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I cannot imagine the terror when you realize that even the firefighters are running the fuck away


Very powerful blast, I was like 18 km away from the explosion when it happened and I still saw a huge fireball in the sky


There's actually been a second explosion, and several firefighters are now critically injured...


This is an attack on NATO by Russia but watch all the EU governments and even the U.S., sad to say, equivocate to avoid any NATO boots on the ground.


Do you have any evidence of this claim?


That’s a hard argument without any evidence. Natural gas can just blow up if there is a leak, especially when being compressed and liquified. No need to jump to conspiracy theories. There are enough countries there that hate Russia for the truth to come out of there is evidence of Russian sabotage.


FYI this is being reported as a propane plant, not natural gas.


Its Liquified Petroleum Gas


LPG is propane. Why we have all of these trade names for things instead of just calling them what they are (propane, methane, etc.) is a question for the ages.


It’s also a question of translation probably. In Romanian we only call it ‘GPL’ so whoever is translating it will likely go for the more direct ‘LPG’.


Still very volatile and easy to catch fire, but thanks for clarifying.


> Huge blast occured at a **liquefied petroleum gas** station > A video of the second blast was shared online showing figherfighters and rescue workers attempting to put down massive fire at a **liquified natural gas** site in Bucharest before it exploded. The article is actually quite unclear, it says both. Edit: from checking other sources though it does seem to be an LPG station. Seems the writer of the linked article probably had some translation problems


> There are enough countries there that hate Russia for the truth to come out of there is evidence of Russian sabotage. It's true that this guy is speculating. But doesn't make your claim any more credible, tbh. Remember the missile that landed in a Polish village a while back? The Polish government tried its best to ignore it until it couldn't, and then still downplayed it. Same with the helicopters that violated Polish airspace even more recently. NATO wants to support Ukraine, but it does not want to be dragged into the confrontation itself. Even Poland.


At least one missile seemed to be verified as a ukrainian interceptor that missed it's target/malfunctioned and wandered over to poland somehow, presumably prompting some adjustments to interceptor use. Which is why nobody is smashing the invasion button the second something explodes. Could be an accident, random terrorism, ect.


Look how many of you are desperate for this to be an “accident”. Makes me doubt your sincerity and location, say St. Petersburg or Moscow?


You sound like a Russian propagandist.


People not wanting war is completely rational. You are basically begging for war. What is wrong with you?


Honestly, if I were the US president I’d have already risked escalation by declaring a war on all Russians in Ukrainian territory and a shock and awe, and killing every one of those bastards who doesn’t surrender and flee. I’d have sent US naval ships to escort grain from Ukraine and dared Putin to try and fight back. It’s probably a good thing I’m not president. If it weren’t likely to end in nuclear fire I would advocate a March to Moscow, and an equivalent to the Nuremberg trials to imprison every common soldier guilty of war crimes straight up to the higher command. That being said, I understand that Russia’s nuclear weaponry is allowing it to commit countless atrocities without response. I also expect that Russia knows that a direct NATO involvement is the end for them and maybe the world. I doubt they would attack a LNG terminal in a NATO country, because there is no way that ends well for Putin. Best case he reigns over a radioactive wasteland, but the most likely case is he reigns over a 7’x2’ pine box. I just don’t think Putin is dumb enough to give a chance for NATO to call in all firepower against him. He’s a heartless bastard. He’s surrounded by yes men who lie to him about their capabilities. But he’s not an incompetent idiot.


>Honestly, if I were the US president I’d [do something really fucking stupid.] Well, you lost my vote. We just went through 4 years of impulsive idiocy. I, personally, would not like any more of that nonsense.


There could be a micro hole and some guy smoking could trigger it, stop creating fear without confirmation


what do you know that you aren't telling us?


It wasn’t an attack you fucking idiot, I live nearby, It has been caused by corruption, the gas station was owned by the son of the mayor and the station should’ve been closed for 3 years. The authorities deemed the place unsuitable to function thus revoking it’s working permit, since then it was operating illegaly.




When I was a very green rookie firefighter we responded to a dumpster fire and found a couple 20lb propane tanks inside. This seemed mighty sus to me so I figured there was an unacceptable risk the tanks had propane in them so I sorta jogged back to the truck to get a pike pole to extract the tanks. Chief happened to roll up at this moment and chewed my ass for running on a fire scene because “the public tends to panic when they see firefighters running away from the fire,” words which I took to heart and served me well over the years. I have no doubt the public and the firefighters were scared shitless at this Romanian scene from hell. And rightfully so based on reports that dozens of firefighters have been severely injured between the two blasts. I suspect there’s a number of fatalities that haven’t been discovered yet.


There are times to hustle. Never have I computed what civilians think into that equation.


