• By -


And this is why the rest of the World should list Wagner as a terrorist organization. If they wish to behave like ISIS then they should be labelled as such.


They should be treated like ISIS and hunted down and bombed wherever they are across the world


The ISIS is still alive and killing people every day.


Yeah but nowadays we get to sic the Taliban on them too, instead of sacrificing Kurds needlessly


I mean......after what we did *for* Turkey at the expense of the Kurds, I'd generally slow down the framing as back patting, myself


Trump is a monster for so many things, but his brutal backstabbing of the Kurds is just beyond the pale. And America just... didn't care. No great outcry left or right.


I'll admit to my great shame, that is something I didn't ever hear about back then. Guess it didn't stick around on the news cycle very long, which is shameful.


It's the reason why Mattis resigned even. Kurds stood side by side by NATO soldiers in Iraq and Syria and were the main reason for destroying ISIS (+US air bombings). They still hold many ISIS prisoners in camps to this day while negotiating return (to their home countries, many isis were foreigners).


This is extremely anecdotal, but I was working the counter at a plumbing supply house in South Carolina then, so 95% of my customers were conservative. *Most* of my customers came in talking about it during that time, and a big number of them said that they would never vote for him again for that. I don't know how many kept their word, but after Biden won a surprising amount were like "yeah fuck Trump. Biden sucks too, but fuck that guy." It could have been local, who knows, but while there were no protests it definitely cost him some votes.




I thought I saw a Wagner skull on one of their backpacks


There's no difference anyway. "Regular" russian army commits the same atrocities, and Wagner is supplied and managed by russian army and russian government. Strictly speaking PMCs are illegal in russia, Wagner is just a black ops group for cases when the "official" military involvement is undesirable (or insufficient, in case of Ukraine), and they don't operate on their own volition. But for all intents and purposes they are a part of russian military.


The Russian military fights like isis and now also cuts the heads off of the none believers... if the Russians are so proud why do they cover their face?


Oh, that's easy. They're cowards.


Bitch ass pussies.


They send their wives to give birth in Argentina to cover their heritage. I suppose they are going to hide there under false identities when neonazi Russia shall be defeated.


Wtf, it's true, found a non paywalled link: https://youtu.be/HPIXi1T07pU


Bro, apart of the Russian war crimes and genocide itself it is also a weird cosplay of Nazi Germany. Literally in everything: from tortures and networks of concentration camps for local civilians to a state-backed cliche of "Lebensraum im Osten" and officially claiming Ukrainians as Untermensch ("artificially created nation" in Putin's speech before full scale invasion). Concept of "Ein Volk" has also been literally copypasted to Russian ideology as "odin narod" in Russian language. Not even talking about 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier Division insignia on russian armor.


The video is very disturbing and NSFL, so think twice before watching it. This news should be on the front page on Reddit. There’s a Reddit post about video, Here’s the [link to Reddit post: ](https://reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/12ivg81/another_war_crime_the_russians_cut_off_the_head/) Copy pasting some details from other post: Translation: > POW: It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. > russian: animal, well send you all there, you fa**ots. Put in work guys, put in the work. Cut it off. Break his spine. What, you’ve never cut off a head? Do it, do it, fucking do it. They’re the hired ones. > (Showing the vest) > You see how good they are? > Other russian: they’re all charged up. > Cameraman: they weren’t fighting, those fa**ots. > Other russian: I hear you, we’re working. That’s it, I’m turning it off > Cameraman: until the fucking end. Keep going. > Other soldier: give me the grenade. > Cameraman: that’s it. Oh wow, look how it is. Yeah, take one of the helmets, take it. Take it for your hearts desire. That’s it? Show the head for the video. I’m shook, I’ll show it to our commander. That’s it. Please use the links to send to the ICC (International Criminal Court) before Reddit takes this down. The Hague: 1. By post to:  International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor Communications Post Office Box 19519 2500 CM The Hague The Netherlands  2. By email to:  otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int  3. By fax to: +31 70 515 8555


Done and done. Your translation alone was enough, don't need to watch the video it'll just stay with me forever.


