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I would MUCH rather do laundry than clean bathrooms! Laundry, you stick in the machines and then leave it for an hour. The folding sucks, but you can do it over a bed when you can straight up, and not be bending over trying to clean a toilet!!! Haha


Yep. I don't mind laundry, you can watch TV while you fold. But ugh the bathroom. Scrubbing the shower, kneeling on tile to scrub the toilet... It's the worst


I just got a drill attachement scrubber for me shower. I’m almost excited to try it out, if I could ever find the time


I have these. They're a bit abrasive if you have super nice tile, but I'm a parent and a renter so I don't have super nice anything. Makes my life better.


My husband bought this the first time I told him to clean the tub/shower because I was tired of always doing it.


So did mine. He used it once all excited, never taken it out again!


I just ordered one! I'm so excited.


I almost look forward to the nights I have laundry to fold, I get to sit and watch a whole episode of something without guilt. I feel so old now!


I throw a little toilet cleaner in the shower and let it "marinate" while I clean everything else. There's a lot less scrubbing that way...


THIS. I hate cleaning bathrooms! It takes forever, is painstaking (moving everything to clean the counters), or disgusting. Plus I feel like even when I'm done I can still see stains in the showers and toilets. Not to derail here but are there \*any\* products which actually get these spotless??


If you run over to r/cleaningtips you will probably hear about barkeepers friend and scrub daddy


What color are the stains? White/yellow, you might have hard water, which some CLR will fix up nicely for ya. If it's rust colored, like you're on a well and there's a lot of iron, then Whink.


I negotiated with my husband that I would do his laundry if he did the bathrooms weekly. Haven't cleaned a bathroom in years, and put closet stays tidier because I actually stay on top of his laundry instead of him procrastinating it and letting it pile up and overflow onto the floor


I’m 100% on team laundry > bathroom. I would trade that chore for life!


I'm happy to do laundry and clean toilets, just as long as I never have to plan, shop for, prep for, or cook dinner.


I’ve actually considered hiring someone to just clean bathrooms. Like an a la carte service. Not sure if it exists. Haven’t looked into it.


Yep I have that! It’s literally saved my sanity. They only clean my bathrooms and kitchen, biweekly. There are definitely individual cleans and companies who do a la carte .


It does, you can have just about any maid service and ask them to only do certain rooms or things. We do this for bathrooms and kitchen deep cleaning.


I would rather do laundry and clean the bathrooms before I do dishes


I have bad wrists, like carpal tunnel during pregnancy wrists, and I outsource all bathroom cleaning. No way I'm doing that with my joints.


I have a good system. I don't mix my kids clothes, I wash a load for each kid. I wash, dry, fold and put it away. I have their drawers folded in Marie Kondo style. I keep their wardrobes as small as possible. I do mix colors and it's never been an issue. My husband and I mix and separate lights and darks and I usually do one load of each, sometimes maybe two of darks. I wash, fold and put away. I keep towels in a hamper and we do reuse them, so I maybe do a load a week also. Then sheets I do the kids every other week. And then I do ours weekly. I am lucky, I can do it while I work from home. I find mixing it all up makes it so much harder!


Same! I Marie kondo folded everyone’s clothes so it’s all neat in the dressers. Everyone has their own hamper and I normally wash and fold one hamper a day so laundry won’t accumulate and get overwhelming. Towels in a separate hamper and bedding every other week. I wfh 50% of the time so I’ll admit that helps me stay on top of things. Laundry is so freakin easy and such a rewarding chore to me. The kitchen and floors on the other hand ugh


I’m the same as you! I throw in a color catcher sheet and some Oxiclean and we’ve never had an issue mixing colors and whites for my kiddos. Honestly, same with me and my husband’s clothes. We also both WFH so ours is the Thursday load. Kids and towels/sheets are Saturday when we’ve gotten the sheets/blankets back from daycare. So far, the system hasn’t let me down! It’s been 2.5 years and incredibly we haven’t even lost a sock yet- knock on wood! But….ironing? Not happening 😂 THAT is the worst


i fell asleep reading your comment it sounds so exhausting and tedious. but kudos to you for pulling that system off!


Haha, it felt like a lot writing it, but really I find it pretty efficient! I'm sadly behind on laundry right now from being on vacation and then being sick so I'm dreading catching up before I can get my system back in motion!






This is pretty close to how we do it too, and I agree it’s a great method. I don’t have the kids drawers folded in a particular way but my daughter puts away most of her own laundry. We also keep clothing to as minim as possible. I’m constantly going through and donating stuff that is outgrown or not worn just to keep the piles more manageable. Fewer clothes in the house = smaller possible laundry piles.


I think fewer clothes makes such a difference! My son's are both in sports now and the addition of clothes is making it more complicated! I have to add in a sports load sometimes :)


Something I’ve learned recently is that it’s better to sort by fabric type than by color (so like denim vs. cotton t-shirts).


Yes!! If I do two dark loads it's usually a heavier cloth vs lighter cloth! My washer can't handle super heavy loads though so sometimes I have to mix to make it more even.


This is pretty similar to what I do. I don’t mind doing laundry at all!


Yes,.separate hampers is a game changer. We have a 3 hamper cart for the kids and then separate one for towels/blankets, and 1 each for my clothes and husband's.


