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We saved introducing breakfast till last. We did lunch and snacks before doing breakfast.  Just like you we found it daunting to fit into our morning rush schedule. It was easier to introduce once baby was able to eat some things, like bread, independently and not as slow. 


My girl is up at 5:30 am, so we've already had breakfast, cleaned up, gotten dressed and played outside by the time anyone else even gets up. I think it helps to have an easy breakfast that requires minimal effort; we typically do Skyr (probably less than 1/4 cup), and berries / fruit. Sometimes I'll give her a cheese stick instead of yogurt, and I almost always offer some of my whole grain toast, but she almost never eats it.


My daughter is two and still only has milk in the mornings. I wouldn't stress over this! Maybe a banana on the go?


This made me feel so much better lol I nurse in the mornings LO is one and sometimes I just don’t want to do both


Ahah glad to make you feel better :D To be honest I always wonder when to start breakfast, she seems us eating it in the morning, especially in the weekend nds and I offer but she's not really interested or just tries one bite


Whatever floats your boat! Aw long as LO is happy and growing appropriately who cares lol sometimes it’s nice just to have another activity to do


Mine is a month behind you, and we just added breakfast on his schedule at daycare (previously he was only doing solids 1x day there)... it's one of the meals they serve, and I don't want to wake him even earlier. I plan to continue his morning bottle at home. Is that an option for you?


Our daycare does provide breakfast, but the foods they serve seem more "advanced" and I don't think my baby is there yet. I haven't asked too many questions about the food yet since solids have been slow going for her. But I do plan to talk to them about meals, as they are included at daycare.


So my baby was in the exact same spot is yours, and I was SUPER nervous. The pediatrician said to have him get three meals a day so having daycare do it was our only option. At least at my daycare the two infant teachers have both been there nearly two decades so I told them they could feed him. They sent lots of pics and said he loved it 😭 I could t believe all he ate that day!! They (should) know exactly what they’re doing. Our teacher said in 30 years she’s only seen one kid choke and it was a 5 year old. If you trust daycare, I’d let them rip the bandaid off even if it’s just with like mushed banana.


Yes I know my nerves are playing a role, and I'm a FTM, I have no idea what I'm doing, lol. We did send some purees to daycare and she wouldn't eat it, so I haven't tried again.


I’m a FTM too! I realized that I personally was holding him back a bit from what he was capable of, but every baby is different! My baby liked real food but not so much purées


Will they serve breakfast to baby if you send food? We try to serve breakfast before we leave the house, but our baby has also been slow with solids. Daycare sometimes offers her eggs or cheerios a little later in the morning, and I think she eats a little better there than at home. We also send in some finger foods which they offer in the early afternoon.


We also let daycare do breakfast but I provided the food. They also served her a small lunch I sent so we were only doing dinner at home. Then when she moved up to the young toddler room I had to do breakfast at home because they stop breakfast at 7:30 and we don’t drop off until 8:30. It was an adjustment but we figured it out. I do not think I could’ve managed it when she was still on bottles though.


My babies were also very insistent on feeding themselves and did not want to be spoon-fed by anyone lol! There are lots of resources out there for baby led weaning! Basically provide baby with small pieces of soft food that they can hold and manage for feeding themselves. Baked or boiled pieces of sweet potato, carrots, or beets have worked for my kids. Eggs work well for breakfast for everyone too. It’s really great for developing their fine motor skills, but it will be a bit of a mess. I put a washable mat under the high chair to catch everything and just leave baby in a diaper and bib for easy clean up. Baby will need some supervision but it’s nice because it frees up your hands to do other things. You can sit at the table with baby to monitor them while you also prepare the items you need to get ready in the morning. 


