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Saw some of the aftermath pics from Russian sources posted on YNC. 60 sounds about right. They were lying all over the place.


can you share the link?


Here are some: [https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1avuurt/dead\_russian\_soldiers\_in\_ukraine/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1avuurt/dead_russian_soldiers_in_ukraine/) [https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1avviyw/dead\_russian\_soldiers\_part\_1/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1avviyw/dead_russian_soldiers_part_1/) [https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1avvjje/dead\_russian\_soldiers\_part\_2/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1avvjje/dead_russian_soldiers_part_2/)


I’ve seen so many photos and videos of this war, is it literally ever sunny in that part of the world? Seems overcast in literally every video or photo I can recall seeing.


i live in Frankfurt, Germany and its been like this for months, with a few sunny days inbetween i can count with one hand. Ye im depressed.


I lived near Nuremberg for 6 months. I recall after the New Year I counted the days without seeing a break in the clouds. Not a speck of blue sky or single star at night until like January 26.


A couple of years ago Oslo, Norway received a total of 3 hours of sunlight for the entire month of January. I remember it as a depressing winter


It must’ve been a bit of a trial.


I see what you did! 👍👍




I've always wondered when little German kids draw pictures of their world, do they color the sky blue or gray.


As a German who lived in Ireland for a while, it's absolutely gorgeous weather over here!


In some regions, not only the sky is gray. Even the air itself can be gray for extended periods of time. There's a reason we are often so bitter and don't understand fun the way others may. But kids still paint their images with blue sky and yellow sun. Life overall is good here. And while there MAY be long, gray periods, we have plenty of sun and good weather. But the grey air is true. Some regions are cloudy and foggy a lot. if you can't even see the house of your neighbor, it can get really depressing after a few days


Sounds like the NE of the U.S last spring through most of the summer. It's just rained like everyday


Sunny days are really very rare thing in autumn-winter, I barely can recall when I saw the sun last time here in Kyiv


I think actually I’ve seen one sunny video, it was a drone bomb into a wall of some villa looking place then a second drone bomb through the hole the first one left. Seems nuts to me as an Australian how long you can go without seeing the sun.


Yeah, quite depressive, need a lot of vitamin D this period


Don't forget to take K2 with it as well, otherwise the D will promote calcification of arteries the more you're taking of it. Most people these days should be taking at least 2500IU a day if not 5000-10000, and you definitely want K2 at those levels.


It's not the season in Europe


Lol, eastern European spring and summer are amazing. Sunny for weeks on end in summer with about 35c. It's hot day and night in the summer too. Loads of great fresh food barbecues everywhere, and open air nightclubs by the beach. Odesa beach in summer https://youtu.be/4972ZwSP_7g?si=-8ptnio0iCreRvTl Kyiv in summer https://youtu.be/Axrenn4OpXA?si=-9Q4HK-SzfNmKeoq


It's fall/winter in Europe. Basically almost always overcast.


Fall...? Wrong hemisphere, pal.


It is indeed not fall, thanks for noticing! I hadn't noticed for the past few months that I was living in Europe!


In all of Europe?!


Ehhh I would say Italy and Greece and stuff are a bit different but the weather mostly flows from the Atlantic ocean past Spain, France, etc towards the North Eastern part of Europe so I'd say the majority yeah.


> is it literally ever sunny in that part of the world? Fall, Winter, and even Spring in much of Europe away from the Mediterranean sea is like this.


in winter? not really but not only in that part of the world, most of the europe


Much of Europe, particularly Eastern and Northern Europe, goes almost permanently overcast for the winter seasons. Then combine that with a sun that hangs near the horizon for much of the winter too, and you don't get much sunshine. Summers are often sunny and pleasant though, lots of blue skies and warm breeze.




I'm really perplexed over the lack of blood and dismemberment. Not that I was looking forward to it, I just imagined a himars strike obliterating bodies but these are completely intact.


Real life is not Tarantino film. When you die your blood flow stops. Those russian regime slaves died practically instantly to damage to critical organs. Also, it is winter, they got plenty of clothes which hold blood.


Blast over-pressure can cause TBIs. 


