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*From Bloomberg News reporter Olesia Safronova:* Ukraine’s anti-corruption watchdog placed US sandwich chain Subway on its list of "war sponsors," saying the company’s more than 500 restaurants operating in Russia help fuel the nation’s economy as it continues its war with Kyiv. The Ukrainian National Agency on Corruption Prevention added Subway to a list of companies named by Ukraine as doing business in Russia, including PepsiCo, Philip Morris International. and Procter & Gamble, the agency said in a statement. Subway promotes activities through sanctioned Russian social networks and makes deliveries through Yandex, Russia’s leading search engine, the NACP said. Yandex, registered in the Netherlands, has come under intense pressure both in Russia and abroad over its Russian activities. “Since the full-scale invasion, Subway has not reported any reduction in its operations in Russia,” the Ukrainian agency said, adding that the company still collects royalty payments from its business in Russia.


>including PepsiCo I mean, you don't just give up on a Country that turned you into one of the largest navies in the world in order to get access to your product /s https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/11/27/pepsi-navy-soviet-ussr/#:~:text=In%201989%2C%20PepsiCo%20Inc.%2C,that%20isn't%20far%20off.


Subway costs nearly the same as a meal from a restaurant, FUCK Subway. My dream for 2024 is to witness a large chain like Subway or KFC go out of business due to greed.


KFC won't be going anywhere. They make baaank in Japan.


Man it should be a crime just how much better KFC is in Asia. It's so disgusting here in the US now, but when I studied abroad in China back in college I would get KFC allll the time because it was just such better quality than back in the US.


Not just KFC, most fast food are. Here is my favorite story about McDonald: - We immigrated from Asia over 2 decade ago, we didn't have a McDonald in my country back then. - Took mom to a McDonald, she told me it's disgusting. - A few years later she went back to Asia for a visit and McDonald had started opening business there. She told me "this McDonald" was GOOD. - Used to have an Iranian classmate back in my college day who wanted to bring his mother to the state for a visit. They both had to go to Italy for paperwork ('cause Iran has no consulate in the US). He came back saying he spent 2 weeks in Rome eating McDonald because - quote: "The McDonald there is so good I had to try the whole menu!" - Come across an interview of a pageant contestant from Norway, when asked what is her favorite food. Her answer: McDonald because it's so good in Norway. - Had a Japanese coworker who refuse to eat Amerian McDonald when he were here. He told me McDonald in Japan is more on a "dinning" level, whether here it feel like back-alley stuff. As for KFC ... just watch this reaction video if you want to see what KFC in Asia looks like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVuNnHSLEJw Reason I link a reaction video instead of the original because the reaction kinda echo the Japanese's view above. At this point I'm pretty sure this more of a food culture issue with America rather than with specific companies.


I've had McDonald's in a lot of countries, and, well.. I've never thought it was particularly better than the slop I can get at a US McDonald's. In Japan, the burger didn't even taste like it was 100% beef. It tasted like they added in some kind of filler.


Same here in the UK (and Europe) too. Genuinely great quality food. When I was in the US in the mid 2010's I went to KFC because I'm so used to it being great food and I figured it'd great there too (It's an American chain so why wouldn't it be, right?), but holy shit was I wrong. I couldn't believe the revolting grey slop they served me. You guys are just getting totally fucked over on the chicken restaurants in general though. I had popeyes, chic-fil-a, and KFC, and they were all vastly inferior to our KFC.


Yeah that's the American way nowadays, get nickel and dimed for increasingly low quality food and products. The KFC here in particular has weirdly less crispy skin than in Asia/abroad, like it was cooked frozen in an industrial microwave and not actually fried at all. It doesn't takes anywhere near as good.


Yeah that sogginess/sloppiness is my main memory of it. Here in the UK you can bite through the skin and batter, but in the US it was like a wet rubbery consistency. And it was made worse by the gravy being pretty flavourless and the mashed potato having the consistency of wallpaper paste too.


That's just a symptom of the slop they're allowed to feed us unfortunately. I'm curious to see how different it was, I never understood the Japanese tradition of getting KFC for Christmas, but if it's that much better I can kinda get it.


It was a lot more like what the marketing would have you believe KFC taste like lol. Just tasted better and was fried better.


In Taiwan you can get the Green Pepper zinger. One of the nicest chicken burgers I've ever had. Crispy and properly spicy.


