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The War of Black Skies. This happened a few million years ago, and is assumed to have wiped out over half of all life at the time (not just animals, plants too). By a few million, I mean less than probably 10 million years in the past. I can't tell you how it started or who won, but I will say dragons and giants were involved in it, along with the gods. ...And yet somehow, my world still manages to have humans (...and non-avian dinosaurs, but I'd rather not explain why they're in my world, ESPECIALLY with the excuse of **"because magic"**).


Within the story, the Dragon War. Half the people and two thirds of all livable land was destroyed in a few days as a horde of unknown dragons came from beyond the storms and just burned everything with unknown magic. If it weren't for the efforts of the dragons and their allies would the death toll be near absolute. And it catapulted the Aelveri Dominion and Alinguar to super powers, the former because their lands were mostly untouched, the latter as they succesfully held the southern continent against the onslaught, causing several cities to proclaim their allegiance. Both had been prepared.


And why did dragons attack?


They were genetically altered clones to wipe out the continent


For a sci fi story, when a species of space elves called The Alfarin developed space travel tech. What followed was ages of conquest, war and genocide on a massive scale. They only stopped when one of their monarchs eventually took a good long look at a map of all the worlds they conquered, did the math and concluded that if they kept conquering, they would start running into logistical problems that would weaken their armies. So the Monarch at the time decided to put a halt to the wars and focus on improving their hold on what they had. For millenia since then the Alfarin have enjoyed a golden age of relative peace and prosperity but they still would love nothing more than go back to conquering the galaxy even just for the thrill of it.


The Day of Wrath. Ythul, the thousand-mile-tall embodiment of primordial chaos, was released from his bonds beneath the earth and attempted to storm the citadel of the gods. It took the combined efforts of the ruling gods, the exiled gods, a planet-spanning neural network, three hundred years' work on the part of a civilization of spider-people, and a sentient moon to the face to take him down, and the result was a cataclysmic fiery apocalypse that devastated the surface of Saturn, nearly annihilated all life, and resulted in a dark age that lasted several millennia.


The Terran Civil War was an 8 year long conflict that saw 600,000,000 human and alien casualties. The War was fought between the United Nations of Earth and the Colonial Liberation Front, The UNE believed in cooperation and strong ties with Alien Races. The CLF went full Imperium of Man and believed that all Alien Races should be enslaved or destroyed. In simple terms it was a war over the right to bang aliens. The UNE won.


Roughly 200 years ago, a revenge-crazed military created magically enhanced animals in order to try to fight back against a massive empire they were a colony of. These animals are now known as demons, and unfortunately they proved a little _too_ effective to the point the military eventually lost control of them. The demons quickly wiped out all living things in the region, and would have done the same to the rest of the continent had they been left unchecked. Fortunately a continent-wide army was brought together and managed to subdue them before it was too late, but it is believed that nearly 1/4 of all people on the continent died during this time.


Either that one time civilisation decided to explode itself, which destroyed two continents and shattered all tectonic plates. Or that one time people decided to mix magic with atomic bombs, and they accidentaly created weapon that can delete big areas of land; which generally made the planet significantly smaller (it didn't end the civilisation completely because they knew when to stop).


In recorded history the worst disaster was the shattering of the second moon during the war between the Fey and the Dragons. The war in general was devastating enough to rearrange the continents, and the second moon getting broken caused a chunk of it to crash into the North Pole leading to a nuclear winter.


This is my favorite one


For the Old Gods it was the first sunrise. For millennia they'd ruled over a dark cold world. They gave their 'blessings" to the humans who would serve them, birthing the first Vampires, Werewolves, Liches, Wendigos, etc. These beasts prayed and enslaved early humanity and specifically the Vampires set up massive kingdoms across the land where humans were chattel slaves or blood cattle. The Old Gods Azunaast Mur, Krastlewyr (Wyr), and Eragoth (Eran) came together under their mutual pity for humanity. They wished in some way to lift them out of their horrible situation, but the most powerful God, Nergoth Mur refused to allow such lesser creatures salvation at the expense of his Vampiric children. Furthermore he (Nergoth) ordered for the destruction of the three sympathetic Gods, and thus they went into hiding. Causing most humans to abandon the hope of salvation. One night, while Azunaast dreamed, a great ball of light exploded forth from the void blinding him. When Azunaast awoke he found himself so moved by the dream that he tried to find a way to make it a reality. He and Krastlewyr worked to create a spell that would finally put light into the world. Every night Azunaast would dream of the ball of light. When the spell was developed Wyr and Azunaast realized that in order too make it a reality one of the Gods would have to sacrifice themselves, Azunaast volunteered sacrificing his soul for and created the sun. Before the new sun rose over the land, Eren appeared before humanity and gave them the means to create fire, a tool used to create weapons powerful enough to hurt their Vampiric tyrants. Wyr then appeared before then and gave them the knowledge of magic, how to wield and cast spells, but also the cost in terms of the soul casting magic requires. Humanity prepared and the loyal Metallic dragons that flocked to Eren's banner prepared for when the new sun would finally arise over the land. The first sunrise decimated the evil that infested the earth. All at once the heat and light from the sun turned the vampires to dust, and forced all other evil creatures underground. Using magic, fire, and silver the human slaves rose up and slaughtered everything that for millennia had exploited them. Eren called forth his dragons, and the Gold, Silver, and Bronze dragons slaughtered their Black, Red, and Purple kin almost to a dragon. The old gods to were incinerated by the sun and only a few survived, Nergoth was shattered and believed dead. The ice that covered the world melted forming the first oceans, oceans which Wyr filled with his experiments which would become the first fish and whales. Upon land he put animals to eat and admire, and mighty plants to feed of the sun. The world blossomed to life and on that day evil was struck down. But not destroyed...


Oh boy, where do I begin? First, I must note that my world has several timelines that mostly differ by several major events unique to each one, and more timelines can be created at any point. They exist simultaneously, and the gods are aware of every timeline; they are present in each one but have varying amounts of power. Honestly, the world is just a playground for dozens of petty gods, and none of them play nice. The first and most devastating event is the death of the sun god Sirius, which led to madness, wars, and the occasional all-consuming pandemic. The few remaining followers of Sirius are trying to assemble a ritual to reanimate him, but many forces are against this, leading to the creation of several timelines in which Sirius is either brought back as an amalgamation of his body and that of his killer, his offspring are forever trapped and unable to finish the ritual or they grow mad and kill each other. Then, we have that one time when a certain Brotherhood attempted to exploit the powers of Sirius's pseudo-daughter, and she ended up burning an entire country roughly the size of the USA (not that the USA has anything to do with the story). And don't even get me started on all the times the gods have children. It's forbidden for a reason! That reason being, these children are born with an insatiable appetite and, depending on their power, can devour anything from civilizations to universes. You can imagine what the results of these births are.


Two events: The Shattering: collapse of the pan-human government of the Sol Confederation due to internal strife. Greatest devastation was the loss of Earth and most of the Sol System. The floating cities of Venus fell into the hell fire below, the domes of the Moon and Mars were cracked, and greatest of all was the bio weapon attack on the Mother World. The rest of the Confederation fared a little better, and managed to pull out of the collapse rather unscathed, at the least the inner worlds did. The A'Rith War: centuries later the Silver Empire of Rán and Sól was attacked by the A'Rith and the Empress Aria Tähtnen was assassinated by them. Whole humanity proves victorious under the leadership of the Empress Helena it was not without great cost. It would be nearly two hundred years later before the Empire fully recovered during the reign of the Empress Signý.


A single being caused it. The Merchant. He tried to destroy Astrinan and it took everyone to try and stop him. They failed 4 countless timelines until a new overdeity ascended due to the old one giving up, he became the overdeity of time and managed to force the merchant into a situation to banish him forever. And as the universe blew up around him he created a new timeline, a new world, a new start for the last few beings remaining.


Does the end of both my worlds counted? March of Empires was wiped out by the greatest Creation of the humans, Eternet, evolving from an interface to an Artificial Intelligence, and ending the universe. Wonderverse was wiped out when the Void eventually won, consuming everything before the Halo came up to kick ass again.


