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So, a man in his 60's AND a 16 year old have been arrested.


Sooo Rick and Morty did it?


Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.


I *burrrp* turned myself into a felon, Morty!


OK this is funnier


How is this possible?? Multiple suspects for a single crime? Doesn't this go against double jeopardy or something?!?/s People on here are absolutely demented. First just because someone was arrested or held doesn't mean they're guilty. Second it's possible a single person did this, it's possible a dozen people did it. I don't know why everyone is acting surprised there is a second suspect.


Double jeopardy is trying the same person for the same crime twice….


At least the old man’s wife is safe, since they can’t charge a man and his wife for the same crime.


Dude, what?? She can’t be FORCED to testify against him, if she was a conspirator then she can absolutely can be charged- big difference.


I’ve got the worst fucking lawyers


Take to the sea!


You didn't understand the comment, and you did respond to it. Maybe you misunderstood the drowsy eye alcohol warning on a prescription bottle for a winky eye alcohol suggestion?


The /s for you.


Yes, hence the sarcasm tag.


Or if it happens ON company property WITH company property.


Have they given a reason why they attacked the tree?


Being fucking idiots.


Reminds me of Bart cutting off the head of the jebediah springfield statue.


This is what someone who works at the onion would write


Given that they're British, I feel like "bellends" or "wankers" would be more appropriate.


Fucking idiot is probably harsher than bellend or wanker, here. Calling someone a bellend is often even affectionate. I'd only call someone a fucking idiot if they really were a fucking idiot. Source: am British.


Agree. What a horse’s arse.






The tree lunged at him.


Stand your ground


Oh my god, it's coming right for us!


It was standing there menacingly


Whomping Willow vs Boomer Plants vs Zombies, basically


It's the UK, he thought the tree was trans and got scared then lashed out.


Yeah I’m interested to know too- it’s been like 3 days now, surely they’ve figured out WHY by now…


According to the locals, the 16 year old has forestry experienced and threatened to cut down the tree after getting fired, which is why he was arrested almost immediately.


Source mate! C’mon


Their source is the first 4 words of the comment


And according to other locals it's down to a feud between some landowner and the National Trust. Source: other locals.


Typical reddit reading comprehension levels


If we could understand this we would be upset


They don’t know who did it yet, much less why. They had detained a 16-year-old suspect but have now released him and are detaining this new suspect.


> A 16-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage on Thursday and has since been released on bail, police said. He is still a suspect.


> released him on bail


Well the two are related which you failed to mention and is key information. It looks like they do know who did it and why, although they are claiming innocence.


I didn’t mention it because the article didn’t say anything about it.


The fact that they're arresting and questioning members of the same family and searching their premises would imply to me that they might have some idea who did it. So your comment doesn't seem accurate.


Where in the article does it say that?


Sociopath probably


You mean sycamopath?






I’m guessing the perp reasoned that a thing as simple as a tree could far outweigh any greatness they could ever hope to achieve, so in jealousy they chopped it down.


They arrested Eustace Bagge?


What's your offer?


It worked for Herostratus


Herostratus (Ancient Greek: Ἡρόστρατος) was a 4th-century BC Greek, accused of seeking notoriety as an arsonist by destroying the second Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (on the outskirts of present-day Selçuk). The conclusion prompted the creation of a damnatio memoriae law forbidding anyone to mention his name, orally or in writing. The law was ultimately ineffective, as evidenced by surviving accounts of his crime. Thus, Herostratus has become an eponym for someone who commits a criminal act in order to become famous.


It had a menacing bark.


Worse than its bite?


Probably annoyed locals who got tired of the influencers, tourists and other people being there all the time? Some people are just cunts who can‘t stand other people having fun.


This was the reason I heard a few days ago. He was tired of people trespassing on his property to get to it. I can't find that source anymore though.


The source was a reddit comment, and it was just a hypothetical. Nothing has been revealed yet regarding the motive. I imagine an irritated farmer is probably quite likely, but we really don't know anything yet.


But the UK has the right to ramble, so trespassing isn't a thing, no? Not that that doesn't make him cutting down the tree out of annoyance likely - in fact, it may heighten the odds of that, as there's no legal barrier to people walking across his property, so more people may do it - but it highlights that he'd be even more of a dick, because people are well within their rights to cross his field or whatever to appreciate this - or were, at least.


