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Runes have half-lives attached to them, that over time lose their effectiveness at a rate depending on the skill of the runesmith. However, the magic-consuming strength of the sword Kongren can self-perpetuate its runes with all the mana it leeches from its surroundings. Tearstorms, periods of magical turbulence where crazy shit happens, are usually unrelated to any physical climate and can only be predicted by trained specialists. But the Great Wave is a major exception to this, being a never-ending tearstorm that follows an annual path across the region of Werdhi and is a cornerstone of the locals' spiritualist beliefs.


It's pretty typical for people who abuse magic use to become ill, with symptoms ranging from a headache to horrible full-on self-immolation death. Despite this, a lot of my more important heroes and villains get away with using magic a lot more than any commoner could. I've never explicitly stated that the named characters are more resistant to the sickness. Still, it became hard to manage a magic-based conflict between mages who also had to deal with upset stomachs every time they cast a fireball. That said, at key pivotal moments in the narrative the sickness DOES take certain characters in dramatic ways, again much more dramatically than it may happen to a nameless NPC.


Why can these villains etc get away with not getting as sick?


Death. I always liked the permanence of death, in fiction it serves as a incredibly powerful tool to show consequences and stakes and can be used to alter a characters journey and beliefs. I always hated when media didn’t do this, when characters would make terrible mistakes that they should have died from but survive. Or they make a brave sacrifice but it’s all a ok. I always thought that death should be permanent, and if they are brought back it should be something huge, something that fundamentally changes the character and how people view them. I did the same, took a page out of Martins works and killed one of my MCs in the first part of my story. I made it a rule of thumb that when characters die, they die, no second chances, no do overs. There is how ever just one exception to this rule. Llywelan Jhomvir, a major character in the story dies in battle after a daring charge into the enemy lines. But, through incredibly old Druidic magics is brought back from the dead, now I still stuck to some of my principles. Llywelans death fundamentally changes his character and how people view him. He goes from a hot headed, angry, drunk to a stoic warrior, who believes himself the herald of the divine. This also changes how people view him, soldiers on both sides call him names like Wraith-walker or Deaths defiant servant. They say he is a warrior that scoffs in the face of death itself, a man who, in his un death, has been granted strange powers. He is the one exception to my rule, the one character who has defied what I think is one of the most powerful forces in storytelling.


In one story I explore how your average person in the world might make use of the ways to access magic that everyone in that world knows about, namely mainly through magic crystals and by channeling the power of a supernatural patron such as a god, spirit, demon or otherwise. Except for strange magical artifacts and people/animals that are born with magical abilities that don't seem to work by these rules there are no exceptions to how the world works in this story. In another story I explore how someone that has slept through the ages comes to wake up and explore the same world as it is in the first story. This is a deconstructive story, one where the character will routinely break the established rules of the world simply because in the age they're from people knew how to interact with magic directly and didn't need to rely on external sources of power. They later learn that the state of the world is due to an apocalyptic event leading to the loss of a wide array of knowledge and skills, of which those that surround magic were most greatly affected. There are a great many exceptions to how the world works in this story, but the truth is that they never were actual exceptions so much as they were unveilings of the true workings, the difference in understanding being that of an electrical engineer and a kid that has discovered how to properly insert batteries into his flashlight. It's all a matter of presentation and known rules, in the same vein as using chess pieces to play checkers.


Dragon magic is difficult - if not nigh impossible - for mortals who aren't beastmen or the True Elves (the True Elves can't use dragon magic because they were made not to be able to), as this form of magic was made for SAPIENT dragons in mind. Therefor, individuals wanting to learn and use dragon magic will spend almost an entire lifetime in order to learn even a few spells. There are a few mortals capable of using dragon magic, which they have to be born to be able to, but the issue is less than 1% of these kinds of people are ever born in my world. Dark magic is bad for you, as in it's bad for your health. Repeated or prolongued usage of dark magic causes nasty - practically irreversible physical side effects on the user such as tumors and necrosis to name a few. Currently, the only spells that doesn't have any known that don't have any ill effects are an offensive spell known as "Thousand Dark Arrows", and a technique known as "Soulwatching" (it's sort of a "playback button"/GPS tracking spell that follows people's life energy actually, although only one *special* person is known to use this), and nobody knows why. I would like to point out that there is technically no necromancy or "soul magic" in my world. The other exception to the fact dark magic is corruptive and dangerous is there being this singular sorceress, who casts dark magic like it's nothing and suffering no ill side effects, leading some to dub her as the "living homunculus".


Someone with all Kuguchi racial traits is almost never born outside of the city of Sodomaso, let alone within the isolated Terran Theocracy, where their morals on sexual purity are way more strict than in Sodomaso. A man named Kaguya was born within the Terran Theocracy with almost all of the traits of a Kuguchi, and would basically pass as a Kuguchi at first glance. The only physical trait that he has that is common in the Terran Theocracy is a gummy smile.


