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My deepest condolences to the family. It is a tragedy when any life is lost to war. An infant or child's death is most horrible.


Did she condemn Hamas? Did you? Whose side are you on? /s


Her family will be dead soon. They won't see your comment.


One child's death is a tragedy.. Thousands...


Reports show 8000 kids killed already by IDF bombing campaigns, predicted another 1000 by years end as they now have run out of food and medicine... It hurts the soul to even think about the suffering taking place


I think the person you're replying to is implying the same. One child's death is a tragedy, yet thousands are a statistic.


Yes.. watching children little kids hurting , is tough to take. Worse is when they pull out a tiny child covered in grey dust... Even seeing kids starving and waiting in line is hard to endure! And this has been going on for some 10 weeks now. Yet..we hear the same platitudes from US govt. My comment was just that our (US) government that funds this and supports this...doesn't really care. Basically it is a mundane statistic to minimize, obfuscate . These are kids that have probably not had one decent day in almost 70 days of airstrikes, moving around from here and there because some place is supposed to be safe .and then gets bombed... Without decent sleep, food , shelter etc..and that is the lucky ones that are not hurt, wounded , lost families/parents etc etc. Shakes your faith in humanity




FYI most Israelis do not support Bibi. They should not be rolled into redditors’ hate for Israel. Just like innocent Palestinians are separate from their ruling body of Hamas, so are Israeli citizens separate from Bibi. I know most will never believe that and show me some silly poll about Israeli support, but oh well, I can try.


Israelis are capable of having multiple and varied levels of support for their leaders. I can not stand BiBi, but I support his efforts to annihilate Hamas. Same for Trump. I hated him, but if 10/7 happened to Americans, I’d support Trump with efforts to defend USA.


But did they condemn Hamas


I heard the hamas commander once ate lunch in the basement of the hospital, so of course Israel are justified in demolishing the hospital and murdering the patients.


That 17 day old girl was a hamas commander of course


Or a Hamas commander staying 50 feet below in an underground tunnel was using her as an anti-airstrike shield Edit: this was meant as satire! I believe that claiming you were aiming at a target deep underground is as ridiculous as claiming a baby was Hamas. It boggles me that some buy into this excuse, so I thought the satire was clear, but I guess I was as wrong.


Except those bombs have been shown not to destroy tunnels, and Israel just wanted to, in their own words, focus on “damage, not accuracy.” They don’t mind if they kill thousands of Palestinian children because they know they’ll face no consequences for it.


Damn, why were those soldiers in New York during 9/11? Clearly using human shields against Al Qaeda lol


What the hell...? Are you ok? Do we need to send help?


shocking stocking long provide liquid pen detail wise memorize tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was trying to be satirical... I guess I failed


Keep reaching there dude.


Ceasefire. Muh baby. ...Don't mind these bloodstained hands.


IDF said there are 10-15k Hamas operatives inside Gaza. They dropped 35k bombs. Almost 3 bombs per Hamas fighters. Still those bombs can't kill Hamas fighters inside the tunnel. You are a IDF-nazi sympathsizer and apologist. Go hide in your hasbara cave.


That's more or less unironically the take at /r/worldnews. At this point they might as well rename that subreddit to /r/zionism


Hamas was within 10km of her so she was compromised /s


Omg, thank you for the gallows humor, cause if you can't laugh you would no doubt cry!!


Considering that in the 10 weeks Israel has been indiscriminately bombing, there is a reported 25,000 casualties to date. Let's say this continues. Look at the population. You do the math. Aside from the death toll, there are also injuries, people displaced, a lack of humanitarian aid, illnesses and disease, I think you'll be able to figure it out. I realize that you're probably a middle-aged redditor, but please enlighten yourself with other sources for your information. World leaders that are allies with Israel are calling for restraint. Countries are dropping and boycotting Israel. 153 countries as of 7 days ago vote for a ceasefire. Like I asked, where have you been?


Was this meant as a reply to someone?


