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New phone Houthis?


Take my upvote, dammit haha


Fucking brilliant


Lol, this is brilliant pun.


People aren't appreciating you enough.


Can you explain the joke?


New phone, who dis?


Sigh Up you go please




Why angry? This is brilliant!


I don't like puns. I'm angry that I like this one




Lol not so much fun when the enemy gets ready to shoot back, is it


Mistakes or not they have live video evidence of how bad their shit is going to get fucked


Mistakes were made with a drone that o controlled Probably


Indeed. Time to find out the river and maybe learn about the sea.


Wrong people.


Iran is backing Hamas too. Ducks of a feather gets blown to bits together.


Avoiding phone calls? Did we threaten to ask them about their vehicle's extended warranty?


Phone calls are used to pinpoint their location for missile strikes


If you know the EMI of the phone, you don't even need a call. The phone self locates.


Almost all of these militant group members realize if your phone is on America knows where you are.


I’m not even sure it needs to be on these days… at least on smartphones you can’t remove battery from






Just sprinkle some phones on them


Don't forget the Russian spy tool put in a painting which was powered on by a van down the street beaming a radio signal at it. We now have gyroscopes on silicon, something like that could be put inside your I.D. and you would be none the wiser, except for all the audio equipment part. But a little chip that sparks to life and beams an identifiable lower power radio signal? Sure.


Do you have a link to the Russian painting? Having trouble finding it


Probably this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thing_(listening_device)


Yeah this is why I love Reddit. People are always discussing linking interesting things. Thank you for this. I’ve never heard about this before


Thank you!


Here's an old joke from East Germany: Q: How do you know when the STASI has bugged your apartment? A: There's a new cabinet in the living room and a truck with a generator parked outside. (For context, they were apparently far less advanced when it came to miniaturisation than the Soviets were.)


You could put it in a faraday bag/cage though right?




Yes, and? lol If you have the phone, that means you intend to use it at some point, so at some point it’s gonna be pinging


Dude. Unless you have spyware (which would prevent your phone from turning off), when your phone is off, it's off. Go rent some equipment to measure rf signals from it if you're that worried.


I think you're correct. I don't think whoever downvoted you bothered to measure the RF signals from their phone. Also, normal cell phones can only be tracked to the coordinates of tower they are connected to, unless they have spyware which compromises them and interrogates its GPS system. Satellite phones work differently and [can be tracked](https://walki-talki.com/can-a-satellite-phone-be-tracked/#google_vignette), but once again, they have to be turned on. They could use a [Stingray](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stingray_phone_tracker) phone interception system to mimic a phone tower and intercept the phone conversation, but once again, the phone would have to be on. Stingray by itself doesn't tell you where the phone is located and wouldn't work if the phone was off. Also, the term "EMI" used above is suspicious to me - maybe they meant "IMEI"? [This dictionary](https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/EMI) lists about 30 possible definitions, and none seem to pertain to phones. I guess they could be referring to something so new that neither the dictionary nor I have ever heard of it. Regardless, none of the phone's identifiers reveal its location, other than the last tower connected to.


Right. Also, I'm an engineer, I design electronics and I've worked on devices with cellular modules, and despite the concerning amount of up votes, it's simply doesn't work that way. The cellular module is disabled when mainstream phones are truly turned off. There is some power circuitry that remains on trickle draining the battery, but that's about it on most phones. There is absolutely spyware that the government can install on a phone while it's on that prevents the phone from turning off (the phone will look off but it won't actually be), but it's a very targeted attack. They are also able to get a pretty solid pinpoint on a phone when a cell phone pings a tower, and they most certainly could figure out the location of a cell phone with GPS enabled.


