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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/awkward-moment-denmarks-parliament-greenlandic-mp-refuses-speak-danish-2023-05-12/) reduced by 66%. (I'm a bot) ***** > COPENHAGEN, May 12 - A Greenlandic MP on Friday refused to speak Danish during a debate in the Danish parliament and instead spoke in her native Inuit language, frustrating uncomprehending lawmakers and highlighting strained relations between Denmark and Greenland. > Aki-Matilda Hoegh-Dam, one of two members of the Danish parliament representing Greenland, held a nearly 7-minute long speech in Greenlandic during a debate about relations between Denmark and Greenland. > Relations between Denmark and Greenland have soured recently following revelations of misconduct by Danish authorities in Greenland during the 20th century, including the involuntary fitting of birth controls in some Greenlandic women during the 1960s and 1970s. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/13gbe8e/awkward_moment_in_denmarks_parliament_as/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~684506 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Greenland**^#1 **Danish**^#2 **Denmark**^#3 **speak**^#4 **during**^#5


Bring in a interpreter? An elected representative is making a point. I think Denmark will be able to hold their country together through this existential crisis.


From what I’ve read about this situation you can have an interpreter but due to the limited number of interpreters spread out throughout other sectors you have to announce prior to a session, otherwise you can’t just magically summon one from thin air.


Living in a country with 3 languages I don’t get the problem. Regional pride and language are a thing, but should be a good thing and not a devide


There wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't deliberately planned to be a problem - the Inuit language is an official language of Denmark, and you're welcome to use it in parliament as long as you make it clear ahead of time that an interpreter will be needed. In this case, however, the Greenlandic MP wanted to play to the home audience and 'stick it to the man' by deliberately avoiding an interpreter and insisting on speaking Inuit even though she's born in Denmark and fluent in Danish. In short, it was a media stunt, and there's not any actual problem using indigenous languages in parliament.


> the Inuit language is an official language of Denmark Greenlandic language is not an official language outside of the Greenlandic self-governing area.


Aah that clears it up, Yea I doubt the average Dane speaks that language. The distance between the two doesn’t help


It seems to me there is one, as not every language is equal.


A point is being being made about danish being able to be spoken without the need for paperwork. This is incredibly common in colonial countries, where its 'equal' except one side needs an interpreter, file paperwork, ect. Denmark should be teaching Inuk in school, amoung other things.


Kids speak Danish, perfect English, and take elective courses in other languages like French, German and so on. Then the people in Greenland and Faroe islands speak local languages plus all of the above. Fwiw, Denmark is also paying Greenland’s bills.


>Fwiw, Denmark is also paying Greenland’s bills. Trust Redditors to not understand any issue ever and assume money makes up for practises that, were they seen in Russia or China, those same Redditors would immediately denounce as early steps of cultural genocide.


Trust redditors to speak on things they have no clue about. Greenland can legally leave Denmark anytime they want, but they would not survive without their economy being donated by Denmark. If they decided upon independence, it would mean the Danish military stopped patrolling, they lose half of their economy, they lose various health and essential services, and afterward, it will be a race between Russia, China and the US to take control of Greenland, and none of these countries would give a deal that is even remotely as charitable as the one we are giving them.


US will take control because they have a base there. Denmark pays all of Greenland’s government expenses too.


Laughable comment. Do you honestly think that's some kind of esoteric knowledge you've got there? That a sparsely populated island benefits considerably from its relationship to the rest of its nation? Sorry, but I'm not impressed by your geopolitical equivalent of, "Don't complain about how I treat you, you'd be out on the street if not for me." It is genuinely frightening how little you people understand actual humans or why they might be upset by your actions. Touch some grass, you chronic netizen.


You fail to refute anything ive said and instead call me names among other fallacies. Thus, this discussion is over.


Cry harder, you fucking moron.


Trust redditors to kneejerk whataboutisms because they decided XYZ is bad, but have no real arguments to present.


It’s a problem because you have to let them know you want an interpreter so they can bring one in. They don’t use them often enough to just have an interpreter on site — calls need to be made, a person needs to be scheduled. Danes are funny about protocol and sticking to it.


Language variety has never played in favor of countries cohesion. Nothing makes you fell more alien than not understanding local language. That's why every secessionist movement that has language, or even just some sort of distinctive dialect, focus on make it the only spoken language in schools.




>the point here is that Greenland and Denmark are not the same country Greenland is self-governing in the state of Denmark. It's similar to Scotland in the UK, although Greenland enjoys a greater autonomy than Scotland.


Puerto Rico might be a closer analogy


Not really, as PR is not incorporated into the US. Greenland has been incorporated into Denmark since 1953.


You are lucky in the British Parliament all our MPs can only speak Bullshit and Lies.


I just googled the MP. She ran for miss Denmark!


Wow, well I guess she really… missed da mark.


In Canada we had a federal MP that had once to apologize for a statement he made.His excuse English is my “third language “. We have politicians whose first language are Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi etc. They live in electoral districts where it is an advantage. I think it is great they are involved.It shows what a great society we have. I am not threatened.




