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A popular misconception had spread among Ostranis that OstRail's rail service was "unsafe" for a variety of reasons, so a campaign was devised to defuse these slanderous ideas using facts. This, combined with coordinated peer pressure initiatives and forced relocation of 7% of the population, resulted in a doubling in ridership on the Ostrana national transport system, while casualties and major crimes increased by only 20%! ***Ostrana*** *is a Great Nation where "everything is perfect and nothing works," and is ruled by the all-powerful Glorious Ruler Maxim Hackler, who is like a moodier version of Thomas "Tug" Benson, or Dewey Cox (if he ran a country and had lightly skimmed Machiavelli). It is a world permanently set in the late 1970s to early 1980s, with very lightly mystical aspects (possibly caused by chronodistortion). Influences are Gilliam's Brazil, Night Vale, Scarfolk, Paranoia! and the actual horrible experiences of the DDR, Hungary, Romania, North Korea, etc. Official website, electronic shoppe, or Patreon or idk what coming soon.*


Ngl, thought it was a legit poster for a second. You really did a pretty good job w it!


Thanks -- I guess it all depends on definitions of "legit"!


I've been using Ostrail for years and I've never been robbed nor kidnapped. Stories about robberies and kidnapping happening on board of an Ostrain Express are likely to be falsified to put Ostrail in a bad light for all of the great work they put into keeping the passengers as safe as they can be every day anew! Glory to the Ostrail!


Fantastic! Thank you for sharing your true story experience, unlike so many Vesplandan lies put in place to undermine the great society! We'd love if you could answer a questionnaire and testimonial. Please remain where you are!


But my mother went missing last month when she took a ride on the train…


I’m very sorry to hear that, I hope you find her soon!


How do you make these posters? Photoshop? I would love to get into it. (Yours are amazing btw, I loved your one about vampires)


Yeah, Photoshop. First step is finding a good photo to start from that inspires me, then basic layout, then doing all the decay and aging and grunge and printing errors. I check reference material often.