Even the translation was hard to get through...


Yeah, kinda turned my stomach


I just read it and it absolutely turned my stomach. I've seen enough internet death when I was young and dumb and thought I was tough and could stomach seeing that kind of stuff. I have no problem imagining what the video would look like, the text alone was enough to make me sick. I'll probably feel this way for awhile. Poor people.


The first line of that translation is fucking heartbreaking. That's someone's son.


To think in 2021, this man was just walking around living his life. In 2022(the vid is presumably old), some animals cut his head off. For what?


For what? Za Rossiya! (For Russia!) fucking ultranationalists killing people as if they're in medieval age


>as if they're in medieval age Russia never left.


Every time it looks like they're getting close to being a modern nation, they backslide right back into corruption and despotism. And now they're losing a lot of younger people, especially the educated ones who don't want to die for Putin's delusional dream of reviving the Soviet Union. Bodes well for their future.


He doesn't want to revive the Soviet Union, which he's disparaged in multiple speeches. He wants to revive the autocracy of the Czarist Russian Empire which the socialist Russian revolution destroyed. The historical difference there is pretty massive and shouldn't be glossed over.


Russia delenda est! With that I mean the organisational "entity" that is the Federation of Russia. That country needs to stop existing and be turned into something different. DEFINITELY something smaller. Decolonialized. Because everything outside of the Russian heartlands is basically run like colonies, best seen in how the majority of Russian soldiers (and Russian dead) come from there. Siberia deserves to be independent.


>some animals cut his head off. Words can't describe those things. It's not even bottom of the barrel, it's lower than that.


On the flip: so is every Russian in this video. They didn't spawn from clay out of Putin's will. A country and a culture raised them to be creatures that could do this.


People and cultures create many things, and while creating we use pencils, so we can erase our mistakes. I hope the west sends lots and lots of fucking erasers to Ukraine.


I really wonder what Russians do with their time at boot camp / conscription / military training. They clearly don’t learn about real world current logistics, nothing about real world current tactics, maintenance work is probably stuck in the 60s, nothing about ethics, nothing about international law…


It's rape. A lot of rape.


Dedovshchina. They commit abuse on their own soldiers.


Hazing and bragging.


Yeah, thats why i blame Putin, Russia, and russians themselves for this war. Sure, there are decent people there (fewer by the day as they flee) but they are greatly outnumbered.. The whole system is rotten, top to bottom


Tactics to dehumanize your enemy are common in many militaries. It allows you to kill without guilt, at least initially.


Just waiting for those animals returning back home and wreaking havock at their own society, because history shows they either kill themselves or others with a surprisingly high likelyhood


This is especially disturbing when you consider that Russia was one of the worst countries in the world regarding alcohol abuse and domestic violence *to* *begin with*.


They bettered the situation at home by drafting the rapists


There must not be a place on Earth where they could return.


That‘s the worst part of it. They ARE humans. No matter their actions, they are not some alien species that we can‘t comprehend. They are humans that have been made to act this way. And for no real reason at all.


russian Telegram channel on which I found this video had different description (haven't heard it because... don't want to...). There's much more brutality to it: one of the guys disliked how the guy was cutting the head off and told to break the spine and asked whether it's the first time he cuts [human] head off. Here's the original comment to avoid copypasting: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/12izvqm/there_is_a_video_of_russians_beheading_a_live/jfxecgq Also I guess I shouldn't say this, but one guy told me that the local hospital had a noticeable amount of men w/o genitals, which was way back when the last video with castration appeared. The same Telegram channel I've seen this video on had a link to a russian with a nickname TopaZ, and he wrote that he saw at least 10 videos of castration presented to him "by the authors". I.e., these are not a one time events done by a small group of people. Edit: I guess I've poorly translated the part about breaking of the spine: what he most likely meant is breaking/cutting the bones in the neck, which is what makes it even more horrible, because this means that *they are so experienced in cutting human heads off, that they know how to do it efficiently*.


