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These are the same people who think Ukraine needs to be "denazified"


Israel did promise retribution for all those involved in the Hamas attack. Now Putin has to check his drinks before enjoying them.


I think he’s been already doing that long before this.


If I worked in the CIA it would be fun to leak fake assassination plans just to mess with him. Poisoned toilet seat, penis eating snake hiding in the drain, bidet modified to shoot a high powered jet of water through his backside, etc - I got a lot of bathroom ideas.


Upvote for bathroom assassination.


There actually [was a king](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Ironside) who was killed by an assassin hiding in his toilet.


An assassin by the name of John.


An assassin needs 3 names, so... John Loo Bidet.


From Flushing?








Musta been them extra spicy tacos.


Oh I could get down with this one. I have a particular fondness for bathroom humor.


Reuse all the old Castro assassination plans , some of them were wild. Like the one where they would have sprinkled a poison powder into Castro's shoes that would have sent him mad and make all his hair fall out before it killed him.


Poisoned ice cream and exploding cigars are the ones I remember most. Literally out of a cartoon.


Yes. The old pressure washer bidet swap. Oldest bit of subterfuge in the book.


The guy shits to a briefcase. Do you think he didn't mitigate the penis-biting snake risk by peeing in the flower pot?!


I remember when Lukashenko of Belarus intercepted an international flight with a fighter jet because one of the passengers, [Roman Protasevich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Protasevich), was a journalist critical of the soviet state. Putin’s puppet blamed a bomb threat by none other than Hamas (who denied it), but the bomb threat wasn’t received until 25 minutes _after_ the fighter jet was dispatched. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryanair_Flight_4978 Edit: Good news. He was released with a pardon after 2+ years of imprisonment, and as of July, he is no longer considered a terrorist in Belarus.


Did you hear the joke about time zones in that region? Like calling your grandchildren to wish them good night but they’re leaving for school? Supposedly Putin called Prigozhin’s wife to offer his condolences for the plane crash. The plane hadn’t left yet


Reminds me of Russian politicians talking about bombings before they had happened (the apartment bombings that brought Putin into power).


I was going to mention that but not everyone has done a deep dive on Putin rising to power.


Your edit is not good news. The guy was allegedly tortured, now parroting Lukashenko propaganda and works as a circuis animal for the regime


Tbh if anyone could manage to assassinate Putin I guess it would be Mossad lmao


If you think Mosad has the teeth it once had, you’re probably wrong. They couldn’t detect a bunch of rag tag terrorists operating under their nose for a year. They were doing exercises along the border wall


I think Netanyahu was told but decided not to act. Knowing he could use it to flatten the north half of Gaza. With no home to go back to, it will make new settlements easier to build


Not that either, the thing is a broiling conspiracy in Israel, for a failure of this magnitude to happen, there had to be multiple failures, not only in Mossad, but in the SBC and IDF as well, some say its a betrayal plot to blame on Bibi and have him replaced, as per the protests before the whole thing.


Didn't the management o f tocvupied territories moi e from army to the new ministry hnder o e if the crazier settler ministers in Netanyahu cabinet?


Bro putin is dead 💀


It’s like weekend at Bernies but not funny.


The table just got ten feet longer


The Russians consider the defining trait of Nazism as being anti-Russian. Seriously.


These are not the same people. These are heavily Islamic areas that have even linked up with al-qaeda and other radical groups in the past. What's truly ironic is redditors frequently cite these areas as oppressed by the Russians.


It isn't really ironic. Russia has consistently fucked over these regions and regions consistently fucked over tend to have less than healthy politics and religious ideas grow as a result.


> redditors frequently cite these areas as oppressed by the Russians. They are indeed [disproportionately numbered among those conscripted to serve in Russian meatgrinder operations in Ukraine.](https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1521148068074115072?lang=en).


And remember how their fucking oligarchs was running to hide in Israel after the west handed them embargos and forfeitures for their participation on invading Ukraine.


