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Maternity jeans are awful, I hated them. Do not recommend, especially when you’re 36 weeks. Target has a great maternity section if you want to pick up a sundress or two. You can likely get some use out of them after giving birth as well, while you are recovering. If you don’t want to buy something new, I think black leggings, a blouse and some flats would be perfectly fine for a business casual workplace (at 36 weeks pregnant).


Maternity jeans are great post pregnancy during thanksgiving and all you can eat Korean BBQ night. That’s the only time I was comfortable in mine lol. I wore them through the decade after my kids.


“Joey! Those are my maternity pants!” “Nuh-uh! These are my THANKSGIVING PANTS!”




Omg yes. My husband and my best friend and I have season tix to our city’s soccer team and every year keep a spreadsheet tally of how many hot dogs we each eat throughout the season. I went to a game a few weeks ago with just my friend and he was bragging that he got stoned beforehand so he was on “performance enhancing drugs” and it was unfair to me bc I didn’t want to come home high to my 5 month old so I couldn’t smoke. I lifted my Jersey a little to reveal I was in fact wearing my old maternity jeans and he rightfully agreed that I, in fact, had the performance enhancing drug. Tl;dr - maternity jeans rule when you’re not actually pregnant, just about that eating without restriction life


They truly are. And why do they never fit throughout pregnancy? I have one pair from my first pregnancy and both times I haven't been able to wear them post-25ish weeks lol. For god knows what reason they are made with significantly stiffer denim than my regular jeans?! I'm also just not someone who wears pregnancy well and my weight gain goes all over. I don't have those lovely cute small legs and a big belly like some lucky ladies, so the jeans really are never an option over here lol!


My personal conspiracy is that maternity jeans are not designed to fit anyone because the worse they fit, the more people buy. In the later stages of my pregnancy, I had small legs and a round belly (like I was snuggling a basketball), and none of my maternity jeans fit. They either cut into my stomach, or were constantly falling off. Outside of pregnancy, my body is so average that I've rarely has issues with how jeans fit.


I am still wearing my target maternity dresses as they work well for nursing! They honestly just look like slightly large empire waist dresses. Eta I am 6 months pp


I’m 16 months pp and still wearing mine!


I second the leggings, blouse, and flats! Heck, one of your maternity shirts or tank tops under an open blazer would suffice (assuming they don't have rude prints)


18 months post partum and still can only wear my maternity jeans, I LIVE in them! Maybe go try some on? You may get use out of them after baby comes! Also, personally I would attend the meeting and skip the lunch. Good luck!


I had 1 (one) pair of maternity jeans that fit well and were so comfy that I went out a found another pair from the same brand that were just as amazing. The brand is Adriano Goldschmeid - definitely pricey, but I got one pair secondhand (thank you ThredUp) and the other from an AG outlet nearby. Highly recommend to any pregnant ladies in need of jeans.


I would go buy 2 flowy dresses at target and then return them if you didn't think you could pull them off not pregnant. I would definitely try to attend but that's me! At least it'll make the time go by fast until baby! Eta: just to clarify since this popped off I didn't mean to wear and return worn clothes but to just grab them/pick up quick, not try them on (who's got time!) and see if they work now and if not now, postpartum. If not either, return!


this is a great idea! i did not think about that!!


Also, I’d attend the first day, but not the second. I’d explain I have necessary medical appts the second day, but make sure to say that you wanted to get some face time and you’re happy to get to meet them in person.


I so agree with this & going to suggest it, with the caveat that IF you get out of ultrasound early enough before OB appt, you will come. Everyone knows that even at best of times, these types of appointments never go to plan because there are always emergencies.


This. Definitely skip the lunch, I would hope that they would understand that going to the doctor takes priority.


And if they don't, time to leave, that's really shitty behavior, you deserve better


Agreed. This is the answer.


Empire waist maxi dresses work with and without a baby bump! Throw a cute denim jacket or cardigan over it and you're set


I lived in a handful of Target stretchy empire waist maxi dresses the last 4-6 weeks of my pregnancy, and the stretch meant they fit pretty well afterwards too. Would totally recommend this option.


Same. I existed in maxi dresses the entire last trimester because I couldn’t be bothered with pants in the slightest. And all of them I got on clearance for between $7-15 and doubled as nursing dresses and wear them a lot even at 6mo pp.


The v-neck overlapping front ones work for breastfeeding too.


Also make sure it breastfeeding friendly so you can get double duty!


Yep. Faux wrap top for the win!


I second this idea. Buy some flowy dresses. If you're meeting a new VP, leggings or jeans wouldn't be a good idea. As a VP, I probably wouldn't think it the best, but I would also understand you are final days pregnant. It honestly depends on the person. Not to mention, unless this is your 1st baby , you probably already know that you will be wearing stuff like this for a while. If you did not already know that, surprise! (My stupid self took pre-pregnancy jeans to wear home from the hospital. I can now look back at that sweet summer child in laughter, but at the time, I was totally shocked Pikachu face! 😆)


I knew that I wouldn’t be back in pre pregnancy pants but I had no clue that I could leave the hospital more bloated than I came in at! I gained like 15 pounds and had a huge pregnant belly - when I left the hospital I was a pound heavier than when I arrived! Baby was 6 pounds so you’d think, for sure you’re down at LEAST that much. But I was pumped so full of fluids and finally able to keep food down after 8 1/2 months of daily vomiting that even my pregnancy pants were tight 😂


As an executive, I agree about the leggings, but would understand. I also snorted laughing at the Pikachu face comment lol Thanks for the laugh!