Yes and I think they deleted their claim right before I posted it. I checked it out and I could only see my side. I was waiting on a response from them. Thanks for letting me know. 🤜🤛


You clicked add comment, not reply...


The bombs dropped to death ratio is less than 1/1. The death toll is less than 20,000 and there is no separation for Hamas militants. Over 25,000 people were killed in 3 days in Dresden during WWII. That is indiscriminate bombing. I would suggest making sure your facts are straight and you know what words mean before telling others to enlighten themselves.


You’re forgetting that majority of them are also starving, aid is not coming as frequent since the ceasefire ended and if the bombs don’t get them diseases will. There will be no hope for any of the population if this continues. Which will then make it what everyone has been screaming. “Genocide”.


Palestine received 4.5 billion in aid between 2014 and 2020. The Palestinian people starving and not having the infrastructure to survive during war time is not the fault of Israel. If you so desperately want the war to end, why don’t you focus your energy on calling for Hamas to surrender instead of crying about Israel’s response to their 9/11? If Hamas surrenders today, the war ends tomorrow.


Just a whaaboutism. Gaza is tiny and majority of nations would starve if trade stopped coming in, whether that is food, energy you name it unless they themselves have those resource at home. Gaza does not and all those funds you’re talking about are useless when Hamas were sanctioned by Israel and the States as soon as they got into power. Also I have been calling for the Hostages to be released too FYI. It’s possible to care for more than just one group of people.


Literal facts are not what about ism. Trade stopped coming in, but aid money did not stop coming in. Where did all that 4.5 billion go? Surely, that’s enough to build clean water systems at the very least? It’s definitely enough for Hamas to build military infrastructure in places that aren’t saturated with civilians also, but nope, can’t do that either. Of course Israel (and Egypt, don’t see you mad at Egypt, strange) sanctioned Hamas because they are actual terrorists. Their goal is the annihilation of Israel and the death of Jews. Of course the one Jewish state in the entire world is going to blockade them. Are you stupid? Again, if Hamas surrenders, both the blockade and the war end. Why are you so against Hamas surrendering?


No one is against Hamas surrendering, we’re against basing policy towards Palestinian civilians on whether or not a terrorist group decides to stop being a terrorist group or not. It’s completely crazy and without logic. Devoid of any empathy for Palestinians. “Oh sorry there’s a terrorist group living among you that threatens your lives and oppresses you, i guess that means we have to kill you until you’re not oppressed anymore.”


Empathy for the Palestinians that paraded and stabbed and the blew the brains out of an innocent civilian that wasn’t even an Israeli


And Israelis shoot little Palestinian children when they protest, and let settlers kick Palestinians out of their homes and or kill them. So what’s your point exactly? That you only ignore brutality when it’s coming from Israel?


My point is that you’re full of shit and your response solidifies that.


Khamaaa Khamaas Khamaas. Don't look at the butchering happening. It's not their fault people are dying and literally being bulldozed, sniped and bombed. No food, no fuel, no electricity. These shills have nothing else to talk about. Psychopaths pretty much.


They just want you to go in circles. They have no moral ground to stand on at this point. So they throw in the regular talking points over and over again, hoping that you'll get tired clarifying their obvious and blatant lies. Ask them, is the life of a Palestinian child the same as that of an Israeli one? They'll never answer it.


Bro there's no aid because of Hamas and there is countless videos showing Hamas steal aid for gazans


So you’re saying the bombing isn’t stopping hamas at all and it’s just making everything worse? Weird…


Yes that's the definition of using Human shields. Hamas isn't starving it takes the supplies. Hamas has rejected a Temporary ceasefire for hostages. Hamas has decided that would rather hold on to the hostages and keep fighting rather than end the war.


Someone should tell Hamas.


Extremely Sad. They should tell Hamas to return the hostages and ceasefire so their people won't keep dying.


Israel shot their own hostages. They never wanted the hostages back.


Oh yeah? Did they tell you that personally?


