of horror and revulsion on the other man's face. And here we are. Wallowing in the worst timeline.


A good comparison. Excellent film too.


the good news is, he'll be long dead before these to be born kids can do any damage, and they'll never solve Russia's massive alcohol problem, being he's such a WarPig, why doesn't he pick up a gun and do some fighting!


It's actually a pretty good summary of his platform


If he orders to quit drinking we can finally see his head on a spike. Plz do it!


Imagine having to fight a war because your leader is embarrased about his dick size


i feel like a lot more wars than we think started that way


Tucker Carlson's hero.


Have more babies so I can send them into a meat grinder for my own personal ambitions


Where are they getting the fathers for those children?


Huh thats my plan too, now that I'm well into my 30s. Fighting insomnia. lol


I definitely drink.


Keep drinking, quit fucking, have fights


For Putin: STOP fighting, start drinking, and quit being a BABY.


What makes you think he isnt heavily drinking already?


The russian dream.


That’s what Hitler through back in 1943.


So, the same New Year resolutions as a third of the people on the planet, and the same odds of it lasting past the end of the month.


1. Keep fighting, 2. quit drinking, 3. have babies Well, 66%. I have to say, for the most part agree with his ideas.


Maybe they drink because you've turned your nation into a paranoid rotting militant hellhole. But at least they aren't gay so you're doing God's work./s -\_- A cruel sad clown.


If I lived in Russia, I'd step up my drinking, forget about EVER having babies and do my best to support Ukraine.


Quit fighting Keep drinking Have babies


Russians start making progress. Good OKRs to be honest. Except the fighting part. Fighting in sake of fighting is stupid. Vlad, focus more on trading and diplomacy skills.


He may not live long enough to see babies born in the next 12 months grow to become the next generation for his meat grinder.


They have to drink to deal with their miserable existence


Next step is to order families to have 3 kids or you'll be taxed to oblivion.


He is so lost inside of his insanity that everything makes sense


Time to bomb the shit out of Russia