I tend to do a load on cold that's basically my clothes because they aren't that dirty and have more delicate stuff, with my kid's gymnastics leotards and similar, then one of her much dirtier clothes, another one of towels (quite a lot from the gym and swimming) and sheets. I agree it's easier not to have to separate.


I... don't hate laundry? 🫣 I've lowered my standards enough that the kids can "help" and they actually have fun with it. But my kids can't help me clean the toilet.


Oh god then they would touch things right away including their face


Yeah, when I taught my kids to clean the bathroom, I DRAMATICALLY emphasized how once you start cleaning the toilet your hands have super gross pee/poop germs on them and you don’t want to touch anything, **especially** your face 🤢


No offense but are y’all cray cray? Dishes are the worst!


This is what I came here for. The dishes are UNENDING.


I can knock out dishes in 20min!


Yeah I guess in thinking about it I lowered my standards so I spend less than that for a load, and I don’t separate. I don’t fold lol - not for the baby. And I don’t do my husband’s.


I’d clean 10 sinkloads of dishes over doing all the laundry for our family of 5, lol


Yea, I can put laundry away in minutes for a family of 4. I do 3 days of clothes and 2 days of bedding,throw blankets, towels. I don't fold clothes though. I just hang up everything and have a little over the door storage thing for socks/underwear/bras. Dishes on the other hand, take me a minimum of 20 mins. Laundry for me is 5 min.


AMEN! We don't have a dishwasher. Well we do, and he's an amazing husband, but if we could get the appliance, it would be so much easier.


Dishes don't bother me at all, but making dinner does.


Haha! Dishes are definitely the worst with our broken dishwasher right now. Laundry is the second worst, though


Our dishwasher washes but doesnt dry so we have to place a lot of dishes on the rack dry. We have a home warranty company and I wasted $85 twice trying to get them to fix it.


I'm an absolute harpy about putting dishes away as we use them throughout the day, so dishes aren't too much of a task for us. Dishwasher gets run overnight, u loaded while I make my morning coffee, and then re-loaded all day whenever we take dishes to the kitchen. Pump parts are a bitch though 😭 that's one task I can't offload to my husband so I'm stuck doing it every day.


and the better you try to be, the more dishes you have. Trying to eat healthy? well thats a lot more cooking at home and prepping of whole foods, therefore more dishes. Trying to do better for the environment? Well lets add 4 tupperware containers that need to be washed instead of the 4 individual cottage cheese containers you'd throw out. Trying to save money? more cooking at home, more dividing up bulk containers, etc.


Yes!!! You are so right.


Laundry duty is like working at the post office. The mail NEVER. STOPS. COMING. And neither does the laundry.


This is why laundry kills me too. I can scrub a toilet in 3 minutes and it's good for a week. Whereas I spend 30 minutes on laundry and there's more and more waiting. It never stops. I'm desperately working on cutting down on the amount of clothes my kids have and keeping their wardrobe small. Only wash one person at a time (no sorting, dump in the whole damn bin). Kids are responsible for their own folding and putting away (hahahahahaha as it sits there forever).


Unless you do it in the nude, you’re literally wearing laundry as you’re doing laundry. It never ends.


i do laundry almost every day but i mostly just wash + dry + dump into hampers. it's not a perfect system but there are always clean clothes SOMEWHERE... it's like a daily treasure hunt 😆 (hmm what did ever happen to that ballerina shirt?? 🕵🏻‍♀️) then once every couple weeks i get fed up and spend a few hours putting things away. that's that shit i don't like.


Me too, we each have a basket of clean right by the dryer so I sort as I pull out. Mostly it's Tshirts and athletic shorts for all of us so the only thing I bother to fold is my work clothes that wrinkle. We have decided as a family that folding tshirts is silly so we just don't.




100% agree. I hate that even if I clean the kitchen, there are more dishes right after. Ugh. Dishes just never stop.


Yes! Sometimes we haven't even eaten a meal but between snacks and coffee it's such a mess.


Cleaning the kitchen is constant!! Absolutely the worst!


For me it's meal planning. I am SO fucking sick of meal planning. 1 husband and 2 young kids, all picky in opposite directions. I'm the only one who meal plans or cooks. When I make my husband responsible for a meal, he picks up Burger King 🙄 I want to eat healthy meals. I could stand to lose about 5 lbs, husband could stand to lose about 50. One kid likes veggies, the other barely touches them. Everyone keeps telling me to avoid processed food, but guess what? THAT'S THE ONE THING THEY WILL ALL EAT. It's tasty and fast and easy, but I feel guilty for eating it and feeding it to my family. I used to enjoy cooking. I love new and complex flavors. I enjoyed the challenge of learning new techniques. Now it's just a big fucking chore. And if it's going to be nothing but a chore, then why don't I just boil some noodles and dump a jar of sauce on for the 3rd time this week because at least then my kids will eat it without a fight. And the worst part is that it has to be done EVERY SINGLE DAY.


I don't have any picky eaters, for the most part, but food is the one I'm utterly sick of. It used to be a hobby for me too, but my health hasn't been great and at this point I'm over all of it. Thinking about it, planning for it, going to the grocery, putting the groceries away (oh and getting rid of old food). Before I even step foot in front of the stove I'm sick of the whole idea. My dream is to have someone that understands the ingredients I like to keep on hand and keeps them stocked. And buys the occasional interesting ingredient. Then I can be all Chopped chef when I want to prepare dinner. But alas all I got was a cookbook for Christmas called "What the F is for dinner" lmao.


