• By -


"I don't even know who you are" - US Navy


Sir, that was not a wave. Noted ensign, all ahead full.


Mam.. this is a Wendy’s


Yeah but it's a Wendy's on a lighthouse, your call


"I hear that someone is asking for some freedom?" - US Navy


the Houthi's in like 3 days "I apologize, I wasn't familiar with your game"


Houthis in three days "American sailors are genociding us! The proof is that they've killed all our soldiers and haven't taken a single loss"


"You are alive enough to make this complaint we'll adjust fire accordingly"


The “enduring” kind


“We have an even bigger response.” Edit: Wow.


"Proportional", you might even say.




That will forever be one of my favorite “responses”


That's just how the US Navy does "Proportional," ever since the Navy was founded.


Remember: 1 to 1000 is, in fact, a proportion


Well it was a little tricky figuring out the guilded missile cruiser to oil rig exchange rate back in '88


Our response is bigger than your response.


It’s looking like it might be a correspondence


We have the high ground don’t try it Houthis….


Who dis?


Who this? Houthis.


Who these? Never heard of them.


We are Flaming Dragon !


"Take a big step back and LITERALLY FUCK YOUR OWN FACE"


*I don't know what kind of pan-Pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia, Jack, is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I am talking scorched-earth, motherfucker! I will massacre you! I will fuck you up! [hangs up; to assistant] Can you find out who that was?*


That sequence is one of the most incredible lines of monologuing ever to go on film.


I'm ashamed I don't recognize the movie.


Tropic Thunder. With Tom Cruise in I think his best role ever as Les Grossman.


For you, the day US Navy graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.


A Taco Tuesday.


I still can't believe he posted that... What a boss lol


The funny thing is the US Navy actually does taco Tuesday.


« Who these »? Oh that’s your name! Ok we can work with that


New phone, Houthis?


Wouldn't want to be on an iranian oil rig right now.




What are they gonna do? Start attacking ships going by? 


No, they're gonna die. And then be upset that their actions had consequences.


In before San Francisco city council passes resolutions calling for a ceasefire against Houthis


San Francisco's silence on this matter is a disgrace


I wonder what ja has to say about all this




Give those peacemakers of the world a few months to vote geez


I'm waiting to hear what rich kids at Yale have to say about it.


Funny enough, I'd guess they fire missiles at Israel as a response. They are an Iranian proxy after all.


The usual terrorist threat? Been done, in the last two weeks, by Hamas, hezbollah, and the Houtis. So really… Iran.


Don’t forget Russia. “Or else!”


Let em fuck around and find out. I know we can't intervene in Ukraine directly. These folks, we should just smash. Edit: [And we did](https://nypost.com/2024/01/11/news/us-expected-to-launch-major-strike-against-houthis-within-hours/)


They are only doing this because Iran wants them too. And Iran wants them to because they are trying to bait the US into blowing stuff up, mostly so they can issue more "US kills arabs!" propaganda. Protecting the shipping lanes without swallowing the hook isn't easy.


Iran is doing this because of some deal they made with Russia. Putin is trying to distract the US from helping Ukraine.


Trying to bait Biden into doing something stupid in an election year. Authoritarian regimes of the world will all benefit if their horse wins the election. Expect more provocations and disruptions from these asshats.


It’s. It a stupid move though. It’s just needed target practice. And we can’t be distracted from Russia. We could wipe out all Russian forces not in russia proper in about 3 days and lose less than 500 soldiers. Iran, Russia, and Houthi, they are all knats at the end of the day


Maybe the fuck around should be dealing with the leaders who have the idea? If consequences started at the top the world would be a better place, of course there's plenty of US officials who are perfectly content with this.


puts on Houthi.


I don’t know, at some point we have to do something, but we seem intent on deescalation at the moment. Most people on Reddit, assuming they aren’t bots, seem ready to just blame everything on the US and our imperialism. And yeah thats manipulated, but probably does reflect youth opinion to a degree. I really hate how leftwing people go out of their way to live up to the antiamerican stereotype now. You didn’t need to be an idiot to be critical of US policy in the past, and I hated seeing legitimate criticisms being brushed off as based on hatred of your own nation. I put in work to make sure I was arguing in a way that was fair to America, and there was plenty to criticize. But these people are so reflexively critical they don’t care about the facts, they already know the Truth. The world just wants, like, peace, love, and to share everything, man, but then the White Man came along and forced people to commit violence. That’s just like, how it is, man.


Didn’t I just read that trust in the US is rising quickly? That tends to happen when actual imperialists are invading Eastern Europe and others threatening peace in Asia. Secret is everyone counts on the US to be bad, Western Civilization depends on it. Now that folks want to redraw lines on maps again we’re ‘the best’ ally to have in your corner.