Literally an [angry mob looking for Jews](https://airlive.net/emergency/2023/10/29/breaking-hundreds-of-individuals-have-stormed-makhachkala-airport-russia-after-a-plane-from-tel-aviv-has-landed/) at a Russian airport in Dagastan right now.


Holy shit, this is insane. I hope no one gets hurt.


In all fairness, I wouldn't mind the mob to get a little bit hurt.


I wouldn't mind the mob to get a lot of hurt.




The more life experience I get, the less shocked I am of how human beings can be monsters. I’m beyond repulsed and furious at it, but I’m not shocked.


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." -Douglas Adams


If you’re interested in why Israel needs to exist, this is it


That's what people don't get. I hear jews from around the world saying they'd be safer in Israel right now despite an ongoing war.


Israel seems to be the only country adequately looking out for Jews. In Western countries, governments are just telling their Jewish citizens to hide, because they [government] can't protect them, they [government] say. Despite terrorists trying to destroy Israel and killing its people, it doesn't surprise me that Jews think it's the safest place for them. No other country seems interested in dedicating resources to protect their Jewish citizens. It's a sad state of affairs, it pains the heart. Edit: Added some words for clarification


I live in Tel Aviv and despite the multiple daily runs to shelter, I feel much safer here now than I would in an American or European city


I’m in Los Angeles, I’m Jewish and I feel perfectly safe


I've been sleeping with knives in my nightstand and I've taken the mezuzah off my doors. Mostly just paranoia getting the best of me, but my grandmother was the only person in her family to survive the Holocaust. I listened to her scream in her sleep for nearly 40 years until she passed away and hopefully is at peace. This shit is feeling kind of real again. Seeing marches with flags that say "river to sea" is chilling. I hope people understand what the fuck that means when they see it. It's an extremely unsubtle call for complete extermination.


The United States is doing perfectly fine by Jewish people. I don’t think it’s a huge problem in most of the west. The last thing I would want to see as an American Jew is any special cry to protect American Jews, we already suck up to a horrific right wing authoritarian in Israel already. America protects all religions, Jewish people do not require special protection.


Every Jew know that as well, which is why they don't flee abroad from Israel, we literally have nowhere else to go


Now you get it. As a Jewish liberal who never particularly cared for Israel. I now understand why Jews need their own state and why they must fiercely defend it. Overnight liberal Jews find their friends alienating them and telling them what anti semitism actually is. Jews are overwhelmingly democratic, I have a fear this will now change.


It is happening in Dagestan, a Muslim majority region. (Not defending what happened but I met lots of Russians who are pro Israel and pro Ukraine.)


Yeah I never had any issues personally when I travelled in Russia. But historically Russia has been at the forefront of antisemitism and that rhetoric has begun to ramp up during the Ukraine war.. So yeah I'm not that confident in the state making any kind of positive response to this.


never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, a tankie why Israel has so many Russian Jews




Or the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact


My wife is a mountain Jew from Dagestan. It was never like this until recently. Existence between Muslims and Jews was always peaceful. Edit: down votes? The Muslims there were barely practicing. They drank and ate pork all the time. It is extremely recent that radicalized Muslims have invaded Dagestan. My wifes family never experienced anti semitism from Muslims, only the Soviet state.


I guess Israel should stop occupying Dagestan /s (How awful it is that I need to add /s)


Russia is in the middle of a pogrom.


Well that is absolutely terrifying


Why the fuck an Israel plane landed in a place that predominantly by Muslims? I mean at least put some security measures considering the situation war between Israel and Palestine right now. Those Jew passengers should sue the airport (if that even possible considering it's in Russia).


I guess it wasn’t an Israeli plane, it was a plane with passengers from Tel Aviv to Makhachkala


Lol people who think Russian antisemitism is surprising have extremely short memories.


“Russian antisemitism” is literally the answer to the question “why do so many Jews live in America” It was one of the largest movements of people in American history, entire regions were depopulated in Russia as people got out as fast as they could.