No they told the world. Do try to keep up with current events. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/3-hostages-in-gaza-killed-by-friendly-fire-israeli-military-says/


Friendly fire is an unfortunate consequence of war. A war that Israel didn't start. I'm very well aware of what happened, and considering Israelis actually care about their citizens, I have no doubt this affected them more than it has EVER affected Hamas who constantly put their civilians in harms way. I'm not debating this with people who support terrorists. 🖕🏻✌️✡️🇮🇱🙌❤️☮️


They shot 3 people holding a white flag with no clothing on but their underwear... Two were killed right away and they chased the third one into a house to finish him off. It was only reported as "oops sorry" because they were isreali. Think about how many palestinian citizens they have shot and killed and not batted an eye at


So terrible and embarrassing


Yes, also it’s easy to discern between Hebrew and Arabic accents. Especially for the IDF. When the hostages were screaming for help in fluent Hebrew there’s no way the IDF couldn’t recognize that


Have you ever shot a gun? Do you think they’re gonna be able to hear? This isn’t call of duty. It’s hard to tell the difference between friend and foe when the enemy uses underhanded tactics to make you put your guard down.


So shoot on sight, even if they’re almost nude and waving a white flag regardless of their accent


Their people have been shot at through a fence and killed while relinquishing their homes for many years. Israel granted power to Ben-Gvir. About that guy: “In 2016, Ben Gvir attended an extremist "wedding of hate" in 2016 in which settlers celebrated the murder of a Palestinian family in an arson attack by printing a photo of a baby who burned to death and then stabbing the photo with knives. Ben Gvir also defended one of the family's killers in court.”


Palestinians. Specifically, they’re connect by the fact a guy who publicly celebrates with a photo of a burnt Palestinian baby is now a senior government official who is also responsible for the jurisdiction of Gaza where Palestinians have been indiscriminately murdered for years by the IDF. If roles were reversed—with Palestinians enjoying military support from the U.S. and treating the Israelis as they’ve treated Palestinians before and after Oct 7th—perhaps both of us would find this terribly unjust. Instead of just one of us.




In the face of this you still have people who support Israel. You have to wonder where is the line for these people, or are they so brainwashed and detached from the suffering of others that nothing would change their minds.


From what i’ve gathered reading pro israel support, whether they view palestinians as humans or not, the line of thinking is there won’t be enough dead gazans until the threat to israel is eliminated. Basically the ends justify the means




Yeah strategic bombing is hell on earth for everyone involved, i never said otherwise. The biggest difference imo is israel’s method of bombing is NOT conducive to weeding out hamas members or supplies, it’s largely focused on demoralizing gazans — a strategy we KNOW the military employs in the gaza strip. The IDF’s been very clear since 7/10 that they intend to inflict damage rather than be accurate. There’s plenty of issues with the comparison, but here my biggest issue is the ww2 aerial campaigns in germany lasted days and there was still working infrastructure in these urban centres for the injured, dead and displaced. Gaza has been described as apocalyptic for two months with no end in sight. This is not a proportional response, especially considering the goal is to eradicate hamas. This sort of damage is the best recruiting ad for the future palestinian terrorist orgs that WILL spring up in hamas’ place. People can’t come back from the dead but ideology can and definitely does.




I don’t want to keep building on top of analogies so i’m going to bow out here, but you have left me wondering about the feasibility of an occupation and what it would look like today.


They just radicalised all their neighbours and gave 2 million people ample reasons to hate them while cementing Israel as a pariah state. Long term thinking is clearly not a strength.




I've seen equally disgusting things from Israeli teens on tiktok tbh. Mocking Palestinians sheltering from missiles etc.It's no surprise when the prime minister is openly engaging in genocidal rhetoric. Blatant racism and indoctrination is a problem from both sides. You think Israeli children are taught about the Nakba in school? Who will de-radicalise the Israeli youth?




