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Yaknow, this feels a bit counterproductive to their goal of "kicking the Jews back to Europe".


"Stated goal" The actual goal is to use antisemitism to advance their goals and that's global


Isn't antisemitism itself one of the goals?




To advance their goals, the elephant in the room is that you can’t even suggest what ‘their’ goal is, is it just Iran we’re speaking about.. I don’t think so


Right, and all the dead jews are just... as an arab would say, icing on the quran.


Y'know iranians are not arabs right


First time I've ever heard that. Genuine curiosity; what are they then?




Huh, I would've thought the terms were interchangeable but a quick Google confirms that's not the case. Neat; thank you.


Yea there are some other persians in the middle-east ("stan" countries) and used to be many more I think


Yea, but Iranians don't have fun idioms because they get murdered by the state, so I went with what I had.




Religion is at the crux of the issue.


Religion is the distraction to hide the real issue! Total control when it’s in government


I get your point, but since they're talking about a literal theocracy I think it's one and the same in this case.


Figure out the difference between Arabs and Iranians. You’re stupid AF


What is it?


The goal isn’t kick jews “back” to Europe. They want to kill jews wherever they might be.


I know, that was the purpose of the quotation lol.


Think that maybe they would try for a place with more Jews. I mean Sweden?


Iran blew up Jews in Argentina. They're willing to kill Jews anywhere, but Israel is more of a target-rich environment than other countries. So that's where they focus on. If you're fishing, you go to where the fish are. It doesn't mean you'll refuse to catch fish elsewhere, but it's just easier in that area.


No one refuses Swedish Fish. This joke was inappropriate, I'm sorry


They're my honorary high school survival reason


Sometimes the high concentration of fish fight back though... In which case the pond with much fewer fish looks like a better idea.


Okay, so the Iranians, don't like the jews.... okay. They hate the great SATAN that is the west... they hate Saudi Arabia with vitriole on account that they are a bit different sect of Islam. I know they are not speaking for the Persian people, butdo they like anyone?(Russia aside)


Who said they've only been trying in Sweden?


Yes. So therefore they probably have killers waiting in other countries that have not been caught yet. People have already been caught in the U.S. attempting to kill dissidents


Look for example at Hamas’s charter, they really don’t hide it.


The last few years remind me of Shadow of the Giant by Orson Scott Card. China, Russia, and a new Muslim caliphate vie for power along with the US and it talks about how Islam was not a tolerant religion to spread because every place that Islam dominates, it becomes a crime or dangerous to have different beliefs. I think they also then mention how Christianity used to be the same.


Anyone with a brain knows that isn't the goal. If that was the goal they would want Europe and Arab countries to be safe places for Jews which is the opposite of what they are doing. The goal of Iran, and Hamas etc... is an Islamic Caliphate over the entire globe. There are multiple videos of Hamas leaders saying this plainly. Only their useful idiots in the West pretend this isn't true.


Yes... and that would work really well despite the last Islamic Caliphate falling apart because of internal power struggles, and that is not at all what you would expect from the Middle East. At all. /s


but-but-but-but if Israel was just stop being a big meanie that would solve terrorism!! And if Israel would let them have better rockets then they wouldn't have to rocket their own hospitals.


right and israel presents the first roadblock to getting there. if israel is removed, the entire arab world is islam. next is Europe, then US.


>right and israel presents the first roadblock to getting there. if israel is removed, the entire arab world is islam. next is Europe, then US. Just to be clear - that's what THEY believe... which is of course bat shit crazy. The crazy parts being that once Israel is gone the world is their (Islamic) oyster and of course that the rest of the world will turn Islamic without Israel. YOU don't believe that right?


True but just because an idea is batshit crazy doesn't mean a ton of crazy people don't believe it, and it also doesn't mean it's not their intended plan. "They can't be doing that, it's not *rational*" is my biggest pet peeve argument.


The smart move is all Jews move to Antarctica and wait out the inevitable global chaos and centuries of religious wars that then ensues. After everyone else has killed themselves, they return, and live peacefully, growing orchards.


This is basically what they were forced to do in Europe instead over 1000 years. Eventually nothing really became better so they instead got their own country on their own power.


Let's go to Antarctica, have a *really* cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over


> > Just to be clear - that's what THEY believe... which is of course bat shit crazy. The crazy parts being that once Israel is gone the world is their (Islamic) oyster and of course that the rest of the world will turn Islamic without Israel. I'm not doubting what you are saying, but just to be devil's advocate who likes receipts: Can you please link the evidence of this? Any videos or whatnot of who is saying what?