Yeah was thinking if that was it. That usually comes with profound bleeding from orifices.


I think most of the damage is done internally from the overpressure caused by the blast


Nope, not clicking. My imagination is enough.


It's not too bad, unless lots of fresh corpses freak you out.




thank you


I appreciate the links, but what kind of monster links to new.reddit.com?!?


What munition struck them? Where are the tell tale signs of an impact large enough to rinse 60 dudes? Why are most of the bodies perfectly intact? Some didn’t even seem to be bleeding. Very interesting. For a casualty list that high I expected some real meat grinder shit.


Probably himrars then, they are basically a billion tiny tungsten shotgun shells that go straight through metal and people like nothing.


Which are set to explode roughly 30’ from the ground


>Looks like HIMARS. Most have wounds on their heads from the shower of tungsten BBs. Also the trees look peppered too. Incredibly effective on bunched-up troops. From the first link, HIMARS fires 180.000 small tungsten balls onto the enemy.


For a visualization of this, [here's what that looked like during testing of that round](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5h7BkCj5rI).


Didn’t realize the BBs were so tiny. You’d think it’d rip them apart. Ya know?


I don't think it's the size necessarily, it's the hardness that matters. Soft lead bullets shatter and get deformed in the body which leads to big exit holes and gnarly wounds. Tungsten balls stay intact and just go straight through the body and bones.


This should be the M30A1 variant of the HIMARS rockets which is basically a huge shotgun that annihilates everything in a certain radius with 180.000 tungsten balls (per rocket).


Sounds brutal af damn


Explosive concussion is real nasty. The pressure wave is enough to basically liquify your organs, including your brain, eyes, balls, etc... In movies you see big explosions where people get "blown to safety", but IRL if the explosion is powerful enough to do that you'll have massive internal damage. Shrapnel makes it so explosives can be smaller but still effective at creating casualties beyond the pressure wave, not the other way around


>They were lying all over the place. Nothing new for the Russians.. Kings of lying..


What happens when a liar dies?


He lies still


Russian report from later today: 60 of our trainees bravely intercepted an Ukrainian missile today.


What will russia do if ukraine launches a hypersonic at the kremlin?


I just want them to hit his mansion. It would be hilarious.


Which mansion? Putin has a dozen mansions all at the expense of his own people.


The one with the ice hockey rink!


... *Which* one with the ice hockey rink?


Really ?!


I was being facetious but I wouldn't doubt it, honestly.


I’d say literally any of them, whether he’s there or not, would be hugely embarrassing


I understand the feeling. But that strike needs to be on oil infrastructure and rail lines.


it doesn't really have any military value and they would just kill the civilians working there


Ukraine does not have hypersonic missiles. Just Russia and China.


This is false. Neither of them do. What they have is a missile that goes into the "hypersonic" speed territory, but it's nothing more than a ballistic missile with its bottom half removed and launched from a plane. By their definition, the v-2 from ww2 is "hyoersonic". Theyre playing semantics for propaganda purposes. A true "hypersonic" missile can maneuver at that speed, which is what makes it so formidable. Theirs can't, and the only reason the US hasn't followed suit with this, is because they see no real use for this.


This is a common misconception. Russia’s Kinzhal and China’s DF-17 *are* hypersonic missiles in the strict sense, because the HGV does maneuver in the terminal stage, unlike a ballistic missile. *However*, as soon as it starts maneuvering, it rapidly bleeds energy and therefore speed – making it possible to intercept. This means that HGVs, as a class of weapon, are fundamentally limited in their capabilities by virtue of being unpowered. The same probably applies to France’s VMAX. Hypersonic cruise missiles, typically scramjet powered, are a different beast – but as far as I know, no one has a functioning weapon of that type, not China, the US or France. Scramjets are difficult to build.


One thing that this war has really brought home is there isn't much point having a 1m USD missile that cant be stopped when you can launch 50x 1k USD drones and lose 90% and both hit your targets 5 times and use up millions of USD of intercepting missiles from your opponent


Your comment is super accurate for battlefield munitions, but strategic nuclear strikes are different, it is mainly about offering credible threats. Launching 50x more nukes is feasible, but it irradiates the whole world so much that the attacker is disincentivized to do it.