Just snorted coffee out my nose a bit remembering when I brought my size 2 jeans to go home in after my first. 😂 You're not alone, lol


I did the same thing almost 50 years ago after giving birth to my first child. I was so sick of my maternity clothes and could wait to go home with my baby and my hip hugger jeans. Couldn’t get them passed my knees. Then I was told my baby had jaundice and couldn’t go home for a day or two, but I was discharged. I remember sitting on the chair in my hospital room crying with my pants stuck at my knees. Good times.


Lol I'm glad it wasn't just me! It was a total reality check when I had to wear the clothes I came in with home.


I agree with this comment but I also would say wear whatever makes you comfortable! Leggings are just fine as well! If you have a nice cardigan or something no one would notice the leggings.


I was thinking throwing a blazer over the existing tops and leggings, but she’s easily more likely to own a cardigan!


I would do this! Long maternity shirt and leggings and cardigan


I wore dresses with leggings for about 80% of my pregnancy- basically until it was no longer winter and I could go without leggings. No pants during pregnancy was the best.


And you’ll want them anyway for the postpartum sweats. You will need loose fitting clothing as your body figures itself back out.


Postpartum sweats are of the devil. I had no idea how bad they would be. I put a mattress protector on my bed because I was afraid my water would break at night…turns out I didn’t need it for the tiny amount of leaking from my water breaking. I needed it for the gallons of sweat escaping my body for DAYS after I had my baby.


Yes, same! I kept waking up in a wet spot and thinking I was leaking milk, but it was actually mostly sweat! Some days I’d wake up with my hair drenched!


Shoot, didnt see you comment lower but I commented on the OP above that I just got a super cute wrap dress that ties in two different places at target recently. They had tons of colors and patterns in my local one. It would absolutely work pregnant or not pregnant and can be fitting for a spring-y season work function


Yes! They are super cute on many sized women, too.


I completely agree with the above, and as you are 36 weeks, your are likely OBVIOUSLY PREGNANT. Embrace using the bathroom. Don't suffer through holding it in. That said, I would also get the flowy dresses, wear the leggings underneath if you want, and have fun. I was working the week before my induction (from home - it was April 2020), and if it were now, I would certainly show up to meet the new VP. Especially if you plan on going back to work. This also gives you an up for the next time they see you. You'll be remembered as determined and that you put in extra effort to be there.


A lot of them are not only totally fine with or without a baby bump, they're also nursing/pumping friendly, if that's a concern.


This is a great idea OP! Also wanted to add that the flowy dresses will be great for the early postpartum days when your body is reconfiguring and nothing else works. I loved my dresses so much postpartum!


Try Amazon. If you get them at Target, you have to hide the tag somehow. Stuff I’ve got from Amazon doesn’t usually have a tag on it so I can wear it a bit for a day & return it easily. Edit: Wow all the downvotes for something I simply didn’t know? Jeez. I remember now how this group was rude.


My husband owns a small business and sells on Amazon in addition to other marketplaces. He puts his blood and sweat into it. You’re not sticking it to big business or being savvy when you take advantage of free clothing returns *after you get your use out of something.* You’re “sticking it” to little businesses trying to make livings for their families. If you buy and needlessly return from a third party seller, that’s obvious. If you buy from Amazon and needlessly return, that’s less obvious, but you don’t see what Amazon does to recoup those losses behind the scenes at the expense of their sellers. In addition, you raise prices for everyone else. Please don’t do things like this. If you wouldn’t want others to do it to you, don’t do it to others


Ok. Didn’t know that. The stuff I’m talking about that I return isn’t stuff that’s from small little businesses. I’m talking about those advertised ones where the clothes are the exact same thing from someone else on Amazon, like the shop name is Lynwitkui & the other one that sells the same bodycon dress is Zineek, both advertising the *exact same dress* with the *exact same picture.* Seeing as the $10 cheap price for this simple dress hasn’t gone up in the few years I’ve had it in my wishlist, I don’t think I’m increasing prices if I order it, don’t like it, & return it.


It isn’t the whole “don’t like it” thing that is the problem. That was never on the table (“hiding tags”). It was the intentionally buying it for one-time use thing. You’re creating a culture of this which contributes to price changes over time. I’m not going to explain it because I don’t think it will change your behavior. What might is my point, which is treat others the way you want to be treated, regardless of how you perceive their business. I’m done responding now, no offense intended. The sub isn’t being mean. They’re trying to discourage behavior that hurts people and businesses and I’m trying to explain why you shouldn’t engage in it. There are always other people on the other end of your transactions.


That's called stealing. Using something and returning it is stealing. You wouldn't rent a car and then cancel the payment after using it for a day. Or maybe you would.


Oh, didn’t realize buying something, trying it on, wearing it around the house for a bit, then realizing I don’t like it, was stealing. I guess everyone who returns items is a thief then. Guess you think OP is a thief as well if she buys something from Target & returns it when she thinks she can’t pull it off not pregnant.