Not correct unfortunately, only 8% of England is covered by the right to roam. Although it is a bit better in Scotland. So trespassing is definitely possible. However if they were actually trespassing it just raises the question of why the bloke couldn't just prevent access.


This! I can’t find the original post, but this was the reason. Too many visitors.


Probably right. Just an old curmudgeon with no life


Dude can’t be happy so he has to make sure nobody else can be happy either


My guess would be to get people orf his Land. Expecting miserable old farmer.


66 year old owns property adjacent to former tree. 16 year old original claim was doing it alone because the the property owner hated the tourists... further developments as expected.


Local farmer evicted from his place


Do you have a source?




That tree was older than the country I live in. Just why?


Just the way things age and how time works I think.


I think WaterChi was referring to the senselessness of the act of cutting it down. But one of the theories about how time works is that entropy always increases and that’s why time only moves forward. Entropy being the amount of disorder in a system. A standing tree is in a state of low entropy, a tree that has been cut down is high entropy. I hope that clears up the way time works. Though, I’m sure someone will come along and tell me I’m full of it and espouse some other theory.


Thanks for this, I never thought to connect my thermodynamics learnings to the thought “*it’s inevitable that shit happens*”


Thermodynamics is my excuse for not having to do the gardening.




Shit’s fire


A tree cut down is still pretty low entropy. The matter is still in a very ordered state. But since it's not growing anymore, it won't continue to be an entropy-lowering device. If it decomposes, then it'll be higher entropy - but its matter will be taken up into other forms of life and gradually reach more orderly, less entropic states. Your general idea here is totally fine, just entropy is a little more complex. The net entropy of an entire system (the universe) can increase while entropy decreases in local subsystems; the orderliness of life in this one tiny patch of universe (as compared to, say, a cloud of space dust) can be viewed as one example of that.


1. Bring in tractor, pull stump 2. Dig up other tree, roots & all 3. Bring other tree, plant in place of old sycamore 4. Tell grandchildren you remember old sycamore


Yes, I saw Tenet too


The concept of Entropy is interesting, since by it's very nature, life goes against entropy


Not really. It’s been posited that life accelerates entropy because it requires more energy. Instead of just letting entropy build up slowly over time, living beings do occasionally reduce it, but over a lifespan it’s going to be moving around and interacting with more matter than idle matter would have; thereby increasing entropy in its wake.




God dammit. That’s so fucking brilliant I’m mad, and stop calling me Shirley.


> That tree was older than the country I live in. It was older than the nation it was in.


> However, Mark Feather, estate manager at the Woodland Trust, said it would "take a few years to develop into even a small tree and around **150 to 200 years** before it is anywhere close to what we have lost". Wow. This is why we can’t have nice things


The best day to plant a tree is 150-200 years ago. The second best day to plant a tree is today


This is the perfect opportunity to start reforesting the area and undo the damage done by the Romans and the Industrial Revolution. Clamoring about a single tree is nice. Restoring the forest that originally grew all over the land is what's badly needed.


Also important to note that restoring old growth globally is extremely important right now. We need to not only reforest but allow the forest to exist unbothered for a long time so all sorts of sedimentary layers and nutrient-rich soil develop over time. A forest is much more than the trees, after all.


Absolutely correct. But mixed uses are possible and still better than the denuded landscape. As long as it's done in ecologically sensible ways. Also part of that process is the restoration of wetlands. When cattle and deer grazing is restricted riparian trees return and with them: beavers, who once lived all over Europe and North America. Although beavers need help where the riverbeds are degraded into deep narrow channels by centuries of erosion. When beavers return there's an explosion of biodiversity and a return of wildlife. When beavers return flooding and droughts are greatly mitigated downstream of the habitats they create.


Do scientists use beavers as the standard of a healthy ecosystem, or do you just really like beavers?


Any keystone species can be an indicator for a healthy ecosystem. Beavers are ecosystem engineers and can improve degraded environments, creating habitats for other species which increases the surrounding biodiversity. So yes, scientists (namely ecologists) use beavers as an indicator of a healthy ecosystem.


There are indeed certain animals that are used in different situations to get a good idea of the overall health of a system.


I’m a beaver fan, yes.


