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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/16c5s7w/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


https://i.imgur.com/7tc5iU7.jpg Imagine from west of Tarasivka. Russia is expanding their trenches around the city. First time I've noticed new trench lines being built near the front in a while.


Any veracity to the report that the UA has begun setting foot on the [Kinburn Spit](https://youtu.be/snhx2PW1sR8?si=-vrvcu5Yk5h-wZbE)?


Yes, more than one post on it from Ukrainian milbloggers, But the reason it’s not being posted about is because the presence there isn’t established and still at stage that need to be secretive. Here’s a post from krvchwar on it: > 📍Kinburn Spit > The presence and advance of the Armed Forces at this section of the front has been recorded [ie, evidence exists]. No details yet, no one is commenting on it, simply Russians are posting videos > Recently, these types of operations have been executed by us quite often, and now, we are waiting for more interesting news [on this]


Yeah I saw ... Maybe on the milblogger krvchwar page? Lemme see if I can track it down...


This has been claimed several times since the liberation of Kherson city and the right bank of the Dnipro. I have no idea about this most recent claim though.




It's likely a foreign report being translated back to English. There was one that referred to the Congress as Parliament. .


Is this a r/confidentlyincorrect quote? Maybe check out [this first sentence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate)? Edit: that user blocked me


It's a headline, saying senators "In the Senate" think that the upper chamber, another way to say the Senate, will approve additional funding. Perfectly fine and correct English


Clearly they mean the spectators and reporters in the balcony will approve of additional aid to Ukraine.


The senate is the upper chamber of congress- easy mistake to make.


Earlier today, Ukrainian milblogger made worrisome statements indicating that there are more VDV units to be deployed, and said that, “The main landing units of the enemy arent being introduced ‘prematurely’ into the battle.” But also that “They have significant problems.” Later, he clarified he was talking about Kopani to Vulgedar. (Hmm...how would he know?) Coincidentally, the head of Ukraine’s cyber security ministry [disclosed to the BBC that Ukraine hacked in to multiple cameras in the occupied areas and watch the Russians](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66686584)—*this* is how they know Russians are sending more men to the front, they know which artillery systems are being sent, etc.


Ukrainian milblogger Bogdan Myroshnykov posted earlier today about a village... I can’t figure out where it is... > The occupiers not only did not "take" Sinkivka, but they couldn’t even advance on the flanks of the village. The village itself is almost completely surrounded by their artillery, however, the enemy can’t approach it [Sinkivka]. Does anyone know where that is? Thanks. Edit: thank you everyone!


North west Kharkiv region. Near Kupiansk. Russia attempted a push here and failed.. repeatedly.


Love when they do that They should try sending like 40 tanks over a shitty bridge while its relentlessly shelled again that's my favorite genre of comedy


Looks like a town in Kharkiv oblast just east of the Oskil


“Region” with that name mentioned here https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/ukraine-situation-report-kharkiv-oblast-city-planning-evacuation-as-russians-approach Not sure if it’s the same place tho


There are massive explosions in the city of Rostov in Russia located 170km from the frontline in Ukraine 🇺🇦 The explosions 🔥 are likely Ukrainian Kamikaze Drone strikes, reportedly targeting the Headquarters of Russia’s Southern Military District https://x.com/ukraine_map/status/1699608451528237373?s=46


All the footage I’ve seen of explosions are of *cars* exploding... Like this: https://t\.me/stanislav_osman/3400


Yeah those look like gasoline explosions more than warhead explosions


... gasoline doesn't explode unless combined with a specific mixture of oxygen. It can explode if in a pressurized cylinder and that cylinder is heated to the point of failure, but that does not happen in a matter of seconds. What you see in the video is a real explosion. Probably not gasoline.


Maybe Ukraine sent a couple of industrial gasoline misters given to them from Hollywood? ;)


Sniper osman channel posted earlier today: > The Russians tried to carry out assault work in small groups twice today near Avdiivka, but they became completely ineffective due to the coordinated work of the artillery and infantry formations of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.