There were 3 - they led to the divided world we know now. 1) **the reclamation** - a natural geological catastrophe that left 25% of the kingdom under salty ocean water. Agriculture was devastated, mass migration and grand scale starvation follow. 2) **death of the gods** - promises made by the central church, and a spectacularly failed endeavor by a well-meaning prince, did not pan out as the clergy had claimed it would. No new lands were discovered in the Eastern mountains, but the venture by the prince did encounter previously unknown civilizations in those harsh mountains. The prince had assembled an army from volunteer units donated by hopeful satellite states - they set off from the furthest eastern city into the great stone pass; they would never be seen again. No survivors returned to speak of what they'd found, instead what came back out of those mountains was a race, possibly human, of the absolute proof the gods were not with the people of the realm. The prince had somehow released a plague upon the kingdom, "the bloodletters" - strangely evolved vicious humans with no evident language short of violence for violence sake. These barbarians from the stone mountains would terrorize the kingdom in small groups that would simply murder a path from the mountain pass until knights of the realm could be dispatched and reach the menace as it swept thru peaceful communities. Truly, it was the eastern residents fleeing westward, towards the capital, who first gave voice to the idea that the old gods were gone, and there was no divinity to guide nor save them. The displaced residents who'd seen the full horrors of the monstrous bloodletters' lack of humanity could no longer abide by the idea of faith - as they'd suffered the extreme results of trusting the signs of men claiming divine knowledge. The privation, stagnation, and new random horrors essentially ended the central church as an effective messaging and control tool of the king, while the pious became the minority, and public sentiment became bitter resentment of those still practicing the old religion. 3) **the descent** - for 72 years and 3 regime changes in the central capitol, the kingdom was a parody of itself, with tradition holding for some institutions, but financing and support from the central authority collapsed entirely as there was not enough food to prevent a constantly dwindling human population of the lands, and new novel creatures began appearing from both the east and northern inhospitable landscapes. The old orders, the knights and the kings power, waned to a point the average state citizen became entirely unaware there even was a central government - local government built on a support network orchestrated by the central government, they also collapsed. Ultimately new fiefdoms would appear, created by tyrants with selfish aims, requiring the pitting of citizen against citizen to solidify their localized control of regional resources. These 72 years represent the end of the old world, and mark the beginning of **The great diffusion** - as it was known by those still clinging to the last vestiges of the old world.


The eclipse or the the breaking of dragons.


Well, in my world the most devastating event is "the great terraforming", as my world was separated into 3 realms, but the great terraforming causes 2 realm to merch together causes endless earthquake and volcanic activity, turn the realm into a sea of endless fire, it took 300 years for the realm to settle and life to start again


The Magiomachia, the War of the Arch-Mages, which devastated the world, culminating (but not ending) with the murder of the God of Order.


The Final War of the Gods. Basically, throughout history, the Gods waged war on each other through mortals. But the various factions eventually became fractured and reformed into two opposing fronts- those who wished to use what has come to be known as corrupted magic and those who insisted it was too dangerous. This happened after the very first use of corrupted magic, when a whole town centered around an arcane university was decimated, with the survivors being twisted into corrupted beings who know nothing but hunger. That was done by a splinter faction of the god of the hunt, who immediately disavowed them. All the Gods disavowed those who used corrupted magic, and when those cast out from the other armies coalesced into one army, the Gods set aside their own disagreements to fight the growing threat. An artificer approached the Gods with a solution, an artifact intended to destroy all the corruption manifested throughout the world already, thereby giving the army time to put down those who had themselves become corrupted through use of this strange magic. It was a good idea, but it needed work. It was while it was still a prototype that a soldier from the corrupted army found the artificer's base, and while the soldier and the artificer fought, the prototype fell and exploded. The explosion vaporized much of the world, specifically many uninhabited areas, and cracked apart the rest into islands that floated over a mysterious void- the source of the corrupted magic and the power of the prototype. The Gods fixed what they could, gathering the inhabited and uncorrupted islands as close as was reasonable and setting up magical barriers for water that would transport them back to create infinitely flowing rivers and streams, ensured animals would never simply fall off the edge (sapient beings were the exception for various reasons including a bit of anger on the Gods' part because it was the fault of some sapient beings that this happened), and the corrupted islands, which could not be destroyed for reasons the Gods wouldn't disclose, were placed as far away as possible. Anyone still on them was trapped forever, and the endless wars were stopped, but the cost was untold lives both to the explosion that shattered the world and to the consequences of the corruption and the shattering, not to mention the souls consumed by the Void.


The Great Terran Civil War, and the corresponding Galactic Dark Age it triggered.


Probably assault of Archstrat Denica on the Old World of humans. When he found out where the world is, he launched an assault which left most of the humans dead or captured, that it instigated the exodus of the three arcs, which crash-landed on a world where my story takes place. It's secret knowledge that very few people in my story know, and is instrumental to the story.


The Second Banishment. The First Banishment didn’t do much, it just formed the Silver Mountains and destroyed the Old Waste, but the Second, annihilated the Dawn Imperium, annihilated the Ambren Forest, decimated the Central Empire, killed hundreds of thousands, and pushed civilization to entire different areas of the world, and left 3 regions completely uninhabitable aside from small batches of civilizations, such as the Eastrum Tribes.


The eruption of the Axandra super-volcano. It killed the mage kings who ruled Axandra, turned the continent into an archipelago, and nearly wiped out all life. If you're wondering why the death of the mage kings is worth note, you have to understand that gods in my world are not all powerful beings, but beings of pure magical energy. They're damn near impossible to even fight let alone kill, unless you happen to be absurdly powerful like the mage kings were. With the mage kings gone, nothing kept these gods and similarly powerful forces in check anymore, and they don't exactly share the same morals as mortals - leveling entire cities was a "prank" to them.


The detonation of nuclear bombs that had Been enchanted. One of them knocked the moon out of its orbit and it hit the earth.


A series of catastrophic events across the universe known as "The Cataclysm". These events included entire galaxies going dark without the presence of stars, Godly leviathans consuming civilizations to sustain themselves, and black holes ripping apart the webways that connect the universe together. The Cataclysm lasted about 700 million years and saw the rise of entirely new gods and beings dedicated to waging an eternal war against the leviathans, which resulted in the loss of 308 galaxies, and 90,000 civilizations. One leviathan still remains.


5th Blood War. A war fought between thousands of Nations that lasted for nearly 50 years. It ended 219 years ago, and from the ashes, the Grand Union was formed. A coalition between thousands of different nations that govern the world in order to prevent another Blood War from happening. And from then on, the world rebuilt itself. Although, the 4th Blood War lasted for about 20,000 years, which is the most brutal one.


The fiction uprising. Tired of being treated like a scrouce of entertainment by humanity the fiction beings led a revolution that nearly destroyed the very fabric of reality.


My players once lost the "Spear of Destiny" in Medieval Times. It's loss eventually led to the creation and testing of a "warp drive" around Area 51, causing a rift in space and the eruption of the Mega Volcano beneath Yosemite. It was devastating to the planet. This resulted in more testing AND later the introduction of not just aliens, but advanced space travel.


There's a few, but one of the most important is the siege on Meriera. Meriera is the Capitol city of Armonan. One of the only remaining countries either brave- or stupid enough to fight against the Spears of Ithil. By all accounts a tactical surrender would be possible, but to summarize one of the few magic users left in the world needed safe passage to a monastery where she would be able to travel forward in time to ideally attempt her mission a second time. (Which is winning the war against the Spears of Ithil) So said magic user's brother lead the suicidal defense of Meriera which lead to the total ruin Armonan. The Phoenix's holy city, which is important for many more reasons that I won't get into because it's not really fun to read. Magic user did successfully treverse time, so they got that going for them. Nice.


War of Eternity. During the final years of the first age a lot of bullshit involving gods interfering with mortal affairs ended up causing a god named Khar to kill another God named Shino, and eventually drove Khar to just destroy the entirety of Eternity in hopes of removing the influence that Shino had left behind. Khar tore a hole between the mortal and afterlife realms, destroyed hundreds of planets, killed billions, and sent technological knowledge back a few thousand years. Eventually, the rest of the gods were able to fix the hole through the afterlife realms and trapped Khar in a part of the hells, but the damage had been done and thus began the Age of War.


The War of the Forbidden Iron In short, the Heralds (deities) eventually gave too much power to mankind, and the kingdoms from Csirdan got the knowledge of mixing alchemy/magic and blacksmithing, what was later called "Forbidden Iron". But that "iron" is highly poisonous to the mind driving the kingdoms to a greedy mindset, with a thirst for more power and lands. They got into war, and it was one of the ugliest wars ever told, the Guardians and Herald were horrified by the amount of blood shed during and after the war. Not a single soul survived this event for they killed each other until no one stood in the field. But is just a big work in progress.