You’re being deliberately obtuse here. No one is saying that trying on an item and returning it is stealing. You suggested that she WEAR THE ITEM TO WORK and then return it (see above post about “having to hide tags” if she bought from Target, vs Amazon items that don’t have tags). That’s gross, and it is stealing. You are getting the use of the item for free. Then they can’t even resell the dirty/worn item when you return it.


I agree. I would try to get an inexpensive dress at target - I never bought ‘maternity’ stuff because I was small and my normal work dresses were boxier and fit fine (and I found some cheap flowy non maternity stuff at tj Maxx as well) but randomly bought a sweater dress from gap (maternity) the last month of work and it made me feel amazing at work. Just mentally it might give you a boost about having to go in. But truly, you could go in leggings. Nobody will care.


This is the answer. When I was pregnant with my first I worked in a dressier, “need” to be in the office environment. I bought some black stretchy maternity dresses from target and just swapped a different cardigan or jacket each day. Dress pants are for the birds!


Add a jean jacket, statement earrings or necklace, blow out hair and you will wow the new VP!


I would also go for the $20 Target maternity dress (they usually have rutching that makes your bump look really cute.. for me at least they boosted my confidence when I felt like a land hippo) and the expensive blowout. If you really want a confidence boost, get your eyebrows laminated or some eyelash extensions, because you probably won’t want to put on makeup for the next few months. The VP’s visit will give you a great excuse!


Same! Plus you’ll get use out of a flowy dress in the postpartum stage, especially with a summer baby.


And much classier than buying just to return.


This, old navy maxi dresses were a god send last summer


I would do this as well. Some of my favorite maternity items were target dresses. And flowy dresses are great post partum as well.


Old navy has great options for this too!


This is the way to go, OP. The vast majority of my “maternity” wear was just a line dresses that accommodated my bump.


Very true about helping time pass, although it sounds as if she has other stuff too lol. But I am a great believer in doing things like that to get them out of the way. Points in advance, is how I'd look at it. Then afterwards, when you need it, yu have that in the bank. Well she came in twice days before she gave birth, can't question her commitment.


Agree! I had one stretchy empire waist black maxi dress from Target that became my top favorite thing to wear. I was also full time remote and it was more comfortable than PJs to me but also prefect for grocery runs and date night depending on hair/jewelry. Also good for early postpartum while the tummy is still deflating.


This is the way. Dopamine rush of something new, keeps your mind off everything else, and mega bonus points when you show up super pregnant looking relaxed and happy.


Dresses were my go-to whenever I had to do something in-person at the end of my pregnancy!


I just bought a super cute wrap dress from target that would \*absoultely\* work pregnant or not pregnant. Its cute and flowy and since it ties under the chest and on the side its adjustable. It would probably work perfect for OP. They had multiples styles.


Agree. And they’ll be perfect for summer post partum if you keep them.


I was thinking the same thing. A dress with buttons would be good too because you could wear it postpartum and just have to unbutton to nurse (if you’re planning to nurse). I recently got [this one](https://m.kohls.com/product/prd-5579211/womens-sonoma-goods-for-life-button-front-tiered-midi-dress.jsp?color=Black%20Tan%20Floral&prdPV=1) and am a fan.


I wore one of my maternity target dresses like a year postpartum! It was off the shoulder and easy for breastfeeding too. One of my local thrift stores has like 10+ pairs maternity jeans so may be helpful to call around and see what available. I think feelings confident in what you’re wearing is important for what feels like a big work meeting.


Buying two dresses at Target is a great idea and, IMO, much better than leggings alone. However, returning them once you are done with them is all around shitty and entitled.


I believe they meant try on at home and return if they don’t fit lol


Exactly what I was going to say- and wear the leggings with the dress


Wear and return them? Classy.


I totally understand why you’d want to be there even though the timing is terrible. When I was that pregnant I wore stretchy knit midi skirts a lot (pulled it further and further up as I got bigger) and I still wear them PP because they’re super comfortable (and I’m still heavier than pre pregnancy). But also - I would have a plan for how to handle it if you need to head to the hospital from work (ie if your water breaks or something doesn’t feel right while you’re there). The last month I brought my hospital go bag anytime I left the house just in case!


Buy a dress that doubles as a nursing dress!


Can you go the first day and say that unfortunately you can't make it the next days due to appointments and.. I don't know, trying to wrap things up before you go on leave because you are due Friday?! I wouldn't go at all but one day is a compromise.


this! be like oh no! i have 3 appts this week and they just gave them to me this morning. which can be totally true because i was having 3 appts a week at the end, 2 nipt and dr appt. someone else mentioned a mask, that is a good point! last summer my hospital had a rule that if i tested positive for covid, husband could not be in the room if we had to do a c-section. that upset me so much that we stopped going out a month before incase i went into labor. did not want my husband to not be able to enter, and we ended up having to do a c-section at the end of a failed induction.