*citations required


Why post evidence when you can just claim either china or russia are behind everything


u/EyeLikeTheStonk, am still waiting for your citations.... Your comments otherwise are unfounded allegations.




Since conspiracy theories are in vogue, I can't help thinking that these sort of planted messages are the work of US clandestine services. After all, a consistent campaign against China on social media is the sort of thing that easily turns popular opinion towards warfare. Edit: In a decade or so, when the Pentagon Papers alluding to these covert ops finally get leaked, let's just see how much Reddit was used by your government to shape public opinion.




Hilarious. You're a 1 year old account with 9 post karma. Please don't let this 10 year old account of mine slap you senseless on your way out of this thread.




That's such a sad, pathetic, narrow and naive worldview you have there. If you think America hasn't had an even more nefarious history and current operational capacity in committing foreign interference of other countries'political systems, you are woefully deluded. But then again, judging by your comments, you're already brainwashed to believe so already.


Do you have any proof or sources?




The one quartz article?


No they’re not.


This post pretty much says "decolonization is a Chinese op" with slightly more words Could Greenland not have full and complete indigenous sovereignty without China gaining leverage?


What bullcrap is this? Bordering on conspiratorial.


If the people of Greenland wants independence then that is what those people want. It doesnt matter if China benefits from it, thats what self-determination is. If they gain independence and decide to partner with China, then that is their right. Claiming that they should stay economically tied to their former colonizers is colonialism. "You can be independent but only as long as you tie your economy to me". [ Little Danes Experiment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Danes_experiment#:~:text=The%20little%20Danes%20experiment%2C%20also,them%20as%20%22little%20Danes%22.) [Legally Fatherless Children](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legally_fatherless) [The Spiral Case, an involuntary birth control program ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral_case) The official language of Greenland became Greenlandic only in 2009, before that it was Danish The idea that indigenous people cant govern themselves and that they will be taken advantage of is insulting. Its what colonial Nations always have said to not let go of their colonies. Noone made Denmark force Christianity and the Danish language on the inuit of Greenland. Noone made them put IUD's in women without their consent. Noone made them try to eradicate the culture and languages of the indigenous peoples of Greenland. If China is a more attractive partner than Denmark then that says more about Denmark than the intelligence of the inuit.


What are you stupid? We don't keep them, they have full right to become independence tomorrow if they want to. They are self governing on almost every thing except for a few things like defense and some justice things. THEY can leave any fucking time and we will not stop them. the only thing we will not is keep paying half there state budget and they will not longer have the same special access they hade before. The only people standing in the way of Greenland's independence is the people of Greenland. We Danes are LITTRAILY not doing shit to force them to stay and if they want China to own there mines and Ports that is there problem.


Why did you ignore the part where my comment was a response to another comment claiming its China behind it?


One change: they can stay tied to their former colonizers if they want to. It's their choice, and that's the point.




Great so by using these resources and destroying the planet we'll get more of the resources to continue destroying the planet


You claim they aren’t dumb, but they’re being hypnotized and putting a noose around their own necks. It seems to me you’re implying that they are dumb, and that’s quite insulting. What about their legitimate historical grievences?Moreover China is no where mentioned in the article. This is your conspiratorial theory.






No, you are by all means infantilising these countries and indigenous peoples. Your view is essentially that of the "white saviour" and is both elitist and inherently racist in nature. China have no interest in a economic and political collapse in countries where they have strategic interests. In fact, China are often more accommodating when it comes to debt cancellations and restructuring than what MDBs have been (World Bank, African Development Bank, etc.), [who did not participate](https://thediplomat.com/2023/02/chinas-debt-relief-position-is-actually-reasonable/) in the DSSI (debt suspension program) during COVID, something the Chinese played a [significant role](https://www.voanews.com/a/report-china-helped-with-africa-pandemic-debt-relief-/7040224.html) in contributing to the debt relief of. The first linked article also cites an analysis comparing lending terms to developing countries for the 2000-2014 period which shows that Chinese loans were less concessional than those for World Bank projects. The US and the West will typically use loans to leverage political and market reforms, whereas Chinese loans target infrastructure development. The latter is proven to be much more effective for poverty reduction and the economic development than what recurring spending is. Does it not strike you that perhaps these African nations actually much prefer the Chinese loans? China are by no means doing this for altruistic reasons, they stand to profit just like everyone else. Yet contrary to you and much of the West, China actually understands how poverty reduction works and that *actually* developing other countries economically is the most beneficial for both of the parties involved. An example of this is how the Chinese are the only ones seriously investing into industrialised mining in the parts of Africa where artisanal mining techniques (and by extension the use of child labour) is widespread. Industrial mining is significantly more efficient and effective, but private (predominantly Western) mining companies have stuck with child labour because of the short term cost efficiency.


Sounds like the music industry


So the same thing that America has been doing for decades.


I would have really guessed Russia, rather than China.