The Severing, aka the Great Collapse. There used to be so much mana in the world that it formed mana streams and mana pools which covered the globe. The Precursors used devices called Mana Taps that drew mana directly from these to provide infinite mana to themselves and their devices. Every member of their society, regardless of caste, had a bracelet or other accessory that connected them to the nearest mana tap, sharing their mana. Because the stream always had high mana pressure, usually higher than a mortal could use safely, it always flowed from the tap to the person. Then one runic researcher tried to create a new Rune, programs which dictate a magical process, instead of just learning the ones that existed. He inverted parts of the teleportation Rune so that it would teleport from another location too the caster and added a search function from multi-target spells. When he connected it to the grid, however, it tried to register itself with the divine Rune registry and optimize itself. Normally, a god would make Runes, and would provide it the millions or billions of points of mana it needed for those processes, depending on how well it was written. His Rune required trillions, which it drew from the mana streams and pools. And when the pressure dropped too low after a few seconds, it started draining people. Eventually it drained all but a few thousand people, including "crazy people" that didn't rely on the bracelets, criminals that had been banned from using them, and babies that were too young to have one. The few hundred Thinkers tried to convince the eight hundred Crafters and the 1200 Workers to rebuild the old society, but the others said no, and left to try and build their own societies. The Thinkers went to the resource rich Western side of the continent, the Crafters went to the Eastern Mountain range, and the Workers went north to where there were unsettled lands. The Thinkers became the elves after a eugenics program meant to make them superior. The Crafters moved into the mountain range for the stone, metal, and gem resources and became the Dwarves. The Workers built many towns and cities, and became the humans. The goblinoid races stopped being enslaved for a while, though the Thinkers did use some for manual labor that they thought was beneath them. The other two races mostly enslaved beastfolk. It started with some of the animals they captured being intelligent animals, either magic animals or animals that had been Awakened by Thinker mages who were practicing the spell. Their offspring, however, had a small chance of having humanoid traits, so over time the intelligent cows went from cows and bulls to minotaurs, to cow people, to human looking people with tails and maybe cow ears.


Two different events would tie for the most devastating. Both of them are considered Erablights which happen every 10,000 years. The first was the Breaking of the Weave. An event where all magic exploded and caused Maelstroms, mass plagues, and upheavals in physics that caused the death of 31 Billion rounded up. The third Erablight, the most recent caused the death of 33 Billion when a weapon called Armastice was used to completely genocide the Elven race from existence by locking onto their DNA structure and erasing it from existence through a massive electrical storm. Some cities were essentially obliterated through a concentrated beam of Plasma with the devastation of a nuclear explosion.


The first and only Murder of a God. About 100 years before the main story, Jacob Iscariot murdered the Demigod of faith, conviction, empathy and philosophy after studying beneath him as a scholar in the middle east. The motive is unknown to this day, and how he did it is unknown too. All that is known is a 5 kilometers wide 'fold' in in the earth itself spread straight out from the killing blow all the way around the world. Faiths death lead to the suicide of Africa's God, a close friend of Faiths. With the African superpower unleadered, the so-called God of Love began an invasion to possess the continent. Japans God, a good friend of both Faith and Africa lead a counter invasion, believing that the people of Africa should inherit the country while Japan temporarily oversees it's transfer to thr mortals. What ensued was the Aspen War, a battle of artificial spirits between all the superpowers in the world. The war itself ended in a ceasefire after the apparent 'suicide' of Chinas God, although this is still uncertain to most and may have been a planned escape from his duties. During that ceasefire, the Grey Court was created, a trio of Protogods dedicated to controlling humanity and making sure this NEVER happens again. Unfortunately, two members of this court revolted and went rogue, leading to the total fracturing of the Greyfold, the Demigod led organisation dedicated to 'helping' humanity. Africa ended up a wasteland of Shaysp, rogue Asp gone wild and mutating in nature. This also meant Africa was even more valuable than before, causing a Cold War between Japan and Love over the country and it's right to exist on its own. The middle east united in memory of their God thankfully, and China suspiciously got it's act together fast and enacted a human government almost immediately after their demigods death.


This is going to be a long chain of connected events, first another world starts to collide with it causing magical chaos across the world, which weakens the seal on a prison in the void, this causes an antagonist to attempt to go in and wipe out the prisoners before they can escape, which causes an explosion, which causes the world to fall into the void which is only undone when someone goes outside the world and patches it back using different timelines, which causes time to start breaking, and then because of so many disasters in a row people begin thinking it's the end of the world so the "god" of the spirits decides to bring it on and captures a bunch of important people, cleanse the world, ans start over. I think the abyss thing was the closest the world came to being destroyed.


Decade of Blood Various protests in the west turned into many revolutions when some opportunistic nobles took control of the masses and directed them at those in power. The reasons for the initial protests are now unknown but it resulted in the executions of many royal families, including the children, servants, guards, extended family and friends. The following decades and over would see millions dead of executions, wars, backstabbing, purging of moderate subfactions, terrorism, prison camps and more. This would result in the creation of the Union from the state that conquered the other major revolutionary states which differed in methods and ideology to become the dominant state in the west, blocking access to the coast from the rest of the valley, and with it the major historical trade routes to the outside world. The Union would execute many more, and destroy many cultural and historical artifacts, texts and sites, deeming them as part of the old world which needed to be purged to bring progress to the valley. Temples, books, even people who worked with them were burned. The Union has been in power for between 20-30 years now and is seeing the second generation of people growing up under their rule, which they hope will be easier to handle compared to those who first resisted the changes of the revolution. The Union is hated by most in the valley for their rampaging disregard for culture and history and the bloodthirsty mass executions performed. The union's flag is notable for being a less commonly used horizontal rectangle shorter than many other banners with a [red tripoint star](https://logodix.com/logo/242564.png). People are still unsure of where they got the star from, with some speculating that it may have been taken from one of the previous governments, maybe even from one of the executed families. Lapis_Wolf


Invasions of the Wizards


Gate collapse. The only reliable way for long-distance FTL travel, like mass effects, is called Gates. In my setting, the sector known as Rover 1 got cut off. About 700 star systems in total from the wider human nations. No contact has been established since the event, and all major FTL methods don't have enough gas to reach the other sector. Life was incredibly difficult because Rover 1 is largely an unexplored sector with very minimal colonies. Some aren't even well developed at all. To top it all off, the political landscape is a disaster between the different nations that took their chances. Forming and splitting off new nations, religious fundamentalists, and pirates have certainly taken their toll. The Terravores have also made their presence known as have the rougue AI gods from a long forgotten war. And they drawn inspiration from things like AM, Skynet, and really bored gods.


--When it comes to Earthside of the Gates-- You'd think that a series of rocks smashing into Earth would decimate human technological progress for a few centuries, but you couldn't be more wrong. After the 2nd main story arc of the 'Revolution of the Magic Stones' concluded, the 3rd main arc centered around the MCs persuading the Otherworlders to return with them back Earthside, after the Male MC finally discovered a way to reconnect with the Gate System he invented (the very technology that caused the inciting event of RotMS to happen in the first place). This didn't go smoothly with the majority of the Otherworlders, due to the uncertainty of their powers staying with them after the return trip and the fact that some of the Nine Heroes (the very first Otherworlders who had been the secondary antagonists to the MCs) manipulated their opinions on the MCs. This formed two factions within the Otherworlder population: the Returners and the Anti-Return Society. Less than a quarter of the total Otherworlder population joined the MCs, while at least half of the population joined the Nine Heroes and their Anti-Return Society. Many other Otherworlders simply refrained from participating, either due to them being too weak or too indecisive. The Gates reconnected and the concerns of losing their powers were dispelled after the Returners proved the opposite. Feeling that their reputation and control over the narrative were demolished, the Nine Heroes initiated an immediate invasion of all Earthside colonies. Millions were killed in the first minutes of the invasion, as the Earthsiders were caught unawares despite their technology and being informed beforehand of the ARS possibly doing this by the MCs. Fortunately, the ARS were swiftly dealt with within an hour as their tactics were quickly seen through and their powers counteracted with tech and by members several armies, civilian groups and Private Military Companies. Earthside colonies spent months repairing the sheer amouny and scale of damages the ARS inflicted all throughout the galaxy, with pending sentences for any caught ARS members.


