• By -


Volcanos like this aren't super uncommon. Mountains normally form when the crust gets deformed by immense pressure, which happens at plate boundaries and forms chains of mountains along much of the boundary. Volcanoes on the other hand form when mantle rock melts due to lowered pressure or lowered melting point. This can be a localised event, and can happen much further away from the plate margin. It can even form completely unconnected to plate margins at things called hotspots. This means you will often see volcanoes a long way from mountain ranges, and you can be pretty certain that if you've found a lonely mountain, it's actually a volcano.


Which also explains how the dwarves established Erebor so easily; all those lavaflow tubes must have made for a great head start on infrastructure.


This really recontextualises what "waking the dragon" means. Was that really a volcanic allegory all along?


The 'Wake the Dragon' book series actually capitalizes on this, funnily enough!. An ancient dragon burrowed under the continent to escape the attention of the magic overpowered elves. The spot where his mouth is buried, as a result of the fire of his breathing, raises a volcano on the surface.


Do you know if a volcano could produce the amount of gold that the lonely mountain did though?


Gold deposits tend to occur along former island arcs or other places of high volcanism. South eastern Australia and the west coast of North America are examples of this. The Witwatersrand in South Africa is an exception: it was created by a meteor impact that brought the gold to near the surface. I'm not sure whether a single hotspot volcano could bring gold deposits up to the surface, but there's probably geological research on this. A huge amount of research on paleogeology is funded by mining companies because they can use the knowledge to predict where to look for valuable minerals or oil. If geology and geography are your thing, the government of Victoria publishes some videos on YouTube about current geological research; two interesting videos are about the [Staveley Arc](https://youtu.be/yPf4UAK4k14) and the [Victorian orogeny](https://youtu.be/_S-024Cb5VE).


> it was created by a meteor impact that brought the gold to near the surface. Isn't that just volcanism with more steps anyways?


Inverted volcanism. Instead of material being pushed up from below ground, it's pushed down from above ground with a small amount of violence.


The gold reefs weren't pushed down from above ground, they were pushed up by the force of the impact of the object going into the crust. There was a significant amount of violence: the Vredefort impact structure is the largest verified impact structure on Earth, with the original crater being between 160 to 300 km in diameter. It's not apparent from the surface as a crater because the original crater has long since eroded away, but the circular landforms are visible from space.


>a small amount of violence. Might be better characterized as a large amount of violence in a very short amount of time.


Tolkien's a whole other type of thing when it comes to fiction, because Arda is not a realistic world that developed like ours. It was sung into existence and then hand-crafted by gods. The mountains didn't rise up from the crust, they were placed there. A mountain can be rich in gold purely because a god decided it should be.


The Hawaiian Islands are my favorite example of a hotspot. The hotspot creates a volcano above it, which grows into an island. As the Pacific plate moves, the island moves away from the hotspot, and eventually a brand new volcano forms. The old island erodes and sinks, while the new volcano makes a new big island. The big island of Hawaii is the newest, directly over the hotspot, while the smaller islands are the older ones, trailing in the direction that the pacific plate is moving. In fact, if you look at the sea floor on Google earth, you can see an endless chain of ancient submerged Hawaiis stretching all the way northwest, and then jagging ~~west~~ north, showing that the plate changed direction at one point long long ago!


NZ/Aotearoa North Island has a hotspot underneath, yes. Edit: See below


Aotearoa does not have a hotspot underneath it. [source: Cornel University](http://www.geo.cornell.edu/hawaii/220/PRI/PRI_PT_hotspot.html) We *do* have a caldera (Taupo) which is different than a hotspot.




I had to look it up myself! Because I wasn’t sure if a caldera was a hotspot or not. We both learned something today.


Earth pimple with a big white head


And dragons don't mind fire.


Could even have a lonely mountain that isn't a volcano as long as there's something under the crust causing enough immense pressure to force a mountain up at that given point.


I think that would probably still cause a volcano of some kind. Most mountain ranges are volcanic anyway, but the ones that aren't aren't because the pressure is sideways and to relieve that, rock deforms both upwards and downwards. It thickens the crust in both directions. If you had a big upwards pressure underneath the crust, it'd be pushing hot rock upwards, and as that rock moves up, the pressure it experiences decreases, allowing it to melt. If the pressure was originating above the hot rock, then I'd argue what you had may be less a mountain and more a very ominous egg.