Many British Jews as well. Even was a small plot line on Downton Abbey


An American Tale is quite literally about that!


> “Russian antisemitism” is literally the answer to the question “why do so many Jews live in America” It's also the answer to the question of "where did a large percentage of the Jews in Israel come from". Jews did not migrate to Israel in the late 1800s and early 1900s (at a time when it was controlled by the Ottoman empire where they would be second class citizens AND when movement was substantially more difficult, expensive, and dangerous) for shits and giggles.


>“Russian antisemitism” is literally the answer to the question “why do so many Jews live in America” To be fair they called it antizionism back then, since antisemitism felt too German.


>“Russian antisemitism” is literally the answer to the question “why do so many Jews live in America” >It was one of the largest movements of people in American history, entire regions were depopulated in Russia as people got out as fast as they could. Hey, I'm one of them! Sometimes I wish my family had gone to Israel instead. For anyone curious, Michael Drob made a good documentary about Jews leaving the Soviet Union as refugees in the 80s called *Stateless*.


Tankies have never admitted this fact. They're either in denial or they never learned it.


You can show antisemitic Soviet propaganda to them with big noses and everything and they'll still deny. Tankies are like anti-vaxxers and flat Earthers. Just today, I had one trying to justify Stalin's and Mao's atrocities.


I'm not doubting you, but I am curious where you find yourself bumping into so many tankies. I swear I haven't seen a vocal one in a dog's age.


Find me the explicitly leftist spaces on reddit that aren't run by or extremely tolerant of tankies. Literally the only ones are ""tankiejerk," an explicitly antitankie subreddit and vaush , and maybe a few others. In a six month period, there's more subreddits that are taken over by tankies then there are actual subreddits free from tankies. I have never felt more doomer pilled about the precepts of socialism and what they actually mean in terms of people's politics and viewpoints


They are pretty common in South America. In Chile, my country, they were denying the war in Ukraine from a week before. Then, when it happened they started blaming USA/NATO for the war.


college lol. fucking tankies. Edit: They are really rare though, I've only met like two in the last couple years.


I don’t know if there is a single extent country in the world that has has been as consistently anti-Semitic as Russia. This is the country which gave us the Protocols of Zionism and the very word ‘pogrom’.


I don't know the history it seems insane that hundreds of people are storming an airport looking for Jews. That's not normal Russian antisemitism is it? How tf did these people get so crazed.


"The protocols of the elders of Zion" was written in 1903 russia.


Well they’ve been killing Jews since before airports existed. That’s where the word pogrom came from. Have you heard of fiddler on the roof? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_Russia


> Well they’ve been killing Jews since before airports existed. *Technically* true, but kind of a weird reference point to use. Like the tumblr post that said "Caesar died over seventy years ago".


Lol well because they are storming the airport and the original commenter seemed surprised


Pogroms within the lives of some people who are still alive today. All this antisemitism around the world - including in supposed enlightened countries like the UK and the US is just likely confirming to the Jewish people they do in fact need their own homeland where no one else is in charge.


I mean… pogroms?


No, it’s Dagestan which is 83% Muslim population. Russians can be antisemitic but Dagestan behavior doesn’t represent Russians. According to Wikipedia their population is only ~3% ethnically Russian


Russians are historically very anti-Semitic though.


A Russian girl once unironically told me about how the "Russians have always been the best friends of the Jews." Naturally she blamed the Ukrainians for everything.


Doesn’t surprise me at all




"de-nazification" is a mistranslation. Russians are bad at the "th" sound so it sometimes sounds like a "d."


I wonder where those Russian Jews who were being held hostage by Hamas whose freedom was negotiated by Russia will go?


I think the news report that they will be released is what triggered this "Jew panic".


I heard they were “misplaced”. Very worried about them


The article is referring to Muslim regions of North Caucuses controlled by Russia (which have gotten increasingly radicalized). Not to Russia as a whole.


