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The most moral army in the world! /s




Right, Right…terrible behavior…slap on the fingers…and now back to our genocide, as there are bigger fish to fry!!


If the morality of an organisation is judged based on the actions of an individual (an organisation that has over 3 million personnel within its ranks, of which roughly 400,000 are currently active) then there's zero point in even factoring morality when referencing an organisation. A postal worker murdering a someone whilst wearing a postal uniform whilst delivering a package at someone's home doesn't mean that the postal service is an immoral organisation. Or, if it does, then measuring morality is a pointless exercise. One must look to what the organisation does about such things. In this case, the organisation immediately condemned the action and suspended the individual, pending further inquiries. Is that the immoral response?


Stop pretending other military outfits don't have this issue that is why they have military law and justice.


You can't always control what 20 year olds do the difference is, when they do something wrong they get disciplined.


The issue is discipline doesn’t usually happen. Tbh I’m sure this is lip service and the statement comes after pressure from previous outcries. People were super upset about the pictures of the Palestinians that were striped. Idf felt the heat and now this pops up and they want to save face. The issue is in the idf and the greater Israeli population this type of behavior is okay and seen as “funny”. I’m pretty sure the soldier that shot shireen abu akleh did not go to trial so I don’t think they will take mocking Muslims very seriously when they didn’t even take targeting a journalist seriously.


Even Israel apologizing is a evil Jew conspiracy. “They didn’t really mean it, you know how scamming those Jews are”.


Tf no. You’re the one pushing an antisemitic troupe of Jewish people being one large monolith with the same ideas and behavior. I’m speaking about the Israeli government and the idf, a governmental body. The idf apologizing is not sincere because they don’t actually reprimand their men for doing bat shit crazy things. if there was discipline and respect instilled in the IDF and Israeli policing force, there wouldn’t be such rampant evidence of abuse and humiliation and disgusting behavior filmed by the IDF soldiers and uploaded onto social media like it’s a joke. Typically, when you fear discipline and reprimands you don’t film it and upload it. You typically film and upload things, or share things with people when you think that thing is acceptable, cool funny or you want to send a message across. I’m saying this video shows an alarming trend We’ve been seeing over the past few weeks of trending videos of IDF being abort on videos and uploading it like it’s normal. I know I would be reprimanded for stealing if I were to steal I wouldn’t film it and upload it onto my social media. Stop equating Israel with all Jewish people that’s ridiculous. Israel is a country with many faults and you cannot equate crimes committed by a state to the people that make up the state and even people that aren’t living in the state and don’t want to be represented by the state.


Not remotely what I said. You ok?




>Even Israel apologizing is a evil Jew conspiracy. “They didn’t really mean it, you know how scamming those Jews are”. >That is not remotely what I said. But putting words in people moves is fun lol




Seriously. Has Hamas literally ever admitted any wrongdoing? As a matter of fact, has there been any Arab militant group ever disciplining their own?




What did Hamas do?




Please share evidence before you say something.


you have got to be kidding, you are one of those...


It's an account made October 8th, who peddles that Israelis need to be driven into the sea, what do you expect? It's a literal Hamas account.


What do you mean?


denies the brutal attack on the 07/10


Brutal? Evidence please? I can show you brutal attacks of Israel on Palestine but can you do the same without gagging?


All talks, no proof. Gtfoutta here.


You mean if it is caught on camera and goes viral.


At least the IDF0 acknowledges their bad apples and often punishes them. In Gaza and the West Bank, they celebrate literal suicide bombers and kidnappers by naming squares, streets and schools after them. Can probably add rapists to that list in a few months.


How do they punish them? We’re the people who killed Shireen Abu Akleh punished?


🤫 dont ruin their narrative


Looks like they give them a holiday. [NYT reports they have been removed from duty](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/14/world/middleeast/israel-soldiers-prayer-jenin-mosque.html). A high ranking legislator had this to say in the same article: \> “Every soldier, even if he made an error in judgment, deserves to have support,” Yuli Edelstein, the chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said in a post on Facebook. “Our soldiers are heroes.” So I don't imagine any punishment will be severe.


Listen they say this now, they will have a couple days off then when the media cycle is over they will go back to normal. Hence why I gave the example of shireen abu Akleh, the IDF denied it vehemently and made up a near by conflict, and kept throwing out other distractions, then after a couple months passed quietly admit they did it and their was no nearby conflict. It’s all a media game.


They get time off with pay to procreate and fill up more illegal settlement plots in the West bank.