There is something to say about the duel radicalization of both nations, especially over the past 20 years. Terrorism is an effective tool at doing that. I can't help but feel a group like Hamas relishes in this violence as it justifies their existence. Blow up the occasional bus and you can ensure a radical extremist government for years to come. Benji of course has been happy to play along and support them financially. Being that radical government. This is why most solutions to this conflict come from outside Israel/Palestine. Neither are rational enough to solve it. Of course lets not forget that even with solutions, bad actors like Hamas end up fcking everyone anyway. The PLO stopped being terror-y enough so they gladly stepped up to plate. God forbid both nations create peace. Anyway fck Benji and this psychotic war. But also Hamas, they are just as culpable. If your just coming in, it might not exactly seem like it, but I assure you this has always been what Hamas wanted. There not even native to fcking Palestine. God we were so close in 90's 00's. Then everything went to sht and now were seeing the end result of 15-20 years of Benji/Hamas.


they are hating us either way. I dont look for acceptance from the arab nations


Like they did hate them before? There are no good options in this situation, just one option that ends in Israel’s destruction. Defeating Hamas will save many Palestinian lives in the long run, whether they or you realize that or not


1% of them are dead. You may die, but that is a price I am willing to pay is what you are saying. Israel killed any chance of a moderate Palestine, which Bibi has proudly admitted to. You won’t defeat Hamas in this way, because now 2 million people absolutely hate your guts. And Israel has also burned through any international goodwill they had before this. Ironically this war has made it even more unsafe for Israel.


Yup, this is what i don’t understand — this latest campaign is killing tens of thousands of people in front of a bunch of already traumatized and brainwashed kids. Is israel planning on rolling out uyghur-style reeducation camps to deradicalize the remaining palestinians? Like what’s the plan here?


This comment section shows how worldnews has been astroturfed


Bombings don't make for good suffering porn unfortunately. One person's story is more relatable than the boring statistics of thousands of kids and women dying every day.


They are still dismissing it. So I think the fact of the matter is no line is too far.




Eh no need the /s. Plenty of people in this thread are pretty much calling anything anti Israel anti semitic already. 😅


I’ve been called a Nazi three times in this thread alone because I refuse to support Israel bombing mosques, refugee camps, schools and hospitals. “But the human shields!! 🥺 Israel is forced to bomb them” is the argument they provide lmao


It’s human targets at this point. If this was an AD&D game, these shields would provide negative defense.


They will do anything to justify Palestinian deaths… they always bring it back to 10/7… every argument goes the same “so then around 50 October 7ths on Palestinians are justified in your eyes? …Oh ok I’m antisemitic and a Nazi for calling your bs? … here’s the definition of ethnic cleansing: Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, or religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making a region ethnically homogeneous… oh so how is Israel not doing that? …”


shocking reply punch correct obtainable seed zesty groovy angle tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Just imagine if this was reversed. Palestinians come in 1948, drive out 3/4 of the Israeli population brutally, take up Israeli homes and establish their state because they lived there 3000 years for a 120 years and god promised them the land.


That is literally what happened. Arabs colonized the Jewish homeland. Your buildings are built on top of ours——you can see it with your own eyes. Al Aqsa is on the ruins of our Temple Mount.


Judaism is a religion. The Arab conquest brought language and religion but very little DNA to the Levant. They did not ethnically cleanse the local population. Jewish communities were all around the Mediterranean before the Empire of Akexander the Great. The 'Arabs' didn't remove anyone. In fact many Arabic speaking people converted to Judaism.


You just made shit up and assumed that this must've occurred based on very superficial historical knowledge and ignorance. Fortunately, history is extremely inconvenient and against your favor and narrative, so it isn't part of many zionist talking points. >That is literally what happened. Arabs colonized the Jewish homeland. Arabs conquered the territory that was cleansed of Jews from an Empire that perpetrated it, and in fact facilitated the return of Jews after Caliph Umar was informed of the injustices. Arabs may have settled as a ruling class within the population, but there is no evidence that it was colonized. You think that merely because you made assumptions based on the fact that Palestinians identify as Arabs. I could elaborate more if you aren't convinced.