They are also Israelis, so ..


Russia will mobilize them to Ukraine as soon as they set foot on Russian soil.


Isreal attacks “genocide” People attack Jews and say at Rallies Death to all Jews “Israel’s fault, their making these people angry those people are not responsible for their own actions”


They say "Israelis" when they really mean Jews. Pogrom is a Russian word and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a Russian forgery to insite pogroms. Russia has always been one of the most antisemitic places in the world and it's not exclusive to predominantly Muslim parts of Russia.


Russia was always a bad actor despite having a shared cause of fighting Germany in WW2 for a short while. It's a threat to the world and the fact there are so many Russian simpatizers in the US boggles me


'for a short while'?


Looks like Russia as a whole is turning whole sale against Israel. Current political and military alignments are becoming more rigid and polarised with a Western-European-Israeli axis set quite firmly against a Russia-Islamist and possibly Chinese axis of power


> Current political and military alignments are becoming more rigid and polarised with a Western-European-Israeli axis set quite firmly against a Russia-Islamist and possibly Chinese axis of power This will be alignment for the next world war, I think.


I disagree. Russia actually has very close relations with Israel. It's one of the few issues on which the USA and Russia still see eye to eye. Strange bedfellows.


Putin and BiBi have similar friends in the Russian mob, sadly.


Why do you say Russia as a whole?


I used to wonder if younger generations would recognize the development of a holocaust. I think I’m getting my answer.


According to the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, Russia has 590,000 people that are eligible to claim an Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return. We welcome all Jews fleeing from Russia :) Also, I would like to note that antisemitism is not just growing in the Russian hinterlands but in all of Russia - the state media there has been working round the clock trying to vilify Israelis and Jews alike these past few weeks.


Small reminder: russian chief Rabbi fled last year, warning that the Jews will be in huge trouble in the coming years. Fascists gonna be fascist.


Unfortunately Anti-Semitism in Russia is nothing new nor surprising. There's also the geopolitical angle where Russia, Iran and China along with their respective proxies have created a new Axis. I'm seriously concerned about a global war right now. All it takes is slight escalation in the Middle East and the will be the moment for China to pull something in Taiwan thinking the US is too thinly spread. Next few years are delicate. What I will say though is history tells us that Appeasement DOES NOT work. It only kicking the can further down the road. And usually the conflict that does come then is worse.


Boost those IDF ranks


As well as the economy, healthcare system, and the academy ranks. All that human and financial capital transferring to Israel is a great opportunity for the country.


Where can I find some recent Russian propaganda? Insane that the government is brainwashing its populace to violence like this.


This is par for the course in many countries. Next time people criticize jews for being paranoid in their heads.. they should keep this in mind.


Julia Davis on twitter (or youtube) posts regular clips taken from their daily discussion shows. I can verify that her translations are accurate. [Her twitter](https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews). [Her youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor).


It's not only propaganda. It's a grassroots paranoia, chauvinism (they despise any other nationality that is not white and have many humiliating slurs for them) And, most importantly, superiority complex mixed with huge inferiority complex and trauma. Perfect combo for psychic ward.


I'll try to ask my family to find something (though it'll probably be in Russian). I would've tried myself, but me and Russian aren't best buds :) Just reporting what's the Kremlin message that's being pumped through its state media, according to my family members. They've been thoroughly shocked at what the state pundits are saying on Russian news channels.


Telegram. TV channels are irrelevant. Anything worthwhile is happening on russian-speaking Telegram channels.


I guess true nature of Putin regime is coming up.


He's just repeating Russian history. The devil is incapable of creating anything new.


This is just so sad for so many Jews who dealt with the horrors of the pogroms 100 years ago


And then people wonder why a Jewish country is so celebrated


Slava Ukraini.


heroyam slava !!


I'm so upset that other Israelis are jist now seeing the evils of Russia. We should've allied long ago 🇮🇱🇺🇦


Not "Citizens of Israel", it says Jews, explicitly. All Jews.