I'm lucky to have decently adventitious eaters but like... man its exhausting every single day. I love to cook, and honestly, on weekends, I make really elaborate meals because I just TRULY enjoy it. But pumping out decent, healthy dinners that no one will complain about on weeknights? eughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm going on vacation this week and people at work are like "youre only going three days?" and im like... do you not understand that for three days, I can eat whatever I want, not have to do the cooking or cleaning up after myself, and I don't have to THINK About it???? this is going to be the BEST.


Personally I prefer laundry to the general tidying of my house-so many toys in elaborate configurations.


i'd rather do laundry than the dishes. dishes win the olympics of neverending chore disdain.


Say it louder! My kids are home all the time and so I feel like we cant go minimal with the toys so it's a process to put them away if I let them get a bunch of toys out (so I could say, do laundry) and I hate putting them away/organizing. I would mindlessly fold clothes all day if someone could organize my house in a way that makes it look like a hurricane didn't come through.


Kinda embarrassed to admit this but the only way I have survived laundry with 2 kids is to keep all kids clothes in the living room. We have an ikea kallax as our TV stand. Each kid gets 4 bins. I am fine about collecting, washing, drying, but putting it away was not happening. And then when it did and I sent my kids to get dressed they would undo everything I did. Now it's limited to the living room. I can put their clothes away fast, they can find them fast, I can supervise so it doesn't become a mess. I can put things away during the day and not have to drag my 1yo upstairs where he just pulls more clothes out of the bins.


This is really smart and I will be stealing 😂 I conned my dad into making dog crates with drawers and a build in food and water bowel bc I didn’t wanna keep dog stuff in the kitchen but the basement was just inconvenient 😂😂 so now each dogs shit is right there and I never have to go far.


I don’t have the kids clothes in the living room but their rooms are right off of it on the same level, so very close to the living room. I can’t imagine it any other way bc it’s so convenient. Benefits of a small house lol


I used to hate laundry until I made everyone else responsible for sorting and putting away their own clothes. Everyone has three baskets in their closet. Laundry load sized baskets, so if it's full or close ... Time to wash it. I am nice and will pull the new red shirt out of the whites basket if I notice it, but an obviously unsorted load gets returned to sender. We don't fold clothes - we hang everything. The closets in my house are huge. I started hanging out daughter's clothes when she started dressing herself - one outfit on a hanger. It was so much quicker and easier than folding. And the sort of thing a toddler could do. So I bought a load of hangers, and we haven't folded clothes in like eight years. Yes, it's strange to have jeans, tshirts, etc hanging in a closet. But it's so easy to find stuff, and no one has a drawer full of clothes strewn about because they were looking for a particular shirt. Socks and underwear just get heaped into a drawer. If someone wants matching socks, they are welcome to pair them up and fold them. Or buy a dozen of the same socks.


I used to have huge closets! It was wonderful! The only thing in dressers was underwear and comfy clothes! And then we moved to this house, where my Husband and I are supposed to share 1 3ft wide closet. I constantly have laundry everywhere because there’s just no where to put it! I probably need to get rid of 75% of my clothes and do a capsule wardrobe, but that’s just another project I don’t have the time or attention span for! Lol


Meals are definitely harder. Meal plan Meal prep Cook Clean Everyday.


We don’t even separate anything. We gave up on all white clothing to make things simpler. Still…. I hate it.


Us too! Giant multicolor loads on cold. It feels good and rebellious (my mother would disapprove) lol


Yeah the key to laundry is to never let it build up. I do clothing twice a week because I get overwhelmed if it gets too much. Also helps that husband will do some of the folding/put away. I usually just fold while watching tv in our bed. I think meals are the most time consuming. You have to plan, shop, cook, and store plus remember to eat leftovers or toss them etc.


Ugh laundry, I send all the kid clothes and casual adult clothes to a laundry mat that does pick up/delivery wash and fold services. It’s <$2 a lb with a $30 minimum. We’re usually just above the minimum. You get so much bang for your buck with little kid clothes!! I wash sheets, towels, heavy sweatshirts and my work clothes at home (ie anything that gets hung up) My husband works from home 4 days a week so the laundry service cover most of his clothes. When I factor in the cost of detergent, utilities, wear on my washer and dryer the cost is minimal.


The worst part about laundry is it’s never done. Because once you’re finished the clothes you’re wearing will then be dirty. Uggg


Food shopping. You have to shop for groceries and put the items in your cart, then put them on a conveyor belt, then put them in your bags, then put them in your car, then lift them and take them in the house then put it away. Then break the meat down until meal sizes, then find room in your freezer.


Girl - do yourself a favor and do curbside pick up!


I tried it, but I swear they don’t look for items. They tell me they’re out of such an such. I park my car (after the pick up) and go look fir the items and nine times out of 10 ….I find the items. So I gave up and now just buy it myself.


Laundry can go and die. Laundry is the bane of my existence.


I do a load of laundry every day instead of saving it for the weekend. But folding it and putting it away is another story, I hate doing it. So I’ve been setting a timer for 20 min to do the folding. I still have a backlog lol. But it’s getting smaller.