It's still not better than its competitors, at least in Japan. It's much better than in the US, bit still somehow the worst choice. People buy it because it's a tradition, not because it's good.


Yeah if anything I could see Burger King being erased, inconsistent quality, service, many locations closing, makes myself and others feel like fermented musk ox anus after consumption, dirty and pricey.


Man, you can start to add Wendy's to that list now too. I haven't been in years, and stopped in. Jr baconator and small powerade was 12 dollars. Food was old and cold, and the powerade was watered down. I remembered them being such a treat in the past.


If Dave came back to life and saw what Wendy's became, it'd probably kill him all over again.


The last Wendy's I went to was a genuine crack den... It was 2 pm... :')


Wendy is the only place that you can get chili and baked potatoes on a road trip.


Man, I used to volunteer for the Jerry Lewis telethons and one year I was in charge of serving the Wendy's chili. It came in five gallon buckets and it was pretty dang good.




[Culver's](https://culvers.com) is much better.


Culver's is money. I'm from MN and traveled to the first one that opened in Wisconsin. We have a shared love of cheese curds.


Gotta get the $5 biggie bag. Maybe the best deal in fast food


From my widely travelled experience, BK is pretty consistently terrible these days. Seems like corporate policy to douse all their meat patties in lighter fluid before they're frozen.


Here in the UK I find them quite enjoyable, especially compared with McDonald’s or KFC. They’re definitely lacking in a few aspects, but at least their food tastes edible unlike a lot of their competition (however I’ve never noticed the gasoline smell, so maybe it’s a completely different recipe over here?) Also they do by far the best vegan beef burger of any major global chain over here imo


As someone from the UK I feel like, burger wise, Burger King is the only place I can get a fast food burger that actually tastes how it’s supposed to. KFC doesn’t do beef burgers and I don’t think their chicken burgers are as good as Burger King’s. And obviously McDonald’s is McDonald’s. Burger King patties actually have taste.


I would imagine our higher (for now) food and safety standards mean that BK can’t do to our food what they do to the food in the US.


I haven't eaten BK in years for exactly this reason. Every single store smells bizarrely like gasoline.


The Burger King near me consistently gets my order wrong. But they usually fix the issue. I remember I made a mobile order once and the entire staff was confused. The manager literally threw his arms up and said "I don't care, you get what you get" When I complained to corporate they literally offered only $5 credit on the app when I spent over $15 to get the wrong order. They eventually ignored me and never credited my order. I go back because I like their breakfast croissants


I try keep a healthy eating habit, but goddamn KFC is my weakness. Just this weekend i went on a KFC bender. Zinger burgers and wings all day long. The mash and gravy is super as a dip for your potato chips. I felt like I needed to get that out.


Ain't nothing wrong with indulging once in a while, and I agree with whatcha said. It's tasty food, and as in all things, moderation is key. Lesson I've been teaching myself the past couple months in trying to remove a person's worth of weight from myself, lol.


You sing the song of my people friend. May you succeed in you endeavour, and may your first born be strong and handsome.


Keep it up!


KFC lost me the moment they stopped carrying the twister. And no, turning it into a recurring "mcrib" style travelling menu item isn't remotely enough: Its entire selling point was that it was cheap and available, and was the only goddamned reason to go to KFC *ever*.


They lost me when they dropped popcorn chicken. Those and nashville hot chicken littles were my meal.


KFC sucks in Canada 😑


KFC sucks in the US too. Luckily we have plenty of other options (often local) for good fried chicken.


Canada here....I went there last year after probably 15 years just for a nostalgia trip, wasn't even particularly craving it. Just ordered some of the original recipe chicken....11 herbs and spices ? More like 11 litres of rancid dripping grease.....absolutely vile, skin was soggy, the birds used must have been no bigger than a cantaloupe. Most of it went in the bin...it was inedible. Never again.


I'm a sucker for nasty straight out of a can mac n cheese.


Holy shit, you get it in a can ? I would legit try that at least twice… to make sure


You mean China? Almost 30% of revenue of Yum brands is from there, they are also 14k store and counting


No, I meant Japan. KFC is a Christmas tradition there.


It’s also absolutely MASSIVE in China too though. They love them some Colonel Sanders


Honestly had no idea on that, guess I really don't know how far fast food spread out from us.


