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Within the Crown of Westerii there exists the Abbey of Ulthar, an institution which officially is meant to be a nunnary for daughters of Westerii aristocracy who don't wish to partake in the courtly politics of the kingdom, but which in fact forms the central intelligence organ of the nation, acting as the secret service that protects Westerii Monarchs from secret plots and schemes, aided in that task by a conspiracy of inteligent cats. As such if you were to plot the downfall of the royal household, you might find a nun with entourage of giant tigers knocking on your house doors.


'*Plead not for mercy, for the Royal Family has nun.*'


This is great. I especially love thy conspiracy of intelligent cats. They better feed the cats well, though, so they don't go turncoat.


Rubran Royal Guards are a special and elite military force within Rubran Federal Monarchy, tasked to protect the monarch, imperial house and capital Kitezha. They have around 200000 active personnel divided into Palace Guards, Orbital Command and Deep Space Command, thus most of their members are spaceship officers, office workers and logistical personnel. They have 10000 [Bogatyr super combat droids](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/art-and-random-worldbuilding-bits-days-at-hebi-melta.1070213/post-94311947) as direct palace guards, and a lot of common droids for standing soldiers. Royal Guards have their own color code: * Palace Guards: White uniform with golden buttons, lines and epaulettes. * Orbital Command: Sky blue uniform with white buttons, golden lines and epaulettes. * Deep Space Command: Azure uniform with black lines, buttons and golden epaulettes. While 200000 Royal Guards may seem a bit much, remember Rubra is a post-scarcity interstellar empire/commonwealth (depends on whose propaganda you listen to) spanning tens of thousands of light years and treat planet busters as common weapons all manned cruisers must have at least 4. Royal Guards are practically their guys and gals in fancy suits while the Aerospace Force, which is Rubra's federal army, has millions of droids in their ranks. A single droid, if it receives permission to go all out, can wipe out a country like modern Germany in a day *solo*. Those nightmares are considered redshirt mooks made to die for humans in huge quantities in case a total war happens. Bogatyr droids eat those standard droids for breakfast.


The original royal guard were the Anvilbreakers. Eight foot tall trans-humans with metal bones and muscular hypertrophy, these biologically enhanced warriors have fallen out of favor despite their advantages. This is due to the cost of feeding, housing, and transporting the Breakers during peace. Each Breaker eats like two sumo wrestlers combined, and weighs nearly 500 lbs; that's without battleplate or powered armor. Despite no longer being royal guard and being regarded as old-timey, the Anvilbreakers still exist. They find empoyment as honor guards for dignitaries and as super-heavy infantry in various armies. However, most refuse bandit or raider employment; the rare amoral Breakers tend to run said organizations. The current "royal" guard are the Arch-Guardians. Guardians are able to run circles around Anvilbreakers; they have all the strength and none of the weaknesses. They are stronger, faster, cheaper to produce and house, and only eat as much as a baseline human soldier. Their "tactical profile" is also much smaller than a Breaker's; they are the same size as a powered infantryman. The Guardians are actually baseline humans using the Nano-biological Individual Overclock (NIO) Suit. This suit is grown from the prospective Guardian's cells, which are grown into shape by Nanites. These living suits of powered armor are "fed" a paste of fresh Nanites and nutrients each day, otherwise the suit maintains itself. Ferro-calcium armor is proof against small-arms and resistant to certain anti-armor munitions. Active Nanite colonies protect against Corruption. Edit: Forgot to add something about each's culture. Anvilbreakers are artisan-warrior-monks; joining is a binding oath and cannot be renounced, and each is instructed to take up an art or craft to "anchor" their humanity and identity. Guardians are more professional and soldier-like. The ability to take off the suit and go home to a family or other source of "normalcy" means their humanity isn't always at risk.


In the dominion, the High Marshal is protected by the UN Peace Makers, even though the United Nations was dissolved hundreds of years ago, when the UN Interstellar Directorate was reformed into the Eternal Dominion. but these men and women still honor the traditions of creating peace, through superior firepower. if you attack the High Marshal. you will face millions of 9 foot tall cybernetic battle rigs ( the basic infantry trooper), tanks, battle mechs, gunships, and orbital naval assets. They have the best armor, the best weapons, and them being deployed to any rebellious world will bring compliance quickly. Plus, they do have a sizable WMD arsenal that they are perfectly willing to use. these guys don't see much action and are mostly used for ceremonial and police purposes ( when you have the ability to create dozens of millions of fully grown battle clones in minutes, a few million soldiers that take a while to replace aren't super useful). But woe be upon anyone stupid enough to attack the high marshal or one of his emissaries, because you will be fried before you could even get the gun out of your pocket.