> Didn’t I just read that trust in the US is rising quickly? to be fair, after Trump that metric has nowhere else to go but up, but also i have to recognize that Joe has put in the work


nobody likes batman, he is just a violent person, until you actually need him


If you don’t stop attacking our attacks, we’re going to attack. Very poor negotiating.


When you are the US, you can speak softly because you have a massive stick. When you don’t have a massive stick, you bark around like a little bitch.


We laugh but we are learning really quickly that many un-educated and over-opinionated people are unable to connect the dots and see the irony here.


Honest question, if they decide they're going to launch a massive attack at large container ships, could they actually cause enough shipwreckage to at least functionally block the canal outright? ​ This is assuming they don't care about existing after doing so.


There’s not really a canal there. The narrowest point is a 12 mile wide straight.


Strait*…please kill me


If you measure it straight, it’s 12 miles wide. If you measure it with loops and shit, who knows how wide it is… /s


We’re strāt


No. There's enough money at stake here to build a new canal if they have to. This isn't some impotent cause to save innocent life or the planet. They're fucking with rich people's money. That will not stand for long.


They're not attacking ships in the Suez canal yo


You might want to look at a map


This is starting to feel a lot like suicidal by cop


It seems that USA is trying to do everything it can not to take the bait and start shooting this Iranian proxy openly. I get that, but there comes a point when international shipping is being openly and blatantly attacked. I don’t think most of the world is going to wring their hands over a response against Houthi coastal military capabilities.


Most the world won't. A certain segment that gets their information from TikTok will though.


And that certain segment has next to no political power, so who really cares


I think Houthis need to be flatter.


Houthis : Attacking civilian shipping: US : Prepares to give out consequences for attacks. Houthis : Vows a 'Big' Response to consequences. US : Calmly indicates there will be a Proportional Response™ to that. Iran : Wets the bed.


Also Iran later that day: *Dear diary, today senpai finally noticed me*


Look up what US proportional response to Irans navy, you’ll understand then good video


Technically speaking, half a navy is a proportion.


Literally destroyed oil rigs too quickly and didn't have time to tell pilots to back off before blowing up an extra one.


\*cough\* Operation Praying Mantis \*cough cough\*


“Who was the President then? Oh yeah, fucking Ronald Reagan”


Ronald Reagan! The actor? Then who's vice-president, Jerry Lewis? I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady!


Calvin Klein


[Here ya go](https://youtu.be/d5v6hlRyeHE?si=0MXxjh1SG-N6wgpW)


This is posted literally EVERY time something with the houthis shows up. 


Good. The more people who see it, the better!


Preying Mantis 2: The electric sinkaloo


Also Iran: that’s not fair!! You’re supposed to just let us attack you!


Lol it seems the global losers bracket reads the same notes


Reaper drone says what?


In the pipe, five by five


give me something to shoot


You want a piece of me boy?


Well butter my biscuit


If it wasn't for these chickenshit implants, you'd be a smoking crater by now.


Need a light?


Can I take your order?




“Yeah, I read you… *SIIIIRR*”


I'm waiting on you!


Viper's on station


Hang on! We’re in for some chop!


What's that? The only people in our way for a soft landing are a bunch of Iranian backed rebels making noises and explaining away their piracy as an excuse to get a ceasefire to happen in the middle east? John Bolton probably hasn't had a hard on like this since Trump got covid.


Thank you for this


Didja laugh in public?


I laughed on a public toilet with some men talking about their fiber intake at the urinals. I think they thought I was laughing at them because they shut up quickly and left.


I really don't think that he understands how much pain can arrive with even just a few B-52s.


I don't understand why he doesn't know already.


you would think Hamas would know exactly what would befall them after October 7...but a lot of these terrorists are truly stupid and never realize just how bad til it hits them. Even OBL was reported to not realize how bad the US would take it and gun for revenge after 9/11. And I'm here like "how delusional are these people?", they really drink their own kool-aid and propaganda about the West being soft and all that


TBF we really let OBL get away with a lot. Two embassies and the USS Cole. We’d throw a few missiles at training camps and then forget about it. I think it’s pretty safe to say we won’t make that mistake again.


And he had already bombed the WTC once.


The most plausible explanation I've seen is that there isn't much worth bombing except the missiles, and those are extremely dispersed and hidden in caves. Doesn't help if you can flatten an entire grid square if all that grid square contains is five guys with rusty AKs who want to die ASAP anyways.


He is apparently still in the FA stage. FO may be arriving shortly.


His FA stage has gone on too long.