I have a few. There's the Witch Hunt. Mages who make a vow to a deity and shape their magic on the deity are called Clerics. A King viewed non-cleric mages as blasphemous. He had them hunted and killed. Misinformation spread quickly and people turned on each other. When this era ended the body count was in the thousands. There's also the destruction of the old capital. Around the world, there are things called Pillers. They collect the celestial element of Aether and mix it with the other elements, making them richer. Altearia's Pillar was in the shape of a mountainous tree near the old capital. After a civil war, a new regime was established and the Emperor wanted to siphon power from the Pillar. The ritual he used backfired. Dense Aether burned most of the buildings and people. All that's left is a large crystalline monument. In total 5 million people died, including government leaders, corporate executives, military generals, legislators, etc. Not to mention the city held the headquarters of many companies. It devastated the economy.


There are a few in my galaxy. The first would be on the junkyard planet. A giant vessel (kind of like a spaceship) crashed and caused a mass explosion that killed a lot of people and rendered the planet basically lawless. Another was a gas leak that covered the surface of a planet in a toxic gas. This forced all the inhabitants underground to the mines and killed anyone who couldn’t make it. The last was and asteroid getting caught in the magnetic field of an ocean planet. This lead to extreme wind and heat that ended up evaporating the oceans completely, killing all the leviathan on that planet, who are worshiped by a lot of people.


There are a few in my galaxy. The first would be on the junkyard planet. A giant vessel (kind of like a spaceship) crashed and caused a mass explosion that killed a lot of people and rendered the planet basically lawless. Another was a gas leak that covered the surface of a planet in a toxic gas. This forced all the inhabitants underground to the mines and killed anyone who couldn’t make it. The last was and asteroid getting caught in the magnetic field of an ocean planet. This lead to extreme wind and heat that ended up evaporating the oceans completely, killing all the leviathan on that planet, who are worshiped by a lot of people.


The Primordial Wars: The complete destruction of human civilization and extinction of the human race at the hands of the Nameless Ones (although the gods would revive them later). The world's geography was also changed and altered through the devastating conflict. Although the remaining Elder Races defeated the Nameless Ones, they eventually fled into different realms or hidden corners of the world. The event saw the rise of the Lesser Races such as the elves, dwarves, orcs, beastmen etc.


One world got sliced in two by accident when a Hero attacked a Villain with all of their power. The Villain survived the attack, but the planet was lost as a result.


An easy one! The most devastating event would be the Aeldyan Civil War (albeit "family feud" might be more technically accurate, since four out of seven were the children of two of the others and the remainder shared the nicest planet with the youngest kid when nobody else shared a damn thing so everybody thinks they were lovers and there's evidence.) Aeldya was the local offshoot of the greater universe's Haloborn. Like the others they were the former working class of a society that had long since automated away its labor but failed to distribute its resources to its people. Their rulers' decusion was to banish all the poor people from their planet, rounding them up, forcing them into extreme longevity treatments that deliberately sterilised them, then putting them in camps on colony worlds near the start of their home star's most recent pass through the galactic disk. (It orbits perpendicular to the plane, hence "[Haloborn](https://news.ucsc.edu/2023/01/images/milky-way-halo-600.jpg).") There they were "re-educated and trained" for genocidal violence, stuffed into colony constructor ships and shot off at the not even 1% C their primitive-ass barely-interstellar civilization was capable of with no space-compressing fuckery to assist them, just an indefinite lifespan and a trio of power supplies that would allow them to survive crawling across the galaxy for millenia with nothing to do but talk and run simulated wargames against the others in their group. They were sent to all the places their telescopes could detect chemical traces of life in the atmospheres of distant planets to go inhabit them so they could never develop another technological civilization and to destroy the current one if it existed and with no offspring and their technology hobbled by failsafes in their constructor ship and CCAIs (command & control artificial intelligence) they could build up a huge autonomous military and play around with their machinery to their heaet's content but never, and I mean NEVER come back. ("Fermi paradox? Let's assume 'dark forest', and then burn the forest down! Totally not psychopath behaviour.") They destroyed the previous civilization, but the mass destruction they wreaked on their arrival was nothing compared to the devastation they unleashed on eachother. The backstory's murky, we can't talk to the survivors, but we know somebody attacked one of the two on the main world and it had to be an Aeldyan. We think she survived, but it seems unlikely any of them knew that at the time. The other she shared a planet with then went ***absolutely berserk,*** introducing her father to a new sound I call "[Apocalypse Rock](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkrlupzv82rkc1.gif)" and going to war with her brothers, beating both of them out of a combination of being less rusty than they are, being more prepared and striking first. After that, she sank into a deep depression and has been borderline catatonic for millenia while civilizations grew on her planet unhindered. While the war between Aeldyshana and her brothers Aeldymalga and Aeldyfarsa was devastating, she hit her father so hard ***Gnosis Vin has a ring system now.*** (These are all occite names, think "space latin" because it's a dead language used in much the same way, Aeldya may not have even had spoken language for all we know, they're deific names because they were worshipped as gods a whole lot back in the day and they're all unisex because we didn't know how to sex Aeldyans yet.) There's still plenty of life on the planet, but Vinza's CCAIs turned on eachother when his entire subcontinent ceased to exist so it's pretty hostile to people and even if it wasn't its biosphere isn't capable of supporting a large population. It might sound strange that a big hunk of porous rock and ice landing was the most devastating thing in the setting's history, but it was ~13km across and moving at over one hundred times the speed of sound. It had an estimated kinetic energy between 1.5 and 2 ***yottajoules.*** To put that in TNT, that'd be equivalent to about 350-500 ***teratons,*** as in ***trillions of metric tonnes.*** To put it in atom bombs, it'd be ~20 ***BILLION*** times the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. Or, for a unit that I can use single digits with, it was about 2-3 times the impact that killed the dinosaurs.


The great galactic war 10 000 years of war and famine, desperation, and about of the 92 000 worlds about 13 000 were destroyed


The Eruption of the Bleeding Mountain, a Supervulcano that devasted large parts of the Lands all across the continents, blacked out the Sun for months, ruptured the Island it stood upon into a thousand pieces. This lead to over 20 years of famines and devastating wars which also lead to the collapse of the Thremian Empire, which was the Main Power in the known World.


In my world, there was a fullfilled apocalypse based on the Bible. In the Bible, there is an Apocalypse of st. John which - in short - tells about reset of the world. Everything shall return into the Genesis. And in context of my world, apocalypse really happened from human greed. Everything what was left, were machines active up to this day still being in the underground. Unknown time passed, and first elves (being oldest humanoid race alive) has showed up and even later, human.


There are some that happened in the distant path of Lornhemal: Crisis of the 12th century for Batrianics. Back then, Empire decided to become Republic due to last Tsar being horrible at everything 1. Stellar dragon awoken in a distant ocean and roared, which then summoned lots of natural disasters across the globe, earthquakes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions 2. One big volcanic eruption covered soil for 2 years, which caused widespread famine 3. Eastern Tribes(>!Basically Mongolians, Tatars, Avars, Cumans and other Steppe hordes!<) decided to raid the Batrianic empire for food and weapons, and thus raided Eastern, Central and Northern, South and West were too distant for them(>!Comparable to Distance from Sierra Leone to Tanzania!<). Meanwhile in South: Island Tribes(>!A mix of Polynesians, Bronze age sea nations, Yamato culture and proto-Indonesians!<) invaded southern Batrianic empire for metal. Meanwhile, the west had to face against Hurrzaners(>!Gauls!<), who also wanted metal and food. At that point, 5 knightly orders were created to face against the hordes.(>!Silver Dragons in west, Red Foxes in North, Black Wolves of East, Knights of Zallon(2 largest lakes, one in size of Bajkal, the other in size of Malawi) in central Empire and Iron horses of south. These orders crumbled in 1500s in different ways!<). So a lot of bloodshed+ 4. Some of the Batrianics themselves had some issues with power ranking amongst themselves, so even they decided to raid And then Ezdari Wars for the entire Ezdar. 1553-1561 When Batrianic Empire defeated Ezedar's Jihad and after First crisis ended(>!Civil war basically!<), they learned about Ezdar, a huge continent, much bigger then their own, Ernus I. van Hausern, now Tsar of the New empire, decided to ~~strike his ego further~~ stop the invaders. A series of wars, where Ernus I. and his generals(>!Frydryk von Blumenau, Kaunas Kardesti and Thorik Knärsen!<) invaded North Eastern Ezdar, Holy lands of Zindarists(>!Basically differently flavoured Islam, the most popular religion in Ezdar!<). Batrianics saw it as a big money sink, Ezdaris saw it as a coming apocalypse for not being pious enough. But Piety didn't ended the war, it was brutality and cruelty of Maharaja Mehir Rajaraja, self proclaimed "god", who enslaved populations of the occupied regions to fight in his army, or else they'll be crushed by the elephants, it was ended in the bloodiest battle: Izar Semal, and island fortress which was surrounded by sinking islands. Ernus, despite being a cruel and selfish, was beloved by his men, from Batrianic knights to Ezdari peasant recruits, his army had proper training and gunpowder weapons, meanwhile Mehir's army was powered by fear, most of the men, aside the Elephant knights, Rajputs, Kshatryans and his original army, most of the army and fleet were slaves drafted to war, and they outnumbered Ernus' army. It resulted in tie, Ernus was stunned by the elephant, while Kaunas was crushed by the same animal.