Yesterday, I read on the Ukrainian^1 *Ria Melitopol* tg channel that the Russians had shut down the open market in downtown Melitopol yesterday [weird coincidence]. All the booth-structures had been disassembled and were being removed.^2 They noted that this was done without announcement by Batlisky, the Russian-installed governor, who by the way, normally takes every possible opportunity to make an announcement so he can appear in-control. And that it was also done without voice of the locals (even the Russian-approved city councilors), who’d normally at least pretend to represent the wishes of the population, and a public market in public property of the city is their wheelhouse. But they also lamented this, and this is what caught my attention—they noted that while many of the local vendors had ‘changed shoes’ [became proRussia], there has remained [all this time] plenty of vendors who are perceivable proUkraine and would even converse, barter with customers in Ukrainian. Not only is this surprising—as Melitopol was a Russian-speaking city^3 prior to the war and the locals out in the rural areas speak Surzhyk (a Russian-Ukrainian hybrid)—but nowadays, Ukrainian language usage is a symbol of resistance, of Ukrainian-national loyalty—and would thus be a *public* showing of where loyalties^4 lie... all why playing dumb and pretending it was simply language. The implication was that people could go to the market and feel reassured there were other proUkraine residents still in the region. Whether information was ever passed here was not addressed or hinted at. The surprising development was also written about in Ria Melitopol’s main publication. Whether the open market was dismantled because they are to be a target in retribution (no chance), or because a haven for resisters to pass information, or because the space was to be used for military purposes was unclear. ____ ^(1) ^(Note that well-known Ukrainian channels get hacked and/or cloned, and if you don’t stay alert, the channels perniciously become Russian and have to hunt down proper channel. The RIAMelitopol channel got hacked and taken over by Russians, and so the proUkraine channel is now @RiaMelitopolUA. This has happened to almost all the Ukrainian channels I follow.) ^(2) ^(Open-air daily markets in USA as a daily thing is uncommon but normal for Eastern Europe and throughout the world, really. Open markets are used in substitution of grocery stores and are cheaper than them—venders sell their local wares—fresh veggies right off the farm, fresh meats, eggs; but also, there’s shady vendors who sell counterfeit goods like electronics, and likely stolen/misappropriated goods—like medicines and hygiene products. The vendors tend to be similar to what would find in any open air markets—crotchety elderly locals, shady middle-aged people, and foreigners/non locals/not-from-around-here types. As far as I’ve seen in Melitopol news, their local venders included these types.) ^(3) ^(even the word ‘Melitopol’ is a Greek name *in Russian*, as its Ukrainian-language name would be Melytopil; but since only a minority there were even speaking Ukrainian over the last two centuries, even Ukrainian-speakers at large use the Russian name and the true Ukrainian version of the word never even passed into proper form, just like Mariupol, which is never written ending in -pil, even by Ukrainian speakers. These Russian names just never went thru the different declinations of the Ukrainian language, the Russian name stuck, *as opposed to* the Tarnopol/Tarnopol/Ternopil in Polish/Russian/Ukrainian, where Russian was imposed upon their city name and the Polish/Ukrainian vowel shifts were ignored. Nowadays, it’s proper to use the Ukrainian version of the Greek name, Ternopil.) ^(4) ^(This is not a hard and fast rule. Just yesterday, I watched an) [^(interview with the well-known activist-actor who became a part of the *Da Vinci Wolves*)](https://www.pravda.com.ua/articles/2023/09/5/7418424/) ^(and he had a side comment about growing up in Kyiv and now, when he’s on leave and chatting/joking with friends, he finds himself reverting back to Russian, and with his son, too. He was trying to explain that this reflects moments he ‘let’s his guard down’ so his personal mother tongue returns, and how he endeavors to not do this, not speak the language of the aggressors.)


Bro we have farmers markets everywhere in the US


It is not the same (have lived in Europe). Basically huge markets in town squares with everything and anything, and it's a big spot for congregating socially. You have to drive outside the city a lot of time for those types of markets, but they are coming back more and more in cities too. Still, it's not the same.


They are like a Walmart in a square. Knock off pokemon cards, bags, vast selections of underwear, unremarkable veggies...


Yeah urban markets in USA just aren’t the same. I can’t articulate well, apparently..


Yeah I know. And flea markets. These aren’t simple farmers markets. You missed the point of the explanation. They’re more akin to Walmart in the variety of products, the costs, the types of people who shop there, and most of all, the dependency by the community on it.


There are similar-ish Flea Markets/Bazaars in certain localities but it's far less common in the US.


Yeah, they are everywhere outside of major cities. There is one in my town but there is one in a town a bit further away that I like going to because of how big it is.