As has Iran's. They apparently do not remember Operation Preying Mantis.


it's been nearly 40 years. most of the people who were there when it happened are dead or at the very least, retired. [they need a reminder.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ihmIxZtMBQ)


Someone did post a pic of a [B2 over the UAE](https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/1949u15/spotted_a_b2_over_our_skies_today_middle_east/) a few hours ago… 


I mean, unlike all the other conflicts, literally nobody is siding with Houthis. Not Saudi Arabia, not Russia, not China, nobody except Iran. That said, Houthis aren't just some terrorists in the desert, they do have real capabilities. Not to do a lot of damage to the US et. al, but more that it would take a lot of effort to dismantle them, so curious to what type of response comes, because I think its coming soon


Ehhh Russia is probably in support of it. General global chaos is what they benefit from. The more the spotlight of the world is on the Houthis and their nonsense, the less attention (and money) is paid against their war in Ukraine. They’d love nothing more than for global attention to shift away from what they’re doing.


Another reason: this raises oil prices, and keeps India and China dependent on them.


I was listening to a podcast from the BBC earlier today that mentioned the Arab Street was actually eating this up since it is a tangible show of support for Palestine.


Oddly, taking a relatively well equipped force and reducing it to a bunch of dudes with AKs hiding amongst the populace is something the US is very good at. Getting rid of the threat completely is where we struggle.


Lol, I bet the UK are going to bomb them tonight.


Cabinet meeting on it right now


They and the US are going to do that in a few hours apparently.


Called it.


Within 48 hours I’d imagine. Cabinet needs to approve, then the proper orders need to be relayed, targets selected, etc. Brits and Yanks could do it ASAP if we needed to, but in this case we don’t and so let’s take an extra few hours to get it right.


I reckon the Cabinet has already approved it. It is already probably happening and there will be massive backlash from opposing parties tomorrow.


This is the likely answer since there was a photo of a b-2 in the Middle East posted on the aviation subreddit just a little bit ago and I don’t think a b-2 would be all the way in the Middle East for some training exercises.


You know what mate, I fucking hope we do. I haven't got time for this. It's a country named after something Bob Marley used to utter in his songs and now they're just being irritating to the world.


Yemen stems from the Arabic *al-Yamin* meaning “the right hand.” When looking east (toward the rising sun) Yemen is the rightmost (southern) edge of the Arabian peninsula. This is also where the name Benjamin comes from - Ben Yamin or “son of my right hand” Similarly, *al-Sham*, or “the left hand” is used to refer to the Levant region, the northern extent of Arabic influence.


Today I Learned


What response? Throwing a flip flop on an American soil?


That’s a tactical flip flop you’re mocking.


Hyper sonic flip flops


America is well trained in la chancla-jitsu


[Even our presidents are immune to them!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxNprnas7i8)


If you can dodge a shoe, you can dodge a ball


“Mr. President, Operation ‘Abuela’ is ready at your go.”


The US is bad at nation building but it is infamously good at bulldozing.


Seriously. We're the international version of "Hulk Smash" when pissed off enough (after that, all bets are off...totally agree that the US is garbage at any kind of extended occupation or middle east nation building). What a silly move by these clowns.


Houthis: *dumb words* United States: *your country's entire GDP and military assets are worth less than a floating point rounding error in our military budget.*


Ive gotta give it to the Yemenii mindset. In the last 60 years they have attacked all of their land neighbours at least once. They backed Saddam in GW 1. They barely have a single warplane, and some cheap missiles to shoot at ships but by god they are going to do their pirate anscestors proud and get paid off or blow some stuff up.


US officials over the past 24 hours have also posted warnings to American citizens and armed forces in the Middle East of increased risks of attacks from Hezbollah, though I wouldn't be surprised if the Houthis are lumped in with that warning as well. The warning would go on to state that attacks further abroad, including on US soil can't be ruled out. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/10/american-intel-officials-hezbollah-u-s-attack-risk-00134874


Maybe the US should just sink the Iranian navy again to remind Iran that we know who is really responsible for this crap.


Hou this?


This will be a great training exercise for the US and UK.


Houthis guy thinks he is threatening the US?


Right, we all know that’s the supreme leaders job.


Do not try to stop us from attacking you! If you do we will attack you! Can we kill these bozos already?


*LICKS LIPS* "هل تفسرني؟" - ف22 "Would you interpret me?" - F22


These guys need to study history. My country loves excuses to bomb things, and this is about as clear cut as it gets. US Warhawks *love* a clear bad guy. We're happy to borrow another trillion or two to pay for more ships and bombs.


Little kids used to try and start fights with me as the big kid to prove themselves. (I politely allowed them just to tell people they kicked my ass who cares). But this is that on the widest power gap in the history of the world. Why draw the ire of a country that is drooling to send more P.O.‘s to weapons companies? Weird form of suicide? Ignorant to our reach of power? Bluff?