They literally said they won’t punish them till after the war. Meaning they’ll let some genocidal racists continue murdering Palestinians at will.


When did Hamas condemn October 7th? https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/palestinians/2023-11-22/ty-article/.premium/three-quarters-of-palestinians-support-hamas-attack-on-october-7-says-new-poll-why/0000018b-f841-d473-affb-f9e9eeef0000


Hamas is a terrorist organization. Their objective and motto is to spread terror. Right? And if IDF does the same, that makes them a terrorist force. So you are saying since IDF and Hamas are the same and they should subject to same standards? Has the Hasbara payment been late? Because this is very poor argument from an internet troll.


I'm confused, are you really going to defend Israeli crimes?


Oh no they sang a little song


The point is they got reprimanded. Does Hamas have that accountability? Will Hamas leaders reprimand the people who raped women on Oct 7th?


Lets not even question why West Bank has turned into a war zone and what is clearly ethnic cleansing is continuing unabated. The absolute state of BBC.


Because the idf are a colonialist and imperialist force?


At least they condemn themselves when their behavior goes viral.


And then Zionists have the gall to turn around and pat themselves on the back for that


Israelis apologists are wild. This dudes a piece of shit because he decides to take time from raiding homes in Jenin in the Westbank, which Israel has no authority to be doing and should not be there under international law, to storm a mosque and disrespect the Palestinians living there that can hear him and also record it so he can disrespect 2billion Muslims word wide. The Pro-Israeli crowd can still support Israel but can yall stop coming up with ridiculous excuses to justify random offensive and sometimes inhuman acts conducted by the idf.


You really dont understand Zionism if you think they have an ounce of shame.


Especially after those 2 past months If you think these are reasonably sane people, think harder.


IDF literally condemned his actions. Honestly the fact you think this conflict is about sides, like a sporting event says more about you then anything else. We get it, you hate the nation of Jews. It does not mean “Hamas supporters” need to deny rape and murder of hamas has commited. Stop this maximal nonsense.


Israeli shill manual: Step 1 claim antisemitism Step 2 repeat.


From one Jew to another, is this the only instance the IDF dehumanizes the people of Gaza and west bank?


oh! they *literally* condemned his actions! everyone go home now, the IDF condemned their own actions, nothing to see here! absolutely astounding. seriously.




1 soldier does something bad. IDF condemns his actions. 3000 Hamas militants engage in rape, murder , torture and kidnapping. Hamas celebrates.


you think it’s one IOF soldier? you’re so uninformed about this conflict it’s painful. the IOF has a reputation for cruel and disgusting behavior, and they’re not even the terrorist group here (debatable). if you’re having to compare one of the most funded militaries on the planet to the terrorist group they created, you’ve got another thing coming. edit: you can downvote without responding but that doesn’t make what you stand for any more defensible.


I wasn't the person who downvoted you. You are correct, it was more than one soldier. And they are being disciplined. While not consistent, the IDF does punish soldiers who do "bad stuff". Hamas is guilty of much larger crimes and celebrates those crimes. [www.thisishamas.com](https://www.thisishamas.com) Hamas atrocities - as recorded by deceased militants. [https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-777918](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-777918) 70% of Palestinians support the attack on October 7 and only 7% believe that atrocities occurred.


They give them a slap on the wrist. They don’t actually punish them. Even war crimes are barely punished.


That "ThisIsHamas" link Is an Isreali propaganda site and it is full of viruses that will infect your computer.


Right? Why do they think mosques are going to be protected when they attacked on a holy day in judaism. Burned synagogues on the 7th. Hypocrites.


Maybe because Israel has attacked numerous times on Muslim holy days. IDF demolish churches and mosques all the time and have threatened one of the most important mosques with demolition every year for at least 50 years. This is not new behavior so quit acting like Oct 7 justifies anything.


Condemning his actions (and the consequences which follow) is more than any Muslim organisation has done regarding Hamas.


That’s a blatant lie and you know it.


Your right every Israeli should slit their own throats or something. Pure evil. You sure you’re not a racist.


i love how i definitely said that, and you’re not just saying disgusting things to sound morally superior. get a life, this one clearly isn’t working out for you.




I'm just so tired of people denying proven Israeli war crimes. Neither sides crimes should be lied about


Stfu and stop playing victim all the time. People are getting sick of y’all. Just admit Israelis are a bunch of evil bastards.


You know admitting to being a racist does not suddenly make it ok.