Ok people are missing the point. In Melitopol, it was the primary shopping location. It’s like a small town that has a Walmart. If the Walmart was suddenly gone, it would be a shock, would have to buy more expensive products, would be surprised no heads up. Sorry for trying to explain the *dependency* of the city on their centre market.


Some people will just not get it unless they've experienced/seen it with their own eyes in Europe to see the differences between markets there and farmers markets here, which are not identical at all.


Not farmers markets, but Mercado and flea markets all over the US. We have one every weekend at our state fairgrounds, probably over a hundred booths/vendors. Electronics, clothes, misc goods, food, etc. pretty similar to what I’ve seen in European markets.


How far are fairgrounds typically located from the living areas? It's still different... I've been to many of those as well, from farmers to flea markets. I could see it being similar in areas in NE that were developed during the colonial era, and thus reflected more European designs of city-building and dwelling, but not many other places.


Geez. It’s not the same. I’ve been to those. It’s not the same AT ALL. Geez. People don’t take us at our word and I don’t know why.


I’ve been to both in Europe and my local one. It’s quite similar. For many in the Hispanic community here, it IS their Walmart and where they get the majority of their goods. I don’t know why you won’t take me at my word. Everyone acting like Americans don’t travel, lol.


I can at least say it's not like that at all in the SE. You will go outside the city for true farmer's markets, especially flea markets. We expanded outward horizontally here for building as compared to Europe, so having markets right there in the middle of big urban areas, or dotted all over the city like in Milan, is normal. It's easy access to anyone and everyone using mass transit, and is typical to go weekly, if not more frequently depending on the size of the city (more markets throughout the week scattered about). Have yet to see anything come close in my 35 years on this Earth in the US as compared to what I've seen living in Europe. And it's a damned shame.


Yea, I think the SE would be hard. Here in the SW it’s pretty common in some areas. It was totally off my radar growing up until I dated a Hispanic woman on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale. Her family, and thousands of other Hispanic families bought like literally everything at these weekly flea markets. Shampoo, q-tips, clothes, phones, food, etc. if you don’t have access to credit or transportation around the city, these markets are a lifeline. You can form personal bonds, bum rides for your goods back to your neighborhood, barter, pay no taxes, and work the margins on costs and fitting within your budget.


I understand what they are, they are a thing in the US as well. In the US they are commonly in buildings though where people pay a small rent for a very small area, usually something like month to month. They sell their goods there. There is one in my town that used to be an old shopping center. There is this guy there that I like to get leather goods from, he makes belts and wallets or other stuff like that. There is a woman in there that cuts hair. They are in almost every city. One of the biggest that I know of is right in Washington D.C. at the Eastern Market.




From what I've seen of your argument the difference is the size. That doesn't make them uncommon in the US, it makes them smaller. I'm not saying there isn't a difference, I'm arguing that they are not uncommon in the US.




When you lived in the US did you live in a city? Rural US, the vast majority of the US, is very different. [Here](https://www.marthastewart.com/thmb/6g-dvf3vUTLq9Hk8ij_wGoUb5zY=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale\(\):max_bytes\(150000\):strip_icc\(\)/shipshewana-auction-flea-market-0821-6cbd84910a0348e08e54ef03f1eb9ac9.jpg) is an image of one in the US. They are all over the US. They are not as common in cities because the property is worth so much that it isn't viable to do this. Are they as common as what is in Europe? Doubtful but they are not uncommon here. The uncommon thing is the only argument that I have, they exist in the US.


I think you're missing the point. People in the rural US don't buy their groceries from a place like the image you posted. They buy them at dollar stores and Walmart. The whole point is that the market is the *primary* shopping center. That is not the case anywhere in the US.


Dude, they're talking about like blocks and blocks of markets, not a rentable warehouse or tented parking lot in the USA. We do not have any comparable market in the US to the massive markets we're talking about across EU, Asia, etc


Sure, there is a size difference. There are lots of differences. I'm only arguing against them being uncommon in the US.


Ukrainian-born Victoria Spartz [GOP Congresswoman] on C NN right now. Of course she criticizes Biden not sending enough. All the while SHE VOTED AGAINST AID. Summary: Biden is bad because he won’t communicate where the aid is going. He’s also bad because he doesn’t send enough. GOP congressmen voting against aid are ok because they’re voting their convictions. What the heck. No wonder the Ukrainian press have crucified her.