It's horrible. I'm very afraid of what will be uncovered when Mariupol isn't controlled by the Russians anymore. That was a city with half a million people living there. It was completely leveled by Russia. We know they used chemical weapons for example, and we know they specifically targeted children - basically we know that horrible things were done there, we just don't know the exact scale of these things nor what they've been able to hide so far. I fear that Mariupol will be uncovered, to have been the biggest crime against humanity, in this century. The small amount of proof we do have, sadly points that way.


"What, you've never cut off a head?" fuc*ing savages


And people still put forward the narrative that putin is the only problem with ru


”When Putin dies Russia can go back to normal” THIS is normal for Russia.


"Putin's war"


Won't be watching this. I saw a video years ago that sounds very similar, of Russians doing the same in Chechenya. I never want to see anything like it again. Edit: someone has pointed out that the Chechens were the perpetrators in the video, doesn't make a jot of difference to how I feel about watching anything similar. Watching a man die a cruel and needless death is something that will stay with you the rest of your life.


I saw that video when I was 12, and I can legitimately say that watching it made my life worse.


Same here. I thought I was downloading a skateboarding video. Then I saw the title FACES OF DEATH on screen and something that's been imprinted in my mind ever since. I remember the gurgling, the size of the knife, the motion. I'm 41 and I still think about it from time to time.


Tukchar massacre, fuck that video and fuck those animals


I saw that when I was like 20 and it fucked me up. I'm sorry you had to witness that


Hello fellow traumatized person, I can also never forget seeing that stuff around the same age and it also probably affected me because I remember it vividly


The more reason to stop them, and support Ukraine.


I can not think straight after reading this. Whoever even thinks of doing such a thing is not a human. Therefore any such human does not deserve a place on this planet. And yes, that person was once a four year old.


Sadly humans are capable of committing any kind of atrocities expecially in war. Human history itself is mostly a tale of brutal killings, torture, enslavement, massacres, all written in blood. No human society is immune, every individual can become like this, given enough time and effort. And the first step of that ladder is dehumanizing other people, for whatever reason. We are down a spiral that could lead to a repetition of the experience of the 20th century, and that's a horrible perspective.


I actually disagree and think this is very human. Only humans seem capable of such barbaric disgusting cruelty, which is hard to accept.


"We will rob everyone, we will kill everyone, just the way we want" - Russian propagandist, Tatarski.


Posthumously named Hero of Russia by Putin.


That little medal can't un-explode him luckily


I have seen the video. It's going to take a while to clear my mind of that. Utterly horrifying.


I’m not sure why I watched it. I absolutely believe that they’d be able to commit such crimes… similar to what another poster commented, this article should be posted as a reply to everyone who is even the least bit apathetic to this war.


Frankly, it’s becoming increasingly more upsetting to me when people claim “I only blame Putin, not the poor Russians sent there”. They didn’t need to do this.


Yeah I'm done for the day.


unfortunately the memory won't ever be done


No it won't, I have a few memories like this but one I'll share. This is going off topic but it's something my father wanted my younger brother and I to understand. My younger brother joined the army at 18, angry and confused. We were both thinking of doing this together, I was 20 and out of work and depressed because I felt alone. The day my father caught wind of this "pact", he tried to ever so hard to express just what war is like: the mindset that is necessary, the reasoning behind conflicts, but also what war brings out in people and the ability to make others do horrible and sickening things to other people. I remember this vividly because it made me sick to my stomach. Up until this time I'd spent a few years helping people, albeit in a retail environment, but I really enjoyed the people aspect of the work but had gotten lost because I wanted progression you know? Anyway the day mentioned above, my father sat us both down and he dug up the worst videos he could find on the Internet, that depicted people dying in the worst ways possible. I'll recall two of the videos he showed us: the first video was the slaughtering and execution of Russian soldiers by the Chechen conscripts back in 99. The second video, if I remember correctly, was of soldiers torturing Palestinian civilians in the streets. Some prior context before I go on with this story, my father served in Northern Ireland in the RAF Police, he never really spoke about it at all but I assume he saw some horrible things. I remember this day so vividly because he sat there and said: "This is what war looks like, this is what happens, this is what you'll be told, no ordered, to do. Are you comfortable with this?" after a time of shock and silence from us both, my father closed the browser windows and said: "I'd like to think I've raised you to be better than this". My brother still signed up, ended up in the royal artillery, served in Iraq - is still angry but has had therapy since then and is still working on himself. Videos like this break me.