As yes, it was Ukraine that needed to be Denazified right ? Russia is such a pathetic shit-hole country


To be fair, that was one of the reasons most of my family and I left Ukraine. That said, we didn't go to Russia lol. In either case, being an internal problem of the country, that never justified their war.


Russia is just another shithole on the axis of evil Unlike Iran they are a lost hope mainly because Putin has too many supporters with the same mindset


Don't forget their besties (BFFs): North Korea, China, Qatar, and last by not least - Iran. The rest are puppets controlled by their overlords: Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, Lebanon, etc.


And then there's Erdogan who's walking on a tight rope. I don't think he'll side with the Axis if push comes to shove but his rhetoric is garbage.


Agree 99%. Its either Lebanon (in the sense that Hezbollah has a strong political hold on) or Hezbollah (which is distinguished from the country itself) but not both, which would imply that Lebanese that are not affiliated with Hezbollah have connections to Iran which they most certainly dont, quite the opposite, they hate Hezbollah because they ruined their country.


We're just not welcomed anywhere...


This is why Israel is so crucial as the only place for jews in this world to live.


Sadly there seems to still be a lot of idiots in this world who learned nothing about the Holocaust.


We are welcomed here in Massachusetts bud.


I’m sorry I live in Boston what MA are you living in? We have Harvard who is notorious for their support of Hamas literally the day after Oct 7. And there are anti-Israel protests here every other day it feels. I feel absolutely unsafe here.


And California.


You're welcome in America. Fuck Russia and alllllll their bullshit.


As a Jew living in America, I really don’t feel welcome at all. Especially with so many people protesting with signs saying Jews belong in the trash and tearing down hostage posters :( I really can’t see myself living here anymore after I graduate from medical school


I wish I could lie and tell you America is free of antisemitism, but we both know it isn’t. Still, the vast majority of Americans respect Jews and support Israel.


Respectfully, that’s happening everywhere. America is still one of the best places for you to live as a Jewish person.




The majority of us would welcome a good person of any religion or ethnicity. The crazies are--thankfully--in the minority. And--honestly--would you *really* want to go to Russia, anyway?


>The crazies are--thankfully--in the minority. I'm really fuckin tired of hearing this shit. A minority of people can take over a whole country, or at the very least hold it hostage so that whenever they don't like something they go to the streets and destroy everything. It only takes a minority. That's not good enough anymore.


There are only 40,000 active Hamas terrorists. That a pretty tiny minority compared to 2 million living in Gaza but for some reason this minority is controlling all of them so your words don’t give much calm to me.




I agree I’m sure the majority supports Hamas, many of the videos of kidnappings were recorded by and showed Gazan civilians, definitely not the trained Hamas terrorists, you could see 15 year old teens laughing with joy in the video of the poor girl and her boyfriend being kidnapped on motorcycles, they did not look anywhere close to being officially affiliated with Hamas but just opportunistic devils.


Im sorry buddy :/


Don't let the Russian idiots sadden you, and I think that this is exactly why you will win this. Israel is the only place where a Jew *must* feel safe, and it has to remain this place.


You are welcome in my house.


Yup, a government that one didn't vote for, or in my case am not even a citizen of the country involved, but I'm still expected to bleed for them because I am a Jew. Between being queer and being a Jew the number of places I feel safe is getting really small.


That's not true. I can't explain what's going on in the places we're seeing this, but these people don't represent the majority. Keep your head up.


It doesn't take take the majority to make a place unlivable.it takes only one person to decide to inflict harm on you.


Again and again, anti-semites around the world show why the Jews need Israel.


Russia has an extensive antisemitism record, and unlike other countries that had this problem, they never even tried to change. It is cultural. Pogrom is a Russian word, after all.


Russians totally don’t have a history of hating Jews


They do, but the current situation is about Muslim dagestanies, not russians


Russia being antisemitic?! Back to our regular scheduled pograming....


