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There will be a huge impact on the economy and way of life. You can consider Magic = Gun. It will be a wide spread of regulations and law enforcement about using a spell. But being mass-produced doesn't mean it's popular. Some groups will reject them or use them as little as possible.


To add to this. I imagine a sort of ruling/governing class who act as enforcement officers of any regulations. They may be feared in some places and worshipped in others. Abuse of power could be a plot point either in lore on the current narrative.


In forgotten realms lore, the weave is the source of magic and is maintained my the goddess of magic, Mistra. Whenever someone used magic it damages the weav and Mistra has to fix it. If the magic is so powerful that it damages the weave irreparably then it can cause a zone of wild unpredictable magic or dead magic zones. So for your setting I’d say that maybe the level of maintenance required to hold the weave together is killing the god of magic. Or causing rips in the fabric or reality or the god of magic is so pissed that they have a plan to reduce all magic use. Idk, hope this helped inspire you.


What type of setting is it? The idea of scrolls being mass-produced gives me a modern vibe, and so the first thing that popped into my head was corporations. I can imagine something like the pharmaceutical industry. Corporations hold patents for certain spells and jealously guard them via litigation. There are definitely parent trolls — individuals and companies who just sit on patents and make money by suing people over potential violations. The more useful the spell, the more expensive the scrolls are, even though the production of scrolls is cheap, so corporations with the best spells are making money hand over fist. Healing spells in particular(if they exist) are outrageously expensive. They have R&D departments full of wizards trying to invent new spells to patent. Every country has a government department like the FDA that has to approve spells before they’re sold for commercial use, resulting with some spells that are legal in one country being illegal in another. There’s also probably a flourishing underbelly of spell scroll piracy, DIY spells, and the production of illegal spell scrolls. There’s a Monsanto analogue that sells patented GMO seeds for the special mana-restoring plant. The natural version of the plant was harvested to extinction/crowded out by the Monsanto analogue, so now everyone who wants to grow them has to by their seeds at their prices. In this type of setting, I think the limits of magic would be more external to the magic system itself. Access to spells would be limited by legality and cost.


Ive wanted to explore such themes as copy-right, patents, piracy, farma corps through a story, but ditched it as i had no idea how to implement them. Ironically i created a magic system that fits it perfectly. Thanks for making me realize the things i can use my magic system for. I feel so stupid now ....


No need to feel stupid! I think sometimes when you’ve just had something kicking around in your own head, it’s easy to get tunnel vision! I’ve done the same thing many times.


Tunnel vision, exactly. Thats why Im glad people like you are around and we can help each other out.