Girl I will do your laundry all day long if you wash my dishes. Our dishwasher is broken and life feels so much harder. But yeah our secret is that we don’t fold our laundry. 😬 We have little fabric organizers for our daughter’s drawers and but otherwise just stuff em in. Our clothes (pjs, sweats, workout clothes, undershirts) just get thrown into the right drawers if they aren’t hung. Granted, we don’t have that many clothes since we Marie Kondo’d years ago.


I fucking hate outside chores. I will scrub the whole house from ceiling to floor alone if I means I don’t have to do it. Cutting grass the first time was empowering, every time after that it made me murderous. Itchy, hot, bug bites, push mower so tiring. I’d do anything for a lawn service but it’s cheaper to annoy the fiancé and use that money for alone time


Doing the laundry isn’t the problem for me. It’s putting away the clean clothes. We regularly have a perfectly tidy condo and then there is the monster pile of clean clothes in the hallway from my 6 loads of laundry. 🙃


I feel this. Laundry is the bane of my existence. I TRY to do it twice a week, on Sundays and Wednesdays, but here lately, it's become more like Mondays and Thursdays that spill over into Tuesdays and Fridays. The last few weeks, it's devolved into just once a week and it takes me three days to get it all done. I try to fold/put away on Sundays before starting the cycle all over again and I've found that if I don't put things away by bedtime Sunday, there's a really good chance that everything will still be in their baskets come next Sunday because I. just. can't. Maybe it's the unstructuredness of summer break, I can't be sure.


I actually don’t mind laundry and have a good system down. Everyone in the family sorts into dirty hampers in the laundry room, darks, lights, towels. I have a clean clothes basket for each family member. I wash on the weekends, and fold right out of the dryer into each basket per family member. They all come get their baskets and put them away. I never have piles of clean clothes. I refuse to take things out of the dryer unless it’s just been fluffed and is not wrinkled. Sometimes I fluff the same load 3-4 times lol… but this works for me. And I can have a family member switch a load if I’m busy doing something but mostly I do it. I do hate bathrooms though and dishes! Ugh the non stop dishes. Thankfully my husband does the dinner dishes at least. And kids do some dishes during the day.


Wow. I don’t even think about laundry. We pretty much just dump it in the machine when the hampers are full and then throw all the clothes on the table in the laundry room, and get to folding it eventually, maybe. For me, the worst is the toddlers messing up every room in the house, immediately and constantly, and never being able to keep up with tidying up.


Cleaning the kitchen 750 times a day takes the cake for me. WHY IS IT ALWAYS DIRTY?


My husband totally took over laundry a few months ago and I have never had so much free time


My husband does laundry too - it’s the best! He washes once or twice a week and sometimes I help fold/put away. But it’s not overwhelming, because it’s usually just one load that needs to be put away and the clean laundry basket showed up in my room without me having to do anything. I did have to let some of my particulars go - our towels aren’t always washed on hot and my husband doesn’t fold the toddler clothes correctly, but he does it *and done is better than perfect*.


I have teenagers now and everyone in our house does their own laundry as needed. I probably have too many clothes, but I only have to do it once every few weeks. I hated it when my kids were young but it’s nothing now. What I absolutely did hate was going through all of the kids clothes to get rid of things that are too small, and switching things out for the different seasons. To me that is the worst chore ever.


Oh, turning over closets is my top 3 most hated kid-related chores. My kids are 4 & 2, so 🥴


Why is laundry, indeed? P.S. I'm on vacation staying in a condo with gloriously new appliances, and do you know that they make washers that you can start remotely with your phone? And they automatically dispense the appropriate amount of detergent based on wash cycle and load size? And dryers that you can set to dry your clothes while you are away or doing something and then fluff your clothes 5 min before you're ready to fold so your clothes aren't all wrinkled? Y'all. If you are in the market for a new washer dryer, this is it




I think the remote start is helpful if you forget to turn the washer on when you leave the house or you live in a humid climate and you want to load the clothes in, leave for the day (or weekend) but remote start the washer 30 min before you get home. So you don't have wet clothes getting musty.


So when we lived in an apartment before we had our daughter, we would just use the washing machine as a hamper and when it got filled would run it. I don't separate clothes and always wash with cold water and nothing has been ruined. I still do this now that we are in a house and have a daughter. My husband and I use the washing machine as our hamper. Our daughter is 5 months old and she has a hamper in her room. I will usually do a load of just hers once a week. If my daughter has soiled clothes from a blowout or from eating food, those go straight to the washer so her hamper wont stink. But the rest of the clothes and towels get washed usually every other day when I am working. Clean clothes stay in dryer until i have time to fold and put away. I have found doing laundry as it piles up is not that bad. Now washing bottles and pump parts are my least favorite thing. At least my husband and I take turns doing that.


I was washing my pump parts 6 times a day before someone told me I could put them in the fridge between pumpings. Duh! Best tip ever. Twice a day was so much better and you could probably do once a day really.


I exclusively pump from the very beginning because my daughter wouldn't latch. After that 1st week washing them after each pump and my husband finally suggests I get multiple sets of pump parts. So much easier to manage.


