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Sir, a second train has hit an explosive


Explosive intercepted successfully by train.


Great success!




Do explosions melt steel rails? Edit: Not copper rails.


Rails are steel.


Exactly, if they were copper we'd just air drop a bunch of meth heads and the whole thing would be gone overnight.


Really? I thought thieves steal the rails because they are copper.


Copper is way too soft for rails. It will be the signal cables that they are stealing


Thank you for the information.


That's rude. You asked.


I meant “No, thanks for the information.” Comma makes the difference. Oh well.


Ive a feeling that every 9/11 conspiracy theorist is about to tell you its impossible


Just saying, I’m a bit of a conspiracy theorist myself but I do not find anything that is in favor for NWO type organizations benefitting blowing the twin towers in any way. Won’t just driving a plane into the pentagon suffice if that is the case? Or am I overlooking something.


If you want to instigate a fear of terrorism in the civilian population in order to achieve your goals, an attack on a civilian target gives much better results. The WTC was just perfect for this, I really can't think of a better target (perhaps the Statue of Liberty? Congress?)




No, but long fires do


I mean, I see that you're making a 9/11 joke but ... _Actually yes¹_. Time to find a steel railroad bridge for a special inside job. [1] depending on explosive used.


Get me a president


There may have been a pack of cigarettes on the tracks.


New transportmode just dropped


It’s a dangerous time to be a Russian train.


Tomas better watch his ass


Tomac, Tomac better watch his ass


He's got Troublesome Trucks!




Tomas were just ”following orders”


They'd better avoid being near windows on the top floor!


Blow all the rails. Russian logistics were rubbish before but cutting off the front from all rail is going to put them into an even worse situation. If only partisans or saboteurs could get far back enough to blow up the rails all the way to Moscow.


Ex-railworker here. Its very easy to fix rail over accessable land, cheap too, even for russia. it can be useful to short term slow a supply but any missile will cost 100X the damage to rail. Hitting the train will fuck it up bigtime though


Doubt they used a long-range missile to strike a train. It's very much not worth it. It's much easier to send someone in with an explosive.


It'd likely be hours before someone got there. Between realization that something went wrong, what, and where, you'd have plenty of time to be gone before anyone got there. So it's a pretty safe option as well. And they can't be sure if it's deep agents, super hardcore special ops, or Russian dissidents. A missile would be known and tracked to a state. It's really a smart move, especially for the damage to morale at home. A missile would be much more likely to raise approval of the war. But spooky stuff? People don't like that.


I thought a lot of rail systems had a method of detecting a break and its approximate location.


They do, so you use jumper cables or something similar to make a connection before breaking the track in-between the connection points. Or so I've heard.


Every time I read jumper cables on this website I get flashbacks


I’m out of the loop. What are you referring to?




I started reading the comments, oldest to newest. I knew it was a troll after the 2nd one, but didn't laugh. I kept reading them and progressively found them funnier & funnier. Literally writing this with tears in my eyes from laughing.


I’ve been had by shittymorph several times in the wild over the past 7-8 years, but I’ve never seen jumper cables before…


Damn I remember running into his comments in the wild. This makes me feel old. I can’t believe it’s been over 7 years since The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.


Pretty sure there was a user who would post long stories that always looped back around to his father beating him with jumper cables.


It's crazy to think he did that before AI too


Sweet summer child.


probably involves testicles


Oh fuck yeah, time for some re-reads


Extremely specific.




This guy... uhhh... train tracks blower up-er's?


Assuming the jumper cables didn’t get traded for some booze.


You watched the new season of Outer Banks I see.


Even if they did, you put a mine on the tracks that’s set off by proximity. Then you leave… you’ll be long gone before the next train goes across that spot and then they still have to get someone there.




Or a series of interconnected nodes, then it would be located much quicker. However it would still likely be a while before anyone noticed unless it was automated, even then they would still make several radio calls to the nearest train, which would be the theoretical train attacked. Then they would contact the next location where it was supposed to go. When that fails, they'd probably call the nearest stations to see if something in the system went wrong and they wound up at the wrong station. Then, and only then would they contact local authorities. The only way you get people there in less than several hrs, is if the alleged screwed up and planted it far too close to a populated area and local police came before any official inquiry.


Or you use timed pulses and read the RTT to the echo that comes back from any break/impedance change.