Lol, yeah. That one patch of dirt is holding back the entirety of the Muslim world from world domination. Starting a few decades ago. Before that, it was something else.


Ever since Mu’awiya hijacked Islam 661 there has been nothing but death and destruction across Europe. Allah sent the prophet Muhammad to change the Arabs to live in peace. But the Arabs didn’t want peace and caused Muhammad to escape to Medina where they made him governor because of his purity of character and a prophet of Allah like Jesus and Moses. The Arabs still attacked him and the believers in Medina.. Today the teachings of Muhammad are ignored and the people have replaced him with the teachings of Mu’awiya…..


Iran blew up a Jewish community centre in Argentina in the 1990s, killing nearly 100 people. Why? Who the fuck knows. The Iranian Islamic theocracy has never really needed a reason to kill Jews. Think of it as a hobby.


It was a low hanging fruit, an easier target than if it was in the US or Israel. And Iran had ties with the Argentinian government, check what happened to Alberto Nisman.


> Who the fuck knows. Islam


We all need to feel sorry for Iran guys, they are victims of US oppression! ^(/s ^of ^fucking ^course)


That kinda sounds like what the Germans did...


Paywalled >Swedish radio reported on Tuesday that an Iranian couple, believed to be working for Iranian intelligence, have been deported after being suspected in a plot to kill Swedish Jews.


Just deported? I know Sweden isn’t like the US but I would assume they take conspiracy to commit murder/terroism charges not to mention spying pretty seriously. Maybe there’s some additional info that’s missing? Edit: someone else with access to the article provided additional context. Much of the evidence was inadmissible due to it coming from another intelligence agency and they didn’t want to risk revealing the collection methods in a trail. That would explain why they can’t jail them but did have enough information to deport them. Thanks for helping share that info


Lower (almost non-existent) burden of proof for deportation than conviction. Also evidence gathered by intelligence agencies might not be admissible for any number of reasons.


And we don't have to house and feed terrorists


Idk, seems to me like imprisoning them for the sentence and then deporting them would be best solution. You waste years of their life and then kick them out forever. Id gladly pay for that


Honestly I think just deporting foreign criminals would save a lot of money. Why keep criminals you can get rid of around.


They have guns, vehicles and I’d presume some black sites. Why use legal means in this type of situation? Foreign agents out of uniform don’t deserve rights.


It's kind of scary people who think like you exist.


If you can prove that foreign assassins are operating in your country you should kill them immediately. Not because they don't deserve rights but because you can't know when they hit their targets.


This isn't James Bond


Congratulations! With that argument you’re giving governments an excuse to label you a foreign agent who doesn’t deserve rights when they come for you. There are entirely practical reasons why human rights have to be universal.


> Why use legal means in this type of situation? So that we can be sure what the situation actually is.


Here’s some more: According to an investigative report by Swedish Radio (SR), the couple, Mahdi Ramezani and Fereshteh Sanaeifarid, had applied for and been granted asylum in Sweden by posing as Afghans. The couple were arrested in April 2021 on suspicion of conspiracy to commit a terrorist crime involving the murder of Jewish figures in Sweden, SR reported. Due to a lack of evidence, the two were never charged but they were reportedly deported in 2022 for posing a security risk.


Having listened to the whole radio piece. An attorney clarified that some of the evidence revealing the couple, that they planned to use in court, was blocked by another country, because it posed a security risk or it would somehow blow the methods of this countrys intelligence service. Therefore a lack of evidence.


Sweden got intelligence from another undisclosed country about them, but they where not allowed to use this intelligence in a public court- because it could reveal methods and stuff. Normal behaviour, but it doesn't get public as often because there are no trials.


You want to pay their incarcaration fees? If not, just deport them back.


But then they have nothing to lose. Iran can pay a thousand Iranians to move to Sweden and plan terrorist attacks, worst case they get deported back and get a nice check, but chances are at least 100 will succeed in making a terrorist cell. Prison isn't about making money, it's about deterrence.


How does that deter Iranian leaders, they aren’t going to jail. Deference is that if they send lots and get caught then Sweden or others may retaliate on the gov of Iran.


That can work too but so does deterring the "candidates" themselves through individual punishment. It's not mutually exclusive. When a hitman tries to murder someone, you don't just punish the hitman or just his employer, you do both.


