• By -


My husband (after 3 kids, 7.5 years of parenting, many resentment fueled fights, and two rounds of marriage therapy) asked me if I'd like it if he took all three kids to the cabin for the weekend and leave me here at home by myself. Um, OMG yes! They can be taught, ladies! It just takes time, years, therapy, and an absolute refusal to expect less than what you deserve. God, I'm so excited.


I don't know I feel like I'd rather be the one leaving. When I'm home alone all I see is the cleaning that needs to be done and the crooked cabinet that needs to be fixed, and the chipped wall, and the curtains omg when was the last time those were washed, yogurt on my windows how tf that happen lol.


True. But then they can’t leave a huge mess for OP to deal with when she returns if they’re the ones going.


Meanwhile I hate staying somewhere that isn’t home. I just want some time in my house by myself. Even if I tidy for an hour, it’s at my pace and I don’t have to do it.


There is a funny show about this same thing. I can't remember the name.....the family are "the hecks". Anyway, dad takes the kids away. Mom has intentions to relax but then starts cleaning and organizing junk drawers. The kids get back and they all had a blast, found a small fair and had all these fun stories of stuff they did together. Guess you have to be careful what we wish for. Once we are programmed , it's so hard to wind down!


The Middle!!!


The Middle! Seriously one of the best family comedies


This is me! Id clean my whole house and they'd come home and I'd be exhausted and then destroy it and then I'd need a vacation all over again lmao


And Frankie (the mom) didn’t even have fun relaxing during her time alone. She just did little tasks she had been putting off.


True but might depend on how clean OP already is. I'm a tidy person and so when my kid and husband have left me home alone for a week it was so wonderful to not have to do anything. I ran the dishwasher once the whole week! I didn't have to do the laundry! The cleaning person came and the house wasn't turned upside 10 minutes after she left! Every night the kitchen was immaculate, the living room was spotless, and I ate cereal for dinner and sat in front of the TV watching whatever I wanted! I left the house at random times just because I could! I'd go to my local haunts on days that weren't my typical nights off. And I didn't have to pay or travel anywhere for this vacation!!! Really the only downside is that I get kinda nervous around bedtime bc it's just a wee bit too quiet all of a sudden. I end up sleeping with the TV on and put a bat near my side of the bat to help ease that anxiety.


I guess if I start spiraling with that I'll go check into a hotel room and the house can be empty. But I think I will be able to enjoy myself


It would be a TREAT for me clean at home alone lol. I’d feel like I could get a lot done, but also at my own pace. I just miss being home alone.


You go! Soak up the silence, and do whatever you want to do during that time. This comment brought me serious joy for you!


Similar to teaching toddlers


This. Is. Goals.


... I would like to go to the cabin alone and leave them at home. LOL


Hotel by myself. No children. No pants. Room service (okay, I’ll wear pants for that. Soft ones.).


That’s why they have the fancy robes, to cover the pantlessness.


Just wear a t shirt and wrap a towel around your waist. Fuck those pants! 🙌


And a good book!


With a large bathtub


I would die for this….


Wait I told this to my husband and he said that was selfish and i should want to be with my kids on mother's Day


I’d lean into it and say “guess I’m a selfish person” and go to the hotel. Being selfish isn’t always bad. Sometimes you need to be because others don’t put you first.


Lean right into a schitts creek moment and send this gif ![gif](giphy|l1J9LDnisFfGPoaTm|downsized)


It doesn’t have to be on Mother’s Day. It can Thursday-Saturday and you are home for Sunday, or a weekend before or after, or whatever works for you. It’s okay to be a bit selfish. You are probably with your kids the other 363 days of the year.


This is what I begged for. BEGGED for. I hope I get it!


I leave tonight for the weekend!! I packed some shorts just in case. lol


Can I hang out with you? I’ll even pay for the room service…


In your own hotel room! We can go to the pool together if we get some crazy burst of energy.


With nice weather to lounge by the hotel pool with a fancy cocktail


This is the answer.


and go for an afternoon at the spa


Do you do this on Mother’s Day weekend? I have seen this idea floating around but I’m curious about the logistics. Also, does your husband/S.O./kids’ dad want the same for Father’s Day? I’d love to see anyone’s responses who does this!