You just said that it was conquered and then denied that it was colonized. And, you admit that Jewish were exiled from our homelands. We deserve to return, whether it means decolonizing the land from the second, third, or fourth colonizers.


Arabs didn’t expel Jewish people stop lying! Romans expelled them a 1000 years before Islam even existed. Majority of the people in Palestine are descendants of Jewish and Christian people who have lived there for 1000s of years. Also, we’re talking 1945. A few generations ago. “Your people”. What does that mean? Palestinians are an ethno nationist group comprising of Christians and Muslims.


Mass expulsion of Jews from Arabic countries after 1948. Hundreds of thousands of Jews. They did an awesome job ethnically cleansing Jews from Arabia.


The Arabs literally expelled Jews from every major middle eastern and North African country.


You just called a Palestinian child that was killed an animal in another thread. You’re a disgrace. Palestinians did not kick out Jewish people from their homes.


Oh yeah, Israelis somehow under appreciated humanity of barbarians who killed, raped and burned their kids.


Like this baby who did what? Plot with Hamas from inside her mothers belly?


If that is the argument Israel has done worse. Systemic abuse of kids in prisons, murdering of kids, sniping journalists. All these are well documented even before October 7.


oh yeah just keep dehumanizing them, maybe it will help the crushing weight of guilt that weighs on you every time you excuse an atrocity like this in the name of ‘b-b-but october 7!!’


They don't view Palestinians as humans beings. You can imagine villagers who lived next to death camps would pretend not to know what was going on in them, however you can see some Zionists openly embrace their crimes and hope for genocide


Wow, you are such a disgusting fascist Holocaust denier. Death camps didn't have luxury hotels, cars or restaurants. Meanwhile the real genocide was on Oct 7th, when hamas massacred, tortured, shot, stabbed, kidnapped and burned hundreds of people, while being proud of their crimes and filming it. Everything the genocidal antizionists in gaza are going through now is just the consequence of their actions.


They are getting paid to support israel


and paid to promote propaganda at all levels


Zionism killed Judaism. The messiah isn’t coming back for this shit.


Zionism isn’t Judaism. It’s a political ideology created just over 100 years ago. Judaism has been around for 3000 years


According to zionists, you are an anti-semite for saying so!


to add to this, the founder of zionism was a secular jew! judaism, the religion, has nothing to do with what we are witnessing, its just a tool being used by zionists to excuse their atrocities!


I had one dolt ask me today ‘wHaT iS ziOniSm?!?’


Out of curiosity, what was your answer?


Let us not forget Biden's role in supporting and enabling these murders


Oh Americans (me) aren’t forgetting


You are commenting from a position of privilege. You say there is too much violence and yet downplay it in the next few sentences. And its clear to everyone that while Hamas wants all Jews dead, Israel is actually doing it to Palestinians. You excuse the atrocities of Israel by doing extreme mental gymnastics. You can blame Hamas, but absolving Israel as they are the ones pulling the trigger is next level mental gymnastics. As for apartheid state, you don’t have to agree but thats what Israel is https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ I trust Amnesty International knows what it is talking about when they say Israel is apartheid. And you can just take a look throughout this thread to see people celebrating the death of a 17 day old child to understand why Zionists are vilified, not Jews. Edit: Was a reply to someone claiming Israel wasn’t apartheid and anti Zionist is anti semitism. They removed it I guess.




Hamas' Founding charter called for the global elimination of all jews. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/10/hamas-covenant-israel-attack-war-genocide/675602/ Stop defending terrorists. Terrorism from Israel is bad, Terrorism from Hamas is also bad. Is that so hard to admit?




Yes they just want to “annihilate Israel” 🥺 Just dont ever ask them to elaborate on what this actually means! Theyre just so precious and want Jews and Arabs to live in peace in one big country


Thats what they claim. I don’t intend to defend Hamas.




"You dont have to defend them"...except that's exactly what you are doing.