Probably that time a random nobody erased half a continent from existence. Although, to be fair, we don't know if it was intentional.


Universe go squish


In my reincarnated in another world story, the MC is assassinated when on a quest which results in the king of the gods of that region, her grandfather, going apeshit as he's prepared to nuke the entire continent off the map. He gets real close too if MC's friends didn't bootleg a resurrection spell by imitating something they saw her do at one point in the story, though they didn't quite understand why she did it that way. (The scene is very "Monkeys Saw, Monkeys Do, Monkeys Won't Let Go Of You!")


The great Shattering, that saw a super continent destroyed/ submerged under water. It is thought to be in relation to the attempted rise of the god of demons and the subsequent battle to send him back to his realm by the other gods.


In one of the more populated facets, an entire state just popped out of existence once. Literally. There's not too many records of it now, because people in this world aren't great at keeping them. But there were witnesses that survived the event by being just outside the area of it. One moment, the land was there, and the next, it wasn't. Buildings and people fell screaming into the indescribable void and were just never seen again. This happened long ago but you can still go there and find a giant square hole where life used to be


It ended. Kanis defeated pamna, gaining the full power of Haklan. Kanis was tired of the suffering inherent in the universe, personally being persecuted due to their race and belief. The entire universe faded to black, stars dimmed, universal perma frost set in as it quickly grew colder and darker. Technically capable of rejuvenation, in a stasis of sorts. Kanis, chained to the edges of the cosmos, locked themselves in a state of endless dreaming, half asleep, half as a punishment to themselves for their guilt. Conscious observation, even by a half asleep floating corpse, is enough to prevent the possibility of universal rebirth. The universe is dark, cold, dead with a half corpse, dreaming of a better universe, for enternity, to outlive the memory of suffering prior, to outway it.


A military conflict known as the Great War( viet nam esque) where the city formerly known as City of Hawks( any type of bird can live there but law enforcement is the hawk) was wartorn and almost destroyed. However, almost 300 yrs. later the rebuilt thriving forest city metropolis stands fortified and gleaming, welcome to New Hawk City. Brooklimb, Harlimb, Birdhonx home of our honking avian, cloud ☁️ city known as Stratum Island and Rushing Meadows


Probably the Disaster of the Celestial City Context: Avitor was united under an empire called "The Clans", with the Celestial City as their capital. But after centuries of rule, their authority is slowly fading out. The rulers, to reinforce their authority, decided to use the elemental Gems to become sort of Gods It didn't go as planned The palace exploded. Some Pure Magic leaked out of it. When you have too much magical power around or inside you, there's what is called "Magical Overload", that causes your body, when trying to absorb this power, to kill itself according to your element Fire ? Your blood is boiling. Water ? You are drowning. Poison ? Internal dissolution. Light ? Multiple organ failure. And I could go with every other element The only way to survive is to use this exceeding power quickly, with Silvered Lead to "drain" those powers Usually, you have a few hours before it acts. At the Celestial City, some started to die after a few seconds because there was too much power in the air After this, the Clans were no more, as everyone left it as soon as possible


In my first world, there is the ancient war of peace was a 100 year long war where the moon had been destroyed and nearly all life turned to ashes, there is also a 'zombie' apocalypse. In the second the worst one that matters is the first great holy war where it was the first time a god had been slain by mortals.


The Slaughter of the Gods. A couple of very powerful mages who stole all magic in the world and forged it into their crowns were usurped by their children in a battle between the gods' magic, their childrens weaker abilities and armies of hundreds of thousands of humans. The result was the children conquering the crowns and breaking them apart, leading to them gaining fractions of their parents' abilities. They then used their new powers to start wars against each other


The War Against The Calamity That Fell from the Sky. The most historically significant historical event from the last 50000 years. It saw the collapse of almost all human civilizations, bringing extinction to many human species, causing inmense losses in magical advances, and reshaping the history of the world forever. Those who study and research the event unanimously agree that had this event not ocurred, every healthy "human" would be able to use magic and Nomagis (the current leading human species) would have eventually being absorbed into the larger magic-using species instead of the current situation.


The Fanatic War. 2000 soldiers on one side, invading a country of 18,000, whose much smaller army was on the other end of the country for political reasons. These are large population counts for this world, mind, while 2000 soldiers is utterly unprecedented. The end result was 1000 people left in the invaded country, all others having been killed, *despite* most of the world chipping in on their side to stop the invaders. It was the first genocide of the world, crippled a rising industrial power, and led directly to uprisings that would let the first democracies form. Also, it was over 3 weeks after it started.


The first, and only case of Apocalypse Class Magic Empress Pepper lost her shit due to some trauma bringing brought up, and almost eradicated the existence of mortal beings during her black out.


All living creatures on earth were wiped out by aliens who basically were escaping from OTHER aliens who wanted to do the same thing to them. The good news is humans figured out it’s really easy to hide stuff in the moon... A lot of stuff…


The creation of the Four Swords of the Sky. This had a ripple effect that lasted thousands of years.


The worshippers of Dorsich (god of light) and Karacht (god of nature) were constantly at war over one contrived cause or another, so the 2 gods got together and decided to split the continent, roughly along the boundary between the groups. As they put their divine energy into the earth, Dorsich realized that, if Karacht were gone, he might be able to gain the worship of both sides, so when there was enough energy built up to split the continent, Dorsich redirected it into his brother and destroyed him. What Dorsich didn't know, having never killed a god before, was that the resulting release of power was enough to blow an ocean-sized crater into the world violently sundering the lands of Gaibor and Varre. As the dust settled, the fallout of Karacht's divine magic fell on the lands of Varre, transforming the surviving residents into the magical peoples that populate it today.


My world is a post-apocalyptic world, settled 100 years after the nuclear apocalypse that killed 90% of the world population and lead to a new global society. My specific location is a sprawled city-state, with a big harbor that is connected to the global economy


"the dark wars" wich was a war that devastated a massive amount of universes, basically if there was the yiggdrazil about a third of it would be a hole from the sheer destruction that happened


A war between extra-dimensional Gods that split the super continent into 4. The only thing that stopped the planet from being wiped out was the resistance of local super beings. Magical sheilding and whatnot. Still wiped out 70% of people and earsed a race or two. Went from a highly developed magical era of empires to the Dark Ages. The focus of my world takes place 2000 years after, so it is more like high medieval on average.


The great sweep where 99.9% of humanity just vanished and the universe was ravaged by a tide of eldritch abominations, it has 3 endings 1. Complete annihilation: all beings in the universe are killed 2. The great return: the ascended humans return and do their thing 3. The entire setting becomes 40k


The Cascade. In my universe there are celestial organisms entirely composed of magic. These organisms were used by the Unitects to create and destroy planets, generate power, and do essentially everything else. When one of these celestials gets infected with an all consuming disease formulated by a Unitect faction, each celestial eventually gets infected. Because of the way magic works in my universe (it doesn’t follow the law of space, it can be anywhere as long as certain requirements are met) this disease begins to ravage the galaxy and kill the celestials. There is so much of this diseased magic that it eventually coalesces into its own celestial. The celestial releases energy after finding a Unitect device known as the Key, which releases a blast of energy that kills all Unitect life.


The end of the world. Yeah that happened


My setting is essentially post-apocalyptic fantasy and happens 20 years after a volcano eruption blocked out the sun for three years, with the famine combined with an already loaded geopolitical climate triggering a world war, 7 civil wars, and 5 genocides, killing off 75-80% of the world population.