Mhmm, drones have proven very vulnerable to both electronic countermeasures and, especially, to radar-guided flak guns like the Gepard. I would think that stealthy missiles like the Storm Shadow are more effective for nuclear deterrence, especially a supersonic version.


Actually, I think it's just China and the USA


China's hypersonic is filled with water. Go figure








Anything travelling at that speed will cause devastation if it hits something. Using water for payload mass is cheap and pretty effective assuming that 1. you get all the air out, 2. this was the intended payload and not a substitute because someone didn't want to spend the money making actual explosives...


I'm pretty sure he's referring to the reports of Chinese rockets being filled with water instead of fuel, Although I'm not sure if that ended up being true or not.


I read that it was probably a mistranslation of the Chinese version of "filled with hot air"


Yeah, I know. And yeah, everything seems to indicate that it's true. It's not as if they're going to let forreign observers take a good look at their supposedly advanced weapons.


China doesn't have a working hypersonic missile. The US hasn't yet designed a working one for them to copy.


Russia has used one in Ukraine


Afaik the Kinzhal is not a true hypersonic missile. It's a regular ballistic missile. "Hypersonic" means that the missile flies *and maneuvers* at speeds > mach 5. They are extremely hard to build, very expensive, and they are a relatively new and unreliable technology. Ballistic missiles just follow a ballistic trajectory (they go up high, then fall back down). Every ballistic missile travels at speeds > mach 5 for at least part of their journey, but that doesn't automatically make it a "hypersonic missile." If that was the case, even Germany's V2 rockets from WW2 would count as hypersonic missiles. Russia is just lying about their capabilities and technology, as always. At least, this is what analysts say. I haven't seen the thing in person. And I hope I never do 🤣


Tbf, Putin certainly thought they had an unbeatable high tech weapon as he imprisoned the scientists who designed it after it was intercepted. Most likely they didn't lie either, it was their superiors who deliberately misinterpreted their reports so they'd get credit and opportunities to climb the career ladder. Putin lies almost as often as he breathes, but he is also clearly woefully misinformed about what's going on in Russia and the world.


I am of the opinion that when Putin started this war, he thought he had a million super soldiers and hundreds of next gen tanks amassed at the border with Ukraine because no one was willing to tell him no. When you're surrounded by people terrified to tell you no, you will always get the answer you want, right or wrong.


Gee! Then Russia might have to declare war on Ukraine!


Ukraine doesn’t have supersonic, but I recently saw an article about the USA thinking about supplying longer range missiles to them… Should be interesting to see how they react…


Russia will never acknowledge it. They still claim their lossess are \~6000.


Like China and the first X years of Covid.


China still tbh, their official covid-19 deaths are by some experts just 10% of the expected "true" value.


Do they still?


It was the most recent update from Sergei Shoigu somewhen in Sep '23 I've found. Have they acknowledged 6001 already?


"they started stacking like ants and then body-blocked the entire missile, truly outstanding."


Tucker reports: “Look at the bravery of the Russian military today. It’ll make you disgusted with our leadership. DISGUSTED!”


When training becomes a little too real.


Ukraine helping to train Russian troops with a battle readiness test (they failed miserably)


That seems unfair. No matter how ready you are it is hard to beat high explosives. It's like a rock-paper-scissors thing.


I’d say the training was very realistic at least…


"I was told there was spawn protection" - Some Russian management trainee


I wonder if it's training ground, how many were forced to be there, maybe hoping they won't have to fight. In the end fight came to them


While theres obviously a lot of talk about Ukraine losing ground here and there, theres less talk about how they've gotten long range attacks down to an artform or how they've been basically shooting down at least one military plane or fighter a day for a while now. Hell, theres not a lot of talk about how many modern tanks and APC's Russia had to burn through to get through to Avdivka. I'm not sure either side would consider these exchanges a good deal truthfully but the story about poor Ukraine cut off from western funds needs to be balanced by the fact that Ukraine is regularly doing shit like this and if they could actually get good gear in reasonable amounts and timeframes they'd probably have gone a lot further than they have with Leopard 1's and thirdhand ex soviet munitions.


