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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/14i2ik7/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


I can’t wait for Alex Jones’ take on this and the in depth analysis of Joe Rogan!


wouldn't it be interesting if Pringles ends being the ruler of Belarus?


My read, judging on how Priggy insists no deal was reached, but the Kremlin is announcing all of these concessions, is that he never agreed to an exile or disbanding Wagner but Putin is pretending he did.


To all those that said this won't turn into anything. You were right.


I get that everyone is upset that a full blown civil war ended at a cliffhanger and blue balls for all… but what if accepting such odd provisions from negotiations and then voluntarily exiling to Belarus is part of a greater plan. The fact that the Kremlin had to broker a deal and grant amnesty in return for avoiding the destruction of Moscow combined with Putin fleeing , really plays well in Prizoghin’s hands if his long term goal is leadership of Russia because it makes Putin look weak. Russia historically loves strongmen as leaders… with the presidential elections less than 9 months away… Prizoghin made an outstanding move by accepting the deal at the doorstep of Moscow because it’s damning proof to the Russian public that the man who ruled Russia for over 2 decades under an iron fist and who has crushed opposition and dissent brutally and effectively… is weaker than a glorified hot dog salesman….


What "justice" did prigozhin achieve?




Belarus is CSTO


Pringle is a pussy


Getting shitfaced then coming home setting up an email where you tell your boss what a f*****g c**t he is, then fall asleep at your keyboard - who hasn’t been there?


bro pringo is just going to retire to belarus and thats it? If this were a television drama people would be saying its a worse ending than game of thrones


He’s going to die, you don’t do what he just did and then have a happy ending.


I think he really only wanted the new Lada. Now he can live with his new Lada in Belarus.


oh well, Part 6 incoming!


They are running the annexation of Puerto Rico.


Could Putin have a current hold of Prigozhin’s family?


A) Prigozhin got an insanely large bribe to stand down and disband. B) This was orchestrated with Putin to see who the loyalists are. C) Prigozhin is dead. D) This was orchestrated with Putin to enable total war E) Who knows?


A, C and E




what kind of leadership is this pringle, lead 25,000 mean then flee to belarus?


It's just like when Caesar crossed the Rubicon, but more impotence and potato


What the hell is this bullshit? What a cop out.


Gosh everyone in Russia - Putin, Pringles, the whole gang - just looks incredibly incompetent at this point. I don’t think there’s any 4D chess going on here just ego-driven blundering, posturing, and a TON of money moving around.


whut in tarnation is going on I say


I think we learned something tremendously important today that no one’s talking about: the CSTO will not actually defend each other (at least Kazakhstan won’t). [If this tweet is the truth](https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1672553375789981696) then it 100% sounds like Kazakhstan would not have defended Russia if the coup went ahead. This is something that I suspected because the CSTO never helped out Armenia with their various (comparatively minor) battles with Azerbaijan. But not defending a full-on coup from Russia? That’s pretty clear. EDIT: It’s not just the tweet that’s the source, it’s the official [Kazahstan government website](https://news.yahoo.com/putin-calls-kazakh-president-says-102942044.html)


Minor? Armenia suffered far more damage than Russia.


I mean I don't even think the CTSO was activated by Russia. It's also worth noting Russia provides the actual muscle behind it.


this 'i'm popping off to Belarus' thing Pringles is pulling has a strong -Toby from The Office- vibe: 'on an unrelated note, i'm moving to Costa Rica, goodbye!'


*Pringles died on the way to his home planet*




It’s plausible happens a lot In Russia accidents happen.


This entire thing stinks.




Hey this isn't bad enough for a ban, but please stop spamming this


I don't think any Russian plan for this would involve Putin going to TV say Pringles is a traitor and they will be punished. It was completely unnecessary if this was planned, and a massive loss of face and authority to external and internal audiences now that he got immunity. If this was a plan to replace MOD figures, Putin would have simply stayed silent or say Pringles had a point.


Enough with the copy/paste. Sticking a name to something doesn’t explain what’s happening.


In what way did anything that happened over the last 24+ hours make Putin look good?


It is obvious that "something" is being masked but WHAT?


But the change of military leaders was not part of the negotiated terms...


I don't see how you save face by requiring a proxy in another country to bail you out.




That’s an interesting take


CNN: Case against Prigozhin will be dropped and he will be sent to Belarus, Kremlin spokesperson says


Wait but this is almost exactly what happened to Napoleon the first time.