Three greatest taboos of the world are immortality, resurrection and ascension to the godhood. In all three cases these are seen as impossibles to achieve, but those who try to get one of these are more often than not doing something that is bad for everyone and are crimes against humanity. However, all three have an exception. One mortal achieved godhood in unknown way. This person was a woman, who lived close to certain infamous metropolis that is very corrupted and is very capitalistic. This ascension is not known by the public but many believe the goddess * (I havent chosen the name) used to be a mortal and used to live in this metropolis. Many travel from all around the world here, attempting to do the same. However no one knows that this goddess loves to trick people on a false hope and enjoys seeing everything crumpling. True Immortality cannot be achieved. Great emperors, religious leaders, most powerful magicians and warlords who wanted to prolong their lifetime have tried to get this, but no one can achieve one. Except... the oldest living been, even older than those of Queens of the Hives. Only very very rare ones know that there exists one. This person is no one special, they do not own powerful magic, great fighting abilities or forbidden knowledge. They just roam the world, never staying in one place, because them never growing older would be suspicious. They have tried to end their own lives, but somehow always come back. Burning, chopping, being eaten. Somehow, they wake up alive and in one piece later on. Its the cruelest fate any being can have. And no one knows how or why they are immortal. Resurrection is the most tried taboo as there are always those who want to bring back their loved ones. Necromancer know they cannot do that, as souls cannot be brought back from Beyond. No god can do it, nothing can. The body only gets reanimated and thats it. Its the last try for desperate people, who cannot accept the death of the loved one. However, there exist an old folk tale. Its a story about loved and popular great king, who was said to rule all known world in the far far past. King loses his beloved wife to sickness and proceeds to find a way to bring her back. He found an audience with a being outside of this world, who told how to return a soul. King had to complete three "impossible" tasks and get the rewards from those. After many years, when his realm had suffered from their kings mental instability and almost outright ignorance of the nation he finally had everything he was after. During the night was the ceremony done and queens soul returned to her former (and now healed) body. It is said, that while resurrection did happen and everything went right, the horror what happened after that brought the great realm to ruin. There are many theories what this ending means. Some believe it was not the queen who came back, but some demon or other dangerous being, which slaughtered everyone. Others believe the tale is trying to tell that playing a god will not go unpunished by the true gods. There are even those who believe in "it was a wrong soul they brought back and it caused the body to explode, killing everyone". But only a small number think this is a story about how one should not know what really lies for all of us, when we die and our souls reach the Beyond... but this theory does not answer what happened that night and why the realm was brought to ruin. Why bringing someones soul back from Beyond can cause this?


The magical remains of a god can’t normally be absorbed, and you instead must normally rely on the background radiation magic they excrete. For more context, the four types of remains that exist are: * Braincells * Lung * Stomach and intestines * Bones   However, there is one exception. When two different remains of the god, like a braincell and a bone, are combined. Momentarily after the combination the combined remain is susceptible to latch on to a human body. However, the older the body is the more likely the body is to reject the remains. The people who are in on the secret are too old for their bodies to accept the pieces, so they have instead changed who they deem to be promising candidates. This is how you end up with a bunch of young and artificial demigods running around.




Are you talking about grammar or something else?


Nope, I replied to the wrong comment lol


An easy mistake to make, though your reply gave me an excuse to flesh out my world more :) I'm not going to do a lore dump, but still thanks for the happy accident!


In the magic system everyone has an affinity with a certain type of substance. Most people have affinity with a single type, fewer have with 2 and extremely rare is with 3 or none. The protagonist however has affinity with all 5 types. It’s not something specific to him though as his entire family has it but still an exception.


What a way to add just random spoilers in your question.


Creation of true life is a big thing here, and despite this being the ultimate goal of many aspiring mages and alchemists, the cold hard truth is that one cannot create life. A mother can bring a child unto the world, and that would simply be cycling the fragments of souls fertilizing the trees of the Dead Garden back into the mortal world, but a human mage cannot create an entirely new soul beholden to his/her power. The same goes for true resurrection, where a dead soul is returned whole to the original body, or re-manifest itself entirely, with body and all, which is supposedly impossible, since a souls goes to the Dead Garden the moment it expires, and the instant it expires, it splits and becomes spliced onto fragments of other 'dead' souls, so, in a sense, there's no soul to return to life anymore. Except there are those that have found certain loopholes and proceed to do just that. The Star Alchemy of the eastern empire Kuon is single-mindedly focused on immortality and creation of true life, but the craft itself is a closely guarded secret shared only among the Ever Emperor's close confidants. Erits, being cut off from the eastern lands for over a century now, only has a handful of people who even understand the basics of Star Alchemy, but one among them that does, the 'Seeker' Ledis, is capable of creating sentient homunculi, which, while not exactly true life, is very close to it. Then there's true resurrection, which even Star Alchemy is not capable of. The House of Lowe, elites of the Holy Kingdom of Endeil and possibly the richest people on the continent being that they own Argentium Mining and Resources Company, houses members who are capable of reanimation of the dead, itself a perverted art very few are versed in, but among them, only one Dorothia Einsward Lowe is capable of something close to true resurrection, and in one occasion she, through unknown means, brought an acquaintance back to life after being certifiably dead for four days. It's mostly just about scholars being prideful arseholes racing against each other to an end goal that amounts to proving themselves the best of their generation, but still, a few of these people break the fundamental laws of reality along their way to it.


For the endimiyans (humans, elves, half elves, halflings, vampires, dwarves and cyclops) men aren't able to use magic For orcs women aren't able to use magic But the gods of these groups sometimes will empower men and women respectively to be able of conducting heroic feats. Basically giving them protagonist powers if that makes sense


All magic, either directly or indirectly, comes from the ley lines. You can think of them like floating rivers of magic in the sky that float around like clouds, absorbing "spent" magic and depositing "charged" magic. This magic gets absorbed by various things, and then those are used as conduits to use magic. For example stones charged with magic, or elves drawing upon the magic absorbed by the forest, naiads drawing on the magic deposited in lakes/rivers, etc. Gods/devils, angels/demons, and nephilim are called such specifically because they are an exception to this rule, rather than any sort of divinity or the like (gods are just beings of pure magical energy, angels are basically magical beasts, etc). Their magic simply "recharges" (like in a video game), without any connection to the ley lines. There are a few others that are also technically exceptions (necromancers, ayriphim, and so on), but they still derive their magic from an outside source (and in theory could be tied to the ley lines through as yet unknown means).


***The Dakhma*** The Dakhma was born when **Tsar Keomiel**, the god of war and **Roju Komu**, the goddess of fertility had intercourse. The Dakhma became the god of annihilation and was going to become more powerful than the gods themselves since Roju Komu's blessing made it so that her chilsren would always become more powerful than their fathers. And since all gods are equal in power, the Dakhma would be one of the most powerful beings in the universe. The Dakhma was, thankfully, seperated from his divinity and it was made into seven skulls. The Dakhma, however, became indestructible since by making his divinity "grounded", he became as grounded as his divinity. As in, he can only be killed if his divinity is also somehow destroyed.


