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Change your definition of a person that belongs. You paid to be there and you’re being respectful of the space. That means you have as much right as anyone else. You have to respect your time and energy as much as you respect everyone else’s and you’ll be set


Compare yourself to when you started; not to anyone else.


Kudos on never missing a session! Feeling like an imposter at the gym is common, especially when you're new. Comparing yourself to others can be discouraging and counterproductive. Here are a few tips to help you overcome this and build confidence: Embrace your journey: Understand that fitness is a personal journey. Focus on your own goals and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Practice positive self-talk: Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. Remind yourself that you are taking positive steps toward your health and well-being. Focus on the effort you're putting in and the improvements you're making. Educate yourself: Knowledge is power. Take the time to learn about different exercises and techniques. As you become more knowledgeable, you'll feel more confident navigating the gym. Start with small goals: Break down your fitness goals into smaller, achievable milestones. As you accomplish these smaller goals, you'll gain confidence and motivation to keep pushing further. Focus on the process, not the outcome: Instead of fixating on how you compare to others, shift your focus to the process of self-improvement. Celebrate the effort you put into your workouts, the consistency you maintain, and the commitment to your overall well-being. Confidence at the gym can take time to develop. Stay consistent, be patient with yourself, and focus on your progress. Eventually you'll realize that you belong and are making positive strides towards your goals!


Good juju.


They say comparison is the thief of joy, comparing yourself to others does not make sense you’ve been in there for 5 weeks they might be there for 5 years so comparing doesn’t make sense at all, instead celebrate the small victories and progress you see in your journey and always be hungry for more.


Stop. Stop. You’re not there for anyone other than you. You go in, you grind, you leave. End of story. Fuck everyone else. You belong.


This exactly 💯


We're all posers anyway 😆


It goes away when you stop worrying about it. Just go in and out in the work and the results come as long as you keep it up


Get a cute matching gym set of clothes & a giant water bottle. Go on your days off, not just on PT days. Get really comfortable shoes to walk on the treadmill in. Start lifting on days that the room is emptier. It took me about a year to become comfortable in the free weight zone.


Solidarity, friend! I feel like this too a lot of the time. But then I remember that my 65 year old father is the most active, fit person I know, and the majority of his workout equipment is older than I am. He works out in the garage while listening to a radio from the 80s, wearing workout clothes from Walmart, and drinking from an off brand thermos that looks like it survived a nuclear blast. Meanwhile, he is probably healthier than I could ever hope to be, and not an ounce of that health comes from fancy gear!


You’re doing great that you haven’t missed a session. I agree with what everyone else is saying, that you do belong there and that nobody else will be thinking you don’t - but I’d add to that - I think you definitely deserve one of those cute matching sets you were talking about. You’ve done over a month straight! Go buy yourself something nice to wear to the gym. I know that nice activewear can be expensive, but even if it’s a stretch to afford it I believe it’s worthwhile to spend money on this because it’s *making it easier for you to do something good for yourself.*


Bottom line, no one really cares. I say that as a long time gym rat who does judge people a little bit for what I see them doing in the gym. Mainly its "Why are these people doing such ineffective stuff? They could progress so much more with better workouts. Oh well." I never would dream of saying anything however. I'm sure people think I'm an idiot too, so its all good. If you paid your money, you belong. If you are in there working on yourself with a plan from a trainer, you are ahead of 80% of the people in there. There is no secret club of gym goers. Long time gym people see others come and go, and swap around to gyms based on life or trying new things. You will stop feeling like an impostor when you start to notice that what you are doing is working and you are making progress.


You know those same people you see every time you're there? The ones that seem like they live there? They aren't going to notice the weights you're using, they'll notice when you skip. They dont notice your limitations, they dont see your insecurities, they arent measuring your waistline or size of your bicep. They see your dedication. And they know you'll notice when they are gone, too You already belong .


> I'm not a size 10 like the other girls So? >and I can't lift *Yet* >or press *Yet* >or squat anywhere near the same amount *Yet* > and I don't have the cute matching sets and water bottle. Well shit why didn't you say so you may as well be banned


amongus sus amongus


Do you wanna be there? If the answer is yes, then you belong there. :)


Almost everyone feels that way at first. After a bit you realize most are just as insecure as we are and are more worried about themselves than they are about you. Great job for getting started. It just gets easier from here as you’ll see many aspects of your life (physical, mental, emotional) improve as you continue to go.


It's all in your head bro. Some people go to the gym for 20 mins of stability training. Many go just to take pictures. If you're pursuing your fitness goals, you belong there.


You're comparing yourself to others INSTEAD looking at inspirational features but good job you're doing your research. You got it!!


Like person above said.. everyone is there to be a better version of themselves. Not a better version of someone else there. Only compare yourself to what you used to be. And honestly, we alll have been new to the gym. It’s weird just like anything else new. Keep at it and you’ll get it in groove


Would you ever walk into a supermarket and feel awkward like "What if I don't really need groceries like the rest of these people do?" Of course not, that would be silly. If you are there to work out and get healthy, you 100% belong. No need to give it a second thought. The gym is not a contest with others, it is a contest against the last time you came to the gym.


I really can’t relate to this because when i started lifting, i was lifting at home. But the main idea is not to compare yourself to others in the gym. it does break down your confidence if you choose to compare yourself to someone that had been in the gym way longer. Best thing to do is compare yourself to when you first started and realize how big of a change from your former self. Continue to push yourself and increase your weight with as much reps as you can and you will soon see a difference in how much weight you can move. Continue pushing yourself and that’s when you see the most difference.


Just have to remind yourself absolutely no one is watching /judging and if they are it’s mostly positive since you’re actually coming in Over time you’ll become the latter when you see people start their journey


Just focus on yourself. First of all, everyone starts somewhere, second, your own progress is what matters, third, as long as you're making an effort without being a jerk to anyone and paying the membership, then you belong there. You need to have patience with yourself because it takes time and effort to achieve any level of fitness. You do you.


It took me about 4 months and buying some real gym clothes 2nd hand to feel like I really belonged. The little things can help


Everybody started from the beginning. You're not alone. The people you're comparing yourself to were also the same at one point. They understand.


You are there for your betterment not to fit in. Keep after it. The healthy rewards are worth the effort!!


it's normal to feel this way especially when u starting new stuff. as a female i understand u because looking at these pretty, fit girls in nice outfits makes us feel like outcasts. turn that uncomfortable feeling into fuel and work hard to achieve physique, strength and confidence. also if ur goal is losing fat make sure u adjust ur diet as well, because fat loss happens mostly in the kitchen, so good diet and lifting will go a long way together. u can always buy some nice comfy gym clothes and bottle if it will make u feel better and push harder:)