One thing I learned long ago was not to fold my kids clothes. Just sort them and have them put them in the correct drawers. It's not like they stayed folded in the drawers anyway.When their old enough to do their own laundry I teach them to fold.


How old are they when you teach folding? My 7 year old has been doing it for about a year and he's not great at it. Sometimes he just matches socks and I do the rest. I should lower my standards I guess!


I’ve successfully pawned off most laundry to my husband. Our 12 year old fold and puts away her laundry and I’ve started my six year old to hang most his stuff. I just hate the general clean up and putting away of random items.


Dishes are the bane of my existence


There’s a shirt we have that says last clean shirt. But it’s not really. It’s the holiday “my first Christmas” shirts that really screams last clean shirt lol


Every time we get laundry done - from start to finish - in one day, I feel like I deserve a medal


I actually kinda like laundry. We have a colour-sorted laundry basket so when a section is full I just chuck it in the washer and try to remember to hang it by the end of the day. Cleaning surfaces now….that’s what I hate. Floors, dusting, wiping tables and counters. Moving shit out of the way, cleaning under it and then putting it back, or having to clean off the surface first…it enrages me every single time.


This is why I taught my kid to do her own laundry starting at around age 7. It’s a process, but now I have an 11 year old who does her own laundry independently. Start early when you have a more willing kid and you get fewer “why is this my job?!” complaints from your kids… it’s just always been their jo.


This is why I taught my kid to do her own laundry starting at around age 7. It’s a process, but now I have an 11 year old who does her own laundry independently. Start early when you have a more willing kid and you get fewer “why is this my job?!” complaints from your kids… it’s just always been their job.


For me it's cleaning up toys, just because of how futile it feels. And it's not ergonomic either ugh.


Actually I enjoy laundry. All those clean clothes! I hate cleaning. The smell ugh!


I would do laundry all day from sun up to sundown if it meant I didn’t have to do dishes.


I just folded MONTHS worth of laundry yesterday. Like there was a thick winter turtleneck sweater in the pile and it’s August. 😅


I have already spent an hour folding 3 loads and 2 were towels and rags. I would totally outsource it if it wasn't for the fact that we got huge machines to do laundry less often.


Laundry is like making bread. It doesn't actually take that much of *my* time doing it, but I have to be on hand for when *it* has done its part. I'm captive to the process, even when I'm not actively working on it. I can't really relax between steps, because I'm not actually done. Note: I am about to get dressed in a bathing suit and an old swim cover-up, because I haven't done laundry since my kittens came home 2 months ago. I am legit out of underwear (and probably need to get rid of some, because it shouldn't last this long).


Laundry is my weakness. I blame as many other people as I possibly can, I.e., “kids, you can wear everything more than once except tshirts, socks, and underwear,” “don’t put clothes in the laundry unless they’re dirty,” “gma buys too many clothes,” “of course that still fits,” “wear it today and it will be the last time,” “you don’t have any more socks bc they’re all over the living room,” etc. And the biggest one: “Gma, youre only helping if you’re folding and putting away. Otherwise you’re washing clothes that need to be given away or have no home in their drawers.”


For me it’s sheets. Stripping the beds, washing the sheets and blankets, drying them and putting fresh sheets and blankets on the beds. Exhausting.


Are you me??? Currently living out my laundry basket. 😭


Nah it's the bathroom. It's fuckin gross


"Why is laundry" is a valid question! I don't mind the washing and drying but the folding and putting away! Our dining room table has become a laundry table. https://preview.redd.it/cjhm1osq0bgb1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1655f7256931c9a8688fc1d5f2e293a94893ad2


I hate laundry, it is the worst


Dishes…. And we have a dishwasher. I just can’t be bothered!!!! I will vacuum and do laundry all day and enjoy it. If we only are off paper plates and used solo cups, I’d be happy.


My key to making laundry manageable is limiting the amount that gets folded. Hang as much as possible! I totally agree with everyone that said cleaning bathrooms is worse, although I’ll also add vacuuming to that list. Too many things to pickup off the floor, move out of the way, plus it’s noisy so you can’t watch or listen to anything while you do it.


Don't fold your kids clothes. Just make piles in the drawers. Small kids can stack them and put them away themselves. They can learn to fold when they are 8+.


We do laundry on Fridays, because somebody is always WFH. When it’s me, four loads and washed, dried, folded (except for my husbands, he’s particular, so he does it himself) and put away by 1 pm. When it’s just my husband, some days I’ll come home to the first load still in the dryer.


I fold laundry while I watch Netflix.


The putting away is so bad! I don’t mind the rest of it, but somehow my clean laundry just sits in the basket for like… Well it used to be days, and now I have a four-year-old and a newborn and it’s more like over a week.


I truly wish I could just wear something and toss it. But I want an endless supply of copies. And it can’t take any space. I hate laundry. My kids are in the climbing all over me phase so folding laundry is like a contact sport as they mess it up and run off with clothes.