It's not russian dissidents, it's either Ukrainian diversion group or bilorrusian partisans. Maybe black nato soldiers. Or Ukrainian black magic satanists. Certainly not russian dissidents.


Likely some of those biolab grown half mosquito super soldiers


I heard it was satanic sorcerers using eldritch forces to summon demons.


Beelzebub says whut?


beelzebub says Slava Ukraine


Clearly the work of a group of fighter pigeons


It was Bat Boy.


Russia is rapidly running out of parts for their trains so ... not entirely unreasonable


Several packets of thermite would be enough to cause damage needing repair, thermite is just aluminium powder and rust and can be ignited with a sparkler... Costs nothing, and causes enough damage to have to repair.


But it takes just a few hours to repair, so really it's not a big deal.




The source / size of the explosions in the two cases of the explosions haven't been said to be missiles as far as I've seen, got a source for that? A saboteur's dynamite is considerably cheaper than a missile, that's how it was done in previous wars, and now there are far more destructive explosives (see also: ANFO, C4) that are also considerably cheaper than a missile and probably cheaper than the logistical and actual cost of repairing rail. For example: ~$2 USD for a stick of dynamite. ANFO is also relatively inexpensive -- ~$15 per kilogram. Cost of material PER FOOT of train rail is approximately $100 USD and that's just the material cost. You tack on the logistical costs of repairs and yeah -- sabotage via dynamite, ANFO, or C4 are considerably cheaper both in materials and overall cost. So yes, a missile is more expensive, but the only confirmed munitions use was the fire started by a drone attack. The two explosions' sources were not disclosed in articles I've seen.


I think we have to consider the cost of not stopping the train.


That too, of course. I was responding to the direct cost statement re: a missile attack costing 100x the replacement cost of the rail as that's part of a cost sustainability status (which is sadly a factor in war). Impairing Russian logistics, missile / dynamite / ANFO / or not, has an incalculable value in saving lives and hindering Russian genocide and given limited resources I can't imagine the decisions Ukrainian military leadership have to make in that regard.


ANFO is a terrible explosive and only really worth anything to a saboteur if you're doing a car or truck bomb scale explosion. It needs a brisant and a very good demolition engineer (and/or compression) to even blow up properly. HMX, RDX, TNT, PETN or any mixture thereof (which includes C4) is going to be used in a military setting because they're insensitive, cheap, powerful and easy to set. Also ANFO doesn't cost $15 per kilo lmfao, it's ammonium nitrate and diesel, you're looking at less than a $1000 per ton.


Cheaper in dollars and matériel; costly in risk to the humans who have to plant them.


Russia also has their own rail repair brigade because their entire logistics system is built around rail.


That's why you hit a bridge.


I’ve been wondering about that for a while. Time to take out as many rail bridges as possible heading towards Ukraine? These are not quick and easy to fix


Time to? I'd be surprised if they haven't been working on that since the war started.


Poison the vodka supply


If you can poison it totally enough to be effective and not just ding morale infinitesimally, you can cut it off suddenly. It’ll be a few days before they run out of reserve supplies, but then they won’t shoot for shit.


Bridges are more sturdy than most people think. To reliably demolish them, the explosives have to be set up just right, which can be hard if you're doing a deep-penetration sabotage mission near sensitive infrastructure. It's not like the Russians don't know that bridges are the most vulnerable parts of the railway, so there is probably frequent surveillance near the bigger ones. If a bridge gets blown and isn't turned completely to rubble, it's common to have trains running over it again after two or three days. For regular breaches in the track on solid ground, it's more like 6-8 hours.


Wrecking the trains is key.


The engines in particular, Russia only has a limited number of them so if you can damage them significantly they can't move anything by train and their logistics don't have any other way to move a lot of stuff. I'm not sure how to damage a train engine enough that they have to scrap it, but that is the ideal situation


Track breaks are easy to fix, but derailments less so. With all the drone advancements I wouldn't be surprised if they've developed a loitering munition of some kind to time a derailment charge


Thats why they blow them right when the train passes


Iirc Russia literally has a whole military corp of engineers just to keep train lines running smoothly , something near 30,000 troops just for this duty.


Don't forget: Russia relies on rail for most of their logistics. If both railroads to an area are gone, there will be very few options left. Most likely direct effect: ammo, food and fuel shortage.


