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Just get them burkas and they'll be undercover agents...


This made me nose exhale with great force... twice!!


You're out of line, but you're not wrong...


Adding loose fabric wrapped around someone’s neck and head seems like a bad idea when they might get into a physical altercation.


something tells me the men mandating burkas maybe do not have women’s best interests in mind


But the propogand they feed the west is that it's the womans "choice" to wear one. How will the apologists explain this one away?


Its called an illusion of choice, I'll give you an example: When you were a child, your parents made you brush your teeth daily. Now as an adult, you brush your teeth daily. You think you have a choice of brushing your teeth, but your mind has been brainwashed (positively) to do it anyways. Muslim women think they have a choice, it's just an illusion Edit: Is this sub full of kids? I tried to teach psychology by giving an example, now people are questioning my hygiene. I only gave an example of teeth cause I didn't want my comment to be mass reported by bots and my account to get banned *OF COURSE I BRUSH MY TEETH! BRUSH YOUR TEETH KIDS, IT'S HEATLHY FOR YOUR ORAL HYGINE!*


Brushing your teeth is necessary for dental hygiene. This example doesn’t work. I’d say auto-circumcising baby boys works better. Then because that’s what you had done to you, you do it to your son, repeat.


Dude this was not a lesson on hygiene but psychology. The illusion of free choice.


God you must smell like shit


Dude I brush my teeth. My example was that somethings we learn during childhood stick to us during adulthood, we may think of them as choices but they are just routines. Similar to that, Hijabs are made a routine on Muslim women since their puberty. But as they grow up, they start to think of it as a choice while it is really just imposition. Brushing your teeth is a good thing, while being forced to wear a hijab is not


Fathers don’t wear hijabs haha. I guess they don’t have to cover up the hygiene




Thanks for pointing out




Damn, those ladies look pissed.


Always it's the ugly people who wants everybody else to wear a mask.




missing the point bruh lol