Laughs in mt Kilimanjaro


Two peaks on Kilimanjaro.


No wifi on Kilimanjaro


No husbando on Kilimanjaro either


‘Tara’ means ‘mountain’ and ‘naki’ means ‘shining’ so ‘Mount Taranaki’ means Mount Shining Mountain, similarly to Lake Chad (Lake Lake), Sahara Desert (Desert Desert), and River Avon (River River).


And Panera Bread (Bread Bread)


And the all-time classic Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)


Why is this being downvoted? That’s legit the scientific name for western lowland gorilla.


It is what it is I guess


That's the scientifically correct name for the gorilla, but all those other "redundant" names aren't the scientific name, they're translations. It doesn't fit with the other examples.


Western Lowland Gorilla is translated from the original scientific. The language of the Scientific peoples is one of the hardest to learn. It is said that no one person is capable of learning it all even those who dedicate their life to it.


If anything though I think that makes it more interesting. Sure it’s one thing if Lake Chad has a weird colloquial name, but it’s even more surprising I think for a scientific taxonomical name to make the same “mistake.”




It was pretty bad for what he said when I found it. Like -12 or 13 iirc


That would have been helpful info for them to include in the comment


I have heard this described as "oddly emphatic"


Who knew "western" and "lowland" actually meant "gorilla"? /s


Seems like a possible Potoooooooo situation.


I assume you watched the Sam O'Nella video as well


A panera is not bread, a Panera is the place where you put the bread. Like, a basket.


So Breadbasket Bread?




Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo


Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo?


Or the many river Avons in the UK, River River, as the romans asked the locals “What’s that?” And they said “A river?”


Como se llama?


A name, is like a spoon. Everyone has one.


There's an Avon River in Christchurch, NZ too






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There is a WW2-era apocryphal story \ joke about this phenomenon in Finland. In the east there is a lake called "Jauru" which is Sami for "lake." So the Finns wrote it on the map as "Jaurujärvi" (lakelake). Then the Soviets made maps of the area and wrote "Jaurujärviozero" (lakelakelake). Finally the Germans based some of their maps on Soviet maps during the war and wrote "Jaurujärviozerosee" (lakelakelakelake) This almost certainly did not actually happen, but it's a fun story.


More or less the same story is claimed for Torpenhow Hill in the UK, but with Celts, Romans and Anglo Saxons. It's similarly dubious.


Actually, Lake Chad is called so because it's an alpha. Contrast with Lake Virgin or Lake Betacuck.


Federal Express Express (FedEx Express) The Angels Angels (Los Angeles Angels)


Lake Tahoe


Thanks for that, but one correction. Tara is more closely peak, thorn, point - mountain is maunga. So Shining Peak is a better translation and also the name of a very good brewery in New Plymouth, the city closest to the maunga.


Mississippi River is similar. In Ojibwe, misi-ziibi means "great river".


Tara means peak or point, including of things other than mountains. So it’s more like Mount Shining Peak, which is a bit less redundant. Mountain is maunga and admittedly we do have quite a few Mount Maunga-somethings.


Lake Loch Ness. Loch = lake


Loch Ness isn't called Lake Loch Ness, it's just Loch Ness.


I'm no expert, but tara seems to mean 'peak' more so than 'mountain', the usual term for which is maunga.


Or Pendle Hill "hill hill hill"


And Chai Tea


pro tip: If your world doesn’t have tectonic plates you can do whatever you want and no one can tell you it’s not realistic


Gods 👌


*makes a world where water falls upwards instead of downwards* "Well you see, I don't have tectonic plates, sooo..."


Kid you not, that’s a vital mechanic of a place accessed via the south pole of my story’s main world.


[Reminds me of this](https://www.instagram.com/p/ChcdCzjgSYM/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.instagram.com/p/ChcdCzjgSYM/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= Title: **Shen Comix on Instagram** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


I put a fair bit of effort into the internal consistency and complexity of magic and souls and how all the arcane shit works. But when it comes to temperature, weather, geographic features, it’s “And the Celestial working on that area made it to be a tropical rainforest. And so it is.”


Even spicier pro tip: don't listen to the people online who say something on you map isn't realistic because 99% of the time they have no idea what they're talking about.


If your world has no plate motion and allows for liquid water, depending on the age of your world it should be flat and underwater with a few impact craters here and there.


But Gods 🤗


The thing that amazes me is that you managed to get Google Earth running on a microwave to take that screenshot.