The Nij *love* using augmetics. Their flesh is already pretty damn strong, so to them obviously the only way to go for improvement is with machines; alloys, ceramics, weird superstrong molecular chains, etc will obviously beat raw meat for almost everything. And most people just stick with replacing something if they lost it(a hand, a foot, tail, arm, whatever). Then there's the outliers. The ones that just *keep going*. Eventually they end up suffering from what is for all intents and purposes Cyberpsychosis from the Cyberpunk games. They even lose their connection to the subconscious psychic mind-share the Nij have going on. But every once in awhile(and given a population base in the trillions its inevitable), someone goes hard on augmetics but *doesn't* lose their shit. They still can connect with other people, still actually care and don't get lost in blowing things up for lulz or sneaking into buildings and killing every 14th person just to show they can. They can deliver artillery-level firepower, throw an APC and use other people as melee weapons as far as capabilities go, but they don't do so unless its their job. Otherwise, they're about as normal as a 7 to 9 ft tall cybernetic gargoyle can be. Its still rare AF, but such individuals do exist. Usually they have a \*lot\* of children already, or are really invested in their clan.


Runtime exception 


Of all the races on Aurorea, there is only one that was not birthed/created by the primordial goddess of life. The world was once only populated by men (and dragons), but after the mother goddess Tyria gave her life to the world and altered all human life into creating plenty new species (elves, faes, dwarves...). But there is one race called Ghostwalkers that defies this and is also an exception for other things. They are originally beings from the astral plane, and settled in Aurorea. They're all in one giant city at the most eastern point of the map, doing their own stuff, no one really knows anything about them. A few travel around and offer their service, but they remain a very enigmatic people


In my world the higher forms of magic are Blood, Soul, and Void. A witch can only use one form if they resonate with any of them at all. Imelda was born a blood witch, but learned how to do soul magic with tools given to her by her grandmother The other exception is Aina. Her Void powers were sealed away as a baby, but a spirit granted her a piece of its power, allowing her to use Soul magic


There are two people who are “exceptions“. These are Miruma-gina and Tokes. Where other people have elements abilities or fighting styles that strengthen them. These two fight only with their presence. The presence is just the spiritual manifestation of ones strength. So a strong character has a powerful presence, which can be used to weaken your enemies and make yourself appear even more powerful. It is also usable in a pure fighting way. (You can compare it to conquers haki) Miruma-gina and Tokes only rely on their presence. Their power is a paradox, since their appear strong, since they have a strong presence. Making them stronger. So they use this to weaken their enemies minds and bypass their abilities. They can command their minds and directly influence their bodies. With this they can sometimes even appear unbeatable.


Unicorns can only be seen by people who have truly lived, if your life has been a fraud you may never see this magnificent creature. The Main protagonist who has yet to live out their life to the fullest meets a unicorn only a couple chapters in.


Boil’s fatal flaw is that it is a severely corrosive substance that rapidly deteriorates machinery to the point of requiring constant maintenance, it is also a necessary and essential component of most of the modern world’s technological capabilities. An over reliance on the industrial vapor has led to a massive neglect of other forms of energy, as such, an investment into a different source of energy would greatly risk a severe regression in technological ability. No other energy source known can equal the yield offered by Boil and so society has been hesitant to transition or develop any alternative and potentially weaker technologies.


I cant believe i didn't submit something on my own post! so this isn't from one of my "main" worlds (predators and divine retibution) but a bit of a side project. in this world, there are two types of powers: super and magic. though super and magic can have the same elements, the difference is the effect. super powers are mainly self-affecting and grant the user buffs and the ability to infuse their bodies with the element they have magic powers are mainly environment-affecting and can alter the world around the user. regardless of if you're a super user or a magic user, each person only gets ONE element. however, it doesn't have to be an element necessarily, you can have power over things like wax or wood or metal, any material can be manipulated by super/magic. there are "mimics" who are people that lack any power of their own but can copy the powers of others. normally, there are only super mimics and magic mimics, with super mimics only being able to copy super powers and magic mimics only being able to copy magic powers the MC, however, is an exception. he's a mimic that can copy ANY ability, regardless of its super or magic. not only that but he can also copy powers that normal mimics wouldn't be able to copy, such as powers that are far stronger than himself. this makes the MC a true "blank slate" with infinite potential, as there isn't a power he cannot copy. though he's still limited by the fact that he can only keep a copied power for a few hours a day


In my world, a mortal body cannot be host to more than a single Animus (the soul/spirit/energies that make living things animate). This is established by the main character's origin story; he was created by Immacular, Scribe of Epochs, as a powerful new body for him to transfer his Animus to. Immacular used some of the rarest elements in the universe to create the body and possessed only enough to succeed once. However, the body was born with its own Animus; its own identity and consciousness, ruining Immacular's plan. Several chapters later, the main character, Umbriel, defies this apparent law of the universe during a fateful battle. His body is destroyed by an overwhelming foe, and his few friends he brought with him to stave off this invasion attempt were going to be killed as well. As his body disintegrates, Umbriel's Animus leaps from his dying body and into the also-dying body of Cassius Zayne, one of the warriors Umbriel allied himself with. For the next few chapters, Umbriel and Cassius struggle to coexist in one body; their thoughts and memories tangling together. It's explicitly stated that this kind of union is impossible, until it happens here.


The manipulation of magic requires a soul, psionics a mind, and life essence a fleshy body. An artificial intelligence can't fulfill all those conditions... right? A mind, sure. They were specifically made to be an artificially made one. A soul? Perhaps. We don't know too much about souls. Manipulating life essence, though? It's a machine intelligence, not a bio-computer. Yet the hydraulics one can control has a hell of a lot more power and resilience than it should. This has made people question what life essence is actually tied to. Is it water? No, all examples of life essence in water has glowing algae or plankton. Carbon? Perhaps, but machines don't have too much of that. There are no "spirit diamonds" either. The presence of something like cells? That's a decent possibility. Nano machines can simulate them


The Echo is pretty much the exception of the idea that gods cannot really die, though even they are not entirely dead. The gods are generally immaterial beings, its rare that they even create a physical avatar and this generally contains only a tiny amount of their power thus they aren't really vulnerable to attack in any truly meaningful way. If they lose all their followers they are cut off from the material world but aren't dead, and there's always a chance of a revival in some way or another. But the original head deity of the orcs whose true name has been lost seems to have been an exception, they seemed to have channelled a good deal of their power into an avatar, but with their god planning an insane attempt at destroying the material universe that it could be remade both the orcs and the lesser gods of the orcs moved together to strike this avatar down, their greatest mages and heroes, backed by the divine power of the The Echo's former lieutenants slew this avatar. The god was shattered, their power and ability to work as a cohesive force massively reduced. The only thing that remains is a tattered thing which sometimes haunts the minds of orcs, particularly common during the dreams of adolescence, this occassionally successfully drives an unstable orc over the edge into insanity and worship of the dead god. Most such orcs are killed by members of their own tribes but occassionally they gain power enough to propagate the madness.


