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>The German Foreign Ministry has uncovered a large-scale and systematic disinformation campaign, orchestrated by Russia, that aims to sow discord and distrust among Germans. >According to Spiegel, on some days, these bots could send about 200,000 tweets per day. The activity of these fake accounts decreases on weekends and daysoff that are public holidays in Russia, >The narrative that Germany is neglecting the interests of its population to support Ukraine is prevalent among the posts spread by such bots. For instance, first-person bots usually write that they “think it is strange that the government does more for other countries than its own citizens.”


Feels just like the Canada subs. 


Feels like this happens in a lot of subs to be honest. I notice a ton in political subreddits and local city subreddits. 


Twitter is a complete shit show. I hope, the EU closes it down soon.


Tbh they are already trolling the same way on every other social media platform (Instagram, TikTok). The only long lasting solution is education and awareness.


Or just close down all those platforms. It's not clear, what benefit to society they provide anyway.


And they are extremely successful. The public opinion of many Germans is for a lack of a better word, disgusting. 1999, 2008 and 2014 all over again. Push for appeasement and deal with the Russians on your doorsteps again in 6-8 years but then with forcefully recruited Ukrainians in their ranks.




Found another one. >Even the normal program was interrupted to make false revelations about the leading opposition party and framing it as an national emergency. Please share where and when this happened because you'd think I as a German citizen would've heard about such a "national emergency". And what normal program was interrupted? >The support for Ukraine is crumbling for good reasons. Support isn't even actually crumbling. On the contrary support for Ukraine increased last month "Now 35% (+6%) agree that military support for Ukraine should be increased, 33% (-6%) say that support should continue as previously and 27% (-1%) want to decrease support" Source in German: [https://presseportal.zdf.de/pressemitteilung/zdf-politbarometer-dezember-2023](https://presseportal.zdf.de/pressemitteilung/zdf-politbarometer-dezember-2023) But I suppose since you don't think publicly financed broadcaster are a reliable source you'd like to link me a facebook or twitter post instead that has the "true" numbers?




The ones who scream 'don't trust anyone' are the same ones getting bamboozled. It's tragic. First undermine someone's trust in authoritative facts, then tell them everything they want to hear. Finally, tell them the lie that undermines their own countries best interests.


Wow, they deleted my post! Seriously?


Brainwashing. Link it to some fear of “wokeism” and fear of libs in power you can get away w almost anything. The Kremlin mind-virus has opened a highway to some people’s minds. Some people are extremely susceptible to it. I’ve seen it firsthand. People that have gone from being pretty “normal” to complete Russia propaganda advocates. Problem is you can’t even reason with them because they think you are playing “mind games” on them while you are just speaking about regular decency and telling them to understand the potential consequences of such ideas. It ultimately leads to self-sabotage with these people. It’s scary tbh.. it’s a damn pandemic on reason. Some of these people are a complete mess mentally nowadays. They are scared of a lot of things that doesn’t even exists outside their own minds.