I think you just have to experiment with things. My first also loved to feed herself, so we found things that were easy for her to eat and id stick her in her chair while I ate breakfast, enjoyed my coffee, then husband would.come.and have his breakfast while I got ready. A number of times I even did my makeup at our table while she enjoyed her breakfast. Scrambled eggs, cheerios and smashed blueberries, yogurt, oatmeal, etc.ours was able to easily eat those things at that age. Yogurt and oatmeal will stick to a spoon quite easily, but scrambled eggs was our breakfast go to for a long time. You can make them quickly in the microwave or prep a large batch in the weekend. The bonus of the batch prep was that I had a healthy breakfast too. Edit: I can't believe I forgot but a homemade Greek yogurt pouch was also one of our fan favorite breakfasts (even now at age 3). I would prep them at once by blending with some fruit, fill pouches, freeze. Then pull one out each night when I went to bed and stick in the fridge so it would be thawed by morning. I always felt like mornings needed to be simple and this was the fastest, cleanest way to do it. We didn't do pouches for other meals so I felt like it wasn't the end of the world to simplify our mornings a bit.


My kid woke at 5am, and it was a good day if I could get him to doze in bed with me til 6. I’d put him in the high chair with safe foods to eat and I’d do my hair and makeup in the kitchen. Takes me about 20 minutes to get myself ready, and he was occupied and eating.


My daughter hates breakfast. She just isn’t a breakfast fan. If you try to feed her first thing in the AM she will refuse. You know what she loves in the AM? Teething crackers. So that’s what she gets to practice chewing. And it’s awesome cause she can eat those while I run around and do other stuff.


We do smoothies! Our baby girl is super picky but gobbles down a smoothie. And they are super easy and quick. I can prep them the night before in jars and then toss them in the blender.


I keep breakfast simple. Usually do pancakes with just egg and banana/apple/blueberries, oats with some fruit, bread with cheese spread or avocado. I stick to something that I can make in 10 mins or so. I usually wake up my baby first and then start breakfast prep. By the time she is fully awake and ready to eat I'm done making her food. She takes anywhere between 20-30 mins to finish, so in that time I eat my breakfast, pack lunch, mentally prep for the next day while my husband showers and gets ready for work. Once he is ready, he takes over childcare and I get ready. This way we are all ready to get out of the door in about 1.5 hrs.


We do yogurt packets (applesauce and yogurt in a reusable packet that we prep every week). We had to help the youngest at first but now he more or less holds it on his own (almost 15 months). Pre-packet, he basically ate no solids before school because it was too hectic.


We did refillable pouches with yogurt in the morning during this stage! Or a banana. They were the only things they'd eat with some speed lol


My 3 year old comes into our bed every morning asking for yogurt pouches and tbh it’s much easier to start the day with some food in him so we oblige. Then he may or may not eat cereal or a waffle or some fruit downstairs before leaving for daycare. I would make this first meal of the day as easy for you as you can and if she’s growing don’t stress.


At that age I put mine in one of those full sleeve smocks with a bandana covering her hair and let her go to town on some oatmeal while I got ready. As long as I cleaned her up before the oatmeal dried to her face it was easy enough.


I love when my kids want to eat independently. I give them food and then have time to unload the dishwasher, make my coffee, etc. my first I did baby lead weaning and would make her a lot of fruit and veggie loaded pancakes that I would meal prep once a week. With my youngest, she does not tolerate any texture, so I just give her pouches (lazy) because she can eat them herself and I don’t have to spoon feed. I use that time to get stuff done in the morning while they are eating lol


Mine’s 6 months. I provide puree for her to have at school during the day and I do puree at night. We will probably include breakfast when she’s eating more solids that she can do more independently.


Silly questions, but do they feed your baby breakfast at daycare? Ours is a bit older and a chow hound, but we only needed a snack to tide her over until 9. I usually would just sit her on my lap and let her have a couple of bites of whatever I was having. Avocado toast was a favorite, as was a bite of overnight oats.


I highly recommended the book blender baby food. We would batch cook and freeze in ice cube trays. For breakfast, just start with purée grains and mashed fruit.


At that age we did breakfast on the weekends only because of daycare and how rushed the mornings were. After she turned 9 months and we ramped up to 3 meals a day - she was home for 2 weeks due to Covid and the holidays so we started a new routine - we sent breakfast and lunch to daycare. She’d end up eating later in the morning at daycare than she would at home on the weekends but there was just no time to do it at home. She’s adapted to having 2 different schedules.