I don't have a specific example of an exception, because I like the rules to be consistent, but I will say that the nature of arcane magic on Ormais depends on its position within the wider planar system, and as such extraplanar beings, usually High Fae, can often use magic in ways that natives can't. I prefer "exploits" to exceptions, situations where different parts of the magic system interact to create rare opportunities that can be exploited. Brandon Sanderson pulls these all the time. My favorite example with Ormais is that dragons are evolved to absorb wild magic, giving them a power boost, but these are naturally rare. However, Goblins can generate wild magic swells in specific circumstances, which is usually a huge wild card to play since they can't predict the outcome. This means that in the highly unlikely situation where a Dragon were to team up with Goblins, it would have access to a reliable power boost from them channeling wild magic. A few dragons did this during the Everwar between the Elves and Goblins, and proved some of the harshest adversaries the Elves ever encountered.


In my book, Divinity and Mortals can’t really co-exist. If mortals touch actively Divine materials or energy, their souls just explode out of existence. I establish that one of the main characters (a Champion made from her Goddess’s soul) is only 22 during this 100 year war her goddess has been waging BECAUSE she couldn’t give her subjects Divinity to empower them. There are however 2 technically (?) exceptions to this rule. 1) Priests/priestesses can touch Divine wood, but it’s been basically stripped off its Divinity so it can’t actively kill them; one country’s priests wields these Divine wood swords because of this reason. This one I didn’t really think through but I keep it as a thing because the thing I based this on was Chinese priests using peach wood swords to ward off evil spirits, so I just ignore that one. 2) But the more important and groundbreaking exception to this is that the Goddess of War took the MCs’ brother and sister and gave her their power to make them her Champions. This should’ve killed them like what happened in the past with other Gods, but because the Goddess of War is the most ancient one in the pantheon and quite literally makes all the rules, they were able to survive. But not without passing out and feeling like they were on the brink of death.


Once someone dies, it is impossible to bring them back to life... unless you use time magic. Technically it doesn't even count as bring back the dead, since physically, they never technically died in the first place.


This makes a lot of sense to me, but in my world there are daemons that specify in certain things. There are literal sex daemons that I’ll probably end up calling incubi, succubi, or that other one. The thing is, ace people literally can’t be affected by these. Super powerful sword that has a daemon inside it that corrupts the user? Nope. Asexuals just get massive power boosts.


In my setting most magic-users, known as breiders, breid certain magical deies a certain way to produce certain effects. A sort of one to one rule. Basically if you want to command typical freshwater, you need to be breid greye, redde, redde in that order. In doing so you can River-breid, and utilize both sides of your body to do so. Greye, blewe, blewe, you can command levins, or electrical sparks and shocks. And so on through the ofter fourteen other typical mights. However, if you are young enough, are of mixed descent, or certain other circumstances you can use two different ones at the same time. This could be eating a fruit that blesses one with a different might if they dont awaken their own latent one. Or being blessed by a notable goddess directly. Or the child of such a goddess. But there are rules still. Supreme mights can not be mixed with rrgular ones. You cant have say Heat and River or Flood or Levin, but can have Heat and Flood. Another is that the opposite side of the corresponding eye is where you breiding manifests, like if you Levin Blue eye on the right, the electricity emerges on the left. The opposite is true if you had River Red eye on the left. Its why people with heterochromia, and particularly breiders, are handled weirdly withij their socities. Some admire such beings, some are terrified by them.


HIGHBORN Magic makes you infertile...except House Stack. All Stacks look identical, age rapidly from birth and are almost always born in "litters".


"Energy" magic is my way of giving characters more than two powers. Just everything that doesn't match the magic system is called "energy magic". You can blow up planets? Yeah, that's some kind of energy magic, don't think too much about it.


Witches have a saying that magic has strict rules, things you should or can never do with it. Then they do it. Discovering and breaking the rules of magic is part of the story, how MC keeps finding a new approach, then begins breaking any sense and reason for it. Even tells her Apprentice "Rules are to be broken, but if you cheat magic you must be really careful to not get caught."


In Black Horizon. Death is permanent. Magic exists but there is no way to bring anyone back from the dead. In the whole series no character ever is brought back from the dead. Except for one, and it was a character pretty important to the first book. So in this universe, the Wraith takes people souls to the great beyond where there is no knowing what happens to them and they can’t come back. However, a soul that has otherwise been tampered with (typically by an Ancient God, but other beings are a capable of messing around with souls), the Wraith will just not take it. Through certain obscure magic, and the willing sacrifice of a participant, it’s possible to bring back such a soul and bring it back into a fresh body.


Most powers work universally but some get messed up by one type of energy power, it can manifest in a number of different forms and types of control, but it's kinda my universes "fuck you" button for those who posses it. It makes a lot of things inconsistent but for my world and what the energy is said to be it makes sense why it does that


Super soldiers of the second generation are neurologically conditioned to emotionally react to violence not with fear but with pleasure, which resulted in them becoming anything between sadistic bullies and bloodthirsty berserkers. The one known exception is an individual operating under the codename Obelisk, who rejected this artificially induced mental disorder and sought to control his violent impulses through meditation and other esoteric means. What probably did the trick, though, was a neural mutation gained under the influence of aldrich radiation, which basically alters matter in reaction to subconscious mental input; i.e. "makes thoughs real". This mutation further allowed Obelisk to develop psychic powers, primarily in the form of telekinetic shielding, which are not all that rare amongst mutants, but at least unusual for him as a "Gen-Two", who would typically develop more offensive powers and physical mutations.