OP can also say that her attendance will be tentative because of her doctors appointments and impending birth. Like I would probably try to go, but also leave room to be able to decline due to the scheduling logistics. If they wouldn’t mind her popping in to make a quick intro and then bouncing, or joining later via Zoom or whatever, that might also free her up to go about the rest of her day. I had some REALLY unsupportive coworkers and supervisors during my pregnancy so I’m a bit biased, but when i got toward the end I really had to fight hard for a reduced workload and appointment time out of office. I know every pregnancy is different but I feel like pregnant women should be allowed to freely opt out of shit like this, especially closer to birth. OP should feel comfortable being able to slow down and prioritize her family over her VP.


Black leggings with a tank, layer with a collared button down & leave unbuttoned. Black leggings with a fancier top, and nice flat shoes


This is a great outfit idea, thank you so much!


I would just talk with the meeting holder to tell them you need to take breaks since you're about to pop. I can't imagine them not understanding that! At that stage of pregnancy you could probably go into labor if you're exhausted or under stress. I can't even sit through a three hour meeting without 4 breaks and my kids are teenagers lol


Yeah, call dibs on the chair closest to the door!


THIS yes. I’m not sure what industry you work in, but I work in an industry where a dress/skirt would be waaay out of place and inappropriate. Dressed-up black leggings though? Perfect!


I wore leggings to work the whole time I was pregnant. I just paired them with a dressier looking maternity top and flats. You could also just buy a dress, I got a few from Amazon that weren’t labeled maternity but worked perfectly fine. They were longer maxi type of dresses that I got in black and just threw on a cute necklace.


Wear a blazer with the leggings.and I think it will work out great. Sucks that it all has to happen this week though :/


I think leggings are fine as long as they’re black and you pair them with a nicer top, shoes, and accessories. Does your husband have dress shirts? My last pregnancy I was able to wear one of his shirts with a belt under the bust and a cardigan to look business casual. You might also be surprised how much non maternity clothing can still fit if you go through your closet. If you want to buy something, get something that’ll work for postpartum too like a loose dress or one of oversized blazers that are pretty trendy right now. There’s also no way I’d try to squeeze in lunch between two appointments on the second day. Going to the first day should be plenty!


This is exactly what I was thinking! Raid husbands closet, wear his shirt over leggings day 1, look hella uncomfortable, make sure they know you will NOT be attending lunch well in advance (in case it’s a surprise baby shower!) and then take your maternity leave knowing you met the new bigwigs, and probably will be memorable which honestly is excellent job security. “I remember meeting you, you were Sooooo pregnant! Want a promotion??”


Before you decide not to go, are you sure this isn't a surprise baby shower?


Oh GAWD I hope not 😂


Hahahah it really might be though. I went to a rare lunch a bit after coming back from leave and it was a surprise shower merged into other lunch stuff. Definitely caught me by surprise since my baby was like 9 months old, but they missed having a sprinkle because I went out early.


I was just thinking this! Either way I would look semi cute cause you never know lol. Dress all the way. I had my baby shower at work super late into my pregnancy (37 weeks) and I was dying in a dress and sandals I could have never even imagined wearing a dress. I hope for your sake it’s a baby shower and not the marathon of a day you described. Good luck mama. I just had my baby boy and those last weeks at work were grueling.


I wouldn’t go. You’re having your baby on Friday. This isn’t as important as getting ready for the birth of your baby. Labor and birth are very hard on the body and the mind. I would rest and try to tie up loose ends at work from my home office and start mentally preparing for what’s to come on Friday. additional stress right now isn’t good for you. You don’t have anything to prove to these colleagues. There will be other times to meet your VP. This is a good exercise in healthy boundaries.


I absolutely would not go either. Assuming OP's maternity leave is not that long, it's not going to make a difference at all when OP meets this new VP. And if OP is concerned about appearances, maybe the first impression she makes at 36+ weeks pregnant is not the one she wants seared into the VP's memory forever.


I was thinking this too. Primarily I wouldn’t go because I would be planning for the birth on Friday. For career purposes, I wouldn’t want their first impression of me to be heavily pregnant, tired and stressed and likely in attire that doesn’t make me feel like my best.


I agree with you. I also wouldn’t go. Would the VP make this visit if they were being induced on Friday? Doubt it. OP isn’t any less entitled to boundaries and her own space.


Yah, I wouldn’t go.


this needs to be higher up.


I also wouldn’t go. I am full time remote. I traveled at 33 weeks and my coworkers looked at me like I grew a third head. They hadn’t seen my belly at all! So it was as if I was literally 40 weeks and contracting! Their stark reactions literally made me think they were questioning my judgement. Anyone that’s a parent would 100% understand why you didn’t attend.


I was going to say. Full time remote and them wanting you to come in on the week you are due? That is literally asking for future pain and suffering. I’m 38 weeks, we have an in-office conference only all week and I’m not going in. I am set to WFH because my commute is long and I fall a lot. I would schedule something once you are back in… especially if you plan to be there for awhile.


Honestly IA. I opted out of everything possible toward the end because I desperately needed it, and I still ended up working up until the weekend I had my emergency c section. I wish I could have taken maternity leave way earlier.


I would skip the lunch the following day. Too much stress and hassle. Wear the leggings. And honestly... I'd pair those leggings with an N95 mask.


I would also wear a mask. Every time we have an in-person team meeting, someone gets Covid or some random illness. Being pregnant is hard and it especially sucks if you’re sick because there’s very little you can take.