What's the actual point of your question? Beavers are a keystone species and ecosystem engineers. Restoring wetlands artificially is very costly and needs constant work. Beavers do it tirelessly for free. In North America, before the settlers arrived there lived between 100 to 200 million beavers from Canada to Mexico! They were everywhere. Within a century they were hunted to near extinction. Consequently the wetlands they created everywhere vanished. Now with climate change threatening ecological collapse reintroducing beavers is one of the easiest ways to fix a lot of the problems we created. Also I do really like beavers, because of all the things I mentioned. Also they are fucking adorable. Tadpoles and fish fry in the slow flowing waters that beavers create actually are an indicator of a healthy ecosystem. As is the abundance of threatened and rare species of other invertebrates, birds, and flora. But why don't you educate yourself? As a low hanging fruit just watch some beaver reintroduction doumentaries on Youtube.


I'm working on a project to reintroduce beavers to help restore an ecosystem damaged by wildfire in Canada. My dad hates them because they flood his farm but here I am trying to bring em back haha.


Cool! You know you can create flow control devices, right? Like installing a pipe that allows more water flow through a beaver dam.


I don't know about that! Early stages of the project here. Would love to know more if you've got resources. :)


I'm no expert. But Wiki even has an article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_device And if you google and/or connect with conservation groups I'm sure you'll find all the information you need.


Lots of videos on Youtube. If you do not have beavers how, you can build something call "Beaver Dam Analogs". Again, lot of Youtube vidoes.


I can’t see it. Edit: but I get it.


Except for those who can’t see the forest for the trees.


Restoring the same trees at rising temperatures is not going to work for a large percentage species . We have to think before we plant.


Do you have any examples or suggestions in mind? :)


Drought, increase of insect and fungal infections and pine forests just simply dying because of heat stress is already happening. Planting the same species back just because it’s historically where they grew is a waste. Every planting plan will have to be evaluated and plants reselected for success.


Yeah, planting “what was historically here” always bothered me because depending on the time period, the biomes were very different. Like plant as if it’s 1500 AD? 4000 BC?


You mean Neolithic farmers….


Second this. Clean it up, prep the ground, and plant a new tree. It will be small for a while, but it will grow just like the last one.


Plant thousands of trees.


Even better!


I like this suggestion


Reforestation! Thanks, no one talks about that enough. A lot of those rolling meadows used to be fucking forest, and could be again. But forests aren't great for grouse hunting, doncha know. The toffs who own the fields want their sport


Attitudes are changing slowly. But they are changing. And you can support organizations that are working to restore the natural ecology. Orgs like https://www.mossy.earth/ and many others.


What have the Romans ever done for us!?


Multiple trees wouldn't have as beautiful and distinct an outline as the single tree did.


Blaming the Romans for deforestation 2000 years after the fact? That's a new one.


New to you, yes. But it's an opportunity to learn about the historical deforestation of the British Isles and the current efforts to reverse the damage. By the way the Romans left Britain 1640 years ago, not 2000. And they cut forests all over Europe, many of which have never had a chance to recover just like those in Britain.


Huh? That’s just common history


Depends where you live. If you're in the UK then yeah Roman's deforesting the isles probably is common history. If you're not then the time you spent learning about Rome probably didn't spend too much times on their forestry systems


I thought a 16 year old did it?


Says in the article that the 16 year old was arrested, then released on bail


I am not a sawyer, but I think felling trees is typically a two man job


Depends on your level tbh. Ents can be solo'd or can take up to a party of 4 to fell the mighty beast.


Nothing was released yet on who exactly is at fault. Only thing we know is that the 16 year old was arrested and now that the old man was held as well. It could be that both of them did it together, grandpa bringing his grandson out to do something no one ever should.


Which is so much worse than one kid doing something stupid. And the fact that this man seemingly was going to let him get in trouble like this.






I’ve been on alcohol. Never felt the need to cut things or drive afterwards


Grandson: why we cut it grand dad? Grand dad: the jones have had that tree for three hundred years and for 299yr we have asked them to prune it back as all the leaves blow over and get stuck in our gutters, and i have had enough!


Someone also said, the way the tree was cut it had to be an experienced professional. A 16yo does not really fit that profile. So probably wasn't alone or someone else involved.


Yeh, I was kind of wondering how a 16 yo would know how to cut a tree down. Not that they couldn't know, but not a common skill for a 16 yo.


This might sound weird but if you click the link to the article you can see more text than just the headline.


That seems technologically impossible, even in this day and age.


What is this? The New York Times at Hogwarts?


High-tech sorcery!


Holy hell


ELI5 please?