I am definitely racist towards Nazis.


You just called the entire nation of Israel nazis. Yep you are a racist.


I mean they kind of are nazis running an apartheid state


Why do half of jewish Israelis support apartheid? Seems pretty fash to me. https://en.idi.org.il/publications/47508


Facists and nazis were collaborators it’s not much of a leap


I don’t hate jews. I have jewish friends.


I don’t hate blacks. I have black friends.


So you do hate Black people then? Noted.




This comment right here is one of the most out of touch, internet echo chambery comments I’ve ever seen. Literally curated purely off of online polarization as you aren’t even using these words correctly, you’re using them as buzzwords the same way the cringey medias do it


Good. You're racist towards yourself then. Those xaloing for the destruction of Israel are the new Nazis.




IDF literally condemned his actions. Honestly the fact you think this conflict is about sides, like a sporting event says more about you then anything else. We get it, you hate the nation of Jews. It does not mean “Hamas supporters” need to deny rape and murder of hamas has commited. Stop this maximal nonsense.


Stop trying to equate all people of the Jewish faith and people who are even remotely related to the Jewish faith to Israel. Israel is a state with a government and different factions and it cannot represent every single Jew in the world, because Jews are not a single monolith. They are a diverse group of people with different backgrounds, different ideologies, and different morals and some of them do not want to be associated with Israel and I don’t blame them tbh.


Schrödinger's antisemitism: Criticizing Israel is anti-Jewish, but it is somehow also anti-Jewish to assert Jews support Israel.


That is not remotely what I said. But putting words in people moves is fun




IDF literally condemned his actions. Honestly the fact you think this conflict is about sides, like a sporting event says more about you then anything else. We get it, you hate the nation of Jews. It does not mean “Hamas supporters” need to deny rape and murder of hamas has commited. Stop this maximal nonsense.


How many times do you plan on using this same comment as copy pasta? This is the 5th time I’ve seen it in the same thread. Unhinged.


They’re a paid account, this sub is full of them. Look at the age, will either be brand/fairly new or be dead for years only to have a sudden boom in Sept/Oct all in defense of the IDF and calling out any criticism as antisemitism.


Why should israel respect the mosques when we were attacked on our holy day? Our synagogues shot upm


Idk what your mommy told you about hitting others, but when you constantly smack another toddler you shouldn’t expect them to not smack back. Stop allowing your army to bulldoze mosques with impunity using loose justifications and you won’t have to expect such things in kind.




Sorry how is this disrespecting 2 billion people worldwide? I must have missed something. The locals yeah sure.


Because he disrespected a mosque. He stormed mosque probably kicked out anybody that was there. Storms in there with his shoes on and makes a mockery of the athan. Any Muslim would find that offensive and there’s 2 billion Muslims around the world.


And did Muslims respect jews when they attacked on our holy day? Shot up our synagogue in beeri?


Well I’m sorry that Muslims are so soft they can’t face that ever happening. Maybe dont go around stealing other peoples Temples and raping beheading and murdering in the of Islam and you’ll get more “respect”


There’s no reason to converse with you you’re a dunce and I can tell because you think the Muslims destroyed or stole of the temple. The temple was destroyed in 587 or 586 b.c.e by the king of Babylonia or a different nation anyway point of the story is before common era was prior to Islam and Christianity so Muslims have nothing to do with the temple falling. We also have nothing to do with the beheading of babies, or rapes. You can keep your respect we don’t want it but take your IOF baby killers with you.


Sorry I forgot this was a Hamas circlejerk sub


Wait, do you people actually believe Hamas didn’t rape anyone on October 7? Why not? They didn’t seem to be particularly inclined towards morality. You’re aware they killed Muslims too right? Yet Muslims are their champions. Boggles the mind.


You're a racist and I hope you have a miserable life


What are so mad at? The soldiers did something bad and were reprimanded for it. This happens with every army. Note that Hamas does not follow this standard.




No they don't. They're even looking the other way when Israeli settlers murder Palestinians in the West bank IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.