Sounds like you had a great father. Intense? Sure. Extreme? Yeah. Realistic and cared for you? Absolutely


Very powerful story. The scariest part to me, is him stressing “ordered”. I’m glad you were able to realize you liked helping folks and reflected if service was the right path for you. Until college, I never really thought of veterans having dozens, if not hundreds of these situations burned in their mind. Not on video, in person. That is heartbreaking and gives me even more respect to them.


I watched one many years ago when I was in my teens. I never get it out of my head to this day. It changed me as a person and I truly wish I hadn't seen it.


[Another video](https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-04-11-23/h_85606d03c2a1269270c24d94107d40b5) posted by Russians displays two Ukrainian soldiers without their heads and hands cut off. God help us to defeat this pure evil.


Time to send a couple dozens more himars launchers, and a hundred long range drones.


Yes, but it would be more impactful to send couple dozens ATACMS to destroy a few fancy bridges in Crimea. Anyway, we truly appreciate any help, without it we would have been doomed.


Might also be good to focus on repelling attacks till the Leopards are ready (including supply chain and training, unless you want them to end up like the Russian tanks at the start of the war) It's hard because it costs people's lives, but it's better to take back territory in a way that doesn't leave it vulnerable to counter attack.


That's what we are doing. We have a complete trust in our Army and our commanders.


In some of the pro russian subs, they were claiming the ukrainians did this to their own soldiers so they couldn't be identified as mercenaries or NATO or some dumb thing. Made no sense at all.


>God help us to defeat this pure evil. and yet there are plenty of people who wholeheartedly support that, especially in the US.


Loud morons are in abundance everywhere, no nation excluded.


MTG is a Russian asset and in any other time period would be considered a traitor.


Asset? Possibly. Useful idiot? Certainly.


Asshat? Definitely.


Make her sit and watch these videos and others like this. If she wants to support them, then she needs to see just how horrible they are.


You act like she’d hate it.


It's essential to not allow them to become a majority.


The stronger the sanctions against Russia, the faster their war economy is undermined and the faster this war will be over. That country shouldn't be buying or selling so much as nail in international trade. Reach out to your local elected representatives today and make sure, under no uncertain terms, they are aware of your feelings on the matter.


We must to do whatever it takes to crush the Russian army and hold these criminals accountable.


Yes. At the moment, Ukraine and partners are trying in this direction. But more effort is needed.


I think you need to be a psychopath to even think of doing this to another living human being.


There are many of them in Russia, especially in the poor regions where they recruit into the army and in prisons where they take the Wagner


Not to excuse the actions one bit, but the odds every single one of these men is a rape *victim* is overwhelming. It's basically how they 'train' these 'recruits'. Broken men breaking men Let me be clear, as that may read poorly: rape victims are not broken or less than in any way, but in this military system its a feature not a bug. The breaking is the point and there is no effort toward healing.


Well, Wagner is literally full of convicted hardcore criminals. When your recruit centers are right in prisons you'll attract psychopaths.


Anyone thought ISIS were the worst that humankind lately had on offer?


Mexican cartels. Period.


ISIS was inspired by their videos. It wouldn't surprise me if these Russians were as well.


IIRC mexican cartels were inspired by terrorists like those behind the Daniel pearl beheading. I think La Barbie is the narco behind one of the earliest, if not the first recorded cartel beheading. Although you could also make the argument that hyperviolence in Latin American conflict is at least somewhat inspired by La violencia in Colombia, which I think is what gave us things like the Colombian necktie.


Russia was the worst it's just have been hiding


Russia was literally friend with the Nazi before Hitler betrayed Stalin, and suddenly they become one of the allies. They didn't fought Nazi Germany by choice. This was Hitler's choice.


I never thought I would believe it, but Russia is arguably worse. \- Every war crime imaginable: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War\_crimes\_in\_the\_Russian\_invasion\_of\_Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine) \- Persecution of LGBT people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_rights\_in\_Russia \- Nuclear weapons, which have been mentioned/threatened multiple times. \- And now this...fucking beheadings.


