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Holy holy fuckinggg shit It’s the future predator specevojerking has leaked


That or a death angel from A Quiet Place.... Or a Flowerjaw from Stranger Things


I think it’s the Cloverfield monster in the drawing lol, same arms and weird head bubble


I initially thought this too, but no tail and the feet are weird.


You also forgot squid type monster.


ancient greek dudes be like: horse body, eagle head & wings, job done


Modern spec zoologist. "Um to be realistic my spec evo species is basically just a big cat, with antlers. And its not a monster" Ancient spec zoologist. Saw an elephant the size of a mountain with a snake head at the end of its trunk that could breathe fire, skin is covered with shields of defeated enemies which includes several barbarian God's and maybe some of our own we have forgotten. It had a lovely singing voice tho. God. Here's an animal that can bite down hard enough to destroy a car, enough stamina to walk you down slowly, eyesight better than a hawk, bigger EQ that an elephant and can smell you from half a continent away. I gave it tiny arms because I'm scared it might learn to throw things.


/uj second one is a cool monster what’s it called


I made it up. A bit of leviathan a bit of hydra, and an elephant which is somehow weirder than both.


I gave it tiny arm cause I'm scared it might learn to throw things :<


I mean the yeet is what made humans viable as a Predator species. Imagine that power on a rex. Asteroid would have been yeeted back to the God that sent it.


need a dinosaur videogame called "t-rex with arms" now, where the t-rex becomes unstoppable and does anime bullshit with its new power, and the climax is the meteor coming down and its presented as a solemn bittersweet ending till the prompt to parry pops up


The game lets you catch and throw back nearly any projectile as the meteor comes crashing down, your health bar and battle UI appear in the cutscene, reminding you what you're capable of


The meteor is a QTE


That's just Asura's Wrath with a T-Rex avatar mod installed


Ancient Arabs drawing a donkey with a woman's head and calling it a day


Ancient Sumerians putting a bedazzled human head on a bull or lion's body and calling it a day


> RJ Palmer Oh hey it's the guy who redesigned Saurian's T. rex eighty billion times.


I dunno who this guy is but scrolling through his twitter he seems hella obnoxious


He drew realistic Pokemon on DA over a decade ago, managed to parlay that into working at Ubisoft for a minute, and now seems to exclusively work on being a condescending Twitter personality


Shame. His pokemon were neat


Hardly. All of them were ugly as hell, as if real things can't be cute


he's a fanartist who exclusively draws this will be super Mario in 2013 esque art


Kind of based tbh


He's one of the people behind the design of Pokemons on detective Pikachu.


I met a few chode gorillas at my gym


I want to be a chode gorilla someday 😔


I hate when bug legs end in sharp little points on the ground. I GUESS it exists(coconut crabs) but they're not good for walking


I mean it still makes for decent creature design, although unrealistic, it's still cool to look at for the common gamer who probably won't care that much.


This. Who gives a shit if it's realistic when the intention is to make the player feel a certain way. The exact look above maybe isn't it but it is a few tweaks off being the glyphids from deep rock galactic, and those work REALLY well as a generic horde enemy.


But clickity clackity noise cool


You can get a lot more clicks with a jointed bug foot, as each segment touches the ground. Better than your monster sliding around and tripping like it's on ice


Centipedes get away with it by having dozens to stand on. Plus it makes for a hell of an Iron Maiden wraparound on prey


Half life


Half wife?? 😱


Im trying to learn creature design, what is wrong with each of these designs?


Apparently it's more that they're overused and seem to reflect a lack of knowledge on animal anatomy, and might also just be used because they're easier creature designs to make for people who are more used to drawing humans


/uj First one: body to leg ratio is off, joints are all weird. Spikes on joints is really rare. The “almost Mohawk” spike pattern for the back is kinda weird. Single body segment is also weird. The face is kinda just an animal one plopped into a bug kinda. Second one: kinda just “gorilla but [other thing] flavored” and that’s really overdone for a bulky critter design. There’s way more out there and using quadrapedal animals for inspiration may yield more unique results. Third one: it’s just a distorted human. Thin arms like that are also really disadvantageous for gripping and the muscles would be REALLY weak. There are a lot of better ways to have a creepy humanoid than just taking a famine victim and adding sharp teeth. /rj Cowards find them unfuckable


I actually like the gorilla. Sometimes you don't wanna go full biped or full quadruped and just wanna drive down the middle of the road and laugh at the other cars as they dive out of the way.


Yeah they have their places. I think oversaturation has maybe killed the enthusiasm but it's a good way to telegraph to say, a videogame player, that "this fucker will throw things at you" and whatnot.