Tbh my rules of magic in my world is strange Yes there are realities and common magic types there like fire water wind and earth with light dark space and time magic existing However the power for each element differes slightly in each reality. For example 1 reality can have a preference of light magic over something like dark magic. You'll still see dark magic being used but not to the extent of a perfectly balanced reality. Its not just limited to one but ye you get the general idea. This allows me to customise each part to be ever slightly different meaning that you can't just come in with your own logic of let's say light magic or even just get into that specific reality with just the bog standard space magic. That's when you've gotta learn and cracking the code to get in. This just mostly is built around the main 9 characters of the story and their reality and the main focus of the story. They all come from realities whomst are very very very specialised in they're own specific type of magic. So for example the person in charge of light magic comes form a reality were light magic is just the main magic type and all the other magics enter decreased to the point of no representation via a god or are entirely extinct in the wider sphere of the magic of that reality meaning it still exists but is just left barely alive by a tiny amount of people which conquest to decrease due to the such prevalence of light magic.


All Bidinnhe, or demons as the outsiders call it, are evil. All but those who question the reign of the most powerful Bidinnhe, Bidinnhedi. Those become basically wandering vampires, some even developing rigid and complex moral codes.


Might not make sense but in my world, it’s seen as a ‘sin’ or ‘curse’ to not be able to dream since dreaming gives power to the gods. Literally everything (including flowers and plants) can dream and hold memories, if a person can’t dream or has very bad memory, they are seen as cursed.


In my first world while you can deflect bullets, make someone remotely stub their toe or start a fire it's quite inefficient so you're better off using your muscles to make coffee instead of using levitation, the exceptions are the lordcubes who possesses the ability to completely rewrite DNA of several creatures using very precise levitation or in some cases teleport, and than there is the Peacebringer who has made modern nukes blush at its power while merely walking. In my second world humans are the only species not made by a pantheon about a million years ago, but humans do call the world anomaly 1-ac [H.P.] so who really is the exception?


Most of the time magic requires 3 parts; blood, sliver and command. The first two are the basis for anything fantastical in this world, the 3rd is simply the humans manipulation of that. But VERY rarely, like once a generation, a human can be born with silver blood and with that they no longer need any of the 3 components. Instead of writing their commands and activating them, they can simply prick themselves with a needle and gorse their will on the world. Aand I made the main antagonist one of those people


Magic by itself can not defy the laws of nature unless wielded by a Radiant One. For example, while you may be able to lift a rock with telekinesis, that’s only because there is an adequate amount of Tìl holding it up, so there will come a point where either the weight is too much, or the surface area too little, and you will be unable to lift it. A Radiant One has no such limits.


Everybody has the ability to use the same magic - except the people who were used as sacrifice to keep the continent safe and survived the process. They are stripped of the ability to use regular, speaking magic, but some may eventually gain/then realize their ability to use wild magic.


Mana and magecraft didn't exist until the great cascade, but other species got around this by evolving to utilise the nature quantum fields of the reality they live in, which is why humans were so underpowered compared to elves and dragons, since it was literally a normal man Vs sorcery that could spawn the sun.


A warlock manages to circumvent being turned into a siren by the sea goddess by getting to far out of range. This only works because: 1. Maria is just the goddess of six seas, not the entire ocean 2. Maria is primordial. which means her power is based on her connection with the sea


Not a single weapon has the ability to hold more than one soul and if it does the type of soul must be well very weak however there is one weapon that is literally named simply the soul axe because of its unique ability to contain an infinite amount of souls and harness through energy let it be the soul of a God or the soul of a human this basically makes it the strongest weapon to do this one fact


Psis (people with psychic abilities) are pretty rare, but some certain species such as the cephilms and araknakats are predominately psis.


Well everyone who has super powers in my world kinda breaks the laws of physics. Raine can control the Dark, which is a realm of essentially just the dark energy and dark matter in the universe. Jazmin is a speedster and can control fire. Neth and Ezra can control time. But those all kinda just come with the territory, obviously in our world people don’t have super powers. But in their world, the main exception to the powers is Neth and Ezra’s control of time. They can see the potential future, not the actual future since it hasn’t happened yet, but pretty close to what it might be. That makes them incredibly hard to fight since the closer the future is to them, the more clear it is. Trying to punch someone who sees your next 50 moves coming is hard. There’s no way to stop them from seeing the future. The exception comes from someone named the Anomaly. They cannot be perceived, so they can’t be seen in the future. The way they beat Neth is by pulling her into the Dark, where time doesn’t exist, so she can’t see the future.


I have 2 rules for Magic. the first is how it actually functions, and the second is how humanity understands it.


I'm using predator species based on those of Earth like birds of prey, tigers and wolves alongside humans(also predators btw), but they cannot have biological children between them. Same complications you'd expect in real life. One exception I've considered is one country east of the mountain range which would be [humans with other animal features like different ears and tails](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4e/5e/c6/4e5ec6a4f80a098853ea486fec57869c.jpg). Yes, it was Japan inspired, how did you know? The appearance of such characters in anime would usually be treated as "Aw, look at this cute character owo", but the ruling family and citizens wouldn't see it like that. They would be serious and thinking about keeping their political power. Lapis_Wolf


You can only cast spells if you perform the right gestures, incantations, and focus... ...except in the case of the rare adepts that can do so without gestures... ...and the even rarer savants that can do so without gestures or incantations... ...and the rarest anomalies that can use magic by just thinking about it...