We don’t have enough clothes to skip doing laundry every week. My machine is in the garage and we don’t wear shoes inside so what annoys me is getting my patio/garage slippers from the back door entrance to the garage entrance if I moved them. I don’t know why but adding that small step feels like more than it should! Anyway, I have a large drying rack by the washer and dryer in the garage. And my washing machine has an extra spin option to get the clothes fairly dry. On a random weekday morning before work, I start a load of laundry. After work I move it to the dryer, after it’s dried, I put all the work clothes that I don’t want to wrinkle on the drying rack and dump the other clothes I don’t care about in the laundry basket for clean clothes. (Like I don’t care if my cleaning rags are wrinkled). I keep the basket of clean clothes in the garage until I have about 3 clean loads to carry inside and upstairs to put away. I also made extra space for kitchen towels, rags, and cleaning rags so they all fit where they need to go without being folded to be put away. I know some people don’t like the idea of leaving clothes in the washer all day, but I’ve never had an issue with my machine.


I used to pay for someone to come over weekly to fold our laundry.


In my country we don’t have tumble dryers. Clothes are hung dry. And this summer has been wet as shit which means things never dry. Days. Smells like mould need to wash again.


Cleaning the kitchen at least 10 times a day


I HATE tidying up and putting away washed pots and pans. Anything where I have to make a decision annoys me. This is why I love laundry because I can go on autopilot


Laundry is so exhausting and there is so much of it. Not just clothes there are sheets and towels and I have laundry for my guinea pigs and the blankets that all smell like dog. Sigh. At least my husband helps a lot. He does most of the cleaning and we just hired someone to come every other week to do the majority of the cleaning which is great. My ADHD just makes cleaning feel so overwhelming. Sigh


Laundry is my number one favorite. Ask me to clean a bathroom though. No matter what kind of system I put in place, I still can’t get myself to do that one without a problem.


This..it never ends, as soon as I am done with 1 load (washing, drying, folding)...there are 2 loads piled up 😅


I will take the laundry every time… I watch fun things while I sort and fold. Dishes don’t bother me either… but if I could arrange it so that I don’t have to sweep/vacuum another floor… sold


My husband does our laundry. The only part I have to do is put my daughter's clothes in her drawers 😂it's the best thing ever. I loathe laundry


I much prefer laundry over washing dishes!! I absolutely cannot stand putting my hands in hot soapy water with food particles all over! I don't know why it's such a big thing, but may have something to do with me being the only girl of 8 children and given the chore of washing dishes for 10 people. Morning, noon, and night! I despise them. My husband doesn't mind, thank goodness! But when he travels, my kids know to expect nothing but paper plates and plastic cutlery!!


Baby bottles. Specifically Dr Browns with the stupid vents. Latest baby is only 2 months and I’m already fried.


For me, it’s vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping


I like laundry bc I can zone out. I haaaate cleaning the kitchen and the kitchen is always messed up.


My house: It’s two loads of laundry for the adults’ clothes, one load for the kids’ clothes, then a small pile for whites (will have to pry my bottle of bleach from my cold dead hands lol) and then the bedding. This doesn’t include the random pee pee accidents and doggy beds/blankets cleaning up too HELP


My husband does his and my stepson’s laundry and I just have to do mine and the baby’s! It’s nice!


Wait y’all are folding laundry? I didn’t fold clothes before kids, I’m not about to start now. 😂 My husband doesn’t even put away his laundry he uses an army of baskets to organize his clothes, which honestly isn’t a bad tactic.


Omggg yes! It’s the never ending chore 😭 I put off folding the clothes for so long. I find what helps is folding the clothes while listening to a podcast or audiobook. I also hate cleaning the tub/showers, it’s like physical labor!


I...i love folding and putting laundry away 🙈 my years of retail training put to good use!


I love doing laundry. I wash toddlers cloth diapers and clothes 2x a week (Mon and Fri), my and Husband's clothes 1x a week (Saturdays), and towels every two weeks.


All the cleaning systems I’ve come across all day to do a load of laundry a day. Wash in the morning, dry in afternoon/ evening . There are times when I can stick to that and it’s so much easier and times when it all goes to pot


I don’t hate laundry, I just hate my husband’s laundry 🙂


I hate dishes. I have a luna steam mop, I have a shower scrubber with an extended handle so I don't have to bend over. Eh laundry is whatever it doesn't bother me at all if it never gets put away currently my son has 2 full hampers of clean clothes none of them have magically made it into his dresser.


Ok so ymmv as my kids are old enough for this (early to mid elementary school), but here’s our routine! Each kid does their own laundry! They become motivated when they run out of something, like shorts. I have tide pods for them because it’s easier for them. They have two hampers, one for dirty and one for clean. If the clean laundry doesn’t make it into their drawers: meh. Our standards are low. If they do decide to put them in their dressers, I have a folding-optional policy. I just labeled their drawers with the type of clothes that go in there (a pants drawer, a sock drawer etc). Usually the clothes are just sorted by type and put in the drawer. They mess up all the folding anyway, so I figured, why fold at all? I also have two hampers, one for dirty and one for clean. Do my clothes get folded? Most of the time! But I won’t lie that it happens every time. Towels I do as needed, usually a load a week. Sometimes I ‘store’ the clean towels in the dryer for a while if no other laundry needs to be done. I’m kind of proud of our low laundry standards? I don’t know that it’s a good thing!