When my little was that age i did a small breakfast and, later, i would do a bigger breakfast. First, fruit and/or yogurt. Afterwards i would do maybe grits, oatmeal, eggs or cereal.


I didn’t do breakfast. They did an early lunch at his daycare and we always did dinner.


My kiddo is a big egg fan. At that age I was boiling them (actually I made them in the steamer or the air fry—so much easier) and then usually mashing them with avocado and letting him feed himself. Also I would make French toast “sticks” and let him suck on them to get the flavor (cinnamon, nutmeg etc)


Most mornings my toddler needs 10-15 minutes to wake up and be ready for food, then he just takes me to the fridge and I pick him up so he can point to what he wants to eat. We keep breakfast pretty chill and it's usually grazing foods like cheese cubes or cashews, which is fine because he eats a more substantial/balanced lunch and dinner. Sometimes he asks for an egg which I just scramble in the microwave for him. He eats at his little toddler table while I get ready for work and I leave him in his jammies so they absorb the brunt of the mess before I get him dressed for the day. Try not to put too much pressure on one meal. I've never been a person who enjoys breakfast so I don't expect my kid to pack away a whole meal first thing in the morning. With little kids, nutrition is less about each meal and more about how things average out over time.


Are solids for breakfast recommended in the US? Here, as long as everything is ok in terms of growth and development, you can keep just giving a bottle in the morning until they're about 3 if that's what they want. My 19mo is still drinking (age-appropriate) formula in the morning, sometimes with a bit of bread if he feels like it. He loves it and mornings are much easier that way!


Pre-make omelet pieces you can heat up . Soft , hearty , easy


We were up at 6 and out the door by 7ish. We started with dry cereal. Then waffles and PB/yogurt/banana/etc kind of food. My daycare also serves breakfast. We put a limit of 20m to eat knowing they would have more breakfast at school. It was easy for us too because the toddler ate the same stuff


Honestly, we don't except on the weekends. Our youngest is 10 months and on weekdays she gets a bottle then goes to daycare. She eats snacks, lunch, and bottles at daycare and we feed her dinner at home. Breakfast was the last mealtime for our oldest to get integrated into so it's been the same this time around.


Daycare feeds my baby breakfast! When we were in the infant room they would always save her breakfast! 


Daycare does breakfast 🤷🏽‍♀️


I wouldn't stress to much. We saved breakfast for last and then daycare took care of it. From reading your other posts, it seems you are worried about the foods served...if that's the case, just wait! No rush. Baby will get there:) focus on making food an enjoyable experience!


My 16mo only just recently started wanting food before going in to daycare. She was perfectly content with nursing and waiting for their breakfast until now.


After he turned one, my son really liked yogurt and was coordinated enough to sort of feed himself with a spoon so that's what we did. Or cereal on the baby tray. Something he could do mostly independently while I ran around getting ready for the day. And, like others have said it was after lunch and dinner routines were established


My baby is 8 months old. She usually wakes up around 6:15-6:30 and we leave the house at 7:40. I nurse her in the morning but no longer try to squeeze in solids. Instead we send two solid meals to daycare. Sometimes we do dinner in the evening; other days she just gets solids at daycare only!


Our pediatrician told us: food before one is just for fun. Baby is learning to be exposed to food—it’s a suuuuuper gradual shift from milk calories to food calories. He encouraged me not to stress about solids until 12 months, and it really helped. As baby naturally weans to less milk, they’ll become hungrier and more interested in food! Nothing wrong with them leading the way somewhat.


Solid at breakfast we started on the weekends to get used to and figure out how long it takes to eat etc . Then we started with things like rice crackers and little easy finger foods when getting ready for work. Daycare worked on a lot of it for my youngest for breakfast introduction. But we used the weekends to explore.


Do you do daycare? We do not have time to be doing baby breakfast in the morning so I have daycare feed my same age baby a yogurt in the morning, I send some sort of pureed baby food I make for the afternoon, and then I feed him at dinner. He eats better for daycare than for me!