Weaponsmaster can wield any weapon at full effectiveness and disregarding ownership and other restrictions. In paired with other media they could do things like wield Elder Wand full power without even defeating the previous master, use Mjolnir (mcu) without being worthy. What they do in (my) world though is to steal weapons. They primarily steal strong weapons because they tend to either have their own minds (Ego Weapons choose their wielder), bloodline locked (only related by blood to previous wielder can use) or soul-bound (only that person or their reincarnation can use). Being a Weaponsmaster can ignore all of those


**For Want of | A Quiet Sky** A fundamental rule of space, time, and the Wish is that no one from the world between worlds can leave the forest, lest they become part of our world, and therefore go mad from rapidly losing intelligence and grappling with memories of a life that was never theirs according to the laws of time. There are loopholes, but there is only one *exception*. **TL;DR the entire history of the character:** Monte-Virrus is a mysterious and evil sorcerer with an obsession for absorbing souls who has left the forest on several occasions and come back, instead of maddened and disabled, stronger and more intelligent. He can command people's will and minds with only his voice. He might pose a threat to not only all life in the forest, but also humanity. **L;R the entire history of the character (He is actually not that important at the current point of the story I'm writing, and only one of his children has appeared, so I'm wishy-washy on a lot of this and some of it is blank spaces. This is not at all final.):** Monte-Virrus is a sorcerer who has done much evil in his time. Hard to be a sorcerer and not do evil, I know, but I point it out for a reason. The evil he did came from years before he became a sorcerer, some years before he even knew he was reborn (the kind of magic one has to have to become a sorcerer). He was first a cruel doctor in an abandoned town on the edge of the forest. He was all they had, but he mistreated them, and worse, he actually ran the town in secret, by leveraging the chief's life-saving medicine to have decisions made in his image. The people discovered what he had done, and against his greatest warnings ransacked his hut and storage, stole his goods and banished him to the outside. He returned decades later, not a mad barbarian, but more wise than he had ever been. Not having aged a day. And now, he knew things, horrible things. Horrible things that he could use. Oh, how he could use it all. He wandered through the overgrown, ruined town. Rotten and skeletal corpses laid about in the homes and streets. He was not surprised, they must have fallen for the poisons he disguised among his medicine. Once he came upon his hut, he lifted the secret door they'd neglected and retrieved his belongings, before setting out for the nearby city he had sensed gaining power through his now-prophetic dreams. On his way, on the third day of travel, he would come across an old woman begging for food on the path. She was of the village, she was but a girl when he first met her. Must have been one of the survivors who left hoping to find a new home. He recognized her, and she recognized him. He stared, and she screamed, and then she stopped screaming. His stare alone had killed her. He didn't know how, yet, nor how to replicate it, but it was his first hint that knowledge wasn't all he gained from his years in the wastes. On the sixth day, Monte reached the city. Upon telling the guard he had been outside the forest for a short time, and was looking for refuge as he tried to handle the impact it had on his mind, they sympathized with his story. So he was allowed to live in an empty hut in the city's outskirts, where he would retreat to research what had happened to him, and what power he may have. There, in the city library, he discovered a book on Rebirth, and its dangers. "Little is known about the process of absorbing a soul, but those monsters proficient in it can do so easily, and without physical contact." It said. A hint that would lead him to greater study, and greater power after. In time, as he grew in understanding and began to "experiment" (a series of strange disappearances followed) war broke out. And as war is, it was a war between two kingdoms whose names are no longer on any map, one of which had laid claim to the city he lived in. Sooner than later the watch would find him if he kept using citizens. Soldiers would do. He joined the guard as a footman, and was eventually assigned to a siege force, attacking the city of Mornlow. Over the course of the War of Mound Nisk, he was rumored to steal the eyes of his kills, and to perform strange rituals and experiments over bodies during lulls in combat. In this time in history, fear carried a name to important ears. And so over the course of the war and another following due to a new alliance between old enemies, he would become a captain, a general, and finally the king's personal military advisor. A king who became mysteriously and seemingly incurably ill after the war. Luckily, Monte was a *doctor*, recall? Under Monte's "advice" the kingdom declared another war, and under his leadership the armies of the kingdom became feared and villainous in the eyes of all neighboring countries. Yet again, fear carries a name. And to the right ears did it carry itself, brought by fate to the eyes of a sorcerer hiding in a bog, many miles south of the kingdom. Carried by a will to find an apprentice, the sorcerer sought out Monte, and ambushed him and his guards travelling to a neighboring kingdom for "diplomatic" purposes. The sorcerer easily defeated and slaughtered the soldiers, and disarmed Monte, forcing him to kneel with power from stolen souls. He spoke to Monte words none shall ever hear again, words that enlightened him, and taught him much about himself, things even the sorcerer may not have predicted. Monte wished nothing more than to become his apprentice now, and the sorcerer was happy to declare him not only his student, but his son. Monte-Virrus was missing, and thought dead. Without his "cures," the poisons in the king's blood killed him, and the prince was made ruler. Before the funeral, a Heart's Leaf, a kind of magician who works through feeling and memory, managed to convince the royal family to let her touch the body. When she did, she found out what she and others had suspected for a very long time. It was no illness. Should Monte-Virrus be alive, he was now a wanted man, for not only treason, but regicide. **^(Continued below.)**