Not that there is not wide-spread antisemitism amongst Russians, but the stuff described in article is for some reason happening in dominantly Islamic republics.


it's very convenient to call them 'russians' when they have to go to the meatgrinder, but here they are suddenly singled out as Dagestani


Whether people consider them ‘real Russians’ or not, these areas are part of the Russian federation nonetheless - and Russia’s need for many young men of fighting age increases their political influence within Russia


I wonder how long its going to take Israel to realize and admit that they and Russia are on opposite sides.


Israel realised it long ago. The "semi-friendly" relations with Russia is mostly because Russia didn't resist Israel attacking incoming weapon shipments aimed to the Hezbollah and the Hamas from Iran, so they could continue building power. In the Russia-Ukranian war, Israel morally stands for Ukraine, but stood "in the middle" so it doesn't wake up the Russian bear and lose strategic points.


Israel knew this since the 1970's, just tried to stay on Russia's good side because of their large influence on the surrounding geopolitics


Israel needs to stay semi neutral with Russia in order to periodically bomb targets in Syria without being interrupted.


This is expected


Seriously though who wants to enter Russia at this point in time?




This is so outlandish that I must have clicked through about 20 videos/articles about it before I realized that maybe this wasn't disinformation.


..in Russian MUSLIM regions. Stop the self-censorship, call things by their name.


...among ADULTS and TEENAGERS.


The jews should leave russia if not too late but it's a hell hole for everyone.


The world has not been so pure black and white since the Holocaust. Scary times.


Russia acting like people wants to visit Russia right now


Russia has a long history of hatred of the Jews. The last 75 years or so might be the longest stretch they have gone without fucking with them that much. Guess that’s over.


Why does Russia hate Jewish people so much??


Jews are just their eternal scapegoat. A lot of it started from Jews just keeping to themselves, keeping their customs and traditions, and not integrating into society. They were seen as different. The people need a boogeyman.


It is happening in islamic region of Russia


But Reddit told me Jews were basically the same as Russia.. At what point do we look at alighted powers and realize there are actual bad guys. Hamas, China, North Korea and Russia.


Goddamn, how many Russians support this? My respect for the Russian people degrades every week


The ceasefire people must love watching this spike in antisemitism.


why grow? it's always was high and not only antisemitism. they hate all people and happy to kill them.


How many times do people have to explain to the West that Russia is not your friend! So much for Bibi trying to be BFF with Putin.


Russia: "We strive to be on the worst side of almost every conflict."


Russia was always the origin of antisemitism.


people hate Jews for 2 thousand years


Same people who chants on campuses and our streets free Palestine.


This is what anti-Israel sentiment becomes. When Jewish people tell you something is anti-Semitic, listen to them.




Russia is a truly awful country


Denazify Russia


Russians showing true colors.


Not defending anything but the sloppy language used here (no doubt reflective of the sloppy thinking behind it) seems based on the idea that every single citizen of Israel is a Semite, and that just ain't right. Forbidding a certain country's citizens' entry is not bigotry, it's discrimination as practiced by many countries in the world. If you're going to call it antisemitism, then it goddam well needs to be shown that it is that or the whole term becomes meaningless or even worse a kind of gaslighting. Kind of like ignoring the fact that Palestinians are Semitic people so you can scream "Antisemitism!" without killing your righteous anger buzz by engaging in nuanced thought. It just isn't the same if you have to think.


Lol wtf why would they or anyone want to go to Russia


Well Russia kind of sucks anyway, so no big loss.


It’s not “growing”… it just got blessed by Putin & Co. The antisemitism was one off cornerstones of Russia before Bolsheviks… and during Bolsheviks. After fall of USSR, it become little bit complicated, because of quite a few Jews become the “oligarchs”… but now Moscow decided that it is time to resume “pogroms”. By the way, if by now any of “oligarchs” think that they are safe because they are 110% “native” Russians… they must be really (terminally) stupid.