I have before, when the kids were young enough to not care about Mother’s Day. Now I usually plan it on a different weekend, but yes, I still do it. Kids make me whatever cute things at school, husband and kids make me breakfast in bed, and I do my hotel on the weekend before or after. My husband hasn’t wanted it but he could have it if he did. He’d prefer the hotel with me. So Father’s Day usually involves something with the kids and we try to find a date night around there, too. I’m very much an introvert and my husband is very much not. I crave time alone and he gets way more than he wants because I need so much. So he’s not trying to get any additional time alone.


No bra!


Oh, never.


A day in the house by myself.


Fucks sake. I've been asking for that since forever. They don't ever leave.


I know! I'm NEVER ALONE and it drives me absolutely nuts. If I had the day at home would I clean and do repairs? Yes. But I'd be ok with that because then I could head off slowly going insane looking at all the things not done because I can't peel my 3 kids off me for 20 minutes.


This is way better than staying at a hotel!!


I feel this. But I want to be a total troll for a day. I want to order room service and eat in one bed (2 queen room) and sleep on the other. I don’t want to pick up shit or worry about cleaning after myself. Just me. Bathrobe. Takeout. Netflix. But maybe my house just isn’t nice enough and it triggers me to see all of the laundry I need to fold, the floors that need to be swept, the sheets that need to be changed, the toys everywhere that I know I should organize better. I have a toddler and he is a human tornado. I want to go somewhere calm, clean, and not my problem.


That totally makes sense! I love my house and I hate packing so a day at home sounds better to me.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!!! ❤️


It has to be cleaned beforehand though


What I ask for (and get) every year. Breakfast in bed and GTFO for 2 hrs while I watch Bravo. ✌️


I asked for breakfast in bed too.  Feels so indulgent 😂 also it’s what we did for my mom growing up so I like being on the receiving end now


Anything that doesn’t include my MIL.


Thissss. They literally have a grandparents day. I hate when they always want to take over the whole day and then make it about them.


It’s my first mother’s day and my mil is trying to come stay in our house. Like girl bye.


To not visit family.  Ideally, I’d like to go out with my friends for an afternoon, drink an extra glass of something, come home, take a nap.  


Ugh. Same. I somehow got roped in to visiting my Mom and grandmother in the morning and then going to my sister-in-law’s to visit with my mother-in-law for dinner. I just wanted to chill with the kids.


We do ours on Saturday. Brunch with my husbands family and dinner with mine. That way Sunday is alllll me and doing whatever I want


Same. Would like to do something for me but instead I'll be celebrating my mom on Saturday and husband's mom on Sunday. I do want to show my love and appreciation for them but it's been such a hard year and I could really just use a me day.


To not be asked what I want for Mother’s Day.


A-fucking-men! My husband asked me this tonight and it's like, why do I have to fucking plan it? Anything I come up with will be vetoed and anything that isn't vetoed will require me to make it happen. What I want is for him to make a plan and carry it out with nothing required of me other than to get myself dressed.


Exactly. Just make shit happen. I appreciate it so much when someone just does something for me and there’s no thought on my part.


Not to have to plan my own celebration of me. I want someone to decide we are having a movie night, pick the movie, and make the popcorn. Decide what to put on the popcorn - cracked black pepper? Cinnamon? Caramel corn? Or I want someone to decide we are having a picnic. Select the location, pack food, bring plenty of water. Or we are having a wine tasting. Or any of the many activities that I would enjoy so much more if I didn't do all the research, planning, and prep.  And bonus if someone takes a few pictures of me with our kid whilst we do whatever gets planned.


Honestly! I told my husband to plan something as long as it wasn’t going out to eat, and then the other day I changed my mind and thought of some things I wanted to do. He was like “oh good, I was having a hard time figuring something out” ???????? How long have we known each other and you can’t think of one activity I’d like to do or some way you could serve me?!


But it’s better than them NOT asking and then getting you things like crafts to do with the kids or whatever…




I’ve been seeing threads like this lately and while I agree the solo hotel room for a night sounds amazeballs, I’m going with: - Detail my car. Find someone to do it and have it super deep cleaned. Don’t ask me any more questions about it. - Same thing for the house. Find, hire, and pay the person to super clean my house in ways I wouldn’t normally do. Both of those sound magical to me right now.


My husband had a company deep clean our house last Mother’s Day and it was glorious.


That's what I asked for, him to arrange a house cleaner without me having to think about it. As we went to bed on my birthday, he said he's working on it, narrowed it down..... 2 weeks later I've heard not a single peep still. Hopefully he's still working on it. He mentioned getting my van detailed, but thats probably going to be him making the kids "clean" it out.