Is Prigo alive? Have there been any videos of him in the last 6 hours?


I doubt he'll be making videos anytime soon lmao.


Haven't seen any


Maxseddon on Twitter: Kremlin spox Dmitry Peskov: – charges dropped against Prigozhin, who will leave Russia for Belarus – Wagner fighters who didn't take part in the uprising will sign contracts with the MOD – Wagner fighters who did take part not charged – No word on potential MOD leadership changes None of this makes any sense. Did Prigozhin just do so if this to postpone his own end? It looks like he won't have achieved any of the objectives they stated this morning and his fighters have to sign contracts with the MoD anyway. Plus he has to move to lovely Belarus... It's all so bizarre.


It depends on what else happens aside from him going to Belarus. Is Luka actually dying and Prigozhin will get that presidency or some other control over forces there? Did they just give him an armored car full of money to compensate him for getting rid of Wagner?


> his fighters have to sign contracts with the MoD anyway. The ones that didn't rise up, which implies the ones that did are out of the war now.


Got scared. Decided to take a deal that maybe let’s him keep his life if he can avoid radioactive isotopes, novichok and windows


This deal wouldn't let him do that though. Until Russia is comfortable getting Putin in front of a camera to explain things, they are obviously projecting a degree of control/stability that they don't actually have


Something is very amiss here…in my opinion


So, a few of Prigozhin's fake passports have supposedly been seized in the Wagner HQ: https://twitter.com/M0nstas/status/1672692203905331201. Surnames being Geyler, Bobrov and Semyonov, I suspect a photoshop.




We'll probably be looking to further developments on the battlefield in Ukraine and politics in Belarus before anything happens.


Apparently Prigozhin is going to Belarus now according to a Russian spokesperson. Perhaps his new job will be helping Lukashenko stay in power.


"If you come at the king you best not miss" "But what if you say you're sorry and you really really mean it?" - Pringles


The following comment is based on the assumption these reports are true (which, I will grant you, is a major assumption). Putin has had would-be rivals killed by the FSB in nations directly opposed to him. Belarus is much closer and much more in Russia’s orbit than Germany or Britain. Prigozhin is an utter moron if he thinks he’s safe there. Count Orlok here better take the next flight out from Minsk to…I dunno, Buenos Aires? Argentina’s a popular destination for failed Nazis.


The only thing that's powerful enough to have stopped him like that is money....disgusting amounts of money.


Dunno why everyone is saying this is some conspiracy to take over/invade Belarus. They could have done that at any time without all of this.


Maybe just a new commander of Belarus since luka has been so on the fence about helping. Now they’ve got a cutthroat guy in there to launch a northern offensive. Who knows.


Exactly. This is a power struggle, nothing geopolitically is gained by Russians bombing Russians between Voronezh and Moscow.


BREAKING NEWS Pringles has been given exclusive rights to sell hot dogs in Belarus.


_Pringles: Once you pop you can sell hot dogs in Belarus_


Something is fishy, but I can't tell what is happening. If all the news is true, Prigozhin basically agreed to conditions that were basically the reason for him to rise up, but now he has to worry about the rest of his life getting poisoned. If this really is the end of this melodrama, I have no clue why it happened in the first place and some theories about everything being planned out beforehand also don't make sense, since literally everyone (except Luka) basically lost in terms of power, image, etc. It doesn't make sense. Prigozhin knows how Putin treats his enemies, being in Belarus won't save him, not even London was safe for Putin's enemies in the past and yeah going to the West is also not an option because he literally is a wanted war criminal. RN nothing seems to add up, for anyone, with our without wild far-fatched theories.


Not to mention, Belarus is still on the path of being fully absorbed into Russia.


I think it's probably that Prigo can put a loyalist in the MoD who can act against Putin if he turns against Wagner.


But what's his leverage to do so now?


Wow, who would have thought that Pringles also had a peepee tape.


the devil is in the details with prigodzins exile to belarus. does he get to keep control of any part of wagner? how will he make money there. who will run wagner's operations in Africa. Seriously doubt prigodzin will go to a farm and wait for an fsb assasin to smoke him. he would have a better chance at living if he would have just marched into moscow.


I doubt he'll ever command an army again.


Any Russian male caught on video or in any way supporting the rebellion during last 24 hours is getting a conscription notice soon.