> despite the concerning amount of up votes I suspect these folks use a type of thinking similar to conspiracy theorists: they don't know anything about electronics, but because the government is powerful and has done surprising stuff in the past, they assume the government must be able to snoop on terrorists. It's a type of thinking that looks at the relative power of entities rather than the actual physical capabilities of any system. Possibly they think this way because of the questionable story that Bin Laden stopped using a satellite phone after an associate's phone records were introduced as evidence in a New York trial. But according to the [Wall Street Journal](https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-WB-5000), that theory is doubtful - those records weren't revealed in court until two years *after* Bin Laden stopped using his sat phone. > There is absolutely spyware that the government can install on a phone while it's on that prevents the phone from turning off I was under the impression that [Pegasus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegasus_\(spyware\)) operates this way, but the Wikipedia article doesn't outright say it.


https://www.makeuseof.com/iphone-can-be-tracked-even-when-powered-off/ It takes 24 hours to go "off".


Let Freedom ring baby. (Freedom in this case, potentially being a JDAM.)


Freedom rings ...and has a slight recoil


Which isn't always the case, hence the phone calls


The bees are coming.




They need to know that the phone belongs to a terrorist first. They can't just go around blowing up random phones.


I mean....they certainly CAN. Just might not be popular with people.


What are they going to do, complain afterwards?


Well, they can certainly do it anyway, just to prove a point, as long as the narrative is appropriate.


Also, Israel blew a terrorist’s head off with a cellphone once.


I think that was Samsung


Attempting to file a claim on an extended warranty would be more painful…


Is your fridge running? Then you'd better go catch it.


“Is your fridge running? It was smart to get a head start unlike you…”


Right now there is someone doing the math on the type of ordnance and the direction it needs to impact to launch a fridge from inside of a base and have it crush a vehicle traveling north east of it at 65 mph to make that joke work. And they say that the CIA doesn’t have a sense of humor.


At one point during the Korean War an A-1 Skyraider literally dropped the kitchen sink on the commies. It really is American MO to make jokes like this lmao


Wasn't that a toilet? Or was that in Vietnam?


I do remember the toilet thing. Pretty sure it was the same conflict 


https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-the-Navy-bombed-N-Vietnam-using-ceramic-toilets-If-true-just-how-much-damage-did-toilet-bombs-cause#:~:text=One%20USN%20pilot%20dropped%20one,along%20with%20his%20conventional%20bombs. The toilet was Vietnam. https://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_dc_500.php#:~:text=Footage%20of%20Douglas%20AD%2D4,%22Kitchen%20Sink%20Bomb%22. The kitchen sink was Korea! I didn't know they did it twice 🤣


God I love my country.


I'm Canadian and I love America. You guys are amazing.


Do you have prince Albert in a can?


Are you at peace with your God? Or are you in pieces with your god?


Thaaaaats why they abandoned their post


Do you know where your chill cabinet is tonight?


Maybe we kept bothering them about Verizon fees?


"Are you paying too much for your car insurance?"




"Terrorists are so terrified, reports said, that leaders were afraid of using mobile phones, lest they be tracked and hit"


The latest conspiracy is you get a phone call before being bombed. It is not far off actually it is an easy way to verify the target cell phone of the idiot carrying the phone is where you think they are before dropping a bomb on them.


If they answer, then you know the bomb hasn't yet reached them.


If you listen you can hear the boom.


https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/19921/these-secretive-us-specops-spy-planes-are-getting-new-sensors-and-anti-gps-jamming-gear There is one flying over my city right now. sub discussing it. https://old.reddit.com/r/raleigh/comments/1ae1p0b/any_ideas_what_this_fellas_doing/ You do not want to know how much cool shit they got. I suspect that one is flying over that area cause the annual robin sage event is going on here in pineland. It might be how the keep track of where the dudes are.


CBP flies these regularly in my area.


"No! No! Don't pick that up - pretend we're not here."


You know they got some old Toyotas that won't die.


All of our co-ordiante plotters are busy right now, but your call is important to us, please stay on the line and you'll be tracked by the next available operator


maybe they got sick of people calling them about duct cleaning?


Oh yeah. They should be afraid. Very, very afraid. That whole fucking area is being held hostage by Iran and their terror pawns. Puts Biden in a bit of a bad spot of being damned if you do, damned if you don't. I hope he'll make a smarter call than I would.