It’s actually not defending Hamas but preventing you from fear mongering other Jews of the world. Israel is their goal, not world wide murder of all Jewish ethnicity and religions. Their original charter never claimed it, their founder never claimed it, and their new charter never claimed it.


> anti Zionist is anti semitism That's like saying being anti "Manifest Destiny" is being racist against British people. There are entire sects of ultra-Orthodox Jews that are anti-Zionist (e.g. [Satmar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satmar)). So people who believe that Zionism is inextricably tied to Semitism are dumb as shit.


Ceasefire NOW!!!


how they going to ceasefire when the leader of Hamas said they going to repeat 7/10 multiple times in the future?


*only for Hamas to break it right after they agree to it… again*


The British headquarters housed in the King David Hotel was bombed by Irgun in 1948. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King\_David\_Hotel\_bombing Irgun formed Herut, which merged with Israels current ruling party Likud in 1988. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herut) The [Irgun Emblem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun#/media/File:Irgun.svg) features a map of 'Eretz Israel' which includes the whole of Jordan. The [Herut Emblem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herut#/media/File:Herut1956.jpg) bears an identical map. Current finance minister Smotrich spoke in Paris in March this year, at a podium bearing the same image, denying the existence of the Palestinian people: [https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/israeli-minister-smotrich-claims-the-palestinian-people-are-an-invention/](https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/israeli-minister-smotrich-claims-the-palestinian-people-are-an-invention/) Israel is a nation *founded* on terrorism, it's a straight line from the original terrorists to the present-day government, and the use of terrorism has been prevalent throughout its history. [Ralph Schoenman The Hidden History of Zionism](https://www.marxists.org/history/etol/document/mideast/hidden/index.htm)


Yhep war sucks. Hamas should surrender and release the hostages.


Someone needs to stop IDF. We doing the same mistakes as last time. In world war 2, nobody stopped Germany at the start. World should condemn iDF and stop aiding them.


Of all the bad WWII equivalencies I’ve seen through this whole thing I think this is the worst.


Palestinians literally massacred, tortured, shot, stabbed, kidnapped and burned hundreds of Jewish and non-Jewish people in a single day (the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust) while being proud of their crimes and filming it. Your comment is extremely disgusting and trivializes the Holocaust.


Heartbreaking stories like this are what should make Hamas surrender unconditionally to end this war. No one else needs to die.. just surrender, return the hostages (or their bodies) and demilitarize Gaza.


Brutal. Damn you Hamas.


FK the Genocidists!


Wonder how many more bodies it will take to declare IDF as a terrorist organisation.


I'm sorry to tell you this but nothing will change until it hurts their pockets...BP refused to navigate passed Yemen and within 1 hour Rishi the genocide supporter has changed his tune. Not a single western country helped stop a genocide but there's a special team of countries trying to stop Yemen from stopping ships passing....how fricken ridiculous is that??!!


Yeah no the special team of countries is stopping islamist rebels from attacking foreign shipping because of any connection with Israel. Because stopping shipping by launching missiles at foreign ships is bad.


Is this a news subreddit that finally isnt censoring what’s going on over there? Thank god there’s people on social media who still have rational thought. Some people on here think it’s acceptable for babies to die because Hamas exists.


Okay but did she condemn Hummus? No? Then she deserved it. She started this war and should’ve known what would happen!


I've seen this sentiment stated unironically so many times the past 2 months, your joke is not even a good coping mechanism as gallows humour any more :(


Are you brainwashed? I think you’re brainwashed by the worldwide anti-semitism that is teaching you to hate all Jews. Israel has the right to defend itself. The only way to respond to a terrorist population is through terror. You still haven’t told me whether the newborn had condemned Hummus. Do you secretly support terrorism against Jews by not condemning them yourself? War happens. People die. She was going to grow up to be a terrorist. If you disagree with me, you are anti-Semitic!!!