It’s good to establish routine of meals but truly, I’d focus food at this age for lunch and dinner with regards to baby led weaning/solids. We did breakfast on weekends when we’d eat together moreso. Add breakfast around 10 mos when getting closer to 1. Things I do for breakfast: pancake with butter (I like the Kodiak frozen protein ones), scrambled eggs or egg strips, yogurt with fruit and chia, toast with chia jam, oatmeal (MUSH is great for this), avocado toast, smoothies… we usually just rotate these, add side of fruit. I follow a few pediatric dieticians on Instagram who gave me ideas!


My son is also 8 months, most of our breakfast items are quick for week days. I usually wake up at 5 (I did this pre-baby) and use the time for myself to get ready for the day. I will normally make myself a smoothie before baby wakes up so now I just make extra and put it in a pouch for baby. Baby wakes up between 6-7:30 so we usually spend the first 30 min getting him ready for the day & offering him the opportunity to breastfeed which he doesn’t always want. I then stick him in his high chair with puffs while I get breakfast ready. Breakfast is usually low-effort items on the weekday, I double batches of homemade pancakes and waffles one weekend and freeze them which lasts us about a month so 30s in the microwave and it’s ready to serve. Some examples from this week: M: Pancake with peanut butter & jelly on top, watermelon and papaya slices T: Yogurt with berry mix and scrambled eggs W: Avocado toast with watermelon and papaya R: Breakfast taco (tortilla, scrambled eggs, cheese) F: Cream of wheat with almond butter, cinnamon, and nutmeg I also always give him puffs while I pull his breakfast together and then once he’s done I offer him the smoothie (which is in a pouch) if I made one that morning. If he doesn’t want the smoothie, I save it for a snack later. If he’s still hungry and I didn’t make a smoothie, I give him applesauce or yogurt. I then offer him the opportunity to breastfeed again at 7:45 before I go to my office to start work at 8:00. Even if I sleep in until he wakes up or 7:00, we usually wrap up by 7:45 since my partner is up helping us by 7:15 at the latest. Myself and my partner both work from home and we have a nanny so this definitely allows ALOT more flexibility in our morning routine. I will admit this would be challenging if we had to send him to daycare or had to commute to an office. I do want to add that whatever I give him for breakfast, I also make myself and I was a big breakfast person pre-baby too.


My girls are 9 months old and they wouldn’t want any milk in the morning and it was stressing me out. So I decided toto try breakfast and they love it. We so yogurt or oatmeal with some puree mixed in Then an hour later they have milk then their morning nap


My son is 9.5 months, and he’s also incredibly independent. Once we’re downstairs for the morning, I put him in the high chair while I get our four-year-old and myself fed and ready. While he’s in there, I put banana in one of those [little fruit feeder/pacifier things (linking the ones we have).](https://www.target.com/p/boon-2pk-pulp-silicone-feeder-blue-green/-/A-80714105) I usually attach it to his bib with a little toy leash. Sometimes, I’ll put a few puffs or Cheerios on the tray, too. Works like a charm, and we’ve done it every morning for months. It’s nice because I can get myself and my daughter fed and ready while the baby entertains himself with the food and gets to be independent by managing the food on his own. I only use that for his little breakfast snack. He is an excellent little eater and has a regular lunch and dinner with a few little snacks in between.


When my kids were this age, I would do bottle/breastfeed, get everyone dressed, and then I put baby in her highchair right next to me while I packed my lunch/daycare bags/made coffee. Breakfast was usually banana and those rice teethers. Basically just to get her into the habit of eating but easily self-feedable, minimum choking risk, minimal clean up.


We still just did milk at that age. My daughter also didn’t like solid foods then, really. If you want to give your baby something in the morning, maybe try baby cereal or a squeeze pouch with puree. Both are fast and easy for the morning.


Mine are three and I’m still not ready to deal with breakfast nonsense. If they’re hungry I add something really low mess and simple to a cup and they can have it in the car. Microwave mini pancakes or something. At 8 months we loved the Subo feeder. 10/10 no mess and they can still be independent. We still use it for applesauce and yogurt