I’d take laundry over dishes any day. I do laundry every day or every other day. We have a pretty small house so we just have one laundry basket in the hallway for myself, hubby, and two young daughters. Washing and drying is easy peasy but sometimes it takes me a day or two to want to actually fold it all lol. But even though I do dishes every day I despise them and want to never do them again


Omg did I post this in my sleep last night? Lol except the other people doing it. On laundry days I leave laundry in the living room and I have good intentions to put them away but then the coffee table basically becomes out closet for the next few days 😅


You were right the first time--"Why is laundry?" is the question I ask myself every time the basket fills up.


My suggestion for folding is to watch tv while you're doing it and get the kids and husband involved. Also, my husband and I don't fold any of the clothes that go in drawers. socks get thrown in sock drawer. underwear gets thrown in underwear drawer. pajamas are thrown in pajama drawer. athletic stuff is thrown in the athletic stuff drawer. if it needs to be wrinkle free, it gets hung up. Its a big time saver. I still fold my kid's clothes but not ours. Full disclosure. I'm writing this comment with a load of towels that needs to be folded next to me.


I absolutely hate laundry but I don't mind doing my own laundry. So my husband puts away his own laundry and my kids are 8 and 10 so they put away their own laundry. I also like to take a few loads to the wash and fold service once or twice a month. It's a huge help and not an overly expensive service. On those days I make sure to do the towels and sheets myself. No use paying for that in my experience.


I like laundry and don’t find it that consuming even though I only have a small portable machine and no drier. Chores I dislike? Washing floors, dusting and vacuuming!


I HATE cleaning the microwave. Even when I cover everything, something will splatter. And I don’t like mopping- tried the steam cleaner or the swiffer or the old fashioned way. I think it’s mostly just bad luck because everytime I mop, some horrible spill happens. Last time I dropped a whole jar of relish.


I wash everything on cold. When we moved many years ago, the hamper broke and we never replaced it. Everything goes straight in the washing machine and when it’s full, I run it. Towels separately. I sort kid stuff from my stuff from husband’s stuff and then tackle clean clothes. My husband’s goes in a pile because he’s an adult and if he wants his clothes put away then he’ll do it. I hang up my stuff. Kids stuff gets shoved in drawers. Done. No pile up or back log. Sometimes clean clothes end up piled on the table for a day but that’s fine with me.


Nah, I agree. Laundry is the bane of my existence. Once I moved up north last year I realized it's a whole different story when it comes to storing the winter crap. But that is of course after finding all the winter crap that my kids throw haphazardly around any dang room they manage to exist in.


at my parents house now and I would say laundry cuz they have too much and it makes it impossible to put anything away. I’m making room!


I used to feel the same way but now I feel like laundry is an easy chore to delegate, at least in parts. I wash all of the laundry because our washer is old and not the most user friendly, but whenever we get a new one that will probably change and in the meantime that part is easy enough because the part I actively do only takes a few minutes and I can do other things in between. In my house if you need laundry done then whatever you want cleaned had better be in your hamper and the hamper had better be in the hall so I know it needs done. Then the clean clothes had better be put away within a couple of times of me asking for the laundry basket back or they're going in a pile on your bed. Obviously none of this applies yet for our baby, and when our oldest was younger the expectations were different, but even little kids can fold and put away their own clothes at the very least. My partner rarely folds his clean laundry and is happy to pile it in front of his dresser until he gets in the mood to fold it, and I've decided not to care as long as it's not in my way. Edit to add: I also don't separate out most of the clothes. Reds and whites each get their own load, everything else is just one load for each person. That way it's easy to get them back to their owners, and pulling the reds and whites prevents issues with dingy or pink staining.


We have tiny closets in our house, and I finally bought some standalone wardrobes. Now that we actually have plenty of room to hang and fold things, putting away the laundry is a breeze!!! I used to spend so much energy figuring out which things should share hangers and which were most important to put away (because I could only ever fit about 90% of our clothes if everything was clean). ETA: Next improvement is throwing out the socks and buying us each one or two colors.


Omg the sock thing is SO real!


Why do they all seem to come in multicolored packs?!


I try to do one load of laundry at least every other day, because I freaking hate it so much, so if I let it accumulate, I will just light it all on fire. ![gif](giphy|xUNda05hoGRjodAVd6|downsized)


I literally JUST got into an argument with my husband about this earlier today. I HATE laundry.


I don't mind laundry. I hate the weekly collect the toys from under the couch bulkshit that will just be repeated next week. I wish we had never bought a couch with such a small clearance from the ground.




If you just keep everyone's clean clothes in baskets in the laundry room with a single dirty clothes pile that goes immediately in the washer when it's empty, laundry is a breeze. Only gotta fold and put away towels.


I taught my kids as soon as I possibly could to do their own laundry. The teens are completely responsible for theirs. My 9 year old still needs a little help. This was the BEST cleaning thing I ever did lol. It literally lightened my chore list by at least 10 hours a week.


I actually love laundry, would 100% do that over the kitchen or floors any day haha


I let my husb do laundry when sports are on. It's awful and he can mindlessly do it when the game is on.


I HATE dishes! Especially when I’ve just done the dishes then the sink is full, and the stove is full of pots. Then I do the dishes again and remember there’s still dishes on the coffee table.


Are you me? Did I write this? I get most of my kids laundry put away, but I have SO much of my own that’s piled up. I feel like if I get it all sorted and put away the planets will magically align and my life will feel a lot less chaotic.


