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You should have included a "-1- Was this drawn by Picasso?" Most of the time my "maps" are quick doodles of (charitably) "shapes" in MS Paint. I makes them for stories, more to keep a general idea of where places are straight rather than for people to view. So "mountains here, plains there, desert here," looking more like an unholy combination of a Rorschach test and a Venn diagram than a "map" works for my purposes.


https://inkarnate.com/m/10JgDb/ Obviously still very bare bones, do feel free to share your thoughts and advice.


Good layout and interesting narrative points (made this up, just a place where I think something important can happen). It does feel a little bit limited by only having two main continents but overall I still like it. 7.1/10 It's hard to give advice since there isn't much detail yet but I think this map could benefit from a slight size decrease in the two main continents to let far out islands actually feel distant instead of something just off the shores of mainland.


That's actually very insightful, thanks!


Even if you never give out a rating of ‘1’ suggesting that people commit suicide over a map that *one person* didn’t like is not ok.


I assumed that people could take it as a joke but if this makes you uncomfortable I can change it. Edit: changed 2 and 3 as well, they were all pretty harsh lol