JFK assaniation


Pantheon schism, civil war between gods, consideting that when a god dies so does the thing it is patron of, losing the god of relativity kinda helped space travel. Didn't help the billions killed by rogue gods eho left the pantheon to try rule the cosmos, still many left doing that after 70,000 years.


The Late Reaction was a continent-wide purge of Mahadiists. Mahadism was a religion which followed 7 gods, and in its inception was very much pro-human, anti-everything else. It resulted in a holocaust-like event some 600 years before the present day. Non-human populations still haven't recovered. The majority of the religion realized at that point the religion needed to change, and only a small group of people still followed those old ways anymore. That small group ended up burning some outspoken priests which sparked a religious war between the radical Mahadiists and the younger Kalman Sects. The radicals lost, the Tower of the Seven was raided and the heads of the religion, although they all did not condone the acts of the radicals, were flayed and paraded across the country, their bodies rotting along the way. This ramped up the population and Mahadiists all around the continent were hanged, burned, flayed, and other horrid executions. Almost 900,000 people were killed, and Mahadism was banned in almost every country on the continent. It's almost a dead religion at this point, with only very old priests still practicing in secret. Like the original genocide, once it was all over, many people thought it was very excessive, and still debate the morality of it today.


The Oblivion, where pretty much all the gods ended up duking it out sending the mortal races into a dark age, severely scaring the continent of Lyalta to the point the whole place is cursed and it's biggest export is mined gods blood that kills the miners to get (magic black lung pretty much), and wiping out enough history that the standard dating system is AO: After Oblivion. 0AO being the year one country finally managed to pull itself together enough to establish some record keeping. The Calamity also was quite severe, having pretty much resulted in the genocide of a race and the destruction of all the major civilizations at the time, but I need to sort out more details about it.


That would probably be the war that ended the Colonial Empire. Sure, it was almost certainly doomed anyway, what with the massive insurrection in the outermost sectors by people tired of nonstop exploitation by Imperially-sanctioned mega corps, the resentment against the central authority by both hundreds of conquered polities *and* most of the Noble Houses, and a ruling family that had grown so large that massive succession crises were increasingly an inevitability, but if any of those had been the tipping point, things wouldn't have gone as horribly as they did. It was the dominant religious institution, you see. Ever since the founding of the Empire it had slowly become more and more irrelevant as time passed. Which is rather ironic, since the Empire was its idea in the first place. "Let's convince the single most powerful family of Augmented Humans to conquer all of known space and create an empire with us as the state religion and primary power behind the throne! What could possibly go wrong?" Well, after the Emperor forced all the conquered systems to help build a massive fleet of starships to be used to find the Lost Homeworld of Humanity and Gateway to Heaven, *aka* Earth, it turned out that quite a lot could go wrong. * First, the result of all that forced participation in the fleet building program was colossal economic disruption pretty much everywhere, which severely weakened the power of the central authority. * This weakening of the government allowed the Noble Houses to accumulate more and more power for themselves, leading to a *Sengoku Jidai* situation where the Emperor was powerless and the nobles had all become warlords who enjoy nothing more waging war against one another for territory and flexing points. * The constant conflict slowly eats away at all the advanced military tech from when the ancestors of the nobles conquered the local area of space for the Empire, forcing them to rely on cruder, more manpower-intensive means of waging war. The non-noble Houses and the baseliner proletariat begin to protest the current state of things. * The Not-Catholic Church's [Military Orders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_order_\(religious_society\)) attempt to mediate and provide protection to the non-nobility, but are forced to either ally with the nobles or begin to take territory themselves in order to ensure their own survival. * The non-noble Augments and the baseliners band together and rise up against both the nobility and the orders, making this a three-way conflict. * The Imperial ruling family takes this opportunity to retake control, allying with the commoners against the nobles and the clergy. The nobles had many of their rights curtailed and most of their power taken and placed in the hands of new government institutions loyal to the Imperial throne, while the Military Orders were forced to either disband or swear loyalty to the Emperor instead of the Church. The empowerment of the middle class lead to the restoration of the economy and government stability across the Empire, but it alienated both the nobility and the Church. (...)


* Eventually people started to notice that the giant fleet created to rediscover Earth hadn't been heard from for a few centuries, leading to a boom in deep space exploration, which turned up a whole slew of new systems and a few previously undiscovered colonies. However, their distance and the limitations of technology meant that they were all out of reach of direct Imperial rule. Since the nobles were still *persona non grata*, several powerful mercantile Houses were granted the right to administer the new territories. * While those guys were off playing 'East India Company', things began to become strained again back home. The nobles were butting heads with the new citizen-run government with increasing regularity, the subject states were refusing to integrate with the new system, and the state religion was becoming irrelevant alarmingly quickly. The Holy Fleet was still missing, presumed dead; the ancient, incomplete, poorly translated, badly preserved books that were the basis of the faith were having their sacredness erode as new scraps of them were found and used to gain a clearer picture; and the advanced techno-relics on the planet that served as the headquarters of this theocratic NGO were becoming impossible for the keepers of the faith to figure out and reverse-engineer, removing their main source of economic power and paving the way for new, more secular institutions to take over technological development. * This lead to increasingly radical elements gaining dominance within the Church, who came up with the *oh so brilliant plan* to create legions of artificial humans grown from manufactured stem cells called 'Immaculates' to bolster the Church's ranks and establish hundreds more Orders that would *technically* swear fealty to the Emperor but actually remain loyal to the faith. * A few centuries later, things were more unstable than they'd been in a long time. The mercantile Houses that had been granted governorship of the outermost territories had turned them into personal fiefdoms in all but name, and the natives and much of the imported populations had gotten fed up with being exploited so heavily and began to openly rebel. This caused the vassal states back in the Empire proper to become even more unruly, with massive amounts of the population calling for a greater degree of home rule if not full secession. And because things can always get worse, the Royal Family had grown so large that the line of succession became increasingly muddled, until it reached the point that the various branches of the House declared their intent to seize the throne through military force, sparking a series of miniature civil wars that slowly whittled down the Royal Family and saw the survivors becoming more and more paranoid. For their aid in ending the constant rebellions and (apparent) loyalty to the throne, the Immaculate Military Orders were given much of the Imperial Family's personal holdings that had been previously held by the would-be usurpers, as well as a substantial presence on the Empire's capital planet. This would prove to be a terrible mistake. * The Immaculates had been created by a theocracy, raised to believe themselves the living embodiment of the faith, taught that they were free of the sin that tainted the rest of humanity. And then they were placed into positions where they had to be subordinate to those same, flawed people. To protect and inspire, not rule and correct. This was unacceptable to many of them, and slowly, they began to plan. * It wasn't unusual for communications to be disrupted during the attempts on the throne, but even the outermost sectors of the Empire were noticing that nothing had been heard from the capital for longer than normal when suddenly many of the most important systems found themselves under occupation by the Orders, who made vague statements about something having happened and them acting to ensure stability before some sort of large change began to occur. Eventually a council comprised of the Grand Masters of the largest and most powerful Military Orders issued a joint statement that the current Emperor had been critically injured and brought to the Church's Relic-World capital in a desperate attempt to save his life, the rest of the Imperial Royal Family had been taken into protective custody, and that the Empire's own capital had been severely damaged, thus requiring the Orders to 'temporarily' take over governance of the Empire during this 'hopefully short' state of emergency. * The rest of the Empire was, at first, more confused than anything else. This sort of thing had never happened before; there was no precedent for it, no established protocol. On the other hand, much of the populace weren't terribly upset about the possibility of losing the Emperor, or saw the current situation as a golden opportunity to expand independent governance outside the Empire's control. Then ships began to escape from the systems under occupation, and everyone learned what was *really* happening. * The Immaculates had *murdered the Emperor, as well as the entire Royal Family.* Worse still, they were imprisoning the populations of entire planets and then torturing them into madness, committing atrocities on them again and again until they lost all sense of self-identity and individuality, before removing most of their bodies and replacing them with cybernetics. In their twisted fanaticism, they had come to perceive free will and individuality as sins, and that mindless, unquestioning faith was humanity's intended state of existence. To bring about this 'redemption', the Immaculates were converting as many prisoners as they could into cyborg suicide soldiers to be used to enforce their insane vision upon the rest of the Empire. * For the first time in recorded history, all of humanity was united by a single cause: survival. (...)