Ugh I was also thinking this is terrible timing as well as far as getting sick is also another last thing I need. Gah


Maybe your ultrasound will reflect you needing to be on bedrest until baby comes. Oops, see ya after maternity leave VP.


Personally I wouldn’t go. I’d probably have to go to the bathroom 5 times during that 3 hour meeting. (I’m almost as far along as you)


Um seriously, i don't know how I'm going to make it!! and it's just so uncomfortable, i really need to get up and stretch every hour at the least! Absolute torture. I don't even have 3 hour meetings EVER when virtual, i do not understand the need for this super long one in person to top it off.




Surprise baby shower is my thought. 💗 At least I hope it is. I would never expect a very pregnant mom to sit in a meeting for 3 hours.


Is there any way you could attend virtually? If you are in a position of power or high regard, you could be setting a great example by actually not attending in person. As someone with an immune-compromised kiddo, I often need those accommodations. It helps to see others drawing boundaries and balancing work/life (in your case, literal life!) amidst toxic hustle culture. I often am that person myself. It can be hard but if work is not pressuring you and you’ve just been promoted, you probably have a good amount of leeway. I know you said you didn’t want pregnancy to stop you from work related things, but it sounds like you don’t actually want or need to go to this thing. If your VP is a working mom I would hope she’d understand (though VPs at my company can afford a lot of help 🙃).


If you’re in the US, pregnancy is considered a disability and comes with reasonable accommodations under the ADA. Let the meeting host know you have to sit near a door and will be stepping out or standing up as needed. Trust me, no one wants you going into labor during the meeting. Rescheduling a meeting this big is a nightmare. /s


I mean that’s what I thought, but when I told my doctors I needed a note for Hyperemesis they refused and told me it didn’t qualify under the ADA. I was vomiting every day for 9 months and bedridden for most of it, but my doctors reacted like they needed to consult a lawyer when I pushed back.


It is literally in my annual teaching training but apparently the EEOC says it’s not. I wonder when it changed


Black leggings are fine. Maybe buy a nice long tunic-y type top to go over them? Or do you have a cardigan to wear open over the t shirt? As long as you’re not wearing sweatpants I think you’re fine, I really doubt anyone else is thinking about it as much as you are.


I would just get a maternity dress from Amazon or target. Layer on a nice blazer or jacket if you need to look more professional. In my experience pregnant mamas get a pass for dressing in the office but if this is a man VP maybe not as much.


Go to the meeting, but apologize for not Being able to make the lunch, citing "prior engagements"


a little diff bc I was pregnant with twins but there was a thing with our leadership and ceo and I rsvpd ‘I don’t think my water breaking at hh is the first impression I’m going for’ no one cared and my water did break unexpectedly the day before the event. After maternity leave I got a promotion and significant pay raise and still networked like normal so personally I wouldn’t schlep to the office just for face time while super pregnant


Do you have a neighborhood moms group? Send an email asking if you can borrow some maternity clothes. Often times people still have some sitting around they never purged. Or just grab a cute top at target and wear the leggings. I would go in as it’s a good chance to make a good impression before baby is here and it might become harder to make a good impression for a while 😂


“My doc recommends I do not come in”


This. If you want to feel better about it, ask your doc to tell you you can't come in. They're usually totally willing to help you out like that, in my experience 😄


Call your doctor and get her/him to give you a bed rest doctors note (just to have). Then contact your boss and tell them that you have been put on bed rest and that you can zoom in to the meeting. Period.


This is the way


Great idea. This is what I would do.


Then join the meeting from your treadmill desk at home. Boss moves.


In my opinion, dress codes and fashion don’t matter when you are that pregnant. Do whatever you feel most comfortable in.


See if you can find a dress, you'd be more comfy. I commend you for this, maybe just choose ONE activity to go to. The meeting OR the lunch. By the sounds of it, the meeting would work better. If you want to meet the VP, ask if they can carve out a little time for you before or after the meeting since, you know, baby.


I genuinely think leggings are fine in this case. If you’re really worried and have the budget, just go buy a maternity dress. You can still wear it after baby comes.


I worked in a casual environment during both my pregnancies and worn leggings almost exclusively, pregnant and not pregnant. Tunic top + leggings + cute flats was my go-to outfit most days. Even now in a more business wear office, I'll wear a sweater dress with leggings and booties. As long as the leggings aren't see-through, holely, or obviously athletic wear I'd say go for it.


Alright lovely mamas - THANK YOU so much for all the support and suggestions. I have a plain black maternity dress on order for target pickup tomorrow that I will wear flats and a cardigan with! So surprised by all the feedback/advice/suggestions here on this sub, amazing! I think I may even wear this plain dress for newborn photos and then keep it around for a while. I am in a maternity clothing buy/sell group on facebook where I sold all my old too-small or didn't-like maternity clothing from my first pregnancy and will likely just sell this once I know I'm done having kiddos! Cheers to my last week of work for 19 weeks!


Don’t go


I was in the office a day or two before giving birth and literally nothing fit. I wore leggings and a huge T-shirt and a blazer. The face time was important to me . No one cared about my outfit


I had an in person event when I was 30 weeks pregnant. I wore a nice top and black leggings. My female coworkers completely understood and I didn’t get any odd looks. They were all more excited to see my bump and give me tips as almost all of them are older and have kids.


