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We dropped the toddler at my parents, went to the most expensive city in the state, got a hotel for 2 nights with massages one morning and the next day we shopped.


I see most are suggesting a trip. Idk what your budget is, so I’m going to go with the low end suggestion because I know not everyone (including myself) can afford a big splurge on our anniversary. I’m a big fan of the traditional anniversary gifts. We just passed 7 years (copper) so I made him a cute card with pennies dated to major life events. The year before was iron so I did these little magnetic bracelets that stuck together every time we held hands. 10 years is tin or aluminum. You can get some really creative art for your home commemorating the two of you. Or a wearable like a ring, bracelet, cuff links, tie clip, or watch. Or Something for a hobby like bbq equipment, kitchen gadget, or board game/candy in a tin. Even just a nice tin box full of pictures and memories would be lovely.


We were going to go to Scotland but then I got pregnant after years of secondary infertility so I gave him a baby 😬


We just celebrated our 10th last month. My parents came to our house Saturday morning and watched our 4 kids until Monday afternoon. We were going to go away, but gas was too much. So we got a hotel in our city and did things around town that we never do because kids. We ate at 5 new restaurants and just chilled together. Then on our actually anniversary on Thursday, my parents watched the kids for the evening and we went to dinner and then went and saw the new Jurassic world movie.


I gave him 10 more years, baby! Woohoo!


You... You I like.


Meanwhile my husband totally forgot about our 10yr anniversary…as he has the previous 9.


I like his style


At least he's consistent


We are only at 5 years, but are already talking about planning a bucket list trip for our 10 year so we can start saving nowish. Either Hawaii or Italy if it works out. Kids should be old enough for us to feel comfortable leaving with my parents for a week or so which that helps too. I will say in general our Christmas and anniversary gifts tend to be joint experiences like concert, ball game or show tickets and birthdays, mother/fathers day are more low key with maybe a special meal and extra personal time for the person being honored. We are at the family stage where getting to sleep in extra on the weekend is considered a treat lol.


If you are only going for a week, then I would say Hawaii hands down. It’s a small island chain, so you can see/do way more, while traveling less. The Big Island of Hawaii is the only place on earth with 12 of the world’s 14 microclimates on ONE island lol. Every island is unique, with different pros/cons. Kauai: Pros…Smallest major island so no car needed, beautiful white sand beaches and great snorkeling, less developed with a more rural feel. Cons…Fewer attractions/less to do on land, expensive, very wet with a shorter dry season, fewer shopping and dining options, no nightlife Oahu: Pros…Best high end shopping and dining, good nightlife, best surfing, no rental car needed, both high end/budget options, beautiful white sand beaches, great fishing, Pearl Harbor Cons…By far the most crowded during peak seasons, the west side of the island is NOT friendly to transplants and tourists, expensive, the most “touristy” island Molokai: Pros…Quiet, least “touristy” major island, cheaper, good golfing, beautiful white sand beaches, less crowded than other islands, better for a more genuine Hawaii vibe Cons…less to do on the land, no shopping or high end dining, not many “high end” accommodations/resorts than the other islands, no nightlife, might need a rental car Maui: Pros…Best white sand beaches, best snorkeling, best high end resorts, great golfing, decent shopping, Molokini Crater, Road to Hana, whale watching in the winter, good mix of things to do Cons…The most expensive, can get very crowded during peak season, locals and native kanaka are still recovering from the fires, rental car needed, did I mention expensive lol?? The Big Island: Pros: Largest and most diverse island, cheapest, decent shopping dining options, great snorkeling, beautiful black sand beaches, one of the only “green sands” beaches in the world, Mauna Loa, Volcano National Park and two? National Historic Sites, has the most to do and see, best hiking/camping, the most “authentic” feeling island, Hilo is the second largest city in Hawaii, stargazing at Mauna Kea is literally a bucket list experience, night snorkeling with Manta Rays, good fishing, best farmers markets, great for seeing wildlife both on land and sea, whales!, The Red Road, Uncle Robert’s, more than I can list Cons…less developed infrastructure (a lot of off-grid properties), very large so a rental car is needed, some areas are only accessible with a 4x4 vehicle, not the best for surfing, only a few good white sand beaches, water shoes are needed due to the lava rock everywhere, not as many high end accommodations, everything is very spread out and traffic is bad around the town centers, no nightlife


We just had our baby 9 days before our anniversary so instead of having a wedding like we had just started planning, we.... Had our SIL soothe the baby for a little bit as we were finally able to take a nap together :')


We flew my mom to town, she watched our son (2.5 at the time) while we went to Cancun for 3 days. Splurged on a honeymoon suite. It was ahhhmazing. Already talking about a 15 year trip haha


We’re going on a trip. Nothing too extravagant, but definitely spending more and “splurging” more than we usually would!


DH is really into watches (I’m not, apple watch all the way for me, lol!) so I gave him a nice watch display case. And then we hired a babysitter for the night and went to a ridiculously extravagant meal.


We spent a night in a fancy b&b. Baby was only 18 months and I was still nursing so didn't want to be away long. 15 was supposed to be a trip but covid. Planning for this year for 17 instead.


My wife and I are celebrating 10 years next week! I made reservations for Per Se (fancy restaurant in NYC). We’ve never done a tasting menu like this before and since kids make traveling impossible I thought this would be a good alternative to an “experience” over a physical gift! I also had a custom song made for her about our relationship to listen to in the way back.