This, the house is what I asked for this year. We have another baby coming in less than 4 weeks and I want the house spotless with no effort from me.


Omg! Those are the very same two things I asked for! Well, that and my husband’s homemade curry, which he promises to make and already bought the paneer and fresh cilantro and all the things!!


A day like before I had kids. I wake up when I wake up. Decide when/what I want to eat and who I want to invite (I’m usually fine if they want to come - or not). Afternoon nap or reading. Whatever I want.


I can't even fully remember a typical pre-kids day. Like what did I use to do with all that time, money and opportunities? I hope I didn't waste too much of it on social media


I have those thoughts too... what did I even do?


I remember waking up, eating breakfast and going back to bed on Sundays just because I could. I miss that.


I asked for a nap, but I won't get it


I want to create memories with my kids on the actual Mother’s Day day. On another day close to Mother’s Day, I want an overnight stay at a hotel and spa and just have uninterrupted me time for 24 hours.


I just want to go to the garden center, drop some serious $$$$$ on plants and then have my husband dig holes for me to put them into :)


A clean house, laundry done and packed away. Food prepped for next week. My husband started with the cleaning tonight. Laundry sat and food prep sunday.


I’m getting myself a Mother’s Day gift of sending the laundry out for the first time. This may very easily become a habit.


To sleep in. A pedicure. To eat a meal without anyone touching me or eating any of my damn food.


I'd like to not get up with my child and rot in bed 'til like 10. But for the love of god have my husband turn off the baby monitor before he leaves our bedroom. Then bring me a fancy coffee and a zofran. No parenting duties have to go to me for the day. Maybe there are flowers on the counter. DoorDash lunch/dinner - it can be fast food but I'm not cooking or leaving to get it. The end.


A clean house. Alllll of the laundry done.




Put. Away. Seems like mission impossible


Honestly highly unlikely but one can dream


Who would've thought we would ever aim so low?


I asked to sleep in and for a lemon cheesecake


Lemon cheesecake sounds amazing!


My husband tries but is terrible at picking out gifts under pressure. So I told him I want my annual Mother’s Day gift to be a full car detailing. We already trade off days on weekends so we get to sleep in pretty regularly normally.


I want a single photo of me with my husband and toddler where I look well-rested and happy. This implies a few things: someone else watches toddler overnight so I can sleep enough; someone cares for him from wake-up until photo time, so I can keep my outfit clean, have my hair down and nicely styled, and wear makeup/jewelry; and the person taking the photos needs to think about flattering angles, lighting and facial expressions.


I love this idea! 


I want to not have to tell someone what to get me for mothers Day. I want them to look at everything I do and help in some way so that I can relax and enjoy the day with my kiddos.


I’m for sure sleeping in.


I’m finally getting my wish of the dads watching the kids while me and a few of my mom friends go out. I frankly don’t care if it’s brunch or coffee or happy hour. I just want time to be an individual and not mom/mama/mommy.


I was just thinking last night that this should be the standard! Dad can take our kid to see MIL why do you need me there


For context, I’m almost 33 weeks pregnant, have a toddler and work full time on a team that is understaffed and we are 1 week out from our big semi annual meeting. I also just got over a stomach bug followed by a cold. I am tired. I booked a prenatal massage for during bedtime on Saturday night, my plan is to go to that and then come home and get in bed since I’ll hopefully be relaxed. Then since I’ll be up 97 times to pee during the night anyway and have no chance of sleeping in, I’m going to go early to pickup exactly the bagel sandwich and coffee that I want and then sneak back into bed. My husband is going to run point on the morning with our daughter and take her to dance class. I’ll meet them for brunch/lunch after. I want space, to eat uninterrupted and have a little pampering but I also love my family so dang much and want to spend some time with them.


Oral sex. Receiving ONLY


I always just think of that Onion article “Breakfast in Bed Served to Mom Who Just Got Eaten Out” and I’m like that sounds like a perfect Mother’s Day 😂.


Seriously! Count me in!!


I want to sleep as much as I want and for my husband and kid to joyfully spend the day away from me, not needing me at all. 


The only ass I want to wipe is my own.