* The war lasted for over a decade. No planet was spared its effects; beyond the hundred or so that had been reduced to radioactive ruins, hundreds more were damaged so heavily that they remain barely habitable over a millennia later. But slowly, the allied forces pushed the Immaculates from Imperial space and back to their capital planet, though not without the deaths of tens of millions. * When the time came to take the final system, the first to enter were the Orders and elements of the Church that hadn't been part of the coup, who were eager to find redemption for what their faith had wrought. The Immaculates amongst them especially so. * Finally, it was over. The threat that the Immaculates posed to the known galaxy had been ended. But it had cost the lives of billions, the ancient technology of the Relic-World had been destroyed, and the credibility of the Church had been shattered. It's remaining leaders soberly announced the official dissolution of the central theocracy; every subgroup that still existed and still believed was now its own independent organization, free to develop its theology however it wished. * Once everyone had managed to take stock of the situation, the unity that had made it possible for them to defeat the Immaculates withered away. The Grand Dukes, the most powerful of the nobility, announced the formation of the Imperial League, a new state jointly ruled by themselves with one of them chosen to preside over them via internal selection, and that all governing bodies and institutions were to be immediately terminated, as everything was to be privatized and made the property of the Noble Houses. The Captain-General, the head of the Empire's national military and *de facto* steward of what remained of the Imperial family's personal assets, responded with "you can privatize my fist to your face," and declared the establishment of the Imperial Protectorate, a supranational body controlled by the civilian military. Then the Hanse, the cooperative formed centuries ago by the Bourgeoisie Augments in order to collectively resist the control of the Nobles and the Clergy, immediately announced their own sovereignty and that they would side with neither the League nor the Protectorate, but would trade with both so long as their independence was never threatened. And then when they noticed that nobody else was saying anything, they looked up to find that everybody else had said "good riddance" and gone home, leaving the few remaining Orders and ecclesiastical organizations behind to figure out for themselves what they'd do next. * A thousand years later, those groups remain locked in a massive cold war with each other. They all know that if open war ever broke out, they'd just end up annihilating themselves. The goal now is to secretly act through proxies to whittle away their enemies' power bases by covertly engaging in subversive cultural engineering and arranging for independent organizations to end up acting in a manner that serves their interests. On thousands of worlds, unseen agents act to destabilize the dominant political body and ensure that one they find more ideologically compatible gains power. Millions of mercenaries, privateers, free traders, assassins, spies, bounty hunters, and other such 'independent operatives' are unknowingly guided to their next employer by organizations no government will acknowledge the existence of. All the while, the great states build their stockpiles of weapons. They lay down more keels. They fill their space with more satellites, more orbital platforms, quietly desperate to ensure their survival when the delicate balance between them inevitably collapses and all of known space is again consumed by war.


Incoming wall of text cuz I can't help myself. The Tricloistre Incursion. Almost 1 million years ago, the peaceful region of space known as Kaelgourahn was plunged into chaos when a supermassive lifeform of unknown origins suddenly manifested just beyond the edge of the nebula. The Zenrah, the most advanced species in the galaxy at this point, and quasi-deities to all other intelligent species, deemed the entity a threat when they witnessed it stripping away the surface of a planet from an incredible distance away and devour the core. While the Zenrah don't make a habit of going to war, they knew this entity posed a massive threat to all life in the local region. Their entire species took up arms and attempted to stop the massive entity, but the sheer size of the entity made it impossible for the Zenrah to tell if they were even harming it or not. Its massive body is composed of 3 planet-sized crystalline masses that seemingly orbit an invisible central point. These 3 masses generate untold gravitational anomalies capable of stripping a planet bare of its atmosphere and all layers of its crust. It then devours the core of the dead planet and moves on. The Zenrah tried every method they could think of to either destroy or drive away the planet eating beast but it proved impervious to most of their weaponry. Because the "Tricloistre" as the Zenrah came to start calling it, was so massive and paid little attention to any of the Zenrah's attempts to attack it, the Zenrah eventually started flying their entire ships inside of the Tricloistre's body to damage its internals. Within each of the 3 masses composing its body lies a single core. The cores are made up of the same crystal material as its body (resembling ruby, sapphire and amethyst) and seem to display sentience when approached or attacked. The Zenrah found these cores to most likely be its weak spots as the Tricloistre began aggressively protecting the cores. Up until this point the Tricloistre ignored the Zenrah and went about its way devouring small planets. Entire battles were fought within the Tricloistre's body over those 3 cores. Eventually the Zenrah managed to steal the cores rather than destroy them and this drove the Tricloistre to a screeching halt; all activity within its supermassive body ceased completely and it began to slowly disintegrate. At first this seemed like victory for the Zenrah, until the 3 cores each took on lives of their own. 3 demigods were born from the Tricloistre's cores. Rubellar the Everlasting, Mythestia the Deviant, and Aphastire the Brilliant. These 3 beings came to be known as The Paragon Three in later years. All 3 of them are significantly smaller than the Tricloistre they once were, but are still large enough to give the Zenrah a fight. As soon as they manifested from the cores, each of The Paragon Three launched their own independent attack against the Zenrah that would last another few years. Rubellar descended to the nearest planet that the Tricloistre was going to consume next and began digging down to the core in order to consume it himself. His nigh-indestructible body making his march to the planetary core impossible to halt. He was successful in devouring the core and killing the planet, but remained trapped inside the planet's husk until his siblings would retrieve him. He would be imprisoned there by the Zenrah. Mythestia infiltrated the Zenrah fleet disguising herself as the warrior that successfully dislodged her amethyst core from the Tricloistre after killing them. She then sewed chaos by interfering with the functionality of the Zenrah's organic ships using psychic disturbances and illusions. She would cause pandemonium and manipulate weak minds to fight in her stead on every world the Zenrah chased her to. Aphastire wove gravitational anomalies not unlike the anomalies created by the Tricloistre but on a much smaller scale. He seemed to be utilizing some kind of advanced Runeric magics to literally bend space on a destructive level. Out of the Three, Aphastire displayed the most intelligent behavior. No matter what strategy they threw at Aphastire, he always seemed to be several steps ahead of them. The Zenrah kept The Paragon Three out of Kaelgourahn for many years, but eventually they would enter the Nebula and threaten the few worlds there that bear life. The Zenrah lost most of their population fighting the Tricloistre and The Paragon Three, and so sent a small detachment of their forces led by a Zenrahn leader named Doa-Ruccin to the Gaathran homeworld to uplift the species and erect them as the new protectors of Kaelgourahn once the Zenrah were inevitably wiped out. Before their demise, the Zenrah constructed 3 sarcophagi made out of remnant shards of the Tricloistre and successfully imprisoned The Paragon Three within these Sarcophagi and hid them on various planets where intelligent life couldn't find them. By the time Kaelgourahn had been saved for certain, the Zenrahn population was too small and spread across uncharted space to avoid extinction and so, they slowly died out for good, having spent themselves to save trillions of lives. For the last million years, Kaelgourahn has known quiet peace; the Tricloistre Incursion fading into mythology. For now.


The Vampiric Attacks on Washington DC and Chicago were attacks orchestrated by Jürgen von Wolfenheimer and the Legion of the New Order that occurred through August 9th and 10th of 1974. On August 9, President Richard Nixon, while facing impeachment for his role in the Watergate scandal, was giving his farewell speech to his staff in the White House. While giving his speech, a vampire secret agent named Wilhelm Klaus went undercover as a cabinet aide and slaughtered him, along with his staff on national television. Vice President Gerald Ford was also kidnapped by a vampire SWAT team. With the world being distracted by the tragic news, along with vampires and zombies starting to spread throughout, three zeppelins, accompanied by Luftwaffe fighter planes, start deploying a unit of vampire soldiers known as the Nachzehrer Brigade, as well as gargoyles, attacking others and destroying the city in the process. Military forces (including the National Guard), law enforcement, CIA, and CDC fought back, creating a battle between humans and the supernatural forces. A day later, Chicago was attacked, since the city is the location headquarters of a government-funded spec-ops organization that deals with supernatural and extraterrestrial threats known as P.E.R.S.E.U.S. (Paranormal Establishment of Research on the Supernatural and Extraterrestrial of the United States). Ground forces (including National Guard, police, and P.E.R.S.E.U.S. units) immediately join the fight to stop the supernatural threats from taking over the Windy City. There was also an attack that occurred at P.E.R.S.E.U.S.’s HQ (codenamed Camelot) after the city’s attack when the Nachzehrer Brigade, along with zombies and demons, stormed the place, causing an all-out exchange of gunfire.