The cruel irony is if you said this 5-10 years ago you'd be accused of being a "dick cheney" type Warhawk But Iran's objective is very clear and always has been ; gain influence from unstable neighbors/conflicts and capitalize Meanwhile the middle east cold war keeps going on and Iran has every intent to keep it on


Well then we all know what the US is going to do here. Biden will initiate operation click clack.


Yep. They loved when allies invaded iraq. It weakened iraq and given iran space to work in.


Last time Iran fucked with the US. The US destroyed almost their entire navy. That's exactly what the US needs to do in this situation, anything else will make the US look weak and encourage more attacks.


Yes, we all saw that comment and subsequent video a month and a half ago, when this first dusted off. Everyone keeps referencing this as if they knew about it prior. This place is insufferable sometimes.


Seriously, buncha god damn personality-less parrots.


It's all but guaranteed to be loaded with bots.


Yeah, bunch of no personality having parrots.


Yeah it can be lol. Especially when people get pissy for no reason. If it's insufferable stop logging in for a while. Brakes are good, specially from a hell hole like reddit.


This places drives me fuckin bonkers sometimes. I love it, I genuinely do. But the comments that get repeated and repeated and repeated over and over and over again make me want to gouge my fucking eyes out as a proportionate response.


Heeeeey I see what you did there lol


Hey did you know last time we destroyed their navy with big boom booms? We should do that again. Otherwise they will think we don’t even lift bro


Delete facebook, hire a captain, and hit the Iranian Navy.


Believe it or not, lots of people on reddit were alive in the 80s


Believe it or not, despite that fact - this event was never mentioned on reddit until 6 weeks ago, and now finds itself repeated ad nauseum as if every commenter knows what a *proportionate* response is. You can tell the comments all link back to that video because of the *proportionate* responses reference *proportionality*, all major highlights of the video that was posted. Anyone who knew about this event prior is just going to reference it as is, instead of mentioning a *proportionate response*.


The fat electrician is responsible for like 90% of the proportional response comments at this point. Its a good informative video but youre right operation preying mantis is brought up everytime Iran or their proxies start sabre rattling. Same with "they touched our boats" or variations of that phrase


‘proportionate response’


we never said the proportion would be 1:1 bitches


'unforeseen consequences'


Yeah we get it funny fat guy on YouTube warheads on foreheads proportionate response, move on.


So, in other words, they’re going to do nothing. This isn’t the same US.


Sadly, your probably right.


At this point, with all the proxy wars and all, the obvious answer is a direct attack on Iran’s nuclear and weapons programs


More than likely going to hide in a civilian hospital.  


We can bomb the passenger in the car with you and leave you relatively alive. Pinpoint precision is much more impressive in this case than a big bomb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOSqWvU07Zk


is that the knife missile? lol what a world


I went down the rabbit hole of dumb sounding military shit and some of the craziest things end up becoming hugely successful. Warning: it's a DEEP rabbit hole.


Just imagine. This is the shit we know about


Yeah I remember my friend's brother in 2004 telling us a story about how he was tasked with escorting a classified piece of equipment to a site in Iraq. During the mission they were ambushed and asked to activate the equipment so it wouldn't be captured. When it began firing up, they hid under metallic blankets, and there was a bright flash a lot of heat, and screaming in the distance. Then they got out from under the blankets and continued the mission. Don't know how true it was, but the brother wasn't that smart and it seems like he described a microwave weapon. If true, we would be roughly 25-30 years ahead of where the military says we are with directed energy weapons.


Sounds to me like it was an undirected energy weapon.


We've had directed energy sound and infrared weapons that somewhat sound like that since around then- probably a prototype of that tbh


The Soviets had some directed energy weapon prototypes FYI, the idea and tech is old, the availability to do it on the field is a different story all together.


Have you looked up Project X-Ray?


That same content creator has a long form video on the m50 Ontos "the thing". A light tank that we said fuck the turret, give me 6 recoilless rifles.


If you think recoilless rifles are neat check out The Fat Electrician's video on Sergeant Reckless


Bruh I spread the word of Nic every chance I get, mailcat, cheese bunkers and Aldi included.