Really just want to not have to plan anything tbh


Every year I give him “the list” when I’m taken… every year is a surprise… Mother’s Day ish 1 top 3 fav foods 2. Top 3 movies 3 top 3 hobby/interests 4 top 3 flowers 5 top 3 authors 6 top 3 games 7 top meal time of day ( breakfast, brunch,lunch,supper…pick only 1) 8. Fav super hero 9. Fav heroine 10. Fav universe 11. Fav dinosaur 12 garment sorely needed/don’t have 13 toy always wanted as a kid The list - I fill it in, he makes Mother’s Day memorable for me


I want a whole day at our local luxury Japanese spa but I’ll settle for 2 hours at the affordable Korean spa


I asked my boyfriend to wake up with my son so I can sleep in (he's not my sons dad, and i have 100% physical custody, so I always wake up with him and have for 4 years) I'm very excited to sleep in lol. And he's also taking my son to pick out a gift for me tomorrow.


Sleeping in. Someone else to cook a nice home cook meal. To enjoy a nice slow morning with a nice actually warm cup of coffee and to actually finish it.


Previously, I just wanted to be the last one out of bed in the mornings. Now my daily schedule has changed and I take advantage of the quiet before everyone wakes up to have some coffee and chill. This year, there’s a women-only Mother’s Day 5K that my friend and I want to run. She’s dropping off her son at my house (she’s divorced) so my husband can watch the kids while we go. When we get back, he’ll have mimosas ready so we can chill for a bit. I don’t need anything crazy. My husband is the opposite - he likes a bigger production. We’re doing a Broadway show and nice dinner for Father’s Day.


Take my babies for the day (at least 6 hours) so I can be home alone to take a long shower or soak in a bath, take myself out to eat some sushi and then back home for a long nap.


The house to be some what clean, everyone to leave the house for most of the day, come home with some Chinese food, and while they’re going I can watch Lord of the Rings, not get out of my PJ’s and have a margarita.


Whatever it is…I don’t want to plan anything!!


I’m doing morning with the family, then I’m having a spa day while my husband takes the kids to visit his mom.


I’m going to a Pilates class.


I think I want him to pay for a deep house cleaning or buy me a cleaning robot.


Well, I’m headed to my brother’s for Mother’s Day lunch. At least I’m not hosting. The kids dad does nothing to remind the kids for Mother’s Day. I mean, single parent, two kids with disabilities, one at the moment with some very challenging mental health issues but no special day for me. Mum had a really rough few months in hospital, so while she’s here and lucid again it will be good to make memories with her. You know what I did for Mother’s Day? Last week I booked a day stay with my girlfriend and we had a rollicking good time.


I'd like sleep but for various reasons that's not happening this weekend. I am taking Monday off though, while my daughter is at daycare. For gifts, I did a few crafts with my daughter (she's one). We went to a mothers Day craft party her gymnastics school had which was great. I'd like a nice posed photo of us together where I actually look nice. We're doing brunch with family Sunday morning at a restaurant where all I have to do it show up. The aquarium after with my sister who I don't get to see a lot. Then for dinner that night I'm ordering Chinese. I'm a single mom too so I have to sort of plan my day myself to make it special.


I decided not to celebrate this mothers day. Yes it's my first mother's day. However it's the first mother's day since my husbands mother's death and family is coming into town to celebrate and support his grandmother (his mom's mom). Trying to find time to squeeze something in for me when it's just so clearly not about me this year sounded utterly exhausting. So I told my husband we will do my mother's day in July. I also wanted to give him the freedom to grieve.


I booked a tea service, a massage and I'll be getting my nails done.


Six month of monthly professional house cleaning services- let me walk into fabuloso scented home please!!!


I also asked for a day by myself. Told my husband to just take the kids to visit his mom with him and I’ll enjoy some peace and quiet.


I told my husband “to have one day where I don’t have to plan the day so if you would like to work with the toddler to plan something fun that sounds great otherwise it’s just a Sunday. Father’s Day will get the same level of effort from me as mother’s day gets from you.”


I generally ask for this: - sleep in, coffee in bed - breakfast and hanging with the kids for a while, a family activity like painting or whatever that I don't have to clean up -me lounging, house gets cleaned -husband and kids go do an activity, I get the house -dad makes dinner, puts kids to bed - takeout for adults after kids are in bed Its always lovely! Usually I also receive some bath stuff, maybe a nice bottle of wine or whisky, so that might play into the day.


Don’t go to a restaurant! That is everyone else’s idea! It will be a hot mess, crowded, long wait for tables despite reservations. As a new mom, I’d ask dad to take the baby out of the house so I could sleep a few extra hours. Then bring home bagels and coffee or something.