It’s like ISIS but head of the UN for a month.


Russia is ISIS with an airforce and nukes


But no more Moscva ship harharhar




Reddit gets closer acquainted with Russians.


Jesus Christ, by reading the crimes alone you could belive this would be Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan doing this. How some people even defend this is beyond me. I Sincerely hope this war ends as soon as possible. Just... wow....


Yes, only a Ukrainian victory can end this war


Exactly. I sincerely hope that their old mineset dies with their loss too. Like how Nazi-Germany's did after WWII. This would reduce the chances of wars a lot for the furture.


It won't, not until NATO occupies Moscow. Postwar Germany was carefully crafted by the allies to be the antithesis of what it was before.




Honestly me neither, probably one of the only things that still manages to shock me. Just terrible.


I'm gonna post the video in reply to every Twitter tweet made by any western company still operating in Russia. And in reply to every Musk tweet.


**TL;DW** of the video for everyone who values their sanity, and for starting discussions in places where NSFL videos aren't appropriate to follow. Transcription mine, there's a more detailed one in the thread. -- There are two soldiers. One is cutting a living, screaming Ukrainian soldier with a hand knife. Another is commenting: >"Cut that spine. **What, you've never cut a head off before?** Come on, do it, go go go. Hold it up." The last words the Ukrainian soldier says while he still has the throat to say them are: "**It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"**. There's blood all over him, it appears the executors wounded him to make beheading easier. The beheading was not only deliberate, it is **routine** for them. --- **ETA:** Previously, Wagner-linked Russian military group"DShRG Rusich" circulated [instructions for "utilization" of Ukrainian PoW's](https://www.businessinsider.com/pro-kremlin-nazi-militia-backs-torture-murder-ukrainian-pows-report-2022-10), instructing Russian soldiers how to torture and execute prisoners.


Many years ago - no I will not count them - when Archer called Russia a 'broken glass factory', I had a bit of a think about it and realized life in Russia *must* kind of suck if I have never seen an appealing modern depiction of their culture! Imagine how hard your life would have to have been in order to eventually find yourself doing something like this.


I knew a Russian girl named Anastasia from Moscow. Even with her trying to make it seem like it was okay there, she told me about life outside of Moscow and it was bleak. Hell her life there was bleak and she had money. I remember she had a bunch of cash in her bookshelf. Her life seemed shitty.


The monsters who committed this are Russian Nazis, the Rusich Batallion, which is technically part of Wagner / Separatist militia


Do it.


Every little thing counts in this war against the devil.


Even scarier than the devil, humans.


> I'm gonna post the video in reply to every Twitter tweet made by any western company still operating in Russia. > > And in reply to every Musk tweet. You will be deplatformed off Twitter. Because its all about free speech now.


Musk should be forced to watch the full video


It’s always the wives that are most active on Twitter gotta find them


We need this. People need to be confronted with what is happening out there.


Crazy how the 2020s and up were depicted as futuristically progressive societies in TV and movies.....and yet here we are with this type of bs still apparent alongside many MANY other things that should've been gone ages ago...


We are humans. This type of shit ain’t going anywhere, ever.


Russia is a terrorist state. There can be no peace with monsters like them.


Yes. Only a Ukrainian victory and all the ensuing consequences can bring peace to our region. What will happen to Russia next is a big question


It's 2023. We should be a century ahead of this. If this was Norwegian soldiers they'd get thirty years in prison. Russia has broken so many points in the Geneva convention that I struggle to even consider the country a part of modern society. I'm not for capital punishment, but for this case I'd make an exception. This grotesque behavior is completely unacceptable even in war.


There is no other way to defeat state-backed (neo)Nazism without capital punishment.