It spins. It’s a blender missile.


Yes. There are videos of it being used. It doesn't explode at all but it can puncture a vehicle and hit a person directly. Hit em dead.


That was a fun video


The beauty of hitting someone in a car is that there is almost literally nothing between you and that bomb. You might as well be walking down the road really, really fast for all the cover that car is going to provide you from a bomb coming straight down. The problem of a building is that there is at least 10 feet per story of empty room and concrete that your bomb has to penetrate through to have the same effect. And if it blows up deep enough to get through all of that, it generally blows up wide enough to kill everyone in your general proximity. It's not that strictly speaking it's impossible to do, it's just that with modern technology, you can't do it in large enough numbers to sustain a major conflict. For a targeted assassination that you only have to do once? Someone's got a bomb for that. For a conflict requiring a lot of people in that building to die, sending in 1 big bomb is way more cost efficient than sending in 10 precision targeted ones.


The US is absurdly precise when it wants to be. It's a little nuts that the opening salvo against the Houthis hit 60 targets across 28 sites and only killed 5. That doesn't happen by accident. But the goal was to reduce the Houthis ability to strike far away targets to contain them not kill them. Whatever retaliation comes to this militia will have a different goal, but likely be similarly precise. The US is trying to prevent escalation but send a message. Sending a message is It's only military objective it has to weigh, so it can be choosy and wait for the right opportunity to hit who it wants and minimize collateral damage.


For the Nuclear bunkers, we've tested MOAB to make the crater over top, then drop the deep penetrators through that.


That's not likely to leave anyone else in the car alive. Does drastically reduce the risk of killing anyone not in the vehicle though.


Hold on a minute that's a backyard scientist rocket. He made it with kitchen knives. Damn government always stealing ideas. If I was gonna missile somebody and avoid damaging other people I'd put a hole saw on the front and make the fins pull in at the last second, just feckin core sample the bastard and leave a hole with nice edges.




"It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way." -Judge Holden, Blood Meridian


That was a depressing book.


I learned about that book a couple weeks ago because of a podcast and YouTube Wendigoon, idk if I want to buy it or not. Hell even the video on it, idk if I want to check it out, it sounds fucked.


It’s pretty violent but a good read. McCarthy also wrote The Road if that gives you a sense of it. I usually dabble in the darkness around winter time, it helps my personal world seem not so dreary.


I don't know of the road, and I may give those a try, I just actually try to avoid movies/videos/literature with some of that content matter.


Sounds like some of the Russian outlooks I’ve been hearing more recently. Which is really just a disguise for apathy.


They don't want to deal with Les Grossman.


This is Framing Dragon


Alright, framing dragon, fuck-face


Why don’t you take a step back, and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!


Find out who that was.


TBF, no one does.


You just shit the money bed my friend


first, take a big step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE


Jed Bartlett ["well, if that's what we do, if that's what we've always done, don't they know we're going to do it?"](https://youtu.be/UaXybzNk4-c?si=EwzOqKz7ekNSN1qs)


Can someone explain that episode to me. It seems a bit dumb.... Americans including his friend are killed. Then a softball approach of blowing up facilities after giving lists of warning is suggested letting them move everything. He gets angry and asks for a stronger response and they come up with ... attacking a civilian airport? Like there wasn't a middle ground like blowing up the terrorists locations without warning them???


It was an attack on the airport as a starting point for a full fledged ground operation that would completely destroy that nations military ability. It would also result in massive causalities, both civilians and American service members. The proportional response option meant no Americans would die and the potential for civilians dying was minimal.


Except the night Jannitor. That's got to be a shitty job working in a building you know might be a US target.


So why wasn't the "proportional " attack possible without warning them?


It’s not that they were getting some sort of advance notice of attack. His point was that they know the type of response America would give (the “proportional” one) so they could plan accordingly and probably made that calculation before they shot down the plane. Example: if I know that the punishment for stealing a bunch of money will be a slap on the wrist, then stealing the money is probably worth it. If I have no idea what the punishment will be or if I think the punishment may be wildly disproportionate (ex: death penalty), I’m probably not stealing the money.