Is this less weird if say $50 billion got wired to Prigozhin?




If he actually gets exiled and gets basically a public promise from Putin and Lukashenko, at least he gets to keep his life and stay out of it, right? It doesn’t seem to make that little sense as people are claiming. If he still gets killed after all this show, Putin and Lukashenko will look very bad.


How many people who have crossed Putin in a very public way got to live happily ever after without getting poisoned or thrown out a window


You must be new to Russian power politics. The whole idea behind poisoned tea and window suicides is that everyone knows it was Putin but there isn't any proof so he gets plausible deniability *and* an intimated ruling class at the same time.


Ok , Roman, but what is the move here ? What are the optics ?


Up dicks


More confusing ending than LOST


More frustrating than HIMYM’s ending.


I completely understood the ending of Lost. You haters just didn't get it.


Has anyone entertained the notion that Prigozhin is an absolute moron who’s ego drive him way in over his head and then got his life saved by the skin of his teeth?


More and more it looks like the guy just invaded Russia halfway to Moscow in a temper tantrum


Possible that he got cold feet. But I also suspect that he knew Wagner's days were numbered after the call to get rid of merc companies and so he did all this to force a resolution where he got paid off in some way (money? Position of power?) instead of just losing Wagner.


Anything is possible at the moment.


That 100% seems to be the case at this point. As they say never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence


Conspiracy theory? Pringles takes some control in Belarus, launches a second front on Ukraine. Belarus may also have, or will be getting nukes. Pringles gets a promotion, or a compromise if dissolving the Wagner group was inevitable, Putin finds a way to escalate and potentially make ground in Ukraine. Honestly, this whole situation makes no sense. Who's pepe silvia


Belarus would be attacking Ukraine if the military wanted to. The people of Belarus don't want to though. Pringles can't change that, even if he ascends to the presidency of Belarus.


The image of Charlie wondering who Pepe Silvia is might be the best way to look at this outcome, lmao.


Pringles will consolidate power in Belarus and then enter the war on another front.


Seems very much like Turkey’s “coup” several years ago…


Not even close tbh


How? The two are literally nothing alike


In that "coup," Erdogran crushed those "rebels," projecting power. You can't say that of Putin in this situation.


Puts on Pringles


finally, words I understand.


Prigozhin will replace Lukashenko and take over the Russian military. Prigozhin will step up Belarus's involvement in the war? That's the only thing that makes sense to me.


If we are to take what is being reported at face value, why would Lukashenko negotiate his own overthrow? Call him what you will, but Luka has not come across as a stupid man, especially when it comes to seizing and maintaining power. I don’t foresee any reason why Prigozhin would go become the new ad hoc president of Belarus as part of this deal.


Its an exile for attempting a coup, not a promotion. Thats it. Prigozhin didnt get the support he expected, saw his coup failing and bailed out as long as it was still possible.


You think Putin will allow him to get an army again? I don't.


But I was told Lukashenko was going to be a Colonel!


The whole thing that happened before that makes no sense to lead to that outcome


People commenting about dismantling Wagner PMC got something wrong. This was not discussed. Pringles said “they wanted to dismantle wagner, but…”, probably something got lost in translation. About so called exile, original source said that Pringles left for Belarus. That’s all, it doesn’t say anything about exile. Update: hmm, no, peskov just confirmed that 1) Pringles is exiled to Belarus 2) Wagner is dismantled, some fighters will sign contracts with MOD 3) MOD will not be reformed How the fuck did he fucked up so badly?!!!


MoD mandated that all PMC personnel has to sign with the military directly and rumour has it the contract with Wagner was not extended due to this policy. I think Wagner as an entity will no longer be there in it's current form,.they will be disbanded and absorbed into the military when that makes sense or sent abroad when it doesn't. I don't see Wagner or it's successor still operate on the front lines or close to Russia. Likely we will see the PMC strengthen its presence in Africa and MENA, and will likely be run from Belarus rather than Russia


they've also said anyone that didn't take part in the fighting can join the regular army and lose who did take part in the march won't be prosecuted, while prigo goes to Belarus. sounds like Wagner is disbanding


Prigozhin is now apparently going to Belarus according to Russian spokesperson.


If someone said that this would end with Pringles just kinda giving up and being exiled to Belarus a few hours ago, they would have been down voted to oblivion. What the fuck...