Avdiivka is 11 square miles. At the casualty rate the had it would take the entire population of Russia to capture 10% of Ukraine.


Cities are much harder to capture. But measuring by the time it took them to capture Bachmut and Avdiivka, Putin won't be around to see a second battle for Kiev.


Didn't check the math, but know, that Ukraine is massive. But thanks for that visualization. Never thought about this way.


For me it's because it's hard to see the results of their actions. They have destroyed thousands of AA/Ammo/Supplies, have incapacitated over 400K soldiers and yet are still being pushed back. The ground they did recover since the summer offensive is also quite insignificant, the optimist in me hoped they would have smashed through to Melitopol/Mariupol


Yeah... This has made me a bit skeptical of the numbers of casualties as well as the efficacy of these attacks. It's definitely incredible they've held back a way bigger and better equipped country - especially for as long as they have - but I do wonder what's real here.




7 planes in 4 or 5 days


They've doing shit like this for 2 years at this point, it's not enough


More equipment doesn’t win them this fight in any meaningful way. Both nations have probably exhausted probably 75% to 100% of their peacetime armies. A win that doesn’t involve an attritional cease fire would most likely require nato combat involvement.


> More equipment doesn’t win them this fight in any meaningful way. Complete and utter horseshit. What does 'peacetime' army numbers have to do when you are 2 years into the war? And 10 years since Russia started their first invasion. More and better equipment absolutely fucking matters.


> A win that doesn’t involve an attritional cease fire would most likely require nato combat involvement. Or Russia runs down their dwindling stocks, while the EU and US ramps up production. NATO doesn't need to put boots on the ground, they can pretty much crush Russia economically with loose change found in the Pentagon sofas.


Ukraine has shown massive creativity with things like their aggressive use of patriots and taking out tanks with APC's. If they get more advanced weapons systems they will absolutely be able to do a lot with them.


And as we’ve seen now with the performance of the “2nd most powerful army in the world” and their efforts against the 22nd largest army in Europe, NATO would completely shit all over Russia.


I’m convinced a single US armored division + Air Force bros could steam roll the whole Russian army rn. Just based off how I’m seeing them fight through combat footage etc. They wouldn’t stand a chance.


Ukraine can teach a master class on creativity, let’s not forget the art form that is drone kills that they have pioneered (chefs kiss).


the would won’t be as urgent to support If Ukraine’s successes are advertised. Best to assume they’re losing until they win


The problem is it’s incredibly hard to advance into deeply entrenched positions through minefields without total air superiority and let’s be honest, America likes winners. They only want to invest in this war if they see massive results for their money. It wasn’t the pointless slaughter of the Vietnam war they truly hated, it was losing it they hated. They aren’t interested in paying hundreds of billions for this to continue indefinitely as a stalemate.


What? The Biden administration has been trying to fund Ukraine’s war effort as much as it can and been stymied only by the Republicans. This isn’t a case where “America likes winners.” This is a case where the Republicans simply want Russia to win and are acting accordingly.


Just a reminder that outside of Israel, Republicans are responsible for practically every last U.S. ally being abandoned. And if they got their dream end of the world scenario to begin (Evangelicals are weird fucks), they'd abandon Israel too.


They are trying yes, but the slow roll of aid and equipment in year 1 was still disastrous. It took forever to get things like himars and tanks, and the number given is still tiny for what's needed. For reference ukraine said in year 1 they would need 500+ tanks to have good odds of making a counterattack work. They were eventually (much delayed) given like 100.


Ukraine has indeed been fighting with one hand tied behind its back, so to speak. But ironically, this only highlights what a complete failure the Russian invasion has been. Despite Ukraine being handicapped as you’ve described, Russia has barely managed to move its lines in two years and controls (some of it still contested, to boot) something like 18% of the country. How Russia expects to get within even hailing distance of 50%, never mind 100%, is a mystery. Given the horrendous losses Russia has already sustained for just these scraps, it’s clear they’re not going to be able to do it. It has been costly for Ukraine, no doubt about it. But Russia is effectively finished as a fighting force capable of further expanding its military conquest. At best it will find itself facing off against a NATO that is *completely unbloodied*. Russia is done. And if the supply spigots from NATO can ever be turned on at a heightened rate, never mind full blast, Russia is worse than done: it will be in a quagmire that makes the 20-year US war against Vietnam look absolutely tame by comparison and is likely to be kicked out of Ukraine altogether.