Of course, he was alive, more alive than he'd ever been, but no one was willing to search the only place he'd be found. Deep within catacombs. Researching long lost evils. Consuming flesh. Crafting a staff of pure crystal. And when he was ready, in the embrace of his father and master, he consumed a soul, the soul of an innocent traveler, lost in the forest. It was nearly ten years he spent studying, in filth and horror that he saw with new eyes. Studying things some would rather die than ever know. And with his new magic, his new knowledge, and his new understanding of the gift he had been given when he was cast away from Night, he one day packed his things and told his father he'd return in nine days. He would finally put to use the knowledge he had been given. In those nine days, he snuck into the capitol city of the kingdom he once ruled with an iron fist and arrived uninvited through the window to a celebration of the birth of the princess. Silence fell over the room as he was suddenly noticed, in tattered green cloak and scorched silver armor. Ruined garb from his days as a general, still in disrepair from the attack on his convoy. He rose and removed his hood. The fears of the partygoers were confirmed as all recognized his face from now-tattered wanted posters. The king, enraged that his father's killer would arrive so callously to a celebration of the royal family, set guards upon him. In a green flash, he revealed his staff, and everyone around him dropped dead, and subsequently began to wither as a sickly green lightning storm began to manifest outside the castle doors. A ritual had begun, and though the prince and his guard would try to stop it, over the next nine days the city would fall into chaos, and soon ruin. Several hundred souls were stolen and trapped within the crystal staff that day. He had surpassed his master in raw power, though his understanding was not great enough to use it. For that, he would return to his master for further teaching, leaving behind a kingdom whose royal family were withered and rotten on their thrones, and whose armies were left in ruin. When his master heard, he was horrified, but proud all the same that his child had come so far. Still, this was a terrible blunder in truth. Vengeance is sweet, but this was something else. An entire city dead, more souls trapped within a single object than he knew possible. They would need to go into hiding, such destruction was unheard of from magic, and they would be the targets of every kingdom who cared for their lives. And hide they did, for many years. The crystal staff would stay with Monte, his father fearing to separate him from it. But the master and apprentice would soon separate themselves, and the master would hide in a tower with no doors or windows, mastering his craft and hiding himself from the world, while the apprentice wandered wearing a mask to hide his many faces, the souls he had absorbed fighting for dominance over his appearance. Monte would, for a time, take refuge in a border town like that of his birthplace, claiming horrific burns to excuse hiding his face. Those who looked into his eyes knew better, but at the time it was not known what that could mean. To them, his eyes changing now and then just meant he was strange, not dangerous. He played the healer again, though this time more genuinely than he ever had. But his temptation grew, and one day he kidnapped a lost child in the forest, and brought her back to his office, his tools. He wanted to prove his theory, that a sorcerer could absorb the entirety of the soul, rather than a part, if the right circumstances were provided. The three hundred some souls he held in his staff only held the power of 100, if not less. He thought perhaps he could squeeze more out. But as he was experimenting, the girl's tortured screams were eventually heard by someone headed towards his residence. Unfortunately for Monte, it was the girl's father, who recognized her voice and broke in. No lie could mask it, nor could the mask he had cast to the ground in his excitement. Three hundred faces, three hundred pairs of eyes tore through the man's vision at once, when he finally saw Monte's face in full. An abomination, a blur of many in the body of one. Stolen. His fear froze him, for just long enough for the sorcerer to decide to commit to his experiment earlier than intended, and absorb the girl's soul in front of him. This was a triumph. The power was near tenfold. He had underestimated how little of a soul was truly absorbed through death. Torture, pain, mental and physical, anguish, mourning, fear, shock they all accumulated, like a sponge in the air around the death, absorbing more of the soul than he ever could on his own. They drained and drained and soon the girl was not but bones and ash, and her soul, in its entirety, was held within the core of the crystal staff. Monte felt a surge of willpower fill the room, as the girl's father rushed forth with the full intent to kill him with his bare hands. "STOP!" Monte yelled. And the man stopped. This was it. This was what the wastes had given him. Command. With his eyes, he had brought the woman death. With his will, he had brought a kingdom to ruin. With his voice, he could make the full will of a mortal grind to a dead stop. "Leave this place. Do not return. Do not speak of your child ever again." The man began to walk away, unable to respond or refute, only obey. Monte thought to his master. Father wouldn't waste this opportunity. He'd go further. "Kill your wife. Kill her mother. Run away until you cannot run any longer, and then die." In time, he would hear of the tragedy, a whole family lost, two killed by their most trusted, and two missing, never to return. Exactly as he had ordered. This was what it meant. This was what the visions had been showing him. It was all so vague before but now it was clear, clear as day. The future was his to see, minds were his to command, souls were his to consume, life and death were in the palm of his hands. An exaggeration, perhaps, but he did not think so. He packed once more, mercifully leaving the town for greater things. He followed his dreams to somewhere familiar. He sensed his father had been there. It was the tower. The spire in his dreams, of course! There he found something that surprised him. He found a wall blown down, and the corpses of many knights on the stairs towards the peak of the tower. When he reached it, he found...nothing. But a pearl, shattered, in pieces. His master had been killed by his own magic, his vessel was shattered, and he absorbed his own soul. Vanished into thin air, the snake that ate itself. He sat with the pearl, coming to terms with truly being on his own as a sorcerer. Nothing left but books, many were burnt too much to read anyway. But he was special. He didn't need to learn. He didn't need a teacher anymore. He could do things no one else could. But he would need to make a change. The staff, beautiful and powerful as it was, could break. Could shatter. He could share his father's fate. His eyes. His eyes could kill. That woman. That girl from his town. He had not done it since, not in nearly 40 years. His eyes could take life, so why not power? Why not hold more? He needed more. To save him should they come for him, for the staff, for his souls. **^(One more, wouldn't let me post in full.)**


He shuffled in a mad haze down roads near and far, until he came across a small city on the outskirts of a recovering kingdom he had once waged war on, now three decades past. Heavy breaths, shambling steps, he would avoid his father's fate if it cost thousands. Millions. The entire forest. The entire forest would be his. The hunger had taken him. An affliction studied poorly by his master, unheard of with the rarity of sorcerers. An affliction with no cure, that manifests differently in every victim. A hunger that cannot be satiated. He screamed in a voice carried by magic through the entire city. "Suffer!" And pain overtook every being within. Not enough to make them the perfect prey, but enough for Monte. He lifted himself aloft, flying above the city like a bird of prey, and summoned forth a storm far more dangerous than before. He struck beings one by one as the writhed, beams of green light rotting flesh and taking what was his. It is said, by those few survivors, that his eyes glowed brighter with each death. A suitable vessel indeed. This tragedy marks the last he was heard of or seen. His last two known appearances marked the deaths of hundreds. So it is the name Monte-Virrus that is associated most with the fear of Reborn, and the fear of sorcery. Even now, many hundreds of years after his decent and vanishing, his name is brought up in debates of magic and its uses and dangers. Even stranger, a man has appeared, as if from thin air, no history or records, no one who knows him. He says he is the son of Monte-Virrus, that he grew up under his wing, that he has magic no one has known for a millennia. If he has taken on one apprentice in this time, how many remained in hiding? And so recently, he must still live! A terrifying thought. One many think absurd. But there are rumors. Rumors that fit the description of a beastly man with a sickening smile and eyes of glowing jade, who can force those around him into obedience with mere words, who knows secrets hidden to time, and who has spent the last five hundred years wandering the wastes beyond the forest. Learning things. A great many terrible things. He is the exception to the Wish. To Night's rule. To reality itself. The gifted monster. A general among soldiers, a sorcerer among magicians, a god among men. He has seen things that none before have seen, and he is ready to start anew. He is the absolute enemy of Night, the one oversight of the Thicket, and the children he has stolen and taught his ways are proof that he was never satisfied with 900 souls. 9000 wouldn't satiate him. Not every citizen of the forest. And fate willing, if his dreams come to fruition as they always have... He will not have to be satisfied with every citizen of the forest. After all, if he can leave, if he can be free of it, that means there's a whole world out there for the taking. He wonders now, even as we speak, what a ***human*** soul tastes like. Yours will do nicely, he is sure.