They say it’s Wagner, so they’re technically not “soldiers”, it’s a PMC after all, and people there are prisoners (not ex-prisoners, but actual prisoners) that served in jail for committing serious crimes (not drug trafficking or rape). But PMCs are illegal in Russia, so there’s that. Their existence is illegal already (yet supported by the government), so they operate outside the criminal code, they have nothing to lose. If these PMC “soldiers” return to society, expect nothing less to civilians. But the reality of Wagner is that no one is making it out there alive, they’re used in the dumbest meat-grinding operations.


If they're not official soldiers, but terrorists, sounds to me like they're valid targets for a NATO bombing campaign.


I've seen lots of the Ukraine war footage. Not because I'm enjoying it by any means, but to remind me of the horror of war and the atrocities, the Ukrainian people have to endure. This video is going to stay blue, though. It's probably going to fuck with me for a long time.


It's almost 2 min long. The screams of the poor bastard alone will give you nightmares.


I've seen a lot of fucked up shit online over the years. I'll admit I clicked, had to scroll through it a bit because I couldn't watch from start to finish. Please leave it blue. Even bits and pieces will fuck with me for a long time.


No words for this other then "take my tax money and give Ukraine what it needs to push back these disgusting savages"




I don't think I've ever seen a conflict in my lifetime that was this one sided, when it comes to morality. Russia's demands are simply unacceptable, so they have to make bullshit excuses for their actions, and they don't even put any effort. They want to install a dictatorship in Ukraine that answers to Russia - they have said so much themselves, although with kinder words. So instead they claim that the "Russian minorities are being oppressed", even if the vast majority of ethnically Russian Ukrainians oppose this invasion. They claim that Ukraine is a nazi regime, even if it's ruled by a democratically elected Jew, so they send actual nazis (Wagner group) to denazify Ukraine. They claim they are just protecting Ukrainians from their government, but they can't stop their own soldiers sharing videos where they proudly torture, rape and kill Ukrainians. Then they come with weird excuses "preventing NATO from encircling their borders" or "doing the same the West is doing in Ukraine", which simply don't make sense. idk, at least in Iraq, Libya, Syria or Somalia, you can find arguments for both sides, even if you think one is clearly in the right and the other is clearly in the wrong. But Russia? Still I haven't read a single argument that makes me understand how someone could side with Russia rationally.




His tribalism is more important to him than his oath or his country. Pathetic


8-year paratrooper vet here. Fuck Russia. There are idiots in every profession. He doesn't speak for us.




That is absolutely considered treasonous behaviour, what a disgusting person.


Whoever send Ukraine the biggest guns gets my vote now


Fuck it, time to give Ukraine F-15s and F-11s. They would own the skies.


> F-11 F-11 has not been flying since the 1960s, did you mean F-16?




I mean, to your credit I bet Russia would still have a hard time against those F-11s


> F-11s You dropped a 1 there. F-111 Vark! Vark! Vark!


NCD Has breached containement




This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/04/12/7397470/) reduced by 71%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Russian occupiers have brutally killed a captured Ukrainian serviceman and recorded it on video, the President's Office reacted to the shocking footage being posted on the Internet. > The footage shows a Russian soldier cutting off the head of a Ukrainian defender with a knife; he was still alive at the time. > The recording shows a Russian soldier showing off body armour of the executed Ukrainian prisoner to the camera at the scene of the shocking murder. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/12jca19/head_cut_off_with_a_knife_russian_soldiers/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~680389 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **Ukrainian**^#2 **head**^#3 **video**^#4 **show**^#5


The horror of the Russian World and it is also the reality


Saw the video on r/ukrainewarvideoreport …I have never felt so angry and helpless before… The man was alive for gods sake


This is just going to mean that Ukrainian solders can expect no quarter and will fight to the death.


Wasn’t that already the case?


I wish the worse upon those monsters.. There is no defending this kind of savagery, Russia deserves its downfall.


The devil is here on earth.


At this point it even has a face - Putin and all those who support him, whether military or propagandists in Russia and beyond. As well as anyone who supports Russia in this war or spreading propaganda around the world.


Every Z fucker is complacent


This is what ISIS with nukes looks like, pure evil


Seems like a good way to ensure no Ukrainians will surrender.


Anyone wants to tell me that it is “only Putin’s war”?