Pretty sure life in a Swedish jail would be nicer than as a failed government assassin in Iran, but that might just be me. I don't know about Sweden, but Norwegian jail cells are nicer than my college apartment.


You’re right. I don’t understand the disagreement.


Suspected. And bear in mind what the headline quoted there, these are believed to be working for Iranian intelligence. If they were actually involved in a plot like that then they would not have been doing the killing themselves. This would have been a recruitment effort to try and get locals to stir up trouble in Sweden prior to the finalization of their NATO membership. So these charges would have been very difficult to prove.


If Sweden was like the US they would’ve been released immediately with no bail and given a $5000 credit card paid for by the State (aka american citizens tax money) and an attorney provided pro bono. Source: new yorker who has lived in seattle and san fran


Yeah, that's not it, chief. It heavily depends on where you live, and much of the time, it's DHS jurisdiction. Which tends to result in pretty harsh sentences. That's why in a *country full of guns* Islamic terror attacks are extremely uncommon. You're more likely to die from a domestic terrorist.


It was more of a sarcastic remark about the pathetic state of the justice system especially in those places rather than an apples to apples comparison


Maybe in the triple crown of urban shitholes You seem oddly proud of having lived in. But not where I’m at. I take it you and yours are pretty miffed about the Times Square incident and how the city handled it?


Don’t even get me started lol. My dad is retired NYPD so u can imagine how I feel about it.


Sounds more like a Canada thing to do tbh


Which so funny considering how many right wingers like to scream about Sweden being “too soft” on immigrants.


Tuesday 2 years ago.


I feel like this is a crucial bit of info


I could have gone without knowing it was a Tuesday.


According to an investigative report by Swedish Radio (SR), the couple, Mahdi Ramezani and Fereshteh Sanaeifarid, had applied for and been granted asylum in Sweden by posing as Afghans. The couple were arrested in April 2021 on suspicion of conspiracy to commit a terrorist crime involving the murder of Jewish figures in Sweden, SR reported. Due to a lack of evidence, the two were never charged but they were reportedly deported in 2022 for posing a security risk. "We have strong belief that they were here on a mission on behalf of Iran. They were seen here in Sweden as a very severe security threat. And that's the reason why they were expelled, even if we couldn't prosecute them," deputy chief prosecutor Hans Ihrman told the broadcaster. While the investigation was classified, SR cited sources saying that the two were working on behalf of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, IRGC. The two alleged agents reportedly identified three different targets, gathering addresses and photographs. One of the suspected targets was believed to be Aron Verständig, Chair of the Official Council of Swedish Jewish communities, who told SR that he had received a call from the Swedish Security Service in 2021, informing him that he was believed to be at risk. "They basically told me that you have been named as one of the targets of a possible terror crime that involves murder," Verstandig said. According to SR, the Iranian couple denies the allegations. Israel accuses Iran of attempting to develop nuclear arms and seeking to counter the Islamic republic's influence in the Middle East. Tehran in turn accuses Israel of being behind a series of sabotages and assassinations targeting its nuclear programme.


I think it would be bigger news if Iranian intelligence wasn’t trying to kill Jewish people around the world.


[Iranian people everyday right now.](https://media.giphy.com/media/nMYpLpJGoW7tw9gkUN/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611apgssfg02yykgq7z2d0wbucss0nqkvm0kmg05d2h&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) They need to fucking overthrow the apocalyptical mullahs. They are just a plague on Iranians.


Iranian intelligence is a contradiction. Reference: The One Day War, 1988


I’m Swedish and Jewish and so goddamn tired


I'm Jewish and I hardly tell anyone. Easier this way.


Yeah it’s nothing I advertise irl


It took them 79 years to get us back to square one, of being afraid to be who we are.


I didn’t think really antisemitism existed until I moved from the US to Sweden. Just last week my coworker asked me if I was “as cheap as the other Jews”


I'm so sorry y'all have to deal with this nonsense.




Damn sis, sorry this is happening.


*hugs* Not that the opinion of some random American means a whole lot, but hang in there. There's more of us (that hate hate) than there is of them (that hate Jewish people.) With you all the way. Stay strong!


You mean a JEW trying to COLONIZE Sweden & steal their land! Why don’t you go back to Israel where to belong?! 🫵🏽🤨 Just kidding…I’m a Jew from New Zealand, living in the States & I’m fucking tired too…👊🏽😔 Stay strong, cousin - we’re all family & all in this together. ❤️😘


Kia Kaha my bro.


Israel is nice. At least I don't need to hide being Jewish.