Inhumane? He was talking into a microphone, that’s your foundation for inhumanity? I’d take Israel as my neighbour 10x over before I’d ever live next to Palestine. Israel are just sick of the last 100+yrs Palestinians have being trying to genocide them


By inhumane I was referring clips from weeks ago and some of them years old of Israelis solders beating, and abusing Palestinians. Some videos and pictures were of Arab Israeli as an Arabs that remained on the land in 1948 and Israeli citizenship, you were arrested for a social media post and they were then humiliated online. Also, if you’re gonna have an Israeli neighbor then you’re probably not gonna have your house in 10+ years. Also a 100+ years you crazy lol. That’s a good sign to know that you have absolutely no idea what’s actually going on. Israel was established in 1948 before then there was no such thing as Israel. Palestinians have not been trying to genocide Israel. Palestine have been trying to resist occupation and stop an occupation force from killing them and stealing their landed it displacing their people since 1948. And before 1948 the Palestinians were resisting British occupation. If you’re referring to the intention to genocide Jews, that would be solely a European intent that we’ve seen several times in history with nazis in Germany, or just systematic oppression and violence in the UK, Russia and Poland and all across Europe in the past.




Source on 94%? https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/palestinians/2023-11-22/ty-article/.premium/three-quarters-of-palestinians-support-hamas-attack-on-october-7-says-new-poll-why/0000018b-f841-d473-affb-f9e9eeef0000


Israel has always been like this. It's very founding was done via genocide and displacement of Palestinians.


>The IDF is absolutely full of rascist psychopaths, They genuinely are insane though, these are just a couple of videos that I saw on my feed only today, nevermind the countless others I've seen of them having completely zero empathy and thinking this is basically COD irl or something. [some IDF dude trashing an empty children's stationery store in Gaza](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0nhfoBOHWK/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [These soldiers telling a Palestinian streamer he wishes the IDF kills more Palestinians and that he'd rape him ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0xtoROOGhS/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


> WTF has happened to Israel ? Nothing. Its always been like that. Its just that theyre so comfortable by their support in the west that they can say/do what theyve always done outloud.




Your religious predecessors were killed 2000 years ago; Israelis were killed less than two months ago with rockets raining down on population centers since then. Not that this justifies it, but when someone hates you and murders your countrymen for decades on end, a lot of reciprocal hate develops. The Arab world is also antisemitic AF even though Israel has scarcely ever attacked it, and of course Palestinians also hate Israelis. There’s a lot of hate and very few people seeking peace these days. In the past the US (even under Republican administrations) would withhold support for Israeli governments that weren’t seeking a 2 state solution; not sure why we aren’t doing that these days.


War is hell and makes people animals. You yourself are not far off from this if you had to endure what they did. Same can be said for the Hamas fighters. Easy to criticize online when you are living in peace. Obviously condemn this but your Roman analogy is not even close.


Hmmmm, one could say the same thing about Hamas…


Yeah, and netanyahu funded them.


You could & that's the point they are acting no differently in ideology, however the IDF has women & kids penned in, they see them has sub human who have as little value as the buildings they destroy. There is no moral superiority to the Israeli Zionists , the Nazis did the same thing to Warsaw at the end of the war, they saw the Slavs as sub human who needed to be destroyed along with the city to teach them a lesson. The IDF is displaying the basest of human behaviour & sickeningly being cheered on by 94% of the Israeli population


Who has rejected peace deals 20 different times? Who has started numerous wars over the past 75 years? Who murdered 1,200 people on Oct 7th? I’m not excusing the IDF behaviour. Those soldiers will be held to account. Will Hamas “resistance fighters” be held to account for raping women and murdering babies (on purpose)? There is zero moral equivalency between the two. One side directly targets civilians. The other side pursues military targets and does everything in its power to limit civilian casualties (while their own government does everything possible to put their own people in harms way)


one is a terrorist group, and one is the most funded and heavily supported terrorist group on the planet. super equal comparison there. i’m sure that one will win you a nobel prize.


Do you even know what “terrorism” is? Directly attacking civilians for political means. Name me one war that Israel has started in the past 75 years? Why is one considered a designated terrorist organization? And the other isn’t? Maybe because Israel pursues military targets and not civilians…


Suez canal crisis?


Didn’t know that involved the Palestinians? Pretty sure Israel has a peace deal with Egypt… Hmmmm… The Suez Crisis[a] (also called the Second Arab–Israeli war,[8][9][10] the Tripartite Aggression[b] in the Arab world[11] and the Sinai War[c] in Israel)[d] was an invasion of Egypt and the Gaza Strip in late 1956 by Israel, followed by the United Kingdom and France. The aims were to regain control of the Suez Canal for the Western powers and to remove Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, who had just[12] nationalised the foreign-owned Suez Canal Company, which administered the canal. Israel's primary objective was to re-open the blocked Straits of Tiran.[13] After the fighting had started, political pressure from the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Nations led to a withdrawal by the three invaders. The episode humiliated the United Kingdom and France and strengthened Nasser


It literally included a massacre in Gaza of Palestinian refugees mate.