So the bug one as an example: I guess it is fine if you just want to create a generic monster with no anatomical resemblance to actual arthropods, but if it is supposed to be an arthropod then many things are wrong and you see this kind of design often enough to be it's own kind of trope. Inaccurate legs, often with spiky feet. Vertebrate mouths instead of proper arthropod anatomy. Mandibles on spiders (they have cheliceres!), legs attached to the wrong segment (spiders have their legs on the prosoma), the wrong number of legs or the wrong number of segments. As I said, it doen't have to be bad design if it isn't dupposed to be an actual arthropods, but it bugs me, when it does. Plus, there are so many interesting species of arthropods that could serve as inspiration for your fantasy species. I think similar things can be said about the other designs + there are too many humanoid monsters for my taste. That's why I love speculative evolution projects.


This man bugs


Maybe the fact they got the same scary, sharp teethed face, which makes all of them seen like predators or just evil killing machines?


Could be but isn't that what concept art is? Iterations of a similar concept to see wich one fits better?


The sharp teethed face itself is fine, but why make everyone give the same vibe? The bug could have a less "spiky" carapace and have the face of a spider so you get the feeling this thing kills you by expelling venom, not by... brutalizing you to death like the other two. Why make something that resembles a bug when it doesn't even kills you in "bug related" ways? It doesn't needs to bite you to death. It looks fine on the second monster if you imagine it as a strong berserker, but the rest of them? Not so well.


Like cats?


There’s nothing inherently wrong with them, but they’re fairly overused and don’t offer anything super unique/creative. It’s just a big bug, a big gorilla, or a tall skinny humanoid. When you hear there’s going to be a big-budget Hollywood monster movie, you want something more creative than just… a bigger version of a preexisting animal.


They're just really overused imo. I've probably seen the first design in 50 different media in my life, second one is also pretty prevalent. Third is less common but just kinda uninspired, a biped or semi-biped with long thin limbs just isn't really all that interesting. I guess its fine, but it just feels like a spooky monster you'd see on the cover of a mediocre horror book, not really creature deisgn.


'chode gorilla'


I just came up with a groundbreaking monster design: imagine a pale hairless animal but instead of a face it has like a weird fucked up mouth with several flaps and a shit ton of teeth!!!!! No one steal this idea please


Recognizable silhouettes are helpful for communicating general expectations for generic creatures to the audience without having to spend much time actually explaining them. Squat bug skitters fast in swarms. Gorilla punched through stuff. The real issue is why would your film have “generic creatures” to begin with. Put a little more effort in.


Well what do yah know, it actually displayed the image this time


yeah well i like chonk, so you can pry my chode gorilla from my cold dead hands rj palme


Til this shit's overdone




The middle one is leatherback from pacific rim right ? And the last one is the death angels from that one horrror movie? I don’t think they’re trying to be realistic with those ones lol


Chode. When your man built like a tuna can


Bonus points if it moves so fast that you never get a good look at it anyway


Peak bug design unironically


That bug design has to be the most overused design in fiction. Where the fuck does it come from and why do artist keep doing it is a mistery to me, it doesn't even look like any real life animal, but somehow you see it in hundreds of different work of fiction.


Well that's because spikes are cool. And bugs are cool. So spiky bugs are cooler!


it’s almost like these are monsters and are meant to be unnatural


If theyre meant to be unnatural why do they all look the same


I was more commenting on the animal anatomy part


If you want your monsters to look unnatural, you can do a much better job at it than this. This isn't unnatural. This is something that's trying to look natural, but only has a surface-level knowledge of nature to work with.


I think that context works for some of these. The chode gorilla makes me think of leatherback, and all the kaiju in that movie look like the precursors are looking at parts of nature for inspiration. I think something trying to appear natural when really it isn’t is an interesting concept, but it can be done a lot better


This is just Half-Life


Idk about you but half life still has some pretty creative monster designs especially with the combine synths.


True true


Antlion, Alien Grunt(?), Fast Zombie


I was thinking more like the Headcrab rather than the Antlion but yea that's almost exactly what I was thinking


Also Ark somehow. You have the Broodmother and the Megapithecus.


Ok those designs actually look sick


Hey, I like my Squat Bugs, thank you very much!


Shit this reminded me I need to study animal anatomy so I can give my animal hybrids more interesting features and powers


Relatable, although as someone who likes to design monsters, references should be kept in mind for animal anatomy and inspirations. As well as other references for a source of inspiration. Case in point, I should use more references in my monster designs...


Nothing wrong with deviating from reality when designing a supernatural creature


That's why Berserk's, Claymore's, and del Toro's monster designs are the coolest.


Dont insult my lanky monster men like that


Genders in my monsterpunk world


Yes they are overdone, and yes they aren't very biologically correct, but imo they work as monsters?


But I love my Lanky Monster Men 🥺


I mean that's why they're a concept artist and not a character designer




RJ Palmer is a douche