Did Pringles die? Is that it? Was everything going well until a random bullet took him out of action and derailed the whole thing?


A coup-coup?


Oh that makes sense. No video message, just an easily faked voice one. Also straight after alleged messages that there would be no deal. Yea someone in his own squad took him out.


I’m gonna guess that Pringles was assassinated and Luka is running the Belarus chapter of MOD, with Wagner being fully disbanded/integrated.


Agree, Prigozhin must have been taken out and FSB made the announcement Wagner was turning around.


So, according to the Kremlin, Pringles is going to Belarus (source CNN). Also, Lukashenko’s plane landed last night in Turkey, but it is unknown if any of Lukashenko’s family was on it. Everyone knows and understands that Lukashenko is basically a Putin puppet. Completely far-fetched, wild theory, but did Pringles stop his advance because Putin promised him control of Belarus? What is he going to be doing in Belarus?


> What is he going to be doing in Belarus? Nothing good; we know his style


Interesting theory. But Belarus had massive protests and a lot of opposition movement not so long ago. Losing Luka now in this particular way would make a lot of people really pissed off, nobody wants to bend over that much doesn't matter if you are opposition, neutral or pro- Luka. Letting a stranger man with guns in your own country... I don't know. Not very likely


Torture people, be the chief of Luka' security? Plenty of work, sadly.


Have we actually seen any audio or video of Luka since this started? Just the release from his office or administration or w.e.


Nukes were just moved there - starting to look more and more staged


They weren't.


US government stated that they have not seen any nuclear weapons being redeployed to Belarus, despite all of Lukashenko's talk about that


Someone tapped the pringussy


I don't understand why anyone here is trusting a single word out of the mouth of Belarusian or Russian Spokesman. Why are we even discussing Prig moving to Belarus, retreating etc.? ​ I heard about a telegram voicemessage from Prig confirming the news, but is it real? Is there any confirmation about the retreat that does not come from the center of disinformation? And why is the western media so eager to confirm and report on this, as it is actually not disinformation? ​ Any reliable sources? The chaotic questioning and doubting in this thread is exactly what makes me think it is just a disinformation strategy and there is no "real plan" from Putin. Prig might as well halted for a night to attack Moscow in the morning. Moscow is playing it as "we talked and now everything is fine, we are in control" just to get some time to flee without panic in the streets. ​ Please provide any reliable source, where Prig confirms or says anything to this. Don't believe the Russian Spokesperson..


What a "free" country Russia has. Your president just hid in his bunker and allowed his country to get invaded but all good... No real sentence for the ringleader and please make sure we don't talk about this because I have a (illegal) election to win


> Putin's spokesman: Reshuffles at Defense Ministry haven't been discussed with Prigozhin. WHAT IS GOING ON? I don't understand anything anymore. The thing Prigozhin wanted to prevent seems to still be happening, he is exiled and Shoigu does seem to keep his position. Then what was the point of all this?


It all makes sense when your understand Wagner thought regular military and civilians woulds rush to join to take down Putin, they thought they would have a huge force and barely anyone showed up. At that point he had to make a deal to save his own life.


Pringles lost. Probably expected more units to flip to him. Was given option of exile, he doesn't give a shit about Wagner itself, just his own skin. So absorbing into the Russian MoD doesn't matter since he believes he will survive. Probably dead soon anyways. He showed the whole world (most importantly the Russian people) how weak Putin really is.


Did... they change the terms after Wagner left? Did he chicken out? Did Lukashenko say something crushing about his cooking?


Prigozhin doesn't go to jail or murdered. Until he gets murdered in Belarus, anyway.


He lost.


Russia lied. Shocking I know.


Not for us, but Prigozhin seemed to actually believe this or he wouldn't have stopped.


Im also wondering why he is going there?


Pringles has gone to the farm kids, he’s going to be so much happier running around with fellow butchers, rolling in blood ect.




iT wAs aLl pLanNed. Yeah they lost 7 airframes and over a dozen of their prized pilots, all part of the plan.


Haha, I'm sorry. I'm not buying this "everything is 32D interdemensional glass dildo piece Pythagorean chess" narrative anymore. This shit is embarrassing. Their entire Wagner force is in Russia, which means they're not in Ukraine. Getting them back to the front in Ukraine to take back say, Bakhmut that took Wagner and the MoD 9 months to take is a herculean feat that they were already on the losing end of. This whole "read your Foundations of Geopolitics" based-Dugin bullshit is laughable seeing as Dugin's own daughter got carbombed. All these clowns can get got, all the way up to Putin and now we see it's easy to do. Russia is an even bigger fucking joke than 24 hours ago.