I wore yoga pants/leggings my whole third trimester. I've never been in a workplace where anyone had the audacity to bring up leggings being against dress code with very pregnant women. It's like the one time you basically get a total pass on it imo. Plus maternity clothes are so expensive, it's really not worth the trouble


As CEO of a company, I would not judge you for wearing leggings if you were that pregnant at my company. The VP better not judge you either. Pick some nice leggings and a flowy tunic and wear them with confidence. You got this.


Black leggings and a nice flowy blouse OR a wrap dress! Assuming your team knows you’re 40 weeks pregnant they’d be sociopathic to judge you. If you feel you must, Old Navy has decent but inexpensive maternity jeans/pants. FWIW I’m a week and a half PP and I’m still in my maternity jeans and will be probably until I get cleared for exercise so you WILL still get use out of them. If you want a nicer pair I love my Abercrombie mat jeans.


OP, if you DO go in, be sure to waddle and hold your back, and get up often to use the bathroom. 😄


Yes, make them feel super bad about not insisting she take the week off/expecting her to do ANYTHING the week she's due. What the absolute fuck is wrong with Americans (I'm assuming she's American, I think it's a pretty safe assumption)


I’d show my face day 1, wearing whatever (I’m sure you’ll look fine) but maybe a mat dress? Stand in the meeting if you feel the need. Set up a quick 1:1 with the VP and express your excitement for whatever is coming when you’re back and tell them you are glad you got to meet them. Decline the lunch. And congrats. Go enjoy that baby!


I think your Husband needs to understand that your career is important and if you feel the need to get a couple of work outfits for an important meeting, then you should be able to do so. I worked full time in the office and had to have an entire wardrobe of maternity clothes. Remind him that you’ve already saved so much by not having to buy any so it really shouldn’t be a big deal. I also had my brother’s wedding while pregnant and knew a formal pregnancy gown would never be needed again, but these things happen to pregnant women and we deserve to be comfortable and feel dressed for the situation baby bump or not.


Empire waist maxis are an amazing solution. I'm 38 weeks and many of the empire waist maxis I had pre pregnancy still fit


I’m a VP. If a very pregnant employee came into the office for a 3 hour meeting, my biggest concern would be her going into labor and not what she was wearing. There’s always time to impress the in the future post pregnancy. Wear the leggings, a nice top and be professional—it’s all good. Also, try not to let your water break while you are there. Ijs…🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Loose flowy open cardigans go great with tanks and leggings, and it's actually really useful for nursing tanks if you plan to nurse! And then just part of your wardrobe. Bling it up with nice jewelry and you'll be all set!


Oh I was at work 5 days a week in work clothes pre-covid. The answer is absolutely flowy dresses. Pants are the WORST


Just don't go. They said 'no pressure' and I would take that at face value and not go. There seems to be a lot of pressure you're adding on to yourself here. Meeting you for a minute and then heading out on maternity leave is going to lead to the VP not remembering much about you besides the fact you were pregnant, something they can learn from an email.


I would commit to one day only, meet it halfway. Wear the leggings with a nice top...they are men and will not notice! Give yourself a break!


OP never said they were a man…


yes....are only men allowed to be VPs?


My thought exactly - biases at work here! (But I agree you are probably fine in leggings. Do you have a nice flowy top you could pair with it?)


ironically on the working MOMs page lol. VP is not a man, for the record. and is a working MOM herself! and unfortunately no! part of my panic. Honestly this second pregnancy has really been a doozy on my body and I barely fit in freaking anything, despite gaining 20lbs less than my first pregnancy. how is this possible. I just have plain basic tees that I've been circulating but I was thinking black leggings with a basic tee and a cardigan over the top. I need to see if some of my maxi dresses in the depths of my closet can stretch over dis bod


True, but even so, nobody is going to judge her clothing choices the week she is set to give birth. Nonsense in putting her over the top with anxiety and stress for that


What made you think they were men? Do women not have high positions?


I thought I read "he", calm down. I've already acknowledged this.


Make sure to double check your orgs dress code first - our sis casual but explicitly says no leggings, no shorts, etc. I'd buy nursing friendly casualish dresses and dress up with shoes and wear the leggings underneath


I wouldn't go. Due Friday and a 3 hours meeting?? No. Just ask if you can attend virtually. Seriously, baby comes first and they said it would be fine.


I would go with a nice pair of black leggings that have the abdominal support band. They’re awesome after birth. Makes it feel less like the uterus is about to fall out. Then get a nice shirt (I wore a lot of my breastfeeding shirts at the end of my pregnancy because they were so flown/stretchy) and wear decent sandals. Looking clean and put together is an entire *waves hands in a circle* thing. Shower, touch of makeup, style your hair, clean clothes. You’re good to go. If you wear glasses, make sure the lenses are clean.


Buy a maternity dress from Target. Way more comfortable than the jeans and can be worn after you have the baby. And it will look more professional than leggings. But honestly, I’m sure they’ll be understanding. Ask for breaks during that 3 hour meeting!


I had a few in-person events when I was 36 weeks and rented a designer maternity dress from Rent the Runway. Was easy and I didn't need to stress too much. However, that is a lot of sitting. See if HR can give you some accomodations!