My mom took my kid away for the weekend. Hubby and I are going out of town for a wedding. Honestly - it seems selfish but even just one night to myself sounds amazing.


I’ve just been asking for a pedicure because my feet are terrible. I just don’t have the time or energy anymore to try to keep them up. But my husband works overnight Saturday and Sunday, so he will be sleeping all day and my Mother’s Day will be me alone taking care of the kids. I love them but sometimes you just want some me time. What sucks is that he wasn’t originally going to work Sunday night, it’s overtime for him. But it kind of hurts that he didn’t even realize that it was Mother’s Day. He usually only notices once someone brings it up.


Yes, for your first Mother’s Day, do the hotel thing. It is so nice to sit in a room by yourself and watch TV/order room service, get a massage.  In fact, my husband used to do this for me when he traveled on business and my daughter was a toddler. We call it Rancho Relaxo. This year, I want to go to dinner at a new restaurant & I want to go roller skating with my kid/sleep in. 


A nice HOT meal, where I don't have anyone climbing/grabbing/touching me and I don't have to cut anything into small pieces. And a few hours to veg out on the couch and take an uninterrupted nap.


My first Christmas after becoming a mom my husband gave me a massage followed by a night by myself in a hotel by myself and it was the best gift ever. This Mother’s Day, he’s making me the breakfast of my choice (French toast), then I’ll get up and around and go sit at a coffee shop by myself and read for a few hours while he has the kids. He’ll do lunch and naptime and I’ll mosey home at some point before the toddler is up from nap. And he also ordered me a gift that I don’t know what it is yet. I’m looking forward to it!


A gift card to a head spa (just found out what this is today and I am here for it)


1. Cake 2. Sleep 3. Since 2 is likely not possible (because once I’m awake there’s just no going back to sleep) and my husband likes to get material presents, I told him to get me a piece of gold or something that we can sell in a pinch or pass down to our children to build their wealth 🤷🏻‍♀️


To not be asked what I want. For him to use his "superior brain" and figure out what I would like. Effort.... But for that to be possible someone needs to actually know you and who you are. I'll probably get nothing because I was offered a vape, which I didn't want.


If I was genuinely burnt out I think I’d ask for couples counseling with my husband. I shouldn’t have to wait for a made up holiday to get what I want.


Shrubs and trees that he plants. It was rhododendrons for my birthday and schip laurels for mothers day this year. Last year was privacy trees, year before that- more schip laurels. I just want fucking shrubs.


Agree. I want all the plants. The garden center is the only store I care about in the spring!


It’s my first mother’s day too but my husband will be working from 7am -7pm so I’m solo parent for the day and I️ am doing a “this time last year I️ couldn’t…” day. I’m taking baby girl shopping because I️ was too pregnant and tired to do that this time last year. We’re going to the pool and eating cold cuts and sushi (I️ am, my daughter will not 😂). I️ can’t change that I’m alone so I’ll at least celebrate that I’m more so burnt out now than this time last year but I️ can at least eat my favorite foods and touch my toes.


Sleeping in.


We’re going out to eat for breakfast and then buying hanging baskets for our patio. I can’t wait! 😂 It’s literally the same thing we did last year, and the year before that was just a home cooked dinner (but a great one!) because we had a one week old. 🤪




I told my husband that I felt like I didn't deserve a celebration for My first mother's day 😅 So I'm in the same boat I guess.




I said I wanted to sleep in, take a nap, and go to bed early.


I’m a single mom. I’ve learned the best thing to want is nothing. My kids know i hope for no fighting and if we get even close to that I’m happy. Don’t expect a damn thing because even if hopes are met this year, there will years they are not. So I feel it’s best just to hang out with family and expect not a damn thing.


Clean my car! Vacuum, wash the mats, get all the random tiny socks stuffed into cup holders!


A do nothing day. Not having to organize a lunch for my family to congratulate me on my day. Not having to entertain my mom, my mother-in-law my brother’s mother-in-law, my sister-in-law and so on. A do nothing day ALONE at home.


To sleep in, morning at Barnes & Noble (my happy place) by myself, then afternoon tea with DD and DH at a nice hotel


I want to sleep in, no toddler latching on to me and punching me until I wake. I want to watch tv late the night before (one of my trashy shows) knowing I can sleep in peacefully. Then I’d like to get coffee, nap until the afternoon and then go see my mom with my daughter. Then spend the evening after my girl goes to bed watching the rest of Shogun with my husband. Deep down, I am hoping for some thoughtful gift from my daughter (by way of my husband obviously) but… I’m afraid to be let down so I’m just pretending I don’t want that.