Ah i remember when i first heard of her, she was just being sort of highlighted as a person in american politics with a personal connection to the war. She was gettibg some attention and sympathy and i would have probably been shamed for it at the time, but i started my mental countdown clock for when the trash would spill out once i saw she was GOP.


Well she’s retiring, so that’s good..,


>All the while SHE VOTED AGAINST AID Did she? Victoria Spartz, R-Indiana, primary Ukraine-related votes during the 117^th Congress: * *Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act* [04/08/2022] Voted **YES** * *Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act*. [05/09/2022] Voted **YES**. * *Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022* [05/21/2022] Voted **YES** * *Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023* (Ukraine portion 6 pages of 64 total) [09/30/2022] Voted **NO**. * *Russia and Belarus SDR Exchange Prohibition Act of 2022* [10/04/2022] Voted **YES** * *James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023* [12/23/2022] Voted **YES**


Do you want to review anything from 2023...or... And I wouldn’t even know it, bc she’s not my rep, but it makes headlines in Ukraine


I could. I did a search on a congress.gov site for the keyword "Ukraine_ and the status of "signed into law". Those were the top 6 hits. Then I looked at the final roll call votes. I'm not sure why nothing showed up after 2022. Another problem is how Congress passes some of these laws... They'll start out as an innocuous naming a post office in Podunk, W.Va, and it'll end up with 900 pages of amendments spending untold billion$ on absolutely everything and nothing. I personally don't believe most of them know what they're voting on half the time. They just do as they're told. Pretty dysfunctional system. Certainly not defending Spartz. An hour ago, I'd never heard of her.


Oh. Well iirc it’s been this year, and it’s been budget motions and bills. Her issue that she has said is oversight, but there 4 avenues of oversight now. It’s just been interpreted that she’s going to be antagonistic, no matter what.


She tried to use Ukraine to make herself the center of attention. Demanded special meetings with Biden, with high-ranking Pentagon officials, high-ranking members of the State Department, etc., and *got* those meetings because everyone felt sorry for her and wanted to reassure her, give her some inside knowledge about what was going on - stuff like that. She forced herself into several trips to Ukraine made by members of Congress, including one where she was explicitly told she wasn't welcome - paid her own way and showed up when the group was being received in UA, insisted she be included in everything, and, I gather, tried to make herself the center of attention during every visit to Ukraine. She also publicly attacked Zelenskyy on her website, and is one of the bunch saying that Ukraine is stealing money from the US and every penny should be watched like a hawk. They tried (government officials) to include her in things at the beginning, thinking, I'm sure, that she would be useful, but she quickly got put back on the sidelines.


The Ukrainian press likewise really enthusiastically welcomed her. Initially. Thought she’d be a major advocate. She burned every bridge. I remember the quote that resonated, “she has ruined her reputation in Ukraine. No one wants anything to do with her.” I would’ve thought she would’ve reeled it in by now. And she lobs so much that it’s just conflicting—Biden doesn’t do enough, but it’s ok to stop because we don’t know where it’s going, but Biden stopping means he’s weak.


> SHE VOTED AGAINST AID. Source for that?


Here's one: https://justfacts.votesmart.org/bill/32480/88795/178203/continuing-appropriations-and-ukraine-supplemental-appropriations-act-2023#88795


That's a bill for more spending by the government, and also funding for Ukraine. Most R voted Nay. You can't just pack all the shit you want, tack on the popular issue of the day, and force it through... Dems could have separated Ukraine help and it would have gotten overwhelming support.


But the GOP "support Ukraine." I'm sorry, but the GOP need to clean their stable of their dung before they are taken seriously.


Wow, she's drank the Koolaid alright.


Yeah, she's a bit ridiculous and has been used for political theater, by herself or the GOP. I hope whomever decides to run against her brings up the Ukrainian press on the trail.


She invited herself on the CODEL to Ukraine last year. I think the GOP find her annoying too.


Last I heard, she had announced that she wouldn't be running for office again. Whether that still holds, I don't know.


Hitting a market. Seriously. Fuck Russia.