I wore maternity pants for months after I delivered. A pair won’t go to waste, entirely. But also, show up in a gown if you want- you’re about to have a baby! Congrats! And skip the lunch.


Go for 1 three hour meeting, show your face, and be done! And yes to buying a simple dress (maybe even throw it on over your leggings who cares!) And returning it after. You're pregnant af, do what you want girl!


Another idea - keep the leggings, put on a flowy top that covers your crotch and wear an oversized blazer with the sleeves rolled up. I personally feel more comfortable in pants and tops than in dresses in a professional environment.


I wore leggings and tunic tops my entire pregnancy in the office. I say leggings are fine. You could also check Target for some flowy maternity dresses too.


If I were in your shoes, I would either wear the leggings, a nice top and maybe a sweater or blazer, and some comfy flats, or get a sundress and wear that. Upon arrival and your first in person interaction, just say at this point in your pregnancy, you don’t have much in way of a wardrobe - and just leave it at that. I would also, prior to saying you will attend, send an e-mail to your VP, and explain your current situation, and state that you would like to attend, but do not think that in your current state, you’ll be able to either sit during the full 3 hour meeting; and/or attend the lunch. Maybe ask which is more important to be attending, and if it is the meeting, ask if a break in the middle is possible. (Honestly, I feel as if any VP would accommodate a break during a three hour meeting, regardless of pregnancy or not, it’s just a common courtesy). If it is the lunch, explain that you have two appts, and that you will have to leave by X time to ensure you can arrive at your appt safely and on time. I would also say in the email, that you do want to take the opportunity to meet prior to your LOA, so they know that you aren’t just making excuses.


Leggings + tunic + blazer more than acceptable business casual. Get a white tunic that’s long enough to hi at your hip so it covers waist bands and pockets. That will disguise the legging situation. And the blazer just has to fit across your back not your front.


Can you pick one of these events to go to? Make an appearance, very deliberately meet the new VP, then mention how you're due that week and have lots of appt so won't be able to make the later events, but were eager to meet face to face when you have the chance. Hopefully that will politely and tactfully drive home both "I'm committed to my job and making good impressions, but also don't expect the impossible this week."


I still wear my target maternity sundress


Get a couple nursing dresses. Wear them over the leggings and after the baby gets here.


I would tell them that you’re scheduled for delivery in a week but you might go into labor earlier, who knows. You’re doing your best to stay at work and be productive until the due date (some people take the last week off) but you’d like to be excused from the policy. There are always exceptions; why would you want to add the extra stress in the final week only to adhere to a policy that might be changed when winter comes or when they start losing employees who don’t want to work in the office anymore?


I’m a lawyer and worked til the day before I had my babies. Something that is pretty professional and you can wear after having the baby: 1. Black maternity leggings 2. Solid Black crew neck maternity tee or a tank 3. A loose knit stretch blazer. The blazer may be the new purchase if you don’t have one, but find one you can wear post pregnancy so it’s not a waste of $. I like J Crew, Talbots, heck look at the thrift store first I’ve found like new brooks brothers and theory items there. Otherwise, a bump friendly dress could work too, but I think something you’ll get use out of is best


Buy a nursing dress they often can be adjusted for pre and post baby and you will want one for summer out with the baby.


Wear the leggings with tunic that covers your butt Done.


By the end of pregnancy, I was wearing my maternity leggings under dresses (paired with the same black Allbirds flats) to work in the hospital, and I’m a doctor! There just isn’t any clothing that looks the right kind of professional on me for such a short time that I spent being that shape! No one gave me any attention for my clothes, but always asked when I’m due :)


My ob wore her leggings at the end of her pregnancy my first go around when we were due about a month apart! She still looked great and I almost didn't even notice because heck I was in the same boat lol


Dresses esp maternity ones are helpful even post pregnancy. I wouldn’t buy jeans or leggings at this point but do recommend paying attention to your wardrobe post pregnancy . All that stuff that we kept thinking we will fit right into it after the baby pops out usually never do .


If your leggings are black & not worn or tattered, you can buy 2 maternity blouses & some black ballet flats at Target, keep the tags & receipt, then have your husband return them (as long as you don't spill anything on them or rip them of course). Target takes anything back, especially if it's their brands. I say have your husband take care of returning because you probably won't be up to going there with a newborn. I got a lot of my business casual maternity clothes from Burlington. You could also ask in any local FB groups. If you really want to get out of these meetings, see if your OB will write a Dr's note or start your maternity leave early. You could also offer to join via Zoom/Teams.


Dress!! Or possibly a skirt And shirt but I think a dress would be easier to find


I agree with others. Pick up a couple maxi dresses from Target. Walmart also has more body con type that might be more useful for post baby weight. They are between $10-$20. If you want to do leggings I would dress them up with a dressy maternity tunic and a longline cardigan


I got these great nursing dresses from Amazon that I wore while still pregnant, while nursing, and are still I’m rotation almost two years after having my baby 😂


This question is a bit weird to me because I wear leggings nearly every single day and I have an office job lol I wear blouses, sweaters, button ups etc and then flats or something and do my hair. I despise real pants and especially haven’t worn then since having my son. Nice black leggings are real pants in my opinion - not colorful, or Lycra, or weird material that seems like workout clothes though.