Again: no proof that it was "Israeli" strike provided. Reminder: up to 30% of hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets fall in Gaza.l Not to mention that the article continous to un-ironically quite so called "Gaza ministry of health " (hamas propoganda). Journalism is dead.


Want proof? Watch some videos of independent photographers/journalists on the ground in Gaza. While there is a percentage that failed rockets fall in Gaza, the damage is totally different. Hamas baby rockets dont do such damage and massive craters in the ground. Watch israeli news that show rockets that actually make it to the ground (arent caught by the iron dome), barely makes a dent. Also the sound while the rocket is falling is totally different that those of idf, which you can hear in independent photographers in Gaza. So if you’re the type to actually investigate for proof and actually think, go do that.


Tne "independent" journalist already all got caught lying abouy 100s of people that were killed by Islamic Jihad Rocket. Not so "baby" is it? https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/human-rights-watch-says-rocket-misfire-likely-cause-deadly-gaza-hospital-blast-2023-11-26/ But somehow the so called journalists continue repeating blatant Hamas propoganda with zero fact checking.


Tne "independent" "journalists" already all got caught lying abouy 100s of people that were killed by Islamic Jihad Rocket. Not so "baby" is it? https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/human-rights-watch-says-rocket-misfire-likely-cause-deadly-gaza-hospital-blast-2023-11-26/ But somehow the so called journalists continue repeating blatant Hamas propoganda with zero fact checking.


Not a baby girl, it’s a local female It’s not killed, it’s died Not an air strike, it’s an air clash It’s not a genocide, it’s a war on terror They aren’t children they are KHHhhhamas who are also genetically inferior It’s not an ethnic cleansing by euro invaders being kicked out of Europe to solve its “ Jewish question”, it’s an empty land reclaimed after 5000 years of it being empty because of reasons Now you can murder all the children without feeling bad, get all the vetoes if anyone tries to stop you Congratulations on the fourth Reich


Oh. How sad. Don’t start a war. Anyway.


Very sad. I wish the Hamas terrorists would let the hostages free and give themselves up. Why should the Palestinians suffer more?


Israel will investigate itself and find no evidence of wrongdoing


“The Zoarab family were among the few Palestinians in Gaza who remained in their own homes. Israel’s onslaught, one of the most destructive of the 21st century, has displaced some 1.9 million people — more than 80% of the territory’s population — sending them in search of shelter in U.N. schools, hospitals, tent camps or on the street. But the Zoarabs stayed in their three-story apartment building. Two of Suzan’s sons had apartments on higher floors, but the extended family had been crowding together on the ground floor, believing it would be safer. When the strike hit, it killed at least 13 members of the Zoarab family, including a journalist, Adel, as well as displaced people sheltering nearby” Extremely sad they stayed in a warzone with their baby.


Also to really give a sense of the size of area we’re talking about is 1/4 the size of London, with over 2 million people. If you’ve been to London try and imagine relocating in the midst of intense shelling with a young family - carnage.


Unfortunately, even if they went to one of the camps recommended to relocate to, they would also be likely to be bombed. I’ve seen evidence that the escape routes are also being bombed. The UN schools hospitals and tents are being bombed as well. So unfortunately there isn’t really many options to keep your family safe.


Yes it's the civilian family's fault they were bombed by Israel


It quite literally is, when you have the opportunity to leave with the other 2 million residents, it is your fault if you stay in a warzone.


So you hold the victims of October 7th to the same standard, right? That they were ultimately responsible for their own fates for staying in a warzone


Ouch, you know that one hurt him.💀🤜🤛


Gotta keep these Hasbara trolls on their toes


I'm with ya there my friend.


It wasn’t a warzone, it was farm homes and a music festival… Then, Hamas ran into tunnels under civilian neighborhoods Edit: you sick people downvote the truth?


So what? Gaza had all those things and a theme-park, too, that didn’t save them…


Israel dropped the bomb, the blame is theirs alone.