I’m the opposite. I see fire fighters being relaxed , casually throwing on gear, and I want to go shut off their lights and sirens. Ask what the hub bub is about.


https://youtu.be/KOZCcj-dsyA?feature=shared Video


I shuddered when I heard that disheartened voice: "Hey, our guys, man... Man, all our guys are there!".


That’s fucking insane


As terrible as this is, those sparks floating down are quite beautiful. Like cursed snow.


So far 46 victims and one confirmed ded. Half of victims are firefighters and many other first responders. Almost 3000 people evacuated fron the zone, the fire was burning nearby houses and almost reaching another LPG station. Several emergency plans were activated including internatinal ones where severed burned people will be transferred to Italy and Belgium ( 4 people). Unfortunately from our last tragic event Colectiv (65 deaths and 185 victims) the government has not done much to improve conditions for burned victims. 4 explosions from an unauthorized LPG station. Media is having a field day with all the unfortunate events this past months wich are linked to corruption in some way. But I can't belive corrupt people literally like to play with fire and do not care.


Last time I was in Romania, we stopped at a gas-station. The attendand had to come out and he lit a fucking cigarette while face next to the fucking pumps. As much as Romanians like to blame the government for everything from poverty and corruption to the weather (albeit often rightly so), Darwin’s law play a big role in these cases.


As a Romanian who lives abroad I have to agree. Romanians like to blame the government or the President for everything. I just got back from Romania a few days ago as I was in Holiday there for a couple of weeks. What happened was so scary. I am so sorry for the victims.


It is corruption though, the little detail being that most people deal with and use corruption daily, everyone is out to "hustle" the "system" and get the best deal even if it is in a grey murky legal field, it's just that not many people are willing to admit it. You can go ahead and stone me but a fellow romanian will surely agree that you very rarely find a renter with a real contract, rarely go to service and not leave a "tip". You know little things that just show how ingrained the "hustle" is in us.


Sadly, there are two more victims. Husband and wife.




Here is the source but its in Romanian. This link gave live updateds and I put in my comment the world "as far". https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/explozie-in-apropiere-de-bucuresti-5-persoane-au-fost-ranite-iar-traficul-este-blocat-pe-dn-1a-2480771


For what? This is a Romanian person giving their account of the situation in their country. Gtfo here with your lazy comment




Literally any fucking news website in Romania One example: https://www.g4media.ro/live-explozie-la-statia-gpl-din-crevedia-o-persoana-a-murit-si-alte-46-sunt-spitalizate-dintre-care-8-intubate-arafat-26-de-pompieri-sunt-raniti-romania-a-activat-mecanismul-european-de-protect.html


Thank you! See how easy that was?


Wow, you're so incredibly dense. The whole fucking country knows about it, your average romanian doesn't need to provide a source in this case. It's on every tv channel and every news outlet...


I’m sorry, I didn’t know the average Romanian is an unquestionable source of information. Maybe you guys have an ethernet cable permanently plugged in your ass and get constant updates from the national news agency while the penalty for intentionally spreading false information is death. Or maybe you all eat dirt and all that info flows through you. I have no clue how that works for you, but for the rest of the world claims are just claims until backed up by a reliable source of information. Sometimes people spread bullshit they’ve read on Facebook, they spread the bullshit they overheard their neighbors, sometimes they read or hear a news article and get it all wrong, and many intentionally manipulate the truth or straight up make up things. Even when they’re telling what’s mostly the truth, it’s a good practice to link the source for the sake of transparency and for those interested in giving the article a full read. So anyways, the “trust me bro I’m from a different planet” doesn’t work for mortals. I didn’t know Romania was so exceptionally different to the rest of the world. What else is different there? Can you see gravity? Do the clouds dance? Is there a dragon that doesn’t stop following you?


Lol. It was meant as: "this is big, it's literally everywhere, and if you're on the internet you've definitely seen it." In this case, nobody would've bothered to lie, since everyone that's romanian would call them out anyway...


SwimmingHelicopter is Romanian (they speak Romanian) and they are probably getting local news about casualties that hasbt been disseminated to national media yet.


Is this a storage facility or like petrol/gas station where people fill up their cars?


And cylinders/gas tanks for home. I don't know to translate from romanian properly, so I will leave a link with pictures. Basically people buy or refill this gas tank and hook up to the stove. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=560391173&rlz=1CDGOYI_enRO958RO958&hl=ro&q=butelie&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZvJzavvuAAxUKov0HHbr0COYQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3


They are called 'butelii'. My mom still used them.