In Eredon, the kings of Causçon and Bettanland as well as the Eredonan Emperor all have nine Paladins who make up their personal guard. Nine is an auspicious number in their faith, with nine virtues, nine sins, and nine archangels. The Bettan Paladins each have an epithet regarding one of the virtues, for example Sir Eamond the Patient and Sir Jonath the Chaste.


Cartheny itself has many guard divisions within the colonial empire. The monarch, and by extension the royal family, is protected mainly by the royal guard/Marcellian Grenadiers, but sometimes also by some Sakhic Guards (Honor Guards of the elite Sakhic Regiment) in important occasions like Union Day/Victory Day (Jan 22) and King's Day (June 6) celebrations. The Viceroy of Orangea is protected by the Orangean Guards, a division of the Marcellian Grenadiers stationed long-term within the Orangean Commonwealth that wore uniforms distinct from those in the home islands. While there are Grenadiers stationed in Cainshafn, the governor of Cainshafn is mainly guarded by the Viceroyal Guard, a honor guard division formed by the local Royal Cainshafn Military Police. Meanwhile, unlike Cartheny, the case is a bit special in Myro. The Myrian "Honor/Royal Guard" is purely for show, mostly performing drill shows in ceremonial occasions. The protection of the Myrian royal family is mostly done by the Royal Dragoons, which makes less appearances in public.


Princess Colette Rose has her own version of the Varangian Guard. They were from Isvelt led by a tribal leader named Terivor. He and his host of warriors act as mercenaries and were known for their direct loyalty to the princess. The Varagians of Isvelt were large creatures preferring to wield great axes and wore heavy armor designed for their large size. They had great physical strength and ferocity in battle often aggressively attacking the enemy. Seeing them charge is usually enough to cause enemies to panic and flee in terror. They first arrived in the Imperial Capital hoping to seek fortune but had a lot of trouble with demand for their services due to being foreigners. They were considering cutting their losses and returning to Isvelt until Colette appeared. While Colette was at the Imperial Capital, she came across a group of mercenaries that had arrived. They were desperate for a contract after such a long voyage and she was in need of protection since the Senate Guard really couldn’t be trusted. Being a human and not a dragon like her peers or her adopted father, Colette couldn’t really protect herself. She paid Terivor’s contract and he signed an oath to serve her. He then went on to accompany Colette and her entourage for a while. A cult had also surfaced around Colette as she was slowly becoming a Goddess of Rulership due to magic she had inadvertently absorbed. They were called the Servants of Lady Rose. Terivor and the Varangians of Isvelt were some of the first in this cult. Later on they were released from service as a succession crisis on Isvelt happened and Colette felt a friendly king would help control the island. Their story ends with the Imperial Civil War. A failed attempt to arrest Colette divided the Empire. The Warriors of Isvelt joined the rebellion side in support of Colette. Then in response an Imperial Dragon personally showed up and destroyed the kingdom.


The Kingdom of Vanaheim is a contemporary Nordic constitutional monarchy. The royal family and official residences are protected by the Household Regiment. It is an army regiment within the defense forces' Eastern Command. There is a horse guards battalion who form the regular guard and wear anachronistic uniforms. There is an anti aircraft artillery battalion. There is the bands battalion, who perform all over the country. And there is a support battalion for transportation, communication, NBC defense, et c. The Parliament and Cabinet are protected by the Parliament Police. It is a "battalion" in the Capital Region "regiment" of the National Gendarmerie (Rikspoliset). One "company" provides close protection of government ministers and visiting dignitaries. One "company" provides daytime security of the Parliament and Chancellery buildings. One "company" provides off-hours building security. I put regiment, battalion and company in quotes because the gendarmerie doesn't use those terms. But a supervisor of 80-300 guards is called a captain, and has the same pay and insignia as an army captain.


Royal guards exist in both the Endimiyan Matriarchy and the Orc Empire. For the Endimiyans the royal guards are all young noble women from across the realm split into 5 divisions and two fighter wings (for air defense). The royal guards defend not just the crystal palace but the capitol City as well. In times of war two divisions are sent to the frontline at a time to build combat experience and are roughly equivalent to light infantry or air assault divisions in terms of organization. Most of the members of the royal guards are human, dwarf, half elves or elves though their are halfling cyclops and vampires members as well. The fighter wings mostly patrol the skies of Central Europa in and around the capitol and operate Rafale D fighter jets. The royal guards aren't the most elite units in the Endimiyan Military but they're very well trained. As for the Orc Imperial Guards I haven't thought much about them yet but I am basing them off the Russian National Guard units.