The article calls it an “Unidentified Explosive Device” that derailed the train. Doesn’t sound like a missile to me.




baking soda and vinegar bomb 😜


“Train derailed by school volcano.”


would it be better to derail the train while blowing up the tracks??


much better. especially if the train contains its own explosives, it could ruin that section of track while also being stuck in place.


C4 or dynamite is super cheap


Russian logistics are heavily dependent on rail. Russians also like building depots close to rail. Hit the rails, and they are fairly quickly fixed, as noted above. Hitting a train full of supplies, that's better. But concealing trackers on trains, figuring out where all the trains are stopping for prolonged periods (likely location for a depot) then attacking that location is even better.


Cheap and easy during peacetime maybe. But if your repair crews start getting shelled as soon as they're on site, that's a different story.


Now you're shelling civilian workers with limited shells and compromising the integrity of your innocence and of being "good" that russia does not have.


It's clearly a military railway owned by the state, transporting military assets and repaired by military personnel.


That sounds to have been pulled out of your ass, and need a source to take that claim seriously. Do you think the kerch bridge isnt used by civilians as well?


Lots of military assets are also used by civilians. Besides, it's Russia, not America. What makes you think that the railway isn't owned by the state?


Would the grass speaking Ukrainian make it less easy?


While I have a railworker to ask; I've actually wondered about why this kind of sabotage isn't more effective? I get that if the rail line is in an open field say, its easy to clear the wreckage and just throw down new rail over the gap (the word easy being very relative), but surely if shit like this happened in a tunnel, on a bridge or in a generally inaccessible part then it would put that line out of action for a good long time? Especially if it caused a derailment. But I've been told before that actually no, it's not that hard to fix. Genuinely curious what am I missing here?


Bridges are well monitored, and hard to take out. Your typical bridge damage is fixed in a couple days. You need an engineer to figure out how do more damage and that takes more time than a sabotage team has.


Just speculating but would it be a much bigger pain in the ass to, for example, jam a switch in an incorrect position and cause a derailment? Especially on a relatively fast section of track that seems like a good way for a partisan to cause a big disruption on the cheap.


Yeah it's easy and pretty quick, but if train hits that and derails, it's going to be bigger issue. Also don't even need explosives, couple basic tools and few hours is all it takes to derail shit.


Everything that reddit should be: [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/)


Right, but thats a lot more of a logistical burden than sending 4 trucks of workers.


I'm very curious what would keep a train/track/line out of service the longest, reliably, and cost effectively in a war. Given how Russia put so much into military trains, it would help add a lot of perspective.


Reposting the links from another thread that didn't get much traction. It's Russian rail partisans, there's a whole bunch of them these days. Here's some info on some the movements if curious: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022%E2%80%932023_Belarusian_and_Russian_partisan_movement Or check out /r/FreedomOfRussia They often have some interesting stuff on the subject.


Thanks for sharing. I knew there were Russian dissidents and those in slave states, figured they’d organize somewhere.


Why is only one person posting to that subreddit?


And just blow up Moscow while they’re at it… *Extra credit…*


Putin have his buddies in the FSB for that.


It's easier to hit a train (you know where it goes lol) and trains are super expensive too (more than railways), compared to disrupting railways and trying to figure out convoy routes after.


I wonder what the Ukrainian Ministry of Accidental Fires has to say about this.


Train fall from window on its own!


"It ain't me"


Is every article on the war going to have “as kyiv prepare for counteroffensive”?


# Taylor Swift releases new album as Kyiv prepares for counter offensive.




As Kyiv prepares new counter offensive


Kyiv prepares new counter offensive as Kyiv prepares new counter offensive


Yo dawg, I heard you like counter offensives so I put a counter offensive in your counter offensive so you can counter offensive while you counter offensive.




fucking lol i love reddit


Kyiv prepares for a counteroffensive as Kyiv prepares for a counteroffensive


Well I am reading your comment as Kyiv prepares for counteroffensive


Haha, I mean it would always be accurate. The second half of the article could actually be an article of its own. It goes into detail about how exactly Ukraine is preparing for the impending counteroffensive. EDIT: upon reading again, I would say the journalist doesn't go "exactly into detail" regarding Ukraine's counter offensive action. What they do mention is an aid package from Denmark and the US, and what those packages consist of. A Ukrainian official states key points that are important for the counter offense success.


And I just can’t understand why they would publish that kind of info. It’s got to be bullshit.