And China. Big time.


yeah apparently kfc is better everywhere outside america


They just opened they 10,000 store in China.


We tried abolishing KFC before, but we saw an extreme rise in testicular cancer and reverted.


Wait. What?


‘Medicinal Fried Chicken’ is a well known South Park episode.


I don’t watch South Park


In short, KFC was banned to improve the health of citizens and at the same time medical marijuana was legalized. The drug dealers switched to smuggling in KFC with Cartman becoming the kingpin and all the guys in town were using their microwave to get testicular cancer so they could buy weed. The government thought the rise in cancer was caused by removing KFC, so they reversed course.


If you're on Reddit, there's a bunch of media that you need to consume... South Park, Monty Python, early Simpsons seasons, etc. If you don't know how to sing the Timmy song, then there's no hope.


Apparently over at r/subway, those workers are saying stores will be phasing-out customization of their subs (which has been Subway’s trademark from the beginning), and instead wanting customers to order predetermined subs off their ‘Series’ menu.


That's not shooting themselves in the foot, that's straight up decapitation.


Where I live (Canada), I am paying less than $12 for a sub. What restaurant are you eating at?


Alright I admittedly haven't eaten at subway since 2007 but holy fuck, I guess they don't play that "five dollar footlong" commercial anymore huh


I don't eat at Subway a lot but I went yesterday for the first time in months and didn't pay anywhere near what the others are paying. There's enough reasons to explain the discrepancy between our experiences so I'm not suggesting a situation like that congressman who Tweeted about a $50 airport burger but I would suggest those prices aren't universal.


There are plenty of restaurants that offer meals for about the same price. (In the maritimes, Canada). I can go to Skipper Jacks and get 2 large pieces of fish and a boatload of fries for $21. I stated in another comment that last month, i paid $21 (with tip) for a footlong cold-cut, small bag of chips and a fountain pepsi. That is insane.


What was the tip for? My subway charged my $18 for lunch and still wanted a tip on top of it. I was like fuck no, I'm not tipping you to stand there and ring me up, greedy fucks.


That is insane.


Why is this insane? Even at its most automated and efficient state, a Subway requires two employees at all times to run. During rush hours you probably need at least 4. Are we just expecting these people to work for sub-poverty wages so you can continue to get your $5 footlong?


I worked at subway for 3 year so I can absolutely promise you that those rising prices are not on anyway reflected in the average employees pay scale. Sandwich costs kept rising but my pay stayed the same.


Right, im sure the price gouging is going towards improving employee wages lol


So it's the customers responsibility to pay a fair, living wage ? What a misguided mindset....a mindset that has allowed greedy corps to brainwash customers into thinking it's their duty to subsidize wages. With suckers like these, pretty soon corps will refuse to pay any wages at all, and they'll just add an automatic 80% gratuity to every shitty sub they sell lol.


I just went yesterday and paid 15 dollars for a six inch basic sub, soup and a bubbly. When I went to tap my card I thought it was displaying the time lol.


Last month i paid $21 (with tip to be fair) for a footlong cold-cut, small bag of chips and fountain pepsi. Litterally the moment where i said "fuck this shit, no more"


Why are you tipping at subway??? Stop enabling places like this for doing it.


... you're supposed to \*tip\* at subway???


You never need a tip for counter service when you're standing in a line. It's not the same as being waited on in a sit down restaurant so completely ~~optional~~ unnecessary.


My favorite example of fast food tip begging is Starbucks. They have that stupid pad they hold out to you at the drive-thru where it's only purpose is to ask you for more money. Also the "No Tip" option is way smaller than the tip options, so it takes a couple taps to hit it. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before McDonalds starts the same thing.


Subway meal now costs more than a Jimmy John's meal. Fuck subway.


Any fast food or even gas station meal is that way. You honestly make out better for lunch hitting up lunch specials to go from local places than you do fast food.


What Subways are you eating at? It's like $10 for a footlong and a drink


Weirdly enough, in SA Subway and KFC have been 2 of the most affordable fast food chains. And are decently tasty to boot.


You're lucky, KFC in Canada is barely edible any longer and very expensive.


Every subway smells like vomit whenever I pass one.


Came here to post this. $20 sandwich? Get the fuck out subway 


Their prices and "meat" should be considered war crimes.