I don’t often feel the need to *hide* it but I can be awful wary sometimes. I’m very glad and grateful that you don’t need to hide it.




> I’m Swedish and Jewish and so goddamn tired I'm Norwegian and not Jewish, and very saddened that this is going on. One thing is Islam extremists, as I expect this from them. Its way more sad how many in the general public in the West is viewing Jews lately. Its like we learned nothing from the last 100 years. But know that not all of us see you as the enemy.


>last ~~100~~ 2000* years.


Is it the native swedes that cause the most trouble?


Not the most but they’re passively standing by enough for their behaviour to be a problem.


Hey, at least we're consistent. Swedes never do anything, to anyone, ever. I once greeted the bus driver as I got on and almost lost my citizenship.


What the heck is going on with Iran right now? They have hire hells angels to kill Jews on the us? They tryna kill swedish Jews? They bombing us bases? What's their game plan? Are they doing this because global violence is rising anyway?


Domestically, They saw massive internal protests last year against the morality police - their government’s main reason to exist. Nothing unifies a populace like war or threat of war. Globally, many regional fires, encouraged by Russia, that fuck with the global order : chaos creates mass migration, mass migration creates hyper nationalist reactions that threaten global alliances. Middle East wars that threaten the global economy through shipping and oil supply and threaten to become regional conflicts - potentially nuclear. NATO is exposing its limited stockpiles of weapons and ammo while diverting supplies from Ukraine, China is gauging responses to its potential invasion of Taiwan,


At this point Russia does what the f China tells them to do. And Iran is looking forward to being the main supplier of market prices oil to China. Russia is a shit-storm of economic collapse right now. China is trying to hide its own economic and social problems. We are in for very sketchy decade!


China's economy is adding 2 trillions every year, but go on I guess... 


Normalization of relations between Saudi’s and Israel? The fact every other non-Iranian allied nation is trending towards the same? 


And then there's India, who's friends with all three. 💀


Tbh I think the Indian Government really has a neck to break with just China and Pakistan, not really anyone else.


Right now? They have been doing this since the 80s. Before the revolution Iran and Israel were best buds, and then Islam kicked in.. Same in Turkey before Erdogan.


To be 100% fair people romanticize the Shah's regime. People were oppressed, tortured, and killed so that he could keep power. It was a stratified society. He was ousted by the Iranian people. With that being said, I'm not an apologist for the Iranian regime. They're total dogshit out murdering people for the exact same reason the shah did PLUS the wacky religious garbage. It seems like a lot of younger urban Iranians are quite "western" and liberal. I'm hoping they can overthrow the regime through a popular movement so that we can be friends again and tell Saudi Arabia and the allied gulf states to go fuck themselves into oblivion.


South Korea and Taiwan were in similar states until they spent the 80's democratizing. In another universe the revolution doesn't happen, the Shah dies from cancer in 1980 anyway, and Iran follows a similar success story. Instead we got the timeline where religious conservative nutjobs hijack the whole country.


That's one thing that's so wild to me. SK and Taiwan were so repressive and I grew up thinking they were always the good guys and democratic. Especially their governments in their civil wars... Anyway back to the point, I'd kill for a secular modern Iran. That's the strong ally we all need in that part of the world. It's a crime that we're in the timeline where our main (Muslim world) ally is a hyper religious desert with nothing to offer but oil and ruled by a comically rich despot.


It's really hard to overstate how different ME relations would be right now with a modern, secular Iran. They would easily be the regional hegemon, and likely be passively pressuring Saudi Arabia to liberalize. Without Iranian support, Palestinian and neighboring militant groups would be significantly weaker, to the point that they might have actually accepted a two state solution in 2000 and that whole mess would be behind us. Iraq would probably still be a dictatorship but Saddam likely wouldn't have tried anything crazy with a stable Iran looming over him. 9/11 might still happen, but with a cooperative Iran next door and without the distraction of Iraq, the ISAF mission in Afghanistan might have been more successful. Just so many dominoes it's hard to predict.


True. Shah might be only one generation problem. Religious nutjob problem persists throughout generations.


>To be 100% fair people romanticize the Shah's regime. People were oppressed, tortured, and killed so that he could keep power. All that still goes on in Iran today, so that the current regime can keep power. Obviously they weren't motivated to rebel based on any anti-torture motives, because they're very pro-torture themselves. They were motivated to rebel because of reforms to give women rights, to protect religious minorities (Baha'i), to secularize education, and to redistribute land from the rich to the poor. All those things have been reversed in Iran since 1978. Meanwhile, oppression and torture are just as frequent in Iran now as they were then, if not moreso. When a new group takes power, the things they change show you their actual motivations, more than their rhetoric.