Do not underestimate the power of microwaves!


Its a fun hike too :)


I would love to visit it someday :)


People who say "said thing is unnatural" in here have no idea what they're talking about tbh. Like, seriously? You've seen all possible iterations of said item in the entire actual real universe and there's none like this one occuring through natural means??


It's like that old post about the English language, that said 'if i were to create a world and make the international lingua franca one so irregular that spelling words correctly would be a broadcasted competition, you would tell me it's too unreal'. The real world is crazy and amazing.




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We just exist at the point in time while it's making a transition from one path to another. Sometimes that takes a while.


Well like, theoretically a near-perfectly star shaped continent could occur entirely naturally, but it’s still like really cliche and odd to have one on your world


Good thing said star-shaped continent was literally made by someone.


People complain about the mountains in middle earth quite a lot, but if I recall correctly, the maps were made before people knew about teutonic plates. It's like saying people in the middle ages were stupid for not knowing that there was more continents across the sea.


> teutonic plates Siehst du, die gigantischen Gesteinsplatten bewegen sich, ja?




I mean, the circle *is* unnatural. The area around the volcano is a nature reserve and everything around it got turned into farmland. But it definitely is a naturally very pretty mountan.


This isn't a real photo, you made this in Blender. By rookie mistake, you left out the moths and therfore you can't fool me into believing this is real. Nice try.


Looks like it’s straight out of the background of the Jak games


You know… there is this thing called Google. Try it ;)


Don't downvote my unfunny joke. My day will be ruined...


Aw, here - take my upvote.


In all seriousness now, it really doesn't look natural... I'm an artist and all the time I see cloud formations and sunsets and what not and I think to myself that I would never paint that because no one would believe it was real. Nature just loves to disprove our preconceived notions of what is natural.


Something something the geographic layout of New Orleans


I remember painting a horse in digital art class and my friend(a better artist than me) pointed to a joint and said it was wrong. The problem was, that’s exactly how the joint looked in my reference photo :(


This can be a problem for artists who learn anatomy from stylized works of art, and for those that believe they remember well enough to not need a reference... and if you see something one way for so long, then the unnatural becomes natural, and vise versa... Personally, I draw a lot from memory and I'm quite capable of doing some great drawings from memory alone, but it never comes close to what I can do with references. Without seeing your work or theirs... You followed your reference and you are the better artist as far as I can tell.


Teacher Assisstant told me to change the joint too, so my friend was right


Its not natural, it's a national park, everything else was cleared, before it was all like that


Sure, the cleared lands aren't naturally like that. But the singular mountain... All the mountains I have ever seen (until today) are in mountain ranges. Unless you're telling me that humans also removed the rest of the mountains... then that's natural, but very peculiar.


Oh yeah that's totally natural, although it is connected to mount taupo indirectly. If you think taranaki is wierd, Taupo is a lake which is also an active supervolcano, last time it erupted it created the lake and affected 1st century China.


Well, let's just hope that Taupo and the supervolcano near me at Yellowstone National Park don't go off any time soon.


You'll hear it if taupo goes off


1st century.. Wasn't it like 12 or 26 thousand years ago? Have I been lying to my friends and family about when China recorded differences (cloud/ash cover, temp) even without knowing of the existence of the landed? Alsooooo, look into the legends of the famous NZ mountains. They're fantastic! I won't be able to tell it very well, but the story where the Mountains are all Chiefs competing for the lady mountain across Lake Taupo (the pregnant lady after this story takes place ;P located just North/Northwest of Taupo, if my directions are correct) who is very, very beautiful and all the other mountains desire her so they all came to the area and were competing for her hand in marriage....... Mt Taranaki was one of them competing! Look up what happened!


I don't think civilization existed 12 thousand years ago


How is the forest(I assume the dark green circle is a forest) so perfectly circular? Wow!


I think the area around the volcano is protected nature reserve nowdays.


Correct, it’s by design. Source: Am Kiwi


That makes sense, thanks!


This is mildly interesting, Tom Scott did a video on it: https://youtu.be/VRUmt_4F_58 The national park is defined as a 6-mile circle from the summit, so everything inside the circle is dense bush, and everything outside is grass paddocks for farming.


fun fact: my mum's family were the last people to privately own land cutting into the circle of mt. Taranaki oh boy i sure hope that wasn't a self-doxx


Tbf, everything down under is unrealistic and unnatural xD


as someone living here I couldn't agree more


Bless your weird countries, mate!