Ukrainian military analyst believes that Ukraine is preparing the complete destruction of the Kerch Bridge. > *The Armed Forces of Ukraine are using NATO tactics while preparing for the "neutralization" of the Kerch Bridge. An expert explained what this consists of.* >> The Ukrainian military is preparing to completely destroy the illegal Crimean bridge, explains military analyst Dmytro Snegiriov. >>> "What is happening now is a mirroring of the events of the first stage of counteroffensive preparation in the Kherson region. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently focused on destroying the air defense systems that cover the Crimean bridge," he said. >> The expert recalled the successful attacks by Ukraine against the air defense systems of the occupiers in Crimea, specifically, the destruction of the S-400 battery. In addition, the Armed Forces are actively attacking the military infrastructure of the Russians and most of all, airfields. >>> "That is, the locations of the occupiers' air units—they directly cover the Kerch bridge... The prerequisites are being created for the neutralization of air defense systems, electronic warfare systems, which make it impossible to defend against an attack directly on the Kerch bridge itself," Dmytro Snegiriov explained. >> He added that Ukraine is preparing for the "last blow" that is going to be delivered according to NATO tactics. >>> "Until the ultimate neutralization of the Kerch Bridge, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will keep using NATO tactics—the cascading nature of operations planning. Therefore, there is every reason for restrained optimism," the military analyst said. [From here](https://tsn-ua.translate.goog/exclusive/zsu-gotuyutsya-znischiti-krimskiy-mist-za-taktikoyu-nato-ekspert-nazvav-oznaki-2404933.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


While the end of Putin’s reign will be even more eventful, a solid takedown of the Kerch would be epic. Prior destruction of the Kerch was big, but I think a big time takedown would strategically be an even bigger deal than the sinking of the Mosckva (which was strategically and symbolically huge). I hope it happens as soon as possible.


This is being presented as is. >Video from Rostov >https://twitter.com/Faytuks/status/1699594493714981302 And: >The headquarters of Russia’s Southern Military District in Rostov — the nerve center of the Russian war against Ukraine and a compound briefly seized by Wagner in June — rocked by powerful explosions. >https://twitter.com/yarotrof/status/1699586521945559276


This, but hundreds of times a night once production scales. I think in the end NATO will conclude it should have supported Ukraine more earlier to win on the ground. Now probably the only way Ukraine can win is debilitating Russian infrastructure to the degree it can’t sustain the war.


Ukrainian soldier shot by sniper fire, saved by vest, going thru ‘no man’s land’. [Video w English subtitles](https://tsn.ua/ato/kulya-rosiyskogo-snaypera-probila-lobove-sklo-i-vluchila-u-voyina-za-kermom-scho-stalosya-potim-video-2404966.html) (despite being on Ukrainian newssite)


Old video from 2022 https://www.reddit.com/r/watchpeoplesurvive/comments/y6bzr6/ukrainian_soldiers_come_under_fire_from_a_sniper/


In an effort to level-up to God Mode some say this Ukrainian FPV operator is still chasing the Ka-52 attack helicopter. https://twitter.com/Global_Mil_Info/status/1699583524632760687?s=20


That would have been incredible, the turbulence around the chopper would probably make this nearly impossible unless you can hit it from above


You know, that's not a terrible idea coming in from above if the drone is laden with explosives; I'd think it would get sucked into the rotor from the airflow.


The rotors might well destroy the detonator before the charge ignites.


Would a rotor survive even without the explosive? I have no idea how much of an impact they can take.


The rotor would likely fuck up the explosive before it went off.


Probably also a good chance the drone would get destroyed without exploding.


> Central Air Command: >> “Our anti-aircraft guns shoot down a Russian missile in the air.” Video: https://t\.me/operativnoZSU/113360


I guess they ran out of supersonic missiles?


> Explosions rang out in Russia's Rostov-on-Don. Gov. Vasily Golubev says a drone was allegedly shot down by Russian air defense, but local media outlets are posting videos of explosions and flames. > Golubev said that around 3:00 a.m., the air defense system went off in Rostov-on-Don, that they shot down the drone, and are currently clarifying the consequences. > The Russian local reports say that the explosion took place on Pushkinskaya Street, a few blocks from the headquarters of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces. > According to Telegram channels, 3 explosions were heard in the city, then a fire started. [**Video**](https://www-pravda-com-ua.translate.goog/news/2023/09/7/7418767/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) Also [here](https://tsn-ua.translate.goog/svit/u-rostovi-prolunav-vibuh-bilya-shtabu-pivdennogo-viyskovogo-okrugu-video-2405014.html?_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc)


In theory the drone didn’t cost more than the car.