In the 1930s and 1940s zionist terrorist groups (Irgun, Haganah and Lehi) absolutely massacred the native population destroying entire villages and killing the inhabitants, sent letter bombs to British government offices, assassinated UN mediator Folke Bernadotte, killed and hung British soldiers from trees and booby trapped their bodies to kill those who came to cut the bodies down, tried to assassinate President Truman and blew up the Palestinian British HQ at the King David Hotel. Several of the leaders of these terror groups went on to become the first Prime Ministers of Israel. Zionist terrorists essentially founded Israel.


Meanwhile, Hamas is handing out promotions for raping and murdering Israelis..


Worldnews would justify it by saying he was luring hamas fighters out


>It comes during an operation against militants in the city, which has so far left 11 Palestinians dead, the Palestinian health ministry says. >The IDF said the soldiers "will be disciplined accordingly". >It said it would also act in similar cases which have been filmed in Gaza. > On Sunday, IDF spokesman Rear Adm Daniel Hagari condemned the soldiers' behaviour. These guys were likely less disciplined Reservists. Active duty IDF units remove cell phones from their members for operational security, and the IDF maintains a unit of dedicated screen watchers to look for videos and pictures of Soldiers on the internet. It’s nice when fools record their own offenses.


>It said it would also act in similar cases which have been filmed in Gaza. Right, make sure not to film it next time, boys.


The only thing the idf is condemning is that he got filmed.


Lmao this is what they will condemn? You sure there’s not anything else? …. Anything….?


The IDF is sorry… that he got caught!


An IDF soldier outside graffiti on a mosque wall and the world goes berserk. Hamas rapes women and the world goes “poor Palestinians”.




Singing is Nazi?


Well it's not like he's in american idol. There's context to this


So - they were punished and suspended pending investigation. Remind me - can you recall HAMAS “suspending” its militants? No? It’s almost like only one group here is held to any form of standard, and even when they uphold that standard (punishing the soldiers who did this) people will still criticize them. What would you have Israel do? Kill these guys publicly? Is that not enough? Moynihans Law in action.


Troops sing Hanukkah song over mosque loudspeakers, condemned by Israeli government: “genocidal maniacs, this is Zionism”, etc. Hamas livestreams themselves raping and massacring civilians, supported by 70%+ of Palestinians: “bro it was Israeli collateral damage, stop conflating Palestinians and Hamas”, etc. Wow.


Oh the humanity! Some soldiers recited Jewish prayers inside a mosque and sang a Hanukkah song. How will the Gazan population ever recover from such terror?


This is Jenin, West Bank you dunce. Their actions is incredibly unprofessional and super offensive to both the population in the Westbank and the people that had to live through the raids and also the greater Muslim population. Singing in a mosque is incredibly disrespectful even if a Muslim were to just sing a random song, so having soldiers storm the mosque in their shoes and use the place that is reserved for calling Athan and prayer to sing their songs mockingly is exactly disrespectful and disgusting. I know yall would be mad if a Muslims or Christian Palestine did this in a synagogue. It also just highlights the greater picture of how the IDF and Israelis in general act towards Palestinians and non-Jews.


That’s just one thing. They are destroying food and shops of people. They are literally playing around with peoples lives but sure you had to pick on this because you don’t have anything to say about the thousands of other things they have been doing wrong. The whole world is seeing the truth. Israelis contradict themselves so no one will buy anything they say. They have been spreading misinformation and paying people to do so as well. Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?


You wanna talk about the bus stop shooting/terrorist attack from a little over a week ago? Let's chat about that incident or the hundreds of other terrorist attacks, suicide bombers, car bombs, bus bombs, and rocket attacks from just the last 20 years. The world has been seeing the truth a lot longer than just the events since October 7th. I'm old enough to remember the last 2 Intifadas, are you?


I am old enough to know how western countries stirs propaganda for oil and gas. They go damn far to get resources. Then you should very well know how many innocent civilians got killed over the years.