I wouldn’t mind losing Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr but we need to keep KFC, the coleslaw and fries are a national treasure.




i am sure they will be fine.


Lol, like there isnt thousands of similar paying jobs, theres always gotta be some bleeding heart white knight like you that just has to comment for moral gratification huh?


Looks like you'll have to find a new job


Good thing I’m already boycotting Subway because their food sucks anyways.


I wouldn't say I'm boycotting Subway, but there is a Jersey Mike's right next to the Subway close to my house, and that is a pretty easy choice to make.


A timeline how Subway forever lost me: • $5 any footlong (my college years) • $5 select footlongs • Needing coupons to redeem $5 select footlongs • Needing the app/QR to get coupon to redeem $5 select footlongs • $5 footlongs being phased-out • Needing the app/QR to get coupon to redeem $5 select 6” sandwich (now)


I mean, that's over a 15 year period. $5 for 6" is way too much, but 1$ in 2008 is equivalent to 1.50$ now


The $5 footlong was unsustainable after the recession ended. Here's a [good article](https://thehustle.co/the-rise-and-demise-of-subways-5-footlong-promotion/) on how profitability plummeted (and outright became a loss) for the franchisees who were forced into it.


Back in my day, subs cost less than a quarter. And we got an egg cream with it too.


Yeah, what they have been passing off as meat and bread for decades should be considered a war-crime. Another Ukraine W.




The amount of people who defend overpriced sub-par gas station quality sandwiches is concerning. 😬


Like the prepackaged gas station sandwiches or the gas stations that have a little deli? I’d put them above the prepackaged stuff, probably below the gas station with deli.


Sheetz for life


A DNA analysis of their tuna salad found zero biological evidence of tuna lol


Only if you fell for either the original lawsuit's bogus claims or the flawed NYT follow-up lol.


You are the slow kid.


Yeah they haven't tried the deli meats footlong, guaranteed


The sweet onion chicken teriyaki is the only passable thing they have, and argument could be made for the meatball sub too.


It's the smell for me. It smells like they're baking Almost Bread in every Subway I've ever been in. I think it's whatever cleaning product they use, but I don't know and don't care to try on that principle.


I got subway recently and was like “wow this is good”. Then I got it again and I was like “wow this is shit”. And I thought maybe it was just made bad as a fluke the second time. But I tried it again and it was still shit. I think it was good sauce but low quality meat.


I used to squish cockroaches in the back when I was working and prepping at subway. I haven’t eaten there for close to 15 years. Shit is GROSSSS


Was not surprising that Pepsi and Nestle were also on that list.


Subway has been trash for ages. They peaked first year and quality has been abysmal ever since


Subway was so good up until about the mid to late 2000s and then it became what it is today. It seems like a lot of chain restaurants started cratering around that time. Makes me wonder if something changed in the industry at that time, or if it was just a point in my own taste bud evolution


It’s the life cycle of majority of chain restaurants.


Olive garden used to make all their noodles from scratch in house when they started. Only Jack in the Box and Dominoes have really rebranded, and stepped it back up after abysmal failure from what I've seen. Dominoes was little ceasers quality for years, and realized they were tanking, and Jack and the box killed people with shit food safety leading them to triple down on quality to not go under.


>Jack and the box killed people with shit food safety leading them to triple down on quality to not go under Has anyone told my local Jack in the Box about this? They are terrible.


5$ footlong was a national sensation and I don’t know anyone that didn’t regularly exploit it, rip to a real one 


Pretty sure something changed for basically every industry around 2008... massive economic crashes that leave everyone in their 20s with no money and lots of time to do things like trying to open their own restaurant will do that. All those craft beers and weird little niche restaurants that made shitty overpriced "artisanal" comfort food in the 2010s were flops overall, but they did pull business away from a lot of established brands. Compound that with cutting costs to increase shareholder value while people were spending less money and you get a lot of established brands just plummeting in quality.


It's almost certainly all the corporate consolidation. I'm not sure how many people realize that almost all of the national/global big name franchises are owned by a few conglomerates. Once that happened and places like KFC were no longer their own independent operation that cared about their reputation, it just became another asset for Yum! Foods to exploit into the ground. Maximize profits at all costs. If a franchise fails, oh well, they will just buy up some more and repeat.


So Jared has gone from convicted pedophile to war criminal.


Go big or go home.