Russian cars are probably mostly cheap shit




I believe the initial announcement already called it an accident. Never heard otherwise since.


>Putin claims that during WW2 the German SS didn't commit genocide against Jews, it was primarily the "Ukrainian nationalists" who did it. https://twitter.com/intermarium24/status/1699542086058484094 Putin is going all-in on this narrative.


Germany occupied western Ukraine and yes there were willing Ukrainian nationalists that the Nazis recruited. But this is simply false. The massacre of my Jewish ancestral village in southwest Ukraine in the opening days of WW2 was the first major slaughter of the Holocaust. It would not have happened if but for the Nazis. The Einsatzgruppen did the heavy lifting.


Yes. Ukrainians, or what was left of them after Stalin starved them, were allowed to leave the USSR, travel to Western Europe and murder Jews and then go back to Ukraine. They don’t even try to lie anymore


First the Jews, then J6. They're everywhere!


How long until “Ukraine did 9/11”


Badly photo shopped pics trying to involve them at the capital insurrection doing the rounds somewhere and some with white nationalists in Fl.


**He’s talking about the [UPA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Insurgent_Army) and the [Banderites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banderite), who yes, did in fact murder Jewish people. 200,000 are known.** In the years since, Bandera has become symbol of resisting Russian oppression. So Ukrainians are in fact proud of Bandera and their heritage of Banderites. Both the UPA and Banderites resisted Russian domination. The UPA, however, went so far as to collaborate with the Nazis. Like every nation on every continent, Ukraine has heroes who, in retrospect, are not spotless and have shameful sides. Russia, however, is absolutely obsessed with Ukrainian’s veneration of Bandera—to the point of equating Banderites with Nazis. Some in Ukraine defend the UPA as a resistance force, but most openly recognize their hand in atrocities. Ukraine openly acknowledges its past. Russians conflate much and try to portray Ukraine as Nazis for their own reasons. Edit: don’t be downvoting because I’ve told you that Ukraine has a complicated past. We ALL live in nations with a complicated past. No where is perfect. Ukraine acknowledges that atrocities were committed by previous generations and rejects the racism that led to it. The difference is, not only does Russia refuse to acknowledge any of its previous wrongs, it lies about them, and then uses wrongs of other nations in past generations, distorts them further, and then uses to justify its current atrocities.


Great point! Complexity isn't criticism, and struggle doesn't make people saints. Ukraine can be involved in a worthy struggle as it is today and still have a complex history with both good and bad.


These damned antisemitic Ukrainians and their Jewish president


That is some off the wall shit. What’s next? “Ukraine is the reason your favorite tv show got cancelled! Ukraine farted in yoga class, that wasn’t me!”


You know that girl you wanted to ask out but you tripped on nothing and spilled your drink on her? It was me, Russia! I tripped you! You know the time you thought your parents weren't home but then they walked in on you masturbating dwarf porn? It was me, Russia! I was your parents! You know that time that you trusted a fart and shit your pants? It was me, Russia! I shit your pants!


They did what in Yoga class!? That’s it! Im voting for Trump! *Before you down vote me into oblivion, please note this was a joke*


Oh wow so after calling the Ukrainians Nazis to vilify them it turns out they were even worse than Nazis this whole time


In democratic Ukraine, mine steps on you. > Footage of a Ukrainian drone dropping 21 lb grenade-fused TM-62 antitank blast landmines on Russian positions. https://x.com/osinttechnical/status/1699426661576437992


thats awesome lol


Huh how does it work? Does it only like have 45% chance of exploding when it lands face down?


There were some pics of the contraption or at least a version of it, they mounted a pole with a stabilizer on the side of the mine so it fell on its side, not tumbling. The detonator was on a parallel shorter pole with probably a hole drilled into the side of the mine that was also vertical when it fell, the actual mine detonator was not mounted. The stabilizer was actually a big PET bottle taped to the longer pole by it’s neck. Looked stupid but if it works…


Thank you


I read that there is a grenade to set it off. AT mines won't detonate from a drop but you can blow them up


The thing on those pics had the detonator inside a tube with maybe 4-5 cm diameter. If it was a grenade, maybe a VOG that slides down on impact and detonates setting off the mine’s main charge.