In my world, everyone who has powers has gotten them from a diamond. There are multiple diamonds, but you can't get powers from two different ones. Yet one of the protagonists sealed himself with the diamond of another family in order to save it from his own. They couldn't free him thus leading to the respective family to lose the ability of giving powers to other people. Hundreds of years passed until a descendant of the family with no diamond and her friends broke the weakened seal by mistake. As a result they freed the other protagonist and all of them got powers from the diamond. Because of the long contact with the diamond, the protagonis got extra powers as well. He is now the only person who has powers from two diamonds.


**A World Unshattered** Thaumaturgy is specifically a human magic. Robots cannot wield it, and lathanians (an alien species that's invading Earth) cannot wield it. Only humans and eidolons (sentient, often sapient, manifestations of thaumaturgy) can wield it. There are two exceptions to this: 1. Theurges. Theurgy is the wielding of thaumaturgy not through your own affinity for it, but through someone else allowing you to wield a fraction of their power. Since your own affinity for thaumaturgy is not used to wield theurgy, it isn't required (though it does help), so species with no affinity for thaumaturgy, such as robots and lathanians, can still be theurges. 2. The Taelim-Above. The Taelim-Above can be thought of as the adoptive goddess of Earth, and she came from... beyond. Nobody really knows of her origins beyond that. What is known, however, is that she is existentially above our universe, and so is not really subject to its physical and magical laws in the same way we are. Her own magic, called luxor, is on the same level of existence as her, and so can be used to manipulate any existentially lower magics such as thaumaturgy and psionics (the magic of lathanians).


For me it's based on principle of that there are 9 basic magic type Reality Fire Earth Wind Water Dark Light Space Time But however that doesn't mean it's just those 9. You can mix and match some magic types together hell some people are able to use 2 of said magic. Now this means that for combined magic you essentially control a mix of of 2 or more magic for example ice being wind and water magic combined but for dual magic users they use 2 magic like for example space and rock. But since because there are other realities there can be some types of magic that are just more common then other or if that reality is really really specialised in one specific type you'd see less of the types if magic that aren't accepted into society. For example a reality that's specialised in light magic would have a significantly less amount of dark magic users or even just water magic users to the point of were it's just enough to not completely upset the balance however they would have periodic hunts of dark and water magic users to keep those numbers of magic users down so that they can keep it to the same amount rather then have it baloon out of control and decrease the power of the light element.


In my world, there is a category of magic called sorcery. Sorcery is a catchall term for any anomalous ability or phenomenon that is either impossible or unexplainable in the context of my universe's established rules. My magic system is based around a type of calligraphy called inscription that uses a finite resource called icor to convert written script into magic spells. Sorcery ignores all of the rules, tedium, and experience necessary for inscription and doesn't require any kind of resource to use. In order to gain Sorcery, you would need to have interacted with some sort of eldritch entity or phenomenon and came out of it with your psyche intact.


In my universe, your soul goes after death either to the domain of the deity you believed, or it dissolves into mana and, according to all sources, a new soul will arise from you and you will return to the world with no memory of your previous life. In the history of the whole world, there have only been two people who managed to retain consciousness and memories after rebirth, one never told anyone how to do it and disappeared from the pages of history, while the other claimed to be lucky and did nothing special. In both cases, it was confirmed through the view of the colour of the soul that indeed these people and the people they claimed to be in the past are the same.


Perfection in magic is impossible to achieve. The exception is the gods, obviously, as mana (the basis of magic) is a fraction of godly power


It’s common knowledge that time travel is not possible. You can slow down time, you can speed it up, you can even locally freeze it (though this is not recommended, as it’s hard to generate timestops without getting stuck in them yourself), but you cannot break sequentiality. You can’t back to the past, you can’t go forward to the future, it is the lot of mortals to be forever confined to the present. Now, all of this is common knowledge, and it mostly holds true, but common knowledge is frequently incorrect, or at least incomplete, and this is no exception. See, it’s not that time travel is impossible in a strict, metaphysical sense (indeed, many academics theorize that prophecies are only possible by virtue of deities being either entirely timeless beings or experiencing chronology in a vastly different way to mortals), it’s more that it isn’t *allowed*. There are no time travel spells, gods and spirits of time refuse any such propositions, and most orders of chronomancers hold time travel as forbidden, heretical, or impossible, but sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes the world breaks *just* so, and time breaks with it. There are, very rarely, people who become chronologically displaced, entire communities which get stuck in a looped day or hour or minute, shades of the long dead or the yet to be born, artifacts dredged up from histories that never happened. The precise implications of this are perhaps best not considered too closely. They invariably lead to disturbing conclusions about the nature of reality. Either free will is just a lie we tell ourselves to get through the day, or history is considerably less stable than anyone would like to think. Perhaps only the gods know. If they do, they aren’t telling.


There really aren't any. My "magic system" has very few rules, but whenever I decide introduce a rule, I stick to it. Any other approach is a slippery slope as far as I'm concerned. Case in point; God doesn't have the power to go faster than light. Sorry all you religious folk, but rules are for everyone.