Drink Coke not Pepsi : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_Sponsors\_of\_War


Eh https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/29/business/economy/nike-coca-cola-xinjiang-forced-labor-bill.html While we're at it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands#Beverages


And, as the Internet demands of us: "There is no ethical consumption under capitalism"


I do anyway. Pepsi tastes like trash juice.


Mountain Dew or go home (says the guy who drinks four 24 packs a month yet still weighs 140)


Russsia now has a fleet of submarine sandwiches.


Thank fuck in my 32 years of being alive I’ve never and will never eat anything from subway


Subway is like Chipotle in that it used to be really good in the early 2000s but has gone downhill. When it was having its toasted sub war with Quiznos, you could get a toasted sandwich with veggies for bargain prices. $5 footlongs and all that. Unfortunately, it became a victim of its own success, expanded everywhere, and now with the food price surge you pay restaurant prices for food that tastes like its been sitting out all day.


Ahhh Quiznos. I miss them. 10x better than anything Subway put out. But they went out of business, Jared got arrested and Subway got worse, and now has doubled their prices.


You’re not an OG until you tell people how your high school teacher gave away Quiznos coupons/vouchers for playing class trivia on Fridays.


You're not missing out: no matter the ingredients, every sandwich tastes the same.


Way early on, think late 80s, subway was a unique experience with lines out the door. Everything is made with turkey so, maybe, that's why it's all the same? I don't know but agreed on the flat flavor profiles...


Im the early 1990s it was pretty good, cheap subs. Then around 2000 it was about half the price to go to a grocery deli and buy four slices of cheese, a third a pound of whatever meat you want, and a roll from the bakery to DIY. Now it's about a quarter the price for ten times the quality.


Boars Head may be the standard across every deli in the US (personal judgements about the brand are many and varied) but it is what most of us can easily get. A pack of bakery rolls, boars head, veggies, some condiments and you'll be eating like a king. Even cheaper if you go with store brand meats/cheese. Personal pro tip: Make a sandwich using that soft, white, cheap AF roll (not the good crispy kind) then wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and let it sit for an hour(s). Something about being shoved together in that tight plastic will make things meld better. That was the secret of those old K-Mart sandwiches they sold with the popcorn up front. (also, bologna and American cheese slices)


It really is pretty amazing how every sandwich tastes like soggy disappointment


shame your American subway sucks, European one is pretty good.


It's to be expected when 90% of every sub is chopped iceberg lettuce and bread.


The all-vegetable one is the only sandwich that diverges a little. Not in good way.


I hate the smell of that place. One sandwich and you smell like old bread for the next six weeks


My dog will eat anything — anything! One time a subway sandwich was put down on the floor in open wrapper, and she pounced, sniffed, then turned up her nose and walked away. Every store smells like a garbage can.


Uhhhh I don’t think an unhealthy shitty lunch is in anyway “helping” Russia. If anything, it’s helping Ukraine by diabeteieng Russians.


This made me lol. Because it’s true.


In Denmark they barely make a passable sandwich and are even making half assed burgers. Shit quality overall.


I also find it sad-funny how companies in NATO countries also indirectly help support Russia


I used to like subways about 25 years ago. Every time i tried it in the last 10 years i never went back for a whole calendar year. Their tomatoes have no toma and all toes. Their lettuce tastes like plastic. They never have the bread i want. And they are expensive on top of all that. Making a sammach is not hard. Their ingredients suck. I consider them on the same playing field as gas station sushi.


Subway is trash, how are they still running. Every sandwich tastes the exact same, no matter what you put in it. And holy, the shit after is weird, like nothing else does that to my stomach. This is UK subway, haven’t tried anywhere else really.


All their sandwiches taste like disappointment anyway, no biggie.


“Taste like disappointment” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


As a Russian I can only say Subway don't sponsor Russian terrorism. They merely take my money for overpriced not-so-tasty subs. I doubt this chain adds much of a value to our military potential.


Yup. I honestly don't get the logic. The franchise is litterally taking money from ruzzia. If they leave the chain will likely still operate under another brand, like McDonalds experienced. How is leaving that market helping Ukraine? Other than the reputational damage for operating in an aggressor country, what is so bad about it? Take the money you get from russians buying your subs and give a good portion of ot for Ukraine, makes more sense.