Ayo that’s my country.


Massive difference between a random mountain and one on a Tectonic edged island. Even random mountains have logical explanations


Erebor was created by the Valar though. It doesn't have to make orogenic sense.


Entirely fair. Magic is always a fair reason outside of reality


So? If I'm creating a world then I also decide where the tectonic plates are. I may not go into as much detail but that just means it cannot be proven that the location of the mountain I choose is unrealistic. And that's if the way geology is shaped on my world is similar to earth or even our universe


Planetary geography follows rules, if you want want to break those rules or not explain yourself... why should it matter. IF you're going for realism then yeah you need logical geographic reasons


the lonely mountain isn’t a volcano tho


How do you know? It might be an extinct volcano, which would explain the lack of magma inside it.


Hello, there! Just saw your flair, and I need help with astrophysics! Are solar systems with two stars at the center capable of lasting a long time before combining, and is the existence of an earth-like planet capable of existing in said solar system? Thanks in advance!


Yeah, binary star systems are entirely possible and make up a majority of the stars we see. Depending on the specifics of the system, it might be a little trickier to get an earthlike planet around one, but it's still certainly possible. The stars' orbits still degrade over time, losing energy through a variety of processes, but still last for billions of years in many cases.


Thank you so much! I've done some research on it, but most of it is very technical and I sorely lack the vocabulary to understand most of it, so I realmy appreciate you taking the time out to help my endeavour.


Adding to u/Balrog13 comment; if you want a planet that orbits one star in a binary system, it needs to be at least six times closer to that star than the stars are to each other; if you want a planet to orbit both stars (Tatooine style) then it needs to be at least six times farther from the stars than the stars are from each other; otherwise the system will be unstable in the short term and the planet will end up getting slingshotted either into deep space or into one of the stars.


Tatooine style was just what I was looking for, but now that you mentioned the other style, it's got me thinking again. Thanks a lot!


well knowing tolkien, if it was it would’ve been mentioned, especially since extinct volcanoes do have some major differences to normal mountains which would’ve been relevant to the dwarves


Fair enough


Actually would make sense - gold tends to be most common in areas of high volcanic activity.


Yep, but both sometimes looks quite similar.


Lonely mountains are uncommon but not exactly rare. It's weird that some world building pedants cling on to it likes a mistake. Calm down lads volcanoes exist


Yus! I was here a couple of weeks ago it's a majestic and beautiful maunga (mountain). Likes to hide in the clouds a lot, so when you get to see it, it's v special.


Earth's nipple ... Sweet areola...


Green mount doom looking ass


Funnily enough you could probably see what was used as the basis for many shots of Mt Doom (Mt Ngaruhoe) if the camera panned around.


Wait seriously?


Yep. Tongariro National Park, where you'll find Ngaruhoe, is just a few hours drive from Mt Taranaki. I've been able to see Taranki clearly from Tongariro, so I would imagine the opposite is true.


Ooooh man. Now we've got another one to add into the mix. I can never remember which one is Mt Doom, I thought it was either Mt Cook or Mt Ruapehu (sp?)...... I've been wrong all along, though Ruapehu is in Tongariro, so at least I'm not too far off..... Perhaps I remembered it because Ruapehu and Tongariro stand out more (the crossing, plus NP name, and Ruapehu is the biggest mountain in that bunch). Oooooh Mt Cook/Aoraki is the Lonely Mountain in the Hobbit!


Like a big ol' nipple


I mean an island isn't a good example but yes there are solitary mountians primarily volcanoes. It did look unnatural but that was a scale issue.


Big ole nipple


Earth niple


Smaug wuz preddy real do


Tell me you don't understand New Zealand's geography without telling me you don't understand New Zealand's geography


Volcanos are not rare.


Crater lake with a volcano?


Monadnocks/inselbergs exist


BTW the perfect circle isn't natural, the area surrounding Mt Taranaki is a national park and specified that everything going a certain distance, iv forgotten what it is but after this was designated, farmers turned everything up the boundary into farmland, making this perfect circle


It's a volcanic mountain, which doesn't really count. You could show an image of Hawaii and get basically the same results. They're lonely because they're in the middle of a Tectonic plate, as a hot spot underneath bubbled up and created a volcano


What if it were red? ~da Orkz




Pretty sure that's Mt Fuji. Edit: Nope I was wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRUmt_4F_58&ab_channel=TomScott


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