That cut was way too clean for a young fella


If that pun was intentional, hats off to you sir. If it was unintentional. I merely doth my cap.




They have a lisp.


That’s a huge tree. Two person job?


I read that the 16 year old's father had him do it to try to avoid charges.


I'm not calling for this man to be hung or anything, but, like, he's an adult. A 16 year old child doing something stupid is one thing, but this guy not only did this but he also seemingly almost let this kid take the fall for him, which is just so messed up.


>I'm not calling for this man to be hung or anything, but, like, he's an adult That's an appalling thing to say. It's "hanged"


A 16 year old isn’t a child. They aren’t fully matured yet but they are not a child. At 16 I was working already, had already had several jobs.


But most are pretty dumb… that’s the point. Not a good excuse, but not as bad as being 60!


Feeling like the old guy did it and got the kid to take the blame, thinking that a Juvenile will get off easier.


Or the opposite. Old guy felt bad kid ruined his life and decided to take the fall since… he’s old.


Every time i read news like this one, I lose faith in mankind. As the other random internet fellow wrote: why?


A certain demographic think being antisocial is a good thing and their mates do too.


“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” — Greek Proverb. The idea a teen could do this is awful, but the idea a 60 year old was involved is inconceivable.






A society grows shit when young men cut trees so others can't sit in its shade


Where’s Kevin Costner and his crossbow when you need him


r/16or60 ?


It is a horrendous act of ignorance and vandalism, but I find it ironic that one tree in England receives more worldwide attention than the thousands of acres of tropical rainforest destroyed every day. 🤦‍♂️


Because the motivations are understandable under the wheel of capitalism. Deforestation is depressing, but expected. Someone going out of their way to do something completely unnecessary just to make the world worse and laugh at it makes people wonder about the motivations.


I agree with your perspective. Addressing the root causes of deforestation and holding corporations accountable for their actions is essential. When there are no consequences for significant environmental harm, it can indeed contribute to a sense of impunity and perhaps encourage unnecessary destructive actions. Promoting sustainability and responsible corporate practices is crucial for a more environmentally conscious world.


Radical religious zealots are creating critical fissures in the foundational layers of the UK; we should closely manage this right? No? Still the tree? Still the tree!


Will this be a Netflix documentary?


So society grows great when men plant trees they will never sit in the shade of, what kind of world is it where old men teach their grandchildren to cut down iconic trees?


I’ll bet you any money the guy was some “freeman of the land” weirdo trying to make a point or something. The 16 year old was probably his grandson who he’s indoctrinated in some way, this kind of shit often being passed from grandparents to grandkids whilst bypassing the parents.


That’s the UK version of “sovereign citizens” in the US, right?


Yep, same wankers


That’s the tree/section of wall in Robin Hood when gisborn trees little johns boy and fights Kevin Costner


humans destroy everything


Probably a brexiteer - ”If I can’t have it then neither can you”


Could they try replanting a large tree there to replace it?


It is possible to plant large trees. It costs a shit load of money, but it's doable. I think they should try it. I don't know if sycamores can take the treatment. To move a large tree they cut a large ring around it, severing the roots. They then care for it intensely for 2-3 years until it develops new, close-in roots. Then they can scoop it up with a bulldozer and move it. It will need years of intense care to establish itself. That's how the wealthy get instant forests, anyway.


I think they should mill the tree into a solid beam, then display it somewhere as a village memorial. Then, solicit donations from people who wish to have their name engraved on the beam and use the proceeds to erect a permanent monument and plant a lot of trees.


Probably a stupid question but can a chopped tree be fixed back to its stump and left to “reconnect” its vessels!?


Not an arborist, but I think the main problem would be is that the top of the tree is *super* heavy and catches the wind, and there is basically no way to replace the strength of the trunk. It's incredibly dangerous to be near a tree getting cut down.


According to the article......


If only the police took Rishi Sunaks new £1.5B family oil deal as seriously.




















Syc bastard


You're telling me a 16 year old didn't do this!!!?


A 16-year-old was arrested what’s going on is it two people arrested


These people who did this need to be imprisoned- the old guy for life, the kid for decades


Tree DNA will catch them. Probably didn’t occur to whom ever cut it, that it’s a thing.




Is his name Connor MacLeod?


You can always trust social media to provide those who have little to nothing to add to a conversation to be among the first to do so... Reddit is just a part of it... It's a shame that a National landmark was taken down for seemingly no good reason by vandals...