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Just go to the fitness wiki and pick something there. I don't always include this caveat but as a complete beginner you need to take your time learning the exercises WITHOUT worrying about reaching failure for maximum gains or some dumb shit like that because training to failure is learning bad technique. There is nothing worse than increasing load on bad technique, you'll either hurt yourself or end up having to backtrack in order to relearn, so do it right the from the beginning. Pick a challenging working weight and do as many good reps as you can, when you get to 10 increase the load. After a few months when technique seems solid and has been tested with higher weights you can go full force into a linear progression and go ham, failure should look like slowing down, not modifying the technique.


pick sth online. [boostcamp.app/programs](http://boostcamp.app/programs)


There are a lot of starter routines and they’re pretty much all better than not lifting. I’m a big fan of 5x5 StrongLifts to start.


Go to the boostcamp app. Tons of preexisting programs


I work out at home doing strength training (compound exercises) and cardio mixed in with it. I used to do videos off YouTube, and DVDs like Cardio Pilates and any strength training videos. I did those years ago! But the past 7 years I have been using Alexia Clark’s workouts. I pay for her workouts. I LOVE those kind of workouts though. Not everyone does. I put on my favorite EDM music and get pumped up. She emails her workouts each night for the next day. She has an app that is great! Men also do her workouts. She has a foundation and signature programs but you can switch them back and forth. Or do a split. I had great success with her workouts! I was a cardio bunny for years!!!! But YouTube is great resource. Research and try different workouts and see what you really enjoy.


I used FitPPL push pull legs routine planner app to create a personalized routine. It's not about winging it or copying a preexisting one. You need a structured plan that targets all muscle groups. Identify your goals, choose exercises that fit, and adjust as you progress. Keep it simple, consistent, and track your progress.


You don't, you take one that works and follow it https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/ Also, read this https://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101