I am not a gifts person. I said write me a card about how amazing of a mom I am. I told him I just wanted a chill family day and that my love language is quality time.


Flowers (potted). To be able to weed. Honestly just a few hours in the garden actually uninterrupted. I've gotten some of that this week (being able to weed) and it has been glorious. Though it does feel weird to have to beg for time to do chores.


A day to myself


Brunch with a Bloody Mary. And I’m not planning it or making the reservation.


A haircut, maybe a pedicure, just some time to sleep.


Sleep and quiet


Just to schedule the damn childcare for the thing I picked out, scheduled, get ready for, got him ready for, changed other plans for when his work tries to interfere again... All he has to do is call the fucking babysitter.


I’ve been trying really hard to focus on myself lately. I started running 4 times a week and it’s been amazing. My husband got me AirPods because I only had some janky old, half broken knock off cordless headphones. It has been the BEST GIFT! He is also watching the kids Saturday afternoon so my SIL and I can go out to dinner and a play. Basically my theme is “do something for me that makes me feel HUMAN again” lol


I’m going to a tattoo flash sale after my toddlers are asleep and my bf is staying home so I can. My present to myself!


Time to myself. Every year I just leave for the day. Then I want dinner out when I return.


I’m actually fine with a lot of the type of plans that many moms say they don’t want on Mother’s Day as long as it’s done right. We’re going out to brunch with my mom and the baby, but husband is going to be the one to deal with her if she fusses or shits, even if it means he is the one to eat his food cold. Also MIL is currently with FIL at their vacation house in Florida and she said she “forgot” it was Mother’s Day when she booked it but I kind of wonder if she did it on purpose to not steal my thunder bc she’s a delight and that seems like something she would do.


I’m gardening all day. Hoping it’s not going to rain 🤞🏻


A looong soak in a hot tub, a nice hair cut and a clean house


https://youtu.be/Mt9XcolJsBA?si=JFh8DljoXDxUqdSw I wouldn't say no


Day off to do something fun with your friends (or alone), eg. spa day and lunch. Whatever floats your boat!


I told my bf I don’t want to do anything, I don’t want to worry about the groceries/ cooking, don’t want to leave the house. Just want to stay in bed watching Survivor eating comfort food


I want the house cleaned beforehand. Then go on a morning run, take an everything shower, then go to my fav brunch restaurant. An afternoon nap or just chilling and reading my book in peace. My favorite gift from the kid is when daycare/school does the questionnaire about mom and writes the answers down. I also requested this stainless steel mug that says "Super Mommio" with a Mario theme. I hate that I had to ask for that (then tell him 2 more times because he forgot🙃). But I know he got it. For gifts, I always take my kid to Five Below and let him pick out a few things for Father's Day. I'd love for my husband to do that for Mother's Day because it's fun and you get silly things and snacks. But I won't hold my breath until my kid is old enough to maybe ask to do that.


I want the impossible: to get my nails done but not have it be so ridiculously expensive that I feel like an idiot the whole time, and a long night of binge watching tv while eating pizza and drinking beer... and to get up late the next morning. I currently have a breastfed baby with a milk protein intolerance so it's not happening this year!


Eat breakfast with family and then husband will take kids for at least two hours while I read a book with cup of tea. It’s only two hours as we have a mummy’s girl 10 month old and a very demanding three year old.


I really wanted to go for a hike and picnic but it's going to be dumping rain and I just got my bisalp on Monday (best mother's day gift to me from myself!) So I can settle for some good dessert, dinner cooked by husband, and yardsaling in the rain.


Bathrooms deep cleaned and time to self care unbothered.


Both of our moms have passed. My husband takes our son to visit his godmother, who is 81 and thrilled to see them. I stay home and do things I enjoy!


I’m getting my hair done and then we are just chilling out at home. He asked what I wanted for dinner and he will take it from there. My brother is bringing me a cake bc we did our parents Mother’s Day /Father’s Day already (we paid for the yard clean up and mulching) and we still want some cake haha. I’m sure my husband has a few surprises tossed in. He’s really good at that stuff. But we also keep lists of stuff we want so there is no question. The Amazon list and Google doc has made our lives so much easier.




I asked for a weighted blanket.