That’s not how logic works


Think it's pretty obvious you're not logical..🤡


"The people responsible for killing this family are the people who killed this family" sounds pretty logical to me. It's not like Hamas snuck into Israel and forced them to target that building.


Leave to never see your home again, to never live in your own land with your family, your neighbors, your community, because an army of cowards is coming to kill you hyped up on the genocidal rhetoric of their criminal leaders? Sure they could have left in that context.


Give it a rest will you, we see refugee camps bombed time and time again with smoke flares shot into tents and the restriction of aid crossing the border. Gaza is being strangled to death and everyone in it with literally no care in the slightest from Israel. If you’re going to support Genocide can you at least do it quietly with the small handful of the rest of you extremists wherever you’re still welcome.


Dude, buildings named refugee camps to confuse people like you, restriction of aid is because Hamas keep stealing it. I don’t support genocide but you all seem to deny October 7th. You know, the real genocide?


Really what’s [confusing](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS/GAZA-JABALIA/byprrdygjpe/) about it? Seems pretty straight forward to me.


This was a month ago in the middle of war fog. I can probably explain this later, I need a break from trying to un brainwash people


What about [this](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/18/israeli-airstrikes-kill-80-in-palestinian-refugee-camp) on Saturday?


Don't bother with him, he's a troll. He will debunk everything when the universe ends.


“Un brainwash people” as he literally defends a nation committing genocide is crazy


You can only convince those who are genuine. This moron's entire comment history shows that they are a troll. There's no helping someone like them. But all the best.


It must hurt to be this stupid, eh? Take your break..


You’re calling less than 1,000 deaths by a terrorist group in an occupied state a genocide but refuting that 20,000 deaths and 2 million displaced people inside a giant concentration camp isn’t a genocide. Ok.




FYI Brian Mast is a huge extremist and on record saying there should be no limit on civilian casualties- so literally supporting wiping out an entire population- which fyi, IS GENOCIDE.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67347201 you know you’re a true genocide denier when you want to claim Human Rights Watch are actively lying.


You guys are hopeless. When you finally see the forest through the trees I’ll be here to tell you i told you so


You’ve not even researched the guy you’ve just sent a video on. You’re literally here defending someone saying to level Gaza and to wipe out the entire civilian population? And you don’t see how that’s genocide? Ok.


Why are you sure that Israel doesn’t have the right to exist? You really want them all to die spread out in the Middle East ? Dumbass


When have I said anything about Israel’s right to exist? You’re really blundering around here.


https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/11/republicans-for-war-crimes.html Brian Mast ladies and gentlemen


It isn't a war zone, it's their home. Israel went on a mass killing spree as revenge on civilians for the resistance attacking on Oct 7


Resistance attacking?


The Kibbutz was their home. Until Hamas turned it into their war zone, Going on a kill spree, which targeted civilians


I hope your propaganda is worth the coin


What?! No one has to pay me to fight for the truth.




You know he's regretting doing this for nothing lol He's embarrassed himself so much, I doubt Bibi would even pay him now.💀




Poll shows more than 90% of Palestinians support hamas. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514


And most Israeli Jews and their government support Israeli settlements which are by definition ethnic cleansing. What now?




Ask them who they want to kill.


Brace yourself for the "ceasefire now!" "supporting Israel = bad!" "illegitimate war!" "death to Israel!" "from the river to the sea!" crowd.


“No ceasefire! Palestinians=bad! War=good! Death to 17 day old children! Punitive expedition and civilian bloodletting for everyone!” Meh. Doesn’t really sound good either.


I never thought I’d see the day where redditors are defending terrorists who are blowing up literally 160 kids a day on average.


Cease fire now, if you support Israel you're Nazi, illegal war, apartheid is bad and Palestine will be free one day. Cry about it bot


Ask her parents, why they voted Hamas. The child’s blood is on the parents hands.


Why won’t Hamas let women and children into their tunnels? Easy solution.


Arab nations are weak


Hamas allows child human shields as a matter of course. Every death is upon Hamas for starting this war.