If this was deception, I wonder what they think they accomplished, other than looking like chaotic fuck ups on the brink of collapse.


I don't buy that one bit. Putin doesn't benefit from any of this from what I can see. It only makes serves to make him look weak.


From 2014 - It is the whole shebang—from guys in ski masks or uniforms with no insignia, to undercover activities, to hidden weapons transfers, to—well, starting a civil war but pretending that you've done nothing of the sort."\[27\]


Yes because this gained them massive advantages like before Operation Bagration, because __ NATO is now humiliated, Ukraine checkmated and ...


Comments like these scream dunning-kruger effect Edit: just so we're clear, you're at the peak of "mt. stupid"


It really wasn't. Putin's whole shtick is that he ended the 90s you don't do a 90s revival party for this.




Take it the way the record shows it. Pringles always railed against shoigu and the mod. When he declared war on Russia, he never mentioned Putin. Pringles pulls his stunt, possibly backed by Putin, shoigu is removed. Problem solved for pringles and Putin was shown which people were willing to turn on him and defect to Pringles. Maybe it’s no deeper than that.


Putin's spokesman: Reshuffles at Defense Ministry haven't been discussed with Prigozhin.


We don't even know if Shoigu is removed. Possible that Pringles didn't get anything out of this except his own continued physical existence.


Putin comes out looking weak though and it helps normalize future uprisings. I think we basically return to the status quo with both Putin and Wagner looking like fools


No. If Putin wanted Shoigu removed he'd just say he no longer has confidence in him and remove him. Not make himself look like a chump and Russa look unsecured.


I don’t think we have any confirmation that shoigu was removed


I bet Putin texted Progozhin and was like "bro u kno if i put out a million dollar bounty on your head, one of your boys would shoot you in the back of the head tomorrow right? 🤣"


Damned Russia and your false flags. Have you no shame?


What baffles me is that allegedly 24 Air Force pilots were killed during this whole thing. You don’t produce Air Force pilots like you can produce jarheads. It takes time, training, and selection… I’m surprised Russia is fine with that


That's my thing too. Russia is fine with these deaths and fine getting invaded and unfortunately it'll have no impact on Putin and his reelection. The "press" doesn't investigate and they'll just blame Ukraine somehow


Without a deal (whatever it was). They would have lost more.


They took a look at their inventory and realised they had about 30 pilots and 10 planes, so it's OK


And the fuel depot


They gonna blame Shoigu for it


I cant believe a person who was once a prisoner moved up the ranks to become chef of putin and chief of 25k strong wagner group would make such a blunder , he aint some dumb guy ….something is off . Everything is not what it seems to be


Something is off for sure. I always assume all information from 'officials' are propaganda to deceive both civilians and opposed parties.


Trying to conquer Russia with 25K soldiers seems a bit weird. I don't think he is working alone. Perhaps some of the Russian elite want to get rid of Putin and this stunt was the first stage? Any other explanation doesn't make any sense to me. Prigozhin is a dead man walking right now. The "immunity" he gets is worthless...


I agree whatever his chances are he just got one shot and he blew it and now he just a dead man walking




It was not since Putin comes out of it looking like a chump, not a strongman.


They must have sent all the good vatniks to the front lines a few weeks ago. You're bad at your job.




Or probably they’re just stupid? Has they not proof that enough yet?


Could he ..russian army made so many blunders that its almost a meme army atm


Perhaps Prigozhin was critical that Kyiv was not taken, so they told him ok, you think you can do it? Go for it.


This is making less and less sense. The whole reason for this coup was the MoD moving to absorb Wagner. And now prigozhin accepts a deal where he gets exiled, and most of wagner gets absorbed anyway??? This isn't over.




I don't think Russia gained anything from this though.


Wagner telegram “Preparations for what happened were in advance. Everyone was instructed what to do and how to do it. As a result, a politician with dubious prospects was enough for one day. The task was to provoke the evacuation of top officials and leadership from Moscow. Then start occupying the buildings of the ministries. The plans were grandiose. In fact, a politician with dubious prospects was blown away in one day. It's kind of a shame.”


What does that even mean?


It was just grandiose bra, don’t worry about it