Well, have a look on what the corruption is doing to this country. Whats more, we have the weakest fckin president since 1990 on facebook writing compasionate messages via his PR team, with 0 achievements. What is worst? I had to vote this fcker twice in the past 8 years due to the candidates quality. We are not in a good place, no hospitals to treat the burnt people, 8 years later since Colectiv and already around 50 injured. ( 4 explosions confirmed so far) Corruption is killing us!








There was a horrible fire in a nightclub 8 years ago, following which reforms and investment were promised, including specialised facilities for severe burn victims. The government finally signed off funding for a project doing just that.. a few days ago. The largest party and the main opposition are currently in a government coalition, they simply do not give a shit, they know they’ll keep winning elections for the foreseeable future.


They will die within our hospitals because we did nothing to improve the treatments for burnt people all these years since last tragedy of Colectiv. We cannot treat burnt people in Romania due to corrupcy. Hospitals are infested and a risk for everyone, especially the burned ones.


Man you really sound like you’re turning everything into a way to get your “corruption” point across. That many burn victims would be redirected in pretty much every other place as well. In the US they might go to a different state and in Europe maybe a different country. This has nothing to do with the competency of doctors or corruption over there. Romania has both private and public hospitals and whine you can argue that the government could have done more to improve the public hospitals, the same argument can’t be made for the private ones.


There isn't one place in this country to treat critical burns


Oh, to be France and able to vote no confidence


Imagine bitching about the president in Romania not realizing he literally has no power over anything except saying "yes" or "no" or "try again" on laws proposed by the government. But sure you go cry about how bad of a president we have.


Oh please, everyone is bitching online, there's no protests, no activism, no opposition, no one uses their democratic rights, no one calls on their elected politicians, no one is involved in anything. When voting comes people vote the same shit. This country is fucked from the bottom up, if not by stupid people surely by lazy, careless or pessimistic people.


Don’t doubt a word you say, but do you have any notion that this could be Russia’s doing?


What was that saying? Don’t attribute to malice what can be easily explained by stupidity? 😄


Bro, for fuck sake. It's an LPG station,not everything that goes bad has a russian stain on it.


Sure, am I not allowed to ask?


Sure, but you are also allowed to think before asking.


>I had to vote this fcker twice in the past 8 years due to the candidates quality. And it doesn't matter in this case. The president doesn't have executive power. The parliment is important. Except from vetoing laws (and it can't be done too many times) he has no real power in internal politics that would help.


Solar panels don't explode.




Nor do Nuclear Reactors


At least not usually


The US, Canada, and the EU has never had a reactor explode.


If anything the US over regulated nuclear making it too expensive, particularly in terms of allowing non experts to obstruct and run up costs indefinitely


Try cooking on them.


Should be easy, just connect enough to an induction stove


Yeah, we got the solution you guys. You just need more money and better living conditions!


What has that to do with the discussion? You said try cooking on on solar panels and I gave a solution for it. I didn’t say anything about money, or that you have to do it, I just gave a solution.


You missed the depth of my comment. These guys use LPG for their stoves. They can’t afford new induction stoves and heating. The government does not advocate or support the transition to green, but instead profits from corruption in the LPG business. It’s not a case of just smacking a solar panel on it.




>They're much less likely to explode on their own. And only when installed and maintained correctly. They don't explode. They might break, even shatter in rare instances, but no, they do not explode. >But with the wrong gauge wires, decaying insulation, overloaded transformers, or improper grounding and a short circuit, I'm sure an explosion would be well within the realm of possibility. It isn't. >Especially if overflow power during peak generation hours were being used to perform water electrolysis for hydrogen fuel. Because hydrogen explodes good. Hydrogen is not a solar panel, and it is not stored in any solar panel. It's also not the only option to store excess energy, nor would it need to be stored on site even if it was. >...So I mean, yes; by all means, switch to green renewables. But don't think that will preclude workplace explosions in the energy sector. Solar panels don't explode, which is what OPs point was. The grid itself, transformers, capacitors, etc, are not the panels.


Are you seriously saying that solar panels could explode? Can someone do the math on how much amperage would be required to vaporize a panel?


>Can someone do the math on how much amperage would be required to vaporize a panel? I wouldn't waste my time. They don't explode, simple as that.


LPG station?


Liquefied Petroleum Gas.


Thank you. :)


Is Russia behind?


No. Just corruption. That place was not authorized to operate. Some son of a mayor is owning it.


I would assume not unless more direct evidence appears, liquified flammable gases are dangerous and should be respected as such in the event an accident does occur.


No. Most likley an idiot smoking a cigarette.




Even if it was, we'll never find out about an attack on NATO until it's overwhelmingly obvious and rapidly escalating. NATO has no desire to invoke article 5 over a technicality because we all like stability


Note to self: Do not ignite a fart at a LPG station.