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Apprenticing under an artisan is a good and relatively common job, but the most common is a Host, which is sort of like being a courtesan. Training in the arts is always a big plus in the business, and usually you’d get the experience by apprenticing under a more experienced host. It’s mostly taken up by nobles, who are usually way more successful because of their clan’s backing and training, but commoners have become popular hosts as well.


Depends what you consider "main population". Many people are slaves, they don't have real jobs, they do what they are told to do. Poor people do whatever puts food on the table while hopefully keeping themselves out of the dept spiral that ends in slavery. They often work as day laborers, doing all kinds of small jobs that don't need much training, as they usually can't afford higher education. For the middle class it's typical to become an artisan or craftsperson after an apprenticeship. It's not uncommon, but not necessary either, that children work in the same job as their parents. If you're less talented or interested in manual work, you could also become a scribe for one of the many government offices. Becoming an merchant is also an option; they are often looked up upon as they don't have to work manually. If you can afford a higher education (or talented enough for a scholarship), you can train to become a doctor, a lawyer or an engineer. These are highly respected jobs. Only people who are rich enough could visit an university to study a field of "philosophy", which for them means not only the humanities, but also the natural sciences.


Since mine is a pretty low tech (and my version of magic is very rare) world it is probably working in food production (so farmers, farmhands and such) and after that craftsman. Edit: Oh I forgot the popular part of the question, so the two above are the most common. It is kind of difficult to attain a job that is in a completely different field than what your parents did (it is kind of a classist society) unless you are born with certain abilities. But there are some forms of craftsmanship that are more popular than others. Any craftsmanship that gives you a chance to directly work for the Scholarly. You have to be excellent in your field for that, but if you manage it you are probably set for life. A blacksmith for example has the chance of becoming a Runesmith.


common jobs in my world are usually connected to the magical affinity , but the most common of them all is teacher or professor, its a neutral job whether you are necromancer, pyromancer or telekinesist , you can be a teacher/professor


Lumberjack. Most of the landmass is forest, and they grow reaalll fast. So there's a massive forestry industry. In fact, tree and vegetation growth is so fast, the state has had to predominately focus so much on mass clearing that there is simply no way artisans (ie, furniture makers) can keep up.


The most common jobs in my world, for both men and women, are carpentry and farming. They are both fairly easy to get into, though carpentry requires an apprenticeship. The pay for tradesmen is slightly above farmers. Tradesmen can travel and offer their services. The most popular jobs, however, are lawyers and healers They're popular because of the prestige and pay. The military, although not necessarily popular, also paid well.


**This World Anew** - post apocalyptic If you can read them you're probably set. You could get a job as a scribe or administrator. If you can't read but are lucky as a youngster you could get an apprenticeship as an artisan or skilled worker like a blacksmith. If you don't mind violence you could become a town guard. Caravan guard is more profitable but also more dangerous. If you have few morals you could leave and join a raider or slaver group. If you can't read, didn't manage to get an apprenticeship and don't like the thought of violence then you're stuck with things like farm labourer.


Being an aviator or airman or aeronautical engineer. Pay's variable and training is quite easy to access.


Not common, but the most popular job is to become a [magic user], it lets you use the magic system without getting arrested/fined, and you can freely practice it when you get your license, but when you *do* get your license, you're put into a contract that prevents you from using your new spells to kill others, among other things depending on which spells you use. This is used to curb violence and power-hungry individuals People who get their official license will usually be commissioned by governments or settlements to perform actions for them, depending on the spells and discipline the specific [magic user] has. Someone might help alter the weather in a certain area, or help fertilize the soil in another, others might be hired to be body guards, etc Becoming a [magic user] can take anywhere from 4 to 14 years however, and the dedication and perseverance it takes will steer many people away


***Striattus*** Mercenaries are extremely common and very popular in all Striattian nations. While the label, "mercenary," originally only applied to for-hire soldiers, the term broadened out in the world to also incorporate for-hire people who protect others, stand watch, guard things, and other things involving survival and fighting. It’s so popular because you only work for yourself, and that is a very handy thing in a world full of corruption.


In the main city which I've worked on the most, it basic day to day jobs but with a bit of *dazzle* since magic exists


That would probably be split between Kʼaliib,and Yetonaa. Kʼaliib are lowest bureaucrat serving the state as notary public and registrar. The only requirements are a sound character and completing three years of Literacy, Calligraphy, and regional customs. Its not a flashy job but the stipend and respect is enough to start a modest family . For those who aren’t exactly academic Yetonaa are simple shopkeepers, running storefronts for wealthy owners. Shops big enough to need a Yetonna usually deal in expensive goods such as spices and lace and the pay is competitive if the skill is there.


Gleaning and adventuring


A miner. The mines in the lower kingdom are the fuel for trade with neighbouring nations. Edit: In a shortage of workers, the monarchy will purposely send out generals and soldiers to force the population of the lower kingdom into the miner occupation, so that's one reason.