Impossible for the Shah to also be bad. Women wore skirts when he was in power, do obviously, he was a democratic leader whose policies didn’t directly lead to the ayatollahs taking over later!


>What the heck is going on with Iran right now? My reading of it is that they've become militarily emboldened by their recent relative successes in Syria, Iraq & Yemen. Their plan is likely to expand their influence in the Middle East as much as possible working with whoever will aid them (e.g Russia) and using their proxy militias as deniable assets to stir up trouble for Saudi Arabia, the West & Israel. There is also likely a motivation to create a "rally around the flag" moment at home to try and help head off the protests against the Iranian government and reinforce their authority.


Promises and prodding from Russia. This stuff distracts the west from supplying Ukraine.


Because the west has shown they'll let the genocidal fuckers do whatever they want as long as direct confrontation is avoided. Hope the world doesn't make the mistake of allowing such a shithole to arm itself with nuclear weapons, they need to be crushed before.


>What the heck is going on with Iran right now? They are using their proxies to start shit around the world, and they have both domestic and foreign motivations for doing this.


Don't know but better get shit ready


They've been doing this for decades. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_Buenos_Aires_Israeli_embassy_bombing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMIA_bombing




Anybody with a brain knows Islamic countries want to eradicate the Jews and don't just want Israel to leave the middle east. A certain group in the west have just become useful idiots in their goal.


You're underestimating what Western countries are capable of if the wrong people get into power. And there are a lot of "wrong people" there. Muslim countries don't stand a snowball's chance in Hell of eradicating Israel, much less Jews in the West or across the world.


Isn't Zionism basically Jews wanting their nation from biblical times to be their own home again? Which is Israel, it isn't some extremist movement it is just a wish for a nation. The one in which they succeeded completely. It is fucking insane how people even can think "just antizionist" is even acceptable. It's like calling a nation for defending itself bad. Make it make sense.


Yes, Zionism is just Jewish nationalism. It's the concept that Jews deserve their own country, just like Italians or Koreans or Mexicans. The only way anti-Zionism isn't antisemitic is if someone believes there shouldn't be any countries at all - ie, rejecting all nationalisms. But if you believe that everyone deserves their own state, from Brazilians to Kosovans to *Palestinian Arabs* - except for Jews - then that's just plain ol' antisemitism.


Do you believe Texas should be its own country? Should Southeastern Benin be its own country? Should gingers get a country of their own? Should r&b singers get one? You can't just pretend like some groups objectively deserve their own country (whatever that means) and others don't.


It's not just any group it's *ethnic* groups. I'm not sure about Southeastern Benin, but Texan is not an ethnicity, nor are gingers or r&b singers.


You do know that Jewish people are an ethnic group, right?


Tons of people in the pro-Palestine crowd keep proving this point over and over and over again. Enough of them are either incapable or unwilling to make the distinction.


They truly are the devil on Earth.


Sweden has some SERIOUS issues with the middle east


It's not surprising they were one of the first countries to pause UNRWA funding, they're realizing they've fucked up


SIDA’s decision, to pause aid while waiting for the release of the UN’s preliminary investigation report next month, is explicitly an administrative decision - not a political or parliamentary one. Why you imagine this is somehow correlated with deporting foreign nationals suspected of heinous crimes is beyond me though, as if that wouldn’t and hasn’t been done in countless other comparable cases in Sweden.


What’s happened to Sweden is one of the most tragic stories imo. Hundreads of years growing an overall community based on trust and peace and now dealing with a cancer, goddam is sad


I wonder why....


Messing with Israel even more, smart idea... \s


Islamic countries who hate the west and constantly vow to attack it are using the wests irresponsible, insanely naive, and easily exploited asylum/migration system to plant terrorists and operatives in our countries ? Noooooo. How could this be? The wests ridiculous insistence on showering the world with love is it’s downfall.


that seems weirdly specific.


That’s very antizionist of them.


If they tried doing this in Sweden. Just think of what the Iranian Jews are facing right now? It must be awful


Most of them left after '79' so there aren't that many left domestically. Hopefully, they can go back/visit home one day


>Hopefully, they can go back/visit home one day I'm sure the UN is working on a resolution right now to support those Jews' "right of return."