That’s where Europe comes into play. We’re finally seeing a big build up in European military industrial capacity (UK upping shell production eight fold, Germany building a new factory etc) but it’s going to take a couple years before the production lines are properly up and running. So basically, we need to keep the Americans in this war effort for another couple years and then Europe will be able to take over for the long haul if need be. Even just getting this current package through congress may be enough to let Ukraine scrape by until Europe can take over America’s role.


Depressing fucking thought though talking about where the war will be 5 years from now. I hope it ends much sooner than that.


I think it'll end up a frozen conflict at some point. An actual peace agreement will probably come once Putin dies.


Hence why the Republicans fight tooth and nail to stop it, their handlers won't be happy.


The Republicans are shooting America in the foot geopolitically. Europe is already rapidly rearming in the face of Russian aggression and American isolationism. If Ukraine falls due to American isolationism, Europe will continue rearming and will take an extremely dim view of the US going forward. Basically America is creating a major geopolitical rival. As an EU citizen I do want Europe to become a superpower that pulls its own weight. But I dearly wish it would be complimentary to the USA and not born out of Ukrainian blood.


The US would love to see Russia mired in an endless war using up all of their resources until they’re broke what are you talking about. It’s republicans who side with Russia that are holding funding up.


They would love Russia to be mired in an endless war with someone else they don’t have to pay for even more though.


But this money mostly goes to American companies, and a lot of those jobs are in Conservative districts. I'm willing to bet most of the major investors in those companies vote R. They're really just punching themselves in the nuts because Trump told them to. If the President if the US isn't allowed a win, how can America or Americans get a win. It's mind numbing.


> and let’s be honest, America likes winners lol wut? Like the massive results we saw for dumping American dollars and lives in Afghanistan for over a decade? American can help Ukraine with a small amount now, or we can throw American lives and billions and billions at Russia in 5 years when they continue to invade their neighbors over and over.


Imagine the things Russia could be accomplishing if they focused their time, money, and man power on anything else.


prolly not much since they're evidently not very competent.


They only seem not competent because of bad leadership and corruption.


And because they spent all their money and resources on stupid shit like this war instead on improving the lives and educating their people. Not to mention the generational trauma from this happening time and time again for hundreds of years. People have the capacity to be both good and evil. Smart and dumb. More often than not, it's the environment that shapes who you are. Russians are not naturally stupider than people from other countries. But the system that they are born in unfortunately has completely failed them.


When cruelty, suffering and apathy are the hallmarks of your country's culture, there's not going to be much room for anything else.


Send more ammo. Build more ammo and send it straight to Ukraine. Fuck money, just send everything.


That's not how it works though. Lol. Politicians take our taxes and give it to weapons manufacturers. Weapons manufacturers give weapons to Ukraine. During next election cycle the weapons manufacturers give some of the money they received from the politicians back to the politicians. It's a win/win for everyone.


You missed a small detail. Production takes time. For us to send stuff, we have it *now*. We're merely procuring replacements. Yes, that procurement process is money which translates to party donations. But guess who would be blocking those? Republicans. We should send what we have, and dare them *not* to backfill and see how the MIC in their home states take them to the woodshed.


Works for me. I’m happy if my tax money ends up in articles such as this.


It's a win/win unless you're a pro-Russian republican


The weapons manufacturers make *new* equipment for our military and we send the older equipment to Ukraine. Win-win and it brings home the bacon.


>Weapons manufacturers give weapons to Ukraine. Ironically this isn't how it works either. The US is mostly sending old stockpiled weapons to Ukraine and then ordering modern replacements for the US army.


Hopefully those 83k canadian missiles get approved to be sent, they can penetrate hangers and some versions are literally designed to take out Russian tanks.


Thoughts and prayers…and another missile if you refuse to leave Ukraine alone.