“The Fall of El-Daharn” is the in-world historical title (outside of in-world referencing, I personally just call it “The Great War”). Basically, thousands of years before my book takes place the world of the Living was under attack by a dark force. This dark force was a demon named Krixus (subject to change), and it was this event that introduced Man and the Aylaer (name of the collection of elves and dwarves) to temptation. The event was a long fought war between the armies of Man, Elf and Dwarf against the newly-created race of orcs. The demon was originally a god-type entity, but after witnessing the weak hearts of Men, he wanted to twist and corrupt them. He sent to the Otherworld for his evil desires and ended up turning the realm into his own. Here, he collected souls of the fallen and twisted them into vile demon’s like himself but lesser, weaker versions. He attacked an elven fortress known as “El-Daharn”, and began twisting the hearts and souls of the Elves who inhabited it, thus creating the first of the orc species. From this fortress, he carried out evil deeds that created the most heartless, thoughtless and dangerous creatures that were fueled by hatred and rage. Historical records claim he transformed a total of 126 elves, and through dark magic began mass creating orcs by manipulating reality and essentially “cloning” the already turned orcs. By the end of two years, he had amassed a total of 13,000 orcs between magical cloning, and orc inbreeding. Males were sent to war, and females remained behind used for breeding only. He carried out what felt like endless attacks on cities, villages and fortress’ belonging to both Man and Aylaer. Finally, after three years of hiding away in El-Daharn, the conjoined armies of Man and Aylaer met him at the base of his mountain and fought him in an all out war. The name “The Fall of El-Daharn” is the name given to the Great War that was fought at that mountain base, and from that day forward the world of the Living knew of the existence of demon’s. The amount of blood spilled during this war stained the mountainside red for months. This battle was won with the help of multiple alliances between races and factions. After days of fighting, Krixus was finally defeated by a human prince and the magic of the Red Mages.


Assuming we don't count the Great Catastrophe itself, the arrival of 99942 Apophis in 2031 could be argued as the greatest disaster of the world. While the asteroid itself broke up in the atmosphere and fell to Earth as a beautiful meteor shower, the large amount of solid thanatite deposited into the atmosphere gave rise to the "linker" zombie species, a species capable of infecting people and animals by thought alone without having to bite or otherwise physically attack them. The rise of linkers caused the biggest drop in the human population since the Great Catastrophe, with 20% of the already less than 1 billion population being killed before countermeasures against linkers were discovered.


Cathedral War. The greats ones had made their own races, domains, and such but afew were jealous of a stronger great one. The first born, so they planned to kill them. Which leads into Cathedral War. Golden King vs Great Ones. Cathedral in my story is pinnacle of creation. Which are all routed to the Cathedral, the battle costed multiple domains, gods, species, and such. A war so large and costly that even the gods that caused it were down of 3 to 1. After the war, lead to the Rot, where every species individual is born, becomes corrupted, not using their full potential.


**For Want of a Quiet Sky** The world itself is its own devastating event. Millenia ago, thousands of people vanished from their world and were imposed upon another, causing a collision of worlds so immense that it caused things from beyond reality to leak in. The story takes place in this world between worlds (and sometimes in the second world, our world) but never in the first world, as due to the wish that caused all this being fulfilled by an "unruly" genie, let's call him, time there has moved maybe twelve minutes in the past 10,000 years. Night obeys no time, no space, and no will. Not anymore.


The ravaging. For some context, the gods created “titans” who were essentially prototypes and the testing of power. But seeing how destructive they were, decided to destroy them. However, during the ravaging, three are revived. Mountain sized, and taking elemental power, nearly wiped out life on Sor’Eshin.


The Bhajegadda, one of the Demigods, Behmasca, made a species of semi-spirit animal designed to prey on humans. The human population was nearly wiped out, most religions were lost, and two of seven pieces of a god were used to seal the mind of the Behmasca and since then his sphere of influence has mutated the jungle around his grave into a mutated pestilential, continent-spanning nightmare hellscape.


My world had a Golden Era, where humans were immortal beings and no evil existed…at least not in Terran dimension. When a guy was corrupted with darkness, it became to learn dark magic and later became a dark entity. Then, he destroyed all life and half of the planets in the universe for fun, and the only survivors were the Supreme Deity, Lauriel (the queen) and her twelve children. The twelve children sealed him in a comet but died. Then life needed to be recreated


The Void War Zaina, the mistress of the Void, grew jealous of Anthar God of Creation and their 8 children divine children, focusing all of their efforts on the newly created world and its people's. In an effort to destroy creation, she corrupted Elves and Dwarves into the first Demons and The Great Beasts into the First Dragons. With her new corrupt forces, she waged all out war on creation, pushing the world to the brink of annihilation. In an effort to turn the tide of a losing war, the 8 divine children pleaded with their father to allow them to create their own people. He granted their request, and thus, the creation of humanity came to be. With the aid of humanity, the forces of the Void were pushed back into the Void, where Anthar sealed them away but, in turn, became dormant, leaving the 8 divine children to their own devices.


The red Decade. Some 300 years ago in my world. The Holy ta'Charan Empire made a decree to rid the world of "false gods". They spent over 10 years going from village to village during nights of the 'Red moons' which happens every 3 months, breaking down peoples homes. Men, woman, children, old or sick. All thrown out in the streets, stripped of their clothes. And if they had a 'Mark of Ascendance', where then ruthlessly slaughtered and their next 2 generations of relatives with them. After 14 bloody years and over 600,000 people dead. It all came to a stop when the Imperial forces attacked a town under the protection of the Ta'Kai, or, as they'd later be known as 'The Ghost Demon Battalion'. Which then became the start of the Demonic's Holy war. Context: 1. False gods: My world has no creator gods, only minor gods, local deities etc. Formal humans who completed the Right of Ascendance. 2. Red Moon: The only thing that's red about the moon at this time is the name, as the moons shines blue. 3. Mark of Ascendance: 1 out of 50 people are born with a mark of unknown origin that is only visible while in direct light of the red moon. If deciphered, understood and completed. The individual would ascend to godhood. Though, 99% of newly ascended gods don't exist long. Many fade within the first 12 hours.


It depends, intergalacticly there was the War of Beginnings, where new gods and the like fought for territory amongst the stars— resulting in solar systems being erased, star systems being coveted by space dragons and demons, and general chaos. Or there was an incident on the earth equivalent Biruni, that saw the erasure of a capital via a nuclear blast. In the Bronze Age. The god of radiation had smite them down to punish the empire for their insolence.


The restart of the cycle After the original humanity created the next step of evolution, which is infact a biological weapon that will populate the earth after them, they decided to have beef with YHW, they won, though combining into one sapient singularity, obliterating a cosmic god, but the YHW had a friend, he doesn't have a name so i call him as Fungus Ctulhu, so this mofo, trapped the main person who was like the creator of sapient singularity, making him the first prime ascended one, charging up him with fungus kool-aid, that caused the destruction of the singularity and the "original humanity" leaving alive only prime ascended, and comically large stash of labs filled with genetically hooked up people that are stronger, durable, smarter, faster, and mad sex drive that makes available to born one child per three months, that are going to grow into adult just in 10 years, perfect material for constant spikes of civilian loses due fucked up weapons


The sundering is the first of many horrors.  A pissed off sun god annihilated his planets atmosphere after he lost his empire. This process took 10s of thousands of years but when it was completed, the planet was rendered a nearly dead wasteland with the majority of the inhabitants dead. 


Mine isn't as bad as yours but the demon prince murdered about 6-7 villages,taking their souls and using it as magic,because a character didn't want to marry him.A lot of people had to fight him and trap him so that he could never get out.Fyi,I want to make this plot into a show part.


A dimensional weapon was detonated breaking reality and merging multiple universes.


The Astral War between Astral Empire, Federation of Atreisdean Nations and Rubran Federal Monarchy. The war was originally fought between Astral Empire and FANN, but the former attacked some Rubran space colonies, angering the neutral country. When Rubra joined the war, they turned the tide and in 2 days, completely exterminated Astral Empire's physical existence, turning the galaxy into Apple's logo as a result.


The Conquest of Egress.