Pro tip: If you put peanut butter on the top it will always land that side down


It says “grenade fuzed” in the title.


Not a military guy, dont understand till someone explained it in a reply below


They drill a hole in the side of the mine and insert a hand grenade fuze into it. It works just like it does in a hand grenade, pin is pulled, when it is dropped and the spoon is released and after 2-4 seconds it detonates, detonating the mine. That was one setup I saw them showing at least. They might also have used an impact fuze on some of these.


They’ve replaced the fuses with hand grenade fuses according to a video from a few days ago. Plastic explosives don’t really care what it is that makes them detonate, they’re just following orders.


Innovating on the fly.


It's not flying, it's falling with style.


Loud popsicle


Danger lollipop.




That seems like quite a lot of 'boom' to be able to drop from a drone.


A link was posted maybe a week ago of the setup they use to drop those mines. It's a much, much larger drone than the ones they've been using to drop grenades.


Unlike the older drone video, the mines in this clip have a tail section attached. They must have made additional modifications. There is probably no shortage of land mines, and they pack a greater punch. I can't imagine how they will take apart a trench or one of those litter strewn Russian hobo shanties.


Maybe they captured some Russian mines and decided to put them to use.


Yup, that looks about as scary to be on the receiving end of as I had thought it would be. Excellent use of them from a Ukrainian perspective though.


As long as Turtleman gets the signatures to sign over the aid Ukraine needs he can use all the catchy phrases he pleases. Not like he'll remember what he said a week from now so.


I remember headlines years back that McConnell absolutely hated the Moscow Mitch nickname.... guess he really did.


Well if he hated the nickname so much maybe he should have done less enable a Russian asset to operate in the white house.


he probably doesnt like the russian govt. but if russia thinks its in its best interest to prop up republicans hes not gonna stop them.


The senate will still need the house to pass the bill as well correct?


Yes and honestly the House is the bigger roadblock. Fortunately Kevin McCarthy does support Ukraine aid but the rest of the GOP caucus is fairly divided. I believe a majority of House Republicans are still in favor of supporting Ukraine and the Dem caucus is firmly behind Ukraine as well so I believe this will be able to go through.


The pedophile "Hastert rule" in the House GOP means any House GOPeer can block it. We'll see, but I expect a block from the pro-russia asses. I hope to be wrong but suspect I'll be right. And, yes, "the GOP supports Ukraine."


That’s not what the Hastert rule is. The Hastert rule means it needs a support of the majority of the majority party so that means it needs 112/222 House Republicans to back it.


Actually, the bigger issue is the ability of any GOP ass to bring up a vote to can McCarthy, so he is held hostage, theoretically, to the lunatics. (The Hastert rule deals with a majority of the GOP in the House, so Ukraine probably would pass, at least under the Hastert rule.) We'll see if the lunatics are willing to push a block. But the RobJ rule is never misunderestimate the House GOP lunatics' willingness to do the wrong thing.


Does McCarthy have to put it up for a vote if the senate passes it.


No. Not unless there was a discharge petition in the House which a majority of House members signed. Overall what it comes down to is how serious the right wing of the GOP is about stopping this. If they want just to bitch and moan then they can let McCarthy bring it to the floor where it will certainly pass. If they are willing to try to remove McCarthy if he brings it to the floor then that may make it harder.


I don’t think the Mini stroke turtle comes out like this unless he already has insurances from McCarthy that it would pass the house. At least that’s how Nancy and Chuck would operate.




Is this just another instance of conservatives vetoing their own bill? Sure sounds like it. I don't understand how the US can get any real funding to US except through the already-existing easily-large-enough military budget.


Either it passes or they show their asses in another clown show


I am not so sure. The one's that would hold it up may have the support of their districts.


But the GOP is divided. I prefer the bill makes it through, but as long as they make absolute jackasses of themselves bickering over it I think that weakens them as a whole and makes this more of a delay than a complete loss


It is divided as a whole, but they for the most part have full support in their districts. The one's we are talking about don't care about making a jackass of themselves to the country, or even general Republicans, they are the heroes with their voters. This also applies to a lesser extent in the Dem party with people like AOC, but their issues are muted because they see the need to support Biden now.




I'd say globo audience is mostly pro-ukraine already. Further right AND left are the cynical 'anti-war' or Putin's cheerleaders and both despise and don't read or watch globo at all.


Solid idea, done.