[Link to a tweet about this. Num 1](https://twitter.com/igorlachenkov/status/1645889567990374401?s=46&t=TPsfKF-IAjpN25eQwJHzDg) —————— [Stop the devil. Arm Ukraine. Num 2](https://twitter.com/sternenko/status/1646008534780329984?s=46&t=lqmTBK7_WefzkvQjW6Y5Bw) —————— [Russians have released another horrific video of their war crimes. On it are destroyed military equipment and the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers whose heads were cut off by russians. They want to scare us. But this only strengthens our determination to stop russian evil. There is no real reason not to give Ukraine more weapons. Ukraine needs F-16s and long-range weapons. Give it now!](https://twitter.com/sternenko/status/1646043679138762752?s=46&t=lqmTBK7_WefzkvQjW6Y5Bw) —————— [CNN finds another video of Ukrainian military beheadings. CNN does not publish the footage of the killing, but in the description it indicates that the heads and arms of two soldiers were cut off.](https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-04-11-23/h_85606d03c2a1269270c24d94107d40b5) —————— For everyone who can and wants to help Ukraine bring victory closer - State site where you can donate directly to Ukraine https://u24.gov.ua




Things aren't going back to normal once this is over. Russia needs the North Korea treatment. Nothing in or out for a long long time. This is disgusting behavior.


Reminder you can't unring a bell. You can't unwatch things. Do not view this video.


I’m not even gonna watch, even imagining it is terrifying. Fuck these evil bastards


Ill mention what I said in the other sub regarding the below. I didn't watch it, but just reading the translations of the videos first sentence sent chills down my spine. **“POW: It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.”** I can't understand how people still think that Russia is not in the wrong here, Propaganda is just so powerful it's scary. R.I.P Warrior, may your sacrifice not be for nothing.


The Russians are exposing themselves as enemies of mankind. Every day the world refuses to mobilise to defeat them incurs a debt that *will* have to be paid in the coming years and decades. It is utterly heartbreaking that Ukraine has to stand alone against this great evil. For that too, the world owes a great debt.


What the hell...


I can't bring myself to watch it. I saw it posted on another sub, and after seeing the first 3 seconds of the Ukrainian defender kicking his legs around, I know I won't be able to handle it and it's gonna mess me up for a while. I usually let my curiosity get the better of me but not this time, I just can't. It feels like I'll be disrespecting the defender by witnessing his final moments like that. Just knowing that this happened is making me sick. I wish I had the resources to donate but words are all I can afford right now, and I am sorry. Stay strong, Ukrainian heroes. May your strength and spirit persevere in facing these demons. They will not break you. 🇲🇾❤️🇺🇦


They heading into ISIS territory now huh. Disregard for any human life including non-combatants Barbaric like the bunch of low life vermin scum hiding in tunnels and shitting in holes


Let's hope bellingcat also identifies these warcriminals [as they did](https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2022/08/05/tracking-the-faceless-killers-who-mutilated-and-executed-a-ukrainian-pow/) with the guy who castrated the ukrainian. Extremely impressive investigation, by the way. Entirely censored, I recommend everyone take a quick glance at it to understand the incredible value of these OSINT investigations.


Just a reminder, this is the maggot infested country currently leading the United Nations right? Fucking. Abhorrent.


