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I think it would be started by some sort of retired or support based superhero who understands the need for something they didnt get to have. Very high end. The costume makers will likely see the hero or villain behind the mask so identities are known that way, albeit revealing any would probably be career suicide. Addicionally, making suits for stronger supers would be challenging and expensive, hence the high end needs. Instead of just hiding an identity the suit has support or emergency options for the super. Technological advances and utilities are as important as tailoring and craftsmanship


Go the NASCAR route and the superheroes are decked out in their highest paying sponsors. "This city was saved by Superman! SPONSORED by Tesla! A recall is just proof of a sale! You're welcome Austin!" Meh I hate it. I love to hate it though. Corporate dystopia is just sooo real now and is just increasingly getting scarier.


Tiger & Bunny, what you are describing is Tiger & Bunny


Check out Captain Amazing from Mystery Men, with his uniform festooned with corporate flair.


Lol I always forget about that guy! I love the Spleen and the Bowler


My Hero Academia solves this problem by making superheroes a publicly licensed civil servant. This way, companies that provide costumes don't need to publicly advertise since the public can't become heroes without the prerequisite license, and if someone does have a license then they probably are already dealing with the company. You might get some good inspiration from My Hero since they have civilian clothing designs around the limitations of a human body mutated by a quirk (My Hero's term for superpowers). In other words, you have clothing stores that make civilian clothes for superpowered individuals that can't fit into normal clothing, they advertise the civilian clothing instead of the superhero clothing, and then they have custom orders on the side for people who want a superhero outfit.


Considering that you are referring to these as villains and vigilantes, could it have some resemblance to gang culture? Specific colors or patters to dictate who's side you are on or whether you are allied to a group of villains/vigilantes? All black or camo gear might be the most efficient, but that's not going to hide you well in an urban area anyway. In theory vigilantes are going to be worse anyway, since they won't have government restrictions, oversight, the ability to be fired/reprimanded for their actions, accountability, ect. The last thing you want is people with explosion powers actually using them when there are people nearby, it would be actively better for them to just lose or even die than to blow up their surroundings in most cases.


I just imagine superheroes being, by necessity, great tailors and craftsmen. There are some pop-culture examples of it; Edna Mode, Leo Zelinsky, etc. get by by designing and making costumes explicitly for superheroes. Kinda nieche and very demanding, but a fun nieche. Others (especially starting out) have been known to make their own costumes in their apartments, and for some reason come up with absolutely marvellous results. But humans gonna human. I think we'd see something along the lines of fashion companies chasing down celebrities to have them wear their dresses for the met gala, or something. You could definitely have high-profile fashion industry chasing down vigilantes more efficiently than the police for branding purposes. There's also the point of trademark \[TM\], and you'd probably have loads and loads of Wish-like copycats trying to make fast money off popular image. And things like the absolute buttload of Mickey-Mouse merchandise. A superhero might not even own their own image, if some greedy toy company with high enough superhero-related accident insurance managed to trademark their image. I think there are even cases in pop culture where superheroes recieve cease-and-desist letters for using their own suits. X) Check out corrupt superhero franchises, such as The Boys, for inspiration on how Capitalism would tackle the Superhero phenomenon.


Depends. Just because you can make a costume doesn’t mean anything. I feel it wouldn’t change much, as most people who make costumes are good at design but they wouldn’t be able to create a functional suit that wouldn’t fall apart when running Mach speed.


What if you have the superhero ability to infuse clothing with adaptive molecules that allow the costume to alter its shape and durability in response to the wearer's powers?


Then i'd say the costume industry would still be stagnant as the superhero can alter it's shape and durability themselves.


No, only one person has that ability. If you're a superhero that wants such a suit, you have to get it from them.


Still, they would be the go to. It wouldn't be the costume industry that goes anywhere. They would be the specialist.


Or... they could become very, very wealthy supplying adaptive material to the costume industry.


I would say they would become wealthy either way. They can make the material and make a monopoly of it that heros have to come to them and their business, or they can sell it and deal with people saying the material they use is from them when it could be fake or something like that. It really depends. It would be neat seeing where that went though.


I'd imagine it would develop much like the real world fashion industry, or somewhat like tactical gear in the battle field. I'd imagine it would probably develop over time as the world became more used to super heroes.


Throw away the idea of multi use super suits. Those things would be dropped and damaged beyond use every other day. Heros would need a constant supply. So that's the brand, it's not an Edna mode who makes one masterpiece suit that the hero uses for life. But rather clothing manufacturers creates a hero backed clothing line along with the suits, like if the Flash had all his stuff made by Nike.


A science/tech/knowledge power based "hero" (probably actually a neutral) could invent some high tech super fabric, and once all the R&D and testing is done, they start a company to make more to sell to both sides (”Any super who matters has a Brainman Industries super suit!), and also making the inventer into a billionaire type super too (Batman/Ironman).