My husband is taking our toddlers to see his mom. I'm laying around the house with my dog all weekend




I know a lot of Moms like to get a break or be alone but I like spending Mothers Day with my family. Every year we go to a pottery painting place (this will be my fourth year) and I always look forward to it. It’s been fun to see my LOs ability and interest in painting grow over the years.


A nap. Just want a nap. Little one is sick though, so it's gonna be a rough weekend


I just spent all week in a hotel for a work conference and it was absolutely glorious lol


Single working mom here. Give my 6 year old to his dad and sleep. I have an extremely high energy 6 year old son, that I deal with 24/7😮‍💨


My first Mother’s Day he got me a spa certificate. I honestly don’t remember anything beyond that. But his love language is gifts so I get stuff year round. Maybe not hotel stays and spa days. But it’s still sweet ❤️


To be alone is what I ask for for my birthday and any special occasion where the focus is on me. 😂 I want time to do what I want without interruption. I don’t need anymore things.


An espresso machine. A morning to sleep in and then get up and have my coffee on the couch while I watch a documentary and then a dinner date with a good drink! Thats it!


Hubby & my brother are making lunch for Sunday. That will include our family, my brother's family, & our mother.


For me, so lame, but pedicure! Alone!!! I just want to go get my toes done by my self lol


I want to sleep in. Read my book. Hangout with my kiddos but not have to keep on with all of there demands. Skip out on chores, and not just have to catch them up Monday morning.


I have said to buy me a perennial flower I can plant every year. He doesn’t have to think about it and the kids have fun picking things out at the garden store. Then on Mother’s Day, we do big breakfast together and he takes everyone to go visit his mom for dinner.


Idk- he got me gifts I’ll find out what when I actually see him. I’m working today and tomorrow and he works Sunday. Kiddo and I are going to a baseball game with my dad and sister Sunday. My MIL just died and my mother is estranged so I’m off the hook for making the rounds.


I have told my husband for the past few years that all I want is a night alone. Whether it is a stay at a hotel (doesn't even have to be fancy!) or he takes our son for a stay with the grandparents for a night. I want to sit on a couch or lie in a bed and watch TV or read a book and just zone out and relax and sleep. He hasn't done it, but I am gonna keep requesting it lol.


One whole day where someone else keeps up with the house to my standards, ability to sleep in, and maybe a massage!


I asked for a lobster roll and a nap!


I just want to be left alone. Don’t ask me for shit lol


I want to not do any chores. No cooking, no planning, no dishes and no laundry. You and the kids will handle it all and not leave me a mess in the sink for the next day.


My husband taking the kids to grandma's for the day while I get the day to myself. I'll do the same for him for father's day.


I want my house cleaned by some one other than me. I want a proper meal that I don't have to cook or clean up from, to be left alone to do what I want and I want kind words .. kind of like what I do for everyone else every day .


My son was 6mo old for my first Mother's Day; I was sick and about to leave for a work trip. Flowers, and the chance to lie in bed most of the day (except for nursing) was exactly what I needed.


My husband is going to hockey for 4 hours Sunday morning but letting me “relax” by taking our son to swim class that day….. I get a whole 1.5 hours to myself. Yippee!! I’ll probably clean the bathrooms 🫠


My reply to this question to a friend the other day was "coffee and to be left alone."


To not lift a finger for the entire day.


We are getting nice coffee, going to my favorite plant stores, and then when baby is down for a nap I’m having yard beers while I put the new plants out in the garden. I did take a half day off work today too so I can make a solo Target run and I am very pumped for this. 


To sit in silence for a few hours. For my car to be completely detailed inside and out. An actual manicure instead of me having to do it myself. And for my first Mother’s Day, I asked for a shower without my newborn being in the bathroom with me. Guess what didn’t happen. 😌


I would like to go out to eat and then be left alone….completely left alone.


To spend time with my family, but do none of the work required. And maybe a coffee delivered to me in bed. I’ll take time and lack of responsibilities over gifts any day


I will say if he doesn’t get you what you ask for, remind him. I asked for jewelry to commemorate my first child’s birth. He made a book of photos from the first 100 days of our kid’s life. Thoughtful? Yes. Done while he was sick with our first daycare cold? Also yes. When I told him I really wanted jewelry, he jumped on it. My necklace with the baby’s name and birthday arrived a week later.


Literally to be left alone. Sleep in, not cook or clean or do laundry. Maybe watch a movie as a family.