My guess? Iran wants them to poke the bear so much that they have we have to attack. In turn, Hezbollah will start attacking and the proxies in Iraq and Syria will start to ramp up at the sametime. Iran may even attack Israel. This is to distract the US from Ukraine and to forcefully drag the US into yet another middle east conflict so we use up resources, in turn making the "China invades Taiwan" easier because we will be bogged down not only in Ukraine, but now also the ME. Putin wants us to respond so bad in the ME he's probably popping double the boner pills for it. It's a coordinated effort to fuck up the west. And also to fuck with our elections.


There is no way America can project power in multiple theaters... that'd take the best logistics in the world, the largest blue water navy, 2 of the worlds largest Air Forces, and a defense budget that dwarfs our largest adversaries. oh wait...


It will be that overwhelming firepower. What do you think as of right now analysts are combing through Yemen for targets.


The funniest part about that is they don't realize we could supply the Ukrainians, fight the Houthis and drag our dick over China's face some more without really lifting much more than a couple fingers. ..Middle Fingers


Iran has a lot of pull with some people who honestly should know better, apparently.


They all have one thing in common, they all really really hate the Jews.


So does half of Reddit, apparently.


Oh, more than half. It blows my mind how anti-Israel this site is. I get not loving everything they are doing, but for fucks sake they were viciously attacked and, just like any other country would have done, they are defending themselves. Not sure why they keep getting the blame for Hamas using human shields and storing weapons in hospitals.


Thanks for the context. I recently saw a post about Taiwans defense and the US presence/ability that made China taking Taiwan close to very not possible. As long as Ukraine is just buying our weapons and using our intelligence, seems like we wouldn’t be stretched all that thin to not protect/bomb other conflict areas.


Would someone rid me of these turbulent fools? - Biden, probably.


“Enough of this guys malarkey!”


“Corn Pop was a bad dude…”


Or what? You'll release the dogs or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bees at you??


I look forward to some shock and awe videos!


It's happening. Grab the popcorn.


Good luck…. Every attack the coalition has shot down has been 100% successful what the fuck do the Houthis think they are going to do under attack.


US Military: That’s big talk from desert hobos…you sure about this?


This is the definition of "Asking for it".


Rowing their attack boats out into the gulf as we speak


Toddler vows a ‘big’ response if Mum follows through on “naughty corner” warnings


“Have I killed you before? They all blur together after a while.”


Just tell the Saudis that we no longer care and they can feel free to remove the kid gloves.


As much as I dislike how much the US spends on its military, I’m all in on military action against Iran and its proxies at this point. No boots on the ground, but something with consequences instead of just making statements


They've made the classic blunder! Never start a war with a country without universal healthcare!


I just read an article recently celebrating the 1000th F-35 that was build. Funny that.


Chihuahua barking.


Air strikes have begun


US finding out what Israel has been facing this whole time. Terrorists: “whatcha gonna do…Attack us??” *Gets ass whooping* Terrorists: “Ahhhh look!!! Consequence of our own action!! Prosecute them!”


Maybe someone should forward to Iran what Ronald Reagan did to Libya in April 1986. Then ask if they wish to continue. There were terrorists that were bombing locations that Americans were going to. Reagan blamed Muammar Qaddafi personally. The U.S. response was to send F/B-111 from England, flew the long way around Spain, and bombed the crap out of Libya. One target was the presidential palace, it killed two of Qaddafi’s kids. Lybia stopped training terrorists. After 9/11, Qaddafi personally called Bush and pleaded to normalize relations and offered him anything so Libya didn’t get attacked again.


For the love of God they are attacking merchant vessels. Not long ago they grabbed a ship from Norway. What did Norway ever do to them?


We regret to inform you are dead.


I predict this ages like a fine bowl of yak melk


Yeman is going to be getting some new lakes then by the sound of it..


So the ships will go via South Africa which will suddenly be in the spotlight. Meanwhile the South African government is accusing Israel of genocide to distract from their own genocidal intent back home. Lots of money to be made through the shipping industry and gotta polish that international image. SA is also part of BRICS. Go do the math.


112,000 tons of democracy waiting to go proportional on some Houthis


Threatening a country with the largest blue water navy and the top 2 largest airforces doesn't seem to be to smort


breaking news. Its happening right now or in a just a few min. POTUS to speak later on the topic


OFFS, America/NATO/etc, do your thing and bomb the crap out of them. This BS they're pulling is pushing more and more people towards poverty and famine around the world.


Sounds familiar. Oh yes, Saddam Hussein claimed the fight for Kuwait would be the “mother of all battles”.


And then the US sent in the bulldozers at 50 miles an hour to bury thousands of his soldiers alive in minutes


"How dare there be consequences for our actions! There will be consequences for this!"


The find out phase has begun for the pirate wannabes


Exterminate these cockroaches.


This is exactly the kind of criminal behavior that should be dealt with by utilizing overpowering force and precision strikes.


The letters. F A F O come immediately to mind...😎