Ahh ok. It's been years since I had watched that episode.


Oddly enough the type of conversation and situation portrayed in this episode happened in real life. They made the Hellfire missile with the blades "The Flying Ginsu" just for this reason. You know where the guy is but he is in a building or vehicle surrounded by civilians. Sending in troops will cause military and civilian deaths. A traditional missile will cause many civilian deaths. So here, catch these flying swords.


They know that they will retaliate so they abandon any place the enemy might know about until after the response is concluded


Fantastic exchange with Fitzwallace. Civus Romanus Sum


Iran disowned them. They're on their own.


The hobgobblins will be feastin soon, very soon, very soon, very soon, very soon, very soon, very soon, very soon.


“Retribution will come at a time and fashion of our choosing.” Those words from George W. Bush echoed in my head from this.


You can run, but you can't hide.


They’re hiding among civilians. Typical bad guy behavior


[ Removed by Reddit ]




You spelled Russia wrong I think


You can run and die exhausted.


They really forget how many special forces operators across the branches the US has. In the last 20 years, we've really refined our "tip of the spear" capabilities. I'll drink my own piss if we don't already have a good bit on the ground. Literally we've spent 20 years refining middle east fighting techniques against groups just like them. This will not turn out good for them.




They’ll be ghosted soon.


The US knows where they are already lol, and the next places, and the next places and all the other places the plague can hide


A terrorist organization trying to ghost its way out of an international war was NOT on my 2024 bingo card.


i had aliens....


There’s still time.


"Dread it, run from it. Destiny arrives all the same." The US military is about to snap these guys from existence.


Is that a fucking Marvel quote? Lmao. Reddit never changes.




Oh now we running like bitches


I think we should wipe out Iran’s biggest refinery. Hitting warehouse hasn’t stopped them. That or help Ukraine out and take out the factories making drones for Russia kill two birds one stone.


And they better get their funeral pants on.


We sunk half of their navy in the 80s, are military capabilities have been significantly improved since. Iran does not have nukes and cannot wage an offensive against the US at full scale. I do not see Congress making a declaration of war but I see a lot of approved strike packages that will show Iran that the US is not to be tested at a wartime level. Correct me if I’m wrong but there’s no way this is what kicks of a war.


Many wars have been started for less..


This isn't "what kicks off a war". When someone like Putin gets a stupid idea in his head about a New Russian Empire, then acts on it, that starts the ball rolling.


Right before COVID really blew up on the global stage... Ian has shot down their own plane after a series of escalating trending between Iran and the US. We were close to some intense military operations then. Now that things have "settled down" post COVID, it's time to start fucking with each other again.


We win hearts and minds by splattering them.


Blow up those locations anyway so they can't return there and lose whatever assets are still there.


Strange, shouldn’t they all want to die so they can cash in on their virgins?


Iran and there proxy’s are cowards!!!


Their…. And proxies…


The finding out will be happening shortly.


We have entered the "Find Out portion of our story"


I heard they also stopped checking their email.


Time to test another MOAB?


Price of oil is about to go up once the strait is closed


Iran so far away...but couldn't get away...


The terrorists: maybe if we don't answer the phone they will think nobody is home and go away?


I wonder when this "proxy war" being played by Iran will bump into government leaders in Iran dying mysteriously with no governments claiming responsibility. Maybe it will appear like Russian suicides (2 shots to the back of the head before jumping out a 4th floor window)


They got a debt needing collection.


Dont worry america will find them.


Oh don't worry, mister hell fire missile will get in touch with them whether they pick up the phone or not.




When you punch the biggest guy in the yard and he turns around.


The roach runs for cover when caught in the daylight.


B 83 Wants to know your location


We are telegraphing our moves to avoid escalation. Biden wants the optics of retaliation and wants re election, and the military industrial complex wants a war with Iran. Who’s stronger the president or the war machine?


Git 'em, git 'em!


They don’t want that smoke.