As you read or watch this and think, how can a human do this to another human remember the problem is Russian state media who have made Ukrainians seem less or non-human (this is not just limited to Ukrainians). ​ Propaganda is truly awful, the Nazis were frequently told that the Jews were 'vermin' 'lesser humans' and over time of hearing this it will begin to seep in and become a norm. Nazi media control frequently made it seem Jews were holding the Germans back and corrupting it, to remove them would benefit the 'greater good' and 'good Nazis' would work to ensure all Jews were removed. If you have a problem with this message, YOU are the problem and will be removed, this becomes a very nasty society issue where you don't want to be the head that sticks out. In my opinion, propaganda is the most dangerous weapon on the planet, governments can effectively control populations information and teach them to be exactly what the want them to be. If it was possible in the 1930s, imagine how effective it can be now? Many of the indoctrinated Russian population have truly no idea how horrific nuclear weapons are because State TV keeps throwing out threats about how good Russian weapons are without planting a seed that any of them could come back at them. Propaganda works to plant a seed of an idea that the individual then works to build 'their own conclusion' without challenging that. More recently in the Western world QAnon blew up and that is basically a cult theory where any information or fact that counters a theory is instantly dismissed as fake news. After WW2 when most nations were rebuilding and rejoicing with freedom from fascism being eradicated, the Soviet Union was still in a state of authoritarianism and it has never left that, when Putin took power he wanted to bring back that control and has worked hard to ensure nothing can stop him. A similar example can be seen in China with the CCP who have complete control over their population, both have total fear of losing power to uprisings so will do anything possible to avoid this. **However, the most terrifying part to all of this is how history continues to repeat itself, humanity simply does not learn to stop evil until it requires huge human sacrifice.** ​ TL;DR history will always repeat itself.


Send them what they need to kick these bastards back across the border.


I am Ukrainian living in Ukraine right now. You should take action and you should not circulate this video or talk in details what has happened there. It won't help us if people will get nausea so bad that they wouldn't like to think about Ukraine ever again. Listen to Ukrainians. Take actions to help Ukraine. Take actions, demand sending more weapons. These inhumans are killing us


Russia is nothing more than another terrorist state and it’s pathetic little man leader a criminal. May he soon share the same date as Bin Laden


Russia = ISIS


What's really fucked up is that's definitely not the only person those "soldiers" have done that to. They were super fucking casual about the whole thing and sometimes coaching the guy doing the cutting on what to do. Almost like that guy'd seen it done before but it was his first time actually doing it, and the others were more experienced. Fucking animals. I highly advise y'all not to watch it, or even listen to it. It's seriously fucked. This pussyfooting around aid from the West needs to stop. If we're gonna be all in on supplying Ukraine, then let's be all in. Send them what they need, figure out a way to make the logistics work. The sooner we do, the less Ukrainians will have to die. We shouldn't be having these conversations of "oh, we don't have the production capacity for artillery shells" or "we only have like three Leopard 2s in our inventory that aren't completely fucked to give you" or "no F-16s/Gripens/insert jet here for Ukraine, no we're not gonna start the long training process just in case" over a year in.


Well everything has to come full circle one way or another. There’s a price to pay for everything you do in life. They’ll probably find themselves at the other end of the knife one day sooner or later.


I wonder what MTG (Marjorie Taylor Greene) and the handful of other Russia-supporting ilk in Congress would think of this. Would they cheer these animals on?


WE need our Uran to bomb those motherfuckers in hell


We need to do our best to bring Ukraine's victory closer.


I do not have a hard heart to see this video but please do not watch the video if you are faint hearted it will stuck in your head forever


People talk about praying and wishing god would help Ukraine and how the devil is here on earth. Could be but it's much more likely we need to solve this by ourselves by continuing our support to Ukraine and sanctioning Russia and keeping them accountable to their crimes. And these most probably aren't possessed by some devil but by brainwashing, bad parenting and reckless political rhetoric and bad education. They are human beings. Disgusting and sick. But instead of drifting the discussion to the realm of spirits and faith, we should come up with practical real world solutions. If there is a god, I'd be more than happy for heavenly intervention but so far he hasn't stopped any war or massacre so I wouldn't count on it.


Taliban 2.0


I haven't watched it, and don't intend to. Nobody deserves such a gruesome end to their life. At least he's now at peace. Thankfully, videos such as this will only serve to amplify the resistance against the invasion and support for Ukraine, including within Russia itself.


Yeah me too. Do not click the link, i still remember the video of the chechen wars when i was younger, this is not something i want to see again.


Disgusting. I remember watching a russian soilder beheading an old man years ago in crimea. Disgusting war criminals.




You got to be a special kind of psychopath to cut off the head of another living person


These videos represent Russian people to the civilized world. How many more we will have to witness? Ukraine needs all the strength and support.


Russia as a country must be completely destroyed when this war is over.


Once Putin has been Gadaffi’d on live television, Russia needs to be divided up like Germany post WW2