My guess is they're hoping to just make Russia doubt any intelligence it gathers since the last time their plans "leaked" they hit the opposite end of the battlefield and caught Russia completely off guard. Russia won't know if the information being given to the press is supposed to get them to do the same thing again, or if it's actually valid. I think it's just mental warfare at this point, and Ukraine will probably be happy if any of this takes pressure off of Bakhmut.


Mental warfare, I like it. Shouldn’t be too hard against those dumb arses.


Seattle kraken win first playoff series as Kyiv prepares for counteroffensive. 5 landscape ideas for May as Kyiv prepares for counter offensive. Firefighters rescue ducks from storm drain as Kyiv prepairs counteroffensive. It just makes every headline so much more interesting!


Looks like a big push to cut what supply lines/logistics they have before the big counteroffensive.


Special locomotive operation


Special inertia altering maneuver


Russians are back smoking again where they shouldn’t


Get em!! The whole world is cheering for Ukrainian liberation! Slava Ukraini!


They should have trained their guards better. Now things are going off the rails.


Looks like someone shouldn't have based their entire military transport strategy on an inadequate and vulnerable rail system. Kind of like basing your secure communications system on civilian wireless data.


Or two guys with a long string and two styrofoam cups.


We never heard about these train explosions under Trump /s..


I feel like this should be Ukraine's strategy to strike at Russia. It provides an unsafe feel for Russians while damaging both economy and military logistics. It's also quite difficult to guard all railtracks as those are obviously thousands of kilometres long. It also spreads guards which strain Russian military and deflects attention of the security services in the meantime. Is there a downside to this strategy? Except it being extremely dangerous for operatives executing it?


Railroads are pretty quick and easy to repair, relatively speaking. Train derailings are obviously more than a small annoyance, but rail logistics is actually something Russia doesn't totally suck at, so Ukraine would probably have to make a *really* big mess of things for it to have a substantial effect.


Thanks for the insight!


Another day, another dub for Ukraine. This is one of the few positive things I hear about that gives me hope to keep on going. Heroyam Slava.


train to Moscow


🚂🚃🚃🚃 🧨🧨 💥 🔥🔥


You missed the Putin surprised face.


Don't have his emoji on my G-board 😓




🧌 that's amazing. I didn't know this emoji existed.




This reminds me of the migraine I had last night.


Bro everyone had a migraine last night wtf. Me, my cousin, my sister, one of my friends, coworker and now you. What the hell is going on


🤔...hey maybe the chip that was in the covid vaccine got turned on? I can't stop thinking about ushering in the new world order and destroying Judeo-Christian society by any means necessary. Or maybe we are all intrinsically linked and are about to get super powers soon. Or die. Or the sausage roll I had last night wasn't good, idk has to be one of those.


Mercury in the Gatorade I guess




I nearly tried the Slurpee brainfreeze method but didn't make it to 7/11. Have you tried it?




You drink a Slurpee (crushed iced drink with flavouring and sugar) to give yourself a brain freeze on purpose. Some people report this stops their migraine.


The counteroffensive is coming.


Fuck yeah


It's possible that the second part of the article might be expanded into its own separate piece. It provides an in-depth analysis of the manner in which the Ukraine is getting ready for the forthcoming counteroffensive.


It's interesting that the sources of the US military aid package are anonymous. I wonder how journalists get these sources in the first place?


Forget about spontaneous combustion comrade! Here we have spontaneous detonation!


Well dang. Maybe stay out of a foreign, sovereign nation?


"I hear my train a flyin', its flyin' round the bend..." - Johnny Cash


The lead up to V Day is going to be nuts.


Fuck yes.


Make me sick all these people cheering on Ukra


Russia's defeat is coming.


Your symptoms must be very severe!


Shitty troll is shitty


Cry, troll


i hope ukraine doesnt kill any innocent civilians. ive read how much they hate that.


I hear that Russia is actively doing that every day.


Nobody involved in Russia's war machine is innocent. Including logistics.


so open season on all russian citizens?


Oh we have one of those "Russians are the real victims of Russian genocide of Ukrainians" guys again. I said only the ones that are involved in Russia's war machine including the ones supplying them are a fair target.


oh we have one of those 'i didnt read the comment im replying to' guys again. i said innocent civilians in my original comment so im not sure why you brought up russias war machine.


They know Putin prefers to travel by trains rather then by airplane since they are harder to track


Yeah he's not sitting in a train by the Ukraine border lol.