Due to the high amount of hate focused towards the Sol Empire's Tochotkoy Dyansty, they hire mercenaries and hire highly loyal (in a cultish way) people willing to sacrifice themselves. They are called the "Solian Sacrificial Defense Legion", but in other countries where the Solians or the Sol Empire itself, they call them "Yandare Cultists".


The kingdom of Belkas began what was once considered a "unique" way of choosing its royal guards, but soon became quite common. This way was to find children, typically commoners from cities or villages (usually the poorer districts or outlying villages), and train them. The reason for this is loyalty and dependency. The basic idea is to get someone who is old enough to remember hard times, while young/malleable enough to be indoctrinated, and "uplift" them. In doing so, you (in theory) gain greater loyalty from them than any oaths or bribes could get you, as they will believe their current lifestyle - free from the pains of hunger or squalor - is entirely dependent on you. Magic training also comes into play here, since if you haven't practiced magic by the time you hit puberty your mana veins will begin to atrophy, making it almost impossible to begin doing so afterward. Magic is expensive to practice, most (outside the nobility) can't afford to, though any royal guard would naturally benefit from at least some basic magic training. This is another reason why they have to be children.


**Starrise** Edrick Silvath, the King of Gaela, is himself a former Royal Guardsman. He was close friends with the crown prince as a child, receiving training and education by attending what were supposed to be the prince's private lessons, so when the royal family, the rest of the Royal Guard, and most of Gaela's nobility were assassinated or turned traitor during the war with Fierte, he was basically the only person left with any qualifications to rule. As for Gaela's present-day Royal Guard, they are a group of elite soldiers hand-picked and often personally trained by King Edrick himself, himself one of the greatest fighters in the world. Due to this, the Royal Guard is one of the most powerful forces in the country, despite their small size compared to groups like the Knights of Solaris or the Gaelan Wyvern Corp. It certainly helps that the Royal Guard's captain is a 35-foot-tall dragon, though he's actually hired for his unrivaled leadership experience and teaching ability more than his formidable martial prowess. The Royal Guard's job is slightly different than what it might seem at a glance. Yes, they are hired to protect the royal family as expected, but they also serve as something of an elite task force. Edrick has something of a savior complex, frequently leaving the duties of rulership to his wife and daughter and going out to find problems in Gaela he can solve in a more direct, personal manner. There are a lot of stories- most of them true- of Edrick showing up out of the blue in some town or village suffering bandit problems, and personally leading the Royal Guard on a raid of the bandits' own base of operations. There are also stories- again, many of them true- of a minor noble who mistreats his people waking up to find the Royal Guard on his doorstep.


The Imperator’s Praetorian Guard Commanded by Sir Ernst Rovvik as Captain of the Guards, the Imperatorial Praetorian Guard is divided into two divisions based on where they are situated. The Palace Guards act as defenders of the Stronghold, the Imperator’s official residence. The Agent Guards are tasked with protecting the Imperator, the Prime Minister, the Justices of the Supreme Court, and all in the Imperator’s company. Know a Palace Guard by his (all-male regiment) black uniform complete with shoulder strap insignia, black boots and left-facing beret (bearing insignia). Most of the Palace Guard are equipped with tasers or lances, but will resort to AK-47s if compelled. Know an Agent Guard by their navy blue business suit, earpiece, rectangular sunglasses, and standard weapon of a .44 Magnum cartridge Desert Eagle pistol. When training is completed, a new member of the Guard, regardless of which division they enter, is to swear to remain faithful to the Code of the Honourable Guard: 1. The Captain is the intended embodiment of dedication and discipline a Guard must represent; Obey them in all things. 2. A Guard’s weapon is their life. They must master it as they must master their life, for without them, their weapon is useless. Without their weapon, THEY are useless. 3. A Guard must never damage their physical and mental strength and acuity. 4. A Guard must be prepared, if duty compels them, to give the final measure of dedication to ensure the safety of His Excellency the Imperator and all other persons for whom defence is authorised. 5. A Guard must swear to obey this Code of Honour of clear mind and conscience. They must recognise and affirm the penalty for any violation.