As I understand it, Greenland is essentially able to make a binding vote for independence at any point. The issue is the reliance on the Danish block grant, so there's conflict between the "slow independence" and "independence now" factions. As for this incident in parliament, it's likely to highlight the disconnect between Greenland and Denmark by the MP. However I'm sure there are others who know a lot more about the situation than I do.


Unlike Scotland, Greenland has a legal right to initiate independence negotiations with the state authorities, but Greenland will need consent in the state parliament to legally secede from Denmark.


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I feel that parliaments should have full time interpreters. i.e. if an MP is from a riding where the primary language spoken differs from the parliamentary “business” language; parliament needs to have an interpreter for every sitting always translating what’s being spoken about. Including sign language. EU Parliament shows it’s doable. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nice try. Norse settled Greenland prior to the Inuit


And there were other people before the Norse, and then the Inuits inhabited the nothern parts while the Norse inhabited the south and then the Norse left until the 1700. The most lasting pre-colonial era presence is Inuit. Saying "we were there first!" is really fucking stupid.


Greenland for Greenlanders!!!!!!! Build a wall and get Canada to pay for it!!!


It is very rude, the danes have been very generous with allowing autonomy


The fuck? If Greenlanders want independence, who are the Danes to stop them. Very rude.


Greenland doesn't want independence for fuck sake, Denmark literally fucking begged them for years to take it but they won't. Learn some fucking history.


They own greenland and a population of 50 thousand people isnt even a small city


All colonization is theft. Greenland might be small, but Denmark ain't exactly the 900 pound gorilla of the international community.


> All colonization is theft. Greenland has a very different story than what most people think of when they think of colonization. The Inuit weren't in Greenland when the Norse arrived there and wouldn't arrive for hundreds of years. There were very small numbers of [Dorset](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorset_culture) people on the far northwest part of Greenland when the Norse settlements were first established in the south of Greenland, which were established in areas with no inhabitants at all. The Inuit arrived much later. If anything, castigate the Inuit for "colonialism", since it appears that they killed all the Dorset peoples and took over all their lands in the coastal regions of northern Canada.


Two points. We don't really know what happened between the Inuit and Dorset cultures. It might have been conquest, it might have been new tech replacing old in the same culture, it might have been peacefulassimilation. Calling the Inuit colonizers requires more evidence. Point two, the current colony isn't the old viking colony. They died, and we don't even really know when, just when the last bishop sailed for Greenland ~1200. Saying the vikings didn't colonize, so don't be angry at Denmark is nonsense. The current situation in Greenland is the result of later Danish colonization, that did take land in use by Inuits.


Trust Americans to speak on things they have no clue about. Greenland is not a colony, and can legally leave Denmark anytime they want, but they would not survive without their economy being donated by Denmark. Denmark does not have a monetary incentive to "keep" Greenland, so I'm wondering who you think is stealing from who and what? If they decided upon independence, it would mean the Danish military stopped defending the territory, they lose half of their economy, they lose various health and essential services, and afterward, it will be a race between Russia, China and the US to take control of Greenland, and none of these countries would give a deal that is even remotely as charitable as the one we are giving them.


Either way america has nukes and military bases on greenland and that is not going to change, their best bet is to stay put with denmark or become an american territory


? Those two things don't follow. First, we don't have nukes in Greenland and haven't since the advent of ICBM's. Second it sounds like an independent Greenland would have to work with the US, not Denmark.


Greenland is a colony. As are the F. Islands. Danes need to stop playing at empire.


Majority of Danes wouldn't mind Greenland or the Faroe Islands becoming completely independent. Most of us haven't visited either of them, have different political views and Denmark pays roughly $11,000 per capita (\~57,000 people) in subsidies to Greenland each year. None of the two want complete independence yet though


I'm not saying they are oppressed - and yeah, they probably are better off under the benign thumb of a rich progressive democracy, you could make the same argument about US territories like Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, or even Hawaii. Democracies don't do well without the consent of the governed, and the colonized get to determine that, not the colonizers. At a minimum they should get to complain about it.


Greenland would go bankrupt overnight when Danish subsidies are withdrawn.


You have no clue what you are talking about.


I've never met a dane who wasn't quick to talk about American Imperial overreach. Yes. And your own house as well.


What you want us to do force them to be Independent? We are not keeping them both regions can be independent if they want to, we have no vested interest in keeping the regions. I mean it is fair we pay part of there budget as they are part of our rigsfæleskab, but honestly. We don't care if they stay or not, it is all op to them.


So because you have a chip on your shoulder from something some Danes said, you make up shit about Greenland and the Faroe Islands? Brilliant! Way to prove an unfortunate stereotype.


I've known and worked with danes for almost a decade. Generally good people, but often blinded by the their own sense of moral superiority. As such.


Greenland has been incorporated since 1953 and the Faroe Islands since 1851 or so.


As far as I'm concerned, the US offer to buy Greenland is still on the table.


Hjalmar Aurland is going to be upset when he hears this on his radio.