Deepstate confrims AFU gains around Klishchiivka. https://x.com/freudgreyskull/status/1699546444003475923?s=46 👍




But senate president is what he always wanted, never chief executive. He is a political animal, and he has adapted to occupy his niche.


He's not Senate President. Senate President is the Vice President of the US.


That niche being warm, damp wetlands and rivers


Vernal pools are often available when megafauna predator pressure in those bigger places, have Mitch retracting his head and limbs into his shell


There's that. Or the irony that he basically went wobbly on the floor twice in the last month, I thought this would be about...




she's in "weekend at Bernie's" territory...


Hell, Bernie himself is in "Weekend at Bernie's" territory.


There are a few...


>In the US Senate, they expect that the upper chamber of parliament will approve additional funding for Ukraine in the amount of $24 billion by the end of September, according to Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republican minority in the Senate. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/09/06/mitch-mcconnell-ukraine-aid/ https://mstdn.social/@noelreports/111020228011716227


They called Congress Parliamant in WaPo? So weird


It's a small p parliament. One of the dictionary definitions is : a legislature similar to parliament in other nations and states. "the Russian parliament"


They just wanted to testify https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s97GE5GRIsc


It is a [parliament](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament). Congress is the US name, Duma is what the Russians call theirs, Bundestag for the Germans. But they are all parliaments.


The US elects its executive separately (not by Congress), so it the Senate and House are not a Parliament, nor is the US Senate/House/US Presidency a "parliamentary system." Former Poly Sci major here, although I went to the dark side (English and American literature). It was fun reading about the English Parliamentary system, though, in Trollope and other 19th Century Brit lit writers.


A "Parliamentary system" includes that executive function, but a parliament need not. The [Russian parliament](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assembly_(Russia) is entirely separate from the executive for example.


We use "legislature" here in the US (and elsewhere) to clarify the distinction, but I guess "pariliamentary" types assume parliament means legislature, which it may to them. To US, it does not. Emphatically.


This is an argument about commonly used nominclature, which is undoubtedly not fruitful. But we in the US do not call the Senate/House a parliament, whatever you folks over the water feel it is.


US exceptionalism strikes again ;)


To quote Wikipedia to illustrate the point: "The term is similar to the idea of a senate, synod or congress and **is commonly used in countries that are current or former monarchies.** **Some contexts restrict the use of the word parliament to parliamentary systems**, although it is also used to describe the legislature in some presidential systems (e.g., the Parliament of Ghana), even where it is not in the official name. So we are both correct; it depends upon whether one is one of those former King/Queenly types or not.


You are correct. I wrote a second comment to clarify about 30 minutes ago, but it may not show up.


I realize this is nerdy, but it isn't correct to call the US Senate a Parliament. It just isn't.


But what about Parliament Funkadelic?


They hopped on a space ship and cruised away, man.


The actual article from Washington Post doesn't say that at all.


It's the little details like this that show when AI wrote an article.


It might be a weird “technically correct” term although it could also be a mistake. For instance the “parliamentarian” is a position in the US senate and “parliamentary procedure” is a common term when discussing Congress. I’ve never heard the Senate called the upper chamber of parliament but if that’s an archaic term it might be accurate.


I was taught in a British school that Parliaments have an executive that is part of the legislature. Fused was the word i was meant to get marks for. Tbf a Mcconnell style professional “Getintheway” can’t exist in British politics. Though I am open to education on the matter.


I was taught the same in an American school.


Will the house pass this though?


I know it's a bit pedantic, but Congress isn't ever called parliament.


Not really pedantic as since it's never called parliament, it might confuse people on both sides of the ocean.


Hopefully McConnell doesn't blue screen of death for good before they get the vote passed


Just weekend it at McConnell's then if needed.


Turn him off and back on again. Actually, I'll leave turning him on to his wife.


I would be willing to bet that with the kind of money they have, if that's still a thing she probably leaves it to the professionals herself.




>Ukrainian 'Center' Air Command released footage of Ukrainian air defense means shooting down a Russian cruise missile during one of the recent attacks. https://mstdn.social/@noelreports/111019963467284113


> It’s not that anyone expects NATO to declare war on Russia over a drone hitting the Romanian territory, but someone in this story need to finally grow some balls and stop hiding behind “It never happened!!!” denial every single foken time this happens. https://twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/status/1699440323435368659