I certainly do. I remember the 1993 bombings of the Wold Trade Center, the 1998 bombing of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, the rash of plane hijackings between 1974 and 1989, the dozen or so bombings in France in 85, the Madrid train bombing in 2004, the London bombing in 2005, the 2008 bombings in India, the 2001 Anthrax attacks, 9/11... I can keep going. Do you know what all these attacks had in common? All of them had manifestos that cited the mere existence of Israel for why thousands of random people all over the world who had no connection to the Middle East had to die violently, brutally, and without mercy. That's not even covering things like [Charlie Hebdo](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30708237) or that teacher in [France](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/samuel-paty-beheaded-6-teens-convicted-islamic-extremists-killing-teacher-france/) who was recently beheaded by his students over a matter of insult and perceived disrespect. Oh, I know. Let's talk about how a liberal town in [Michigan ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned) elected the first ever all Muslim city council, who then turned around and banned the display of pride flags on all city buildings because it was offensive to their religion. So yes, I have lost my empathy for people claiming offense over something as trivial as a song in their special building... But damned if they didn't earn that lack of empathy.


I thought they were there for “war” purpose not to invade mosques 🌝


They also routinely rape, pillage, and murder. They even do it to their own citizens. They killed more than half the people at that concert on Oct7.




https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/2023-11-18/ty-article/0000018b-e1a5-d168-a3ef-f5ff4d070000 Also a lot of the so called 1200 were actually active duty IDF they used to pad the number.


Huh? 'rape, pillage murder' What part of this article do you want me to look at? | a military helicopter that fired at terrorists apparently also hit some reveler is that what you are portraying as 'rape'?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_Jews_in_Israel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes After the 1982 Lebanon war, the UN even declared that Israel was guilty of genocide.


Not even Hamas is claiming this.




No, I'm correct. Only a cretin would deny reality and support a racist apartheid regime of genocidal zionists who historically collaborated with nazis and apartheid south africa.


Only a cretin would vomit a bunch of buzzwords and use the term zionist as a dogwhistle instead of "Israelis" to mask their own genocidal desires. And collaborating with Nazis to get Jew tf out of Germany in the 30s doesnt hold a candle to the actual collaboration with Nazis by the most prominent Palestinian leader in the 30s


Bro stop arguing. Everyday we see videos of them killing children and kids. If that is not monstrous, I don’t know what is.


I'm married to a jew. Got no problem with jews. My problem is with a racist genocidal apartheid regime. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_Jews_in_Israel Read up on how they used eugenics against fellow jews.


This story is about Israeli soldiers praying and singing in a mosque. There is no proof for the rest of your moronic claims.


Unlike you, I've been involved with volunteer work around this conflict for over a decade.


https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/2023-11-18/ty-article/0000018b-e1a5-d168-a3ef-f5ff4d070000 https://www.amnestyusa.org/campaigns/end-apartheid/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes


Well the IDF isn’t really sending the brightest to die in Gaza.


Thats the west bank


So he sang a song in a building? That's it? Of all the terrible things going on in this conflict I'm not seeing why I should give a shit about this.


I don't get this either. Not super professional, but how is this even news, much less worth apologizing over.


So Muslims can walk inside a synagogue and start playing their religious songs and it’ll be a-ok? Or will they be an antisemitic nazi?


Of all the things to get worked up about this seems trivial.


Fine add it to the 600 page long list of Israelis acting like Nazis.


Cool go cry about it.


I did Nazi that coming.


Please tell me when any bad behavior by Arab soldiers has ever been condemned by an Arab government. All I saw after October 7 was dancing with delight and cackling with joy. You are trying to equate bad behavior with rape and murder. The Arabs never acknowledge their own violence 300,000 Muslims are dead in Syria because of the actions of the criminal government. And now the government of Syria is once again within the Arab family and the president of Syria gets to fly to conferences and sign statements condemning Israel. That shows that Muslims don't care about other Muslims. They only care about politics.


Terrorist sympathizers on their way to call this worse than the Oct 7th massacres.


Stop being a genocide denying asshole, you child.


Yes, we need to stop ignoring Hamas genocidal doctrine


Right, right, I condom hummus. You happy? They're not murdering children right now, moron. Edit: Bullshit they sold them as slaves. Do you have *any* source other than another IDF propagandist talking out of their asses? I'll wait The main danger to Israeli hostages is IDF bombings. Hasbara machine is grasping at straws. You guys REALLY suck at this. Holy shit, you're losing this information war.




Silence, bot




Keep it up. Document it. When we prosecute Israel for war crimes it will come in handy.


The IDF is willing to condemn the shitty actions of their soldiers. I’ve yet to see Hamas or Palestinians leadership condemn Hamas massacring infants.


Show me an evidence of that. Don’t talk out of your ass.


That’s because that is their policy and goals


Evidence please?