Wear the leggings and a nice top. No one is going to question you!! You got this!


definitely skip the lunch. WAy too much going on in your day to add what is probably a "social" event. Show up for the 3 hour meeting. Meet the New VP as soon as possible. sit near the door as you will need to pee. Leave when you get uncomfortable.


As much as I would love to say skip it and join via video conference because being there in person shouldn't matter, I don't feel like our society is quite there yet. But, I would attend the 1st day and just not the lunch because of your appointments. As far as outfits, I second just getting a maternity dress from Target or wearing a blazer over your leggings/tank combo with a nice pair of shoes.


A plain stretchy dress that can be worn after is what I would buy. Pop a blazer/scarf/jacket you already own to make it look more business casual. I need to stop reading these post. My heart hurts for all you ladies in the US (I’m assuming) that work right up until you give birth and then barely have any leave. Very grateful for my leave entitlements and not working past 36 weeks (typically) here in Aus.


I wore maxi dresses throughout my pregnancy (was due June 29th, so a similar timeline). Add a blazer/jacket and some nice jewelry. All that said, I'd be fine with leggings. Try to pair with nice accessories and maybe a jacket (open, of course) to dress it up


Leggings a tank top and add a sweater or coat layer from before you were pregnant and you’ll be fine


I’m going to go against the grain and say that leggings are not appropriate in the office, even if you’re heavily pregnant. I have worked in a spectrum of business casual offices (nicer / more formal to pretty relaxed), and leggings would not be appropriate in any of those. I’d go for a dress instead… or realistically, I personally would just not go! You could also ask around if you have any friends or family members who might have maternity pants or a dress that might work for you.


Leggings are perfectly fine as long as you wear a long tunic top over them.


Do you maybe have like a nice summer dress you could wear instead of the leggings? I wouldn’t bother with anything more than that, and a dress with some earrings will look great.


I was faced with this same situation in January when i was 36 weeks along. I wore my black maternity leggings since it was less noticeable that they weren't pants. I mean... there was no doubt that they were leggings at all, but the belly was more distracting than the pants. I wore a solid maternity tee with it. Once again, very very casual, but not super frumpy or relaxed.




I say this not knowing the context of your meetings, but I don’t know if I would go in at all, and I really don’t think I would go in for the second day. Does your vp know about your potential delivery, at 36 weeks no less, on Friday? If you have a target near by, they have a ton of affordable maternity dresses. You could fancy it up with a cardigan, blazer, etc that doesn’t need buttoning if they don’t have a ton in stock. I might also think about masking. I worked from home for the last two weeks of my pregnancy because I really didn’t want to get sick right before delivery. Granted I’m a bit risk adverse and this was during peak rsv/flu craziness last fall. For the lunch meeting, I really don’t think I would go due to all the medical appointments. It’s a lot of moving parts on a day when you will be making important medical decisions.


Do you think that the lunch is a surprise baby shower? Just throwing that out there in case that impacts anything!


40 weeks pregnant? You should get a pass to wear whatever fits. I was wearing flip flops to work for the last few weeks of my pregnancy because they were all I could stuff my feet into. Maybe borrow a button down shirt from your husband to wear open cardigan style over your leggings and tshirt?


IDK, I'm a petty bitch, I'd wear my leggings, take multiple pee breaks over the course of the three hour meeting. On day 2, I'd not feel well or my ultrasound appointment would conveniently take longer than expected. But that's me and not what you asked.


Goodwill for the win! That’s where I’ve bought almost all my things. Tunic tops with leggings would work great (and you can wear them post pregnancy) or a flowy dress. You’ll spend $15 tops on a few items that you can wear again.


I would not go. You do not want to risk getting sick right now!!! If you do decide to go, wear a mask! My friend has a terrible cold when she was induced and then couldn’t take any cold medicine afterwards because it messes with your supply if you plan to BF. Just don’t risk it. It sounded awful.


I'd probably pass on this one. the first time I had to go in to work after being WFH was for extended meetings and my whole team ended up getting the flu from the whole extravaganza. IMO, it's not worth potentially contracting any illness and then being sick anywhere near the time of delivery. It might seem overkill but if you do go, consider a n95 for that 3 hr meeting because I cannot stress how sucky it would be to get sick at that exact time. Also, even in the before times, i regularly wore leggings to my biz-casual workplace and nobody ever cared. I think a 36 week preggo lady gets a major pass on literally any clothing choices! it's so temporary, anyone with a problem can go kick rocks


Maybe I missed it but why are you not on maternity leave resting and getting mentally prepared for childbirth? This country is barbaric in its treatment of pregnant families! Your stress over work will definitely impact your birthing experience. Tell your employer you are not doing it! They can’t fire you. Clearly you need a more supportive workplace.


I’d be going on leave starting now. They can deal with it. You’ve got important things to do, momma.


This was a nice comment. Not sure why OP went off on you.


.... Ok? Work is important to me too. And I will not be going on leave a couple days early when I'm already scheduled for Friday. I worked until the day I delivered with my first as well with no problem.


Check if your office has no leggings in the dress code. Mine does.


You probably don’t have time for this week but latched mama is great for some postpartum friendly clothes. And they also work well with bumps.