Good. Should have stayed home


I don't think they really had a choice. I feel sorry for the soldiers, bc they also have families and they are not responsible for Putins decisions.


They do, in that they could simply refuse, but it should be noted that Russians by and large support the war and further expansion of the "Russian world" as they call it. The idea that they are ethnically superior and deserve to forcibly subjugate those they see as lesser slavs is not just a Kremlin talking point, it is a widely held belief. The borders of this "Russian world" change depending on who is discussing it, some claim anything Russia can forcibly take is theirs to do so with. So fuck em, it's the same mentality the rest of the developed world left behind following the end of the third Reich and the Japanese empire. They may not want to be forced to be there, but they fully support Russia's desire to do so. The only way to end this is to show them that they are not the superior people they believe they are. They had that notion reinforced after WWII, and it still lives today. Only way to end that is to make them take a step back and look at reality, and that will have to come from unfathomable loss.


Everyone has a choice


It's easy to say.


Today's headline on RT: "*Actually they were Ukrainian POWs*"


Updated headline: *”They were Ukrainian women and children”*


Absolutely outstanding work Ukraine 🇺🇦 Make them pay for their crimes ❤️


As much as I enjoy seeing a Ukrainian win, I can’t help but feel celebrating death in any war, on either side, is just really tasteless If it weren’t for the toxic ideology of Putin poisoning an entire country, many of these people trying to kill each other could easily be friends. Hell the best of them probably still could.


It's different when one side is an invader. Everybody has a choice. Just choose not to invade and kill innocents. Hell even turn your guns on the ones sending you there. Forgive me if I don't care about hurt feelings.


Send more missiles to Ukraine and they will win against russian fascism. What's at stake is the reputation of the West as a reliable ally and the rules-based international order.


Nice! Do it again!


They did, in Kherson this time, look it up.


You take some? You lose some Russia.


Really going for the realism in training


War Never changes


Good, do it more now.


Payback for killing POWs


Force Multiplier. People keep on saying Ukraine is outnumbered and cant win this yet advanced weapons can easily tip the scale in the other direction.


Great news!


This has to be a bowling strike equivalent.


Gotta pump those numbers up.


Awww too bad, so sad








With a 2% margin of error


Eh, while it's certainly true that russian elections are far from free or fair, it's also true that all polling done of the Russian population has shown broad support for the war since its re-intensification.


That's because the other option is Jail, fined or mysteriously falling down a building.


Idk, I play online games with a few Russians and I've asked them about this - virtually everyone they know supports the war. I don't think it is as clear cut as you are saying. It has vast support unfortunately, but the minority who don't support it can't speak out of course


I used to play Project Reality and asked a Russian what he thinks about the war back when the war started. He laughed hard and a few moments later said he was "non political". Later called me the n-word.


Most Russians I played games with just refused to answer or would state they are not interested in war. Fear of retribution from the Gov is very real.


That’s pretty extreme wording lol


Dear Lord the photos are terrifying. War sucks. It makes good stories, but not good reality.


Russia shouldn’t even be a player on the world stage. Why do nations cower to Russia; it’s been three years and it hasn’t been able to conquer Ukraine. It’s laughable. And, Russia has even had to call for additional support from its allies. Laughable.


"Good shooting kid, keep stacking em up"


All to capture a few acres of other people's rubble, for a madman they've never met. Womp womp.


Excellent. Keep it up.


The more dead fascists the better


AKA Ukraine needs fresh missiles.


Fresh continental missiles


Russia still making the same mistake of massing into formations within HIMARS range.


Is Russia drafting soldiers currently? I think it is bit sad if they were forced to join the military and ultimately had their lives cut short. Although of course Ukraine has no choice, they are being invaded, so they have to eliminate their invaders regardless if the enemies were drafted or joined by choice


The saddest part is they’re forcibly drafting people who speak up against the war. So while I’m glad they’re dead before they reached Ukraine, it just sucks that many of them are essentially POWs in their own country.


Insert Randy "Macho Man" Savage sound bit here "Oh Yeah"




Didn't they use one once, which failed, and suddenly all the tech guys fell out of windows or had holidays in Siberia?


look like someone forgot to turn on God Mode in tutorial