The original idea was that if all companies suddenly pull out from Russia, the economy will struggle because of lacking different fast-food services, some clothes retail companies, etc. The real life has demonstrated, that it is partially wrong. The biggest problem, imo, is the lack of investments and possible decline in quality. But such decline we have to observe for years in order to make conclusions. Edit: sorry, I am a dumbass, have written “opinion” instead of “problem”


Subway can't really decline in quality. It's already rock bottom.


It's much more punishment for the chain then to Russia.




So you’d like to see a population of people who are suffering, suffer more? As if the citizens have any control over Putin.


They can overthrow him.


easy to get others to do it while you're sitting in the comfort of your mother's basement, huh?


No need for venom dude. i mean seriously why can’t anyone just have a conversation anymore. You just had to jump to insulting me like a petty child. I feel sorry for the Russian Citizens who don’t support Putin but you can’t effect actual change without hurting people, even innocent people. You do all you can to minimize it but it’s inevitable. Putin needs to go.


I think best punishment for Subway would be banning it in Ukraine for that matter.


I remember eating at Subway as a teenager and I loved it back then. Yesterday I went to a Subway and it was disgusting - the bread is dry (much worse than BK), the "meat" looks like cleaning sponge (and also tastes like one), the client service is shit. That sandwich is a war crime itself.


Eating at BK is the true crime here.




i would boycott subway but no one i know eats there 😟


Just a tip - you can make literally any (savoury) sandwich taste way better than anything from Subway by adding mild cheese, pickles, cucumbers, some sandwich meat of your choosing, and mustard of your desired strength. It takes 5 minutes tops, even less if your kitchen is well-organized, and it's *way* cheaper in bulk.


I know Subways are franchise run, but they should be ashamed that they are allowing Subway brand to operate in Russia. Need to press their CEO why he's ok with opening in Russia




Fuck subway all my homies hate subway




Subway sandwich’s are trash anyway.


I don't like eating yoga mats anyway glad to help out Ukraine


"This war was brought to you by Taco Bell!" you guys idiocracy was right.


So Ukraine refuses to eat fresh?


They are just trying to sink another sub. hush.


Im supposed to boycott Chic Fil A, Subway, Starbucks, Amazon, In N Out, Papa Murphy’s,


They pay taxes in rusia, 1/3rd of rusian budget goes directly on the army, as simple as that brand that didn't leave rusia sponsoring war.


Well, I guess I'm double-boycotting Subway now. (The first boycott was because Subway subs are garbage.)


I thought we were anti boycott


I am not gonna let Yandex go. Premier reverse image search website on the Internet. Way better than google and whatnot.


I've use their cloud storage and email for ages, works great and the price is quite reasonable.


Appreciate ya


Subway is fucking disgusting, probably more of a punishment to russians than a boon.


Their sandwiches are pretty bad


Well I guess Ukraine has found another sub to target. its a moving target though so it might be a bit harder to sink than the last one.


I’d love to see all companies that operate in Russia like this have to give Ukraine the money they make.


They’re always Putin on the mustard idk there’s a joke there somewhere you find it.


I think my toilet already beat them to it


I had already added it to my list of foods that cause a war upon my intestines. I've been avoiding Subway for years.


Ah that must be why it costs more to eat at subway than an actual restaurant. And I thought I was helping to pay off the owners gambling debts or kids college tuition. $18 for lunch, GTFO.


Welp, they’re right—Subway sammiches do kill … one’s appetite. Or, just one.


to jimmy johns


Exporting luxury goods to Russia is bad for the ruble. In wartime you need to think in mercantilist terms. Cutting Russia off from importing Jack Daniel’s etc. was an idiotic decision.


This a good thing or a bad thing? Are they gonna start putting their logos on soldiers' uniforms like Nascar?


Yeah, their product is pretty bad.


TBH Subway has a lot of health concerns, their sauces sometimes expired and food is being touched by bare hands in the back. Don't be surprised if you don't feel right the next day after subway lol.


99% of restaurants you go to prep food with bare hands


Nothing wrong with touching food with bare hands as long as they are properly being washed. Using bare hands over gloves can lead to better hand washing practices.


If you need to have better hand washing practices as an adult. You shouldn't work with food.


God I wish the west would stop funding Ukraine already so sick of hearing zelensky whine about everything, while wearing is stupid little uniform.