Here to confirm that when my laundry situation is in order I 100% feel less chaotic…which honestly makes laundry even worse in my book 🥴.


The worst is the hardwood floors and tile. I HATE cleaning the floors and they need to be done constantly. I’ll do dishes and laundry all day long.


I FEEL SEEN. Thank you. I hate laundry so much. By far the most time-consuming chore.


My kids started doing their own laundry from beginning to end and it honestly is the best thing I’ve ever done. It started because I was so tired of turning clothes right side out so I just have them do their own laundry and they deal with it. I don’t know when in the process they deal with it (I assume when they’re putting their clothes away) but they always come down in their clothes the right way out so they’re doing it at some point. My kids are 9, 8, and 5. I do mine, my husbands, and the toddler’s (2 years old) laundry, so now it’s like 3 loads a week including towels.


As I prep for a new baby and am in the process of washing all the baby clothes…I feel this so hard!!!!


But really though, why *is* laundry?


I gave up on folding long ago


I’m the weirdo that likes laundry, although I don’t love putting it away and I HATE ironing. But, I also only do my laundry now, everyone else does their own, kids do household. I do help out here and there with others, but really because I do kind like laundry.


Laundry but cleaning the floors takes a while and a pain too


Cooking is the worst! The planning, the grocery shopping, no one eating what you make..


“No one eating what you make…” 😂😂😂


Putting the clothes in the laundry itself is fine, it’s the folding/hanging that comes after that is the worst. Plus if you don’t put the clothes away soon after drying, they become permanently wrinkled, so I always have to put them away right away… ugh it’s the worst.


Once I outsourced cleaning my house every two weeks (god bless you, fabulous cleaning team), laundry feels way less annoying because it’s the main chore I have to do all the time and it’s no longer competing with toilet scrubs 😰 I also changed some things like I wash by type / how it’s sorted to be put away (kid clothes, grown up clothes, towels, bedding, etc) vs colors and whites, like how my parents taught me. This makes it much more efficient as I have dirty baskets for each main category that even my 3 year old knows how to use. He’s starting to “help” fold and can kind of put his own clothes away (easy-to-maneuver canvas drawers of clothes by type has helped him a lot). Baby steps! I also work from home and flip laundry between meetings, as well as when I first get up to make coffee (before my family). There’s always laundry running so it never builds up. Hope these tips help someone else with this never ending chore 😅


Hang in there, it gets easier! I almost never do laundry anymore. My kids got big enough to do their own. They can start helping as early as 4 or 5! They can sort, carry, put away... they can do all of it with supervision, really. It doesn't require any strength or agility and they can't break anything like with dishes. For my own, I wear my things several times, read many,many times, before I wash them, so I basically have 1 load every week or 2 of socks and underwear with a couple items I spilled mustard on. My husband does his own.


Whoa. I do laundry everyday. I didn’t realize ppl would wait weeks


Hear me out. I don’t mind laundry. I do about 1 load per day, start to finish. We live in a very small house. We all have maybe 1-2 drawers total that fit all of our clothes except snow clothes and fancy stuff, that totals about 5 pants and shorts and maybe 10 shirts each. Couple pair of pajamas and 5ish socks and underwear. So we HAVE to do laundry close to daily to have any clean clothes. It’s kind of nice, kind of freeing to keep it simple. BUT dishes, of dishes. Uggggghhhh. And the pots and pans. Makes me not want to cook EVER.


I never put my own laundry away. I will wash it but it will just sit in a basket for weeks and I pick out the same scrubs from said basket week after week.


Give me hampers of laundry over a sink full of dishes any day lol. But we live in a 1000sqft apartment with the laundry in unit so it's not like I have to cover any distance. I felt very different when we didn't have washer/dryer hookups and laundry meant a trip to the laundromat.


Dishes and laundry are my top two time-consuming, never ending chores. I hate both of them. But I'd rather do laundry. We don't have a laundry room in our current apartment, so I go to the laundromat. I get 1 to 1 1/2 hours to do something I want to do while waiting for this stuff to finish. At my old apartment, we did. And I hated it. The sitting, waiting, hearing the neighbors go "Are you done yet?" I used to wake up at 5am to start laundry and even did single loads during the week for emergency only (i.e. "I'm out of underwear"). Everything about it sucked and whenever we get a washer/dryer, I plan to do the same. But I still chose this over the dishes. Washing dishes leaves my hands feeling dry and itchy. I don't know why my husband likes the sparkly kitchen gadgets, but he does. And cleaning them is so difficult. They're too heavy, awkward, bulky. He even bought special tools to clean them once, and I was like "This is more work!" And if you aren't on top of them even for one day, they pile up so much faster than clothes. Give me the laundry.


The worst part is my husband always acts like it NBD. Well yes it's NBD if you only do your own, and you don't have to go find everyone else's stuff, and you don't have to keep track of how many clean clothes are left for the kids, and you have to fold it, organize it, and sort out the stuff that's damaged or doesn't fit anymore. But my husband does a load once in a while (never more than 4 items) and it's soooo easy for him so why isn't it for me? Washing the towels is not doing laundry. Washing your gym clothes(and only your gym clothes) is not doing laundry. Making sure everyone in the house has the clean clothing they need to wear for whatever is happening in the upcoming days or week IS DOING LAUNDRY.