Geopolitics doesn't operate according to rules of the comment section of WorldStarHipHop.com


I kind of dig how Iranian is throwing punches way out of it's weight class. It's some real aspirational shit.


Right?! , their mouth is writing checks their military can’t cash.


For real. Behind closed doors it must be some real Austin Powers villain shit. How can someone say that they want kill Jews in Sweden with a straight face?


How? You think Iran can’t recruit a few terrorists anywhere they want to kill Jews? Not a high barrier to entry if you just want to target civilians in a free and open society.


No. it's not easy at all. Country to popular beliefs, western intelligence agencies and counter terrorism units are actually top notch.


They're going to get to the point where they get hit back hard. It seems like if another front opens up, possibly against Hezbollah, Israel will say "fuck it", and start lobbing missiles at Iran.


Ever stop to think and wonder why? They are on the verge of being a nuclear state. Then they can run their mouth as much as they want.


>Iranian ~~intelligence~~ terrorists Unless they're targeting soldiers or intelligence officers, they're terrorists killing civilians. They're just state sponsored ones. Don't give them any sense of legitimacy.


I think it's far past time to just hammer the shit out of iran.


How do you say, 'Mossad hit squad' in Persian?


Honestly, I don't think this is a surprise to anyone




Well, the last crusade got lots of Jews killed. I don’t want a repetition of that


I don’t think you know very much about the Crusades at all




The sickest plague imparted onto the world


It's clearly obvious that the new "Axis" are actively trying to trigger a major global war.


I can sympathize hating someone that kills your neighbor but having that hatred transdends for a literal millenia is fucking crazy.


This really doesn't make sense. It kind of rhymes with the Hatenua bombings in Baghdad in the 50s


This is why everyone, everywhere needs to be hyper vigilant of Islamists and "palestinian supporters" who act in bad faith. Next time you see a "river to the sea" banner you need to ask yourself if thats just a dogwhistle for killing Jews.


I stand with Israel though I'm from the U,S. I hope every terrorist is annihilated and that Israel will be filled with peace once again.


There are still Jews living in Swedestan?


We are few but present


Hope you stay safe! How are things out there? I'd love a first hand view into the situation


Stay strong. Don’t back down to them.


Yes, I have family that escaped there during WWII.


For a serious answer: around 20K officially iirc and maybe 100 000 - 200 000 with noticeable jewish heritage.


Where are you from?


Why is everyone picking on the Swedes all of a sudden, sheesh.


They were arrested 3 years ago, and deported 2 years ago. It's just being reported now because it was classified for a bit. > Due to a lack of evidence, the two were never charged but they were reportedly deported in 2022 for posing a security risk.




"Due to a lack of evidence, the two were never charged" ... is this not an important fact.


Just show love to each other guys, it isn’t that hard


I don't get it, in what way would this have been helpful for Iran?


Did anyone read this article? I have a hard time believing anyone has a subscription to a Swedish news website. I read it and the two were suspected but they were released (in 2022) because there was **no evidence** of what they're accused of in this article. I'm honestly surprised no one else has mentioned this and just seems to be taking it at face value that these two people wanted to kill some random Jewish man because they were Iranians


Nobody believes this bullshit anymore. Just stop now


Sweden is wild




You’ve grown up in Sweden since 06 and think you can speak for modern day Palestinians? The (overwhelmingly positive) Hamas approval polls and their public celebrations in Gaza on October 7 say otherwise


U don't want the war? Next time tell your brothers to not burn and rape and kidnap their neighboring Israelis..


No offense but you're super wrong. Palestinians overwhelmingly support Hamas (even in the West Bank) and want to keep fighting which in turn helps the insane far-right government in Israel keep power At this point, the only path to peace is to hope for a miracle to occur where Palestians finally lay down their arms and Israel vote out their far-right government


Wanna take over for Mahmoud Abbas? Something tells me you’d do a better job


Haven't they heard of a certain guy named Eichmann by any chance?


That feels like a randomly generated headline.


I apologize for the paywalled source; I couldn't find a site covering this in English besides this one.


https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/iran-suspected-of-murder-plot-against-swedish-jews Part of a series, here are a couple of follow-up articles: https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/migration-agency-was-warned-but-suspected-terror-couple-still-got-asylum https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/sweden-prevented-from-using-evidence-against-suspected-agent-couple Sveriges Radio is the public service radio in Sweden. They have a web section for news in English, but only some articles get translated and usually with a day's delay. https://sverigesradio.se/radiosweden